hauntingblue · 2 months
#luffy deflating like a balloon..... be serious 😭😭#MOMO NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAR LUFFY!!! oh kaido going for the others now..... law could hear his voice too???#NAMI BEING THE FIRST TO STEP UP!!! CHILLS!!! THIS TIME STEPPING UP TO WITNESS THE HORRORS!!! YEAH!!!#yamato really does carry the spirit of oden straight up.... motivating his son and everything...#i feel like i am going insane... I CAN HEAR THE DRUMS!!! nami telling luffy to not die and fulfill his promise WHO ELSE HAD A PROMISE????#is this why his fruit awakened.... because nami reminded him of the promise... omg..... THE DRUMS!!! CHILLS!!!! THE SMILE!!!!! IM SO HYPE!!#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1070#i am smiling so hard rn. contagious#also the cp0 that died for this ajdja.... suffering from success....#THE BOUNCING SOUNDS!!!! THE DRUMS!!!! THE SMILE!!! SANJI JUST VOLTING AWAKE??? see the clouds over his shoulders remain.... as i was saying#you know this has me realising maybe shanks isn't all that bad and stole the fruit from the gov so they couldnt get hold of it#hiyori saying how oden kept hia promise but also how he wanted to keep the promise of opening wano for joyboy#THE KANJURO THING!!! HIYORI WATCH OUT!!! oh its gonna burn orichi by accident YEAAHHH!!!!!!! FUCK YEAHH!!!!#the animation is so fun.. luffy just junping around and shit while hia destruction power is MASSIVE#this is so!!!! kaido complaining about being bored and having fun thru fighting AND HERE COMES LUFFY WITH HIS LOONEY TOONS GOOFY FIGHT!!!!#they knocked this shit out of the park!!! also END CREDITS????!#episode 1071#momo saying kaido got fat 😭 actually kaido got pregnant <3 yamato you're going to be a big brother congrats!!!#the eyes 😭😭 damn luffy flew away and exploded... 😞😞 skipping rope with kaido omg.... everyone should go outside and see this...#we are welcoming here in the luffy believers... barto is gonna enlist hundreds of new members#law is luffy believer number 1 damn the speech he is giving kid... omg kaido bonked him ajshaksjak that was so good he needed witnesses..#nami worried abojt luffy being dead and when he appears she is just like WTF IS THAT!!!!!! HUH???!!#wait a second ooohhhh kaido is goong down too fuck yes akdjaksj momo and yamato peeking over the island jahdksk#THE DRUMS BEING HIS HEART I CANNOT GET OVER IT!!! Kaido shoukd be puking up his insides by now but alas this is so fun BOIOIOIOIOING#FIRST TIME SOMEONE ASKS LUFFY WHO HE IS AND HE DOESN'T SAY MONKEY D LUFFY FUTURE KING OF THE PIRATES. HE SAYS ITS HIM. STRAIGHT UP!!!!#NVM HE SAID IT!!!!! GOD IS THAT YOU????!!!!#episode 1072
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zonamievents · 6 years
Seeing if you could do prompt of them having a argument? I Miss the funny arguments that they used to had.
The night was dark, and Robin’s stories made it seem as if it was full of all kinds of terrors. As they sat in a circle on the lawn deck, with nothing but the moonlight to substitute an actual campfire, the air was tense as she focused on her tale. “Finally, that night, the husband had had enough and wanted to know the truth about the ribbon necklace his wife would never remove. So he took a pair of scissors, snipped at the ribbon…”
“And?” Luffy asked with wide eyes.
“And? And!?” Cried Usopp and Chopper, clinging to each other for support during the scary tale.
Robin let the silence hang in the air for a few seconds more just so the anticipation would seep into their bones. As Nami, swallowed up in her oversized hoodie, bit her nails with fearful desperation, she didn’t know if she could keep herself from shouting at her so-called friend either! Just as she was about to open her mouth though, Robin dropped her head slightly to the side and stated emotionlessly, “Her head fell off of her neck and landed right in his lap.”
“AHHHHHH!” Screamed the entire crew. Even Brook threw his hands up in the air as if he had no control over his own body due to fear. Nami squeezed her legs to her chest as she sobbed silently, imagining the horrifying image at the end of the story, despite how desperately she wished she couldn’t! It was absolutely a bloodcurdling thought that someone’s head could just fall off of their body–
Unless you were Roronoa Zoro apparently.
A uninhibited yawn managed to reach her ears beneath all of the terrified screams that rebounded off of the lawn deck. Nami glanced over at the swordsman and gawked at his lifeless response to such a chilling story! How he could sit there and look as if he was about to fall into one of his famous deep sleeps was beyond her! Even without all of the work she had to do tonight, she doubted she’d get a wink of sleep after Robin’s creepy tale–!
“W-Well, I think it’s about time I get to charting those maps.” Nami lamely explained her reasoning for ejecting herself from the circle as she jumped to her feet.
“Aw, but things just got scary.” Luffy pouted at her, completely unaware that he was stating the very reason she was ready to escape her roommate’s spooky fables.
“Want me to walk you to the library, Nami-swan!?” Sanji, as if he wasn’t just cowering and staring at his own lap moments ago, was flailing about as he offered to be her escort.
Nami smiled nervously. “Th-That’s okay Sanji-kun. If anything, I’d love a cafe latte to keep me awake while I work–”
“Of course!” Was his immediate response before swiftly twirling his way towards the kitchen, even managing to spin himself around as he went up the stairs.
“Well, have a good night.” Came the chilling voice of the storyteller herself, and Nami shivered violently. She looked back at the courteous smile on Robin’s face and couldn’t help but think that there was something haunting in her expression.
Nami knew she wouldn’t make it through the night if those images in her mind wouldn’t stop flashing by. In need of some kind of protection from the possible horrors that the darkness of the night could bring, Nami leaned down and whacked Zoro on the shoulder. “S-Sure, you too. Now come on, Zoro.”
“What?” He asked her rather aggressively, his sleepy state making him rather crude.
Nami made sure to let a fire - fueled by her need to feel safe - burn behind her eyes as she stared him down. “Didn’t you say you wanted to take a bath?”
“No I didn’t!” He missed her secret message and yelled back at her.
With no other choice, she bopped him on the head without any remorse. “Yes you did! If anything, you need it. Let’s go!”
“Hey!” Angered and awake, Zoro leapt onto his feet and looked as if he was prepared to stomp after her.
Which was exactly what she wanted.
Walking away with a sigh of relief hidden from the crew, she yelled back at him. “Someone has to tell you!”
“Yeah, right! I showered three days ago!” Was his unintelligible retort as he followed her up the stairs towards the upper deck. She felt his presence behind her as they went and even though he was not at all happy with her, Nami couldn’t help but feel comforted by his grizzly energy.
Without missing a beat but all while trying to stifle a laugh at his expense, Nami replied, “That’s why you need one now! That bathing schedule of yours is ridiculous!”
Then, he did the cruelest thing he could do to her: he voiced her intentions aloud. “Tch, yeah right. You’re probably just too scared to be alone in the library at night now, so you’re making me babysit you.”
“Babysit!?” She shouted at the top of her lungs, despite how embarrassing the word was. They stopped around the back of the kitchen, just before the ladder that would take them to the library. Nami whirled around and stood her ground against such a rude claim, meeting Zoro’s skeptical expression and his crossed arms. It was so rude of him to presume he could stand toe to toe with her!
“You do not need to babysit me!” She countered angrily, the rage bubbling beneath her skin.
Zoro arched a brow in a knowing way, “Oh yeah? Then what would you call it?”
“I’d call it you being sensible!”
“I see. And when I’m done my bath?”
Nami’s quick wit stalled at the thought of what would happen after he was done. Knowing him, he only sat for about five to ten minutes before he thought he was clean enough. Then, he’d be off to either work out some more or he’d nap at some odd location on the ship. “Th-Then, you could just pass out anywhere. You could even sleep in the library, since it’s right there–”
Zoro just chuckled at her response. He had the audacity to find amusement while she was suffering! Her mouth flew open faster than it ever had before. “–or you can pass out on the bathroom floor! I don’t care! Just go get clean!”
“You don’t need to be so mean about it!” Irked by her ruthlessness, Zoro lost his air of coolness and shouted in her face in order to defend himself.
Nami pushed forward, ready to reclaim and maintain the high ground. “If you go take a bath, then there’s nothing for me to complain about, so come on!” Feeling as though she had won, Nami spun around on her heels and continued her journey to the ladder that would take them to the library. She placed her foot on the first step and was more than prepared to climb upwards.
But then, Zoro gasped behind her and whispered a spooky, “Oh no.”
“Oh no!?” Nami repeated and looked at him as she remained frozen on the ladder. She imagined that she looked much like a cat stuck on the side of a tree, but for Zoro to sound so fearful of something, it stunned her all too quickly.
“Nami,” he spoke slowly, with a forced calmness, all while looking towards the ground. “Don’t freak out.”
“WHAT!?” She cried, unable to take the roller coaster of emotions she had just been through in the last few minutes.
She watched as Zoro slowly let his gaze roll up her entire body, his brows shadowing his expression as he murmured to her, “Don’t your sandals have ribbons around your ankles?”
“Wh–!? Oh…! Zo-RO! How COULD YOU!?” Nearly in tears, she jumped off of the ladder just to pound her fists against him, seeking revenge against his cruel teasing.  
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sanjitea · 7 years
to unite;
three times they slipped out of each other, one where they finally twined, another where they are separated again, and the moment they finally unite.
They were always so contrast with each other. Similar to cat and dog, or the day and night. Yet, everyone knew- especially themselves, that they can’t live without each other; that they complete each other.
All in the same time, they’re corresponding to each other.
The idea to live without Zoro perplexed Sanji. The green-haired idiot almost killed himself during their last encounter with a Shichibunkai. Everyone was pretty much knocked out during the situation, and the bastard had the nerve to knock Sanji out during such crucial moment.
Sanji understood why Zoro chose to do what he did. To hear from others of what they witnessed, he understood completely. It’s a feeling, and not something that can be expressed in words. They were never here to play pirates; they were here to be pirates. Life, death, and sacrifices are common occurrence. Sanji understood Zoro so much that it hurts.
There’s this pang of pain in his chest that don’t cease to go away, and it hurts. They had partied all night for their victory and new companion, and he was more than aware to never to mention the incident to anyone else in the group. But, Zoro… Zoro… he needs to talk with him.
As he stepped into the infirmary, Sanji’s eyes naturally scanned at Zoro’s still body to find him deep in his sleep as ever. He sat down next to the bedside. The room was still and silent. An unlit cigarette was dangling still in between of Sanji’s lips as he waited, until the sleeping figure has finally stirred with a groan.
“Hey,” he called, once Zoro has sat up on his bed and holding his head. Almost naturally, he turned his gaze towards Sanji.
“What are you doing here?” It was a useless question; he already knew the answer to that.
“Just making sure you’re not dead.”
The blond handed him a glass of water, and the two returned into silence. There were these unspoken lines in their throats regarding the last events- none of them came out.
“Aargh,” Sanji ruffled his hairs, looking down to avoid Zoro’s gaze as he curled into himself. “Why is this so hard?” He said out loud, more to himself. Zoro didn’t answer, his gaze was still and silent.
“You,” Sanji began. “You- why did-” no, he didn’t mean to ask that- he knew. “…You knocked me out.” He rephrased that.
The other man took a sip from his drink before responding, “…You would do something stupid if I didn’t,”
“Yeah, I know. You didn’t have to do that,” Sanji replied, “…for me.”
Zoro didn’t reply.
“You could always have me fighting him- or with you, or… whatever-” Sanji uttered. “You didn’t have to knock me out to miss out the whole thing. You made it looked like you really cared.” He cared, he always does.
“Cook,” Zoro wanted to say, but Sanji continued.
“You never showed you care before,” And I never showed you this side before, either. “You were always so subtle, so silent, so quiet… And you are always been there. You always looked out for everyone, for me. You always spat things at me, fight me. We are drawn together but we never get along. You became a part of my life, I kept thinking about you. And after the whole fiasco, I can’t ever stop thinking about you,”
Sanji buried his face further to hid, “…It’s almost like I fell in love with you or something.”
Sanji’s face was certainly red, even if he didn’t show it. Zoro was struck by those statements. He had expected Sanji to come and talk with him, but never to expect any sort of love confession with it. Silences befall between the two once again.
Awaiting for Zoro’s reply seemed like forever, and Sanji believed he could’ve burst out of the embarrassment he spent while saying all of those.
“I’m sorry,” Zoro replied, without ever once looked at Sanji’s direction. “I needed some space,”
“I’m sorry for the interruptions,” Sanji stood up upon hearing Zoro’s response, promptly leaving the room.
But, what is this pain that won’t go away in his chest?
Separation took place before any of them could do a thing to it. They were busy fighting for their lives.
2 years was a long wait, nonetheless. All of them tried to enhance in their skills, preparing for the bigger war.
Sanji tried to bury down all of those emotions in all those 2 years. There was no way for them to ever become a thing, he told himself. But why, out of all of those shitheads, fate had to be so cruel to make him the first person he encountered in this soapy reunion island?
Try to act as usual. “You’ll cause more trouble if you wander off! Stay still, damned Marimo!”
“Why should Number 7 order around Number 1, anyway?”
“Why are you ranking us in the order of our arrival? You just happen to be first by chance! Don’t get carried away!”
Maybe he forgot all about that, Sanji thought to himself.
“Sorry, Number 7.”
“I’ll fight you!”
And just like that, the bickering started again. Clashing between swords and the end of shoes sparked again after those long 2 years, it felt so natural. They were back again, they were bickering again. It almost felt like nothing had ever happened- as if they were never been separated in first place. Bodies moving and clashing, almost like belonged to be with each other.
They could care less about the world around them- making the world theirs. They continued clashing and fighting, forgetting everything- until their body signalled it was time for them to catch some breath and rest.
Zoro and Sanji stopped their sparring for a moment, catching breathes. Through their visible eyes, they looked at each other. The look of annoyance still visible in both of their faces.
“You have improved a bit, you third-class swordsman.”
“You have learned some idiotic kicking skills, yourself.”
“What did you say?”
They continued.
It took a while for Zoro and Sanji to fulfill their need to blow some stream- how they really missed this.
Just on cue, a ring from Den Den Mushi put a hold into their sparring. It was Franky, informing that there were marines on their way. The next thing Zoro and Sanji knew, they were already returned into sitting and chilling with each other. Their reunion fight was long forgotten.
If there were anyone who could turn from best friends into rivals and then back into best friends, Zoro and Sanji were one of those kinds.
It’s crazy how everything was back just like the old days in mere seconds.
“Hey, Cook.”
“Hm?” Sanji turned his attention to Zoro, now that the Den Den Mushi call was off.
Zoro’s face was straight and calm, “It’s been two years.”
“Yeah, it is.” Sanji replied shortly. It’s been quite a while; for them to meet again, for them to be at peace again. Sanji turned his gaze away from Zoro, taking a look at the place they were currently in: Sabaody Archipelago- it doesn’t look much different since the last time they were there.
Grooves and bubbles with a lot of people. Everything brought back the memories. It was quite a sight to be looked at.
“It’s been two years,” Zoro stated again.
“You don’t have to repeat that,” Sanji said, this time turning to look at Zoro’s face. He noticed Zoro’s face was unchanged from how it was. However, he began to sense the air and tense it was giving.
“Two years,” Once he was sure he got Sanji’s attention, Zoro spoke out. “About that-”
Before he could continue further, a huge explosion could be heard from the other side of the island. People were staring agape in surprise. Some of the marines began running to collect at the spot. Both Zoro and Sanji gritted their teeth, began to have guesses on what was happening.
“It’s Strawhat! Strawhat’s here! Collect immediately!”
“…Shit,” Bingo. “Luffy always have to create some big mess, doesn’t he?”
The two immediately run to the source of explosion, thus dropping their conversation off.
Zoro was bewildered.
The Cook was… not himself.
No, of course he always is- but not in that matter.
The Cook was… Nami. And Nami was Franky. Franky was Chopper, and Chopper was Sanji- not that Zoro is going to admit that he looked ridiculously cute when Chopper inhabited his body. How did it was happening again? Torao, that guy with his weird Devil Fruit power caused this. Also, who was this guy whose head was chopped off of his body, and apparently is the owner of this lower body they found?
Scratch that. All of those other details are unimportant- how long will the Cook stay in that body?
Zoro had wanted to go out to the island, but he was originally planning to talk with the Cook in the private to talk about some unfinished business. That, is something he couldn’t do when the Cook is awkwardly focusing on Nami’s body- or having a guest and a (possible) fight to face off soon. Knowing Luffy, the latter would come true whether he liked it or not. Not that Zoro was one to back off from any challenges.
Perhaps, he shouldn’t think about it for the time being and just let the Cook be. He could always approach him later, when the situation was better for both of them. Zoro decided to mind his own business.
“By the way, can I see your panties?”
“Of course! Let’s get a camera!”
“Wait!” Nami(in Franky) yelled at Sanji and Brook, who began to leave the group in search for Kinemon’s body part. She turned to Zoro with a glare, “Zoro! You’re going with them!”
Being next to Sanji(while in Nami’s body) was the last thing Zoro wished for at that moment. The Perverted Eyebrows won’t ever leave his Love-Cook state at this point, much to Zoro’s dislike. Perhaps he could go and get it over with. After all, Nami’s wrath(and debt interest) was much scarier. Maybe he could wish for some peaceful time- without interruption in the next island.
Whenever Zoro ran off, Sanji was always there to make sure he comes back in one piece. This time was no different, the swordsman was chasing after his missing sword- and Sanji, ran after him to make sure he didn’t stray off as much.
Dressrosa was a big place. By running around, Zoro and Sanji easily got separated from Luffy and the others. Many people have heard that Dressrosa is a country of love, passion, and toys. The country does have that ambiance running through it. Chasing a fairy was not that easy, and the two men took a quick break to catch their breath.
“Marimo, wait up!”
Zoro has stopped running, but he was still looking around. “Don’t tell me what to do, Love Cook.” Catching some more breathes. “I’m not going to waste time here.”
“You could use a little patience, moron.” Sanji snapped. “You are never one to wait for anything you wanted.”
Waiting? Zoro was tired of waiting. How long had it been since he has been itching to talk with Sanji, to give him the answer he deserved. It felt like forever. How much he had been longing to tell him, to meet him, to see him again.
Two years. Two years and a little bit. He had been waiting. Waiting to see Sanji, to be with him again.
“You are not the one to talk about patience here.” Zoro snapped back. “I’ve been waiting enough, Cook.”
“Waiting for what?”
Zoro was tempted to answer the question. It could be the worst kind of timing ever existed to say all of these, but he didn’t care. Zoro didn’t care anymore. There was nothing romantic or special, and the Cook could complain all he wanted- but he was Roronoa Zoro; and it was between Zoro and Sanji. And maybe, they never needed any of those to begin with.
So, Zoro decided to give in into that feel- the temptation to tell the Cook how he truly felt.
“I also liked you.”
Just like how he fell into this feeling called ‘Love’.
“…What?” Sanji blinked, confusion was written all over his face.
“Two years ago,” Zoro told him. “You confessed to me two years ago, and I told you I needed to think.”
Memories flashed before Sanji. He did confess to Zoro on that day, right before they leave Thriller Bark. He had buried those memories a long time ago, thinking Zoro didn’t want him the same way he wanted to be with him. He always had assumed Zoro has forgotten about the incident, and the confession. Sanji was convinced that he didn’t want anything to do with him.
Upon remembering all of those, and realizing Zoro’s answer, Sanji’s face reddened. He didn’t say anything, nor could he bring himself to utter a word or two. He didn’t expect any answer from Zoro- moreover, at such a moment.
Noticing Sanji’s response to his long-awaited answer, Zoro couldn’t help but to grow a little red. It was starting to get awkward. “…Did you change your mind in those two years?”
“…N-N-….No.” Sanji finally managed to say, “My feelings for you are still the same,… It’s just-” He blushed even deeper. “I didn’t… expect you to answer-”
Zoro wondered how red would he be in bed.
A kiss after 2 years.
To embrace the other felt like nothing they imagined.
It was weird to be with a man, especially in this twisted toys country. But neither of them cared. After two long years, those long-awaited feeling was finally returned. After those two long years, they could finally be together again, see each other again, spar with each other, to finally able to love and returned, hug, and be whole.
They were finally a thing. It was awkward and rushed. Their first kiss was rough, yet soft. Their embrace was strong and comforting. There was nothing sweet or special, but they never cared, because they finally were together, to tie their tie.
Their moment together was cut short when a glimpse of sword sighted in the corner of the roads, and then they were back on the run.
And it was not romantic at all.
But no one cared, because it was just how they are. And there was nobody else in the world who could ever be like them.
Just when they were finally together, they had to separate yet again. Zoro was more than excited to see the Cook again. The idiot had to go off for his own business with the others while himself and the rest were busy with Doflamingo.
He wanted to meet him again, embrace him. They never had a proper chance to go out as a couple ever since they got together.
“Any sign of Eyebrows?” Zoro asked.
“No, not from here at least.” Usopp replied from the top.
Zoro grumbled, hoping the situation is not as bad as he thought.
Sanji was distressed. The Vinsmokes taking him was the last thing he ever wanted from the whole universe. On top of that, a marriage. Shit. Everything was so ruined. He just finally got together with Zoro and suddenly he had to deal with the whole “family” situation. He was sure claimed himself as a Ladiesman, but he was not one to marry a girl she never knew beforehand. Moreover, Sanji is a loyal man.
He could breathe out a little sigh of relief that his so-called “family” never find out his relationship with Zoro. Considering it was recent, after all. However, he was still not pleased with the fact that they were holding Red Leg Zeff as a hostage.
Sanji was tired, Sanji was sick. He wanted nothing more but to return home and continue on his journey. The thought to succumb into his death had crossed his mind a few times, but he was never been the one to give up. Yet, he didn’t know- he didn’t know what to do anymore.
Sanji thought that;
By giving in into the marriage he could save everyone. Even if that meant he had to give up on his dreams.
Even if that meant he had to give up on himself.
Even if that meant he had to give up Zoro.
He had been violating so many rules he put into himself. He insulted and beaten Luffy, he ignored Nami to receive her anger and sadness; he had dragged so many people down with him. Sanji thought he could never forgive himself, and he wanted to give up.
Why did he find himself out in the rain, carrying a basket for Luffy?
Maybe he hasn’t gave up hope after all.
“Tell me how you really feel!”
A smack from Luffy was all he needed- to remind him that he was worth; to remind him that he could make it; to remind him he was not alone.
“I want to go home to Sunny!”
As ever, Luffy’s so-optimistic smile was coming out. It began to calm down the storm inside him.
And suddenly he believed that maybe, he could go home again.
That he can go chase after his dreams again.
That he could see Zoro again.
It took two years, and a few months.
To see each other like chasing a far-off dream.
They finally could see each other again. To bicker, to touch, to embrace.
It was two years and a few months, but they finally could be together again; to be whole again. They were each other’s dream.
Three times they slipped out of each other, one where they finally twined, and another where they were separated again.
And then, the moment they finally unite.
Future Pirate King’s ship was sailing over the seas of New World. Raftel was their final destination.
Aboard the ship, Straw Hat Pirates were home, sailing to chase their dreams without a care.
On aboard, a green-haired swordsman and a blond cook were staring out to the sea. Their hands intertwined, living their dream without a care.
Usopp approached and decided to ask the couple, “You two… When did you get so close?”
Upon hearing the question, other pairs of eyes and ears busy themselves join the conversation.
Under any normal case, any of them would’ve shrugged off the question.
“We’re dating. It’s normal.”
Surprise echoed from the entire ship.
“It’s been a while, to be honest.”
“But how? And when did you two start dating?”
“Why didn’t you ever tell us?”
“We just got together and never got the chance to.”
“Yohohoho~ If you told me sooner, I would’ve sung a love song for you.”
“That’s soooo suuuuuuper!”
“I never would’ve guessed it! Zoro, Sanji!”
Under any normal case, either of them would’ve tried to hide the relationship.
“Shishishishi! Let’s have a party!”
But they have had enough- enough of waiting and longing. And they were happy.
Because after the long wait, they were finally united.
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Equilibrium (One Piece Oneshot)
I really don’t have a lot to say about this one, the idea hit me yesterday and here it is. It contains some spoilers if you haven’t read the few latest chapters, but should mostly be safe to read.
Disclaimer 1: OP and its characters don’t belong to me.
Disclaimer 2 (The arguably more important one): I don’t know if this is relevant, but I need to get it out of my system. The violence towards the end of this fiction is used solely for dramatic purposes. If you ever experience that kind of violence in your life, do not hesitate for even one second to talk to someone about it. You might feel as if you deserved it, but that is not true and will never be true. Nobody has the right to violate your bodily integrity in any way, shape or form. 
That said, have fun.
Time stood still.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, there was a little respite. Just a moment to catch his breath.
He let himself sink into one of the few chairs that weren’t broken during the final clash between the Straw Hats and the Big Mom pirates. He just had to do it. There were moments to count the cost and moments to take a deep breath. He suppressed the trembling of his hands and put a cigarette between his lips, overcoming the struggle of igniting it with sheer force of will.
It’s not over. But .. it is something.
A moment of clarity in the eye of the storm.
His final duel against Big Mom’s second son, the dreaded Charlotte Katakuri, had taken a heavy toll on his body and mind. No matter where he looked, he seemed to be covered in wounds. Many of them deep enough to incapacitate out a lesser man. Every inch of his body was shrieking out in pain, begging for it to stop. But it would stop, given enough time, as this was the nature of wounds to a still living, breathing body.
The smoke was finally hitting his lungs and he revelled in it. The nicotine made his mind slow down and numbed the pain, eased the nigh overwhelming stress step by step, little by little.
Can’t believe I’m still alive .. that all of us are still alive ..
He had every reason to be happy about that. His wedding had been crashed and for the future, he wouldn’t be forced to be a subordinate for Big Mum .. or just be dead. He got back at his father in the most ironic way imaginable, saving him and his siblings from the prospect of certain doom and finally, all of them together were actually able bring about the fall of a tyrant.
Even though his mind was slowing down by now, he contemplated the fact that it had changed during his fight with the Sweet Commander. He transcended the normal bounds of human perception and came to understand the world a little better. When his Kenbunshoku Haki awoke, the only thing he had to do, also the only thing he could do, was to look at his opponent. He understood him on a level that was so much deeper than what he had ever seen .. no, ever felt before. Every movement, every breath he took told him stories about what his foe was going to do in the nearest future. Not one single story, no precise information, but the possibilities of things to come. Watching Katakuri through the second sight of his Haki felt like dreaming of statistics.
That was the reason on why he had to take chances. And since there had been no other option, he took them head on. It was not so much a clash of titans but a battle of wits, very close to a game of chess. One that was impossible to win with his wits alone. That was when taking chances became the most important part of this fight. Him willing to take these risks was what lead to victory. A pyrrhic one, but a victory nonetheless.
He had been wounded before and taking his opponent’s attacks head on could have very well killed him, but going through wit it anyway had been made much easier by the fact that there just was no third option to take.
One overly obvious move to lure Katakuri into an attack that nearly killed him was all it took to get the single opening he needed to go all-out.  A single attack, filled with tranquil fury was what it took to get the better of him. By now he knew that he never felt wrath before, up until this moment. Pure, barely controlled ire was racing through his body and mind when he finally set fire to the shackles of his soul.
And finally, he had been able to make the shadows afraid, reborn, purified with righteous wrath.  
Kind of a shame that fighting that guy isn’t the biggest obstacle to stand in my way. Vinsmoke luck, always rotten.
He couldn’t have been more right with that. The surrounding circumstances put that particular obstacle in the background, but it was still there, waiting for the right time to crush him. And after all the fights, the tears, after being on the verge of breaking again and again, it slid from the shadows, sneaking in for a coup de grâce.
Well, it’s not like I didn’t know that it was coming. In fact, everything from the moment I broke away from my nakama had been building up to this. I was living on borrowed time.. hahaha.
He didn’t really laugh, for one it didn’t go well with smoking and his body was too bruised to make it feel any good or relieving.
His ‘greatest obstacle’ was still out of breath, sitting on the ground with her perfect Clima-tact lying next to her. Sanji vividly remembered how she had used it to knock Pudding out cold when she tried to shoot him in the back. Again.
I guess you just don’t get inbetween a Goddess and her prey., he thought and couldn’t surpress a smile. The Goddess had protected him from harm just to be able to purge him herself. Irony really did write the best stories.
Now, after all this time, either spent apart or next to each other, each of them carefully avoiding to meet the other’s gaze, their eyes finally met again.
So it begins .. no, this might be how it ends., he thought with a heavy heart, closing his eyes for just a second. It was enough to summon the wraiths that were nourished by his guilt. Two shadowy figures that he could only see in the corner of his eye. One had taken the form of his captain, bruised, bloody and beaten within an inch of his life. But .. there was a genuine smile on his face. His signature smile. Sanji could feel the hand of this great man patting his back. Even hear his voice.
“I can’t forgive you, Sanji. Because there is nothing to forgive.”
But it meant nothing, as the second wraith slowly approached. He could only make out the colour of her hair. Fiery red, seemingly moving around even if there was not a breeze to touch it. But it was her eyes that scared him the most. They rightfully accused him, saw right through him. Even through all the physical pain he felt, this one stood out. It had been a simple slap, like the ones she had given him in the past, but oh-so different this time. She had not hurt his body, but her hit resonnated with his soul.
He opened his eyes again, feeling unable to face his wraiths. Nami finally rose up and, even through the sheer exhaustion of battle, she was the living proof that silk hid steel. Her every step resounded heavily within these silent halls .. and the halls of his heart. When she reached him, there was a long silence of exchanging glances and he cursed the fact that Katakuri didn’t kill him when he had the chance to.
“I’m waiting.”, she began, her voice so cold and emotionally barren that he feared that nothing would ever be as it was again.
“Nami-san, I ..”, but she stopped him in his tracks with just a glance. The Goddess didn’t want to hear his excuses.
“I .. I cannot undo what I have done .. please, Nami-san ..”, again, she didn’t want to hear his excuses and his pleads. Sanji wished for her to be irate again, wrathful, just showing emotions. But seeing her so calm and collected made him fear for the worst.
“ .. I nearly killed Luffy. I insulted his dreams. I lied to all of you, since the beginning of our journey. I lied to you because I didn’t think that it would ever be important for anyone again .. I didn’t expect my prediction to be so terribly wrong.”, somehow, speaking hurt. Not because of his bruised and beaten body, but because judgement was upon him. And instead of speaking in his defense, he just laid down all the proof of him being guilty as charged.
“No one could have foreseen that. Go on.”, the sound of her voice chilled him to the bone. Was her intention to torment him with everything he had wronged his crew in the past? Nonetheless, he continued. If it was someone’s right to do it, it was hers.
“I will never forgive myself for the things I put you through .. not .. not the crew, not our nakama. The things I put you through, Nami-san. Not only that my actions could’ve meant death for you .. oh gods ..”, he tried to swallow with increasing difficulty as his mouth was as dry as the desert. And smoking didn’t exactly help him with that.
“If not for Jinbe and the others, you .. you .. might have died, Nami-san.”, his voice failed him. The sheer thought alone was enough to tear open his wounds again. Sanji never wanted to hurt anyone. But when it all came down, his actions nearly killed the single most beautiful woman in the entire world who had been the center of his adoration for such an incredibly long time, no matter the hardships they faced.
“Until my last breath, I will not forget this, Nami-.., not a single line of this all. Not a single moment. Through my actions, I have chosen this burden. I deserve this penance. And everything that comes with it.”, he had consciously dropped the ‘san’, being sure that this meant the end. Whatever it was that developed between these two, whatever might have been possible before all of this had happened didn’t matter anymore, all that remained was a far cry, telling of what could have been.
Oh no .. please, please, please .. no .. not now .. please!
It was in the backdrop of his mind that his Kenbunshoku Haki slowly rose to power again. It had been awakened during his fight with Katakuri because the situation was life-threatening and it regained its sovereignty over his perception because of the increasingly high stress levels that this conversation put onto him.
The deepest, darkest fear of a human was the fear of the unknown. But somehow, knowing made it even scarier.
His eyes were fixated on Nami and he swallowed heavily when his Haki showed him everything and nothing.
Shadowy wraiths, the same he had seen before, but more numerous, were born from her body. They carried different shades of darkness, different colours .. but her voice. Some of them turned away from him, others silently accused him.
“I will never forgive you for what you have done, Sanji.”
“I swore that I would bring you back to the Sunny. Now that that’s done, we’re through.”
“You’re vermin, Sanji. I don’t care for your reasoning.”
“I want to never see you again, cook. And only because of our captain’s dreams will I even consider to suffer through your mere presence.”
“Maybe it would have been better if you starved as a child. For all of us. Think about it, if you died as a child, none of this would have ever happened.”
“Don’t you dare to approach me ever again, cook. We’re done.”
“If you ever so much as think about endangering our dreams again ..”
“I accept that you have to keep on travelling with us. But you’re no longer nakama. Not for me.”
“Couldn’t you just have ..”
“I will never ..”
“Don’t ever come ..”
“Never ..”
“Never ..”
“Never ..”
PLEASE, STOP!, his mind cried out in pain from all the things his Haki flooded it with. These perceptions were partly based on his knowledge and memories, but mostly they drew their influences from his present feelings and looking at her. Her body language, her voice that was as cold as ice. And it all felt so real. Everything was possible.
It only stopped when she made the next step herself. And for a moment, the slap he received felt .. unreal. Just another trick his mind had played on him. Her voice was just so different now, trembling, barely containing her ire.
“Do you remember Enie’s Lobby?”, she asked, seemingly in need to force herself through every word. The question itself surprised him, everything just seemed to be so far away .. still, he nodded.
Another slap, with more force behind it this time. So much that he nearly lost his balance. The cigarette between his lips fell to the ground.
And more words. More wrath.
“Do you remember the fight between Luffy and Usopp?”, again, he nodded and braced himself for the next slap to come. It didn’t do him any good. This time, it wasn’t the palm of her hand that hit him, but her fist. The sheer kinetic energy behind the punch was enough to effortlessly tear him down from the chair, putting him onto the cold ground. His wounds ached, but he remained silent. That was well-deserved.
“Do .. you .. remember .. me?”, what ..?, listening to hear voice brought tears into his eyes. Of course, he remembered it. Everything. Cocoyashi, Arlong, her tears, her wanting them to believe that she was a betrayer. Every line of it. He heard sobbing and thought that it was his own.
Nami fell to her knees, next to him. He expected another slap or punch or anything else that was supposed to hurt him. Yet seeing her, a neverending flow of tears running down her cheeks, realising that the sobbing belonged to her .. that was what finally did the trick. It was what hurt him the most of all.
“We could have avoided so much pain .. Sanji-kun, so many tears .. if we were only true to each other.”, and she was Just. So. Right. If only they had played with an open hand.
Still, he was at a loss for words. What answer could she possible expect?
“You’re right, .. you’re so right .. I’m sorry, Nami-san, please .. forgive me .. please ..”, Sanji forced the words out of his mouth and took a great risk by what he did next. He took her hand. And to his utter surprise, she let it pass.
More than that. Her fingers began to intertwine with his. And oh, her voice .. it seemed like it had finally found back to its roots. When she spoke to him again, a mighty wind blew away the clouds that hid the sun for so long.
“I swear .. to everything holy, Sanji-kun, that I will remind you to be sorry. Every day. Until the end of days. As long as the both of use still breathe.”
Wha .. does .. Nami-san .. is that .. am I losing my mind?!
It surely felt like it. A wonderful dream of Spring. The smell of tangerines in the air. Hair that playfully brushed over his face. Her warm hand in his.
Lips .. that tasted salty from her tears.
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Chapter 2: The Devil Is My Witness
Hell wasn’t normally a nice place. It was hot, cramped and open flames and lava rivers were everywhere. On the celestial safety scale, it ranked a solid 2 outta 10. That being said the main palace was a stunning and comfortable place. The walls floors and roof was made of either carved obsidian or marble. Colored polished crystals and stones adorned the lights and windows giving it a sacred feeling angels so loved.
The main throne was made from cast silver and ancient demon blades. Sitting in it was Morningstar himself and a little ember demon kit. He was stroking its back and feeding it some kind of meat. She really didn’t want to know what kind.
“Ah, you are here. No need to worry I know it wasn’t you who made the deal to enter heaven. I also know it wasn’t you who stole my brother’s sword. However, I do need your help getting it back.” He took off his sunglasses revealing a pair of ruby red eyes and deep abyssal black wings.
“Now time for proper introductions. I’ve wanted to do this since the first day we met but a fallen angel can’t be too careful. I’m Lucifer Morningstar, welcome to Hell.” His smile was warm and revealed a pair of long almost vampiric fangs. She could almost believe he fathered that race, almost.
“Now I know what you’re thinking. You can’t be the devil you’re too nice and way too handsome. Doesn’t he have goat legs and horns? I assure you I am Satan or Lucifer or the Devil whatever you want to call me I am in fact he.” He stood and gave a dramatic bow. He looked eager as he Awaited their response.
“Actually…” Loki started. “What she is thinking is dear fates why am I surrounded by these crazy drama club goths.” He gave her his best disapproving stare. “I resent that remark by the way. You see this is why I can’t take her places, such a disobedient wolf.” he smiled toward Lucifer as if it was a running joke between the two Gods.
“No.” She interjected. “This is why I can’t have nice things. I meet a lovely semi-normal person who isn’t trying to burn down the town, send me on crazy errands, seduce half the population or trying to start a war and have a decent camaraderie with and he turns out to be an angel. But not just any angel he’s the adorable non-uptight human acting fallen one. Honestly can’t I just meet a nice vampire or maybe a swamp mermaid hell I’ll settle for a dragon at this point.” Her rant lasted longer than she’d have liked but it was getting really annoying her lack of suitable suitors. In true male fashion however they missed the point.
“You think he’s adorable yet I’m just meh.” Loki sounded offended.
“You like having me as a friend?” She could’ve sworn she saw a tear. “I’ve never had friends before, can I please keep you as one.” Damn, he sounded so dang sincere.
“It’s not like you being the Devil changes anything. My best friends are Loki god of Mischief and Hades lord of the dead. Trust me Arch Angel Lucifer will fit right in with this crowd.” She gave him a pat on the shoulder. Yeah her friends were a weird group.
“When did you befriend Hades?” They asked in unison. Loki completely missing the God of Mischief is my best friend part.
“A few years ago during the whole Hammer of Thor incident. I had to retrieve water from the Phlegethon to appease the dragon Gajeel. Struck a deal with Hades so me, him, Hel and Xolotl occasionally get together for tea and trade stories about our respective pantheons. Yes Loki, since you don’t hang with the Norse deities you are considered mine by default.”
The two seemed fascinated by this little tidbit. Hades and Hel don’t talk to anyone yet this little wolf succeeded. Of course, it was no surprise, he was prone to sending her off to do random tasks he couldn’t which required a certain amount of finesse and trust building. Still, it was a bit disconcerting that she had these strong allies he had no clue about.
If she wanted it would be easy to wriggle out of her contract. Especially now that Lucifer was among those friends. He was considered the God of bargains and deals by most of the other Gods. Loki stared at her, silently praying that she wouldn’t choose to leave.
“I know what you are thinking trickster and I have no plans of breaking our little deal. It’s far too much fun being able to roam anywhere in the nine realms without bothering a dimensional sorcerer or sorceress. Besides as troublesome as these jobs of yours are they do past the time between bouts of boredom.” The words were thrown out rather absentmindedly as she studied the group of demons that wandered in.
He could never understand how she handled demokyn so easily. Most of them were either nauseating to look at or to smell, this group was the rare ones that were both. Of course like most celestial beings, if you could call them that, they could take human form. The thing was that unless it was necessary they refused to. He really wished that wasn’t the case right now.
The largest pair of demons were a sickly green color, covered with large bulky scales they had mostly serpentine bodies. They had the chest of a bodybuilder and where their feet should have been were two spiny clusters that seemed to drag the creatures across the floor. They had no hands and instead used their anglerfish like jaws to each hold an arm of their captive. They smelt like rotten desert carrion.
The other three were humanish in looks. Their skin, however, was marbled with shades of red orange and yellow. Their hands and feet were webbed and red fins protruded from their arms, legs and backs. In place of hair were red and orange banded spines that seemed to go well with their bright golden eyes. Like the others they had the jaws of deep sea fish. Their scent however was in a much more charming burnt leather range.
Their captive however seemed like your average human. Tan skin, black hair, brown eyes, two arms, two legs and a bit on the skinny side. He wore a red and orange camo catsuit. He looked a bit worse for the wear but if he had been running around Hell it could’ve been worse. No surprise Skye and Lucifer seemed to know him.
“Is that GREG? Mr. I’m going to kill all the vampires in Romania GREG. Mr. Let me wear your pelt as a trophy GREG.” By the way she said his name he could tell Greg was no a friend.
“Yes.” the Devil responded. “After you caught the guy trying to kill off my precious Nephilim son Asreal I had him brought down here and thrown in the rivers of fury. The five you see before you are lava nymphs. Well except for the guards those are hell born Naga, a gift from my middle eastern partner.”
He seemed so casual about it. Oh yeah don’t mind him I just had the guy drug down here to torture for eternity. It's no big deal really. Just gonna drown in him the fury bled from wronged men. Of course he couldn’t judge, he once turned a human who threatened Nami into a rabbit, gave him immortality and set him loose in a building full of hungry kitsune.
“Okay then.” That’s his lycan and her confused acceptance of the vengeful acts of scorned Gods. “why is he currently in here then?” Straight to the point, good girl.
“You see…” One of the Lava nymphs started.
“An angel came and said they needed his help tracking something or someone down.” The center one continued.
“Since he was cursed by the Dimensional Witch Eternity he can hop between worlds but will only land in the most guarded place in that world.” the third finished.
“The angel thought that if the sword was missing it’d be heavily guarded and they would send him in to scout the place. If he got killed the process he’d just return to us and report.” They said in unison. The naga nodded in agreement causing their teeth to dig into Greg’s arms. Blood started to run onto the marble floor in a steady stream. Hungry calls could be heard throughout the palace.
“What did the Angel look like?” Lucifer asked as he walked towards the human. His red eyes had turned a sickly yellow shade. Black scales replaced the feathers on his wings and a long dragon like tail flashed into view. The not so subtle reminder that when an angel falls it becomes a Demon King.
“It was tall but looked almost completely human. The eyes were like mercury and golden wings were blinding though they had black stripes. It chose a dark-skinned suit, like maybe a Jamaican but was built like a pro boxer. Unlike most it didn’t seem bothered by the air down here, in fact, it was smiling.” The nymphs shuddered.
“It seems my dear brother Michael paid us a visit. It is his sword after all. Still what he says goes even if this traitorous bastard doesn’t deserve to be let go.” He pulled the human from the Nagas jaws causing a fresh spray of blood to coat the walls and floor.
The sound he made couldn’t have been human but it came from one. His cries of pain only caused the distant howls of hunger to grow louder and move closer. Slithering and tapping could be heard on the windows outside. Something resembling a gulper eel with wings flashed into view outside.
Loki took a few steps closer to Skye for comfort. She moved them both a good two feet further from Greg. As did his escort party. A large growl rattled the building and several of the demons retreated from view outside.
“Loki, speaking one Celestial being to another, can I trust you to return this filth to me once the blade is found.” his voice was a low whisper that bounced of the walls and chilled him to his bones.
“Considering I don’t want him, to begin with, I’ll happily return him to you the moment he is no longer of use.” He forced himself to swallow as the urge to throw up became stronger.
He turned toward his lycan for comfort but found only seething hatred in her eyes. Usually, they were a light blue, the color of the fjords, sometimes like glaciers in the winter. Right now, however, they were a deep navy, like waves during a storm. She was fighting down the inner demon that made lycans, lycans. No doubt it had something to do with Lucifer’s current mood, the calls of the demokyn outside and Greg’s pleased smirk.
“Skye luna Starshadow do you swear that no matter what this soul will be returned to where it belongs?” He was full on Demon King now, Greg little more then a chew toy in the grasp of a Great White. Charcoal black skin was covered in red Enochian script in complex patterns. Black bat like wings with red stripes stretched behind him. A long black reptilian tail wrapped around the throne, blood red barbs carving grooves in the floor. Large elk like antlers graced his head, each branch ending in a barbed point.
“The devils as my witness I will drag him back here myself.” Her usual calm voice was little more than a snarl.
“Good now begone. We’ll catch up after.” with a puff of black sooty smoke they found themselves in the heart of Helheim.
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