cowboythewizard726 · 2 months
WELCOME BACK TO LAIOS POSTING today everything went wrong for my beautiful baby princess and but its oaky because the way he experience all the misery was so appealing and attractive oh him IM GAY AND I ADMIT IT IM GAY IM GAY IIM GA
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realcube · 3 years
best man || tobio kageyama x reader
summary: kageyama’s been with you through highs and the lows, he genuinely loves you unconditionally. so what happens during the lowest of the low, he finally meets your older brother - oikawa tōru.
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tw// fem! reader,
thank you @scftfairyking for this cute request 🥺
For as long as he can remember, Kageyama has always called you by your first name. You introduced yourself by your first name and you referred to him by his first name, so why would he call you by your surname? Plus, he thought your first name was so pretty too. 
(Y/N). See, it rolls off the tongue.
Anyway, you were his girlfriend so of course he knows your second name - it’s Kawa. Quite uncommon but he thought it was cute. He wasn’t in any of your classes though so he didn’t know your register name and obviously, he was too awkward to ask. So he took the initiative to hover around your friend group during lunch to hear what they call you.
From his research he concluded that your name was Kawa as that was what your friends called you, besides your first name.
Little did he know, that was just cutesy nickname they have for you.
»»————- ♛ ————-««
“You have an older sister?!” You gasped, your mouth daggling wide open upon processing this new information which you’ve never heard before, despite the fact you’ve been with him for around 6 months now.
“You have an older brother?!” Kageyama retorted in a similar tone, an unfamiliar look of panic spreading across hi face. Honestly, he had a hard enough time convincing your parents that he wasn’t a delinquent so he had a feeling that it was going to be even harder to convince your brother.
You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck. Oh, how you’ve been dreading this day. You weren’t stupid, you knew there was bad blood between your brother and Kageyama - you’ve known it since your brother would come home from junior high, cursing some guy called ‘Tobio’ and taking his anger out on either you or your mother. 
That’s why you did everything in your power to make sure that Kageyama never learned your real surname; you even told your parents about this little scheme so they wouldn’t get confused when Kageyama referred to them as ‘Kawa’. Your parents went along with your plan but naturally, they were disheartened that you were ‘ashamed of your own brother’ and that you were essentially lying to your boyfriend so they demanded that you come clean as soon as possible.
But you just weren’t prepared for that day to be today.
Kageyama was over at your house and from downstairs, you heard keys rattling in the door, followed by choruses of cheers and greeting. You immediately understood what was going on; your parents’ anniversary was a couple days ago, meanwhile Oikawa was on a one-week trip to Tokyo for volleyball but he told you he was going to come home early to surprise them - you didn’t think it would be this early though!
Kageyama inquired as to who just arrived, so you decided to finally come clean about the fact you have a brother. But as it turns out, Kageyama had a secret sibling who he hadn’t told you about too; so that’s how you ended up in this situation.
“So, what’s your brother’s name? And why haven’t you told me about him until now if he lives in your house?” Kageyama asked, tilting his head to emphasise his curiosity. Although, you could’ve asked him the exact same question in regard to his sister.
You sighed once again, your heart sinking as you realised that you’d finally have to some clean. After a moment of mental preparation and thought as to how you were going to phrase your explanation, you opened your mouth to respond but then--
“(y/n)-chan~” Tōru sang, the door to your room whipped open to reveal him posing in your doorway in his fruity teal Seijoh jersey, “It been a while! How’ve you be-- AHHH!” He screamed, instantly jumping at the sight of a foreigner in your bedroom who had been lurking in your room the whole time.
However, his fear quickly turned into a mix of anger, shock and appal as his brain finally processed who it was sitting on your bed, - “Kageyama?!” he shrieked, all the colour draining from his face.
“Oikawa?!” Kageyama raised his voice, not seemed as enraged at this plot-twist as Tōru. His tone seemed to show more confusion rather than emotion, as if this was just some cruel prank.
As soon as Tōru was able to regain his compose, he looked at you with fury in his eyes, in a way that you haven’t seen for a while - not since he left Kitagawa Daiichi volleyball club, not since he left Tobio.
“What is he doing in our house?!” Oikawa hissed at you through bared teeht, covering the side of his mouth as if he was whisper but in reality, Kageyama could clearly hear everything your brother said - and of course, he wasn’t too pleased.
“(y/n), why didn’t you tell me he is your brother?!” Kageyama barked, deciding that two could play at that game. It didn’t take long for him to realise that this wasn’t a set-up and your brother was in fact Tōru Oikawa, someone he has told you that he dislikes on many occasions, yet you never felt the need to mention that you were related to him.
Oikawa’s hostile glare immediately shifted on Kageyama since he tried to interrupt you conversation, “Don’t talk to her like that! Is that how you speak to a lady?!” You couldn’t help but bury your face in your hands with embarrassment at the fact you brother just called you a ‘lady’ to spite your boyfriend, ew.
You weren’t the only one who was embarrassed though as Oikawa’s comments definitely caught Kageyama off-guard, he didn’t want anyone to think that he treats you poorly - which is a challenge most of the time as he is clearly a bit rough around the edges which instantly makes people think that he is toxic. 
“I- erm, sorry, (y/n).” Kageyama bowed his head in your direction and although you were too awkward to make eye-contact with him, you hummed to reassure him that it was alright.
Tōru cringed at Kageyama’s use of your first name again, he dreaded the thought that maybe you two were actually- friends. 🤢 
“(y/n), why do you let him call you by your first name? Shouldn’t he refer to you as Oikawa?” Tōru quirked a brow, placing a hand on his hip while shooting you an intimidating glare. “And this is the first of many questions so be quick about it.” He snapped his fingers for emphasis.
“Uh, because he’s my...boyfriend.” You whispered the last word in hopes he would just move onto the next question but of course he didn’t.
“Your what? Please speak up.” He pried, praying that he word he couldn’t decipher was some sort of synonym for rival or worst enemy.
“Your what?!”
“MY BOYFRIEND!” You screamed, clutching the Kageyama’s jersey which you were wearing, for comfort as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you both earlier; I just didn’t want something like this to happen. I know it was selfish of me and swear to be more open in the future.” You mumbled, harshly biting your bottom lip as you fought the urge to burst out crying in front of both of them.
Then, you turned to stare at Kageyama with glossy eyes, “I understand if you want to breakup with me now.” 
“Huh? Why would I do that?” Kageyama inquired, looking at you as if you were crazy - but in all honesty, it was an insane suggestion that he would breakup with you over something like that. 
“Yeah, why would he do that?” Tōru added, prompting Kageyama to send him a slight glare out of the corner of his eyes.
Then, all eyes were on you. They stared into your soul as they waited for an explanation as why you’d make such a ridiculous suggestion. You were no fool, though; you knew exactly what both of them really wanted and luckily for them, you weren’t feeling stubborn enough to remain in this awkward situation for any longer.
You sighed, looking around the room as if someone was going to creep in and save you from the uncomfortable atmosphere you all had created. Once you realised that nobody could rescue you besides yourself, you begrudgingly murmured, “Because I lied...”
“Pardon?” They both said in unison.
“I lied! Sorry! Jesus, can we all just head back to our own business now?!”
Both of them seemed content with your apology but Tōru still had his arms crossed over his chest, disapproving of your last request. “Our business? My business is wondering why the king is still in our home-- and why are you wearing his jersey?!”
You shot Kageyama an unimpressed look, saying in a hushed tone, “I advise leaving while you still can.” And with your approval, Tobio was out the front door in the blink of an eye. 
»»————- ♛ ————-««
“That was so awkward.” Kageyama mused, recalling the event that happened yesterday as he leaned back against the vending machine, milk carton in hand. 
“I know.” You agreed, nodding your head as you absentmindedly tapped your nails against the screen of the machine. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” You apologised once again, looking up at your boyfriend with the sincerest glint of remorse in your eyes.
Kageyama couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “I told you, it’s fine.” Although the majority of the memories he had from yesterday made him cringe, one that will never fail to made him smile was the look of shock on Tōru’s face once he realised that you were wearing a Karasuno jersey. 
He smirked, just about to go back to happily sipping away at his milk until he remembered something that had been bothering him all night and instead of filtering himself, he just blurted it out, “So when we get married, is Oikawa gonna be the Best Man or the Maid of honour at our wedding? Or the dude that walks you down the aisle?” 
You felt the tips of your ears heat up, averting your gaze from him to ensure that he didn’t see the blush rushing across your cheeks, “Wedding?! I think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself.”
Kageyama nodded, tossing his empty milk carton into a nearby trashcan while keeping his eyes glued to the ground. Just as he was about to apologise thought, you cut in with, “I think Tōru would just a be a guest.”
“Good.” Kageyama blurted out; apparently having lost all cognitive ability today. “No offence.”
You raised your eyebrows, about to reply until you saw Kageyama’s lips curl into a smile as a proud chuckle left his throat, all while he stared into the void - so of course you inquired, “What’s so funny?”
He jumped, being snapped out his thoughts by your voice and jerking his neck to look at you, “Oh, I was just thinking.” he hummed, pausing to allow you to make a ‘wait! you can think?!’ joke but continuing once he realised that you were quite invested in what he was saying, “So, your name isn’t Kawa, is it? It’s Oikawa.”
Your lips instinctively fell into a frown as you were expecting a funny story that’d make you laugh but instead you got a fun fact which you already knew. “No shit, Sherlock.” You hissed under your breath, folding your arms over your chest.
“Yeah, well, not for long.” Kageyama proclaimed, narrowing his eyes and smirking as if he was plotting an evil scheme. 
You snorted at this then playfully hit his arm before resting your forehead against it as you felt a blush creep onto your cheeks once again, “What’s with you and marriage all of a sudden?”
Ignoring your comment, Kageyama continued to stare blankly at the ground and say, “(y/n) Kageyama. Would your brother like that?”
You shook your head against the fabric of his sweater, “Absolutely not.” You replied without hesitation. 
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