#Ness x Gina
padmaddean · 6 months
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Ness & Gina Neon s01e05
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
I think the prevalence of the opposites attract trope in the romance genre has led people to believe this dynamic is a necessary part of romance and not just one potential dynamic. 
Like don’t get me wrong, there’s something very satisfying about watching two very different people come together and love all the different things about each other. Poppy and her wanderlust and exuberance with Alex and his khaki shorts and homebody-ness. January with her romance novels and Gus with his pessimistic literary novels. Even Rapunzel the ray of sunshine with the jaded thief Eugene. It’s a tried and true formula and it works. Grumpy x sunshine is often an offset of this dynamic and it’s well loved for a reason.  
But characters who are similar...also work? Like let’s not forget that having interests and goals in common with your significant other is a good thing. If Book Lovers taught me anything (stars i love that book), it’s that characters who are the “same” in a lot of ways can be the ones who understand each other on a deeper level. In Book Lovers, Nora is a cold-hearted shark to everyone who knows her, but since Charlie is similarly ambitious and dedicated to his job, he’s able to see past that and understand Nora for who she is. Not only that, he respects her drive and dedication, something everyone else overlooked. He helps Nora to see the good in herself that everyone else missed, and she does the same for him. 
The reason I’m talking about this is because I’ve seen posts recently saying things like “Avery and Jameson are the same person so they don’t work as a couple.” Or there are people who don’t understand or appreciate the Portwell dynamic. Which, it’s fine if this isn’t your preferred dynamic, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a possible romance, or that it’s not good. 
Avery and Jameson aren’t the exact same person, but they understand each other, which allows them to be in sync and know what the other is thinking without them needing to speak. They know when the other needs them to step back, or distract them, or to pursue a clue or a thrilling experience. They find the same things in life exciting, and they operate on the same wavelength, so to speak. Yes, this would make for a great friendship, but it also makes for a great romantic relationship, because you know each other and can appreciate the same things and enjoy things together. 
Stefan and Elena work so well together for a lot of reasons but part of it is because they’re both extremely selfless, so they can respect each other’s choices and also give the other person a chance to be put first, something they don’t experience a lot elsewhere.
Gina and EJ are different people but they both have a drive to succeed, they’re both ambitious, they’re both willing to go to shady lengths to accomplish their goals (talking about season 1 in that regard), which is why they’re able to connect. They can see the good and the bad that they share, and it helps them to better accept themselves. 
Which is one thing I’ve come to love about relationships with similar characters (idk what this is officially called. Same attracts?): The characters learn to accept their own flaws as they accept the flaws of the person they love. It’s so good guys. 
Also, it’s worth noting: in a lot of opposites attract scenarios, the characters don’t actually have that much common ground, and if we were to see their relationship play out past the end credits or final chapter, we’d see their interactions slowly fall apart. Because if they’re too opposite, then their goals and interests will take them down separate paths. 
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yasmini24 · 3 years
Ive never watched a single high school musical related thing in my entire life but all your posts have low-key gotten me invested in portwell????
they just have such a good bond. enemies to lovers style. actually, enemies to resentful allies to friends to besties to lovers (sounds like another ship of ours...👀)
they're always there for each other (👀). airports and risotto are their thing. they belong in a 2000s romcom.
their love is so pure.
the thing is, they were the antagonists in season 1 but they had redemption arcs and they've become the best people they could be. their ambition is actually inspiring tho??? gina works to get to the top and so does ej.
EJ is a three season varsity athlete, captain of the water polo team, theater club member, 4.3 GPA AND class treasurer. THE TALENT AND AMBITION-.
Gina is the definition of talented. she's really smart and can sing, dance, act, choreograph and put up with everyone's bullshit. she knows what she wants and she goes for it!! I really love her.
and that's just them on the surface because they are never reduced to their talents only. they have ✨depth✨
honestly, they're the best couple on this show and they aren't even officially dating YET. they're so developed because their relationship (not neccesarily romantic) started in season one.
I'm actually scared for them because almost every character in this show is in a love triangle. ej and gina are/were in a love triangle that turned into a love square
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yeah...there's also some drama between nini and gina now because of something that happened when nini was somewhere...so they're not very good now
it's a mess I KNOW
but is the drama worth it because of ✨portwell✨?
because they are amazing.
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momo-de-avis · 3 years
oi ana, desculpa isto vai soar super aleatório mas estou com uma dúvida e talvez me consigas esclarecer. acabei de ver uma pessoa que sigo no insta a postar stories em português onde coloca X em verbos do tipo, "veremxs", "seremxs", "somxs" e por aí, e eu estou só a tentar entender a lógica disso?? que eu saiba o objetivo de colocar um X ou E em certas palavras é de modo a que fiquem gender neutral, logo qual é o sentido em fazer isso com verbos? o "0" nestes verbos não é indicativo de género...certo? não sou a melhor a gramática mas penso que verbos não têm género. por isso ya estou só confusa? nas mesmas stories essa pessoa também colocou o X em palavras como "feministx" o que também não entendo bem pois o "A" em feminista também não é indicativo de género, mas sempre entendo melhor do que com os verbos. enfim isto já está muito longo mas só queria saber a tua opinião nisto i guess!! se as pessoas que te seguem também quiserem dar a sua agradeço porque de facto estou a dar meio em doida com a situação lol (a pessoa em questão é portuguesa btw por isso não está relacionado com não saber a língua)
Não estás doida, essa pessoa é que está tão woke que abriu aí um sétimo.
Vamos lá a ver, primeiro que tudo estás certa. Conjugação de verbos nao reflecte género. Vejamos a frase "Logo a noite veremos um filme" aqui veremos implica um grupo de pessoas q pode ser eu e tu, pode ser um batalhão de militares, pode ser um gangue de xunning do montijo ou até um grupo de babuínos fugido do Badoca Park. literalmente primeira pessoa do plural não é indicativo de género.
E mesmo q fosse uma pessoa indicativa de género, por exemplo a primeira ou segunda, ela não se reflecte no verbo, mas no complemento directo.
"logo a noite tu verás um filme"
Repara como continuamos sem saber se estamos a falar a Gina Lolobrigida, do Jose Socrates ou de alguém não binário. Mas se fosse uma frase tipo
"Tu és meu amigo"
Ya, aqui já reflecte o gênero, e tem a ver com o facto se estes verbos serem transitivos (significa que necessitam de um complementos directo. Faz a coisa desta maneira: se diz "tu és" requer a pergunta "és o quê?" E sempre que requer uma pergunta, o verbo é transitivo.)
Se o verbo é transitivo, requer complemento directo. Nem sempre o género vem especificado nesse complemento directo. Depende da morfologia da frase (e eu entrava em detalhes nisto mas a gramática mudou há anos atrás e eu hoje não sei os nomes das coisas, no meu tempo modificadores chamavam se complementos circunstanciais e daí pra frente já não sei onde estou). Mas isto só pra explicar porque é que um verbo nunca reflecte género, porque é independente do complemento directo, aliás tem de o ser para expressar a sua função sintática (o "somos" aí em cima é copulativo, por exemplo).
Quanto ao outro exemplo, o de feministx...
A língua portuguesa, como língua românica, é binária. Isto quer dizer que não tem neutro. Para isso, quando se quer expressar a ideia de neutro utiliza se como default o masculino. Esta é a regra granatical.
Há palavras que são intrinsecamente masculinas ou femininas e são universalmente utilizadas quer para um género quer para outro. Por vezes, este "género intrínseco" passa despercebido porque a palavra tem um sabor muito neutro. Por exemplo: general. General é, na sua origem, masculino, mas é a palavra utilizada para ambos feminino e masculino. Outro exemplo é capitão, que por esquisito que soe (e acredita que eu sou contra este) é o termo utilizado para ambos homem e mulher (epa não me perguntem porque é que o dicionário nao reconhece CAPITÃ mas a menos q seja uma coisa recente pelos vistos não???)
Feminista é uma dessas palavras. Eu não consigo pensar, por muito neurónio que queime, o que é que essa pessoa estava a tentar implicar quando colocou o x no final da palavra. Feministo??? Feministe??? Porque genuinamente não há outra forma de dizer a palavra??? Feminista é como se diz. Um homem é feminista. Uma mulher também é feminista. Uma pessoa não binária é feminista. Não altera o género do sujeito indicado na frase porque apesar da palavra ter um género intrínseco ela adapta se ao valor da propria frase.
Com isto o q quero dizer é que ei tenho pouco tempo na vida para pessoal que é fake woke com essas merdas. Há genuinamente debates interessantes a ter na nossa língua a respeito da identidade de genero de pessoas transgénero e malta não binária que o agressivo binarismo da língua portuguesa nao responde. Mas por X a toa em verbos ao demonstra que se calhar essa pessoa devia ter prestado mais atenção as aulas de português em vez de sacar lutas do cu que estao a atirar areia para os olhos de quem realmente precisa de aliados em tipo, debates sérios.
Fica descansada, anon, não estás louca!
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larentsbr · 3 years
Pra você Anna é sobre o que? Você acredita nesse lance que falam que ele teve com a Towens (não sei como escreve). Pra você é um stunt song?
Amg a pergunta que enviei é sobre Carolina, escrevi errado.
então, eu acho que a narrativa de one night stand com a Townes é stunt. Eu acho que eles tem um acordo, sei lá, que precisa ter pelo menos uma música que fala de um relacionamento hétero e no caso de fine line é cherry. E depois foi descoberto que a Townes é amiga de Cam Azoff, então essa narrativa foi utilizada para esconder o verdadeiro significado.
Vamos começar que a letra original não tinha Townes e sim Town [ cidade ] e o Harry sublinhou duas vezes ainda por cima.
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tw//cw// drogas
Eu estarei basicamente traduzindo esse post da gina, então os créditos são dela.
link original em inglês: x
Eu acho que a música tem uma alusão a cocaína.
Assim como "Mary Jane's last dance" de Tom Petty (mary jane = marijuana = maconha) e nessa música conta a história da maconha disfarçada como se fosse para uma garota.
E também a similaridade com a música "Two Girls" de Townes Van Zandt. Townes é famoso por cantar músicas sobre cocaína -> No mesmo álbum que Two Girls, ele fez um cover de uma música de 1944 chamada Cocaine Blues. Além disso, Jonny Cash fez cover de Cocaine Blues mais tarde, mas antes disso, em 1975, ele lançou em seu álbum a música chamada Cocaine Carolina.
- paralelos:
she grew up in an Indiana town - Mary Jane's Last Dance
[ela cresceu na cidade de indiana]
she's got a family in Carolina - Carolina
[ela tem família em Carolina]
you got to swin before you fly - Two Girls
[você tem que nadar antes de voar]
Townes, better swim before you drown - Carolina
[Townes, é melhor você nadar antes de se afogar]
A letra de "carolina" descreve como se fosse uma garota - exemplos de músicas acima. Nesse caso é sobre algo que as pessoas consideram maravilhoso e é universalmente desejado, que está sempre em todas as festas.
Gets into parties without invitations
[Vai à festas sem precisar de convites]
É uma droga, ainda mais ilegal. Simplesmente chega e acontece. Uma pessoa, que seria o contato, vai chegando e vai passando para quem vier. Não existe de fato um controle com quem entra.
How could ever turn her down?
[Como eu poderia negar?]
São feitos muitos estudos falando que assim que experimenta uma vez, é muito difícil não querer de novo. O efeito principal da cocaína é a euforia. Nesse caso seria "como negar algo que me deixa eufórico/vivo?"
There's not a drink that I think could sink her
[Não tem uma bebida que me faça não me afogar nela]
Cocaína tem o efeito contrário do álcool.
A cocaína te faz ficar eufórico, aumento de atenção e energia, o coração fica acelerado. Mas assim que passa o efeito, pode ser observado paranoia, depressão e ansiedade, e é aí que vem a parte de afogar, como se estivesse perdido e em um ponto extremo de infelicidade que a bebida não traz.
How would I tell her that she's all I think about?
[Como posso dizer a ela que a única coisa que penso é ela?]
Ele está se referindo ao vício e como que só uma vez utilizando as pessoas ficam viciadas.
não estou falando que o harry usou, artistas podem escrever sobre experiências de outras pessoas!!
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joysmercer · 5 years
b99 season 6: a timeline
E1 (“HONEYMOON”): Tuesday, 5/15 - Tuesday, 5/29/2018 
First day of Jake and Amy’s Holt-less honeymoon – Wednesday, 5/23, which also happens to be the date Jake was originally planning to propose on (x)
E2 (“HITCHCOCK AND SCULLY”): Wednesday, 5/30/2018 E3 (“THE TATTLER”): Thursday, 5/31/2018
E4 (“FOUR MOVEMENTS”): Friday, 6/1 - Friday, 6/22/2018
Jake’s Birthday – sometime between 6/18-6/20 
E5 (“A TALE OF TWO BANDITS”): Day 1 – Day 2 2018 (?)
Gas Explosion on Halloween – Wednesday, 10/31/2018
The Santiago’s visit for Thanksgiving – Thursday, 11/22/2018
Secret Santa, hosted by Jake and Amy – around Tuesday, 12/25/2018
The Coldest Night of the Year – Sunday, 1/6/2019
E6 (“THE CRIME SCENE”): Monday, 1/7 – Sunday, 3/10/2019
Amy punches Jake – Wednesday, 2/27/2019
E7 (“HONEYPOT”): Wednesday, 3/13/2019 – Sunday, 3/17/2019 E8 (“HE SAID, SHE SAID”):  Monday, 3/18 - Friday, 3/22/2019 E9 (“THE GOLDEN CHILD”): Monday, 3/25 - Wednesday, 3/27/2019 E10 (“GINTARS”): Saturday, 3/30 - Tuesday, 4/2/2019 E11 (“THE THERAPIST”):  Monday, 4/8 - Wednesday, 4/10/2019
E12 (“CASECATION”):  Friday, 4/19/2019
Waterpark – Saturday, 4/20 - Wednesday, 4/24/2019
E13 (“THE BIMBO”): Thursday, 4/25 - Sunday, 4/28/2019 
B-Plot ends – Tuesday, 4/30/2019
E14 (“TICKING CLOCKS”): Wednesday, 5/1/2019 E15 (“RETURN OF THE KING”):  Thursday, 5/2 - Saturday, 5/4/2019 E16 (“CINCO DE MAYO”): Sunday, 5/5/2019
E17/18 (“SICKO & SUICIDE SQUAD”): Wednesday, 5/8 – Wednesday, 5/15/2019*
* if 7x01 begins right where 6x18 left off, Season 7 will probably open on Jake and Amy’s actual wedding anniversary. Cheers!
explanations for the dates are under the cut!
Things to keep in mind:
The B/C-plots, for the most part, are not included in the calculation of the times here, because they rarely line up with the A-plot. For example, it’s unlikely that Terry spent more than a few days unable to have enough confidence to make decisions in “Honeymoon,” let alone a few weeks.
I didn’t take weekends into consideration unless otherwise noted. There is a weekend squad, but we know that the regular detectives also sometimes work weekends (enough so that on more than one occasion, Holt has rewarded them with “weekends off”). 
Time-stamps within the episode are used as guidelines, but not always as the rule, unless there is a specific number of days given.
Jake’s birthday is somewhere between 5/21 and 6/20, so the one that Gina missed (referenced in “Return of the King”) had to have been the 2018 one, which means that Gina had to be out of the office before 6/24 (the Sunday after 6/20) – hence why the first 4 episodes are all squeezed together.
E1 (“HONEYMOON”): Tuesday, 5/15 - Tuesday, 5/29/2018
The first post-cold-open scene probably happens on Thursday, 5/17: Gina says that Holt is taking “another personal day,” implying that he was gone at least one day after the wedding. 
Jake and Amy reach Mexico two days later after, so Saturday, 5/19. Based on dialogue / events they attend / shirt changes, Holt leaves on Tuesday, 5/22. Jake and Amy’s extension begins the next day, 5/23. They are back at work “one week” after Holt leaves, so Tuesday, 5/29 (it could also be Monday 5/28, but it doesn’t really matter because the start date of 6x04 is locked in on a Friday anyway, so might as well give them a full week.)
Continuity Problem: “Captain Holt is at a 49 & improving 8.6% per day” implies that the first scene takes place ~5-6 days after the cold-open, but given Holt’s lack of usual Holt-ness the rest of the episode, we can assume his calculations are off. 
Continuity Problem: Amy says that “This is the first time all week” Holt has left them alone, but based on the activities they’ve shown, he’s really only been tagging around with them for, like, 4 days. I’m using the shorter version because 6x04 has to end as early as possible.
E2 (“HITCHCOCK AND SCULLY”): Wednesday, 5/30/2018
Jake is wearing a different shirt here than he was wearing in 6x01. So, the earliest that 6x02 can take place is Wednesday, 5/30. 
E3 (“THE TATTLER”): Thursday, 5/31/2018
The next day. It’s a bit odd to have a reunion on a Thursday, but roll with it.
E4 (“FOUR MOVEMENTS”): Friday, 6/1 - Friday, 6/22/2018
Like I said before, because of Jake’s canonical birthday, Gina has to be out of the office before 6/24.
Gina gives her two-week notice in the cold-open. 
She stays back Monday-Friday the week after she’s supposed to have left, implying that her official last day was a Friday (assuming that the squad had the weekend off after the Gina-rama festivities, and, of course, she meant exactly 2 weeks). Therefore, she gives her two-week notice on 6/1, her official last day is 6/15, She leaves 6/21, and the episode ends on 6/22.
This timeline locks Jake’s birthday in to the very end of Gemini season, between 6/18-6/20 (with his birthday drinks being the weekend after). Either that, or he (for whatever reason) decided to hold his celebrations a week or more after the actual day.
E5 (“A TALE OF TWO BANDITS”): Day 1 – Day 2 2018
I literally have no idea when this is supposed to happen, except that Day 1 happens on the same day as some kid’s Bar Mitzvah (so probably over the weekend) and the whole thing takes place before Christmas (Trudy says “see you at Christmas!” at the end).
It’s probably also before Halloween/Thanksgiving (so over the summer/early fall) because those events + the holiday season happen pretty close together and we would have probably gotten some indication of those dates approaching during the episode otherwise. 
E6 (“THE CRIME SCENE”): Monday, 1/7 – Sunday, 3/10/2019
The murder happens on a Sunday, so Day 1 is a Monday. 
Day 51: the briefing room shows 2019 monthly stats on the board, indicating that we’ve officially gotten to the new year, and it’s already February (or later)…
Since it has to be February by the time Day 51 rolls around and Day 1 is a Monday, the episode can start on either December 17, Christmas Eve, New Year’s Eve, or January 7. 
December 17 as a start date means that they were working straight through the holidays, which seems unlikely. Christmas/NY Eve as start dates are also unlikely, for obvious reasons. Therefore, Day 1 is Monday, January 7 (and Day 51 is 2/26/2019).
Day 52: Amy punches Jake – 2/27/2019
The Episode takes 8 weeks, 6 days (56 days + “one week later”): the episode ends 3/10/2019.
E7 (“HONEYPOT”): Wednesday, 3/13/2019 – Sunday, 3/17/2019
The episode starts with Jake saying, “this is the third secretary you’ve fired in 3 days,” which indicates that it’s been at least 3 days since the end of 6x06.
E8 (“HE SAID, SHE SAID”): Monday, 3/18 - Friday, 3/22/2019
Day 1: start case
Days 2-4: amy working nonstop; Beefer gives text messages
Day 5: final 2 scenes
Everything has to happen on a weekday because the office that they’re investigating is open throughout.
Continuity Problem: Amy has 3 weeks off; she’s caught up on her paperwork (by which the show meant that she really had no Sergeant duties), and it’s unlikely that Holt would let her sit around and do nothing for that amount of time. However, things always come up unexpectedly, and she’s not doing much anyway in E9-10.
E9 (“THE GOLDEN CHILD”): Monday, 3/25 - Wednesday, 3/27/2019
E10 (“GINTARS”): Saturday, 3/30 - Tuesday, 4/2/2019
Nikolaj probably isn’t in school during this time, at least in the beginning.
E11 (“THE THERAPIST”):  Monday, 4/8 - Wednesday, 4/10/2019
As per the B/C-plots, and the fact that therapists probably don’t schedule appointments on the weekends unless absolutely necessary, all of this had to have happened on a weekday.
E12 (“CASECATION”):  Friday, 4/19/2019
The earliest this could occur is 4/17; otherwise, it’s illogical to say “our anniversary is coming up.”  It’s also been “almost a month” since 6x09 (when they last “hung out”).
I made it a Friday so they could take “next week off” without having to go back to work first. 
E13 (“THE BIMBO”): Thursday, 4/25 - Sunday, 4/28/2019
Continuity Problem: 
The B-plot takes 6 days (5 tallies on the whiteboard, plus 1 more where Amy’s squad tells her to stop competing for lunchtime greatness), which poses some…problems. 
Four of these happen at the same time as the A-plot; two are unaccounted for. However, there aren’t enough days left if Jake and Amy come back from their week off on Monday, 4/29 like they’re supposed to. The latest date they could conceivably come back to work (which would also serve as the first day for the episode) is Saturday, 4/27.
There were three choices here: 
Jake and Amy return on Saturday, 4/27. The A-plot lasts until 4/30. The two “remaining” days for the B-plot occur at the same time as “Ticking Clocks” (5/1) and “Return of the King” (5/2). 
Jake and Amy return on Friday, 4/26. The A-plot lasts until 4/29. 1 remaining day occurs on the “Free Day” of 4/30, and the other happens at the same time as “Ticking Clocks,” on 5/1. 
Jake and Amy return on Thursday, 4/25. The A-plot lasts until 4/28. Both remaining days occur on the “Free Days” of 4/29 and 4/30.
Logistically, it wouldn’t make sense for one of the remaining days to happen during 6x15: Terry would have to a) randomly change his shirt multiple times/day for some reason, and b) comes back to the Precinct more times than shown while dealing with Gina’s problem. Option 1 doesn’t work.
Amy’s dentist appointment is the morning of 6x14, and the last day of “The Bimbo” is 9:07am-lunchtime, so Option 2 doesn’t work either.
Therefore, Jake and Amy start work again on Thursday and The B-plot continues into the afternoon of 4/30. I mean, do you really need a whole week at the waterpark anyway?
(why was the heist on Cinco de Mayo, instead of, like, anything in June. why)
E14 (“TICKING CLOCKS”): Wednesday, 5/1/2019
E15 (“RETURN OF THE KING”):  Thursday, 5/2 - Saturday, 5/4/2019
Day 1 is a weekday – Gina has a business meeting on this day.
Continuity Problem: Jake tells Gina that she’s been blowing him off for “the last few months,” but it’s been much longer than just a few months.
Continuity Problem: The B-plot supposedly takes place on Mariano Rivera’s birthday, which is actually in November.
E16 (“CINCO DE MAYO”): Sunday, 5/5/2019
E17/18 (“SICKO & SUICIDE SQUAD”): Wednesday, 5/8 – Wednesday, 5/15/2019
Day 3 is a Friday (at least, that’s what CJ says in his video). Considering that Terry is only just receiving his Lieutenant’s package, the finale probably occurs right after 6x16.
The episode takes 7 days (until 5/14); I’m assuming that the final scene of Holt as a Patrol Cop occurs the day after, or 5/15/2019. This should also be when the first scene of 7x01 happens. Happy anniversary, Jake and Amy! 
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joasinacio · 5 years
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Mão Forte | "O céu é teu, tua é a terra; fundaste o mundo e tudo o que nele existe. ... Tens o braço cheio de poder, a mão forte, a destra sempre erguida. A justiça e o direito são as bases de teu trono; amor e fidelidade precedem a tua passagem. Como é feliz o povo que aprendeu a honrar-te, SENHOR, e que se deixa conduzir pela maravilhosa luz de tua presença!" (Salmos 89.11-15) Céus e Terra são do Criador (Sl 24.1,2; 33.5; 50.10-12), tudo existe para a Sua glória. Se você serve a esse Deus tão poderoso não há nada que possa te atemorizar. Ele tem o domínio de tudo e isso inclui aquilo que te aflige. Ele ergue Sua Destra Forte, Seu Braço estendido contra o inimigo que te afronta, assim como foi com Seu povo na saída do Egito, Ele prometeu que os livraria (Êx 6.6) e cumpriu a promessa, por isso eles dão testemunho de Sua fidelidade: "Gritamos então a Yahweh, Deus dos nossos pais; o Eterno ouviu a nossa voz: observou a nossa miséria, nosso sofrimento e nossa contínua opressão. E o SENHOR nos fez sair do Egito com mão poderosa e braço forte, em meio a grande espanto e pavor, com sinais maravilhosos e prodígios." (Dt 26.7,8) Você pode confiar nesse Deus bondoso que tem a justiça e o juízo como bases de governo e o amor e a fidelidade como arautos reais. Por @Joas.Adecc (#SoliDeoGloria) 📖#ClarearDiario #Devocional #TodoDia #encorajamento #Sabedoria #misericórdia #bondade #justiça #confiança #juizo #amor #fidelidade #destra Abençoe alguém com essa palavra! Marque ele nos comentários . 🔄Compartilhe🔄 ▶Recomendem nossa página !🙏💕 ▶SIGAM: @clareardiario ⬅⬅⬅ __ Recomendamos👇❤ @somdavidakids @meu_paodiario @projetosemeadores @seja_um_amigo @adcaratinga @ibafec https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt5ochnn0t_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2b5xcj0yv2yg
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indigosepiacarmine · 6 years
thoughts on annihilation (2018)
so i just watched annihilation after reading the first and second books in the Southern Reach (haven’t yet started the third but I’m going to)
and it was kind of a wild ride from start to finish like almost nothing in the movie happened in the book and almost nothing in the book happened in the movie. (tons of spoilers ahead, so be warned)
It’s practically not the same story at all, like it is really only loosely based on the book which I guess was Alex Garland’s ~~Vision~~ to tell His Own Story or whatever but if you’re looking for an adaptation of the book, this isn’t it. It takes place in the same universe, with some of the same characters, but that’s basically where the similarities end.
 The characterization of Portman’s character, the biologist, is Totally different from how she is characterized in the book. For starters, Vandermeer is very particular in the first book to give little to no visual description of any of the characters, but within the first few chapters of the second book we are treated to deliberate visual descriptions of basically every character. The Biologist is Asian and the role should have been given to an Asian actress!!!! The Psychologist is half Native American and this role also should have been given to an appropriate actress!!!
Also Oscar Isaac could have made a perfect Control but instead was cast as the Biologist’s husband. (And the movie basically ends in a way that precludes them making any further adaptations of the series, so there’s that) Speaking of which, the movie dwells on the Biologist’s relationship to her husband and has her cheating on him and this whole overwrought romance thing where in the book her relationship to him takes much more of a back seat to the other stuff that’s going on.
I also take issue with other aspects of Lena the Biologist’s characterization. (first off everybody was given names which I guess is somewhat necessary in a movie but I would have appreciated if they hadn’t given everyone names in coherence with the book) They turned her into a cell biologist professor at Johns fucking Hopkins teaching a bunch of preMed students about cell division!!!!! Where is the beautiful, angry, lonely Ghost Bird Biologist I fell in love with, who sees universes in starfish and overgrown swimming pools, who is her own impenetrable ecosystem and who embraces the weirdness and alien-ness and unknowable transformative power of Area X????? Gone, I guess.
All of these changes I guess were made to make the movie and story more palatable to a general audience, but I really don’t know why they wouldn’t take the story and make something that actually pays homage to the book.
What could have been:
Casting some Asian actress for whom this could have been a groundbreaking role, who would get to play a woman in a field that I have never seen represented faithfully in film, who could have played a woman who is complicated, angry, isolated, misunderstood, and who is one of the more compelling female characters I have ever encountered
Casting a Native American actress, also for whom this might have been a groundbreaking role
I take no issue with casting Gina Rodriguez and Tessa Thompson, but I wish that there had been even more development of their characters in lieu of so much handwringing on the biologist’s relationship to her husband. The characterization of Gina (the only latinx character other than Oscar Isaac and the only openly queer character in the movie) as the most aggressive and unstable had me feeling Some Kind of Way, but queer woc could probably speak to that better than I could here. I wish Tessa Thompson’s character had gotten more screentime and we got to see her character developed in a more satisfying way. Ultimately, I thought her submission to Area X was more akin to how the Biologist felt in the book. Also--none of the professions are the same except for the Biologist and the Psychologist--Rodriguez’s character seemed more like the Surveyor than Thompson’s role as the geomorphologist? Their roles weren’t important in any way which is kind of bullshit considering their roles literally Define them in the book. 
The change in professions and the choice to make the movie much more about violence and aggression was an interesting choice, and not one I think I really agree with. It seemed like everyone had a military background.
Area X is dangerous, violent even, but its violence is of a subtler sort than a bunch of monsters jumping out of dark places and eating people’s faces off (this said, the bear scene was truly chilling, and really felt like something from Area X)
There are tons of things I wish had been portrayed in the movie that didn’t get shown, including the Tower, the journals, the Crawler, the writing on the walls, and the Biologist didn’t even get infected with the Brightness! She basically got off scott free as far as we can tell, and destroyed Area X by just giving a grenade to her doppleganger! Problem Solved!! Everyone go home now, I guess
All in all, the movie left me feeling weird and ultimately kind of disappointed. I don’t know if I can yet judge it for what it is as a standalone piece of work, but as an adaptation of the book Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer it fails on almost every count, and I would say the book is the much stronger story, all things considered. 
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