#Nocturne is acting as Team Phantom’s ghost parent
puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 281
I had a wonderful Ghosts are Dragons idea thanks to @fairy-lights-and-blobs 
Nocturne, the great feathered wyvern of dreams, son of Morpheous, created of the sands of dreams itself, might be a bit, oh what’s the word, stumped. He had been twisting through the smog of the living world, and honestly should have been unseen. Keyword being should. 
There’s a tiny? Hatchling? Growling at him when he slips into a warehouse, having been searching for a… misplaced item. And he says it with a question mark because? This is a hatchling, he knows his own senses, but they’re also… seemingly stuck in a human form. 
Dear Dreams, this is worse than how Phantom was- and he had been so injured from too much ecto at formation, even for a baby Primordial, that… Ugh, Nocturne wants to slam his horns against the ground repeatedly. 
Alright tiny red hatchling, let him just scoop you up aaand… alright, off to the Zone to see doctors, because really, he wasn’t expecting to get another child, but he’s also not going to just leave the equivalent of a chronically sick toddler!
Jason, currently Red Hood? No clue what the Fuck is happening, he just got kidnapped by an overgrown owl-lizard thing! And his comms are out and genuinely what the fuck-
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snackleggg · 3 years
Rebirth of an Era AU
The ghost zone is sentient and treats all ectoplasmic creatures as her children. Every couple thousand years she will pick a few Spirit born (ghosts that didnt have a previous life) to be incarnated as living creatures (something something about a deal with her sister that is the material world) for a few decades of life before returning to the infinite realms upon their deaths.
This time around she decides to give some of her eldest a vacation and Nocturn, Pandora, and Clockwork all get incarnated as humans, also Pariah Dark, she wants to give him some sort of a chance to prove that he can still come back from the darkness he has fallen into and living amongst humanity might do it.
So the three Ancients (plus one dictator) are humans and have no recollection of their life as ghosts. Nocturn, Pandora, and Clockwork ended up (totally by chance and not at all because the infinite realms asked their sister not to separate them in life) adopted siblings under the same parents. Clockwork is the oldest, then Nocturn, then Pandora.
Also incarnated Pariah Dark is their neighbor. Did I mention that they live in Amity Park? And that they are all the same age as Danny and Co?
What to expect from this au?:
Three other members of team Phantom as the Ancients figure out the half ghost thing pretty quick after Danny's accident
Clockwork and Jazz motherhenning this gaggle of children as the oldest (friendship with parent Clockwork has ended, concerned older brother Clockwork is now my best friend)
The Ancients getting a suspicious number of assumptions about ghosts right but nobody really bats that much of an eye.
Pariah Dark noticing something is off and working with Wes.
Vlad being suspicious(TM) of these three teenagers that act a little like some primordial beings he has heard about.
Nocturn and Tucker bonding over video games, cue Nocyurn falling asleep anywhere and everywhere because he was up all night okay DOOMED with Tucker and refuses to drink coffee
Pandora and Sam bonding over being badass fighters with strong opinions (that usually align pretty well)
Pandora being sporty as hell and beating ghosts up with her bare hands while Nocturn is just passed out face down on the pavement and Clockwork is dragging Danny away from danger("She has it covered" "I can fight!" "No, you are a tiny bean that looks like a strong wind could knock you over. No fights, not until you can actually control your powers")
Also maybe just maybe some Dark Ages content
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dpjustified · 5 years
Bingo #4
(disclaimer: fanfic not headcanon)
(#4 Themes: Identity Reveal, Danny Goes to Space, Wes Weston, and Dual Obsession/Space AU mention)
His secret was out to the world alright, he was sure of it. But somehow, when he woke up the next morning, even his parents didn’t remember there was an asteroid in the first place. The only thing different was a mysterious machine in Antarctica had appeared overnight, and there was a strange conspiracy going around about ghosts being aliens.
Either way, after thinking about it, he was much better off without worldwide attention. He was having a hard time living normally with just four people knowing his secret, namely his sister, his best friend and girlfriend, and Valerie.
And after confirming with him, they too were confused that no one seemed to remember.
“I’m telling you guys,” they heard Wes, a kid one grade ahead of them that was on the Casper High Basketball team. “That nerd kid Danny Fenton is actually Danny Phantom.”
“Him? Are you getting high again, Wes. Lay off the munchies.”
“It’s not...” He spotted Danny and rushed over to him. “Hey, kid, tell them the truth!”
“Uh.” Danny didn’t know what to say, but he wondered why this guy remembered when no one else did. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Wes’s friends laughed and went off.
“Just great!” Wes tore off his baseball cap and threw it down. “You made me look like a complete idiot. Why does no one see it?”
“Do you remember the meteorite?” Tucker asked, and Sam leaned in.
“Meteorite? What meteorite.”
“Why do you think he’s Phantom then?” Sam added.
“I’ve seen it...I’ve seen you transform. That day when the ghost came into the gym. I’ve done a lot of research. My friends won’t believe me! You’re an alien, right?”
“Since when are ghosts aliens?” Danny said. He couldn’t believe this guy.
Wes pulled out a book titled “Aliens are Coming: The Conspiracy No One Wants You to Know.”
“It says here that after the world is exposed to ecto-cosmic radiation, it will use the memories from this event to power some kind of device that primes this planet for takeover. You know, that machine in the Arctic?”
“That thing? That was just for making the earth intang- I mean-”
“You see? You know what it’s for! You really are Phantom, aren’t you?”
“Look Wes, can you promise to keep a secret? I can’t exactly protect this town with fans going crazy on me.”
“You...you’re really.”
Danny flashed his eyes green briefly. “Yep, congratulations.”
“I was right? I was right!”
“You’re loud,” Sam said, putting a hand on Wes’ shoulder.
Tucker loomed over him - well, as best as he could since Wes was at least 6 feet tall. “Now that you’re in on it, you have to hang with us now. And any blabbing will get you sent straight to a ghostly prison.”
“G-ghost prison?” Wes said.
Danny was sure they were enjoying intimidating one of the popular kids.
A week later, they had gotten to know Wes a bit more, as well as some of his wild theories on aliens.
“I think they kidnapped Mayor Masters,” Wes said over fries. “Don’t you think so? Why else would he have disappeared. Plus, with that meteorite you guys said everyone forgot about, our memories have probably been absorbed and somehow you guys were protected.”
“Maybe it’s because we sleep with these Fenton Headphones?” Tucker said, showing off the device from his pocket. The three of them made it a habit ever since Ember’s mind control messed with their heads, but slacked off until Nocturne’s takeover.
“...Can I have some? They might prevent the aliens from getting inside my head.”
“Right,” Sam said, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure Danny’s parents would love to make you some for the low price of $39.99, tax not included.”
“Take my money!” Wes took out his wallet.
“Hold up there,” Danny said. “Money can wait. Anyway, I kind of am worried about Vlad. You know, this whole time he was acting kind of...erratic up till the meteorite.”
“He must have been controlled by the aliens to bring down the meteorite!” Wes insisted.
“That idea’s totally not out there,” Tucker said, before taking another bite of his burger.
“He must be in space. Danny, let’s go look for him.”
“You said you were worried about the old fruit loop,” Sam said, prodding him with an elbow. “Go ahead on a little space trip. I won’t miss you too much. We can talk through the coms anyway.”
Tucker added, “I can update that space ship your dad used last time with a wider space map and get it hooked up to our system. We’ll guide you from down here.”
Danny smiled a bit. He still had his astronaut helmet in his room.
Here we go again, Houston!
On Saturday, Danny and Wes flew up to the rock Vlad was apparently abandoned on. There were signs of a struggle, and a picture of Maddie left behind.
“He was taken after all!” Wes cried from the ship, viewing from the camera attached to Danny’s space helmet. Danny flew out and picked up the picture. Surprisingly this rock was big enough to have a gravitational pull. On the back of the picture there was a hastily scribbled note.
“Daniel, if you’re seeing this...I was wrong. I have a tracker. Please, save me, if you have a heart.” Hidden in the corner of the frame was a memory card.
Always pulling the purse strings. Why do I care about this guy anyway?
It wasn’t just that he pitied him, but he knew that Vlad wasn’t all evil, even though he said he was.
“Rescue mission!” Wes cried out like a mantra.
“Space! Trip!” Tucker cried from over the com.
“As long as you’re back by Monday?” Sam added. “And besides, you can use some blackmail on Vlad, and he’ll owe you big time if you save his butt.”
“Okay fine,” Danny said, flying back to the ship. “We’ve gotta try to get back by Monday. Wes, did I ever tell you how much I like space? Oh, this is gonna be great.”
He was excited already. He couldn’t wait to use the ship’s features to take pictures of the asteroids. But what about the Milky Way? What would he do if he saw a black hole? He wondered if they led to the Ghost Zone or let him time travel.
Tucker poked fun at him over the intercom. “Did you switch to space mode again? Come on, I like Super Danny. Hero Danny. Stop it with the glittery space mode.”
“I don’t sparkle like a vampire when I think about space, I have acne, not freckles, and I don’t have an obsession! Let alone two.” Danny yelled.
“Ow, loud,” said Sam.
Tucker didn’t know when to quit. “Don’t you have three? One being this lovely lady over here.”
“Ghosts have obsessions?” said Wes, interested.
“Not me, at any rate! It’s just a joke Tucker likes to pull on me,” Danny said. “I’m kicking your butt when I get back, Tucker.”
“But I’ve gotten faster at running...” Tucker chided. “Ow!”
“I kicked his butt for you, so get a move on!” Sam said.
“Love you too,“ Danny said, then sat back down in the pilot seat.
Wes pulled out his mp3 player and played “The Final Countdown”.
“Now we’re talkin’!” Danny exclaimed while Wes started jamming out. He inserted the memory card and the system drew up a navigation plan. Apparently it would take them a day to fly to Vlad’s location, wherever he was. And if Wes was right, they might would run into aliens.
Who cares. Space Trip.
They then blasted off to who knows where.
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