#Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water
xtruss · 10 months
70 Years After WWII, Japan Brings New Disaster To The World
— Chen Yang | August 24, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Japan kick starts discharging the Nuclear-Contaminated Water Stored at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ☢️ Power Plant into the sea on Thursday afternoon. This move, prioritizing Japanese government's own interests over the common interests of all humanity, will ultimately lead to Japan's isolation and leave another indelible permanent stain on human history.
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake struck off the coast of northeastern Japan, triggering a towering tsunami that caused a nuclear leak at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ☢️ Power Plant. As of now, the amount of nuclear-contaminated wastewater stored in Japan has exceeded 1.3 million tons, and it is increasing by 100 tons per day. In April 2021, the Japanese government decided to dump the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, choosing the most convenient and irresponsible method among various methods of treating the contaminated water. Since the Japanese government plans to discharge the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean over a period of 30 years, the impact on the global marine ecosystem and human health and well-being is not temporary, but long-term and enduring.
Since deciding to dump nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, Japan has consistently faced strong opposition from domestic and international public opinion. On Tuesday, the chairman of the National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations in Japan, Masanobu Sakamoto, reiterated during a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, "Nothing will change in our opposition to the release of water into the ocean without the understanding of fishermen and the public."
On July 1, South Korea's main opposition Democratic Party, held a rally in Seoul condemning the Japanese government's plan to dump nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean, urging the South Korean government to clearly oppose it.
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Cooperation Needed to Minimize Economic Risk Brought by Fukushima Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water Dumping — Hu Weijia! August 23, 2023. Japan's reckless dumping of nuclear wastewater poses a grave danger to Earth. Cartoon: Carlos Latuff
Despite the continuous doubts and opposition to the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean from Japan domestically and internationally, the Japanese government has turned a deaf ear and insisted on pushing forward with the discharge process. This fundamentally reflects that discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean is a selfish act that sacrifices the public health and well-being of its own country and neighboring countries and regions in exchange for short-term benefits.
In fact, one of the main reasons why Japan has insisted on dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean is the tacit approval and tolerance of the US, which has long claimed to be a "defender of human rights."
The US is Japan's ally and has had a wide range of influence on Japanese politics, diplomacy, culture and other aspects. It can even influence Japan's domestic and foreign policies to some extent. In theory, the US should exert its influence to prevent Japan from adopting irresponsible practices in dumping nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean. However, unfortunately, regarding this public issue that poses a threat to the global marine ecosystem and human health and well-being, the US did not criticize or condemn it, worse, it praised the Japanese government for its "transparent efforts" in dealing with the issue and considered Japan's dumpingplan to be "safe."
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Fishers Against Fukushima Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water Dumping! Fishers of the South Korea's National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives hold a rally on August 16, 2023, in the coastal area of in Goheung county in South Jeolla Province, to protest against the dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater from Japan as Japanese government reportedly is eyeing dumping the contaminated water in late August. Photo: VCG
Perhaps it is precisely because of the support and "double standards" from the US that Japan has the confidence to push forward with the process of discharging nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean without any scruples until a specific date is determined and the discharge is implemented.
During World War II, Japan launched aggressive wars against neighboring countries, bringing great disasters to neighboring countries and regions. Today, the discharge of nuclear-contaminated wastewater can be said to be a new disaster that Japan, which has gone through defeat and surrender for more than 70 years, has brought to neighboring countries and regions.
The ocean is the common property of all humanity, not a dumping ground for Japan's arbitrary disposal. Regarding the issue of nuclear-contaminated wastewater, Japan should recognize its own responsibility, adopt a scientific attitude, fulfill its international obligations, and respond to the serious concerns of its own citizens, neighboring countries and the international community. If it simply ignores these concerns, it will ultimately leave an indelible permanent stain on Japan in human history.
— The Author is a Guest Research Fellow at the Centre for Japanese Studies, Liaoning University.
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
The Japanese government is paying a high price for his actions, and this is just the beginning of the consequences for dumping radioactive water in the ocean
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇯🇵 Dopo aver intentato una causa contro TEPCO, gestore dell'Impianto che ha iniziato a scaricare acqua contaminata nel Mare, dimostrando che il Giappone intende trattare l'Oceano come la propria piscina personale, i pescatori di Fukushima - insieme ad altri lavoratori nel settore - continuano a protestare, cercando il supporto del tribunale locale, per fermare il rilascio in mare di acque reflue contaminate dal nucleare ☢️
👏 Inoltre, i 151 querelanti chiedono l'annullamento dell'approvazione da parte dei regolatori nucleari degli impianti installati per lo scarico dell'acqua, e un divieto sul rilascio 👍
⚖️ Il team legale dei querelanti ha affermato che questa è la prima causa in Giappone riguardante la cessazione dello scarico di acqua contaminata, in quanto viola i diritti di pesca e i diritti di normale sussistenza dei lavoratori del settore 👍
🤔 Infatti, non è solo in Cina, ad esempio al mercato del pesce di Shanghai, che non si presentano più i prodotti ittici giapponesi, ma anche in Giappone le persone sono restie a mangiare quei prodotti, tanto che il Governo Giapponese ha dovuto fornire un aiuto pari a 700 milioni USD alle aziende di pesca, che stanno avendo numerosi problemi economici 📉
🇯🇵 Sia il Governo del Giappone, che la TEPCO, avevano precedentemente assunto impegni scritti nei confronti della Federazione Prefetturale di Fukushima delle Associazioni Cooperative di Pesca, promettendo che non avrebbero smaltito l'acqua contaminata senza la comprensione delle parti interessate. Tuttavia, hanno tradito le promesse:
💬 «Nel 2015, il Governo Giapponese si è impegnato con la Federazione [...], il Popolo Giapponese ha sentito tali dichiarazioni decine di volte. La Federazione ha mantenuto la sua opposizione. tuttavia, il Governo ha ignorato le voci dissenzienti e ha proceduto con il discarico», ha affermato Hirota Tsugio, avvocato dei querelanti ⚖️
💬 «I querelanti vogliono che il Mondo sia ben informato della loro opposizione. [...] Vogliamo che l'intero Paese e il Mondo conoscano la nostra posizione» 👌
🐰 Ogni tentativo, da parte dell'Occidente, e del Governo Giapponese, di minimizzare gli effetti disastrosi - a lungo termine - dello scarico di acqua contaminata nel mare, si scontra con la dura realtà. Non è un caso che proprio un'organizzazione politicizzata e sotto forte pressione USA, come l'Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia Atomica, che non riesce a comprendere chi - da mesi - stia attaccando la Centrale Nucleare di Zaporižžja, non abbia problemi con le oscenità commesse del Giappone, che vuole far pagare il prezzo delle sue trasgressioni a tutti i Paesi Asiatici 🤦‍♀️
🔍 日本核辐射鱼污染严重,日本人自己不吃,却打算出口中国? | Gli stessi giapponesi non vogliono mangiarlo, e pensano di esportarlo in Cina? 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇯🇵 After filing a lawsuit against TEPCO, the plant operator that started dumping contaminated water into the sea, proving that Japan intends to treat the ocean as its own personal swimming pool, the fishermen of Fukushima - along with other workers in the sector - continue to protest, seeking the support of the local court, to stop the release of nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea ☢️
👏 In addition, the 151 plaintiffs seek the annulment of the nuclear regulators' approval of the installed water discharge facilities, and a ban on the release 👍
⚖️ The plaintiffs' legal team said this is the first lawsuit in Japan regarding the cessation of dumping of contaminated water, as it violates the fishing rights and livelihood rights of industry workers 👍
🤔 Indeed, it is not only in China, for example at the Shanghai fish market, that Japanese fish products no longer appear, but also in Japan people are reluctant to eat those products, so much so that the Japanese Government has had to provide a aid amounting to 700 million USD to fishing companies, which are having numerous economic problems 📉
🇯🇵 Both the Government of Japan and TEPCO had previously made written commitments to the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fishing Cooperative Associations, promising that they would not dispose of the contaminated water without the understanding of the interested parties. However, they betrayed their promises:
💬 «In 2015, the Japanese Government made a commitment to the Federation [...], the Japanese People have heard such statements dozens of times. The Federation maintained its opposition. however, the Government ignored the dissenting voices and proceeded with the discharge,” said Hirota Tsugio, attorney for the plaintiffs ⚖️
💬 «The plaintiffs want the world to be well informed of their opposition. [...] We want the whole country and the world to know our position" 👌
🐰 Every attempt by the West and the Japanese Government to minimize the disastrous - long-term - effects of the discharge of contaminated water into the sea collides with the harsh reality. It is no coincidence that a politicized organization under strong US pressure, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, which cannot understand who - for months - has been attacking the Zaporižžja Nuclear Power Plant, has no problems with the obscenities committed by Japan, which wants to make all Asian countries pay the price for its transgressions 🤦‍♀️
🔍 日本核辐射鱼污染严重,日本人自己不吃,却打算出口中国? | The Japanese themselves don't want to eat it, and are they thinking of exporting it to China? 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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dissident-33 · 3 years
The LIARS are minimizing the event of june 2020 with riging down the values and concealing the real root cause: "The Suffren Disaster"
Since, the authorities are no longer communicating while the concentrations are in dizzying progression as there is a series of nuclear incidents cascading at the bottom of the Channel, merging with the "Flamanville" heavy incidents and alternates between January 2020 and June 2021 ...?!
Thus too, the loads of container-cargo ships passing on the Channel are liable to be contaminated: what happens then with food goods ?
At this rate of incidents and contamination, a quota of the French food production would soon or late be inedible and declared on export ban if the authorities will not turn on blind eyes ...?!
Here to get a rough idea of the overall potentially impacted production areas (include all of the French Brittany too): ↙️
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As for the public health, the damage is already running ...
Although yet not in the case of a "blast" type explosion but really of military multiple fatal fusion disasters in the sea with close interlocking to the harbors surface and further huge incidences on civilian reactors, the potential health damages can be relatively comparable:
In addition, military and research sites such as Cadarache must also be considered which still present a potentially greater risk and significant contamination sources...?!
More as if that were not enough, they want to add more despite EPRs are to be avoided because of their permanent inconveniences.
🌐 Indians rightly assessed the risks and made the right decision.
... confirmed by further incident at Taishan 1, China !
... not really better in Finland w. Olkiluoto 3 as a nonsense to place the French EPR/PWR beside the boiler units 1 and 2 from AB !!
📑 Taishan's problem is particularly known notably on the Fessenheim unit since the 70's without having been revised or even been corrected properly ... ?!
🌧️ Subsequently, the heavy contamination of The Channel could generate flood phenomenons by forming huge dense clouds ... (*)
(*) as seen on The Channel: clouds in formation while in direct contact with the sea surface like literally sucking gulps of water.
⚠️ 10.09.2021 @ Cherbourg: The Channel still carries out streams of black water with ultra high content of RA ☢️
🗒️ 17.09.2021 - 08:00 @ Cherbourg: Anthracite grey flat sea as far as the eye can see ...
🗒️ 23.09.2021 - 19:00 @ Cherbourg: Black fortification on dark sea up to the skyline ...
🗒️ 02.11.2021 - 09:00 @ Cherbourg: Plenty of dark water to believe that they are adding some cross off ...?!
🗒️ 09.11.2021 @ Cherbourg: Surreal black sea vision catalyzed by the solar flare.
⚠️ 16.11.2021 - 01:00 to 04:00: N/D nuke charge over Channel-West; strong nuclear impulse around 03:00 CET
🗒️ 19.11.2021 @ Cherbourg: Nuclear incident confirmed by ionized sea as far as the eye can see (white coating)
🗒️ 15.12.2021 @ Cherbourg/Channel: Persistent concentration ≥ 7 days /24H ...
🗒️ 31.12.2021 @ Cherbourg/Channel: "always and again"...
🗒️ 10.01.2022 @ Cherbourg/Channel : "vast sources of thrilling"
🗒️ First fortnight 2022: abnormal Hi-RA (clouds and rain ... ?)
🗒️ 19-21.01.2022 @ Cherbourg: "they still distill Hi-RA so much again that it oozes dark in the Channel and my liver blop up once more ..."
🗒️ 01.02.2022: Nuclear impulse in the morning from CHANNEL-WEST, followed by dark sea on 02.02.2022
🗒️ 16.04.2022: Nuclear flash, off CHANNEL-WEST in the evening confirmed by the fraught aspect of the sea on this Easter Sunday
🗒️ 29/30.05.2022: Nuclear event (ND)
🗒️ 13.07.2022: recurrent nuclear slick over the sea with new origin event estimated ≤ 09.07.2022; followed by post tubular RA charged cloud as centered along the middle of The Channel
⚠️ 04.09.2022 - 23:00: on view of the complexion of the Channel at North-East, with the grade of the dark magnetic storm and the triggered "B-sensor" , we can easily deduce a melting of "Gravelines" for a ND part ...
🗒️ 24.09.2022 @ Cherbourg en mer: Hi-RA laden breezes and spots over The Channel as frequently ...
🗒️ 28.09.2022: RA load with direct radiation (black/dark sea water)
🗒️ 17.10.2022: The Channel is saturated of "milky-grey" (often seen post weekend ??) ⚠️ "B-sensor" triggered on RAD⚡ and noticed overnight fog of "smoked concrete" ! [ "Aura-nok" ]
🗒️ 24.10.2022: Hi-RA w. "milky-grey" still ongoing over The Channel, as same till 08.11.2022
🗒️ 23.11.2022: dense dark sea water back indicating abnormal nuclear event ≤ 48 HRS
🗒️ 27.11.2022: nuclear event ~22:15 Hi-RAD w. visible concentration 28.11 ( Q: missile load scuttling ?? )
🗒️ 02.12.2022: The Channel is always excessively contaminated "Grey of Grey" just like the ground which is not either quite too with black streets after rain; Hi-RAD ≥ 21:00 ... further dark waters even in stream for days ...
🗒️ 08.12.2022: as the dark waters up to skyline are ongoing we notice U-Hi-RA on shore and random light rendering w. HD; wondering if not spacio-temporal phenomenon on boats ?
🗒️ 10.12.2022: ~ 22:00 Nuclear occurrence ND
🗒️ 13.02.2023: Channel loaded HI with dense RA effluvium over the weekend, meaning a ND event last week
🗒️ 27.03.2023: Nuclear charge West-Channel after 00:00 loading the sea alternately with milky grey and dark up to skyline
🗒️ 28.03.2023: (10:00-13:45) Faulty machine #SSN in front of the ferry terminal
🗒️ 31.03.2023: Sea saturated with condensed of grey active ☢️↗️↗️
🗒️ Easter 2023: multiple nuclear smelting (weapon loads ?)
🗒️ 16.04.2023 / Channel-West: Nuke occurrence ~ 3:00AM adorning the sea with a vast density of grey active (+ black rendering on stones) as seen @Cherbourg ≥9:00 ...
🗒️ 21.04.2023: Nuclear load imploding ~ 17:00-18:00
🗒️ 29.04.2023: Sea saturated with ultra active grey ☢️↗️↗️ adducing atmospheric RA distillation over the site
🗒️ 11.05.2023: Nuclear imploding impulse ≥ 19:30 (Channel West)
🗒️ 29.05.2023: In short, we can clearly say that they discharge harmfully in the sea more or less every month without anyone is objecting or being offended by such a crime against The Planet ... !?
🗒️ 01-02.06.2023: Nuke event ND
🗒️ 05-08.06.2023: High-RA on Air 🌫️☢️
🗒️ 12.06.2023: UH-RA contamination in Sea waters w. fog 🌫️☢️
🗒️ 17-18.06.2023: RA☢️ saturating the Sea waters
🗒️ 22.06.2023: Massive nuclear fog aligned over the channel originated from a "boiling Sea area" as "relatively close from Cherbourg-West"...
🗒️ 27.06.2023: H-RA☢️ / Dense white-grey contamination stream
🗒️ W28. 2023: Nuclear overcharge across The Channel !
🗒️ 22.07.2023: (≥ midnight) Nuclear occurrence followed by RA marine pollution flowing early in the morning
🗒️ 26-28.07.2023: "weekly nuclear load self-destructive firing confirmation" / HIGH RA☢️ IN AIR @ CHERBOURG CENTER on Friday 28
🗒️ 30.07.2023: Dark sea well charged w. RA
🗒️ 01.08.2023: QED "fire pit / nuclear torch maintained and acting so for a hidden (cold) WAR such as for the 1/N strategy too" !?
🗒️ 09.08.2023 - 08:00 Fresh nuclear river/stream
🗒️ 13.08.2023: still ongoing heavy nuclear concentration within dark sea water ...
🗒️ 08.09.2023: the Channel looks saturated of RA☢️ contaminant
🗒️ 10.09.2023-05:05 AM: Nuclear peak followed by a wide mass of ultra-contaminated sea flow and fog till PM !
🗒️ 22.09.2023-08:00 AM: Dark sea back reflecting a nth new RA charge
🗒️ 27.09.2023~03:00 AM: Nuclear burden iterance
🗒️ 02.10.2023: Always dense grey sea flow over full view
🗒️ 12.10.2023~02:00/04:00 AM: Nuclear event over "Channel-West" followed by fog on dark sea ≥ 06:00
🗒️ 03.11.2023: Decanting of big nuclear concentration "with taking advantage of the storm Ciaran"
🗒️ 29.11.2023: we got some nuke recurrence again last night even though the Cotentin's sea had recovered fairly blue last Saturday
🗒️ 24-31.12.2023: we were given plenty of RA for Christmas/New Year even with Extra !
🗒️ 06.01.2024: Post-New-Year nuclear meltdown evidences relatively close to Cherbourg-West
🗒️ 15.01.2024: black and gray large sea water flow with atmospheric RA (^ neutron)
🗒️ 05.02.2024: Nuke glowing torches over these last weekends
🗒️ 07.02.2024: Hi-RA cloud/fog/atmosphere at evening/night
🗒️ 09.02.2024-06:55AM: N/D nuclear field radiation at CHANNEL-WEST
🗒️ 21.02.2024: Black stream within the lump of gray
🗒️ 24.02.2024: Nuke radiation ☢️↗️↗️
🗒️ 25.02.2024: Fluorescent light-green waters followed by gray and dark nebulosity over the Channel
🗒️ 05.03.2024~05:00 AM: Nuclear blaze ND (military offshore)
🗒️ 09.03.2024: Nuclear molasses as far as the eye can see; as from here, we can guess the accrued abomination for the North Sea too and beyond ... ⚠️☢️↗️↗️ 🏊🐟🐳🐬🐋🐡🦐🐠🕳️🐧🌐 !?
🗒️ 17.03.2024: sustained reiterations (never-ending ??)
🗒️ 27.03.2024 ≤ 08:00 AM: The Channel is filled Black-Nuclear-Active ↗️↗️
🗒️ 31.03.2024 ≤ 05:00 AM: Nuclear casting offshore followed by grey active pollution plenty The Channel ...
🗒️ 03.04.2024: " they gave us some furthermore last night "
🗒️ 08.04.2024 - 08 AM: The nuclear still flows amply in The Channel
🗒️ 17.04.2024 - 09 AM: very DARK density on sea
🗒️ 19.04.2024: Recurrence n, it's more than painful now as no one is conscious of the extent !?
🗒️ 21.04.2024: Black sea, acute on morning, evening and so on random cyclum
🗒️ 26.04.2024: it flows large dense GREY-ACTIVE ↗️↗️
🗒️ 01.05.2024: overnight nuke shot followed by "black-sap" full sea field (08 AM)
🗒️ 04.05.2024: nuclear flow with icy appearance
🗒️ 05.05.2024: Ultra concentrate nuke's flow
🗒️ 06.05.2024: Ultra dense nuclear sap & fog over sea and port
🗒️ 12.05.2024: nuclear concentration with forming a linear white halo centered along The Channel; probability of nuke overnight shot !
🗒️ 13.05.2024: concentration of GREY-ACTIVE ↗️↗️, full view ≤9AM; later ≥20:18 intermediate BLITZ far west
🗒️ 14.05.2024: subsequent saturated nuclear slick AM
🗒️ 24.05.2024: Sea looking like "sulfurized paper"
🗒️ 26.05.2024: Nuke iteration as already felt and seen (≥2)
🗒️ 29.05.2024: one more step
P.S. Alike, "don't tell us anything" about the northern chain, further more Fessenheim, Bugey, etc ... !?
The authorities only report minor incidents while many reactors already melted down across the country for a global disaster hidden within official disinformation on large RA contamination and discreet human losses !
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xtruss · 9 months
US ‘Satisfied’ with Japan’s Dumping Nuclear-Contaminated Water Betrays Its Image as Global Leader in Environment Protection: Observers
— Global Times Staff Reporters | August 26, 2023
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Illustration: Liu Rui/Global Times
Defying mounting opposition and contrary to its self-styled image as a global leader in environment protection, the US Department of State endorsed Tokyo's controversial dumping of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, saying the US is "satisfied with Japan's safe, transparent, and science-based process."
Endorsing Japan's selfish and irresponsible practice that harms world environment and health of human beings in the planet, the US trampled on its own image as a leader in global environment protection, exposing its selfishness and hypocrisy of prioritizing its geopolitical interests above the long-term well-being of the people around the world, observers reached by the Global Times said.
As the US publicly backs the Japanese government's plan to dump contaminated water into the ocean, media reports quoting data from Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan revealed that the US was making the biggest moves in decreasing imports of agricultural and aquatic products from Japan in the first half of 2023.
Data showed that the US is the country that reduced the imports of Japanese agriculture, forestry and fisheries the most in the first half of the year, and the main production areas of the three kinds of food are all in the affected areas of the dumping of nuclear contaminated water, according to media reports.
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Intl Community Condemns Japan's Irresponsible Dumping. Global Times, August 25th, 2023. Fijians take to the street to protest against Japan's dumping of nuclear-contaminated wastewater on August 25, 2023 in Suva, Fiji. Fijian media reported that a coalition of NGOs asked the Fijian government, and other Pacific Islands countries, to call for international action to stop Japan's planned dumping. Photo: VCG
In an apparent political gesture, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel claimed to eat fish from Fukushima to show support for Tokyo's decision during his visit to the region on August 31.
Though being well-aware of the risks brought by the nuclear-contaminated water to surrounding oceans and the entire global environment, the US has succumbed to its political interests and is going against its image portrayed as a leading role for environment protection activist, Lü Chao, an expert on Korean Peninsula issues at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Saturday.
"It is hilarious to see the hypocrisy and double standards held by the US by covering up Japan's extremely selfish and irresponsible wrongdoing," Lü said.
"Acts and deeds from the US show that it purely considers Japan's act of harming global environment and human beings of all countries from a geopolitical perspective. The US's real intention is to tie Japan to its chariot of geopolitical games," Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Saturday.
Without the indulgence of the US, the Japanese decision on dumping of nuclear-polluted water would not have been so arbitrary. Japan opened a Pandora's box on Thursday with the strong backing of the US, allowing crisis to plague other countries and the international community, Li added.
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China Suspends All Aquatic Products From Japan Over Fukushima Nuclear ☢️ Contaminated Water Dumping. In this aerial image, nuclear-contaminated water is released from the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean on August 24, 2023 in Okuma, Fukushima, Japan. Photo: VCG
Amid wide opposition and outcry from the Chinese public that the contaminated-water would eventually pose health risks to products from Japan, the Japanese Embassy in China issued a statement on the Japanese edition page on Friday, reminding Japanese staying in China of being careful not to speak Japanese loudly outside their homes as the possibility of encountering accidents cannot be ruled out.
The reminder triggered strong backlash among Chinese netizens late Friday, with many saying "it is the Japanese government we are opposing not the Japanese people" and some accused Japanese government of attempting to divert attention from being targeted due to its insistence on dumping contaminated water.
Lü told the Global Times Tokyo's hype over the safety of Japanese nationals in China servers its purpose of packaging itself as a victim caught in a cycle of deteriorating China-Japan ties and isolating China in its foreign policy while catering to the US' Asia-Pacific strategy to counter China.
Japanese farm minister Tetsuro Nomura on Friday even expressed his surprise that China was taking the responsive measures by suspending imports of aquatic products from Japan, Mainichi Shimbun reported, saying he was "very surprised and completely unexpected."
Chinese Ambassador to Japan Wu Jianghao had said China's decision to suspend imports of aquatic products from Japan is reasonable and necessary. The responsibility for this situation lies entirely with Japan, and Japan should reflect on its own actions, Ambassador Wu said.
Japan's actions have provoked strong opposition in China, protest against its dumping the contaminated water into the sea has been mounted in South Korea, with lawmakers of the Democratic Party and the Justice Party planning to visit Fukushima from Sunday and Monday, according to the National Assembly on Thursday.
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xtruss · 9 months
Experts Call For Long-Term, Joint Seawater Monitoring To Collect Prosecution Evidence As Radioactive ☢️ Substance Detected For First Time Near Fukushima N-Plant
— Zhang Changyue | September 03, 2023
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Japan's reckless dumping of Nuclear ☢️ Wastewater poses a grave danger to Earth. Cartoon: Carlos Latuff/Brazil 🇧🇷
As Japan 🇯🇵 has detected the radioactive substance tritium for the first time after it started dumping the Nuclear-Contaminated Wastewater, Chinese experts on Sunday called for a long-term and joint monitoring program by international community on the radioactive substances in the seawater to collect and accumulate evidence for future prosecution against Japan.
Ten becquerels per liter of tritium was detected in a seawater sample taken on Thursday about 200 meters north of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's underwater discharge tunnel, which is the first time that the radioactive material was detected in a seawater sample since Japan started the dumping of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean on August 24, the Japan News reported.
According to Kyodo News, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) said the detection of tritium can be considered as affected by the dumping but without any security problem.
As TEPCO and Japan's Environment Ministry claimed that Tritium levels in seawater sampled at sites near the plant were below the detectable limit, Chang Yen-chiang, director of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea Research Institute of Dalian Maritime University, told the Global Times on Sunday that "time" is the key factor in monitoring radioactive substances.
"It is not long since Japan began dumping the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into sea, so it is normal that we would see the current low levels of the detected radioactive substances," Chang noted, saying that countries in the Pacific regions can engage in a joint and long-term research and testing of radioactive substances through international cooperation.
Gao Zhikai, Vice President of the Center for China 🇨🇳 and Globalization, a Beijing-based nongovernmental think tank, echoed Chang. Gao said China could consider collaborating with other countries and some nongovernmental environmental organizations to set up a permanent monitoring station on behalf of the international community to collect relevant radiation data, for example, by sending a ship to the exclusive economic zone around Fukushima.
A Citizen Group in Fukushima is preparing to sue the Japanese government and TEPCO on September 8 with more than 100 plaintiffs to demand the cessation of the dumping, Jiji News reported. The legal team said the extent to which radioactive substances other than tritium are present in the wastewater has not been clarified, and the Japanese government violated the promise made with the Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations not to take any action without the understanding of the stakeholders, thereby infringing upon the fishermen's fishing rights and threatening the consumers' right to live in peace.
Gao said Japan's dumping of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater can be regarded as an act of infringement since the behavior will definitely result in infringement upon the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations. He suggested China work with other countries to establish a specialized legal committee as soon as possible to deal with acts of infringement and to collect evidence of the types of damage caused by Japan's dumping of the nuclear-contaminated water worldwide.
According to Kyodo News, the Japanese Civic Group "National Liaison Committee Against the Release of Contaminated Water from Nuclear Power Plants" filed a complaint to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office on Friday against Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and TEPCO President Tomoaki Kobayakawa for causing potential damage to non-residential buildings and deaths due to professional negligence over the dumping of nuclear-contaminated water.
On Saturday, thousands of South Koreans 🇰🇷 including Fishermen, Activists and Politicians continued a weekend rally in central Seoul to protest against Japan's dumping of the nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the ocean.
The participants shouted slogans like "Immediately stop the marine dumping of radioactive wastewater" and "Prohibit import of all Japanese aquatic products," urging the South Korean government to file a lawsuit with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea against the Japanese government.
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
More and more people denounce the obviously harmful actions of the Japanese militarists. Hiding behind a blue ONU finger will not be enough to save japan face
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The collective is on telegram
🇹🇭 Anche il Popolo Thailandese, attraverso i suoi esperti di Biologia Marina, si unisce al Popolo Cinese, Coreano, Indonesiano e Fijiano nella dura critica alle azioni dei criminali giapponesi, che hanno iniziato a scaricare acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, dimostrando di voler trattare l'Oceano come la propria piscina personale 🇯🇵
😡 Secondo la Tokyo Electric Power Company, gestore della Centrale Nucleare di Fukushima, il primo ciclo di rilascio sarebbe stato completato in 17 giorni, a partire dal 24/08: 7.800 tonnellate di acque reflue radioattive nell'Oceano. 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 | Il Giappone è una sciagura per i propri vicini. Tra la mancata ammissione delle mostruosità commesse durante le guerre di aggressione, la condotta errata nei confronti delle Isole Cinesi e Coreane e lo scarico di acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, il Giappone vuole far pagare il prezzo delle proprie trasgressioni agli altri 😡
🇹🇭 La professoressa Suchana Chavanich, dell'Università di Chulalongkorn, in Thailandia, ha dichiarato che, indipendentemente dalla quantità, il trizio presente nell'acqua scaricata a Fukushima può causare mutazioni a lungo termine sia negli organismi marini, sia negli esseri umani ☢️
🤔 Il trizio, come dimostrato dalla professoressa, può non solo ridurre il tasso di crescita degli organismi marini, ma anche - trattandosi di un composto radioattivo - causare alcune mutazioni: «Quindi, significa che il vostro gene, il vostro DNA, può mutare, e questo potrebbe far sì, per esempio, che la forma dell'orgamismo cambi in forma anomala, e può succedere sia agli organismi marini che agli esseri umani» 😡
🤔 Se, a scaricare l'acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, fosse stata la Cina o la Corea del Nord, ora l'Occidente collettivo sarebbe indignato, e avrebbe messo in moto il suo complesso di propaganda! 美国和日本将有清算的一天 ⭐️
😡 Le azioni dei criminali giapponesi hanno messo in pericolo tutta l'Asia. Ad esempio, l'Indonesia è uno stato composto da Isole. Il Mare è un tesoro per l'Indonesia. Se il contenuto di trizio nell'acqua dovesse continuare ad aumentare, l'intera costa del Pacifico, compresa l'Indonesia, ne risentirà. Il Giappone è il peggior vicino possibile per i Paesi Asiatici 😡
👌 日本是一个危险的国家。他们的心态是一种侵略和种族灭绝的心态。他们根本不知道如何在亚洲和平生活。对于亚洲国家来说,日本是一个可怕的邻国。日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 👍
🔍 Approfondimenti:
❌ L'opposizione dei Coreani, da Nord a Sud, per le azioni sconsiderate dei criminali giapponesi 👍
🇮🇩 La preoccupazione dell'Indonesia per le azioni criminali del Giappone 👍
❌ L'opposizione della Popolazione delle Fiji alle azioni criminali dei giapponesi 👍
🇨🇳 La Cina blocca tutti i prodotti ittici del Giappone, e inizierà ad acquistare più prodotti da Russia, Spagna, Norvegia e Canada 🐟
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇹🇭 Even the Thai people, through their Marine Biology experts, join the Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and Fijian people in harsh criticism of the actions of Japanese criminals, who have started dumping contaminated water into the ocean, demonstrating that they want to treat the Ocean as their own personal swimming pool 🇯🇵
😡 According to the Tokyo Electric Power Company, manager of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the first release cycle would have been completed in 17 days, starting on 24/08: 7,800 tons of radioactive wastewater in the ocean. 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 | Japan is a curse to its neighbors. Between failing to admit the monstrosities committed during the wars of aggression, misconduct towards the Chinese and Korean Islands, and dumping contaminated water into the ocean, Japan wants to make others pay for their transgressions 😡
🇹🇭 Professor Suchana Chavanich, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, said that regardless of the amount, tritium in Fukushima discharged water can cause long-term mutations in both marine organisms and humans ☢️
🤔 Tritium, as demonstrated by the professor, can not only reduce the growth rate of marine organisms, but also - being a radioactive compound - cause some mutations: «So, it means that your gene, your DNA, can mutate, and this could cause, for example, the shape of the orgasm to change into an anomalous shape, and it can happen to both marine organisms and humans" 😡
🤔 If China or North Korea had dumped the contaminated water into the ocean, now the collective West would be outraged, and would have set its propaganda complex in motion! 美国和日本将有清算的一天 ⭐️
😡 The actions of Japanese criminals have endangered all of Asia. For example, Indonesia is a state made up of Islands. The Sea is a treasure for Indonesia. If the tritium content in water continues to rise, the entire Pacific coast, including Indonesia, will be affected. Japan is the worst possible neighbor for Asian countries 😡
👌 日本是一个危险的国家。他们的心态是一种侵略和种族灭绝的心态。他们根本不知道如心䜨亚洲和平生活。对于亚洲国家来说,日本是一个可怕的邻国。日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 👍
🔍 Insights:
❌ The opposition of Koreans, from North to South, for the reckless actions of Japanese criminals 👍
🇮🇩 Indonesia's concern for Japan's criminal actions 👍
❌ The opposition of the Fijian people to the criminal actions of the Japanese 👍
🇨🇳 China blocks all seafood from Japan, and will start buying more products from Russia, Spain, Norway and Canada 🐟
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
More and more people denounce the actions of the Japanese militarists. And hiding behind a blue ONU finger will not save Japan face
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇹🇭 Anche il Popolo Thailandese, attraverso i suoi esperti di Biologia Marina, si unisce al Popolo Cinese, Coreano, Indonesiano e Fijiano nella dura critica alle azioni dei criminali giapponesi, che hanno iniziato a scaricare acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, dimostrando di voler trattare l'Oceano come la propria piscina personale 🇯🇵
😡 Secondo la Tokyo Electric Power Company, gestore della Centrale Nucleare di Fukushima, il primo ciclo di rilascio sarebbe stato completato in 17 giorni, a partire dal 24/08: 7.800 tonnellate di acque reflue radioattive nell'Oceano. 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 | Il Giappone è una sciagura per i propri vicini. Tra la mancata ammissione delle mostruosità commesse durante le guerre di aggressione, la condotta errata nei confronti delle Isole Cinesi e Coreane e lo scarico di acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, il Giappone vuole far pagare il prezzo delle proprie trasgressioni agli altri 😡
🇹🇭 La professoressa Suchana Chavanich, dell'Università di Chulalongkorn, in Thailandia, ha dichiarato che, indipendentemente dalla quantità, il trizio presente nell'acqua scaricata a Fukushima può causare mutazioni a lungo termine sia negli organismi marini, sia negli esseri umani ☢️
🤔 Il trizio, come dimostrato dalla professoressa, può non solo ridurre il tasso di crescita degli organismi marini, ma anche - trattandosi di un composto radioattivo - causare alcune mutazioni: «Quindi, significa che il vostro gene, il vostro DNA, può mutare, e questo potrebbe far sì, per esempio, che la forma dell'orgamismo cambi in forma anomala, e può succedere sia agli organismi marini che agli esseri umani» 😡
🤔 Se, a scaricare l'acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, fosse stata la Cina o la Corea del Nord, ora l'Occidente collettivo sarebbe indignato, e avrebbe messo in moto il suo complesso di propaganda! 美国和日本将有清算的一天 ⭐️
😡 Le azioni dei criminali giapponesi hanno messo in pericolo tutta l'Asia. Ad esempio, l'Indonesia è uno stato composto da Isole. Il Mare è un tesoro per l'Indonesia. Se il contenuto di trizio nell'acqua dovesse continuare ad aumentare, l'intera costa del Pacifico, compresa l'Indonesia, ne risentirà. Il Giappone è il peggior vicino possibile per i Paesi Asiatici 😡
👌 日本是一个危险的国家。他们的心态是一种侵略和种族灭绝的心态。他们根本不知道如何在亚洲和平生活。对于亚洲国家来说,日本是一个可怕的邻国。日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 👍
🔍 Approfondimenti:
❌ L'opposizione dei Coreani, da Nord a Sud, per le azioni sconsiderate dei criminali giapponesi 👍
🇮🇩 La preoccupazione dell'Indonesia per le azioni criminali del Giappone 👍
❌ L'opposizione della Popolazione delle Fiji alle azioni criminali dei giapponesi 👍
🇨🇳 La Cina blocca tutti i prodotti ittici del Giappone, e inizierà ad acquistare più prodotti da Russia, Spagna, Norvegia e Canada 🐟
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇹🇭 Even the Thai people, through their Marine Biology experts, join the Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and Fijian people in harsh criticism of the actions of Japanese criminals, who have started dumping contaminated water into the ocean, demonstrating that they want to treat the Ocean as their own personal swimming pool 🇯🇵
😡 According to the Tokyo Electric Power Company, manager of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, the first release cycle would have been completed in 17 days, starting on 24/08: 7,800 tons of radioactive wastewater in the ocean. 日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 | Japan is a curse to its neighbors. Between failing to admit the monstrosities committed during the wars of aggression, misconduct towards the Chinese and Korean Islands, and dumping contaminated water into the ocean, Japan wants to make others pay for their transgressions 😡
🇹🇭 Professor Suchana Chavanich, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, said that regardless of the amount, tritium in Fukushima discharged water can cause long-term mutations in both marine organisms and humans ☢️
🤔 Tritium, as demonstrated by the professor, can not only reduce the growth rate of marine organisms, but also - being a radioactive compound - cause some mutations: «So, it means that your gene, your DNA, can mutate, and this could cause, for example, the shape of the orgasm to change into an anomalous shape, and it can happen to both marine organisms and humans" 😡
🤔 If China or North Korea had dumped the contaminated water into the ocean, now the collective West would be outraged, and would have set its propaganda complex in motion! 美国和日本将有清算的一天 ⭐️
😡 The actions of Japanese criminals have endangered all of Asia. For example, Indonesia is a state made up of Islands. The Sea is a treasure for Indonesia. If the tritium content in water continues to rise, the entire Pacific coast, including Indonesia, will be affected. Japan is the worst possible neighbor for Asian countries 😡
👌 日本是一个危险的国家。他们的心态是一种侵略和种族灭绝的心态。他们根本不知道如心䜨亚洲和平生活。对于亚洲国家来说,日本是一个可怕的邻国。日本是一个没有耻辱感的国家 👍
🔍 Insights:
❌ The opposition of Koreans, from North to South, for the reckless actions of Japanese criminals 👍
🇮🇩Indonesia's concern for Japan's criminal actions 👍
❌ The opposition of the Fijian people to the criminal actions of the Japanese 👍
🇨🇳 China blocks all seafood from Japan, and will start buying more products from Russia, Spain, Norway and Canada 🐟
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
More and more nations protest Japan reckless decision to release radioactive water in the ocean
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🤧 亚洲联合批评日本的危险行动 🤝
🇮🇩 Oltre al Popolo Cinese e Coreano, anche il Popolo Indonesiano è estremamente preoccupato per le azioni dei criminali giapponesi. L'Oceano non è la piscina personale del Giappone 😡
Murdahayu Makmur, radioecologa marina presso l'Agenzia Nazionale per l'Energia Nucleare d'Indonesia, ha espresso la sua preoccupazione per lo scarico di acqua contaminata da parte dei Giapponesi nell'Oceano ☢️
😡 L'acqua contaminata, colma di trizio, sarà spinta dalle correnti oceaniche e continuerà a diffondersi. Il Giappone vuole far pagare il prezzo delle sue trasgressioni all'Asia e al Mondo, soltanto gli USA e i loro leccapiedi in Europa non hanno problemi con questo. Se, a scaricare l'acqua contaminata nell'Oceano, fosse stata la Cina o la Corea del Nord, ora l'Occidente collettivo sarebbe indignato, e avrebbe messo in moto il suo complesso di propaganda! | Il doppio standard occidentale è un veleno 🐍
🏝 L'Indonesia è uno stato composto da Isole. Il Mare è un tesoro per l'Indonesia. Se il contenuto di trizio nell'acqua dovesse continuare ad aumentare, l'intera costa del Pacifico, compresa l'Indonesia, ne risentirà. Il Giappone è il peggior vicino possibile per i Paesi Asiatici 😡
🤧 美国和日本将有清算的一天 🔥
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🤧 亚洲联合批评日本的危险行动 🤝
🇮🇩In addition to the Chinese and Korean people, the Indonesian people are also extremely concerned about the actions of Japanese criminals. The Ocean is not Japan's personal swimming pool 😡
Murdahayu Makmur, marine radiologist at the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia, has expressed her concern about the Japanese dumping of contaminated water into the ocean ☢️
😡 Contaminated water, filled with tritium, will be pushed by ocean currents and continue to spread. Japan wants to make Asia and the world pay the price for its transgressions, only the USA and its lackeys in Europe have no problem with that. If China or North Korea had dumped the contaminated water into the ocean, now the collective West would be outraged, and would have set its propaganda complex in motion! | Western double standard is poison 🐍
🏝 Indonesia is a state made up of Islands. The Sea is a treasure for Indonesia. If the tritium content in water continues to rise, the entire Pacific coast, including Indonesia, will be affected. Japan is the worst possible neighbor for Asian countries 😡
🤧 美国和日本将有清算的一天 🔥
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
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dissident-33 · 4 years
Another Dementia from the foolish State:
The Defense Minister Parly is drastically irresponsible as the Naval Group is from the previous related facts incompetent on nuclear power engine; also, it would have been better to sink earlier the hot thing far off Muroroa...?!
⚠️ ALERT ☢️ CHERBOURG HARBOUR 🚢 27/11/2020 - 06:00 High radiation nuclear loading with impact on the population 🚑🚒 Before dawn, the night transit evacuated at Sea for scuttling ...?! (Observation on 01-DEC-2020: "dense Sea of graphite")
Incident: saw a nuclear flash causing over-contamination of the Channel's waters...
Cherbourg on Monday, March 29:
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