#OH & THAT WEEK... i also bought him an AC unit LMAO because i felt bad that he & ma had to sleep in 110 degree heat
sweatermuppet · 2 years
ive been buying my mother, my father, & my brother groceries for months, even when i didn't live here i pitched in the funds (namely so my brother could eat), & last night it finally got thru to my father that ive been the one paying for it? like somehow i mentioned how much it cost & he was like wait u got this?? like yea dude ive been helping cover yr electric bill + hot water expenses too lmao
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intimatevoid · 7 years
Shamelessly stolen from @notfinlandjosswhedon​ because I have time to kill
Do you ever sit with your legs open? Not much anymore, but sometimes when I’m alone.
Have you ever been offered drugs on the street? Been asked for, many times. Offered, no.
What is one place you have been to and hated? Any place where the temperature reaches 30 degrees, really.
Have you ever seen a jellyfish? Not in person!
What’s your favourite kind of soup? The soy broth that they make at the ramen shop near my place :D
Do you ever put bread in your soup? Like dipping? Yeah. Not, like, dropping it straight in.
Is there anything in the USB key slots in your computer/laptop? Um, let’s have a look. Mouse, keyboard, external HD, microphone, and 360 controller. I actually thought there’d be more.
What advertisements are on your screen at the moment? I’m going to try out Star Wars: The Old Republic today, so that’s downloading now, and the launcher has some ads for premium content on it.
Do you ever get a really itchy nose when you’re unable to scratch it? Way too often.
Has anyone ever randomly licked your face? Dogs, and Ash, although that was probably in retaliation considering I licked their face earlier that evening ^^:
When was the last time you bought a book? Not too long ago? I think I picked up an ebook recently. But an actual, physical book? Fuck, I have no idea.
Are you upstairs or downstairs at the minute? I am on the one and only floor that my unit has.
Have you ever been asked for directions? I get asked every now and then, yeah. Last time I was pulled up a a traffic light and a woman on the street approached my car and asked which way to the shops.
Are there any farm animals near you? There are plenty on the edges of town. Like, within a few km for sure.
Are there any lakes near you? Nah, the closest would be Wivenhoe Dam and that’s like an hour and a half away.
Was there ever a time when you felt absolutely terrified? Yeah, it happens sometimes.
If so, why? Existential horror and anxiety. It’s veeeeery rarely from a tangible source. Oh, and my memory loss is pretty fucking scary too.
Have you ever been in your local newspaper? lmao nah
Have you ever called your mother ma or mammy? I just call her “Mum”.
Can you imitate any other accent? I’m really bad with accents, but if you have no idea what an Irish accent sounds like then I might be able to fool you. Oh and if I just speak English using Japanese sounds and form then I can probably do what passes as a Japanese accent.
What is your funniest memory of the 6th contact in your phone? It’s one of my D&D party. Our funniest memory – which happened during a game, naturally – would be either the time she tried to get the party druid to sling her over a high wall and onto a room, or she led the group in playing Lute Hero at a pub.
Were you ever chased by an animal? … Huh, I don’t actually think so.
Are you single/or taken? I resent the binary implications of this question, haha. I am in a relationship, and simultaneously on the market.
^Are you happy with that? Of course ^_^
Do you make the first move or do you prefer it the other way around? Depends on the situation! I mean, I’ve only ever had one other person make the first move, so usually I have to take the lead, but I’m fine with that. Still, it would be nice to be hit on every now and then.
What is the most painful thing you’ve experienced? The time I jumped a fence on a job site and turned my ankle. My boss threatened me not to report it for worker’s comp and just stay home while he paid me, because he was a skinflint and didn’t want his insurance premiums to go up. The month off was excruciating, and yet I still ended up being pressured into going back to work long before I was ready My ankle is still quite weak to this day. And I have CPTSD from that god damned job lmao
Do you hug someone whenever you see them? If I know they’re comfortable with it. If not, I’ll ask them first.
When was the last time you bled? What happened? I squeezed a pimple a few days ago. It emptied nicely, and then blood came out afterwards of course, so I guess that counts as bleeding.
When you look behind you what catches your attention the most? The sun coming through a crack in the curtains. Today is going to be disgustingly hot. :(
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No. I think I’ve been that, though, back in my very first relationship :( How many true heart breaks have you had in your lifetime? A pretty rough breakup I had about a year and a half ago. Learned some solid life lessons from that one, haha. Who last grabbed your ass? Ash, I’m pretty sure.
Do you have any gay family members? More than half my siblings are queer. It’s just that I’m the only one who’s publicly out, so nobody knows about any of them except me. I guess I don’t mind pulling that attention, but it’s lonely without their solidarity. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Just target , for a costume party. I painted the Wonder Woman logo on the front myself, because a bottle of fabric paint and a cheap shirt were cheaper than trying to find an actual license top in the style and size I needed. Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? They is literally life for me. Everything is always falling apart. The only was to survive is to stay vigilant and rebuild as fast as things crumble, while simultaneously trying to support what is still currently stable so it doesn’t collapse too. Was your first kiss romantic? Yeah, I guess. In hindsight I cringe. But at the time I guess it was. Do you know anybody whose last name is a color? The person I’m stealing this from. Half of her last name is a colour. What are you most likely to go to jail for? Probably for being queer in a place that doesn’t allow it Do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? Fast, yeah, but not too fast. I can’t wait til I’m older. Who was the last person to sleep over at your house? Sage, and they brought their beautiful dog too ^_^ Is there someone that always intimidates you? I think so, though tbh I can’t really remember right now. Have you ever liked anyone that was in a relationship with someone else? I’ve dated multiple people who were in relationships at the time. I’m dating one right now. Would you ever get a boob job? At this rate I don’t think I’ll need to. My family’s genes are finally coming through for me :O Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? I’m not entirely sure I understand the phrasing of this question, but I broke up with him, because I could not tolerate a certain thing he did. Do you ever ignore texts from some people? If I’m in a bad headspace and can’t answer, then sometimes I delay answering til I’m ready. Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? Why would anyone ever do that when polyamory exists? That’s so petty and awful :( When is the last time you felt left out? Yesterday. Not going into detail. When was the last time you flirted with someone? Yesterday, I think. But I flirt with people on most days. I flirt with practically everyone. What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? Most of my exes are queer. That’s, like, kinda necessary considering that I am queer. As for my one straight ex, I’d be surprised as hell but also glad he was doing what made him happy. Would you ever take someone back if you found out they cheated on you? Nope. Anyone who felt they needed to cheat, while dating my polyamorous self, is clearly not someone who I need in my life.
What does your last text message say? “Haha, well you can always try it on my floors! I shall keep you updated.” A friend of mine is trying a new mop. We are exciting people. What colour is your hair right now? Brown. Do people ever compliment your eyes? Actually, yeah. Apparently they’re my best physical feature. Do people ever tell you that you’re funny? Sometimes, yeah. Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? I would send him more. How many people has your best friend had sex with? Zero, I’m pretty sure. What’s the last song you listened to? I was going through old music and I think the last one I played was Hats Off To The Bull by Chevelle. Who’s the last person that hung up on you? Not a clue. Four days from now, will you have sex? Four days, four weeks, for months – not happening unless something drastic changes in my life. (grey ace yo) Do you look intimidating? I have been told that I do. What does your second to last text say? “Behold, my floors will SPARKLE!” What makes you laugh? People being people. What were/are you most looking forward to today? When the sun goes down and it starts to get cooler. How is your hair? Desperately in need of a trip. The split ends are running rampant. When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? A couple of days ago. Are you worried about anything right now? It would be easier to list the things I’m not worried about. My life is one long series of worries and anxieties. Living in poverty is great. How do you think tomorrow will be? Exactly the same as today. Is there a guy who knows everything or almost everything about you? Yeah, Seb knows a fair bit about me. If you could pack your bags right now and were given a plane ticket, where do you go? Canada, to visit @aelwen​. How far away are you from the person you have feelings for? "have feelings for” is such a VAGUE way of putting it, haha. But there’s a cutie I know who lives roughly 13,500km away from me. Your last ex calls wanting to hangout, what do you say? “Yeah, sure, though you’ll have to travel to see me cause I am not travelling all the way to Brisbane on this notice.” Where were you at 2 this morning? Watching Stranger Things 2 with Ash. Only the first ep, though, and then I passed the fuck out. Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a K? … huh, I don’t think so! Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Occasionally, haha. Last time you were TOTALLY happy? A few weeks ago, I was having a really bad day. Ash took me to get bubble tea and Japanese. I nearly cried with gratitude. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? I could but I’m not going to. Is there anything currently hurting on your body? Yes. A lot. Ever kissed someone with green eyes? Ash has green eyes ^_^ When you are home alone, do you still close the door when you shower? Yeah, cause it keeps all the warmth in. Are you mad at anyone right now? Nah. Do you like your music loud or at a reasonable level? Depends. If I’m in the mood for it, loud can be good. But usually I need to to be quieter. Loud noises fuck me up. Have you held hands with anyone in the past 30 hours? Multiple times ^_^ How often do you sleep in? Every day. It’s the only way I get anywhere near a reasonable amount of sleep. Will you be in a relationship next month? I don’t see why not. Do you stay up later than ten o’clock on a week night? Always. Who’s the last person you told a secret to? Hard to say. I am kind of an open book about myself. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Doubt it. Would you rather have big or small dogs? Medium dogs! Will you cry tonight? Possibly. Depends on how badly my brain fucks me ^^; Do you have respect for people even if you don’t like them? Depends on why I don’t like them. What’s one fruit you love in drinks? Lemon goes well with a lot of things. Have you ever tried wine? Yeah. Not a huge fan, but sometimes it can be nice. In your life, do you plan on visiting other countries? Eyyyup. At the very least I want to visit Canada, Japan, and NZ. Is there an ex you want to make up with? If my second-to-last ex came along, apologised for everything, and showed that she was sincerely trying to be a better person, I’d accept that.
Does cuddling freak you out? I freak out unless I’m cuddling (okay not really but you get the idea) How much time do you take to get ready in the morning? Depends on how much prep I did the night before. I usually take between half an hour to an hour, though. Do you love where you live? Yeah, it’s okay. :) Will your next kiss be drunk or sober? Sober. Ash will wake up soon, come into my room, and I’ll kiss them. Do you wear high heels everyday? Nope, I rarely wear heels at all. Are you an aunt or an uncle? Yes, I have a niece! Were you texting someone right before you fell asleep last night? Yeah, a couple of people. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? How many? A couple of messages from the group chat, and a few from Chloe. Are you happy? With myself, yes, more than ever. With the way I’m treated because of who I am? Absolutely not. Are you an alcoholic? Nah, I don’t drink much. Can you go a day without thinking about the person that’s on your mind now? I assume that "the person that’s on your mind now” means “the person you’re most attracted to right now”? Cnsidering we talk almost every day, I guess the answer is no. Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? Yes. Does anyone know every little detail about you? Not really, not even partners or exes. I mean lots of people knows lots of little details, but they’re just the ones I wear visibly.
What’s one thing you really want right now? A steady income. As it is, I have to choose between paying bills and buying medicine. Who was the last person you took a picture with? I think it was @aturinfortheworse​, at Riverfire. Did anything “cute” happen today? lmao no Are you wearing shoes right now? Nope. Have you ever just laid outside and looked at the stars? Yeah, it’s nice when I go out of town to do it. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Yes! Mostly tattoos at this point. I already have a ton of piercings and can only thinks of a couple more that I want. Do you smile everyday? Um, yeah, I suppose. Who are you more like, mom or dad? I look more like my mum, and have a personality that’s kind of a mix. Could you date someone shorter than you? That is, indeed, what I Am currently doing. Where do you wish you were right now? Somewhere that wasn’t fucking 30 degrees Have a crazy side? *snerk* Something you do a lot? I probably game way too much.
What is your natural hair color? Brown How many people have you kissed? I count 12, but I’m like 99% certain I’ve missed some people.
Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? Most of them. Ever kissed someone you’d met less than an hour before? Sure have. Were any of them in relationships with someone else at the time? Helloooooo. Polyamorous. How old was the oldest person you’ve kissed? 35. How young was the youngest person you’ve kissed? 15. I should clarify that I was 16 at the time. Since her, I've only kissed people who were older than me. Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? No. Ever been walked in on while you were making out with someone? Yes, and then he joined me with kissing her. It was a good time lmao Weirdest place you’ve kissed someone? (geographically, not physically) I can’t really think of anywhere. I mean, there was that access corridor through the inner city shops in Toowoomba, where I got pushed up against a wall and made a peace sign at the dude who was staring like 8O from outside the glass doors? But even that wasn’t really, like, weird. Ever kissed someone and had someone else get really mad about it? i mean there was the (multiple) time(s) i caused a couple to break up by showing one of them what a good relationship could actually be like, does that count Ever stopped kissing someone because they had bad breath? Eyyyup. I can’t stand morning breath kisses. They taste awful D: Ever not known the name of someone you kissed? I can’t remember the names of four out of those twelve people. Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? Sure have. Kissed someone you didn’t really like just to make someone else jealous? Nope. Ever had a really horrible kissing experience? haven’t we all Ever been called a bad kisser? On the contrary ^_^ Ever called someone else a bad kisser? I don’t think so. Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Probably at the shops or something similar. Where’s the most private place you’ve ever made out with someone? Bedroom I guess. Ever thought of someone else while you were kissing someone? What about the person I’m kissing, and someone else, at the same time? Do you usually kiss on the first date? Sometimes. If I’m definitely attracted to the person, and know they seem to have positive feelings as well, I’ll ask to end the date with a small kiss. It makes my intentions and interest unequivocally clear.
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