#but it killed enough time that my download finished
intertexts-moving · 1 year
good evening how r we all !!!!!!!!!!!
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torpublishinggroup · 3 months
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"Warning Signs Your Machines Are Trying to Kill You!" by TJ Klune
(Legally, I’m required to tell you that when smart phones first became popular, I bought one and then asked for the address of the app store because I thought it was a physical location I had to go to in order to download apps and not something already on your phone. Also, I was recently told I speak like an old person so as a warning, there will not be any slang you youths typically hear, especially on Tumblr. Any slang I’ve learned in the last five years has been against my will. I still don’t know what FOMO means, and I don’t care.)
1. Oh no! You and your family are trying to enjoy a movie night, but Overlord Prime (With Free Shipping) wants a sacrifice at the altar of their god, BeeZos. Should this happen, do not attempt to give Overlord Prime (With Free Shipping) a cantaloupe with googly-eyes on it and say that it is your baby. Overlord Prime (With Free Shipping) knows the difference between fruit and children. Instead, ask the machine to order dog food, and it will forget about eating humans for a little while.
2. If you own a very fancy vehicle that can drive itself, always make sure to carry a brick. That way, when the car locks you inside and attempts to drive you off a cliff into a gas station, you can break the window using the brick. You will then have to jump out, but make sure you do so in time so you can watch the wicked-ass explosion when the car hits the gas station, and you can revel in your victory over your car.
3. This one will hurt. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Chances are, you’re reading this on your phone right this second. To be safe, after you’ve finished reading this post and have clicked on the affiliated links to purchase my books, you should throw your phone into a volcano and then move to South Dakota where there are no machines, only wind and cows. That way, when everyone else gets the 5GZombieVirus that people on Twitter (I’m not calling it the other thing, shut up) seem to think is real, you’ll be safe with your cows on a windy day.
4. Get rid of your air fryer. Don’t ask me why, just do it. Red flags all around. Danger, danger.
5. Do you know of the Clapper? That thing first launched in the late 20th century (I wrote it that way to make me feel old) where the commercials showed cranky old people unable to reach their light switches, so they got a thing called a Clapper that turns your lights on and off when you clap? Guess what? Those will be the first things to try and kill you. If you love your gram-gram, save her from the Clapper. When she asks why you are destroying it with an ax, tell gram-gram it’s because you love her.
6. Do you live in a smart home? The kind where everything is connected to the internet, including your refrigerator? The refrigerator that holds your perishable foods? And oh, would you look at that: how many ice cubes have you kicked under it rather than picking them up when they fall to the floor? A dozen? A million? The refrigerator remembers. And it will spoil your food in seconds. What then? What are you going to eat? Canned food? Not if the refrigerator falls on top of you!
Unfortunately for you, this is where it must end. I hope this has given you enough information to help you survive the inevitable. If you do not heed my warnings, well. Who cares. I’m not in charge of you. Do whatever you want. Just don’t come complaining to me when gram-gram gets the clap.
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the-modern-typewriter · 11 months
wgshdwgd im sorry if youre not accepting snippet reqs </333
but could i req you write abt a villain who *everyone* is genuinely terrified of. and then the hero just politely tells them to shut the fuck up. like, villain could be monologuing or smth and hero would cut them off saying that they would really appreciate it if villain could finish up in the next hour or so because they dont want to miss bargain day at the supermarket.
uwah im sorry if i broke any rules </33 stay safe its a crazy world out there <333
"-Could you please just shut up?"
There was a moment of absolute, horrified silence. One man promptly fainted. Nobody seemed to breathe for a few seconds.
The villain turned, slowly, towards the protagonist.
They were on their knees on the floor, surrounded by armed guards ready to execute the various staff still in their building. Their expression was one of exhausted long-suffering, one hand pinching the bridge of their nose as if to stave off a headache.
"Excuse me?" the villain asked, oh so softly.
"Will you please stop talking?" The protagonist dropped their hand, levelling the villain with a look. "Like, if you're going to slaughter the lot of us, just do it, don't make us listen to the spiel first. It's been forty five minutes."
"Are you so eager to die?"
"No. But if I'm going to die, I think I'd like to get it over with. Otherwise, I'd like to just go about my day. I need to buy food before the shop closes and takeaway costs a fortune. I mean, bloody hell. Forty five minutes. Do you really think anyone here is listening?"
The villain stared.
"Like, not to be rude," the protagonist said. "But they're all scared out their minds. They are not processing the finer points of your monologue. It's just so unnecessary."
"I could cut out your tongue and feed it to you."
"You don't have anything better to do?"
"I could cut out their tongues," the villain swept a hand around the room, "and feed them to you. That sorts out dinner, doesn't it?"
"I mean, I'm vegan, and not a cannibal, but I appreciate you're more concerned with being menacing than actually addressing the issue."
The villain stared some more.
The protagonist stared back.
"The data I need is still downloading," the villain said, after a long moment. "If I let you leave, someone will do something stupid like try and call the police."
"Sure, sure. But the monologue."
"You don't enjoy the sound of my voice?"
"I wouldn't take it too personally. It's been a week. Bit overstimulated, to be honest. Anyone's voice right now feels a bit like a cheese grater on my nerve endings."
"A bit like a cheese grater."
"No offense."
The villain blinked at them, slow and somewhat incredulous. "A cheese grater."
The protagonist shrugged.
"I'm assuming you didn't miss who I am in the last forty five minutes," the villain said.
"And yet."
"It's not that you're not terrifying," the protagonist said. "I just - forty five minutes. Humans aren't set up to be this stressed for forty minutes. My head is killing me. Processing all this - if you don't kill us - is going to be hard enough without having to fit in all the life admin I'm not currently getting done."
"Come here."
The villain crooked a finger to beckon the protagonist forward.
The protagonist swallowed, eyeing the villain warily, but didn't make them ask again. With a glance at the armed henchmen, they shuffled forwards to the spot the villain had gestured at their feet.
"You know," the villain said, "it's been a very long time since anyone has talked back to me."
"Sorry. I'm really not trying to be rude."
"No," the villain mused, head tilting with something alarmingly like curiosity as the protagonist came to a stop. "You're really not, are you? Turn."
The villain gestured again, to indicate that the protagonist should face away from them.
"...You can't just give me all the orders at once? I get this is more dramatic, but I probably wouldn't be trying your patience as much if-"
The villain seized the nape of the protagonist's neck, like scruffing a kitten, making their breath catch.
Everyone watched for the inevitable torment. The punishment. The kill.
The villain's fingers dug into the knots of tension in the protagonist's neck, power sparking up the touch.
The protagonist sagged. "Holy shit," they breathed.
"Um. I mean - yes - but -"
"Good." The villain glanced up to the henchmen. "Shoot everyone else."
"What? Wait - no -"
The sound was deafening.
Then the silence was, once again, absolute.
"You didn't have to do that," the protagonist whispered. "I didn't mean - if I offended you -"
"Oh, you didn't, don't worry. That's why you're still alive. Tell me about yourself."
The villain's grip stayed unrelenting on the back of the protagonist's neck, holding them securely in place.
"We still have ten minutes," the villain said, in a tone of great patience, "before the download completes. Tell me about yourself. I shouldn't be the one doing all the talking, after all. It's very rude of me, isn't it?"
Hesitantly, the protagonist talked, watching the blood pool on the floor. What else was there to do?
The computer finally gave a quiet beep to indicate that the download was complete.
"Good. Very good." The villain gave the protagonist's neck another gentle enough squeeze. "Now. Let's go grocery shopping," the villain said cheerfully. "Up you get. Dinner's on me."
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gay-wh0re-slut · 8 months
Thank you so much for doing my angst request! It was so good!Can I request a new one? I’m in a mood for angst lately, but with smutty ending lol
Reader and Rhea have broke up a while ago, but Rhea is taking it harder than she thought she would. She hears that reader is going on dates (which is actually just to kill time and as an effort to move on, but Rhea doesn’t know that). She feels angry and jealous that she’s replaced so fast and confronts reader about it. During the argument things are getting heated and “somehow” they resolve the misunderstanding horizontally 😅
i’m so glad you liked it! I’m hoping it was the one with the prompt bc that one was fun to write. thank you for making another request!
after writing: it’s a bit more sad than angry bc i lowkey went thru this a while ago lmaooo so sorry bout that but i hope you like it hahahahahaoops and they’re not really horizontal but it’s still hot lmaoo
rhea x fem reader
content: angst-ish with sad rhea, smutttttt, oral sexxxx, fingeringggg, hot buff goth woman kissing youuu ooooooo
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It’s been two months since you and Rhea have broken up. The first month was hard on you but the second month you wanted to get your mind off of it so you decided to download all the dating apps you could think of. You’ve been on a few first dates and a few second dates but none have lived up to your expectations.
It has been really hard on the wrestler though. She claimed that she did it because she was getting so busy that she felt it wasn’t fair to you that she wasn’t able to be around as much as she wanted. So she decided to end things, unfortunately for her, she didn’t realize how much she relied on you to get away from all the buzz.
You haven’t spoken or texted Rhea for three weeks and it was hurting you, but she was the one to end things so why should I try? you thought. You and her had mutual friends that you would hang out with sometimes and they would try to tell you updates on her but you didn’t want to hear them.
“She really misses you,” they would say.
“Then she shouldn’t have left me,” said the anger stage of grief.
Part of you knew that the friends were telling her that you were going on dates and how you were doing but you didn’t care. You wanted to seem like the ‘bigger person’ and make it seem like you moved on.
One night, you had been chatting with a girl on one of the many dating apps and things were going suspiciously well so you set up a date for the next day, just to see. It was at a local coffee shop because you wanted it to be in public in case something went wrong.
You wore a long maroon, but sort of tight dress that showed off your curves just right, some light makeup, and your hair natural; you didn’t want to try too hard. The time came and you headed to the shop, ordered coffee and sat down at a small table in the corner.
People came and went and you were there for about twenty minutes, checking your phone and scrolling through social media. Because you were waiting for quite a while, you didn’t want to come off as someone who got stood up, so you decided to text her.
“You still coming?”
“Sorry, something came up, maybe another day?”
Of course. This wasn’t the first time this happened and it sure wouldn’t be the last.
“All good,” was the only thing you said. You didn’t like putting effort into something that wasn’t going to go anywhere. If they wasted your time, then they don’t care about you, your friend would say, but something seemed off.
You brushed it off, drank your coffee and enjoyed your time alone, it was nice. You rarely went out by yourself, so it was good for a change.
You finally finished your latte, so you head back home. To your surprise, there was a familiar black truck in your driveway.
“No fucking way,” you growl as you park the car. You sit for a few minutes contemplating going somewhere else in town, maybe a movie or something long enough to where she would leave on her own, but you decided against it. “If she wants to talk then let’s talk.”
You slammed the car door and stomped inside to her helping herself to a glass of water.
“Sorry to show up out of the blue,” the australian admitted.
“No you’re not,” you threw your keys down on the counter.
“Excuse me?”
“Obviously you have something to say that you couldn’t call or text about so…” you crossed your arms keeping your distance.
She was silent but you could tell she was trying not to go off.
“So?” you push.
“You’ve been going on dates,” she finally said.
“Yeah and? Why does it matter? You broke up with me,” the lump in your throat began to form, you were never good with confrontation but you swallowed it down.
“It’s only been two months!” she barked as she threw her hands up.
“People grieve differently!”
“You’re not grieving, you’re trying to get back at me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to move on,” you glare.
“Moving on means seeing other people after two months?” She walked to the kitchen table and leaned on the back of one of the chairs, gripping it tightly.
“Yes, it does because I’m tired of throwing myself a pity party every night.”
“As if I haven’t done that?” she gestured to herself.
“You broke up with me,” you reiterate.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t miss you!” She walked to the bar area of the kitchen counter.
You let the words hang in the air, you genuinely didn’t have a response to that.
“It’s like you didn’t even care to reach out,” she sighed under her breath.
“The phone works both ways,” you rebutted.
“Doesn’t mean I didn’t want to talk to you.”
“I didn’t think you wanted to!”
“Of course I did! I wanted to remain friends,” her cheeks were flush.
You try to calm your breathing and think hard about what you’re going to say because you didn’t want to get her feelings anymore than you did, apparently. “It’s hard to remain friends with someone you had fallen in love with and been with for a year.”
“As if I don’t know that?!” She crossed her arm and held her forehead with the other, “I had hope that we could work our way back.”
She took a long deep breath, before looking back up at you, “so you don’t want to try?”
“Literally when did I say that?”
“You didn’t have to say anything! I can tell with the way this is going that you don’t want to,” she was trying to calm herself down but you could tell she was struggling.
“No, no, no, back to the main question, why do you care that I’ve been seeing other people? We broke up!” you uncrossed your arms and got yourself some water too, your hands needed to do something.
“Because!” she huffed, “Because I still care for you and I don’t want you to get hurt,” she sighed once more, “and I miss you.”
You stop in your tracks and set the glass down gently before your impulse took over to throw it. You glare at her, “then why did you leave?”
“Because it wasn’t fair to you! We barely saw each other and when we did we would fight! I loved you too much to do that to you,” tears began to form in her eyes but she didn’t dare let them fall.
“I was perfectly fine letting you do what you love and was willing to work it out, you never talked to me about how you felt! You just up and left!” you threw back.
“Are you serious?! I had a flight that morning I had to leave, it was nothing to do with you.”
“You could’ve waited,” you growled.
“And make you feel more miserable?”
“I wasn’t!! That’s what I’m saying! I loved you, hell I still do, but that was bad the way you did it and you know it,” you pointed at her, hoping that she didn’t catch that one part.
“You what?”
Damn it, “you heard me.”
She sat at the bar and hung her head in her hands, sniffling.
“Rhea…” you start, and the lump in your throat was getting bigger, “I was distracting myself so that I could stop thinking about you. You consume my life, I think about you all the time,” a tear fell and you wiped it away before she could see. “I couldn’t do anything that first month, I was miserable, I had to do something.”
She lifted her head, her face was red and covered in tears. “I never stopped loving you,” she admitted.
“That makes two of us,” you said under your breath. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because I didn’t want to hurt you again,” she wiped her nose with a paper towel.
You couldn’t think of anything to say. You sat there staring at her, thinking of everything you’ve ever done together and where it went wrong, but it never came up. “What do you want me to say?” you sigh.
“I don’t know,” she caught your eyes. Those icy blue perfect eyes staring back into you.
“Then what do you want from me?”
She sat for a minute racking her brain, trying to think of an answer that was different from what she wanted to say, but what’s the use, she thought and decided to shoot her shot anyway, “Another chance?”
You contemplate for a few short seconds, “You have to promise me-”
“I’ll do anything please, baby,” she didn’t mean to call you that, but you let it slide.
“You have to promise me that you’ll keep me informed on your schedule no matter what. We will make it work. Take me with you, I’ll pay for the extra bed, I’ll pay for the tickets, just…” you take a deep breath, “don’t give up again.” You didn’t think you would fold so quickly, but here you were.
“I promise, I’ll send it right now, the whole month. And when the next one comes I’ll send you that too,” as she took out her phone and sent it, “we can download a shared calendar app.”
“Thank you,” you took a sip of your water and set it back down. “Now are you going to admit that you were supposed to meet me at the coffee shop or what?”
“I had to get to you somehow,” she smiled nervously.
“You didn’t think that Leah Shipley wouldn’t raise an eyebrow?”
“Hey, what can you do?” she shrugged.
The two of you sat in silence for a good minute smiling at the thought of her trying to trick you.
“So are you going to kiss me or what?” you said a little too confidentally.
She basically ran around the counter and slammed her mouth against yours, holding your jaw. Your hands grabbed her waist and pulled her in tightly.
“God, I missed you,” she breathed.
“Shut up,” as you kiss her again.
She carefully walked you backwards towards the counter as your lips danced against hers. Your hands found themselves roaming her body naturally, like it was never gone.
She picked you up onto the counter, carefully moving things away. Her hips shoved their way in between your thighs pushing your dress up as she went, as you wrapped your legs around her, pulling her in as close as possible.
A hand found its way into your hair and yanked it to the side letting a whimper spill out of you. She kissed down your neck, biting delicately sending shockwaves down to your core. She kissed her way down your chest until she couldn’t find anymore bare skin. Suddenly, her arms pulled you forward to where you almost fell off the counter, yanking your dress farther up. She planted soft kisses on your inner thighs which made you crazy.
“Can I-” she whispered before you cut her off.
“Do it. I don’t care just fuck me, please baby,” you had missed her touch so badly. No one had ever made you feel the way she did, it was insane. She knew how to work you out just right.
With a devilish smirk she bit harder on your thighs spreading them as far as they would go. Your hand tangled itself in her hair as you used the other one to lean back. She grabbed at the waistband of your underwear and slid them off of you. A shiver hit your body as the cool air hit your hot center.
Her eyes widened at the sight of you basically dripping onto the counter, “Damn, baby, you missed me that much?”
“Shut up,” you said once more and shoved her head into you.
She immediately began lapping at your juices. You moan loudly with your head slamming on the cabinets behind you. A small “fuck,” fell from your lips followed by another moan. Her hand grazed up your thigh, lightly scratching its way up. It reached around to the small of your back and pushed you more forward into her. Riding her face, your hand gripped hair tighter. The hand sneaked its way back around and prodded at your entrance.
“Please, yes,” you whine.
And so she did, gently plunging her two fingers into you. “God,” you groan as your eyes rolled back.
She kissed the inside of your thighs before returning to your neck and kissing her way up to your lips. You grab her face, kissing her intensely, as she’s now pounding into you. Her other hand returns to your now swollen clit and adds to the knot growing inside of you.
“You missed me, baby?” she coos.
“So… fucking… bad,” you breathe.
“Then show me,” she growled.
Only a few seconds pass and you released all over her hand with a loud moan, squeezing your legs closed but was stopped by her hips blocking your way. Your back arching into the woman in front of you, “ffffffucccckk,” you whine as she kisses your neck. Your nails are digging into her shoulder blades as she continues to pump in and out of you letting you enjoy the high.
As you came down, catching your breath, you release your grip on her shoulders. Your head lolled forward leaning onto the wrestlers forehead for a few breaths before leaning back onto the cabinet. She gently pulled her fingers out of you and brought them to her mouth, cleaning them off.
“I forgot how good you taste, princess,” her accent was so thick you almost came undone again.
“It’s been too long,” you sigh.
“I guess we have some catching up to do, then huh?” she smirked. She picked you up with a giggle coming from both of you and began to carry you to your bedroom.
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xelmokidx · 3 months
Reader is chilling in his home on Zaun, Until he hears a weird noise from his bedroom. He enters the bedroom, a little worried, then goes to the window to see that theres nothing. Then he looks back and Jinx scares him playfully! Then they talk and Jinx ends up straddling Reader on the bed, kissing and making out with reader. (Also include Reader touching and feeling Jinx's belly and groping her butt.)
hey dude, here’s the request, hope you enjoy!!
Breaking and Entering 
Jinx x gn!reader
Request?: yes!
Whilst at home, you get a visitor, one that you are glad that intruded your sanctuary…
Home. My one safe place. Zaun can be potent, to say the least. There's always something going on. I plop down on my very worn-down musty couch, sighing loudly. My bones crack from standing all day in my booth. I sold more today than I thought I would. Made a decent amount of money. Not enough, it's never enough. But it was decent. Just as I was about to shut my eyes for some rest, I heard a noise coming from my bedroom. There was some rustling, a thud, more rustling, and then a voice 
“Ow! Jeez toots, couldn't kill you to pick up your room once in a while, fuck,” I hear from an all too familiar voice. My girlfriend just broke into my house. Now, this isn't too new. She likes to pop up from time to time, surprising me with new gadgets she tinkered with fixing my kitchenware, or even just for a cuddle sesh. But breaking in through my window was new. She would usually bust through my door, which I deemed okay (though my landlord didn't). But breaking in was an all-new development. I force myself up from my couch and saunter over to my pink and blue graffiti-covered door. Yeah, she comes over a lot.
 I slowly open the door to find Jinz looking through my things and placing some different gadgets around. I presume they were pranks. Harmless ones, but pranks nonetheless. I sigh softly. 
“It couldn't kill you to use a door, ya know?” I say leaning on my doorframe. Jinx spins around, her vibrant blue braids swinging along with her motion. She quickly hides a hand behind her back, a prank she was going to place under my pillow. Her eyes widen and she drops the prank, hopping over to me. “Hi, sugar! I was only-,” she starts to explain before I cut her off. “Was only about to place hidden pranks all around my room to scare me with glitter and pink puff bombs?” I finish, a lovestruck smirk grazing across my face with a raised eyebrow. Her sly smile only widens. “Okay maybe, but I wasn't expecting you ta come home so early. '' She tries to reason. I chuckle. “Yeah, I sold more than I thought I would, so I packed up early.” I look down at Jinx. I was slightly taller than her. I always was, ever since we were kids. She hated that. Her blue eyes seemed even bluer in my dark room and her tattoos looked luminescent. I could look at her forever and never get bored. Jinx let out a soft “oh”, before tackling me in a bone-crushing hug. Yeah, she may be petite, but she was strong as hell. I wrap my hands around her waist and kiss her forehead. She nuzzles her face into the nape of my neck, her braids swinging from the motion and slightly tapping my thigh. “Missed ya, toots'' she mumbles, her breath tickling the skin beneath her lips. I sigh, “Missed you too, tink” 
Tink. My favorite movie as a kid was Tinkerbell, and it was the only one my mom could download using the Piltover wifi she got from her work. I watched it every day, dreaming of the fairies and how I could be one if I tried. That didn't work out. I wanted to be Rosetta more than anything, wanting nothing more than to care for plants. Now I care for them and sell them, so in a way, I am Rosetta, just less girly. Jinx reminded me of Tinkerbell, always working on some little gadget. I loved that more than anything. And I love her more than anything. 
Jinx looks up at me through her eyelashes, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “I just got home from work, dude” I reason, but she doesn't listen. She goes back down to my neck, nipping at the skin. I suck in the air in surprise. She always knows how to suck the air out of my lungs. It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. My nails dig into her flesh, definitely leaving crescent-shaped indents on her skin. Eventually, I find enough strength to push Jinx off of me, to which her lips turn into a frown, lines indenting her perfect face. “What, did I do something wrong?” she asks, and I frown. She could never do anything wrong. At least, not to me. “Never,” I start, “I was just thinking about how tired I am, and how the bed would be so much more comfy” A smirk goes across my face as I look at Jinx’s, waiting for her to get what I was saying. Her eyebrows are furrowed together like she knows what I'm trying to say, but just isn't getting the message. Then, her eyes light up, and a Cheshire grin covers her pale face. “Yeah, tired, right” Jinx drawls. 
I grab Jinx’s hand, pulling her to my bed. I lean myself up against my headboard, then pat my lap, giving Jinx the throne to sit upon. She hops on gladly, practically jumping onto me. Her legs wrap around my waist, and I pull her impossibly close. My hands and fingers graze her thigh, going higher and higher inch by inch. Her breath is fanned over my face, hot and sweet, just like she is. She mumbles something along the lines of “Oh my god I love you, you're too perfect for me toots,” She's vocal, to say the least. I kiss her shoulders, going up higher to reach her neck. I suck at her skin leaving purple bruises behind. I'm only hoping Silco doesn't come after me for marking his beloved daughter. I'd be dead meat. 
She whimpers quietly and I moan in return. My hands finally reach Jinx's ass. I grab at her flesh, making her rut her hips at the motion. I smirk against her skin, just as she did to me mere minutes earlier. “So good to me toots,” she says, pulling my face up my chin to look at her. I look at her face, her cerulean eyes, her pale skin, her pretty cheekbones. I lean forward, enrapturing her lips in a sweet kiss. She tastes of sugar and gunmetal, to which I'm slightly concerned but too enraptured in her lips to care. My hands continue up her body, past her waist and I stop them at her belly. I pulse my thumbs into her skin, feeling her tattoos and scars. I love every part of it, and I always will. My lungs start to burn from the lack of air, and I wish internally that they would just shut up so I could kiss my girlfriend. But needs are needs, so I disconnect my lips from hers, earning a whine from Jinx. We both pant, wanting nothing more than to intertwine our lips again. My head goes back to the headboard. Jinx leans her head on my chest. I bring my hand up from her belly to her hair, petting her hair gently. “I think that makeout sesh can excuse my  breaking and entering, right?” She says breathlessly, trying to get out of my scolding. But right now, I couldn't care less. “Yeah, it definitely does.” 
(AUTHOR SPEAKS!!): sup, guys! Hope you liked my first jinx x reader. And p,s if you want more pLS REQUEST!!! I am more than happy and willing to write stuff. Especially my girl crushes Hazel Callahan and Jinx and, like, so many more lmao. Anywho, have a great day/night( i know yall on tumblr at like 2 in the morning, get some sleep babe ) and love yall
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devildom-moss · 10 months
You know that hit game FNAF?
I hope you do.
Anyways, could you write headcanons about how well the side characters would be at playing it?
Thanks <3
Okay, so I have never played this game - or really had any interest in playing it, so I watched some guy play one of the games, and I did a bit of research. Sorry this took so long! I did my best, though... I'm finally almost done with requests. I've got two more left (good news for the Solomon lovers).
The others playing FNAF headcanons (dateables + new sides)
Diavolo downloaded it after tuning in to one of Levi’s streams.
He found it amusing. Scary animatronics are so entertaining – although he thinks they’re more cute than scary.
Laughs in the face of jump scares and death. “Haha, look, Barbatos. The big fox one killed me. I’m dead now.” / “That’s very nice, My Lord. Did you finish your paperwork already?” / “. . .uhm.” / “You have ten seconds before we reenact your game. I’ll be the fox.”
Does not care about the lore. He’ll listen and might retain some details when Levi explains it, but he will not dig deep or look for easter eggs.
He kinda sucks, but he has a good time, and isn’t that what matters? He’s not super careful or watchful because it’s just a game. There’s nothing at stake, so he can relax and just mess around.
His favorite character is Foxy, and it’s genuinely as simple as “he’s red, and he’s a pirate.”
He has no interest in playing at first.
Slight aside: I think he’d like horror games, but he strikes me as more of a cinematic, artsy horror game guy – like Bramble or Little Nightmares. He also strikes me as someone who might enjoy farming sims, like he would love Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. Pumpkin Panic would probably be a happy medium.
He’ll play if Diavolo, MC, or Luke ask him to; for anyone else, he’ll politely decline. Surprisingly, he’s not too bad. He’ll probably die once or twice, but he figures out what he has to do pretty quickly.
Barbatos doesn’t react to jump scares, and he avoids them as much as possible. He can play without moving his face – at least until one of the three people who could get him to play compliments him. In that case, he’ll smile a bit wider.
Nothing in that game could be more horrifying to Barbatos than Chuck E. Cheese – a real human world place where people take their children for some unfathomable reason. It’s run by a rat! That’s one of the reasons he won’t play if Solomon asks him too. One time Solomon loaded a Chuck E. Cheese mod version of the game that he asked Levi to make, and Barbatos nearly broke the control from fright.
The game is a little too scary for his liking, but he still plays it occasionally – just not alone. He gets more paranoid and jumpier for a few days after he plays, but he’ll insist that he’s fine to keep playing if anyone asks.
He’s not great, but he’s still the best out of everyone at Purgatory Hall. He tenses up and just either goes wide-eyed or starts yelling at the characters in the game, but other than that, at least he knows what he’s doing.
Luke likes all the toy versions of the animatronics because they look cute, but the nightmare ones freak him out.
A wave of relief washes over him once he beats a game. He’s so happy that he can finally turn the game off.
This poor man does not understand how to play – at all. He forgets which keys do what constantly, so he can’t react fast enough.
It’s a very stressful experience for him when he tries to play – all 10 minutes or so before he loses. Simeon doesn’t get scared so much as he just repeatedly asks what he’s supposed to do with increasing urgency.
Simeon would prefer to watch someone else play, but overall, he isn’t that interested in the game.
However, Simeon does find the lore and story interesting, so if he watches Levi or Luke playing, he’ll ask them questions about the plot.
Somehow, watching Luke play makes him more anxious than when he plays – probably because he doesn’t want Luke to lose and be disappointed.
Solomon enjoys it because it’s supposed to be dark and scary, but it doesn’t actually scare him at all – barring a few cheap jump scares. Still, he kind of likes it.
Unfortunately, Solomon kind of sucks. Like Diavolo, he finds the game so amusing that he just chuckles when things get stressful. He’s the type to hear or see something spooky in the game and do nothing just to see what happens. Okay, so maybe Solomon doesn’t suck, he just likes to see how the animatronics are going to get him – a real “oh boy, I sure hope I die” approach.
Solomon loves watching Luke play. It’s hilarious when Luke freaks out – and it’s even funnier to watch Simeon get nervous on his behalf.
Unironically thinks the nightmare versions are cute.
She hates jump scares so much.
She played once, and at the first jump scare, she let out a stifled shriek, pressed esc, put her cat ear headphones down, and left the room (to go find MC, probably).
No thank you. She doesn’t need that stress in her life. She will not try that again. She might watch someone else play but only if MC is there to comfort her or if it’s to laugh at Mammon for being scared.
She’s not afraid of the game, per se, she just doesn’t like being startled. She thinks the characters are cute, in a way - like creepy cute.
He thinks it’s stupid, and he doesn’t understand why it’s so popular. Raphael doesn’t care for gaming in general – but especially horror. He doesn’t want to simulate a stressful situation for no reason. If he wanted stress, he’d call Michael.
Raphael will try the game if Luke asks him to, and he does alright, but gets bored right up until he messes something up and dies. You wouldn’t even be able to tell he was in trouble. An immoveable frown sits on his face the entire time.
When Luke asks if Raphael would like to try again, Raphael tells him that if he wants a spear-free computer, he won’t make Raphael play anymore. The message was received.
Raphael will only watch if Luke, Simeon, or Lucifer play, and even then, he would probably pass most of the time.
He doesn’t strike me as much of a gamer, either. If he does play games, he’d probably choose games that are visually stunning and at least semi-relaxing, like Journey or Flower (probably Zelda games too).
He would play it if Luke asked him to or if he wanted to do research on it for journalism purposes.
Mephisto does relatively well, but he likes to investigate a lot, so he gets a bit distracted and takes it slow sometimes. Unfortunately – or fortunately – he has a habit of stopping after losing once. He’ll pick up the game again some other day, but once he loses, he stops that game for the day. On one hand, Mephisto does not allow himself to get pulled into games that he loses, but it makes his progress slow.
When Mephisto plays, he bounces his leg the whole time to contain his anxiety. He appears relaxed, but he flinches at jump scares and his eyes widen when he’s actively trying not to die.
He’s super into the lore – call it journalistic curiosity or just call him a nerd.  
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bettsfic · 4 months
it took 140 hours, but i finally finished my first playthrough of baldur's gate 3. overall i'm insane about it but there are a few things that really pissed me off. my (many) thoughts in no particular order under the cut.
i forced myself to play the full game totally vanilla, no mods even though i'm so bad at games i usually need cheats to make it to the end. not to mention i've hated inventory management in every game i've ever played (except genshin. love u, hyv). but i was patient, and i played on explorer mode, and i savescummed the hell out of it (hence 140 hours). but as SOON as i finished the epilogue, i turned around and installed 30 mods, most of which are QoL things that shouldn't even need to be modded (vertical camera pitch, WASD option, stackable items, sortable inventory, highlight ALL interactable objects).
i decided i wanted to play both a Dark Urge playthrough and an I'm Just Ken playthrough, but after making two new characters and, through my endless youtube diving, accidentally getting spoiled on what i think is the major durge reveal, i decided simply to make Ken the Dark Urge.
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every other minute he goes, "Hi! I'm Ken," and then thinks about murder. it's great.
obvs he's going to romance Shadowheart (although i may download the poly mod and romance everyone).
here are my Thoughts, in no particular order, because i don't know where else to put them:
i didn't enjoy romancing Astarion as much as i thought i would, because i came to see him less as a romantic interest and ended up identifying with him more than my Tav. that said, i'm very excited to do Astarion's origin playthrough
i ended up enjoying my Halsin romance more, because it was a more traditional slowburn, and Halsin's quest was totally external conflict. on one hand, that made me less interested in him as a character overall; on the other, it was SO SATISFYING to find out he had been Pining for me the whole time. sometimes i just need a little bodice-ripper content, as a treat
obviously i'm also into Astarion/Halsin and Astarion/Halsin/Tav
however the only viable fic idea i have is Astarion/Shadowheart? i blame this fanvid
no, really, what was so different about Early Access that OP got this much Astarion/Shadowheart material? the description in the video says they were disappointed by how their dynamic had changed for full release
okay, time or my biggest beef:
Haarlep pissed me off almost enough to stop playing the game. not in a purity way, but in a "this is just bad writing" way
i mean, your options are to kill him or fuck him. that's not consent. and when you agree to fuck him, you have to roll several checks to keep him from killing you. then he steals your likeness so that whenever he has sex with someone else, you have a spontaneous orgasm
i wanted to dismiss it as dead dove, but the point of dead dove is that 1) it is labeled, and there was no indication whatsoever i was about to walk into this, and 2) dead dove implies the creator is aware that the content is filth for filth's sake. i saw no evidence that that quest was anything more than the sniffing panties buff of D:OS2
the sadist in the goblin camp? that's good filth. you have a little public BDSM demo that you can easily nope out of, and if you finish it you get a permanent buff. your companions have fun things to say. and there's no major quest attached to it, so you can completely walk past it. and the Drow twins were the same. and Mizora. just horny content for players who enjoy that kind of thing, and easily disregarded for players who don't. i don't understand why Haarlep had to be different
like, you're looking around for the hammer. you come across Haarlep, who is bored and wants to have fun with you. maybe he offers the promise of a buff that will help in the coming battle with the Absolute. if your romanced character is in the party, you have a dialogue option to talk to them about it first. maybe in parting, he gives you a hint about where to find the hammer, and it's in a completely different room
but no, you *have* to interact with him to advance the quest, can't talk your way out of it, and it leaves you with a skeevy pseudo-debuff
when i went to look it up, i saw so many forum posts of people being like, hmm this made me really uncomfortable, and (presumably) men responding, it was consensual! you have the option to kill him! and it's frightening that so many people think that way
also when you have a female Tav and you choose a male Haarlep, the animation doesn't change to account for the position. Haarlep straddles you the whole time. and that just made me interpret the scene as a male succubus rape fantasy
and your companions have to WATCH. and they don't intervene or even say anything about it. if you've romanced Astarion and he's in your party, you get one point of disapproval and that's it. like he wouldn't have an Opinion over that kind of coercion? i saw some youtube videos and know that he says something about it much later when you spontaneously orgasm, but that's it
i hope there's something i'm missing, and someone will come into my ask and go "ummm actually" and tell me some important factoid of game development that will make me interpret the scene differently
i ended up resetting and just not doing the House of Hope questline. i didn't bother with the hammer, either. honestly the whole Githyanki plot confused me and i was more invested in my conflict with the Emperor. i ended up siding with him and killing Orpheus so that no one would have to turn into a mindflayer. i was expecting to have to persuade him out of taking the crown himself, but he just noped off for some reason
this is another thing i wonder if i missed. i never understood his motivations or goals beyond "protect you" and "manipulate you." so he's Balduran and he killed his dragon and...what else? to what end? it would have been more satisfying to me if he planned to take the crown for himself but decides not to because of the bond he's forged with you. but maybe i can interpret it that way anyway
yes i fucked the Emperor
but i fucked him in Guardian form
like a COWARD
i was very torn about all the characters' final decisions. in the end, i kept Jenheart and spawn Astarion. i let Wyll and Karlach choose for themselves (and loved their ending together). i couldn't prioritize Gale or Lae'zel this playthrough because i was focused on too many other things, and i got their bad endings (although i ended on good terms with Lae'zel despite killing Orpheus?)
i played as a beast master ranger (i mained a beast master hunter in WoW for years) and i've seen in several places on the internet that it's supposedly the worst subclass, but let me tell you...
the bird companion. nobody is talking about the bird companion. by the end, it has two actions, the ability to blind, and your bird can call in two more birds. you can have a total of FOUR BIRDS
the red dragon in the final battle? couldn't do shit. it spent the entire time blinded by my bird. nearly everyone on the battlefield was dead by the end, but my bird still had over 50% of its HP. the bird is BROKEN
in my I'm Just Ken playthrough, i'm going to multiclass Shadowheart into a raven girl. the birds spoiled me and i can't imagine playing without them now
it's weird to me that there's penis physics but no boob physics. did anyone else notice that? you wiggle the male avatar and the dick moves. you wiggle the female avatar and her boobs are like rocks. even when she's lying down, the boobs stay exactly as they are
listen, i have a lot of complaints. the bugs made the game nearly unplayable for me. i know they're putting out patches fast, but i think it'll still be years before i would recommend this game to someone who is on the fence about playing it. if you're not immediately dropping everything to fuck the hot sad vampire, you might as well wait until the game is cleaner at like hotfix 856
i've never experienced anything like this game. every decision matters. every character has a story. there are so many potential paths and opportunities that it's literally impossible for the fan wiki to be completely accurate. i cried at least 4 times, and by the end, saying goodbye to Karlach, i was actually sobbing. i'm old enough now to know that these states of immersion into fictional worlds are rarer than they used to be, and i'm so grateful to this game for giving me so many hours of fun and escape
unlike books, movies, and tv, where i get invested and move on and rarely read or watch anything twice, video games are always such a learning curve for me that when i get into a game, i stay there. i have thousands of hours into Genshin and SDV, and i have a feeling BG3 will be the same. this game is so, so flawed, but it's ambitious beyond any narrative i've ever encountered, and i really admire it for that
i would love to find a Discord server for it that's not overwhelmingly huge, just the people writing fic and making art. it's been a long time since i've been involved in a fandom and i really miss it
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first-edition · 4 hours
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, graphic deptiction of killing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, Family reunion, joss and Podrick being little gay cutie pies, y/n being a gay ally (HAPPY PRIDE MONTH)
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
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A blood curdling scream can be heard from sandors plot in the forest as he chops up bits of wood. The scream comes from the same pathway he just headed through. 
“Shit.” he huffs before running  as fast as he can back to the village. The sight is gruesome, as the premade homes are engulfed in flames and some even already burnt out. The bodies amongst the mud, horse slaughtered and food supply turned over. But the sight that holds Sandor in his clutches is brother Ray, hanging from the structure that was supposed to be the church once finished. His skin purplish gray his black dark red his eyes bulging. 
Sandor grumbles looking around at everyone dead on the ground before he sees the horse hoof markings that lead into the side path of the forest. With an anger filled rage he picks up the ax he’d dropped and speeds after the men that did this. The only thought was to get back at them and do much worse than what they did. 
It's not long before Sandor comes up to them, easily hacking one down. The man's head rolling in the leaves and mud going to the next cutting his chest open as he swings the ax. He ducks and takes the third swinging the ax up as it slices into the man's crotch pushing up before Sandor pulls it out and back. The man falls to his knees begging for mercy. 
“Where the fuck is the other one? The one with the yellow cloak?” Sandor asks, holding the ax to his neck. 
“FUCK YOU!” the man yells. Sandor angrily grunts before taking the man's head off.
You watch as Sansa plays with your son. She holds him in her lap and makes babbling noises with silly expressions. It's been six months since everything and you and your others have become virtually one with a cold. Being able to stay out longer, your fingertips and ear no longer freezing on impact. 
This winter will be long and hard and with all the preparations for fighting the night king and asking the dragon queen for her help it is too much for some to handle. Sana has unfortunately left most of the work to you so she can spend time with you son although joss takes him away from her to bring him back to his rightful mother she will always whine a bit before understanding. 
The sound of metal clinking horse hooves pounding and people chatting is a lively sound you could only hear outside the gates of king's landing, as people work on sorting supplies and gathering for the possible fight to occur. 
“How much food does winterfell have?” you ask the head supplier. 
“Enough for a year your grace, with the wool, and steel there should be enough possibly over than that.. A-at least for those who are in the castle now” he says 
“Hmm. you're telling me there isn't enough food, especially not when the armies from the dragon queen will be brought back to winterfell.” you say as you begin your walk down the steps to your son who begins to fuss in Sansa’s arms. 
“N-no my lady.” he answers “Most likely not.” he ends 
“I’ll have my share of militia head out in a cart to bring back more supplies as we cannot have the other guests starve now can we.” you say he shakes his head. 
“Come here. I've got you” you say picking up your son from her arms holding him close to you fixing his furs so he's warm against you. He snuggles into your chest holding onto you before popping his thumb in his mouth. 
“The little prince is growing fast, your grace.” lord baelish says as he approaches. 
“Thank you.” You reluctantly want nothing more to do with him as you find him to be a weasel that could manipulate those for his pleasure. 
“M-my lady!” joss comes running up to you and sansa taking a few puffs of breath before standing straight and speaking. 
“Y-your sister has arrived..lady arya..st-stark.” he huffs which makes you giggle a bit at how out of breath he is.
“Where..” Sansa says standing up. 
“I dont i want to come and get you but when I turned around she was gone and said s-somthing about your mother and father and v-visiting them.” he sighs nodding. 
“Come with me.” sansa sansa says taking your hand leading you to the entrance of the castle. Joss follows. She leads you to the entrance of the catacombs where all the Stark family are buried. You've visited as Sansa has an honorary burriel for Sandor down there despite not being a member of the family. 
He basically pulls you anxious to see her sister. But she soon lets up as she sees Arya standing there looking up at Sandors statue. Sansa looks at her for a few seconds before ayra takes notice and smiles a bit. 
“Do i have to call you lady stark now? I never really wanted to.” she says. Sansa smiles and hurries to her sister giving her a much deserved hug. The hug is broken by your son's babbling. 
“Your grace.” ayra says giving you a small bow. 
“No need for formality.” you say walking twords them both joss following behind you. 
She gives you a hug as well. Even though you've spent the least amount of time together she still feels ecstatic you have you around. 
“Whos this?” she asks about the child in your arms. 
“This is Joss Dortain Clegane.” you say turning him slightly to face her. She holds her hand out and extends a finger he grips it and begins to bring it to his mouth. 
“oh..no no.” you both laugh as she pulls her hand away. 
“The little prince.” she smiles. You nod. 
“His last name, clegane. Like Sandor or Gregor clegane?” she asks. You take a breath before nodding. Your eyes divert to the statue they all stand under. 
“His father, sandor. Brienne told me what she did, fought him for you, she pushed him.” you say looking up at the stone carving still. 
“If it's any consolation, he fought hard, like...extremely hard. I've never had someone fight that hard for my protection, ransom or not.” she says. You look at her and nod.
“Thank you. For keeping him company. I know he's not the best to hang about with but-” you begin. 
“He was fun. He talked about you. Last he mentioned you was of your pregnancy, he hated traveling in the opposite direction made him ancy, angry, he would always mutter thing about volantis. I asked him if he loved you, and he said yes with no hesitation, then I teased him that he was technically a prince." Arya laughs, making you laugh as well. 
“I remember on our wedding night I said the same thing to him; he didn't like it.” you say
“He didn't like it when I mentioned it...from my time with him. He adored you; he killed a man for speaking ill of your likeness. He really did love you.” she says a twinge in your heart forces a lump to hit your throat that your force back down. You nod in compliance for fear if you speak you'll start crying. 
“You must be hungry, I'll have the cook prepare you a proper meal.” Sansa breaks the sadness before you all gather and exit the crypts. 
Podrick and Brienne spar. They play swords clinging against each other as he's gotten…somewhat better at his sword play. He lunges forward at Brienne allowing her to kick his ankle tripping him into the mudded ground and walks around him smacking his butt with the side of the sword. 
“Don't lunge.'' She sighs, turning around as Podrick bets up and grabs the sword he drops before raging at her and begging again. But as per the round he makes a wrong move and she rides him backwards. Granted she did it on purpose. 
“Don't go where your enemy leads you.” she says walking around him chuckling at his failure. 
He gets up once again wiping the mud from his cheek about to go to attack once more but is stopped by familiar words. 
“Don't fight someone like her in the first place, it’ll get you nowhere.” joss speaks his hands behind his back as he walks up the two dueling. 
“Joss.” Brienne. 
“My lady.” he replies, bowing a bit before holding out his hand for the sword. 
“Be my guest.” she chuckles. Handing it to him before nodding to podrick and walking off the inside to get a drink. 
“You have to keep your knees bent, your eyes at half looks, and your free arm tucked for fear you might get cut off if you are not careful.” joss says podrick scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking his stance brienne taught him. 
“When did you learn so much about the sword?” podrick asks. 
“Unlike you who knows of fine things, I was a king's guard squire fighting in the description.” 
Joss huffs in a laugh at the way he stands. But nonetheless begin the fight. Easily joss maneuvered the sword around as podrick is slightly confused as he follows the sword with his eyes. This leads to joss bopping him on the backside like brienne. 
“Eyes at half look doesn't mean follow the entire sword, you have to watch your opponents moves as well, predict them.” joss replies. Podrick nods before they both begin again, sparing this time it lasts a bit longer than a few seconds. But ultimately a hit on the ass is what seals the deal. 
“That was good. Could be better,” joss says, running his fingers through his own hair pushing it back and out of his face. To their surprise they last much longer now join for a minute or two and podrick even takes down his first opponent leaving him to straddle joss with the sword held to his neck. Joss chuckles, smiling at podrick both proud and enthralled. 
Joss pushes Podrick off of him and switches positions holding his dagger to his other neck before leaning close to him. 
“Don't let your guard down..no matter who you're fighting.” joss speaks. Podrick chuckles back before the space between them closes, their lips connecting. It consumes the moment for a brief time only for joss’s name to be put to air as you call him. 
He pulls off his partner and stands up looking toward the sound to see you at the side. A smirk on your face. 
“The others need your help in unloading the carts. You can speak to your boyfriend later tonight.” you say looking down to podrick who quickly gets up and bows to you. 
“Yes, your grace.” joss says, sheathing his dagger before handing the sword back to podrick their fingers brushing against each other before the other man hurries off the the carts you turn to podrick, 
“This is for you. John has requested your presence at castle black he needs you to meet him by the shore of the wall.” you say handing him a raven scroll. 
John was supposed to be back only a few weeks after the last scroll he sent about getting Daenerys' approval. But under certain circumstances he had to stay and collect the resources before returning which has taken longer than expected. Podrick nods. You turn to follow joss to oversee the cart supplies but you stop and turn back to podrick. 
“Please, come back alive, you're good to joss, he needs you.” you smile at him before turning around and going to the carts. 
Next Chapter here
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kharmii · 1 month
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Geten: Blue Flame, do you not like flowers?
Dabi: Do not look down on me, Ice Man.
(The significance being that Geten is holding the same sort of bellflowers that his mother favors...and he looks like his mother).
I can't get enough of a ship where a guy's love interest reminds him of his own mother. Dabi like..."I learned everything I know about sex and relationships from the way my dad handled my mom, and that's why I want to kill the bastard."
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Last one says, the Apocrypha, having been influenced by Dabi, has a bad attitude, even worse than before. He says, "I didn't lose my limb from an attack, but because I fought for a long time and felt my honor die. My remaining limbs are slightly crippled."
Bottom pictures talk about how he's 5'9" and finished growing.
I like this depiction of older Geten all in black (to counter Dabi being all in white in upcoming S7. He is the one who will lose a right arm from his own bad choices, unfortunately). They'd be like yin and yang with yin being black-feminine-water, and masculine being white-masculine-fire (although the colors are switched in canon).
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
Game (707 x Reader)
Kinktober day 12: Toys
I didn't know I can work this fast, but 7 my beloved. Also by this point you can tell my brain is not functioning with the character, it's been too long since I indulge myself in fanfic, sadly.
Warning: toys, overstimulation, vanderwood almost walked in lol, this is 100 percent ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
You stretched your back as you closed the chatlog. Finally ready to start on 7's route after finishing all the other ending.
Who would have known the personality of a redheaded hacker, was gonna beat your bias to silver hair red eye character. After surfing online about how 7 loved you in every route, you decided to finish all the ending before finishing his ending acting it like a true ending.
What can you say, a jokester hiding his mass of trauma under a cheery mask was a sure way to your heart.
You quickly boot up a new saved file ready to finally finished the last route to your favorite character.
In the next few day you attune attentively to the game, waking up at 3am to catch up on all the chat log not missing a single one (seriously who put their chat at 3am, do the character not sleep?)
When you started knowing something weird happening in the game. At first it was weird chat option in message that you have never seen before (You would know, you replayed Jumin's route multiple time) Shaking it off as just some easter egg you continued the game and finally begin 7 route.
Everything seems normal at first, until you started seeing log that wasn't there before, phone call from 7 happen way more often.
You shake it off, thinking it was just the new update.
Until one day you woke up and noticed you are no longer in your room, instead you were tied to a bed with a mouth gag in your mouth.
Just as you was about to struggle, as confused as you were. You figured you might want to get out first. You heard a footstep walking toward you, you looked up to look at your kidnapper.
You blinked slowly as you try to comprehend who your seeing.
7 kneeled down to the bed and removed the mouth gag from you.
You poked out your tongue trying to take in more air, also it was just uncomfortable to have something in your mouth.
7 look at you and said cheerfully,
"Hello, (Y/N) your finally here, I have been been so excited to meet you,"
"What? Am I hallucinating?"
7 ruffled your hair,
"Of course not, I was just tired of seeing you from the screen so I decided to take matter into my own hand and bring you here."
You motioned to your tied up hand and leg with your face,
"So you kidnapped me and tied me to a bed with a mouth gag, like some sort of weird kinktober fantasy?"
You sigh, fully accepting your fate. After all this is either some really weird hallucinating dream from you waking up at 3am or you have finally gone to another world. Honestly by this point you dont really care.
"You know me a bit too well,"
7 shrugged with a knowing grin,
"What can I say I have been looking through your search history,"
You froze and then closed your eye defeated,
"Dear god, you know I will have to kill the witness, right,"
He hold a hand to his chest faking a gasp,
"Is that all it takes for you to hurt me?"
"Okay maybe not, can you please let me go,"
7 poked your cheek,
"Nope, I want you here (Y/N). I love you, I have been watching you for years, ever since you first downloaded the game. I have waited long enough, I want you,"
"Wait what about my family?"
7 clapped his hand together, looking real fucking proud of himself,
"It was a bit hard, even for a genius like me. But I have managed to combined the world in a few day we will be together forever."
Hearing his answer, you thought for a moment before saying,
"Okay, then I'm down. Are you gonna fuck me or not,"
"7 my beloved, you just fucking kidnapped me out of my bed tied me up and put a mouth gag in my mouth. I dont know how to tell you this, but I just read a bunch of kinktober fic might as well act out a erotic fic, "
7 give you a crazed grin,
"Dear god, I really found the best and craziest person ever,'
"What can I say, we are similar in the worst way possible, there's a reason you're my favorite character,"
"You mean other then I'm hot and funny and smart and rich and..."
You rolled your eye as he go on and on,
"Yes, yes I get it, Mr. Lucky Number, you're the cutest."
With a grin he tilt down to kiss you, after a few minute he separate with a strand of saliva connecting you guys. He put his forehead on yours and begin to undress you.
Just as you guys were about to begin to get rid of years worth of love and touch deprived cause horniness, you guys froze when you heard someone knocking on the door.
7 quiet you down before yelling that he will open the door soon,
"Saeyoung, if your going to leave at least untie me,"
With a sadistic grin, and a bad feeling up your spine 7 turn around to get something,
You was shut up when 7 retied the mouth gag around your mouth. You suddenly started shivering when you see him pull out a bunch of what you're assuming is sex toy.
You pulled on the bondage around your arm again, 7 gave you slapped on your breast, shutting you up with the stinging from your breast,
"Quiet, kitten. I can't have you all bored and lonely here can I? I will leave you with some fun,"
With that he quickly clipped a few clamp onto your nipple. He hold up a vibrator to show you, with a grin on his face. Seeing it, the realization that this is really happening you tried to back away. Pretty convinced that it's not gonna fit and that you are in fact not ready to get fucked.
"It's too late to back out now, kitten."
With that 7 quickly lubed it up, and slowly pushed it into your fold. Tear stained your eye, as you body tighten and tried to pushed the intruder out of your body. But all you successfully did was take it deeper into you.
Suddenly you arched your back when the knocking come again, and 7's hand slipped and pushed the entire thing inside you.
"Luciel open the fucking door!"
"Calm down, Mary i'm coming do you want to see me naked?"
Turning around he wiped away your tear,
"Good girl, just take in one more, hmmmm. Be a good girl for daddy," with that he pulled out a cat tail butt plug,
You look at him at wide eye,
'How many of these do you have?'
"I was quite excited to have you here, so I brought some toys," with that he moved your ass up before plugging it into you and laying you down again,
7 give you a kissed on your forehead before locking the door and walking out.
You slow your breath trying to relax your body against the many thing inside your body. Just as you was starting to get use to it, you suddenly arched your back up, when all the vibrator all started vibrating.
You pant and moan, saliva dripping down your chin. Tears streaming down your body as your body tried to get use to the vibrating. But every time you get use to it the frequency change causing you to orgasm again
If you could still think you would have probably swear the fucked out of 7, but you can't. Too sensitive and tied up to think.
When the door open again, you looked up with teary eye.
7 looked down at your flushed up body, damp with sweat and your juice. The cat tail now damped and hard under you. Your entire body trembling from your multiple orgasm.
He removed the mouth gag and with a shit eating grin said,
"Seems like you had fun when I was gone, kitty,"
"F-Fuck you..." you panted out,
"With pleasure,"
7 removed the vibrator out of you (After slipping a few time and causing you to swear) and pushed his hard member into your wet fold.
"F-fuck..." you swear as you felt your body taking in something far bigger the the vibrator,
"You feel so tight, kitten. I can't wait to fucking break you," with that he started to thrust into you
You hanged onto him desperately as you felt him going in and out of you. The cat tail sticking on you, wet from your juice and sweat. You let out wail as he pounded into you faster and he pulled on your clamp.
Just as your mind blurred and you were about to collapse you felt him gripped your waist tightly as he came inside you.
Panting slightly he pulled out, before covering your body with his blanket and cuddle you.
"T-take out the thing, you dick,"
"Nope staying in, Kitten"
"Be quiet, love. Before I go another round,"
With that you quickly shut up and went to sleep.
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omarandjohnny · 4 months
Tagged by @negrowhat <333333333333333333333333333333
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
I didn't really have a fixed ship to hang my hat on in those days (aka the before the internet tiemz), but Buffy and Pike (movie BTVS) were the main couple I fixated on back then (still was figuring out why movie Lestat and Louis made me feel funny in my tummy at that time, so Buffy and Pike were the easier option LOL)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Roz and Dan from Night Court; I was 7 and I wanted them married and arguing until the end of time <3
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
(hops in the wayback machine) Pretty sure I was writing for Greg/Nick (CSI) just a bit before Ennis/Jack (Brokeback). Still so very thankful that those four introduced me to friends I'd still have in my life 20 years later!
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I very clearly remember the Spangel fanvids that took more than day to download from our AOL dialup, yes XD
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Attempting to nail jello to a tree would be a far more productive use of my time.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Can't say anything comes to mind, really.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Had to go through my AO3 history, last time I had a clear enough head to attempt to read anything was early autumn last year (oof) and it was a modern AU of Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang that I don't think I finished because I really can't recall any of it. Ah, well.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Since I can't engage in fic it's hard for me to keep hold of the newer ships, so my brain tends to fall back on old reliables- Loustat/Loumand being at the top at this very moment because the fandom's waking up again for season 2 in May.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Another one that I can't think of anything.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Not Really, if I hated them then I'm sure I still hate them now. (keeping your answer here, Eboni, because same)
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I'd be cancelled over any ship at any time for anything, such is the nature of this goofball puritanical mindset that has taken over fandom socmed. (I know the problem reaches so much further than that, but I'm not clearheaded enough to write a dissertation LOL)
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Can't say I've ever had one.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
20+ years ago I was slowly killing copious amounts of trees and our at-home printer with Spangel fics that I didn't want to lose (have since lost all of the printouts, and the fics are still online in their respective webrings, yikes) So yeah, Spangel would probably still win. Ennis/Jack, and Wangxian would round out the top three, I'm sure.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Bastard-coated bastards, pastel/goth, grumpy/sunshine.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Drawing a blank here. Though, I will have a harder time engaging if the source material is mainly written in 1st person POV, which is why I'd be considered a fake Vampire Chronicles fan XD (forever thankful for my friends that actually read the books and school me on what I don't know)
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thornybubbles · 1 year
Playing a Horror Game with Josuke and Okuyasu (non-yandere scenario/headcanons)
Note: These headcanons are based in the current year and aren’t yandere themed. As much as I like yandere stuff, I have to take a break from it every now and again. So, here’s a little something from my brain’s lighter side. (You’re still going to be playing a horror game though!)
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Josuke is a bit nervous about this. He’ll never admit it in a thousand years, but he’s not a fan of horror games. The last one he played scared him badly enough to give him nightmares for days and he never played it again. When you asked him to play a game called “7 Days to Die”, a survival/crafting/zombie horde game, he wanted to refuse, but when you mentioned that you had been playing the game with Okuyasu for a few weeks now, he immediately downloaded the game from Steam. He was a bit miffed (and very jealous) that you had been playing with Okuyasu and neither of you bothered to invite him until now. You didn’t say anything to him at the time, but you knew all about his aversion to horror games and were reluctant to invite him to play due to how intense 7 Days could get. It was Okuyasu that insisted that you invite his best friend, because the two of you had been having some trouble with the last few zombie hordes and he felt that Josuke’s gaming experience could come in handy. So you relented. 
Okuyasu, in spite of his… limitations… proved to be a genius at building. He managed to design a beautiful fortress with a kitchen, sleeping quarters, garden, storage room, and even a watchtower. You helped him surround the fortress with an impressive concrete wall and surrounded that wall with a ditch full of metal spikes. Neither of you had quite reached the level where you could get the perks that allowed you to create automated defenses… at least you hadn’t. 
You found out that Okuyasu hadn’t bothered to put perk points into anything yet. He’d been collecting unused perk points since level one and hadn’t unlocked ANYTHING! No wonder you guys were struggling! After getting him to actually use his perk points (and making sure he invested them in perks that were actually useful), the two of you began to set up more high tech defenses. This, of course, was after you finally got him to stop giggling stupidly at the fact that there was a perk called “Sexual Tyrannosaurus”. 
When Okuyasu first spawned into the game, he spotted what he thought was an NPC in the distance and ran over to them. You tried to warn him over Discord that it wasn’t an NPC, but when you heard his startled scream, you knew it was already too late. He was zombie chow. He respawned in the desert and it took you forever to find him again. When you did manage to find him, he was fighting off a flock of zombified vultures. You sighed and went to his rescue. 
When Josuke was creating his character, he was disappointed that he wasn’t able to give his character a pompadour. He settled for a mohawk.
When Josuke finally joined the game, he spawned in the snow. It was a terrible starting point, but it didn’t slow him down at all. It took you and Okuyasu a long time to get to him, but by the time you found him he was already wearing padded armor, managed to loot some ruined houses for ammo, and made a pipe rifle and a sledge hammer. 
“Hey guys! What took you so long?” he said, as he stood outside of his shack that he already had surrounded with wooden spikes, while cooking meat from a freshly killed wolf over his campfire. 
You stared at him, a little bit envious of how quickly he progressed with no guidance at all. It took you a while to figure out the mechanics of the game and took you even longer to explain it all to Okuyasu, (and he still struggled with it from time to time). You glanced up at the day counter at the top of the screen. You didn’t have much time. Maybe it was a good thing that Josuke was so good at picking up the game so quickly. 
“We need to hurry and get back to the base.” You said. “We only have three days before the next Blood Moon.” 
“Oh that’s right! We haven’t finished setting up the rest of those traps!” Okuyasu chimed in. 
“And you’re gonna need much better armor than that.” You said to Josuke, looking at his character’s very basic armor.
“Uh… Blood Moon…???” Josuke asked, sounding confused. 
Oh boy. Josuke hadn’t bothered to do any research on the main mechanic of the game. You told him that you would explain on the way. Josuke gathered up the few supplies that he deemed important and followed you and Okuyasu back to the base. Along the way, you explained to him just why the game was called “7 Days to Die”. 
“You have a total of seven in-game days to do things like build, gather materials and supplies, look for food and water, and take quests from the Traders. On the night of the seventh day, a Blood Moon rises and a horde of zombies comes after you. It doesn’t matter where you are, they’ll find you. You can’t hide from them and you can’t run from them. Your only choice is to stand and fight.” you explained. 
Josuke was really quiet as he listened to your explanation. That sounded absolutely terrifying.
“And the attack lasts all night long!” Okuyasu added. “Also, everything is bathed in an eerie red glow, like the gates of Hell just opened and unleashed its lost souls upon the living!” 
He added the last part in a creepy voice and let out a maniacal laugh. 
“Don’t be so dramatic, Okuyasu.” You said, rolling your eyes at his antics. 
Josuke was having some major second thoughts. 
“Great…” he muttered under his breath. You managed to pick it up through Discord though.
“You, uh… you gonna be able to do this, Josuke?” you asked. 
“Y-yeah! It can’t be that bad… c-can it?” he said, trying to sound brave but failing. 
You didn’t think it would be fair to lie to him.
“With every level up you get and every week that passes, things get more and more difficult. Eventually you’ll come across different kinds of zombies and some of them have different abilities. Some are stronger, some can jump really high, some can call other zombies, some explode…” 
“Explode?!” Josuke shouted. 
You explained more about what to expect from the game. The more you explained, the more Josuke doubted that he wasn’t going to have nightmares that night. 
Eventually you all made it back to your base and Josuke was impressed with your progress. Okuyasu proudly showed him around while you rifled through your supplies, looking for what you needed to make Josuke a decent set of armor for his current level and perks. You also searched through your weapons and ammo supplies as well. While you were impressed with how quickly Josuke managed to make his own weapons, a pipe rifle and a stone sledge hammer weren’t going to be enough for what the next Blood Moon would throw at you. You realized that you forgot to mention that with each Blood Moon that passes, the Blood Moon hordes get more and more intense, including the stronger variations of zombies. Glancing at the day counter again, you realized that it wouldn’t matter if he knew or not anyway. This next Blood Moon would be rough. You just hoped your preparations were going to be enough. 
Josuke proved a big help in preparing the base for defending against the horde. He helped you and Okuyasu plan better defensive strategies for the upcoming Blood Moon. It was his idea to set up an extra two layers of barbed wire around the spike pit. The barbed wire would slow the zombies down, allowing you to pick off the more dangerous ones. The spike pit would take care of the rest. It sounded good in theory, but having been through several Blood Moon hordes before, you couldn’t help but feel a bit worried that it wasn’t going to go as smoothly as you hoped. Okuyasu set up some robotic turrets to mow down the oncoming horde from the watchtower. It seemed like a good plan. You started to feel a little more confident about your chances of surviving the next Blood Moon. 
Josuke’s first night in the game was pretty awful. No lighting of any kind was allowed because you discovered earlier that light attracted curious zombies to your base. Campfires were only used for making emergency rations or to warm up when your characters got wet and cold when it rained. Josuke hated that. He asked if you could have at least one torch but you said no. It was just too risky. So Josuke spent that night huddled in the darkness of the main room with you and Okuyasu with the only light coming from the moon. While the “home base” music was comforting, it still held a slight sinister undertones to it and when it wasn’t playing, the night time air was filled with all kinds of strange sounds that set him on edge. 
“W-what the hell was that noise?!” he yelped. 
Okuyasu chuckled at his obvious nervousness. 
“Just nighttime ambience to make the game spooky. Trust me, you’ll know if it’s zombies.” you told him. 
Speaking of which…
Your base was suddenly surrounded by the sound of footsteps rushing around the outside. . 
“Shoot…” you mumbled. 
“What? What is it?!” Josuke demanded, his voice pitched with growing terror. 
“I forgot to mention that the zombies gain the ability to run when it’s dark.” You said. 
“WHAT?!!” Josuke shouted. 
You could hear the snarling and growling near the front of your base. It was the unmistakable sound of zombies angrily trying to free themselves from your barbed wire traps. Battle music started playing. 
“HORDE!!!” Okuyasu shouted, maybe a bit too gleefully for your tastes. 
His character threw open the back door and ran up to the top of the watchtower. From there he could see a fairly large group of zombies wading through the barbed wire in an effort to get to the base. Without the sunlight blaring down on them, they were faster and more energized. They were making short work of the barbed wire. They’d already broken some of the traps. Okuyasu killed a few of them, but he could see more coming in the distance. 
“What do we do?!” Josuke yelled, panic evident in his voice. 
“Come on!” you said and led him up a ladder to the roof of the base. 
From there you lead him to the catwalks that Okuyasu set up. The catwalks lined the wall, giving you both a decent view of the approaching horde. You and Josuke began picking off the newcomers, while Okuyasu got rid of the zombies stuck in the barbed wire. 
Eventually, the three of you managed to fend off the horde with minimal damage to the defenses. Josuke felt like his heart had gone up to his throat. After taking a moment to calm down, and metaphorically swallow his heart back down into his chest, he let out a relieved sigh. 
“That wasn’t so bad!” he said. “Man, you guys made it out like the Blood Moon was gonna be tough!” 
“Uh… Josuke…” Okuyasu started to say.
“That wasn’t a Blood Moon. We still have another day before that happens.” You said. “That was just a mini-horde.”
“MINI-HORDE!?” Josuke shouted. “That was like 20 zombies!” 
“Nah, more like 10.” Okuyasu corrected. “Blood Moon hordes are way bigger and they keep comin’ until the sun comes up. I told ya that before, remember?” 
“Oh…” Josuke said. 
When the day of the Blood Moon finally arrived, Josuke spent all of the daylight hours feeling on edge. The three of you went about gathering up the needed materials to do quick repairs, getting loot from one of the nearby houses, buying ammo and repair kits from the Trader, and preparing food and water. Josuke got the idea to set up some storage crates at strategic areas around the base and fill them with supplies so you wouldn’t have to run all the way back to the storage room if you ran out of ammo or needed first aid kits or something during the Blood Moon. 
Finally, the sun set and the Blood Moon had arrived. Just as Okuyasu described, the world was bathed in a red glow, giving it a hellish look. Thunder boomed in the sky and, in no time at all, the horde was upon you. Okuyasu let out a ridiculous battle cry and began shooting down on the zombies with the turrets. You tossed molotovs down onto the zombies as they approached the outer layer of barbed wire. While they burned, you took out your sniper rifle and began picking off the tougher zombies. Josuke just used the machine gun you gave him to pepper them with bullets. Things were going fairly well… at first. 
Then things went sour very quickly. One of your bullets hit a large soldier zombie in the chest, setting off the bomb embedded there, and causing it to explode. The resulting explosion took out a section of the layers of barbed wire and the zombies went right to it. The spike pit took out the first few that fell into it, but eventually the spikes were broken and destroyed, opening up yet another path. The zombies that fell into the pit and weren’t impaled by the spikes began climbing out of the pit and making a beeline for the main gate in the wall. You, Okuyasu, and Josuke killed off as many of them as you could, but eventually they tore the gate down and flooded into the front yard. They had breached your defenses! 
Josuke was panic shooting as he watched the zombies surround your base and begin pounding on the front door and around the walls. It wouldn’t be long before they made their way into the base! Sure enough, the horde broke through the front door and some of the windows. They piled into the base and began making their way up the ladder to you and Josuke. 
Okuyasu and Josuke were nearly deafened by your screaming as you found yourself face to face with your least favorite kind of zombie: the spider zombie. As if a regular zombie wasn’t bad enough, some sicko developer thought it would be a great idea to combine one with a spider, thus creating a monstrosity that had a hideous, arachnid-like face, crawled around on all fours, leapt to great heights, and made the most horrible sounds you’ve ever heard. The creature seemed weirdly focused on you, more so than even the other zombies. It let out an ear-splitting screech before jumping on you. It broke your arm and gave you a concussion. Soon the other zombies joined in, punching and slashing at you and knocking your health down bit by bit. You did your best to fight them off, but both your ammo and health were depleting. At least you managed to kill that horrible spider zombie. 
Amidst the flurry of blows from your undead attackers, you could see that Josuke was having his own troubles. A group of female zombies had cornered him on the catwalk and were now chasing him around the top of the wall. Josuke had long since run out of ammo and due to his undead fangirls, he was unable to get to the emergency supply crate. He used the modified baseball bat you gave him to bash in a few of their skulls, cringing at the cracking and squelching sound their heads made when he smashed them open. He noted that it seemed that only the female zombies were targeting him. Even in a game, he ends up with an unwanted harem. He was seriously contemplating just jumping down into the spike pit to get away from them. He would probably survive…
Okuyasu was doing better than you two. The horde had not yet breached the watchtower and he managed to mow down most of the ones that tried to break in with the turrets. He had a fully stocked supply crate that he only needed to get into once, and that was to refill the ammo for one of the turrets. He was feeling pretty safe at the top of his watchtower… until the flock of zombie vultures flew into his face.
“Not you guys again!” he cried.
Just when it seemed like all was lost, the sun rose and the Blood Moon came to an end. Miraculously, you managed to fend off the last few zombie stragglers. Your base was in shambles. Your poor character had two broken legs, one broken arm, and a concussion and was slowly bleeding out. You hobbled over to the nearly destroyed supply crate and grabbed a first aid kit and some bandages to stop the bleeding. You also put casts on all your broken limbs. Due to your character’s injuries, you couldn’t do much to help as Josuke and Okuyasu healed themselves and started to work on repairing the base. You could only stand there and watch as they started patching things up. 
To your surprise, Josuke was already planning for the next Blood Moon, hoping to be better prepared now that he knew just how intense things could get. You thought for sure the Blood Moon would scare Josuke away from the game for good, but he told you that playing it with you and Okuyasu made it fun, and a lot less scary than it would be if he were playing it by himself. 
If he could handle multiplayer survival horror games then maybe you’d introduce him to more. You wondered how he would do in a game like “The Forest”. Maybe you’d invite him and Okuyasu to join you sometime. In the meantime, you watched your friends start the rebuilding process as you waited for your character to heal.
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seahdalune · 6 months
template under read more + musings
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TF2: so. TF2 huh. got into it last year. i kinda lost interest because of a tf2 discord server that i ended up leaving in bad terms + no content updates + i didn't do jackshit in the fandom. i made my robot oc blog but unfortunately that one died along with my fixation! oops.
Papa Louie: the ultimate killer of my tf2 fixation. the increasing amount of "Papa Louie lore is CRAZY!" videos in my recommended feed and the eventual release of Freezeria Deluxe drawing in streamers, and then Jerma, was what finally got me to crack and give the games a go. i don't regret it, because i finally joined a fandom that i actively (? the fandom's kiiiiinda dead aha;;) participate it, after like 2 years of wandering around! it kinda faltered around July~August, but after downloading Flashpoint, it came back double the force.
Scott Pilgrim: got the books for my birthday. read them. the graphic novels haunted me for a while because it was so.... different! from what i've read up to that point. i buried it into my subconciousness but the show dug it up again. i'm not thaaaat into it though. it's a background thought thing.
Good Omens: season 2 babyyyyyy, i wasn't as into it as i was in like.... 2021? i mean, back then i read like, a shitton of GO fanfics. i think that fandom is still my most bookmarked fandom within my fic folder. season 2 was great! heartbreaking even. but as i said, i already blew my steam back in like, 2021. i didn't really have Good Omens people to talk with anyways, not that i'm confident enough to find any.
Madness Combat: was around for the 2021 boom, but my fixation came back because of the Makeship plushie thing, fight meh ok. i wonder a little if they were worth it over the Papa Louie plushie when my fixation didn't last as long (it kiiiinda does sting i had to give him up? it would be nice to own official Papa Louie merch ;;) but whateves. they're in my arms. they're very cuddly. i'm getting off-point, anyways i love these freaks, love the action in the animations, i wanna play the game but at the same time i'm not sure how well i'm gonna be able to handle the guns and the killing. eh, i'll manage, i'll live. i guess i kinda stopped being fixated because like i said, nobody to talk to since i'm a little wary about the fandom... uh, i'm sure there are a lot of nice people, but i've had peeks at what arguments people have been having and that made me decide to just lurk.
AVA/AVM: my friend was watching it and they got into it, so i got curious and i looked into it as well. they're cute little ibbly babbles, those sticks. big fan of the Animator vs Animation series especially because awoo.... it advances so much in style in each episode. V and VI especially blow shit out of the water. love it. love it. didn't really bother to get into the fandom though. i didn't see a place to sit down, so i just walked through the merchant hall and moved on. i stare at the wares every now and then though.
HLVRAI: watched it recently. it's nice. not.... really enjoyable enough for me to be a full-blown fan, but whateves. i kinda don't know why that happened to be the thing that all my mutuals were obsessed with throughout 2021 but the only reason i didn't get into it either was because i didn't finish Hal-Life 1 and i wanted to get into the game blind due to hearing that it was "the best game ever that influenced the gaming industry forever". i wonder, that if i wasn't such a wuss, would i have watched HLVRAI earlier and enjoyed it more? we'll have to see with HL2VRAI. i haven't finished HL2 either btw... sigh.
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zaritarazi · 1 year
WAIT back up people are rebranding the omegaverse to be less nasty? THAT'S THE SECRET SAUCE OF OMEGAVERSE. IT'S THE HORNY WET AND WILD WEIRD MONSTERUCKING FANTASY TROPE BUCKET what on EARTH needs rebranding
alright. for the sake of integrity i am downloading this app to investigate. this will be in my app store history forever, by the way
i'm gonna level with you i started doing a deep dive and came up here to add a read more because i've just gotten to the point of this whole thing and we're not even in the deep end yet
so first the app is asking to allow notifications. immediate deny. next, it would like me to set up a profile. i can pick from the Three Genders (female, male, other) and my age.
it would like me to choose up to 3 of my favorite genres. the genres offered to me are:
now of course, my immediate concern is that erotica seems to be its own category, where i'm assuming all of these books have fucking in them and i'm going to be really upset if they aren't all smut
additionally, i don't think the billionaire category is about becoming an agent of the proletariat, infiltrating the bourgeoisie, killing the billionaire, and redistributing the wealth. in minecraft. red son superman would never stand for this
okay now my cat (tarazi) is loafing on my phone. i think she's trying to protect me.
here is the photo for the "werewolf" category, which i think raises more questions than it answers
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okay so that's not what a werewolf looks like, to my knowledge
top stories in werewolf. we have "alpha knows best" and we have "mated to my alpha stepbrother" which- i looked at the summary and he's not her stepbrother yet, they're college seniors and he's the son of her mom's new boyfriend who i guess is going to be her mate? but any time you have to say "it's not technically incest" it's not great, ryan!
okay here's a top story called "alpha max." no this one is in high school, backing out immediately.
also want to mention the stepbrother one just updated an hour ago. so this is like wattpad but i think the writers get paid? it has 54 fucking chapters
so these aren't finished, published works. i mean they're published in a way, but they're not whole stories, which i guess explains why the site advertises itself as "romance & fanfiction books" when all of the content is original sort of technically? it updates like a fic site.
so! here's what we're looking for. these stories have microspecific tags, but where there is "alpha" there is "luna." i have seen this a few times- okay wait! here's something interesting. i have found a story listed in popular werewolf that is lgbtq+. This alpha has a straight mate? Okay steven whatever helps you sleep at night. now HERE is something interesting. this has "alpha" as a tag, but no "luna," but ALSO no "omega." INTERESTING.
okay, let's go into the lgbtq+ tag on here and. see if that gives us more insight
OKAY! OKAY! this DOES have stories with omegas in it! is the second one listed bts fic? yes! okay but the FIRST one that comes up is called "my omega" bills itself as having a "female" alpha and "male" omega, although this description is so incredibly, beautifully problematic that it really defies common conventions of thought
okay i skimmed the first 50 words and the "female" alpha is... gross. like misogynist gross. so we're back at square fucking one here folks
okay here's a different one where they use Omega specifically as like... an Evil Luna? which is like- there is ALMOST something here by accident. like YES! make a lilith complex! i know that's not what you're doing, but you should! there's a hint of an idea here! you're so close to doing something almost maybe a little bit interesting!
to circle back to the original question of our study, "are they making omegaverse less nasty?" i think it's a complicated answer. the people who write for this app would probably balk at being called less nasty or not smutty enough, but at the same time, they've taken conventional romance and just put a slightly furry skin on it. and i know when you criticize the romance genre people are like "so you don't think women can read?" and i'm like you know what? maybe i fucking don't. maybe none of us should read and we can all run directly back into the sea. if one fucking amoeba millions and millions of years ago hadn't gotten above its station and crawled out of the ocean, we could all be jellyfish right now, and this wouldn't be in my downloads history. forever. again. i am stuck with this in my history forever
like the omegaverse has a very storied history but it's kind of wild to restyle it in a way that makes it more misogynist. like this was invented by people watching supernatural. and somehow this crop of "writers" is worse to women
i honestly hesitate to call this omegaverse at all. i know there were articles a few years ago about legal battles in the world of omegaverse and plagiarism and all that jazz, but this is not omegaverse. this is barely werewolf. this is soulmates with some growling. and so really, what's the fucking point?
okay wait this one is 2 alphas sharing an omega. now we're back to fucking literature
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addisonsmusings · 11 months
I love science fiction, I’ve been reading & watching that type of content since I was was a young teen. I still love to consume that type of content. About a month ago I was on instagram and saw an ad for a book title “Kitty Cat Kill Sat: A Feline Space Adventure”. My curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded it. If you don’t know me, I am now a cat person, largely because my wife and daughter wanted a cat, and through a long and fun story that I’ll share another time. We obtained a brown tiger striped tabby. So now I play games with cats (Stray), watch cat youtube videos as well as now read science fiction books about cats.
Now on to the story. I didn’t set the bar very high for this book as I started it, mostly because finding it through an ad on social media didn’t give me much confidence. But within the first several chapters of reading it gradually gained a hold of my attention more and more. What started as a simple premise. A cat in space, became a much larger overarching story that wove some wonderful but still subtle world building into the story. Some of the world building paid off, and other parts felt purposely obscure, teasing me with slices to this wonderful science fiction world of the future. A world where wars were fought politely and big corporations have all but died.
By the time I had gotten to the final act the book had nicely built things up enough so that when things really went off the rails I read it and thought “Yup, definitely didn’t see this coming, but totally makes sense based off the rest of the book”. I braced myself for what I thought the ending would inevitably be…but was then surprised with a much more pleasant wrap up. After finishing the book I already wanted to read more stories about Lily the space cat. Hopefully the author will decide to write another story, but until then I’ll be sure to read this book again. A final note that I enjoyed, the book was clean, there were no sex scenes or foul language to speak of, and now my daughter and I are listening to the audiobook of it. So if you have a kiddo that wants to read it, go for it. Well worth your time, 10/10 would recommend.
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paradoxpig · 5 months
Evan's Pokemon Replays Masterpost
In 2023, my washer broke at home. I decided to take my 3DS to the laundromat to kill time. I told my best friend Chase that I had started playing Crystal on the virtual console. Eager to play that game for himself, but less than thrilled to go through it alone, he downloaded the game as well, and caught up to me. Via Discord calls, we completed the game synchronously. We had so much fun with this that the two of us sought out to go on a grand Pokemon excursion. We would go through and play through at least one game from every generation of Pokemon together.
I hope to come back and update this post with our teams as we undergo this journey. Occasionally, our friend Sparrow will join us, and I will keep a log of her teams, too. Man. This is gonna be fun.
Pokemon Crystal
My team:
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Chase's Team:
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Completed, with all 16 gym badges, on September 29th 2023
Overall feeling: This was really fun! Truly one of the best Pokemon has to offer. That may be nostalgia talking though.
Pokemon Emerald
My team:
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Chase's Team:
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Completed on January 11th, 2024
Overall feeling: Great time up until the end. We couldn't grind enough, and the elite four was a struggle. I died to the champion at least 4 times. But with brute force and gritted teeth, we prevailed. I refuse to be underleved in the future. ALSO Grumpig OP. Absolutely carried my sorry ass.
Pokemon Yellow
My team:
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Chase's Team:
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Sparrow's Team:
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Completed together on January 12th, 2024
Overall feeling: Interesting but overall weighed down by that gen 1 jank. Was happy to get it over with. We had a name theme with the Eeveelutions as well- Lather the Flareon, Rinse the Vaporeon, and Repeat the Jolteon.
Currently: We're running Pokemon Platinum the two of us, as well as Pokemon Pearl with Sparrow. I'll reblog and update this posts when we finish with our teams!
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