#OH also i added character tags for my pmd characters!
mi-spark · 8 months
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i cleaned up and colored some doodles from a few months ago! these two genuinely helped me get through my finals
+ a bonus, they are simply Children
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unmeisenshi · 4 years
Things to know about me
1. Name/alias - thieTenko
2. Birthday - October 31 (yes, seriously)
3. Zodiac Sign - Scorpio
4. Height - 6'2"
5. Hobbies - video games, drumming, reading, playing Magic: The Gathering/Yu-gi-oh
6. Favorite Color - Red
7. Favorite Book(s) - The Hunger Games series, Acid for the Children by Flea
8. Last song I listened to - Serotonin by Angel Vivaldi
9. Last show or movie watched - Parasite
10. Story about url - it's the combination of my two characters, Zane and Solaris
11. Inspiration for Muse - I used Cubone and Charmander ad my main team in PMD: Red Rescue Team when I was a kid, so I am using those Pokemon. The names I came up with on a whim while thinking of how to start all of this. Also massive shout-out to @ambyssin who somewhat helped me overcome my fears of doing this (love you, man ❤️)
Tagged by @refractment
(lol, I'm still too new to this, so I don't know who to tag :P)
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