#Orin but as a child that you want to protect from the evils of the world
justsierrasart · 3 months
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Baby Orin after getting an attempt on her life at age 6-7 by her own fucking mom!
Rant ahead.
I’m fully, entirely convinced, 99% of evil is not born, but made. Thus I fully believe both Orin and Helena were groomed and psychologically abused into being evil Bhaalspawn. Orin was just a baby that got attacked by her own mother and killer her in self defense, only to get praised for it. These are women raised in cults.
Is the Orin we meet pure unadulterated evil? Yes. Was she always evil? No.
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princeofhags · 10 months
act 3, or as I like to call it: Orin PLEASE stop negging me
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
Went and did the extra questions for Sean Shanahan you came up with
(This is long as hell sorry in advance)
The Urchin inspiration points are like helping the tiefling kids and protecting children, hell even protecting the Owlbear Cub gives you inspiration
Past characters
Either one or some of his “siblings” would probably appear around the guild and if he’s with you will probably immediately freak out thinking they’re here to take him home but they’d probably be just as surprised to see him. I can also see his tiefling mother maybe appearing as a refugee at Rivington and freaking out but for a different reason. He’d probably introduce you to his mom and if you’re romanced she’ll probably tease him and embarrass him in front of you by telling some random story from when he was a child.
Dismiss/join lines
He’ll be disappointed to be dismissed because he likes going out but won’t make much fuss and will get excited when joining again before quickly calming himself
You could probably ask him if he’s hot under that coat and scarf of his which he’ll respond defensively about his choice of clothing. Asking him where he’s from is something he wouldn’t answer until way later in the story I believe.
Dream Visitor/ilithid powers
He wouldn’t trust the Dream Visitor one bit saying they clearly want something and to strongly advise not using the powers saying that anyone that offers immense power cannot be trusted
Companion endings
He’d probably be kind of hostile towards companions who went on their evil route especially Astarion even Grand Duke Wyll although I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad ending saying things like “oh better than us lowly folk now huh?” And taking the occasional jab at them
I can see his own bad ending being if you encourage his more aggressive revolutionary methods because I can definitely see him giving into his hatred for the rich and greedy and going full French Revolution on them, it would probably become an obsession where he doesn’t even care about helping the poor anymore just taking down the elite and gaining a “if you’re not with me you’re against me” mentality.
His good ending he would probably go back home to face whatever punishment his guild would give him for killing that rich guy and if you’re romanced you can offer to go with him which he would decline at first before being persuaded otherwise.
Special Item
He’d probably casually mention liking birds and if you give him something bird related he’d be genuinely surprised and shyly thank you for the gift
Family and home
He’d definitely speak of his second mother and her friends and his “siblings” before revealing they were apart of a guild and also his first mother but wouldn’t hide the fact that she was a tiefling and the community of homeless tiefling he grew up with. He’d also be pretty open about being abandoned at birth not being ashamed of it. He’d mention his home but would leave out that he killed a rich person prior to the events of the game until later on.
If he had a fight scene with anyone it’d probably be Astarion early on about how he’s so dismissive of people in need and smug it’d probably be the first time its shown that people in need is a sensitive subject of his
The Baddies
Raphael: Raphael would remind him of a greedy employer, tells you the benefits for you but leaves his own in the fine print. After the interaction with Mol he would say that he reminded him of foremen back home who he himself had witnessed plenty of time try to convince kids and even himself at a young age to work in factories so they didn’t have to pay as much.
Ketheric: He hates generals. Ketheric may fight with his soldiers but he hides behind his invulnerability where his soldiers die around him. If he were a true leader he’d fight alongside them as a mortal as comrades. He will point out that he doesn’t hate soldiers if it is assumed, he pities them for being brainwashed to be pawns in someone’s game.
Orin: Another thing he hates, people who prey on the weak. He doesn’t think highly of her. He believes that people who prey on the weak only do so because they are afraid of retaliation something he loves to do. If any of the companions are kidnapped he’ll be mad but if Yenna is kidnapped his dialogue about it would probably noticeable more angry than the others.
Gortash: The definition of the one thing he will always hate, a tyrant. He hates how smug he is, how confident he is. He suggests killing him every time he is brought up or spoken to. Would probably suggest different ways to do it as well. He really hates tyrants.
On one hand it got him away from home after he committed a crime and on the other hand he has a parasite in his head so he sees the pros and cons
Drow Twins
He would agree to the deal only if you promise that he isn’t going to do anything he doesn’t want to
I don’t think there would be a unique feature but I do think it would be interesting to see his romance scene play out while playing him since you’d be seeing how other companions react to it
Astarion being a vampire didn’t surprise him. “Oh you’re telling me the pale guy with sharp teeth and makes biting jokes all the time is a vampire? Shocker” he also wouldn’t really think of him any differently because he’s been ok for this long
He’s definitely not against polyamory but would suggest that it just be them since this is his first relationship and he doesn’t think he’s ready for any of that. Although since he’s asexual he would give Tav permission to have their fun similar to Karlach in Act 1.
His questline would be finding his birth parents. In the shadow cursed lands there would be a group of mercenaries dead along the road with a note about a conspiracy about a group of rich people having kidnapped a noble family with some sort of clue that they are his birth parents, either they have his last name or there’s mention of his abandonment in some way. When brought to him he’ll be surprised and disgusted that he has noble blood then say that he should leave them to their fate because they didn’t care about him why should he? He’ll change his mind though saying he’d be lying if this didn’t make him curious. Along the way you’d run into a lot of rich assholes to get information, some of them just being assholes some being actually horrible people and if you let them kill the ones who are just assholes it would lead into his bad ending but killing the genuinely horrible people probably wouldn’t but the best choice would be convincing him to just make them stop whatever shitty horrible operation they’re running. Finding his birth parents could play out two different ways because I haven’t settled on who his birth parents are but the two ideas I have come up with are 1. They’re genuinely horrible nobles that had a kid and didn’t want him for some reason (scandal, reputation, etc) so they had someone drop him off at some random location 2. One of his parents is a noble and the other isn’t favorable to their family (most likely a servant or maybe a rival noble family member) and they were forced to get rid of him.
If it’s 1 he’s gonna kill them, if he’s convinced not to he’s going to majorly dislike it and probably leave the party. If it’s the good ending he’ll have a talk to you saying that this is the first time killing people who were genuinely horrible made him feel bad because it made feel like he was becoming like them, people who didn’t care about the others around them. He’ll ask that if he ever ends up like that and you can’t bring him back to kill him because he’d rather be dead than end up like that but ending up like that would exactly be his bad ending where he instead will just talk about how much he enjoyed it.
If it’s 2 he’ll save them when they whole ordeal is explained he’d be open to getting to know them but he’ll make it clear that he’ll never refer to them as his mother or father he already has two mothers and that’s enough for him. In his bad ending he’ll probably dismiss everything they say and just go to kill them because of his hatred for the rich. Afterwards he’ll speak about how he never felt the need to look for his birth parents but that he was glad he did because they seemed like good people.
Does not like the Underdark. He will embarrassingly admit that he is afraid of the dark even though he likes hiding in it and will say he’ll be sticking close to a companion with Dark Vision or you if you have dark vision. (Hmm I wonder what this concept came from)
Fighting Tav
The only time I think they’d ever fight you is if you did something incredibly horrible in the story where there’s no way he could let it slide.
He’s fine with just going along because the tadpole didn’t seem to be doing anything plus he likes exploring it’s all he did in his younger years when he wasn’t pickpocketing nobles or training under his second mother.
I feel like he’d be Astarion for people who didn’t like doing bad stuff.
Durge Confession
I don’t think there’s anything a Redeeming Durge could say that would make him hate them. Something I haven’t been able to touch on is that he isn’t totally a “if you’re bad you get killed and that’s it” guy if a bad guy shows signs of redemption he wouldn’t be opposed to let them do so.
Romance Your Tav
Fandom Reaction
I feel like a general about of people would like them but I feel like the people who don’t like Wyll wouldn’t like him
Shipped with
Considering his background with tieflings he’ll probably have more dialogue with tiefling characters so probably like any of the popular tieflings, Karlach, Alfira, Lakrissa, Rolan, hell maybe even the couple but since he has conflict with Astarion he’ll probably be shipped with him
Niche ship vs main ship
Sadly I think the tiefling ships with get outshined by the Astarion one not that I don’t like Astarion I just like the tiefling characters more than him
I feel like the Twitter Blue users wouldn’t like him making fun of rich people
I flip flop between the Irish and British accent. It was originally Irish because I wanted him to sound different than the fantasy humans that are usually British because he didn’t grow up among humans but all the voices you could choose for Tav in Baldur’s Gate were British so now I hear him as Tav 1. If I had anyone in mind it’d probably be Shay Cormac’s VA from Assassin’s Creed Rogue because Assassin’s Creed was THE big inspiration for the character before it turned into mostly Robin Hood.
There’s barely anything other than personal items like his second mother’s feather and maybe a lute given to him by his first mother. Might not even be a bed since as a former street urchin he’s slept on things less comfortable.
Unique Dialogue
Any conversation about tieflings or with tieflings would result in him talking about his childhood which he is open about because he isn’t ashamed to be an abandoned child or ashamed that he wasn’t even raised by his own kind. Also anything about rich people of course he’d mention how much he dislikes them.
Fuck the Emperor. He would suggest Orpheus do it himself because a true leader would sacrifice themself for their cause not get someone else to do it for them.
More about his romance
I already said what the first scene this is just for some extra stuff.
He likes being tickled, I briefly mentioned it in the first thing but in his first intimate moment if you choose the option to tickle him it will gain him approval and if you pass an insight check you can ask if he liked it and he’ll get embarrassed and deny it but then admit it and there would be a dialogue about why he likes it.
He likes feeling vulnerable in the romance. Being teased, embarrassing him, and all stuff relating to that he loves if it is kept in a playful manner will gain approval. The way he acts around you when romanced is different than when he isn’t. When not romanced he’ll be confident in the way a quiet kid is confident. Being quiet and then sometimes saying something, usually sarcasm or dry humor being an all around smart ass (I kinda forgot to put that in his personality tab in the last thing whoops). If you’re romanced his confidence is gone, he’s very shy around you but he’s of course glad to see you, he’s like a kid with a very obvious crush. The dry humor and sarcasm is still there but less of a smart ass (only a little bit). He’s also submissive (which is very funny when his whole ideology is that the people in power are corrupt and that you shouldn’t obey them) so he likes it when someone is dominant, soft doms specifically. (I’m not projecting you are). Later on in the story he’ll most likely bring up kids and how he wants to adopt. He’ll talk about how he wants to follow in the footsteps of both his mothers and take in a kid or kids so that they would have a home. He’d make note that they’d ran across many orphans and urchins on their travels in need of a home and that it would criminal not to at least offer them the chance. I probably have more ideas about his romance in my head that I have forgotten so I don’t know ask questions about that if you want.
Thank you for this full course meal omfg it was amazing to read through
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all-pacas · 7 months
doing this part in a new post: So lemme talk about my Durge for my story. Because lol, for all my woe is me up there, I did plan it all out.
Born in blood and flesh as Enyo Atavia, last child of Bhaal, in the year 1369. She appears to be drow, but it's a bit complicated: she's an avatar of Bhaal. She's never been to the Underdark. It's more of a case of "my evil child should look properly evil uwu."
By 1372, Enyo has been thrown into Baldur's Gate as a random orphan to be raised until she's old enough to do useful murder things. She was taken in by a nice half wood elf family and renamed Chryseis (surname undetermined). She was often called Chrissy, which her party will decades later find hilariously unfortunate. She had some episodes of Creepy Child Bullshit growing up, but her parents, who did heavily suspect she was a Bhaalspawn, tried to nurture/lecture her out of it.
Early 1380s - Chryseis's younger brother is born. Due to differences in half elf and full drow aging, he appeared physically and mentally older than her for about half their respective childhoods. They were very close, in part because of this: she spent a few years "older" and protective, and then he was the "older" and protective one. His name was Taviel.
Early 1400s - Chryseis still has violent urges and a tendency to go overboard. At Taviel's suggestion, she joins a paladin hall, to channel this productively. She is also approached by the Bhaal cult, and finally finds out she is a Bhaalspawn. This causes a rift between her and her adoptive family, who had hidden it to protect her: Taviel included. Chyrseis starts to struggle with her nature. Once angry, it's almost impossible for her to put away her grudges. She is a paladin, but takes too much pleasure in the punishment of the deserving. Still, she holds on to her sanity.
1450s: Chryseis snaps. The Urges have been getting worse, and they take over. She kills her paladin hall. She kills Taviel. This is still enough to horrify her. In a fugue, she cuts off his hand as an offering and brings it to the temple of Bhaal. She is reveling in her power; she is terrified and traumatized. She begs her father. Carve her heart from her chest, and she will serve him without question or falter. Let her stop feeling, and she will kill the world in his name. It is unclear if her wish was granted, or if she merely manages to suppress her own memories and feelings.
1469: Enyo is 100 years old. An adult. She spends her first few years in the Temple of Bhaal killing and having fun, but starts to grow frustrated with the lack of scope. Yes, we'll kill everyone in the world, how fun! But most Bhaalites are too busy trying to one up one another and find creative ways to murder. Where's the efficiency, you know? She still has fun, finds the time to be a serial killer in 1482, but she's primed to be courted by Gortash a few years later, since his plans align with her own desire for a bit more organization and purpose. (She wants more -- more murder, she thinks. Something about this life dissatisfies her. She resents her sister-niece Orin, who seems to have no qualms and endless creativity. Enyo believes she is ambitious, instead of realizing she is less than perfectly happy.)
By 1492: Enyo envies Thorm and his control over death, but thinks what she feels is disgust for his perversion of her father's powers. She has a pseudo-relationship with Gortash, where she realizes the Baneite wants to conquer and rule her and the longer she staves him off the more he wants her. She pities him, but sleeps with him because she has a compulsive need to be wanted and needed. (To be loved, which she can no longer recognize or remember. She has forgotten her family. Taviel's hand rotted into bones, which she carries with her as a token. Her Father will love her, surely. When she kills the world for him. She will be loved.)
1493: Orin in her resentment can see Enyo's neediness for what it is, and yet Enyo dismisses and patronizes her. Orin betrays her, and Enyo is left for dead. She wakes up not as Enyo or even Chryseis, but with a name she doesn't remember is her brother's childhood nickname: Tav. It is Tav's form that the Emperor takes in her dreams, although he was aiming more for "subconscious love interest" than "beloved brother I murdered almost a century ago."
Colors are blue/purple/white, mostly to contrast Orin. Ice toned Drow, average height and build; a bit emaciated due to weeks/months of living autopsies and hanging out in a fleshpit. Her most striking feature is her eyes, which are widely spaced and a very, very pale silver. It makes her hard to read, even when she isn't really trying to be.
She comes across as stoic and emotionless, but that's mostly due to her resting :| face and that she's naturally on the quieter side. Not shy, just quiet. Even as a crazed cult leader, she wasn't terribly flamboyant, doing her murders with a calm determination and pragmatism. She enjoys her work and takes satisfaction in it. Closer observations: she's always tense, always holding back. She's been restrained for so long she doesn't remember what it's like to relax. Everything needs to be controlled. Herself. Her kinder instincts (or her murderous ones). Her body. Her mind. Ice can burn as much as fire, if properly applied.
Her butler would encourage and nurture her, try and get her to relax and enjoy herself. She's always been afraid of that, of what might happen if she loses control, although she would call it a hatred of inefficiency. She has a deep and almost compulsive need to be loved, to be admired. Fear and respect is also good, and what she believed this was. It leaves her very vulnerable to certain types of manipulation: she believes she ought to be loved and so takes any kindness as proof that she is.
As "Tav," she's slightly more relaxed: she's forgotten she's a Bhaalite and this is a more natural state to her, she has less to control and keep in check and keep suppressed. Still a bit Type A, every muscle in her body still held tense, but she has much less to remind herself to be. She's still utterly desperate to be loved.
Her hair is currently in a truly unfortunate sort of pixie cut hot mess, thanks to being totally ruined by all the fleshpit blood and guts she was submerged in for however long. As cult leader Bhaalite, her hair was fairly long and she dressed immaculately; it will grow out slightly over the story but only to about bob length. Her hair is white, but as a child she'd sometimes dye it red or black -- not for edgy murder reasons, but simply because she was a Drow in a family of auburn brunettes.
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tacogoats · 8 months
more Dark Urge oc thoughts. I have two of them: Veren and Ilryn : )
Veren is very much the favourite child of the two because he's the 'redeemed' run (after FFXIV I need a good ending fix okay) whereas Ilryn is the 'I'm a special little Bhaal boy so I'm gonna deliver a dead world to dear old dad because I'm Soooo special teehee' run but
what they have in common is that they are viciously defensive of their loved ones - Veren adores the entire crew, and while his favourite is Astarion as his lover, Ilryn's favourite is Gale and basically only Gale.
Veren has the entire crew you can get ingame minus Minthara for 'good run' reasons, whereas Ilryn does not have Halsin, Jaheira and won't have Minsc either. He has Minthara, though.
Ilryn didn't side with the goblin camp - he in fact does not side with either party and simply leaves because his priority is himself (and later Gale). He is not being evil at this point, it's simply about survival and he doesn't care about a bunch of random Tieflings making it to Baldur's Gate. They probably won't get there anyway if several Mind Flayers are born nextdoor, too.
Veren on the other hand has a golden retriever personality sometimes and also figures that if his brain is hissing and spitting like a vicious baby kitten at the idea of Helping People then he is in fact doing a Good Thing and Should Do It (also if Astarion whines - he likes Astarion but he's an ass) so he stays to help to the best of his ability. Surely he should be helping because he's Strong and they aren't, right? That's what the Strong should do! (this also pisses Astarion off therefore it must be Correct)
Both of them also want what's best for their respective lovers, but Ilryn's idea of 'best' is making Gale into a God. In his mind, this is the only way he can keep Gale to himself without upsetting Bhaal. If Gale ascends to Godhood, Bhaal can't touch him, and he can deliver what was promised once. Gale is strong, smart, and he was once an Archmage and fellow Chosen - he's the *perfect* partner to Ilryn.
Obviously this is tricky so I have to iron out details but like Ilryn wants to be selfish for this one thing so badly just as Dark Urge was with Gortash in some ways; minus Ilryn actually giving a shit about Gortash. He actually was not romantically involved with the man at all but respected him to a degree - but was totally just playing along with the plan to use him.
Veren was totally head over heels for the guy and was Very Close to chucking it all away to protect Gortash but obviously it never happens because of Orin and the lobotomy.
Ilryn is very pro like, using people to further goals whereas Veren is apprehensive for the most part unless they Really Need To Die. Like he is in no way ever going to take pity on Some people and Will indulge his Urges from time to time - Ilryn however will almost always try to shove them down because he is killing for Himself and Himself only unless it furthers the plan for Bhaal.
Bhaal can wait for the glorious dead world; he'll deliver them all when it's time, and he wants and needs total control of himself for that to happen, it's too delicate a task. Veren cries when he kills Quill. :) (Fun fact I actually failed the rolls not to Urge Astarion my first run and let that play out and while I adore that stupid knife cat smile the fucker does after the camp wakes up, it wasn't planned for at all so I reloaded lmao.)
Veren also desperately longs for his old memories even though he knows it will disgust him, and has talked at length with Astarion that even though he rejects who he used to be, he still feels very empty knowing that there's a whole life locked away to him that he'll never be able to retrieve. For obvious reasons, Astarion can sympathize - and part of that sympathy extended to Veren befriending Gortash again. (Well, trying to. I am staring directly at Larian for spoiler related reasons that was COWARDLY!!!)
Ilryn completely rejects it because it's not relevant anymore. He has a problem ahead of him Now and that's more important, and so is Gale's problem. (Oh also he totally intends to let Astarion ascend even after learning the cost because SHRUGS, one more powerful ally for him! Neat.)
Basically what I'm getting at here is Ilryn is Bhaal's favourite but Veren is my favourite DAGNJKSGDF
I just am glad I made two of them because Ilryn was originally going to just be an evil run for Veren but he kind of evolved into his own shitty little character, oops.
More thoughts another day I need to write fic
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sorcerervaati · 3 years
hey hey the preorders for @memorabiliazine have shipped, which means we can post our pieces! this is a zine about archaeology in botw, and it was interesting to write about the calamity from the pov of someone who had no idea what was happening. this was a fun project, thanks to the mods who made it happen!
Fort Hateno Catelogue #210
[Catalogue ID #210: A mildewed leather satchel of letters, found in a chest (ID #204) in room 1E of Fort Hateno. Details the flooding of Deya Village and the migration of the villagers to Hateno. Author: [unidentified]. Addressee: [unidentified].
Transcription is as follows:]
[ID #210a]
If you’re reading this, then you will surely have seen the flooding. I have never seen anything like it. The river came all the way into the lake sometime during the night and we all woke up this morning to a clear foot of water in our houses. I’ve gathered what I can and gone to stay with Agnes on the far side of the village. Her son’s around the age of our youngest, I hope the kids will entertain each other while we figure out what to do.
[ID #210b]
I waited for you to return, but after another day the water rose to the edge of the village. I hate to think what’s become of our home. Agnes and I took the children and left for higher ground. We climbed the ridge (doesn’t feel like much of a ridge now, so close to the water’s edge) to the mayor’s house on the lake’s south shore. He has family on the other side of the Peaks that he’s hoping to stay with until the waters recede. Half the town is with us, I do not know where the rest are.
Those who had more time to prepare are carrying all of their possessions with them. I wish I had brought more with me. I tried to be practical, to take only food and clothing for the children, but I did bring that lace shawl that you made for me. You know it weighs hardly anything, but when I wear it I feel as though your arms are around me, and it keeps me strong. The girls took with them only a few toys. I should have had them carry supplies as well.
There are a dozen or so travelers from Central Hyrule, who are headed east and strongly advised us to do the same. Their fear is contagious. They will not tell us what happened to their homes, but I cannot risk it coming here.
There is a great deal of smoke on the wind, it covers the stars at night and turns the sun bloody. I have a bad feeling about this. We will go east.
[ID #210c. Note: Orin the farrier has been ID'd as a former employee at the Riverside Stable. His post-calamity whereabouts are unknown]
One of the newcomers is a farrier, named Orin. I asked if he knows your brother but he does not, said he’s never done work in Castle Town. I suppose farriers aren’t a part of the merchant alliance, but I had to ask.
We can see a bit of Hyrule Castle from the mayor’s house, but Castle Town is obscured. What on earth is that red smoke? I want to take the girls as far from there as possible, I don’t care how long the journey is. Our new companions are in agreement, though they still dare not speak to what they saw before joining us, and their distress is so great that we do not press them.
I can only pray that you and your brother are far from the town, and that I will see you soon.
[ID #210d]
It’s been another two days and the lake continues to swell. We cannot stay here. We must attempt to ford the river and pass under the Dueling Peaks. With how quickly the water is moving, I do not know if it is possible, if our boats can go against the current. I will tell you what I have confessed to no one else: I do not like our chances.
Where is this water coming from? When I look to the north I see only a wall of rain, but the sky is cloudless. What sort of curse is this? 
[ID #210e. Note: Due to water damage, only one paragraph is legible]
It seems half a miracle, but we made it across the Squabble. Perhaps I was too hasty to despair. Though it feels as if the world is falling apart, the girls and I are safe. If we could do the impossible, so can you, you can find us. You’ve always been bolder than me. I’m trying to channel your courage, and after today I feel just a glint of it.
[ID #210f]
On the other side of the Peaks, three new families joined us from Goponga. They say that it isn’t safe there either, that they too were overcome by flooding. They passed through Kakariko to get here, and much of our party is splitting to take refuge there. I will not, I want to get as far from this cursed rain as possible, and after crossing the river I do not wish a repeat experience on Lake Siela.
At this rate, we might be following this road all the way to Hateno. It is no more than a few days’ walk all the way to the coast, I know, but we have slowed to a snail’s pace to get around the river. I do not mind traveling so slowly, it gives more time for you to catch up.
Why have you not reached us yet? What horrors befell you? Every night that we’re apart, I beg the Goddess to deliver you to me safely. I’m so tired of praying.
[ID #210g]
Remember when you were a child, and your parents would comfort you when you were frightened or unsure, and you were certain that grown-ups knew everything? They had all the answers, they always planned two steps ahead, they weren’t afraid of anything?
Remember when our girls were born and we held them nice and safe in our arms and swore that we would keep them there forever, that we would always protect them? They’re looking to me, for me to know what to do and where to go. I’m all that’s left of their world.
I wish there was a grown-up here. I’m afraid.
[ID #210h. Note: Some words are partially obscured by mildew and were filled in by the research team]
We have been fortunate that the road past the Ash Swamp is on high ground, for the swamp is flooded [as well. The field] is littered with statues, domes with metal legs, each as tall as a man. [Children] are dying to explore them, and I admit I am curious as well, but our new friends from Central Hyrule insist that we do not approach. Finally, a clue about what happened to them, but we’re left with more questions than ever that we dare not ask.
It’s been a quiet day. We passed more and more [of those statues], and there seems to be a point they are converged upon. Old Man Tam ducked out of the group to investigate, to see if there was anyone there, but there was only a patch of charred grass. He swore that one of the statues moved, that it looked at him. This place feels cursed enough that I believe it.
We will shelter at Fort Hateno for the night. It will do us good to have the protection of the garrison.
[ID #210i. Note: Upon analysis, this letter is in the same hand as the others in ID #210, though written in great haste.]
There was a battle here. There’s so much blood, every breath reeks of copper. Was it the statues that did this? What chance do we have against them?
I know that none of these bodies can be yours, that you’re far, far away from here, but I see your face on each one. The fort offers shelter but I cannot stay here, not for another minute. It’s too horrible. Some have volunteered to stay a day or two more, to search for survivors. I am leaving my letters with them, that you might catch up to us.
I will wait for you in Hateno Village, so long as whatever evil befell the fort has not continued there. If it has… I dare not think of it. There must be some refuge left, and I will find it if I have to walk a hundred days more.
Until we meet again, my love. Who can say if it will be in this life, with the world crashing down around us, but I will look for you in the next life, and the next, until I find you and bring you back home.
May the light of the Goddess shine upon you.
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romera-rp · 5 years
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Under the cut you will find a sample application for the character I am playing, XANADU. This should give everyone an idea of the basic requirements for the application process and how much you are able to explore your characters backstory from the short description that is provided in the bio’s. Obviously everyone writes differently so your app doesn’t have to look exactly like this. I just thought that a guide would be helpful for anyone that needs it!
ABOUT YOU: Amy, 20, she/her.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I am officially finished Uni for summer although I do have a part time job. Because of the nature of it I only ever do 3 hour shifts a couple days a week so I am active pretty much every day.
TUMBLR RP OR/AND DND EXPERIENCE: I first discovered Tumblr RPs six years ago when I played in a couple before running my own for several months. I recently rediscovered them over Easter. As for DnD I have been playing it pretty much once a week for 2 and a half years now, a year and a half of which I have been the DM so I’d like to think I know quite a bit about it. I am also a fan of Critical Role!
PASSWORD: You ain’t getting it that easy!
LABEL: Xanadu
NAME: The Jade Raven. This is her title as she was never given a true name, however she often goes as just Jade.
AGE: 25 years old. Unfortunately, doesn’t know birthday as she never celebrated it as a child but just says she’s a year older at the start of each year.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
PRONOUNS: Female. She/her
FACECLAIM: Tao Okamoto
Jade was always meant to be just another experiment. Her alchemist parents were working for a hidden organisation prodding into the mechanics of life itself when they found out her mother was expecting. They didn’t see this as an opportunity to expand their family, but an excuse to exercise human biology. Her mother sacrificed her health to drink or be injected with chemicals, poisons and other ungodly substances. However, they truly crossed the line when they decided to summon and kill a demon in hopes of seeing the effects of its blood. The procedure was too much for her mother to handle so late in the pregnancy and she died a painful death. Fortunately, her father was able to pull the child from his wife’s dying body. After such an event it seems the consequences of his actions caught up with him as he handed the baby over to The Black House, the organisation they worked for, and commited suicide.
When Jade first met Orin Blackwater he was thrown into a ring to fight her. She thought it was just like any other person they had made her fight throughout the years, right up until the wings unruffled from his back as a last ditch effort against her attacks. Jade had never seen anything like it before and instantly believed him to be an angel. Unlike all her the other competitors she was put up against, they kept bringing Orin back and Jade’s fascination kept growing as she realised he was another experiment here at The Black House. Soon enough they were allowed to interact outside of fights as they were tutored together and allowed downtime. Orin taught her of his nature as an Aasimar after he laughed when she asked if he was an angel, as well as the life he had with his family before he was kidnapped. Orin was the first person Jade had had any sort of relationship with during her long 20 years at The Black House and she found he was stuck within a special place in her heart because of that. Jade’s emotions may be dulled because of the experiments but nothing overwhelms her more then the guilt she feels for what happened to Orin.
During her time being tutored with Orin about history and the outside world at The Black House they very often forced the connotations of angel and demon onto the pair, teaching them that Orin was the representation of good and Jade evil because of their angel and fiend blood. This taught Jade that there is a monster within her that her parents placed and The Black House nurtured into existence. She is constantly at war with this part of herself, now more than ever because of Orin’s stolen light that is trapped within her. Jade believes she is being punished for her nature and as such refuses to enter onto the holy ground of any temple as she feels she isn’t worthy. Since escaping from the organisation Jade has been fighting to do better, however she always wants to have that reminder of her true nature and the monster she believes is inside of her, as such each time she takes a humanoids life she creates a scar on her skin so she may feel the pain she is also causing. As a result she now has tally mark scars running all the way up her left arm and over her shoulder.
Having only entered into the outside world and normal society a couple years ago Jade is still learning many things about Romera and this so called war that is going on. She doesn’t entirely understand the reason for it, however it has proven that her fighting skills she learnt at The Black House can be used for good as she attempts to protect the people. She is still getting used to the notion of being praised for what she is doing and attempts to disappear after any fights to avoid such interactions with civilians. This is also partly because she is trying to avoid making a name for herself as well as she realises she is still on the run from The Black House. She is trying to be good however she would drop that all in a moment and do anything she can to avoid going back to The Black House if they ever got close.
As well as trying to redeem herself, Jade has realised that with all the things she is learning that exist within Romera that there might be a solution to Orin’s light being trapped within her. Jade would want nothing more then to find a way to reverse the operation so Orin may be whole again.
GINGERLINE: To find that there is people out their that willingly experiment with their own blood for benefits is highly confusing for Jade. She always thought that what was done to her was evil and the result of her parents madness, however Gingerline is willingly doing it to himself, and he hasn’t shown any signs of evil. Maybe he can teach her on that mindset.
NATTIER: Jade grew up with no family and her childhood was very cold and unloving. Nattier had the complete opposite of that and decided to abandon it. If Jade is to judge anyone it would be him.
COQUELICOT: Coquelicot seems highly intelligent and has knowledge on magic that is way out of Jade’s league. Could he know a solution to reserving the operation? If anyone were to know how help with Orin’s light it seems like it would be him.
APPEARANCE: Jade’s appearance is very striking not only because of the scars that run up her arm but mainly due to her eyes. As a result of the experiments in the womb Jade was born with striking green eyes, this is where part of her title comes from. However, after the operation which transferred Orin’s light to her, one of her eyes turned to a brilliant gold colour. Now whenever her lightborn ability is activated, instead of her hair lighting up like most other lightborns, the light instead pours out of her one gold eye.
I have a pinterest for The Jade Raven as she is a character I made about a year ago for a friends campaign where my boyfriend played Orin. Link!
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5e Player Specific Magic Items
I run a campaign for the 8 greatest nerds I’m lucky enough to be friends with. One of my favorite things about the game is the opportunity for magic items. Here are a few magic items that I created specifically for one of my players. The idea is that as they power up, these items may grow with them, so that a sentimental item isn’t just replaced by a random loot drop later in the game. Feel free to use these items in your own game! Let me know what you think!
This first item isn’t technically magical, but it was an important item nonetheless. One of my players is a crossbow wielding monster hunter. His brother is a bit of an inventor and whipped this up for him:
This heavy crossbow is of exquisite craftsmanship. It features a loading mechanism that allows for 5 bolts to be fired before the crossbow needs to be reloaded. There are two daggers bolted to the front of the crossbow. It has an inscription on the side that reads: “Flexible Express Direct Object Reload Apparatus IV” and a gear-stylized “B” that marks this as the handiwork of Bastein Britenkopf.
This functions as a Heavy Crossbow with the following profile:
Properties: Heavy, Loading (5), Range, Two-Handed
Range: 100’ / 400’
Damage: 1d10 Piercing Damage (Bolts) or 1d6 Damage (Daggers)
Value: 400gp
That same monster hunter is also plagued by a demonic host he’s been battling since he was a young child. In his negotiations with the demon, he managed to earn a demonic boon. What does the demon get out of this pact? Only I know..
Mourning and Misery
These dark wood hand crossbows are bound in twisted and barbed iron. A yawning skull motif with sharp teeth adorns the front of each weapon. The eyes of the skulls glow with a dark purple hunger. You can feel this weapon absorb the life force of its victims when fired.
Requires Attunement by Wulff
These paired weapons must be attuned to the wielder in order to function (but they take only one attunement slot). They function as normal hand crossbows with the following addition:
Bolts fired from these crossbows deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic damage and recover double the hit points from your “Undying” Pact Feature upon reducing a creature to 0hp.
Value: 0gp
The ranger of our group recently rescued her mother from her indentured servitude in an underground fighting ring, where she’s been the undisputed champion for the last 2 years. She wanted to protect her daughter as she continued on her quest to rid the world of a great evil, so she gave her her most prized possessions. Her bow and armour. The bow, Heartstriker is modelled after the Oathbow, but weakened to suit the current stage of the game. The armour is of my own design. Their family has a history of defending their village from Frost Giants.
This bow is carved from white birch wood. It’s excellent craftmanship allows precision shots even at extreme range. Runic writing curves along it’s elegant frame. These runes speak of the swift death of a sworn enemy.
Requires Attunement
This Longbow has the following benefits while attuned.
Scoring a Critical Hit with this weapon deals and extra 1d10 Piercing Damage (this bonus damage is not doubled).
As part of your attack action, you can declare an enemy your sworn enemy. The target remains your sworn enemy until it dies or 7 days have passed. You may only have 1 sworn enemy at a time. When your sworn enemy dies, you can choose a new one after your next long rest.
When you make a ranged attack roll with this weapon against your sworn enemy, you have advantage on the roll. In addition, your target gains no benefit from cover, other than total cover, and you suffer no disadvantage due to long range. Hits against your sworn enemy deal an extra 2d6 Piercing Damage.
While your sworn enemy lives, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against other creatures.
Value: 2000gp
Angruuna’s Hide
This pale blue studded leather armour is crafted from the hide of Angruuna, a powerful Frost Giant. It is inscribed with oaths of protection.
Requires Attunement
This armour functions as a suit of +1 Studded Leather Armour (AC 13 + Dex). While attuned to this armour, you gain the following additional benefits. You have resistance to Cold Damage. You can use your reaction to add +4 to your AC against 1 attack from a Giant you can see.
Value: 2500gp
My Dwarven fighter, the sole survivor of Clan Many Weapons, came into the possession of a clan relic long thought lost. The shield of his uncle, the king of their clan.
The Shield of King Orin Many-Weapons
Casket shaped shield that bears the iconography of Clan Many-Weapons. This durable shield appears to have been made of reinforced steel and covered with Dwarven runes. The runes read “King Orin Many Weapons, Patron of the Many-Weapons Clan. May Moradin bless our king and give him the strength and vitality to rule our clan for many years”.
 +1 Shield (for a total of +3 bonus for using it). One per turn, when you take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to gain resistance against that damage.
 Value: None
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