#Otago Peninsula
jeanhm · 1 month
Dunedin, Otago Peninsula and Royal Albatross
Combining 2 days into one here as we have spent two days in and around Dunedin and the Otago Peninsula and been down the edge of Otago harbour on both sides enjoying the lovely views of what must have been a caldera at one stage that formed the harbour. Our first visit was to the end of the main peninsula as we booked to see Royal Albatross chicks at the Royal Albatross centre. ON the way we stopped at Portobello to watch some noisy sea lions on the beach, much bigger than the fur seals we have been seeing mainly to date. At the centre we saw 4 chicks all about 3 months old sitting patiently waiting for their parents to return with food. at we left we did see several adults flying and whilst it would have been good to see the chicks and adults reunited the tickets were timed visits so we missed out on that.
Whilst in Dunedin, which is a scottish setttlement and the name Dunedin comes from the Gaelic for Edinburgh, we went to the Pioneer viewpoint over the harbour bay where there is a peice of rock from Edinburgh Castle and also to the world steepest street, Baldwin Street though we didn't try to walk up it. If you did you actually can get a certificate for doing so!
On our second visit we went to the other side of the harbour and round to Port Chalmers and to the sea wall where we walked out again to see more sea lions. We also found a monument to Scott and his colleagues to commemorate their Antarctic explorations. we had some more fantastic views over beaches and cliffs around Purakaunui and Waitati. Loved Dunedin, well worth a visit.
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apod · 6 months
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2023 December 23
A December Summer Night Image Credit & Copyright: Ian Griffin (Otago Museum)
Explanation: Colours of a serene evening sky are captured in this 8 minute exposure, made near this December's solstice from New Zealand, southern hemisphere, planet Earth. Looking south, star trails form the short concentric arcs around the rotating planet's south celestial pole positioned just off the top of the frame. At top and left of center are trails of the Southern Cross stars and a dark smudge from the Milky Way's Coalsack Nebula. Alpha and Beta Centauri make the brighter yellow and blue tinted trails, reflected below in the waters of Hoopers Inlet in the Pacific coast of the South Island's Otago Peninsula. On that short December summer night, aurora australis also gave luminous, green and reddish hues to the sky above the hills. An upper atmospheric glow distinct from the aurora excited by collisions with energetic particles, pale greenish bands of airglow caused by a cascade of chemical reactions excited by sunlight can be traced in diagonal bands near the top left.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap231223.html
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catinatux · 2 years
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Cone in the cloud in Otago Peninsula, Dunedin, New Zealand 
📸 by David Steer
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tallshipandstar · 1 year
I really hate travelling with people but sometimes I think I require adult supervision. So far today I have left the hotel three hours later than I intended because who knows why, driven to Port Chalmers with the intention of having brunch there, discovered I’d left my wallet at the hotel, gone back to collect it, decided to drive to Portobello for lunch because I thought I should see the Otago Peninsula, listened to google maps when it told me to turn down a particular road at Portobello thinking I could park there, couldn’t park there, decided not to turn around because there was a car behind me (?????) and accidentally embarked on a scenic tour of the peninsula, on narrow dirt roads with no space to pull over or turn around and cars always behind me.
Like… none of this is out the ordinary. This is not the first time I’ve decided not to stop or turn around because there was a car behind me and just… kept going.
Anyway I ended up back on the main road, partly through luck, and found a nice café where I am now waiting for a cheeseburger that will be my first food all day. It’s 2pm.
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tinontour · 2 years
Neuseeland Tag 17 🇳🇿
Nach einem gemütlichen Frühstück in unserem wirklich tollen Hostel packten wir mal wieder unseren ganzen Kram zusammen und verabschiedeten uns noch persönlich von unseren sehr netten Gastgebern Maxime & Bob. Wirklich zwei herzerwärmende Persönlichkeiten. 🤗 Weiter ging es dann, nach einem kurzen Kaffeestop für Manuela, ins gut 4h entfernte Dunedin. Wir kamen kurz vor 15 Uhr auf der Halbinsel Otago Peninsula an und sicherten uns noch ganz spontan einen Platzen bei der örtlichen Führung der 'Royal Albatrosse'. 🦤 1h wurden wir von einem Guide mit wertvollen Informationen zu dem majestätischen Vögeln versorgt und konnten sogar ein paar wenige Exemplare an den wiesenbewachsenen Hängen der Halbinsel beobachten. 🥰 Nach dem Abstieg von 'Vogelfelsen' schauten wir noch kurz am Aussichtspunkt 🔭 vorbei und bestaunten die Steilküste, den Leuchtturm und eine Kolonie von ca. 2500 Möwen, die jetzt mit der Brutsaison beginnen.... dementsprechend laut war es dort auch. 😅 Ohne weitere Erwartungen sahen wir uns noch ein wenig um, als plötzlich ein Königsalbatross auf die See hinaus flog. 😱 Welch ein großer und robuster Vogel (Gewicht: bis zu 8,5kg ausgewachsen, Spannweite bis zu 3m), der aber perfekt im Hangaufwindband förmlich schwerelos gleitete. Wirklich beeindruckend. 😍 Leicht durchgefroren und etwas nass vom Nieselregen fuhren wir wieder ins die Stadt und besuchten meine Schlufreundin Geli, die ich schon seit 6 Jahren nicht gesehen hatte. Sie lebt mit ihrem Freund Jos in Dunedin und gab uns eine Bleibe für die Nacht. ☺️ Nach einem geselleligen und lustigen Abend 🍻 in kleiner Runde fiehlen wir wieder erschöpft ins Bett! 😴
Stay tuned! ✌🏻😎
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candispice · 2 years
Yellow-Eyed penguins of New Zealand’s Otago peninsula
The Yellow-Eyed is the world’s most endangered penguin.  Only around four thousand penguins remain in the world.
If the present rate of decline continues the Yellow-Eyed penguin will likely be gone from the planet in ten or twenty years.
Go look them up.
The candy-red beak, the pink go-go boots, the yellow mask angling back from their eyes. 
I don’t mean to imply that adorable, showy species are of more value or somehow are more deserving of more concern.
--Fuzz, Mary Roach
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nzetaonlinevisa · 5 days
Top 5 Places to visit in june new zealand
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Christchurch, located on New Zealand’s South Island, is renowned for its English heritage and vibrant cultural scene. This picturesque city, known as the “Garden City,” boasts an array of attractions that cater to diverse interests. Among the top places to see in Christchurch are the stunning Botanic Gardens, which offer a peaceful retreat with a variety of plant species and beautifully landscaped grounds.
The Christchurch Art Gallery is a must-visit for art enthusiasts, showcasing an impressive collection of national and international works. For a glimpse into the city’s history, the Canterbury Museum provides fascinating exhibits on natural history and cultural heritage.
Hagley Park, the city’s largest urban open space, is perfect for leisurely strolls, picnics, and sports activities. The iconic Avon River, which meanders through the city, offers punting tours that provide a unique perspective of Christchurch’s scenic beauty.
Quake City, an interactive museum, educates visitors about the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes that significantly impacted the region. Additionally, the innovative and colorful Cardboard Cathedral stands as a symbol of the city’s resilience and creativity. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, is a vibrant cultural hub nestled between rolling hills and a picturesque harbor. Known for its dynamic arts scene, Wellington boasts a plethora of museums, theaters, and galleries that showcase both contemporary and traditional works. One of the must-visit places to see in Wellington is the iconic Te Papa Tongarewa, the national museum that offers interactive exhibits and rich Maori cultural displays. Another highlight is the Wellington Cable Car, which provides panoramic views of the city and leads to the beautiful Botanic Garden, a serene escape from the urban bustle. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Dunedin, located on the southeast coast of New Zealand’s South Island, is a city rich in history and natural beauty. Known for its Scottish heritage, Dunedin boasts a unique blend of Victorian and Edwardian architecture. Among the top places to see in Dunedin is the iconic Larnach Castle, the only castle in New Zealand, offering stunning views and lush gardens. The Otago Peninsula is another must-visit, famous for its diverse wildlife, including albatrosses, sea lions, and rare yellow-eyed penguins.
Dunedin’s city center is home to the historic Dunedin Railway Station, often dubbed the most photographed building in the country, and the bustling Octagon, a central plaza surrounded by shops, cafes, and the magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral. Art enthusiasts will appreciate the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, which houses an impressive collection of national and international artworks. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Wanaka, a picturesque town in New Zealand’s South Island, is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant outdoor activities. Nestled at the southern end of Lake Wanaka and surrounded by majestic mountains, it offers an idyllic retreat for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike. Among the must-visit places to see in Wanaka is the iconic Wanaka Tree, a solitary willow that stands in the lake, providing a perfect photo opportunity.
Visitors can explore the pristine beauty of Mount Aspiring National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, ideal for hiking, climbing, and spotting diverse wildlife. Roys Peak offers a challenging trek with rewarding panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains. For those interested in more leisurely activities, Puzzling World, with its quirky illusions and maze, provides fun for all ages. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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Fox Glacier, located in Westland Tai Poutini National Park on New Zealand’s South Island, is a stunning natural wonder that draws visitors from around the world. Known for its breathtaking ice formations and dynamic landscape, Fox Glacier descends from the Southern Alps down into the temperate rainforest, creating a unique juxtaposition of ice and greenery.
One of the prime places to see in Fox Glacier is the glacier itself, which can be explored through guided tours offering a closer look at the crevasses and ice caves. Visitors can also experience scenic helicopter flights that provide a bird’s-eye view of the glacier and the surrounding mountains.
Lake Matheson is another must-visit spot near Fox Glacier. Famous for its mirror-like reflections of Mount Cook and Mount Tasman, the lake offers picturesque walking trails and stunning photography opportunities. Additionally, the Fox Glacier Valley Walk provides a relatively easy hike with dramatic views of the glacier’s terminal face.
For those seeking more adventure, the nearby Gillespies Beach offers rugged coastline and the chance to explore historic gold mining sites. With its diverse range of attractions, Fox Glacier is a captivating destination, making it one of the top places to see in New Zealand. https://www.nzetaonlinevisa.com/
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home-decor-design · 4 months
Exploring the Green Horizon: Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations
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As the world becomes increasingly aware of the environmental impact of travel, a new wave of eco-conscious wanderers is seeking destinations that not only captivate the senses but also prioritize sustainability. In this guide, we embark on a journey to discover eco-friendly travel destinations that allow you to explore the wonders of the world while minimizing your carbon footprint. From lush rainforests to pristine coastlines, these destinations are beacons of sustainable tourism, inviting travelers to tread lightly and leave a positive impact.
Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations
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1. Costa Rica: A Haven of Biodiversity Costa Rica, often heralded as a pioneer in eco-tourism, is a haven for nature lovers. With a commitment to conservation and sustainable practices, this Central American gem boasts lush rainforests, diverse ecosystems, and an abundance of wildlife. Explore the Monteverde Cloud Forest, where canopy walkways provide a unique perspective on the flora and fauna, or venture to Manuel Antonio National Park for a chance to witness capuchin monkeys and sloths in their natural habitat. 2. Iceland: Geothermal Wonders and Renewable Energy Iceland's otherworldly landscapes offer a unique blend of natural wonders and a commitment to sustainable energy. Geothermal hot springs, cascading waterfalls, and the mesmerizing Northern Lights make Iceland a magnet for eco-conscious travelers. Additionally, the country harnesses its abundant geothermal resources for renewable energy, providing a model for sustainable practices. Dive into the rejuvenating waters of the Blue Lagoon or embark on a road trip to witness the breathtaking beauty of Iceland's untamed wilderness. 3. Bhutan: The Kingdom of Gross National Happiness Bhutan, nestled in the eastern Himalayas, has gained recognition for its holistic approach to development, prioritizing Gross National Happiness over GDP. With a focus on preserving its unique culture and pristine environment, Bhutan limits the number of tourists through a "high-value, low-impact" policy. Trek through the scenic Paro Valley, visit ancient monasteries like Tiger's Nest, and immerse yourself in a nation that values sustainability as a cornerstone of its identity. 4. New Zealand: Pioneering Sustainable Tourism New Zealand's commitment to preserving its natural beauty has positioned it as a pioneer in sustainable tourism. With a strong emphasis on conservation efforts, the country encourages responsible exploration of its diverse landscapes. Hike through Fiordland National Park's majestic fjords, encounter unique wildlife on the Otago Peninsula, and experience the Māori culture, deeply rooted in a connection to the land. New Zealand showcases how a balance between tourism and environmental preservation is not only possible but essential. 5. Norway: Fjords, Glaciers, and Clean Energy Norway's dramatic fjords, expansive glaciers, and commitment to clean energy make it a prime destination for eco-conscious travelers. The country's extensive network of electric vehicle charging stations reflects its dedication to sustainable transportation. Cruise through the iconic Geirangerfjord, witness the Northern Lights in Tromsø, and explore the Arctic wilderness in Svalbard—all while supporting a nation dedicated to minimizing its ecological footprint. 6. Patagonia: Pristine Wilderness at the End of the Earth Straddling the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina, Patagonia is a vast wilderness of glaciers, mountains, and untouched landscapes. With a focus on conservation, eco-friendly lodges, and responsible trekking practices, Patagonia invites travelers to experience the raw beauty of nature while preserving its delicate ecosystems. Hike through Torres del Paine National Park, navigate the Beagle Channel, and witness the majesty of the Perito Moreno Glacier in this remote corner of the world. 7. Palau: Coral Reefs and Marine Conservation Palau, an archipelago in the western Pacific Ocean, is a paradise for marine enthusiasts committed to sustainable tourism. Recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Palau places a strong emphasis on coral reef conservation and responsible diving practices. Snorkel in the crystalline waters of Jellyfish Lake, witness the vibrant underwater life of the Rock Islands, and support initiatives that aim to protect Palau's marine biodiversity. 8. Sweden: Sustainable Cities and Natural Retreats Sweden seamlessly combines eco-friendly urban living with pristine natural retreats. Stockholm, known for its commitment to green spaces and renewable energy, exemplifies sustainable city living. Beyond the urban landscape, Sweden offers vast forests, archipelagos, and the Northern Lights in the Swedish Lapland. Immerse yourself in the culture of "lagom"—finding balance and moderation—while contributing to a nation that prioritizes ecological harmony. 9. Ecuador: Galápagos Islands and Responsible Tourism Ecuador, home to the Galápagos Islands, is a beacon of responsible tourism in South America. Strict regulations and conservation efforts aim to protect the unique flora and fauna that inspired Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. Explore the volcanic landscapes, encounter giant tortoises, and snorkel among diverse marine species while contributing to sustainable practices that preserve the Galápagos for generations to come. 10. Kenya: Wildlife Conservation and Community Empowerment Kenya's commitment to wildlife conservation and community empowerment makes it an exemplary destination for eco-friendly travel. The Maasai Mara National Reserve, known for its annual migration of wildebeest, offers an immersive safari experience that supports conservation initiatives and local communities. Engage in responsible wildlife viewing, witness the Great Rift Valley, and contribute to Kenya's efforts to protect its natural heritage. Eco-friendly travel destinations not only offer breathtaking landscapes and cultural richness but also serve as models for responsible tourism. By choosing these destinations, travelers become stewards of the environment, supporting initiatives that preserve the Earth's natural wonders for future generations. Let your wanderlust be guided by a commitment to sustainability, and embark on a journey that leaves a positive impact on the planet.
Sustainable travel tips
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In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, sustainable travel has emerged as a crucial focus for conscientious globetrotters. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your first eco-friendly adventure, incorporating sustainable practices into your journey is not only responsible but also enriching. Join us as we explore a myriad of sustainable travel tips that empower you to minimize your environmental impact while maximizing your cultural experiences. 1. Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Sleeping Sustainably One of the first steps towards sustainable travel is selecting accommodations that align with eco-friendly practices. Opt for hotels and resorts with green certifications, such as LEED or EarthCheck. Consider boutique eco-lodges, guesthouses, or homestays that prioritize sustainable initiatives. These establishments often implement energy-saving measures, waste reduction programs, and support local communities. 2. Embrace Slow Travel: Less Rush, More Connection Slow travel is a concept that encourages a deeper, more immersive experience by spending more time in fewer destinations. By reducing your pace, you not only contribute to a more relaxed and meaningful journey but also decrease your carbon footprint. Choose fewer destinations for a single trip, allowing you to savor each moment, connect with locals, and appreciate the nuances of the culture and environment. 3. Pack Light and Smart: Sustainable Suitcase Essentials Packing smartly not only makes your journey more convenient but also contributes to sustainability. Opt for a reusable water bottle, eco-friendly toiletries in refillable containers, and a durable, reusable shopping bag. Pack versatile, climate-appropriate clothing and prioritize items made from sustainable materials. By packing light, you reduce the fuel consumption of transportation and leave room for meaningful souvenirs. 4. Choose Sustainable Transportation: From A to B, Consciously Transportation is a significant contributor to your travel footprint. Opt for eco-friendly modes of transportation such as trains, buses, or bicycles when exploring a destination. If air travel is unavoidable, consider non-stop flights to reduce fuel consumption and offset your carbon emissions through reputable carbon offset programs. Once at your destination, explore on foot, use public transportation, or rent electric vehicles. 5. Support Local Businesses: Economic Empowerment Supporting local businesses is a cornerstone of sustainable travel. Choose locally-owned hotels, dine in family-owned restaurants, and purchase souvenirs from local artisans. This not only fosters a more authentic travel experience but also contributes directly to the economic well-being of the communities you visit. Engage with locals, learn about their culture, and be mindful of the impact your tourism dollars can have on their livelihoods. 6. Eat Locally and Sustainably: Tasting the Culture Responsibly Sampling local cuisine is an integral part of travel, and doing so sustainably can be a rewarding experience. Choose restaurants that prioritize locally sourced, organic ingredients. Avoid dining at establishments that serve endangered species or contribute to deforestation. Embrace plant-based or vegetarian options to reduce your carbon footprint associated with meat production. 7. Respect Local Culture and Environment: Cultural and Environmental Etiquette Respecting the local culture and environment is fundamental to sustainable travel. Research and adhere to the cultural norms of the destinations you visit. Support initiatives that promote environmental conservation and follow Leave No Trace principles when exploring natural landscapes. Be mindful of wildlife habitats, avoid single-use plastics, and participate in local conservation efforts such as beach clean-ups or tree planting. 8. Conserve Energy and Water: A Responsible Retreat Conserve energy and water during your travels to minimize your environmental impact. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use, and opt for energy-efficient accommodations. Practice water conservation by taking shorter showers, reusing towels, and reporting any leaks. Small actions collectively make a significant difference in preserving resources and promoting sustainable tourism. 9. Offset Your Carbon Footprint: Investing in Environmental Stewardship Offsetting your carbon footprint is a proactive step towards responsible travel. Many reputable organizations offer carbon offset programs that fund projects like renewable energy initiatives, reforestation, or methane capture. Calculate your carbon footprint for your travel activities and invest in offset programs that align with your values, contributing to a more sustainable planet. 10. Educate Yourself and Others: Becoming a Sustainability Advocate Knowledge is a powerful tool for change. Educate yourself on sustainable travel practices and share this knowledge with fellow travelers. Encourage friends and family to adopt eco-friendly habits, and consider volunteering for environmental or community projects during your travels. By becoming a sustainability advocate, you contribute to a collective effort in preserving the beauty of our planet for generations to come. Sustainable travel is not a sacrifice but a transformative journey that allows you to explore the world responsibly while leaving a positive impact. By incorporating these sustainable travel tips into your adventures, you become a conscious traveler, contributing to the well-being of the destinations you explore and fostering a global community committed to preserving our planet's beauty. Bon voyage on your sustainable sojourn!
Eco-conscious vacation spots
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In an era where environmental awareness is at the forefront of global consciousness, the pursuit of eco-conscious vacation spots has become a top priority for discerning travelers. This guide invites you to explore destinations that not only captivate with their natural beauty but also demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices. Discover the allure of these nature-centric havens, where every moment is an opportunity to tread lightly on the Earth. 1. Costa Rica: Pioneering Eco-Tourism Nestled in the heart of Central America, Costa Rica has long been celebrated as a pioneer in eco-tourism. With its lush rainforests, diverse ecosystems, and abundant wildlife, the country beckons eco-conscious travelers. Explore the Monteverde Cloud Forest, where suspended bridges provide an immersive experience in the canopy, or witness sea turtles nesting on the pristine beaches of Tortuguero National Park. Costa Rica's commitment to conservation is evident in its national parks, protected areas, and sustainable tourism initiatives. 2. Vancouver Island, Canada: Pacific Paradise For those seeking an eco-conscious retreat, Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia offers a pristine haven. Known for its diverse landscapes, from temperate rainforests to rugged coastlines, the island provides opportunities for sustainable adventures. Explore the old-growth forests of Cathedral Grove, witness orcas and humpback whales in the Salish Sea, and support local eco-friendly accommodations. Vancouver Island showcases Canada's commitment to environmental preservation and responsible tourism. 3. Iceland: A Symphony of Sustainability Iceland, with its otherworldly landscapes and commitment to clean energy, stands as a shining example of sustainable tourism. The country harnesses geothermal power for heating and electricity, minimizing its carbon footprint. Explore the mesmerizing landscapes of the Golden Circle, unwind in the Blue Lagoon's geothermal waters, and embark on eco-friendly excursions to witness the Northern Lights or traverse glaciers. Iceland's dedication to preserving its untouched beauty makes it an ideal destination for eco-conscious travelers. 4. Bhutan: Gross National Happiness and Sustainability Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is not only renowned for its breathtaking landscapes but also for its unique approach to development—measured by Gross National Happiness rather than GDP. The kingdom's commitment to sustainability is evident in its "high-value, low-impact" tourism policy, ensuring that visitors experience the pristine environment responsibly. Trek to the Tiger's Nest monastery, immerse yourself in traditional festivals, and witness the vibrant culture of a nation deeply connected to its natural heritage. 5. New Zealand: A Tapestry of Green Tourism New Zealand's commitment to preserving its natural beauty and fostering green tourism makes it an eco-conscious traveler's dream. From the fjords of Milford Sound to the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, New Zealand showcases a tapestry of landscapes. Engage in sustainable activities such as hiking the Abel Tasman Coast Track, exploring glowworm caves, and supporting local conservation projects. The country's "Tiaki Promise" encourages responsible travel, ensuring that visitors leave only footprints and take only memories. 6. Patagonia, Chile and Argentina: Wilderness Untouched Straddling the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina, Patagonia is a vast wilderness that captivates with its untouched landscapes. With a commitment to conservation, eco-friendly lodges, and responsible trekking practices, Patagonia invites travelers to experience the raw beauty of nature. Hike through Torres del Paine National Park, cruise through the Beagle Channel, and witness the Perito Moreno Glacier—a testament to the region's dedication to environmental preservation. 7. Palau: Coral Reefs and Marine Conservation In the western Pacific Ocean, Palau emerges as a haven for marine enthusiasts committed to sustainable tourism. Recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Palau places a strong emphasis on coral reef conservation and responsible diving practices. Snorkel in the crystalline waters of Jellyfish Lake, explore the Rock Islands, and support initiatives that protect Palau's marine biodiversity. This Micronesian archipelago is a testament to the delicate balance between tourism and environmental preservation. 8. Norway: Fjords, Glaciers, and Green Living Norway's dramatic fjords, expansive glaciers, and commitment to green living make it a prime destination for eco-conscious travelers. The country's extensive network of electric vehicle charging stations reflects its dedication to sustainable transportation. Cruise through the iconic Geirangerfjord, witness the Northern Lights in Tromsø, and explore the Arctic wilderness in Svalbard—all while supporting a nation dedicated to minimizing its ecological footprint. 9. Tasmania, Australia: Wilderness Conservation Tasmania, an island state of Australia, is a sanctuary for wilderness conservation and eco-conscious exploration. Home to diverse ecosystems, including ancient rainforests and pristine coastlines, Tasmania invites travelers to engage in sustainable practices. Explore the Overland Track in Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, encounter unique wildlife, and support local initiatives that focus on preserving the island's natural heritage. Tasmania's commitment to sustainable tourism ensures that its beauty endures for generations. 10. Kenya: Wildlife Conservation and Community Empowerment Kenya's commitment to wildlife conservation and community empowerment makes it an exemplary destination for eco-conscious travel. The Maasai Mara National Reserve, known for its annual migration of wildebeest, offers an immersive safari experience that supports conservation initiatives and local communities. Engage in responsible wildlife viewing, witness the Great Rift Valley, and contribute to Kenya's efforts to protect its natural heritage. These eco-conscious vacation spots not only showcase the beauty of the natural world but also exemplify a commitment to sustainable practices. Whether it's the lush rainforests of Costa Rica, the pristine fjords of Norway, or the vibrant coral reefs of Palau, each destination invites travelers to become stewards of the environment. Read the full article
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52paddlesblog · 5 months
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Portobello, Dunedin, Otago
Log: Launched from Portobello and paddled inland to Pudding Island. Around the island then back across Portobello to the peninsula-within-a-peninsula, leisurely floating past various small bays up to the university research centre. Didn't go much further than that due to the wind, turned about and headed sedately back to Portobello for coffee and lunch.
Highlights: saw a tern feeding a tiny fish to its baby!
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Stingray count: 2
Rating: 8/10
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nlockett · 5 months
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APOD December 23, 2023 A December Summer Night Colours of a serene evening sky are captured in this 8 minute exposure, made near this December's solstice from New Zealand, southern hemisphere, planet Earth. Looking south, star trails form the short concentric arcs around the rotating planet's south celestial pole positioned just off the top of the frame. At top and left of center are trails of the Southern Cross stars and a dark smudge from the Milky Way's Coalsack Nebula. Alpha and Beta Centauri make the brighter yellow and blue tinted trails, reflected below in the waters of Hoopers Inlet in the Pacific coast of the South Island's Otago Peninsula. On that short December summer night, aurora australis also gave luminous, green and reddish hues to the sky above the hills. An upper atmospheric glow distinct from the aurora excited by collisions with energetic particles, pale greenish bands of airglow caused by a cascade of chemical reactions excited by sunlight can be traced in diagonal bands near the top left. ©Ian Griffin
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travopo · 10 months
Fun Things to Do in Dunedin and The Otago Peninsula | Travel Guide (2023) | Best Places to Visit
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[ad_1] With out land obstacles, sea ice in Antarctica can transfer extra freely, beneath the path of the wind and ocean swells.Credit score: David Merron/Getty Antarctic sea ice shrank to beneath 2 million sq. kilometres this 12 months, the bottom minimal extent since satellite tv for pc information started 43 years in the past.The minimal extent of one.92 million sq. kilometres took place on 25 February and was once 190,000 sq. kilometres not up to the now second-lowest extent, reached in 2017, america Nationwide Snow and Ice Information Heart (NSIDC) reported on 8 March.“The document low for overall Antarctic sea ice came about in a lot the similar approach because the 2017 tournament,” says Ryan Fogt, a climatologist at Ohio College in Athens. Each occasions had an previous than common most sea-ice extent, which was once adopted via fast declines, he says. From 2017, the sea-ice extent stayed neatly beneath common for a couple of years, returning to near-average stipulations once more in 2020. Supply: Nationwide snow & ice knowledge heart. The document low was once in part because of sturdy winds pushing ice out of the Ross Sea, a bay off the coast of Antarctica, to spaces additional north the place it iswarmer. There, the ice broke up and melted, says Walt Meier, a senior analysis scientist at NSIDC, who's based totally on the College of Colorado Boulder. “I feel a lot, if now not all, of the development will also be ascribed to herbal variability,” says Meier.Ups and downsNot like within the Arctic, the place sea ice has declined all of a sudden since satellite tv for pc measurements started in 1979, Antarctic sea ice has noticed a large number of year-to-year variability (see ‘Lowest on document’) — contradicting expectancies from some local weather fashions that predicted it must decline according to higher greenhouse-gas emissions. The easiest and second-highest Antarctic sea-ice minimums on document had been reached in 2008 (3.69 million sq. kilometres) and 2013 (3.68 million sq. kilometres). In 2015 and 2016, the minimal dropped dramatically. “With such a lot variability, it isn't too unexpected that one may just get a document low,” says Meier.In Antarctica, sea ice will develop anyplace it's chilly sufficient for ice to shape. “There are not any land obstacles in the best way,” says Fogt. With out obstacles, the ice turns into a lot thinner, which means it may be moved freely via the winds, protecting a better space, he provides.“Antarctic sea ice responds to the whim of the ambience and ocean,” says Pat Langhorne, who research such ice on the College of Otago in New Zealand. This comprises wind path and ocean swells, in addition to patterns within the tropical Pacific Ocean associated with El Niño and Los angeles Niña.Meier says the isolation of Antarctica has, to this point, safe a lot of it from experiencing warming, except the Antarctic Peninsula, which sticks as much as the north and has warmed markedly up to now 40 years. World warming may have a task on this new document, however it's too early to inform, he says.“This may well be the beginning of sustained lack of Antarctic ice very similar to what we now have noticed within the Arctic during the last 50 years, or it may well be temporary variability that reverts again to the imply 12 months,” says Zeke Hausfather, a local weather scientist at Berkeley Earth in California. In the longer term, local weather alternate will lead to declining Antarctic sea ice, he provides. [ad_2] #Antarctic #sea #ice #hits #lowest #minimal #document
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usmaradiomagazine · 1 year
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🔴 ON AIR - Today Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 7:00 pm (CEST) - usmaradio.org USMA for Radioart106 #𝟭𝟯𝟵_𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗹 𝗯𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽 & 𝗔𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀 [60 min] Reveil is a project, initiated and produced by Soundcamp and the Acoustic Commons network. It tracks the sounds of sunrise from travelling West on live audio feeds from streamers around the world. It tunes to the sounds of weather, machines, migrating birds, air traffic and more - creating a collective soundwork lasting one earth day.
This show is a rebroadcast of Reveil 8 from 2021, to highlight the 10th edition of the project which will take place from 5AM London time on Saturday 6 MAY to 6AM on Sunday 7 MAY 2023. radioart106 will stream from the port of Haifa, in collaboration with Ithaca music, Mezo gallery and Radio Rikavon, in Palestine, Israel.
We will stream nonstop (UTC+3) in parallel to the main (global) stream. Mezo will be open to public during the entire loop as a listening space, and Radio Rikavon will relay the main stream.
This show is Introduced by the Acoustic Commons network members/project producers Grant Smith, Maria Papadomanolaki and Dawn Scarfe. For complete information visit: https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html
Supported by Arts Council England and the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Streams: Pomègue, Frioul Archipelago By Locus Sonus and the Parc National des Calanques Stave Hill Ecological Park, London By Michael Speers and Public Works Puerto del Carmen, Canary Islands By Lanzarote Webcam Surface Creek Road, Cedaredge, Colorado By John Hopkins Batuco Wetlands, Chile By Cristián Pinto Hydrophones at Bush Point and Port Townsend, Puget Sound off Seattle By Orcasound.net Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland By Leah Barclay (Biosphere Soundscapes) and Arts Front Northern Royal Albatross nestcam, Taiaroa Head Nature Reserve, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand By the Cornell Laboratory for Ornithology Closeup birds in lofi, gyeonggi province, Korea feeder cam Chittaranjan Colony, Kolkata By Sukanta Majumdar Varessaare forest hut, Alutaguse National Park, Estonia By John Grzinich, Taavi Suisalu and Veljo Runnel MBARI deep sea cabled observatory hydrophone, Monterey Bay, California By Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html https://www.rikavon.co.il >>  Radioart106 explores radiophonic works of worldwide radio artists. Radio art is a subset of Sound art where radio art is produced for the medium of radio and is specifically intended for broadcast. A new radio work is aired every first (or second) Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CET on usmaradio.org
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snowshoe1980 · 1 year
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While in New Zealand we made a little side trip out to Otago Peninsula to visit the fine folks at the Penguin Place, a private conservation reserve for the rare and endangered Yellow Eyed Penguin. What they do, aside from run a penguin hospital, is have a wide swath of protected land on the coast that is prime yellow eyed penguin habitat. They lead you through a series of trenches to provide you with some of the best probability to see these penguins in the wild; but even so, you have a maybe 50% chance of catching a glimpse of one. Well @stoc12 and I lucked out because after about 30 min of scanning the beach for one, our guide was about ready to pack it in and out waddled this little dude/dudette. My heart jumped for joy! I never thought I’d get to see a penguin outside of the zoo or a trip to Antarctica (which might as well include the Galapagos). This was possibly the icing on an already amazing trip. (at Otago Peninsula) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDKcWUyUj8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gretavdr · 1 year
Dunedin from the Otago Peninsula The trip from Te Anau to Dunedin took us over the Canterbury plains and New Zealand’s rich pastoral country. It’s not a long drive, with a brief stop for coffee somewhere, and we arrived in Dunedin around lunch time. Dunedin is a pretty little town where you’re either going up or you’re coming down. It’s probably the most Scottishest town outside Scotland and it…
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secondlifep · 1 year
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Sandfly Bay, Otago Peninsula, 1977 by Dave's old slides
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