dorkaarts · 1 year
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Internet Shenanigans 🏙️ A bigger illustration for this little family! The 3 of them, Milkeela, Pratz and Ambrosia stole some Mcdonald's, but was found by their "leader" and tired single parent Creamity, who started lecturing them about their risked safety and rule-breaking. While they got interrupted by an Antivirus Security Guard... Yikes Close up on Pratz and Ambrosia, because I love their details! #ambrosia #milkeela #pratz #creamity #internet #ralphbreakstheinternet #sugarrush #sugarrushdisney #wreckitralph #wreckitralphfanart #vanellope #vanellopefanart #sugarrushfanart #ralph #racers #sugarrushracers #netizens #ambrosiamentollica #milkeelabruleette #creamitypuddington #pratzcheezstix https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-9reVqrvx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themirrorofink · 10 months
Glenn Gould - So You Want to Write a Fugue
Singers: Elizabeth Benson Guy - Soprano Edgar Murdoch - Bass Patricia Rideout - Alto Gordon Wry - Tenor
David Mankovitz - Violinist Albert Pratz - Violinist Bernard Robbins - Violinist Laszlo Varga - Cellist
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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I'm Your Man (Maria Schrader, 2021)
Cast: Maren Eggert, Dan Stevens, Sandra Hüller, Jürgen Tarrach, Karolin Oesterling, Marlene-Sophie Haagen, Victor Pape-Thies, Falilou Seck, Hans Löw, Inga Busch, Wolfgang Hübsch. Screenplay: Jan Schomburg, Maria Schrader, based on a story by Emma Braslavsky. Cinematography: Benedict Neuenfels. Production design: Cora Pratz. Film editing: Hansjörg Weißbrich. Music: Tobias Wagner. 
Leaving a hit TV show is not always a good career move -- just ask David Caruso. But since he asked out of Downton Abbey, Dan Stevens has gone on to demonstrate that he's one of the most versatile actors around. Still, I was surprised to find him speaking German -- albeit with an English accent, as one character notes -- throughout I'm Your Man. He plays an android with a kind of charm that turns from artificial to genuine as the story progresses. (The accent is explained as his programmer's attempt to introduce a note of the foreign that German women find appealing.) The problem is that he's an experimental model whose producers are testing on a volunteer: a middle-aged divorced anthropologist (Maren Eggert) who's skeptical of their attempt to market a model life companion for lonely people. It's a romcom setup, an odd coupling filled with awkward moments leading to an inevitable breakup and a just as inevitable reconciliation. But it works, largely because Stevens and Eggert are so skillful at the task. Stevens's Tom has the wide-eyed naïveté and the somewhat birdlike movements of Star Trek's Data, but he's also able to project warmth and vulnerability. Eggert perfectly brings out Alma's conflicted approach to the relationship, balancing skepticism with neediness. 
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crackspinewornpages · 6 months
War and Peace 50/198 -Leo Tolstoy
At 5 AM the army was still immobilized on the right wing, the left would be the first to descend and attack, when on Austrian officer made his appearance order was set in motion but they didn’t know where they were going in the dark fog and smoke, though, wherever they went were in the same company. (this doesn’t seem smart to send the army to face the enemy in the dark and fog where they can’t even see ten feet in front of them) They could hardly see ten paces ahead but conscious of the Russian columns marching in the same direction. After an hour they halted so the calvary could cross and fill in the gaps, in that time the army grew impatient and was losing spirit. An hour later they descended into the valley blind, shots in the fog, by nine the sun was just rising above it. Napoleon and his troops were closer than expected and he could see the center of the Russian army was weak, on the anniversary of his coronation he gave the order to begin battle. 
At 8 o'clock, Kutuzof greeted the men of the foremost regiment intending to lead the column in person, but he stopped in the village of Pratz while Andrei was anxious and believed this would be his bridge of Areola. There was firing in the valley, the infantry filed by Kutuzof halted, they can't open ranks in a village. (seems like you should have considered the geography of the location) He sent Andrei to the third division to give his orders and report on the skirmishes and come back to inform him the troops were ready to move. In the distance the regiments were cheering and ran along the line of Russian columns who they were greeting approached rapidly a squadron of gaily dressed horsemen escorted by the two emperors. Alexander asking why he doesn’t begin, he’s waiting for the columns to assemble, it displeased him. Kutuzof explained the reasons is they are not in parade nor on the emperor’s field, (this is a war not a parade for your entertainment) but he gives the order he turns to Division Commander Milarodovitch and orders to attack and the battalions of Novgared and Apsheran file forward. 
The fog began to dissipate, a mile and a half could be seen, to the left of the valley the firing was growing more violent. As they could see the French closer than expected, the Apsheran when it was all covered in smoke, a voice called it was up to them and all started to run. (come back you cowards) It was impossible to stop the fugitives, Andrei was confused at what was happening at the front and saw Kutuzof was wounded. Kutuzof went riding after the fugitives but was torn away by another mob. Andrei forced his way to him, Kutuzof’s staff was only four left as he ordered to stop the cowards, billets buzzed over their heads, when the French saw Kutuzof they fired at him. Kutuzof fell wounded so Andrei took the flag staff and rushed forward, the battalion following into the firefight. Distracted by the other soldiers Andrei was struck on the head and fell only seeing the sky above him and noticed how calm it was. “How it is that I never before saw this lofty sky? And how glad I am that I have learned to know it at last! Yes! All is empty, all is deception, except these infinite heavens. Nothing, nothing at all besides! And even that is nothing but silence and peace! And glory to God!...”p.164 
By five in the evening the battle was lost, a hundred canons captured Prschebiszewsky laid down arms, other columns halved were in retreat, the remains were crowded together in Augest. The French were trying to cut down the retreating Dokhturof and some others made a stand. Along the dike were throngs of men pushing along dying and dead. Dolokof was an officer again, his regimental commander, the sole survivors, a canon ball struck someone behind him and in front the crowd just pressed on but stopped, the ice wouldn’t hold them and wouldn’t move on Dolokhof’s orders. A feild piece tried but his leg broke through and he sank to his belt the horses forced on it broke the whole sheet and forty men trampled over each other all while canons fired overhead, 
On the hill above Pratz Andrei laid still in pain wandering where he was, he heard hoof beats and French soldiers nearing, it was Napoleon and his two aides. Andrei immediately forgot the words spoken of him having an honorable death, his hero was insignificant compared to heaven. “He was merely conscious of a feeling of joy that people had come to him, of a desire for these people to give him assistance and bring him back to life, which now seemed to him so beautiful because he understood it so differently,”p.167 They notice him moving and Napoleon ordered him taken to the hospital. 
He passed out and came to again in the hospital as Napoleon came to inspect the prisoners. He questioned the chief officer, Colonel Prince Repnin, who identified Lieutenant Sukhtelen. Napoleon asked how Andrei was feeling but Andrei had no words, his hero was sordid in comparison with what he had learned. The insignificance of majesty, life and death, no one can explain. Napoleon left without an answer with orders to take care of them, Andrei’s medal was returned. He believes it all would be good if it were as simple as it seems to Maria, he would know where to find help in his life, what to expect after. Carried away he thought of his family, the battle, Napoleon, everything that happened bleeding into a fever dream as the physicians believed he wouldn’t recover, he along with other dying were turned over to the regional natives. (so Andrei had a near death experience and currently is in an existential crisis) 
1806 Austria was forced to a separate peace by the end of 1805 Briton was active only in the sea the war, in 1806 assumes an armed truce. Politically the war continues, Britain with a blockade against the enemy neutrals, Napoleon forbidding trade, Prussia broke away and joined the coalition against France and declares war. Napoleon defeats Prussia in a month, occupies Berlin and moves against Russia. 
In the beginning of 1806 Nikolai Rostof went home on furlough and had Denisof come with him to Moscow. Rostof was cheerfully greeted by Mikhail and the hall boy Prokofi, others rushed out of their rooms until all crowded in the drawing room. His mother cried in his chest while his father introduced Denisof. 
The two slept until ten as everyone cleaned their things and brought comforts, awake Sonya ran away from Rostof as his sister Natasha talked to him. He asks why Sonya ran off, a long story for another time but she’ll tell it now as Rostof fell into his old world of childhood. She had him recall what happened before he left, if he agreed to marry her, now it would be like he was bound by his word under compulsion, and it wouldn’t do. (she loves Sonya and to prove it burned her arm with a ruler) Sonya was sixteen and still in love with him but with so many occupations before him he must remain free. The subject changes, Natasha is no longer interested in Boris since Duport the dancer, she won't marry and become a dancer. When Rostof saw Sonya again he didn’t know how to react around her but understood and quietly they thanked each other for love and freedom. 
That year the old count had more money so Rostof decked out, seemed to have grown into a man separated from childhood, now a lieutenant of hussars. Instead of growing closer to Sonya he drifted away, a time when a young man prizes his freedom to do other things, there were others besides Sonya, he has time to fall in love later. The old count Rostof was busy giving dinner orders to prepare for the English Club in honor of Prince Bagration. He asked his son what he thought and sent him to Moscow to Bezukof’s for fresh fruit and gypsies to dance along with gypsy girls. (...sigh) Anna Mikhailovna says not to as she is going as you can get anything from Pierre’s green houses, and she wants to see him since Boris is on his staff. When asked of his new wife Anna’s face changed, he’s unhappy she pities him. Dolokhof, Marya Ivanovna’s son, compromised Helene after Pierre introduced them and brought him into his house and now he follows her. The old count extends the invitation to the club to him for a distraction. 
March 15, two hundred and fifty English Club members and fifty guests came to meet Prince Bagration, the hero of the Austrian campaign. Before dinner Count Rostof presented his son, Pierre sat opposite of them and as usual drank too much but others noticed his change absorbed in some disagreeable problem it was Dolokhof’s intimacy with his wife and anonymous letters that the affair was a secret to him alone. Pierre refuses to heed both but it was terrible for him to see Dolokhof sitting opposite and something terrible rise in him. (Count Rostof had to know there were tensions between these two why’d he invite both is he that much of a ditz) Pierre saw it may be true but he cannot believe it, but he noticed the face Dolokhof wore often was now one of deviltry from his other acts. Pierre is afraid of him, he would think nothing of killing a man, so lost in his thoughts he didn’t rise with the others to toast. 
Rostof asks what’s the matter, he didn't recognize him and Dolokhof toasts to pretty women and their lovers, (oh now he’s just rubbing it in) Pierre didn’t say anything. When Dolokhof snatched a cantata from him the ugliness rising in Pierre broke. Everyone was alarmed at his outburst and he snatched it back and felt the hatred of his wife widen irrevocably. Rostof acted against Denisof’s advice and arranged a duel the next day at Sokohiki, but Dolokhof had thoughts on it, “if you get it into your head that you are going to be killed, then you are an idiot, and deserve to fall; but if you go with firm intention to kill him as quickly and certainly as you can, then you are all right,”p.180 
The next morning Pierre, Nesvitsky, Dolokhof, Denisof and Rostof met in the woods, Pierre had the air of a man unaware of what was before him. Two considerations his wife’s guilt and the innocence of Dolokhof who had no reason to guard a stranger's honor, maybe he would have done the same then is this duel homicide, can he get out of it. It was all set and Dolokhof confessed he doesn’t think this is a sufficient reason to duel but Pierre was in the wrong, Pierre agrees he was foolish. Nevitsky says he could apologies. “You know, count, that it is far more noble to acknowledge one’s fault than to carry on after to its irrevocable consequences.”p.181 Pierre will go through with the duel and had to figure out how to work the trigger. 
After Pierre fired he stood still as Dolokhof stepped forward but didn’t shoot and he fell in the snow, arm covered in blood and begs that he isn't done yet. He takes a mouthful of snow and staggers up aiming Pierre made himself an easy target, (is he suicidal) Dolokhof missed and laid back in the snow, Pierre ran off in the woods and Nevitsky took him home. On the way to Moscow Dolokhof roused himself and said his mother won't survive this and had Rostof break the news to her. Despite being a bully Dolokhof was an affectionate son to his mother and brother to his hunchback sister. 
Pierre rarely saw his wife alone, the house was full of company, the night of the duel he stayed in the room his father died in, he couldn’t sleep, how did it come to killing his wife's paramour. “Because you married her without loving her; because you deceived yourself and her.”p.183 From the beginning he felt it was wrong, he thought he was proud of it all then thought he was to blame for not understanding her, now found the answer, she is a lewd woman. She allowed her brother to kiss her bare shoulder but laughed at him and told  Pierre that he’ll never get any children by her. (she’s a bitch) She’s to blame for it all, but at the back of it he married her, lied that he loved her, he is to blame and suffer but the disgrace of his name and honor is independent of him. 
He’ll leave for Petersburg, leaving a letter that he would leave her forever, but that morning Helene came to him in a fury about the duel. She demands answers then says he believes everything he is told, that Dolokhof was her lover without proof and what has he proved by the duel, that he’s a fool, that’s what everyone calls him and now she’s a laughingstock. He drunkenly challenged a man out of jealousy, a superior man to him in everything. (I take it back she’s not a bitch she’s a cunt) He tells her not to speak to him, she yells that she has a right to and tells him any woman with him as a husband would have lovers but not her. Pierre says that he’ll kill her and comes towards her with the marble table top she runs off and his father's nature manifested in him. By the end of the week Pierre signed over half of his property to Helene and left alone to Petersburg. 
Two months after the battle of Austerlitz and Andrei was reported dead but his body not recovered, Kutuzof wrote that he was a worthy hero. Unusually his father’s response wasn’t one of wrath and he stayed in his study. When Maria came to see him his face wasn’t sorrowful but wrathful and she could sense the terrible misfortune, the death of one she loved. When told Andrei was dead she felt joy and forgot her fear of her father and hugged him begging for them to weep together, but he has her go inform Lisa. Maria wondered of her brother repented his unbelief and is in bliss. It took several times for Maria to try to break the news, she kept crying and decided not to tell Lisa and persuaded her father not to while she was pregnant. (I’m torn whether or not this was the right move you’re keeping the fact her husband could be dead a secret from her but also she’s in a very delicate state right now) The two hid their grief but the old Prince didn’t hope, while searching for his son he had a gravestone made and in a short time his health deteriorated rapidly while Maria hoped and prayed for Andrei’s return. 
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zutsunokotodake · 6 months
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elicordova · 1 year
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Hey Pratz, u okay there?
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Well how do i tell you that person doesn't like taylor. They do have a fan account but they talk about her like an anti would. This is what she does i used to follow her. Oh and she is a huge r pratz fan lmao
Yeah, fans not actually liking Taylor is a recurring theme. Rob fans disliking Joe is also a recurring theme lmao. They were so threatened by Joe getting Stars At Noon for some reason, seemingly forgetting about Taron and the fact that Rob dropped out bc of Batman
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Ich hab schon gesagt wart Mal kurz damit ich die pratze ordentlich halten kann also hab ich auch eigentlich aufgepasst weil ich wusste das das passieren kann. Ich kann nix dafür wenn einfach los gelegt wird.
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poetzproblem · 2 years
hi poetz, how are you holding up? Do you by any chance have something changed by "pratz"? I can't get access to the journal unfortunately :/
Still breathing.
Unfortunately, I don't have anything by pratz.
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cesarvalentim · 2 years
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Ludos Tournament - Fähigkeiten Wir laden euch alle herzlich zu einer einzigartigen Wettkampf Gelegenheit ein, in der die SportlerInnen eine Chance haben ihre Kampfsport-Fähigkeiten zu demonstrieren. Der Wettbewerb macht Spaß, ist herausfordernd und bietet eine einzigartige Erfahrung für die TeilnehmerInnen. Es ist für alle Alters- und Leistungsklassen geeignet (Vor allem für Kinder, die nicht an Kontaktsport gewohnt sind). In diesem Wettbewerb treten die Gegner nicht aufeinander ein, sondern auf eine Ludos Pratze. Während des Wettbewerbs werden die SportlerInnnen verschiedene Übungen, die auf kognitiven Fähigkeiten beruhen, absolvieren. Jeder Teilnehmer wird vor der Pratze mit Signallichtern platziert und erledigt Aufgaben je nach Anweisung. Der Wettbewerb wird mit der innovativen Technologie von Ludos bewerkstelligt, die erstmalig erlaubt kognitive Fähigkeiten objektiv auf die Probe zu stellen und Vereine und Veranstaltungen rund um die Welt miteinander zu verbinden. Wann? 26.Juni ab 10 Uhr Wo? Wien Taekwondo Center - Schmelz Anmeldung ausschließlich auf https://events.ludusalliance.shop/events/wien-taekwondo-skills-championship/ Ludos Tournament - Skills We are proud to invite you to a one-of-a-kind competition where the athletes will compete on their skills in martial arts. The competition is fun and challenging and provides a unique and empowering experience for the participants. It is suitable for all ages and levels (especially for children who are not used to getting hit by their opponents in a fight). In this competition nobody is kicking each other, we use the Ludos Kick Pad. During the competition, the athletes will perform different exercises based on their cognitive abilities. Each participant will stand in front of a system that signals lights and will perform an action according to the exercise goals. The competition will be conducted through the innovative technology of Ludus, that allows for the first time to objectively measure cognitive abilities, and connect clubs around the world to perform competition and other events together. When? 26. June at 10am Where? Wien Taekwondo Centre - Schmelz Online registration mandatory. See bio. (at Wien Taekwondo Centre - Kampfsportverein) https://www.instagram.com/p/CevxBfsDEii/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dorkaarts · 3 years
The Cancelled Recolors
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I've been having these guys around for a few months-
Decided to design characters based on the miscolored icons of Sticky, Torvald and Citrusella, namely Cyan Crumbelina, Yellow Swizzle and Purple Minty Zaki.
All 3 (Milkeela Bruléette, Creamity Puddington, Pratz Cheezstix who is not shown here) have an appearance and important role in my au, tho they become secondary characters. These 3 live on the Internet with Ambrosia, the group of homeless racers who were scrapped from production after they weren't liked by the audience. Their website died, and is just a bunch of pile of junk lying on the base of Oldernet.
Here's Milkeela Bruléette (left, Cyan Crumbelina) and Creamity Puddington (right, Purple Minty) introducing themselves. Creamity is more open to new things than Milkeela is, as the girl with Vitiligo is surprised to see another person like them. (Panellope)
The edit was so fun!! I drew everything besides their face and hands and skirt for Milkeela... It's pretty crazy, but it's a blast! 💕
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 years
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I'm Your Man (Maria Schrader, 2021).
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brittle-bone-gabe · 4 years
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Even with a busted up hand, Aryce still does too much and doesn’t get enough sleep. 
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badgaymovies · 2 years
I'm Your Man (2021)
I'm Your Man by #MariaSchrader starring #DanStevens and #MarenEggert, "probably the most endearing off-beat love story between human and object since Lars And The Real Girl", Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com
MARIA SCHRADER Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBBB Original Title: Ich bin dein Mensch Germany, 2021. Letterbox Filmproduktion, Sudwestrundfunk. Screenplay by Jan Schomburg, Maria Schrader, based on a short story by Emma Braslavsky. Cinematography by Benedict Neuenfels. Produced by Lisa Blumenberg. Music by Tobias Wagner. Production Design by Cora Pratz. Costume Design by Anette Guther. Film Editing by…
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toutplacid · 6 years
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Vue depuis Saint-Gervais les Pratz (chemin du Bonnant), sous la neige, avec le Mont-Blanc (mal silhouetté à cause de la neige) – stylo-bille 8 couleurs, carnet nº 119, 2018.
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Keine Zeit pratze ordentlich zu halten wollte das Grade ordentlich machen da kam der tritt und mein daume so eyyyy du brauchst mich dich Ned mehr oder? Und ist nach hinten weg geknickt während mein Gelenk gesagt hat ich will aber nach unten also Fingernägel zu mir und Hauptgelenk zum Boden. Hab meinen Gelenk Kopf kurz durch die Haut gesehen. Sah gut aus.
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