uncertaininnit · 1 year
will u tell the class abt the tylenol murders
oh god oh geez okay YES! I had to instantly pause the YouTube video that I had playing in the corner of my screen as soon as I saw that I got this ask in my activity feed. the details like the year aren’t ingrained in my brain so I’m going to do a little googling to answer this question but most of it is stuff I remember and so some of it might not be 100% true but !! It’s really interesting
In September 1982, over the span of a week, 7 people living in the Chicago area died after taking Tylenol pills that were spiked with cyanide.
someone had gone to a pharmacy in chicago (it might have been two) and subtly replaced or spiked or whatever (idk how you deal with cyanide) the pills of at least 5 bottles of tylenol an out them back on the shelves completely normal looking.
this is the reason pretty much all food and medication you buy has a plastic seal on it to indicate if it’s been opened before. Before the Chicago Tylenol murders that wasn’t a thing pretty much at all
Nothing like this had ever happened before and there were a few copycat killers after the fact but as far as I’m aware they never caught the killer just because they didn’t have any kinds of precautions set for an event like that
after the deaths were all traced back to the spiked Tylenol, it was taken off of shelves nationwide and was really bad for Tylenol (duh). rival companies were accused of doing it to hurt Tylenol and I think there was also evidence against the Tylenol ceo? I would suggest watching the buzzfeed unsolved video (that’s where I first heard of this) for more info about the suspects and everything but that’s not really what I remember
I think at least one of the people who died was a child. An especially tragic story is (details here are probably a little wrong) a family was all together in one house and they were gathered for MAYBE a funeral I don’t know when one of them got a headache and went to take a Tylenol, and the like 2 minutes later passed out on the living room floor dead.
obviously not great for that to happen, imagine your uncle passed out dead on the floor of the living room. This might cause confusion and stress, leading to maybe someone developing a headache. And taking a Tylenol.
since they didn’t know the Tylenol was responsible, another family member took one and also died. That’s two deaths in the family within like 15 minutes.
I think it was someone from that same family who figured out that it was the Tylenol- since both of them had taken one and I think the second family member made a comment about it smelling like almonds (which is a common way to id cyanide, apparently it smells like almonds)
I feel like this isn’t as detailed as you were hoping bc I’m obviously not an expert but I think it’s so interesting !! It’s like how 9/11 led to the airport changes, but it’s much lesser known even though food that you have to remove seals from is way more regular than going to the airport.
It really is a great example of how literally everything and every rule of the world around us comes from mistakes. Learning from things and sometimes tragedies
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lacking-in-enthusiasm · 8 months
Let's get to know each other! ♥
Tagged by @yeeticusdaweary & @alchemist-yamira, thanks besties. <3
-Last song : I got music going in my brain 24/7, and like a dozen favorite songs at any given time, so this is a killer question for me. I could recommend so many things! That said, the literal Last Song I listened to was Rivers is a Vampire by Bear Ghost.
-Favorite color : Purple! Shoutout to green, though.
-Currently watching : So many shows. A lot of anime at the moment. Though most recently, I've been revisiting a childhood favorite of mine, Charmed. It's so much fun, and I'm shocked by how decently it's held up. I've been watching it with my girlfriend, and we've had such a good time with it.
-Last movie : Renfield! I was pleasantly surprised by this one. It's a genuinely fun, cleverly written little romp of a movie.
-Currently reading : I am drowning in webcomics & manga. Not So Shoujo Love Story is a current favorite. The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't A Guy At All is another fun one, and it has such a tasty artstyle. The Property of Hate is an all time favorite, it's like the gold standard for what makes a comic good- great art, interesting story, compelling characters. Chef's kiss.
-Sweet/Spicy/Savory : Savory, but it's a close call. They're all really important, and I'd hate to pick just one forever. Variety is key for me.
-Relationship status : I'm in one! It's very nice. ♥
-Current obsession : This isn't a new obsession of mine, but it did come back with a vengeance this year. I've gotten so into Hatsune Miku and other vocaloid music ever since I picked up playing Project Diva and Project Sekai. Rhythm games in general have always been my favorite, and Project Diva hits just right for me.
-Last thing I Googled : The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't A Guy At All, because I wanted to make sure I had the title right, haha.
-Currently working on : I've not got a Big Project going at the moment, but I have been working on a few small art things. I've got a commission cooking, I did an art trade with a friend, I'm working on getting some traditional art back in my diet. It's been fun!
Tagging for funsies: @shadowgast4t, @probablypercyjackson, @lattuce, @kittyxuchiha11
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alchemist-yamira · 8 months
Let's get to know each other &lt;3
Tagged by @yeeticusdaweary Thanks! I'm gonna figure this out I suppose
-Last song : Pocket - Louie Zong (Going for the song that's been most in my head in the last 24 hours)
-Favorite color : Purple is the obvious, based on just my whole everything. However I also love teal/cyan so really it's just off-blues I suppose.
-Currently watching : Yea, uh. I've been wanting to watch more "Traditionally produced" TV, but in lieu of that, lots of comfywatches on Youtube: RTGame and Wirtual to eat/decompress, Moon channel and other video essays for more "Interesting" content.
-Last movie : The D&D movie at behest of one of my IRL friends. It's aggressively "Okay".
-Currently reading : I have House of Leaves on my end-table. I've been terrible with reading though as it's been sitting there for half a year.
-Sweet/Spicy/Savory : All good, but if I had to pick 1 it'd be savory, followed by sweet. I actually REALLY like spicy, the problem is that spicy feels like a modifier to other tastes. Many things I like are spicy, but you can have sweet/spicy, savory/spicy, and others, it's rare spicy occurs on its own, and life would be lesser with it gone so??? Maybe Spicy on principle...?? Idk, that one's hard.
-Relationship status : Single, I think I'd like a relationship but finding people through a "dating scene" sounds like hell to me.
-Current obsession : Pixel art, No longer a burning need but I'm keeping up with it! A few video games have been cycling through my brain the last month: Sea of Stars, Darktide, and Armored Core 6. Darktide probably has/had the most staying power due to its multiplayer nature.
-Last thing I Googled : The Guild Wars 2 paper bag helmets to show off to two friends. Before that was Lake Michigan Ice Caves (Very cool, highly recommend if you haven't looked at them before)
-Currently working on : PhD program trying desparately to keep up, like bailing water from a sinking ship some days. Want to experiment with RP ideas desperately but feel held back by my the mix of other interests and current life needs. Fucking around casually with pixel art experiments, trying to get more of a handle on adding detail and making 'bigger' projects.
Tagging for funsies: @probablypercyjackson @lacking-in-enthusiasm and @shadowgast4t
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loafspoon · 7 months
URL changed from probablypercyjackson to loafspoon, fyi
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transgenderkris · 6 years
probablypercyjackson replied to your post “me @ my own depressed ass: so its gonna be one of Those days huh”
is this ok to rb because mood
fdsfbdhs yea feel free!!!
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