#Quintuple champion
playitagin · 1 year
1956 –Sugar Ray Leonard
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tartt9 · 5 months
what are jamie's motivations in life? has he discovered those motivations on his own, or did they come from an exterior force ... something that he feels he has to do?
Jamie wouldn't admit that he puts all of his eggs in one basket, but he does. Genuinely, the things he wants most from life are all from his career. He wants to win the Premier League [ on his own accords, in the regular XI of his team, instead of from the bench, the way he's done it before ]. He wants to win the Champions League. He'd love to win the treble or quadruple or quintuple or sextuple. He wants to win the Euros, he wants to win the World Cup. He wants to score on those massive international stages for England. He wants statues of himself built outside of stadiums, he wants pitches named after him.
Jamie's incredibly competitive, to the point that it can be considered a flaw. He's always been that way, even when he was playing in his grassroots league when he was seven, eight years old. Most of his friends in childhood came from outside of football, because he was so competitive even to the point that he'd alienate some of his teammates at a young age.
He'll consider himself a failure if he retires and Richmond is still being spoken of as a team with no major trophies. He doesn't want to retire and have people still saying it's coming home. He wants to bring it home, he wants to be as successful as a football player can be. He'd love to get to wear the captain's band for England someday.
Most of those motivations came from himself.
The things he was pushed into were few: wearing the 9 for City, which never happened, and never will happen - if Jamie ever ends up back at City, even if only for a season, he'll wear the 8 [ which he doesn't plan on ever doing, but maybe for his last season before retirement... maybe ]. He got the 9 for Richmond, but it wasn't good enough for his dad, and it was never the position he wanted to play. He played striker for just about two seasons, [ the 27 weeks of his loan year, plus the 29 weeks of the year he returned to Richmond after Lust, plus the 19 weeks before the switch to total football ] and it was never satisfying for him. He loves playing the midfield position, loves getting up and down the pitch. The rest of the things that he was forced into don't really affect his goals much on a day-to-day basis.
But he does feel like he needs to be there for the next generation of footballers. There were very few people who were there for him when he was coming up, both through the academy and in his first few years playing professionally. It's incredibly important to him that the young players who come up feel safe, secure, and welcomed in his presence. He's frequently seen dining with the young Three Lions call ups, walking with them to training, and he's a frequent presence at Richmond's academy training sessions. He won't let people's pain go unnoticed - not if he can do anything about it.
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caer-gai · 5 months
Orkney Boy Head Cannons
- Gawain and Gareth are the big huggers of the family but they have different styles. Gawain exclusively does bear hugs, where Gareth is more likely to just slide up next to you and put a discreet arm over your shoulder.
- Aggravain and Gaheris are the best at chess / strategy games, but they're banned from playing against each other bc it always ends in a fight
- since Gawain and Gaheris left when Gareth and Mordred were so young, Aggravain is more of a direct older brother figure towards them than Gawain. He's also very overprotective of Gareth
- Aggravain's jealousy of Lancelot quintuples when Gareth becomes Lancelot's squire. He's constantly on the lookout for ways Lancelot is messing up and/or mistreating Gareth and will often jump to conclusions about their relationship. Any time Lancelot does something that genuinely upsets or hurts Gareth Aggravain is fully ready to duel him on it
- because of his powers Gawain usually crashes hard pretty soon after sunset, and gets up right at dawn
- conversely, Gaheris is a true night owl. Gareth got used to staying up late to work in the kitchens so he and Gaheris hang out at night sometimes
- Gawain is the absolute worst at chess. Which everyone but Gaheris teases him for.
- Mordred is the family board game champion (in all things except chess) but his brothers always get caught up in their bantering and forget to look out for him. He's very good at staying quiet until he knows he's won.
- Gareth beat any of his brothers in a fight powers or not. He has used this ability exactly once and no one talks about it for fear of facing Gawain's wrath
- in spite of the above point, all of the Orkney s see Gareth as the baby of the family.
- Gaheris and Gareth are very aware of Gawain's massive crush on Lancelot and spend most of any quest they go on together giving each other long suffering looks and making fun of their knights
- Gareth gives Gaheris really, really good relationship advice and actively tries to make both their marriages work even though he still loves Lyonette. Gaheris can see right through his brother and it makes him jealous how well Gareth and Lyonette get along.
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epuiseeparmedia · 4 months
So there was a game yesterday I didn’t know about 😅 , I saw Benzema team had a game today so I don’t know why 😅 I assumed it would be Friday. Nice on Le Parisien to report it, I was pleasantly surprised and the article is friendly.
AFC match, 1-0, Goal by Ronaldo.
It was his 1000th game !!!
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tenuemaillotsfoot · 5 months
Manchester City a été sacré quintuple champion l'année dernière
2023 est terminé. Certaines équipes sont heureuses cette année et d'autres sont tristes. Manchester City, l'hégémon de la Premier League, connaît une fin parfaite en 2023 et a beaucoup gagné. Le Maillots de foot pas cher de Manchester City 2023 est sans aucun doute la plus grande existence. Cette équipe a connu une fin parfaite lors du dernier match de 2023, laissant aux fans une joie illimitée.
Le dernier match de Manchester City était à domicile. Ils affrontèrent Luton. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’ils ont remporté une grande victoire et ont accueilli la nouvelle année avec victoire. Au cours de l'année la plus glorieuse de l'histoire de l'équipe, tout en remportant la Ligue des Champions pour la première fois et trois titres consécutifs de Premier League, Manchester City a également remporté la FA Cup, la Super Coupe d'Europe et la Coupe du Monde des Clubs, devenant ainsi la première équipe de l'histoire de Le football britannique remportera cinq couronnes. équipe.
Manchester City a réussi à remporter cinq trophées en un an. C’est le résultat des efforts conjoints de tous les joueurs portant le maillot Manchester City. Ils méritent de telles réalisations. Dieu ne laissera pas tomber tous ceux qui travaillent dur. Nous souhaitons également que Manchester City puisse à nouveau obtenir d'excellents résultats au cours de la nouvelle année.
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igustiagungindrawan · 5 months
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Premier League = ✅️
Football Association Cup = ✅️
Champions League = ✅️
Super Cup = ✅️
Club World Cup = ✅️
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ipfreehly99 · 6 months
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reussir-a-tout-prix · 10 months
Coupe Arabe 2023 : Cristiano Ronaldo offre le sacre à Al-Nassr ! Un premier sacre pour Cristiano Ronaldo en Arabie Saoudite ! Lors de la grande finale de la Coupe Arabe des Clubs Champions, Al Nassr a réussi à prendre le dessus sur son grand rival Al Hilal (2-1 après prolongation), ce samedi au King Fahd Stadium. Cristiano Ronaldo offre le sacre à Al-Nassr Coupe Arabe 2023 ! Match Al Nassr 1-1 Al Hilal 🛑En Direct Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦 3 Malgré les difficultés initiales rencontrées par l’équipe de Sadio Mané, incluant le but marqué par Michael (51e) suivi de l’expulsion d’Al Amri (71e), les joueurs vêtus en « Jaune et Bleu », en situation de désavantage numérique avec dix joueurs contre onze, ont réussi à s’appuyer sur le talent exceptionnel de leur star, Cristiano Ronaldo, pour inverser la situation en inscrivant deux buts dignes d’un véritable renard des surfaces (74e, 98e). La Feuille du match: Match Al Nassr 1-1 Al Hilal 🛑En Direct Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦 OK Compétition : Coupe Arabe des clubs champions 2023 Tour: Finale Date: 12 aout 2023 à 15h00 gmt Lieu: King Fahd Stadium (Arabie Saoudite) https://twitter.com/Egzon_kb/status/1690415122764734464 Un brillant succès qui marque le premier trophée remporté par le quintuple ballon d’or depuis son arrivée en Arabie Saoudite. Portée par les surdoués CR7, Sadio Mané ou encore Seko Fofana et Marcelo Brozovic, la redoutable armada d’Al-Nassr est-elle désormais la favorite incontestée pour remporter la Saudi Pro League cette saison ? Les compositions de départ: Cristiano Ronaldo marque pour Al-Nassr en Coupe arabe des clubs champions Al Nassr : Al Aqidi – Al Ghannam, Al Amri, Lajami, Telles – Fofana, Al Khaibari – Talisca, Brozovic, Mané – Ronaldo. Al Hilal : Al Owais – Abdulhamid, Koulibaly, Al Boleahi, Al Shahrani – Kanno, Ruben Neves, Milinkovic-Savic – Michael, Malcom, Al Dawsari. Al-Nassr vs Al-Hilal (2-1) – Les buts en vidéo: Le 1er but de Ronaldo: https://twitter.com/SaudiLeagueFR/status/1690402425583120384 Le 2e but de Ronaldo: https://twitter.com/SaudiLeagueFR/status/1690411979960139776 →A lire aussi 🛑En Direct Match Al Nassr 2-1 Al Hilal Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦
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katakaal · 10 months
Coupe Arabe 2023 : Cristiano Ronaldo offre le sacre à Al-Nassr ! Un premier sacre pour Cristiano Ronaldo en Arabie Saoudite ! Lors de la grande finale de la Coupe Arabe des Clubs Champions, Al Nassr a réussi à prendre le dessus sur son grand rival Al Hilal (2-1 après prolongation), ce samedi au King Fahd Stadium. Cristiano Ronaldo offre le sacre à Al-Nassr Coupe Arabe 2023 ! Match Al Nassr 1-1 Al Hilal 🛑En Direct Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦 3 Malgré les difficultés initiales rencontrées par l’équipe de Sadio Mané, incluant le but marqué par Michael (51e) suivi de l’expulsion d’Al Amri (71e), les joueurs vêtus en « Jaune et Bleu », en situation de désavantage numérique avec dix joueurs contre onze, ont réussi à s’appuyer sur le talent exceptionnel de leur star, Cristiano Ronaldo, pour inverser la situation en inscrivant deux buts dignes d’un véritable renard des surfaces (74e, 98e). La Feuille du match: Match Al Nassr 1-1 Al Hilal 🛑En Direct Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦 OK Compétition : Coupe Arabe des clubs champions 2023 Tour: Finale Date: 12 aout 2023 à 15h00 gmt Lieu: King Fahd Stadium (Arabie Saoudite) https://twitter.com/Egzon_kb/status/1690415122764734464 Un brillant succès qui marque le premier trophée remporté par le quintuple ballon d’or depuis son arrivée en Arabie Saoudite. Portée par les surdoués CR7, Sadio Mané ou encore Seko Fofana et Marcelo Brozovic, la redoutable armada d’Al-Nassr est-elle désormais la favorite incontestée pour remporter la Saudi Pro League cette saison ? Les compositions de départ: Cristiano Ronaldo marque pour Al-Nassr en Coupe arabe des clubs champions Al Nassr : Al Aqidi – Al Ghannam, Al Amri, Lajami, Telles – Fofana, Al Khaibari – Talisca, Brozovic, Mané – Ronaldo. Al Hilal : Al Owais – Abdulhamid, Koulibaly, Al Boleahi, Al Shahrani – Kanno, Ruben Neves, Milinkovic-Savic – Michael, Malcom, Al Dawsari. Al-Nassr vs Al-Hilal (2-1) – Les buts en vidéo: Le 1er but de Ronaldo: https://twitter.com/SaudiLeagueFR/status/1690402425583120384 Le 2e but de Ronaldo: https://twitter.com/SaudiLeagueFR/status/1690411979960139776 →A lire aussi 🛑En Direct Match Al Nassr 2-1 Al Hilal Final Da Copa Árabe🇸🇦
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freelance-informatique · 11 months
L'OM passe un cap : Un quintuple vainqueur de la LdC débarque !
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Dans une période de mercato agitée, le club phocéen ne cesse de surprendre ses supporters en annonçant des transferts de haut calibre. En effet, selon des sources bien informées, l'OM prévoit d'officialiser la signature de la star gabonaise Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang et serait sur le point de recruter Isco. Isco en pourparlers avancés pour rejoindre l'OM L'arrivée de Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang ne serait pas la seule nouvelle sensation à l'OM. Des discussions avancées sont en cours avec le meneur de jeu espagnol, Isco, qui pourrait s'engager pour deux ans avec le club marseillais. Les supporters de l'OM ont de quoi se réjouir, car en plus des négociations avec Aubameyang et Isco, deux autres joueurs de talent ont déjà rejoint les rangs du club. Il s'agit de Geoffrey Kondogbia et Renan Lodi, dont les signatures ont été officiellement annoncées. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrRXjPTzWnI Des attentes élevées chez les supporters Fort de ces nouvelles arrivées prometteuses, les supporters marseillais nourrissent de grands espoirs pour la prochaine saison. Ils espèrent notamment la prolongation d'Alexis Sanchez, un joueur clé de l'équipe, ou encore la signature du jeune prodige Iliman Ndiaye. L'OM sait qu'il peut compter sur un soutien indéfectible de ses fans, qui attendent avec impatience de voir l'équipe compétir au plus haut niveau. Lire ensuite : - L'OM cherche à signer un 3e joueur de l'Atlético ! Isco, une opportunité en or pour l'OM Isco, qui vient de se libérer de son contrat au FC Séville, est devenu l'objet de toutes les convoitises. Le joueur espagnol est fortement sollicité par l'OM, qui envisage de lui offrir un contrat de deux ans. Avec son expérience et son palmarès bien garni, Isco pourrait apporter une réelle plus-value à l'équipe marseillaise, tant sur le plan sportif que sur le plan de la notoriété. Le salaire du meneur de jeu espagnol serait abordable pour la direction du club, qui souhaite saisir cette opportunité pour renforcer son effectif. Voir aussi : - Un serial buteur de Ligue 2, priorité absolue de l'OL ! L'OM vise à franchir un cap Avec ces mouvements sur le marché des transferts, l'OM affiche clairement ses ambitions : franchir un cap et se hisser parmi les meilleures équipes européennes. Le club marseillais semble déterminé à bâtir une équipe compétitive, en misant sur des joueurs d'expérience tels qu'Isco, mais aussi en recrutant des talents prometteurs comme Aubameyang et les autres nouvelles recrues. L'objectif est clair : briller en Ligue des Champions et offrir des performances à la hauteur des attentes de ses fidèles supporters. ________ Retrouvez toute l'actu foot sur notre page Facebook et sur notre page Twitter ! Read the full article
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wiwsport · 1 year
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Haaland and Manchester City crush Burnley
This Saturday, Erling Haaland scored a hat-trick as Manchester City qualified for the FA Cup semi-finals. where will it stop Erling Haaland ? After having marked the spirits by a resounding quintuple in the Champions League against leipzig, the Norwegian striker again distinguished himself this Saturday in the FA Cup. Opposed to Burnleycurrent leader of the Championship, Haaland and his…
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Does Haaland make Man City favourites? Is VAR getting worse?
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With this season's Champions League quarterfinalists now set, our writers answer some of the big questions arising from the round of 16 second legs.With this season's Champions League quarterfinalists now set, our writers answer some of the big questions arising from the round of 16 second legs.    8:00 AM ET This season's Champions League round of 16 is done and dusted with some European heavyweights falling by the wayside like Liverpool, who have reached three finals in the last five years, and a Paris Saint-Germain side featuring Kylian Mbappe and Lionel Messi. Friday's quarterfinal draw will feature plenty of European heavyweights such as defending champions Real Madrid and recent winners Chelsea and Bayern Munich. Reigning Premier League champions Manchester City are also in the hat along with Portuguese side Benfica, while Serie A has three clubs in the last eight: AC Milan, Inter Milan and Napoli. Our writers Mark Ogden, Julien Laurens and James Olley answer some of the big questions arising from this round of games. - Stream on ESPN+: LaLiga, Bundesliga, more (U.S.)
What caught your eye from the round-of-16 second legs?
Ogden: The poor standard of refereeing, and VAR, has really stood out during the round of 16, and it is even more noticeable because the Champions League generally operates to a much higher level than the domestic leagues in Europe. Two English teams, Chelsea and Manchester City, have been the biggest beneficiaries of some bewildering decisions, with German sides Borussia Dortmund and RB Leipzig on the wrong end of them. Chelsea were fortunate to be awarded a penalty during their 2-0 second-leg win against Dortmund when defender Marius Wolf was judged to have handled the ball. Referee Danny Makkelie didn't point to the spot until the VAR suggested a review on the pitchside monitor. Wolf was so close to the ball that he couldn't move out of the way, but Makkelie awarded the penalty when he should have dismissed the VAR review. Leipzig suffered an even heavier blow during their 7-0 defeat at City. VAR once again intervened in a penalty incident, calling on referee Slavko Vincic to review an apparent handball by Benjamin Henrichs. The reality was that Henrichs had his back to Rodri, whose header brushed his arm and fell to a City player without deviating in movement. It was incredibly soft, but once the penalty was awarded, Erling Haaland put City 1-0 ahead. Moments later, Timo Werner was booked, despite being on the receiving end of a foul by Ederson which could have resulted in a red card for the City goalkeeper. Yet VAR did not intervene. Two huge decisions which, had they gone Leipzig's way, could have resulted in a much different outcome. VAR and the referees have to be better in the quarterfinals and beyond.
Editor's Picks
2 Related Laurens: It is probably the most obvious answer (and, I promise, I tried to find something else to be more original) but nothing can beat Haaland's quintuple against RB Leipzig. He might have got six goals had he stayed longer on the pitch, but Pep Guardiola took him off after 63 minutes. The Manchester City striker became only the third man in Champions League history to score five goals in the same game, after Messi and Luiz Adriano, and by becoming the youngest-ever player to reach 30 Champions League goals. For his club, he is now the top scorer in a single season with 39 goals, beating the old record of Tommy Johnson from 1929. Haaland still has as many as 19 more games to play before the end of the season. It is still an amazing achievement; Haaland had eight shots on the night, all on target, scored five goals with an xG (Expected Goals) of less than three. He was so aggressive in the box, so alert, so on it. He looked possessed at times. It was just incredible. Olley: If Graham Potter makes a success of his time at Chelsea, he may well look back on their second leg win over Dortmund as the turning point. Managers often talk about uniting the fans and making their home stadium a difficult place for visiting teams, but in Potter's case he did so in the knowledge this game served as something of a referendum on his management. An unconvincing win over Leeds United a few days earlier had at created a modicum of momentum heading into the game but, make no mistake, defeat against Dortmund would have ramped up the pressure on Potter. Dortmund were depleted -- Karim Adeyemi, Youssoufa Moukoko and goalkeeper Gregor Kobel all missed out injured while Julian Brandt was forced off after just five minutes -- but Chelsea produced a committed and defiant display, overcoming their goal-scoring problems to overturn a 1-0 first-leg deficit with a 2-0 win at Stamford Bridge. The players showed they were behind Potter and although it will be some time before the majority of the fans are convinced the former Brighton & Hove Albion boss is the right man to lead them back to former glories, this win buys him time with a Champions League quarterfinal as proof of progress. They surely aren't good enough to lift the trophy in Istanbul, but, then again, most people felt that way before they won in 2012 and 2021... play1:09 Pep's idols: Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods ... and Julia Roberts? Pep Guardiola reveals his biggest failure at Manchester City was when his idol Julia Roberts went to visit Manchester United instead of his club.
Now the quarterfinalists are all set; which team is your favourite to lift the trophy in Istanbul?
Laurens: Pep Guardiola can be as sarcastic as he wants about the Champions League and what a failure he is and will always be, even if he wins the competition for the next three years. He can talk about Julia Roberts, Richard Gere or any Hollywood actor as much as he wants. His team are once again the big favourites of this Champions League, and not winning it would be a failure -- again. City have everything, really: the manager, the squad depth, the superstars, the clutch players, the winning mentality, the experience of going far and the motivation of not yet winning it. They should have won it already and they will surely eventually do so. This year is their year. The rest of the field is not at their level, not even Bayern Munich, Napoli or Real Madrid. Time is running out for Kevin De Bruyne, who turns 32 in June. Riyad Mahrez and Kyle Walker are already at that age, while Ikay Gundogan is out of contract this summer. Bernardo Silva could be leaving at the end of the season, too, a year after pushing for a departure. The most important thing is that surely Pep and City have learned from their past mistakes in the Champions League: the 2021 final loss, the semifinal of last season and all the previous quarterfinal disappointments. If they can do that, they will finally be ready to achieve their ultimate aim. play2:29 How good has Victor Osimhen been? Steve Nicol, Craig Burley and Alejandro Moreno offer high praise for the Victor Osimhen after Napoli advance to the next round in the Champions League. Ogden: This may be a case of heart overruling head, but Napoli have been the most exciting team in this season's Champions League and it would be great for the game if Luciano Spalletti can take the club all the way to glory in Istanbul. They certainly have the players, and it's not just about top scorer Victor Osimhen. Kim Min-Jae, Piotr Zielinski, Hirving "Chucky" Lozano and Giovanni Simeone have all had outstanding seasons, while Khvicha Kvaratskhelia has arguably been the breakthrough star of the 2022-23 Champions League. The big challenge for Napoli, who are nailed on to win Serie A this season for the first time since 1990, is to hold their nerve and play their own game against a European superpower such as Real Madrid or Bayern Munich. If they stick to what has served them so well, Napoli can beat anybody, but the top clubs usually find a way to win the Champions League. We haven't seen a surprise team win the competition since Jose Mourinho's FC Porto in 2004, so maybe this is Napoli's time. Olley: It should, in all probability, be Manchester City but I can't say that a team clearly stands out from the rest at this stage. Mark makes a compelling case for Napoli -- and an 18-point lead at the top of Serie A gives them the chance to do what other clubs can't, which is rest players in the league to keep everyone fully fresh for the latter stages of the Champions League. City have been knocking on the door for years but, even though they thrashed Leipzig in midweek, they have not been anything like their fluid best for much of the season. The jury is out as to whether this Bayern Munich is as strong as previous incarnations -- although we must all take note when club legend Lothar Matthaus says this group may be their best-ever squad. And then we come to the team that mask their own weaknesses and exploit others better than anyone else: Real Madrid. With little conviction, given Napoli's form, City's individuals and Bayern's pedigree, perhaps Real's knowhow can help Carlo Ancelotti trump his rivals once more. play2:35 Nicol: Only thing for Liverpool is they didn't get embarrassed Steve Nicol, Craig Burley and Alejandro Moreno react to Real Madrid beating Liverpool 6-2 on aggregate to advance in the Champions League.
After Haaland's five-goal haul, what's the most impressive individual performance you've seen live in the Champions League?
Olley: Messi scoring all four as Barcelona beat Arsenal 4-1 at Camp Nou in April 2010. Maybe the Gunners made the mistake of taking the lead. At that stage, Arsenal led this quarterfinal tie 4-2 on aggregate but what came next was a true force of nature. Messi took it upon himself to deliver the kind of virtuoso performance that epitomises his glittering career. The first goal was a fierce drive as the ball fell to him on the edge of the box, the second a close-range finish lifted over Manuel Almunia. His hat-trick goal was sublime; sent racing clear, he scooped a left-footed shot over the onrushing Almunia with embarrassing ease, prompting that worshipping celebration from an awe-struck Barcelona crowd. The fourth came with a drop of the shoulder, panicking defenders contorting themselves in ever more desperate shapes, and a shot saved by Almunia but drilled through his legs on the rebound. This was a high-pressure occasion but here was a 22-year-old making the game look so breathtakingly, devastatingly simple. Perhaps Wenger put it best: "He made the impossible possible." The image that lingers in my mind came just after the final whistle. Messi was given the match ball and as Arsenal's players looked crestfallen, Barca supporters stood in disbelief, the little magician at the centre of it all simply spun the ball in his hand wearing a beaming smile, so fresh-faced he looked ready immediately to do it all over again.
The beautiful game lives here. Stream top leagues, tournaments and teams.Sign up for ESPN+ SATURDAY, MARCH 18 (all times ET)o Almeria vs. Cadiz (9 a.m.)o Augsburg vs. Schalke 04 (10 a.m.)o Middlesbrough vs. Preston NE (11 a.m.)o Borussia Dortmund vs. K?ln (1 p.m.)o Man City vs. Burnley (2 p.m.)o Atletico Madrid vs. Valencia (4 p.m.)o Miami FC vs. New Mexico Utd (7 p.m.)o Sacramento Republic vs. Charleston Battery (7 p.m.) SUNDAY, MARCH 19 (all times ET)o Sheffield Utd vs. Blackburn (9 a.m.)o Ajax vs. Feyenoord (9 a.m.)o Brighton vs. Grimsby Town (10 a.m.)o Real Sociedad vs. Elche (11 a.m.)o Man United vs. Fulham (12 p.m.)o Leverkusen vs. Bayern Munich (12 p.m.)o Barcelona vs. Real Madrid (4 p.m.) Ogden: I was at the Santiago Bernabeu in 2017 when Cristiano Ronaldo scored a hat trick to give Real Madrid a 3-0 semifinal first-leg win against Atletico Madrid, but it was about more than merely scoring three goals, which he has achieved an incredible 62 times so far in his career. It may seem unlikely now, six years on, but at the time the game was billed as a clash between Ronaldo and Atleti's rising star Antoine Griezmann, who was enjoying an outstanding season for Diego Simeone's team. There was genuine belief that Atleti could avenge the Champions League final defeats of 2014 and 2016 against their city rivals, with the France forward inspiring them to the final and outshining Ronaldo in the process. But Ronaldo was having none of that. It seemed as though he was given extra motivation to prove he was still the king of Madrid and he dominated the game. He also recorded two landmarks by netting his 50th goal in the Champions League knockout stages and equalling Messi's record of seven hat tricks in the competition. Laurens: I could pick any moment from Karim Benzema in the knockout phase last season; I was there for all of it. I had never witnessed anything like it before. He scored 10 goals in the six games that he and Real Madrid played on their way to the final at the Stade de France. Read the full article
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news24fr · 1 year
Stephanie Gilmore, huit fois championne du monde, avait l'impression d'être passée de "héros à zéro" après avoir subi une sortie prématurée de choc aux mains de deux adolescents américains à Pipeline.Gilmore a été propulsée dans la ronde éliminatoire après avoir affiché un total de seulement 2,8 en deux vagues lors de sa manche d'ouverture à Hawaï. Cela signifiait que l'Australienne de 35 ans devait terminer dans les deux premières de sa manche éliminatoire à trois au deuxième tour, et elle s'est retrouvée à la dernière place avec cinq minutes à jouer contre les Américaines Caitlin Simmers et Alyssa Spencer.Montres connectées et vagues artificielles : le surf entre dans l'ère high-tech | Kieran PenderLire la suiteGilmore a eu besoin d'un score de 3,03 pour passer à la deuxième place devant Spencer, une remplaçante de 19 ans, mais sa tentative de retirer un tonneau avec seulement deux minutes à faire s'est décollée lorsque la vague s'est effondrée sur elle. Cela signifiait que la recrue de 17 ans, Simmers, a remporté la manche avec un score de 12,67 devant Spencer (6,63), Gilmore (6,43) étant éliminé."C'est drôle, j'ai l'impression d'être passé de héros à zéro", a déclaré le champion du monde en titre Gilmore. « Le surf a le don de vous garder humble, c'est sûr. Caïté [Simmers] a très bien fait, elle s'est assise et a attendu, et a obtenu deux très bonnes vagues. Mais c'est le sport, c'est comme ça, et il n'y a pas de meilleure motivation que d'avoir un choc et de vouloir mieux revenir.Le résultat n'est en aucun cas un désastre pour Gilmore, comme elle l'a prouvé l'année dernière, lorsqu'elle a raté l'événement Pipeline 2022 après avoir été forcée de se mettre en quarantaine. Elle s'en est remise pour terminer cinquième au classement général et se faufiler dans les finales de fin de saison. Gilmore a ensuite remporté cinq manches consécutives pour remporter un célèbre titre mondial.L'Américaine Courtney Conlogue a été une autre victime très médiatisée de la ronde éliminatoire, alors que Simmers et Spencer ont vu leurs courses de rêve se terminer en huitièmes de finale. Le double champion du monde Tyler Wright est passé en quart de finale après avoir battu sa compatriote australienne Sally Fitzgibbons dans leur huitième de finale de bataille. Wright a affiché un total de 10,24 en deux vagues pour battre Fitzgibbons (7,27), organisant une confrontation en quart de finale contre la star brésilienne Tatiana Weston-Webb.Le double champion du monde Tyler Wright d'Australie à Pipeline. Photo : Tony Heff/World Surf League/Getty ImagesMolly Picklum est devenue la deuxième Australienne dans les huit derniers après avoir battu sa compatriote Isabella Nichols en huitièmes de finale. Picklum affrontera la quintuple championne du monde Carissa Moore en quarts de finale.La championne en titre de Pipeline et favorite locale Moana Jones Wong a été envoyée en huitièmes de finale par l'Américain Lakey Peterson. Peterson affrontera Brisa Hennessy du Costa Rica à la reprise de l'action, tandis que le quatrième quart de finale sera une confrontation entièrement hawaïenne entre Gabriela Bryan et Bettylou Sakura Johnson.Les sept hommes australiens, menés par le numéro 3 mondial Jack Robinson, se sont qualifiés pour le troisième tour jeudi, mais il n'y a pas eu d'autre action pour les hommes vendredi.
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mtsilvermute · 1 year
41 and 46!
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Have you ever seen a Snorlax smile? That fat round face and cat-like grin could melt an Articuno. Red has been blessed by that smile so many times that he's adopted its winning character—namely the habit of closing his eyes to demonstrate his affection for his beholder. It's an unconscious action that others would more immediately recognize as a feline inflection... but Red picked it up from a bigger beast than they.
Indeed, Red is a mimic by nature, and he finds his Pokémon's affectations comforting enough to incorporate them into his own responses. A quick nostril flare might resemble his Charizard in times of trouble; Red's clenched jaw parallels his Blastoise's signature expression when bad moods arise. And should you strain your ears real hard while a certain rodent friend rides his shoulders, you might hear a whispered "pi" roll off his tongue in response to one of Pikachu's signature coos.
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Red's textual verbosity is an open secret. No one is safe from his quintuple-texts. Yet he is far more prone to lurking, listening, and internalizing the world around him than he is to believe his comments are truly necessary. Journaling and, at times, discussion help him sort through his perspectives on things; however, anyone familiar with his wallflower presence in weekly Indigo League meetings is accustomed to his lack of commentary.
In line with most on the spectrum, what will get him truly "talking" is the mention of a hyperfixation, namely Pokémon battling. That being said, Red has found that any of his statements hold increased weight because of his Champion status, and he is far, far slower to air them to a stranger or in public lest he create discourse in their wake.
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alexracheltravel · 1 year
Travel Day: To Ko Samui
We woke early to leave Cambodia. Breakfast was light, as we knew the service at the hotel was on the slow slide and we wanted to make sure we had enough time for the airport. In Siem Reap, we sat next to a kind Australian who was around our age, and had traveled to Cambodia alone. We had comparative stories to tell, and it seemed like we had adjoining opinions. Cambodia was nice. The history was amazing. The food and resorts left some to be desired. Even though the flight was an hour, they served breakfast! It was a sort of burrito or bun: an egg was scrambled and sweetened, and stuffed inside a sweet roll. They served it alongside a coconut cream cake. Thai Airways: serving the breakfast of champions.
Landing in Bangkok, we said farewell to our new "mate," and spent some time in the airport. The airport security had many checkpoints. We not only had to show our upcoming boarding pass, but also the one we had just come with! We were lucky we didn't lose it or throw it out on the plane! The airport was hectic, and quite cramped. We struggled to get a table for some food but eventually chowed down on a Thom Yum noodle soup. For airport food, it was not bad, and an awakening of what was to come. Other than that the next few hours were spent just sitting around, reading, catching up on emails and quintuple-checking that we had our hotel booked for tonight and a ferry ticket for tomorrow.
It was an easy flight to Koh Samui - one of the larger islands in the lower Gulf of Thailand, whose name means "Island gateway." The tropical airport was warm and refreshing, and all outdoors. We're not in Kansas anymore...
We're only staying on this island for one night. But it gives us the feeling of Puerto Rico or other Caribbean spaces. It looks large, residents and tourists populate the same areas, and the weather is always perfect. Tomorrow we head to our home for three days: Koh Tao, which is the snorkeling and diving capital of Thailand. After a long travel day, catching up on rest is what we need to do!
No conversation tonight. Just sleep.
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