#REAL ID Act of 2005
minnesotafollower · 2 months
Problems in U.S. Asylum System Help Promote Increases in U.S. Immigration
A lengthy Wall Street Journal article provides details on the well-known promotion of increases in U.S. immigration by the many problems in the U.S. asylum system. Here then is a summary of the basic U.S. law of asylum, the current U.S. system for administering such claims and a summary of the current problems with such administration. The Basic Law of Asylum On July 2, 1951, an international…
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
If you plan on flying around the country in 2025 and beyond, you might want to listen up.
You have about 365 days to make your state-issued driver’s license or identification “Real ID” compliant, per the Department of Homeland Security.  
The Real ID compliance is part of a larger act passed by Congress in 2005 to set “minimum security standards” for the distribution of identification materials, including driver’s licenses. This means that certain federal agencies, like the Transportation Security Administration or DHS, won’t be able to accept state-issued forms of identification without the Real ID seal.
It's taken a while for the compliance to stick, with DHS originally giving a 2020 deadline before pushing it back a year, then another two years and another two years after that due to “backlogged transactions” at MVD offices nationwide, according to previous USA TODAY reports.
You won’t be able to board federally regulated commercial aircraft, enter nuclear power plants, or access certain facilities if your identification documents aren’t Real ID compliant by May 7, 2025. 
Here’s what we know about Real IDs, including where to get one and why you should think about getting one.
Do I have to get a Real ID?
Not necessarily. 
If you have another form of identification that TSA accepts, there probably isn’t an immediate reason to obtain one, at least for travel purposes. But if you don’t have another form of identification and would like to travel around the country in the near future, you should try to obtain one. 
Here are all the other TSA-approved forms of identification:
◾ State-issued Enhanced Driver’s License
◾ U.S. passport
◾ U.S. passport card
◾ DHS trusted traveler cards (Global Entry, NEXUS, SENTRI, FAST)
◾ U.S. Department of Defense ID, including IDs issued to dependents
◾ Permanent resident card
◾ Border crossing card
◾ An acceptable photo ID issued by a federally recognized, Tribal Nation/Indian Tribe
◾ HSPD-12 PIV card
◾ Foreign government-issued passport
◾ Canadian provincial driver's license or Indian and Northern Affairs Canada card
◾ Transportation worker identification credential
◾ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Card (I-766)
◾ U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
◾ Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)
However, federal agencies “may only accept” state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards that are Real ID compliant if you are trying to gain access to a federal facility. That includes TSA security checkpoints.
Enhanced driver’s licenses, only issued by Washington, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, and Vermont, are considered acceptable alternatives to REAL ID-compliant cards, according to DHS. 
What can I use my Real ID for?
For most people, it's all about boarding flights.
You can only use your Real ID card to obtain access to "nuclear power plants, access certain facilities, or board federally regulated commercial aircrafts," according to DHS.
The cards can't be used to travel across any border, whether that's Canada, Mexico, or any other international destination, according to DHS.
All you have to do to get a Real ID is to make time to head over to your local department of motor vehicles.
Every state is different, so the documents needed to verify your identity will vary. DHS says that at minimum, you will be asked to produce your full legal name, date of birth, social security number, two proofs of address of principal residence and lawful status.
The only difference between the state-issued forms of identification you have now and the Real ID-compliant card you hope to obtain is a unique marking stamped in the right-hand corner. The mark stamped on your Real ID compliant cards depends on the state.
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theculturedmarxist · 5 months
hi! i’m 18 and just got my state ID and registered to vote! i’d like to hear your thoughts on biden’s potential second term - i think he’s incompetent but it feels like i have to vote for him bc it would be worse if trump won. kind of a “the lesser of two evils” situation
Apologies for taking so long to answer this. It's a question that's been coming up a lot lately and I wanted to try and answer it thoroughly.
In my opinion, Biden being "the lesser of two evils" is I think pretty hard liberal cope. It's a line designed to prey on people like you that might not have the experience of knowledge to assess the political situation in this country or the dynamics at play.
So you're 18. That means you were born, what, around 2005? So you wouldn't really remember Bush II, would probably have just started being aware of things during Obama's presidency, becoming a teenager during Trump's first term, and turning 18 during Biden's. A pretty eventful youth so far.
The Democrats have been "the lesser evil" for a while now, but what does that mean exactly?
Things would start to change significantly after World War 2, and especially with the death of FDR.
The Democrat's platform starts at the 10:50 mark.
The "New Deal" Democrats would last until Jimmy Carter, but 12 years of Reaganomics would pretty much kill it. It might have been 16 if not for Ross Perot in the 92 election. For that and various other reasons, like the fall/dismantling of the Soviet Union, Clinton won.
The Reagan era significantly changed the Democratic Party, but it wasn't Reagan alone that's responsible. Reagan was the product of bourgeois reaction to the New Deal. The Powell Memo is often pointed to as the beginning of this reactionary period where the bourgeoisie started to claw back the gains the working class had made via the New Deal and LBJ's Great Society. In short, the wealthy and wealth-aspirant thought that the working class was too comfortable, too educated, and too politically active for its own good, and that would have to change.
1991 saw the dissolution of the Soviet Union, one of the greatest disasters of the 20th century. For all its faults, the shadow of the Soviet Union presented a very real threat to the bourgeoisie—the wealthy class of capitalists that own businesses big and small. As long as the USSR existed, there was a viable alternative and counterweight to the USA and everything it represented. Once the USSR was gone and the threat of revolutionary communism with it, the capitalists no longer felt they had any need to compromise with the working class.
So going into the 90s, the Democrats abandoned blue collar laborers to instead start pursuing the conservative, educated, moderately wealthy "middle class," actually the same demographics that the Republicans traditionally attracted. To appeal to them (and to satisfy their corporate backers), the Democrats started a number of reactionary measures. "Welfare reform" was one, basically cutting down New Deal programs and restricting how much they provided, to whom, and for how long. Ultimately they'd gut labor power with programs like NAFTA, and send millions to jail with the "Crime Reform Bill."
Without the Soviet Union, the 90s would also see the beginning of virtually unrestrained American military intervention. Iraq was first, but Yugoslavia would be destroyed by NATO not long after.
In short, Bill Clinton and the Democrats continued what Ronald Reagan started. This stage would culminate with the 2000 presidential elections, where Al Gore capitulated to George Bush by refusing to contest the intervention of the Supreme Court in order to not upset Republicans.
George Bush becomes president, 9-11 happens, and it's 8 years of The War On Terror. The Patriot Act is passed. The Department of Homeland Security is created. First Afghanistan is invaded, and then two years later Iraq. The US is transformed into a surveillance state, and the changes that Clinton had inaugurated continued under Bush. The Democrats made a lot of noise, but they still worked with Bush virtually every step of the way, funding his wars, confirming his judges, renewed and expanded the Patriot Act, etc.
Things just kept getting worse, right up to the economic crisis of 2007. I really can't overstate how bad this was. If China hadn't stepped in and extended the US a line of credit, there was the very real danger of the entire global economy collapsing in on itself.
People had had enough. Obama was virtually carried into office on the people's shoulders after a historic turnout. Democrats weren't the "lesser evil." They were good guys, and for once, finally, the good guys had won! We'd won! No more world policing. No more terror. No more tyranny. Everything was going to change!
Everything came to a stop as a massive spontaneous party broke out. And why not? We were finally going to get publicly funded healthcare. The Patriot Act was going to be undone. We were going to end the Iraq War. Guantanamo would be closed and the use of torture ended for good. Immigrants would get a path to citizenship. The right to abortion would finally be a legal guarantee. Wall Street would be punished for putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work and costing And there was nothing the Republicans could do to stop it, with an unstoppable Democrat majority in the Senate and the House.
So imagine our surprise when none of that happened.
Instead of punishing Wall Street, they picked Obama's cabinet while millions of people lost their homes. In spite of not having to give one single shit about what the Republicans thought, Obama bent over backwards to appease them, but also to protect the private insurance industry. Abortion rights were neglected as not a priority in order to, once again, appease Republicans. The wars no only continued, but expanded. Wanton murder was employed around the globe by the relentless use of drones. Promise after promise was broken, and the Republicans made gains in congress.
Things would only continue to get worse. Libya was destroyed. ISIS was created by funneling weapons looted from Libya to rebels in Syria. Syria would be spared the same fate by giving up its chemical weapons to avoid Obama's "red line" threat.
Occupy Wall Street would emerge as a global phenomenon in response to the failure to provide the aid the working class was promised. Obama would oversee a coordinated national police crackdown, fully employing the police state that the Bush administration and their Democrat collaborators had built.
What I want you to understand is that Trump didn't come out of nowhere. 24 years of Republican and Democrat collaboration went into the groundwork for his election campaign.
And of course, it was the Democrats and Hillary Clinton's campaign that worked to elevate him to prominence. The Democrats further helped by running the most unpopular candidate in history against him and sabotaging the at the time most popular politician in the country (but it's okay, the courts say they had the right to do it anyway).
I don't know how well you remember the Trump years. They certainly weren't great, but for all the Liberal screaming about him, he wasn't all that different than every other president we had. He did some good things, and a lot of bad things. The only real difference was that all the awful things he did, Democrats and their supporting institutions pretended to give a shit about. Like Frankenstein, they went insane because of the monster they created. Instead of owning up to the fact that decades of misrule had made them unpopular, no one liked the candidate that they'd forced down everyone's throats, their arrogance alienated the electorate even further, and that 8 years of remorselessly broken promises and oppression at home and abroad had everyone completely fed up, they instead came up with an elaborate conspiracy theory about Russian subversion to explain why Hillary Clinton lost to a fucking reality TV gameshow host that they themselves had pit against her.
And now he's back! Again! And why? Because, once again, in spite of all their promises and bullshit, Biden was more of the fucking same—only somehow worse.
It's really astonishing how badly the Democrats managed to fuck things up. For all the bitching about Trump's covid response, it managed to accomplish a lot. The eviction moratorium and, ugh, "stimulus checks," kept millions of people from losing their homes. The expanded child tax credit lifted millions more out of poverty. Medicare expansions provided millions of people with healthcare and would keep them from getting kicked off it for the duration of the emergency. Student loan payments were stopped. For the first fucking time in American history people were able to get medical care at the point of service without having to deal with private insurance bullshit and at no cost to themselves! There was government mandated, paid sick leave! And we can't forget Operation Warp Speed, which provided the vaccines that Biden would eventually take credit for and cut all our throats with.
And Biden basically killed all of that. He declared Covid over and ended the state of emergency, which brought an end to all these programs. Millions lost healthcare and dropped back into poverty. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed because Biden lied about the vaccines protecting from infection, and thousands continue to die every week, even now.
The children Biden promised to free remained caged. Roe V Wade was struck down and absolutely nothing was done to prevent it in spite of knowing about it weeks in advance. Restrictions on abortion and laws punishing abortion seekers were passed and nothing was done. Laws persecuting trans people have proliferated and no one was punished. The Biden administration abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban in order to recklessly start a war in Ukraine using a neo-Nazi run government. Now they're openly, knowingly, and willfully aiding and abetting a full scale genocide in Palestine, and threatening to rain more destruction on Yemen, another state in which it participated in genocide, another "bipartisan presidential effort, covering both the Obama and Trump administrations."
I've covered a lot here, but this isn't even exhaustive. There's more, so much more. The point though, at long last, is that the Democrats are not "the lesser evil." They are actively, eagerly complicit in every bit of evil that they blame on the Republicans. They blame, and complain, and bemoan, and then the Republicans get what they want anyway. The Democrats act upset about it, and promise to "fight for" access, or reforms, or whatever, and then it never happens. They make up some excuse like "the senate parliamentarian told us no." Or some bullshit about how the filibuster won't let them do what they really want to do. Or some dogshit about bipartisanship. Or some other fucking stupid crap, when really they have all the power they need. They just don't want to. They bitch and moan, but they actually love the Republicans and desperately need them around.
It goes back to abandoning the New Deal and waging class war against the working class. The Democrats represent certain sections of the petite and major bourgeoisie, and their interests are totally, fundamentally opposed to the working classes. They have nothing they can realistically offer us because doing so would improve our lot at the expense of their PMC servants and capitalist masters. Their power relies on our weakness.
The reason why the Republicans, who the Democrats decry as fascists, as threats to "our democracy," continue to be a thing at all is because their objectives and the Democrats are actually one and the same. The Democrats make a big show of opposition, talk loudly about their principles and "fighting for" what they think is right, and then they go ahead and give the evil fascist Trump an entirely new fucking military for his trouble.
The Democrats aren't, and have never been "the lesser evil." They're an essential component in perpetuating evil. They always have been, and always will be, and you shouldn't let anyone deceive you into thinking otherwise.
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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zalrb · 3 months
There was so much pressure for Leo to get it that. Like he’s widely acknowledged as the best actor of our times. Even my dad was waiting for it and he does not care for awards (ironically he tuned last night bc he wanted to see Lily win… he was dissapointed).
Anyways, Bradley doesn’t have the same sway or pressure. Where Leo was seen as ambiguous, Bradley is seen as Oscar chasing. Both are Oscar chasing but one of them can sell his performance as something more than that.
Also, why do you think it took Leo so long to win? Was the competition too good before? Was 2016 a weak year? Because I wouldn’t consider The Revenant to be a career highlight. Id expect something like Wolf… or The Departed or that movie with Johnny depp. Revolutionary Road. Hell even The Aviator. Fuck lets throw in Basketball Diaries too.
Like The Revenant was where they folded? If the Oscars were real they would’ve held out for the lifetime achievement!
OK so you're kind of speaking to the wrong person about this because I don't exactly revere Leo as an actor, which has been a topic of conversation on this blog for a very long time. So, like, I'm not going to say he's the greatest actor of our time.
I think he's very, very good and I think he can be great, but I don't think he achieves the kind of excellence I see with other actors because in each of his performances it's like I can see him working for the Oscar.
and Leo had been seen as Oscar chasing that's why there were so many memes about him
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It's just that people also thought that he deserved an Oscar for his Oscar bait roles.
In terms of why he didn't get the award, I mean he has stiff competition. Jamie deserved it for Ray in 2005, Whitaker deserved it for Last King of Scotland in 2007 especially in relation to Blood Diamond. 2014 is when it gets kind of funny for me because, like, Matthew McConaughey was good but Leo could've won it that year and that's when I was like, ohhhh they're going to give him the Lifetime Achievement Award instead but nah, The Revenant.
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Thank you @countesspetofi for tagging me to share my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms!
(Cuz adhd im just gonna not rank, just a random assortment of my obsessions)
Pam Poovey (Archer)
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Pam saved me from a bad relationship so ill always love her. Im basically Pam irl but classier and not as physically tough (also shes literally fucked everything and everyone on the show minus ray, not for not trying, so shes cooler than me). She says the most inappropriate things (as above) but she tells it like it is
Jane (from Daria)
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Jane was so cool. Jane is more who i am as an adult vs as a teen, as a teen i was all sourpuss daria wishing i was quinn. She has some of the best lines in the show, she always rebelled against authority, and was just a bamf. I love her
Lisa Simpson (the Simpsons)
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Cant tell im an animation geek? While simpson finally lost me in s33 but Lisa raised me. Im not sure i could ever meet Yeardley Smith, id prbly snot cry
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I love him. Hes a damaged hottie whos a murder and a softie (much like Guillermo). I cried when he was in the blanket for. Taika seems to be immensely annoying as a person rn (blackfish wife and not apologizing for terf ass shit from 2013-14) but ill always love his acting in this. Thanks Kayvan for teaching me to separate the character from the actor
Miss Fisher (Miss Fisher)
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I dunno why i took so damn long to watch this show given i love feminists, 1920s, and sassiness. She is the og bamf. And id kill for any part of her wardrobe
Val (Uncle)
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Val is so awesome (nvm gorgeous con o neill with his titties out owning a male strip club and being a good dad). Val isnt a main character and you can tell by the end they were figuring reasons to keep him (Val identifies as male) around. His relationship with Andy is really great too. Starts out pure hatred, for bothering his daughter (Andy’s ex). Ends with them being good buds
Laszlo Cravensworth (WWDITS)
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Much like ofmd this list could be pure wwdits if not per fandom. Im going with Laszlo. Id fuck him today. Id also fuck matt berry today good god that man is sexy af. Believe it or not pre wwdits i hadnt really heard of him (i hate it and im american so most of it passed me by). Hes a good dad, unlike nandor he found a way to grow even if small. Hes a loving husband, and beyond that he doesnt give a fuck about anyone. Just fucking and sucking, loving his wife and his son
Franklin Sherman (The Critic) (shame on tumblr having no gif)
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Franklin is what u get when u mash Frank Reynolds with Pam Poovey. The Critic was a brief but shining star and its Simpsons crossover gave us some great lines. Franklin was rich as piss, former govenor of new york, and completely well despite being a weirdo (theyd tell ppl he had a stroke to explain his personality like nandor). I love Franklin
Peter (The Great)
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I call The Great straight Ofmd. Same loose history as ofmd about Catherine the Great. Irl she killed Peter. In the show she imprisons him. He starts as an enemy and does shit as dumb as Nandor (kills her lover cuz she actually loved him despite peter fucking everything). BUT then he takes a Laszlo turn: hes deeply excited to be a dad and is actually a good dad to the point other rich ppl are like ew wtf? Hes also extremely wtf?
Roger Smith (American Dad)
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Wonder why Guillermo doesnt bother me? Been watching this dude since 2005. Hes an alien the smiths take in while playing every gender and sexuality he can think of (to the point the world falls apart without him unless the illuminati have killed him). Hes also a serial killer, commits many acts of violence, says he hates sex back home on his planet cuz its ‘all consensual.’ Hes also fucked and been many celebrities real and imagined
I dont think i got 10 active mutuals on here but ill try a few: @hotdiggitydollie @pundromeda @liliam4066 @cookinguptales @mulderscully @ritahayworrth @elite-earthbender
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hiimles · 1 year
“The Real ID Act grants the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) unprecedented authority
It empowers the Secretary of DHS to unilaterally determine the circumstances under which citizens must present a Real ID-compliant driver's license as proof of identification for "Official Purposes."
The Real ID Act outlines three official purposes, but the Secretary of DHS is granted the authority to expand the list without seeking approval from Congress.
This unchecked power gives the Secretary the ability to add requirements such as having a Real ID-compliant driver's license to purchase a weapon or ammunition, or even to pick up a prescription.
This unrestricted discretion granted to the Secretary raises concerns about its constitutionality, as nowhere in the Constitution does it give such broad powers to the Executive Branch, especially to a cabinet member.”
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svalleynow · 26 days
REAL ID Act of 2005 Goes into Effect May 7, 2025
Beginning May 7, 2025, the REAL ID Act of 2005 will go into effect. Anyone 18 years of age and older must have a REAL ID credential to access certain federal facilities, board commercial flights, nuclear power plants, and military bases in the U.S. The Department of Safety and Homeland Security (TDOSHS) began issuing REAL IDs on July 1, 2019. Of Tennessee’s 5.8 million valid credentials, 1.6…
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thevitalportal · 1 month
REAL ID Frequently Asked Question
REAL ID Deadline May 7th 2025
Frequently asked questions and answers regarding the implementation of the REAL ID Act. The REAL ID Act, passed by Congress in 2005, enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver's licenses.” The Act established minimum security standards for license issuance and production and prohibits certain federal agencies from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum standards.
Additional questions may be sent to the Department of Homeland Security at [email protected].
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petnews2day · 1 month
Real ID license deadline in May 2025 means you'll need new card to fly
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/RD02I
Real ID license deadline in May 2025 means you'll need new card to fly
If you plan on flying around the country in 2025 and beyond, you might want to listen up. You have about 365 days to make your state-issued driver’s license or identification “Real ID” compliant, per the Department of Homeland Security.   The Real ID compliance is part of a larger act passed by Congress in 2005 […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/RD02I #OtherNews
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Travel Thursday Tales: Real ID Act Passed By Congress Confuses Americans
 The latest survey from Upgraded Points reveals American awareness of and preparedness for the REAL ID Act. Passed by Congress in 2005, the Act is set to take effect on May 7, 2025, after multiple delays. Passed by Congress in 2005, the REAL ID Act enacted the 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that the Federal Government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as…
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smithwarner · 1 year
Cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey: agenda una cita y conoce los documentos necesarios
La Real ID es una identificación de seguridad mejorada que cumple con los requisitos federales establecidos por la ley REAL ID Act de 2005. A partir del 3 de mayo de 2023, será necesario contar con una Real ID o un pasaporte válido para abordar vuelos comerciales y acceder a instalaciones federales en los Estados Unidos. En este artículo, te explicamos cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey,…
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fulltecnoweb · 1 year
Cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey: agenda una cita y conoce los documentos necesarios
La Real ID es una identificación de seguridad mejorada que cumple con los requisitos federales establecidos por la ley REAL ID Act de 2005. A partir del 3 de mayo de 2023, será necesario contar con una Real ID o un pasaporte válido para abordar vuelos comerciales y acceder a instalaciones federales en los Estados Unidos. En este artículo, te explicamos cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey,…
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Kaufen Sie einen echten Personalausweis online | Führerschein klasse L | Kaufen Sie echte Dokumente online
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Eine echte ID-Karte ist eine Form der Identifizierung, die den Bundesstandards für Sicherheit und Identifizierung entspricht, wie sie im Real ID Act von 2005 festgelegt sind. Diese Standards umfassen bestimmte Sicherheitsmerkmale, wie z. B. ein Foto und ein Hologramm, sowie einen Identitätsnachweis und Wohnsitz. Online kann sich der Begriff „echter Personalausweis“ auf den Prozess der Beantragung und Erlangung eines echten Personalausweises über ein Online-Portal oder eine Website beziehen, wie es von einigen Staaten angeboten wird.
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Watch "MARK" on YouTube
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usaitbari · 2 years
You’ve Got to Be Kidding! Real ID Deadline for Domestic Fliers Is Extended. Again.
You’ve Got to Be Kidding! Real ID Deadline for Domestic Fliers Is Extended. Again.
The 2005 Real ID Act, which mandates that U.S. travelers must carry more than a standard driver’s license to board a domestic flight, was set to go into effect on May 3, 2023. But on Monday, after some 15 years of delays, the Department of Homeland Security pushed the deadline for enforcement by an additional 24 months. Travelers now have until May 7, 2025, to update their documents. The Real ID…
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