#licencia de conducir
elchaqueno · 2 months
ANH implementa oficina temporal para agilizar trámite del B-SISA
La directora de la Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH), Adriana Flores, anunció la apertura de una oficina temporal en el Parque Temático para facilitar el trámite del B-SISA a la población. Esta oficina, al igual que la central, permitirá a los dueños de vehículos y motocicletas realizar el trámite, siempre y cuando cuenten con la tarjeta de la ANH o la etiqueta legible en el vidrio. Flores…
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sivanidiario · 8 months
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lsxgrs · 4 months
Necesito aprender a manejar 🚘
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adribosch-fan · 8 months
Licencia de conducir: en qué países se puede usar el registro argentino y dónde hay que tramitarlo de cero en caso de emigrar
Mientras que algunos estados reconocen y validan el registro nacional, otros otorgan un plazo para rendir el examen local; un vistazo por algunos de los destinos más elegidos por argentinos al emigrar Según los datos de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones (DNM), entre septiembre de 2020 y abril de 2022 emigraron 3.388.047 argentinos. Sea cual fuere el motivo que impulsa a los ciudadanos de la…
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smithwarner · 1 year
Cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey: agenda una cita y conoce los documentos necesarios
La Real ID es una identificación de seguridad mejorada que cumple con los requisitos federales establecidos por la ley REAL ID Act de 2005. A partir del 3 de mayo de 2023, será necesario contar con una Real ID o un pasaporte válido para abordar vuelos comerciales y acceder a instalaciones federales en los Estados Unidos. En este artículo, te explicamos cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey,…
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fulltecnoweb · 1 year
Cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey: agenda una cita y conoce los documentos necesarios
La Real ID es una identificación de seguridad mejorada que cumple con los requisitos federales establecidos por la ley REAL ID Act de 2005. A partir del 3 de mayo de 2023, será necesario contar con una Real ID o un pasaporte válido para abordar vuelos comerciales y acceder a instalaciones federales en los Estados Unidos. En este artículo, te explicamos cómo tramitar tu Real ID en Nueva Jersey,…
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audi-rodriguez · 2 years
Cómo Renovar la Licencia de Conducir Dominicana
Cómo Renovar la Licencia de Conducir Dominicana
La renovación de la licencia de conducir de la República Dominicana puede realizarse de forma fácil y rápida en todo el Territorio Nacional, Estados Unidos y España. El nuevo sistema le permite a los dominicanos realizar el proceso de pago y citas de forma online, para luego dirigirse a una oficina autorizada del INTRANT donde pueden terminar el proceso de forma fácil y segura. Hemos elaborado…
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Cómo se tramita la Licencia de Conducir en Jujuy
#Servicio #Sociedad #Provincia | Cómo se tramita la #LicenciadeConducir en #Jujuy
Para conducir de manera particular o profesional en Argentina, se necesita una licencia de conducir nacional. Esta matrícula permite circular por las calles y caminos del territorio argentino y de los países adheridos a la Convención de Ginebra de 1949. Aquí hay detalles de cómo se obtiene en la provincia de Jujuy según la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial y los municipios. Cualquier persona que…
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quehaylondres · 2 years
Por no renovar el permiso de conducir alrededor de 1.000.000 de personas podrían recibir multas de 1.000 libras esterlinas
Por no renovar el permiso de conducir alrededor de 1.000.000 de personas podrían recibir multas de 1.000 libras esterlinas
Segun las nuevas cifras se muestra que aproximadamente unas 900.000 personas se enfrentan a 1.000 libras de multa por mantener su licencia de conducir vencida. DVLA (Agencia de Licencias de Conducir y Vehículos) tiene datos de alrededor de 926,000 conductores cuyas licencias caducaron el año pasado. Las licencias actualizadas tiene una fecha de vigor de 10 años y se las debe renovar para…
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Watch "Como Cambiar tu licencia de Conducir de US a Canada" on YouTube
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santacruzuno · 2 years
Cuatrocientos jóvenes rindieron para obtener “Mi Primera Licencia de Conducir”
(Gallegos) Mi Primera Licencia de Conducir
El programa dirigido a chicos y chicas de 17 a 20 comenzó ayer sábado con el primer grupo de inscriptos. Quienes no se animaron a rendir pueden hacerlo el próximo sábado junto al segundo grupo. ste sábado –en el predio de la UNPA-UARG- comenzaron los exámenes teóricos y prácticos del programa “Mi Primera Licencia de Conducir” que organiza la Municipalidad de Río Gallegos y está destinado para…
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jhonsolutionsllc · 2 months
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🚘 Bienvenidos a Jhon Solutions LLC, donde obtienes tu licencia de conducir rápido y seguro. Contáctanos al 📲 1 (646) 295-4419 y visita www.jhonsolutions.com para más detalles. Únete a nosotros en este emocionante viaje hacia la libertad en la carretera. 🌟🚗 #LicenciaDeConducir #JhonSolutionsLLC *NO COBRAMOS DINERO POR ADELANTADO*
*Redes Sociales Nuestras*
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elcorreografico · 1 year
Licencias de conducir: cuáles son los plazos para renovar el carnet y viajar seguro en vacaciones
#LaPlata #Servicios | #Licenciasdeconducir: cuáles son los plazos para renovar el carnet y viajar seguro en vacaciones
La Municipalidad de La Plata brindó una serie de recomendaciones para la correcta renovación de licencias de conducir, cuáles son los plazos para renovar el carnet y viajar seguro en vacaciones.Según informaron desde la subsecretaría de Convivencia y Control Ciudadano de la Comuna, los conductores podrán iniciar el trámite a partir de los 30 días antes de la fecha de vencimiento. A su vez,…
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
stranger / gavi
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requested: no, but i got this idea a couple of days ago and i think it's what I needed to get off my writers block, fingers crossed 🥹
summary: you regretted accepting your bff's offer of being her plus one for a party you didn't even want to attend in the first place. but it brought you to him.
word count: 1.3k
warnings: not proofread. mention of a party, alcohol and the consumption of, don't talk to strangers you see on the sidewalk (?
you didn't even need to be there in the first place.
but your friend insisted that you hadn't moved to spain only for academic purposes, even if that's what you made your parents back at home believe. still, you weren't as drawn to parties as sofía was, and still, you found yourself right were she dragged you to be. some party held by a football club for winning a random trophy. that's what she had told you, only knowing half of it because her current fling, who was a player for the team, told her about it.
when you arrived there, though, you figured that it wasn't just some party held by a football club for winning a random trophy. it was a celebration for the entire barcelona fútbol club after winning the spanish super cup against none other than real madrid.
you couldn't say that it wasn't fun at first.
but being more on the introverted spectrum of social interactions, and not one to drink much, if even at all, made you grow tired of the environment very quickly. adding to the mix that your friend, the one who had begged you to come with her, had disappeared completely after seeing her man, you didn't have any reason to remain in this place. so that's how you started to make your way out, after finding your friend and her telling you it was okay, since she was already planning on leaving with this guy anyways -named pedri, or something like that, his name lost in the deafening music that filled the club.
making your way towards you car after exiting the overcrowded space you spent the last two hours in, you saw a guy seated on the sidewalk curb close to the back of your car, head hidden in his palms as he anxiously picked at his hair, yanking it from time to time.
"ei, ¿estás bien?" (hey, you're okay?) you said, not speaking too loud to avoid disrupting his already altered state, but you couldn't just left him there on his own devices. maybe he was too intoxicated and he might need your help, you thought. he just nodded, not making any efforts into lifting his eyes from the pavement below him. "puedo llamar a alguien que esté dentro si lo necesitas" (i can call someone from inside if you need it) you continued, not wanting to leave him alone in the middle of the night, even if you were sure that he could deal with it perfectly fine by his own. he nodded again, but this time, offering you a gentle smile that made you warm inside, and you flushed when you felt his attentive brown eyes reach your own.
assenting with your head, and not wanting to bother the handsome stranger you had just runned upon, you made your way onto the driver side of your car and unlocked it, ready to get home as soon as possible.
"espera, ¿me puedes sacar de aquí?" (wait, can you get me out of here?) the brown haired boy asked, now standing on his feet and a hopeful look in his eyes. "¿seguro?" (you're sure?) you asked, not totally convinced since you obviously didn't know him before your recent interaction, and not sure if he was aware of what he was asking. "sí" (yes) he answered rather quickly, nodding along. he reassured, a few seconds later, "me iría solo si tuviera mí licencia de conducir" (i'd leave alone if I had my driver's license).
"de nuevo, ¿cuántos años tienes?" (again, how old are you?)
"lo suficientemente mayor como para beber y tener mí licencia de conducir, solamente no me he molestado en obtenerla aún" (old enough to drink and have my driver's license, i just haven't bothered in getting it yet) he replied, bothered that you even had to ask him if he was legal of age. of course he was, he thought, almost rolling his eyes internally at the frequency in which he was picked upon, both on and off the pitch, due to him being so you. but you weren't obligated to know him, he remembered, figuring that you wouldn't have asked him that in the first place if you knew who he was.
he was taken out of his thoughts with another question coming from you. "¿y cómo llegaste hasta aquí?" (and how did you get here in the first place?) you said, smiling at the thought of him being driven around by his parents or something along the lines. he huffed, remembering why he had been strained in the first place. "pedri, un amigo, pero lo perdí hace un tiempo" (pedri, a friend, but I lost him a while ago).
you hummed, and unlocked the car to let both of you in. after all, it was still the middle of january, so it was safe to say the weather during the night wasn't as warm as you got to experience during the summer months. "¿estás seguro de irte con una completa desconocida? no sabes ni mí nombre" (are you sure you want to leave with a complete stranger? you don't even know my name) you asked again, buckling the seatbelt and tilting your head for him to do the same. he complied with your request, while answering for the hundredth time, "y tu no sabes el mío, así que estamos empatados. ¿ya podemos terminar con las preguntas?" (and you don't know mine, so we're even. can we finish with the questions now?) gavi asked, not yet annoyed but reaching that point rapidly. he was known for being a bit hotheaded, and while he didn't take proud in the fact, he recognised when his patience was running low.
the ride back to his destination was quick and easy, a bit of small conversation to prevent the silence from turning too awkward. you didn't want to overdo it, since you had asked too many questions already and you sensed that he wasn't the talkative type. at least not the first time you met. it was endearing, really, to have crossed paths with such a nice guy, not only on the outside -soft eyes and fluffy hair, almost the perfect combination for you-, but on the inside, soft spoken and attentive. you wished you had the chance to get to know him more, past the tiredness that clouded his sight and the shyness that was holding him back.
"has llegado a destino" (you've arrived at your destination) you joked, voice robotic like the lady that gave you indications through the electronic device. he giggled a bit, and you were thankful that he had found your bad joke funny. he was about to open the door, already body turned towards the door handle, when he retracted back. "¿puedo pedir algo más?" (can i ask for one more thing?) he muttered, and you nodded shily, figuring that he would ask you to not speak this with anyone else or to forget the address, if this was truly his house.
"¿me darías tu número?" (can i get your number?) gavi's cheeks flushed pink, and it would be the cutest sight if it was better illuminated, the lamp lighting up the street doing a poor job at brightening up his features. you timidly extended your hand for him to pass you his phone, and he quickly unlocked it and gave it to you, a tiny smile adorning his face while you were too occupied typing your number correctly.
going home from what you assumed was his place turned out to be quite quick, being closer to what you had expected. you were thankful, though, because your little adventure was already weighing in your sleepy eyes. you never got inside, took off your makeup and put on comfy clothes as quickly as you did tonight, but you were truly knackered. you were so tired you almost forgot to plug your phone to charge, and if it wasn't for the way the screen lightened up with a new notification, you would have forgotten about it.
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peligrosapop · 1 year
They are even doing the hall/guard of honor to congratulate Gavi on his driver’s license lol
Le hicieron el pasillo a Gavi por pasar el examen de la licencia de conducir lol
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ragathaknight · 6 days
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Le dije que no debería conducir sin licencia. Pero no hay tiempo para discutir sobre la multa, es tiempo de deshacerse del problema de la manera más fácil, haber traído esa varita fue buena idea después de todo, y pensar que muchos decían que no le serviría para algo.
I told him he shouldn't be driving without a license. But there's no time to argue about the fine, it's time to get rid of the problem the easy way, having brought that wand was a good idea after all, and to think that many said it wouldn't do him any good.
Créditos por la imagen | Credits for the image: virtua1v0mit
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