#Radio Free Hydaelyn
hydaelynradio · 4 months
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uh oh! seems our heroes have managed to fumble their way into having beef with the ishgardian fuzz. seems less than ideal, but thankfully they're an insane warrior catholic society, so fighting our way out is probably still a viable option. come see how that pans out LIVE tonight at vaguely 8pm CST on twitch.tv/janederscore
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vierandancer · 1 year
The Scions would eventually receive their summons to Sharlayan, departing from Limsa Lominsa on a voyage by sea. On the dawn of their arrival, Meiko and A'kihiko would be roused by a familiar voice: that of Hydaelyn, who now appeared to them as the Ancient Venat, albeit only briefly.
They confessed their hesitance in trusting Her, now knowing what She actually was. She accepted their scrutiny, briefly referencing what would soon come -- as well as a promise made in another age. Before they could inquire further, she vanished, and their companions joined them on deck as Sharlayan came into view.
Upon settling in within the headquarters of the recovering Students of Baldesion, the group decided to split up to pursue two leads: Meiko left for Thavnair, as she was eager to see the country from which the Kriegstanz originated. A'kihiko remained behind to further investigate Sharlayan, eventually finding a way into Labyrinthos. There, a Hydaelyn-posessed Krile would bid he take a heartbloom flower with a message: "In darkness, seek joy. Surrender not to sadness, and see beyond despair. Walk free, and bear the light for others to follow."
The Scions in Labyrinthos would later be caught trespassing, and very nearly expelled from the city if not for Montichaigne -- an old friend of Louisioux and Galuf -- speaking up in their defense. While this took place, Meiko anxiously escorted Nidhana closer to the Tower of Zot to test her warding scale -- and lost her to Fandaniel's meddling. Frantic, she returned to Radz-at-Han to employ the assistance of the other Scions.
Together the group was able to save Nidhana, free the other Arkasodara, and discover what lay at the core of the tower: a man's limb. Grim as this revelation was, their discovery would lead into calling upon their allies in Eorzea for help once more in taking the fight to -- and saving the civillians of -- Garlemald itself. With the Ilsabard Contingent assembled of long-time allies and friends, they set off into enemy territory.
When the soldier Jullus appeared to bring representatives to his leader, Meiko volunteered to go with the twins, as she believed A'kihiko would be too well-known by common Garleans. Her brother would later assist in freeing the twins from their imprisonment, along with Estinien and Thancred's group.
Later that evening, when a radio signal threatened to temper the Garleans who had come to rest at their camp, A'kihiko was stolen away by a gleeful Fandaniel. His body was subsequently possessed by Zenos, with full intent of wreaking havoc in his newfound identity. Fortunately, A'kihiko made it back to Camp Broken glass before anything tragic could occur.
It was after these events that the group would storm the Tower of Babil, destroying the primal Anima born from the dedication and prayer to Emperor Varis. From there, they would chase Zenos and Fandaniel to the moon, meeting the enigmatic Watcher as they hurried to protect the final seal on Zodiark. Despite their best attempts, Zenos succeeded in his plan -- but it was Fandaniel who took control of the horrific, albeit incomplete, ancient deity.
The Mochikokos were ultimately victorious over Zodiark, but their relief was short-lived as his destruction was exactly what the nihilistic Ascian was hoping for. Not quite sure what would come next, they sought Hydaelyn's helpers said to be settled on the moon -- and there, they found the well-intentioned yet somewhat misguided Lopporits. Learning that the Lopporits had long since been in contact with Sharlayan, the group put together what the Sharlayan's true plan was to be: that they would evacuate their people and their learnings to the moon, which would flee the planet in the inevitable event of the catastrophic Final Days.
The Scions returned to Eitheryis, only to learn that the Final Days had already begun in response to Zodiark's defeat. They did what they could for the peoples of Thavnair and Garlemald, but realized they were quickly running out of time. G'raha Tia then bid Meiko return to the First and speak with the spirit of Elidibus, still-yet bound to the Crystal Tower in that world. A'kihiko, unable to return to the First himself, wished her luck and continued to assist wherever he was needed.
Meiko made her way to the First, where Elidibus explained that the answers she sought yet lingered in the past. He sent her to Elpis, a research facility, and told her to seek who Fandaniel once was -- a man named Hermes, the lead researcher there. Meiko was hesitant, wary of affecting the timeline with a fumble -- yet she did as she was told, doing her very best not to draw too much attention to herself.
Of course, that attempt failed miserably. Her glimmer of a soul was observed by a pair of Ancients visiting Elpis: the original forms of Hades and Hythlodaeus. Assuming her to be a quirky familiar of their mutual troublemaking friend Azem, they invited her along as they, too, sought out Hermes -- this time with the intent to invite him to the Convocation as Fandaniel. Meiko was surprised to find Hermes a relatively gentle, if not melancholy soul, and was enamored with his darling familiar -- an entelechy named Meteion.
Meiko managed to keep her identity a secret until Venat herself cross their paths, immediately recognizing her own brand of magic on a person she had not yet met. Unable to give a convincing excuse, the Ancients pressed her until she confessed who she was and her true purpose. Hades, insulted by his role in her story, stormed out with Hythlodaeus following, trying to soothe him. But Venat remained, ever-understanding, and helped prod the Viera to continue the investigation of the Final Days' cause. As they traveled Elpis together, Meiko spoke of her brother, and Venat recognized just how much of him mirrored her own protege.
Eventually, it was discovered that Meteion herself was likely the cause for the Final Days. When confronted, Hermes attacked the group and fled with her, only to be defeated within the halls of Ktsis Hyporboreia. Meteion, now corrupted by the despair her entelechy sisters found in the universe, wished to soothe the lives of everyone in all of existence through death. She fled thanks to Hermes' intervention, but Venat managed to mark her with a tracking spell at the last moment. It was then that Hermes initiated a protocol that would wipe the memories of all that had unfolded, and suddenly everything became clear: Meiko hadn't ruined the timeline by confessing her reason for being here. She had always been meant to return to this time, to this place -- and with the help of Hades and Hythlodaeus, she and Venat were able to escape the place with their memories intact.
Venat now had a new path to walk, one that would entwine with the many destinies of other Warriors of Light -- and end with Meiko and A'kihiko's. She returned Meiko to her own time, and once she was back in Sharlayan, she told her brother everything in a mess of tears and panic. Once he had helped her regain her composure and processed the gravity of it all himself, the pair returned to the Baldesion Annex to speak with the others.
The Scions then decided to speak with the Forum with everything they knew, and the two sides decided to become allies in their effort to save the peoples of Eitheryis. The Forum granted them permission to enter the Aitiascope -- a tunnel linked to the aetherial sea itself, where they managed to contact the Mothercrystal in the past.
At the end of the road, the Scions met and did battle with Hydaelyn to prove themselves worthy of the information necessary to save the star, not simply flee from it. Upon her defeat, Hydaelyn gifted A'kihiko and Meiko with the power to give form to the formless, before finally taking her long-earned rest.
With Hydaelyn's blessing, the Scions used the aether stored in the Mothercrystal and traveled to Meteion's Nest -- the graveyard of lost worlds known as Ultima Thule. While there, their beloved allies were tasked with giving up their lives one-by-one so that the Warriors of Light could proceed.
With the weight of a thousand thousand souls on their shoulders, Meiko and A'kihiko walked together on the road paved by the love and hopes of their comrades. There, they came upon...a dead end.
Neither wanted the other to sacrifice themselves to proceed. Not after everything they had been through. It was here that Meiko recalled Hythlodaeus speaking of regaining lost memories once they had returned to the aetherial sea, and bid A'kihiko give her the stone. With the visions of the long-departed Ancients in her mind, she called upon them from the aetherial sea -- and they appeared, with enough power to restore the Scions' to their forms and forge a new path ahead.
Before returning to the aetherial sea for good, Hades bid the pair save their star and, afterward, explore the world they had not yet seen.
The Scions proceeded to the domain of the source of the Final Days -- the nest of the Endsinger. And though they fought hard against her might, the Scions struggled to overcome her. In a last ditch effort to save the friends who had only recently been revived, A'kihiko bid Mei toss away her escape teleporter, before hitting the button and doing so himself.
The Scions were returned to the ship at the other end of Ultima Thule, and once again, the Warriors of Light stood alone.
...But not for long, as in that very instance, the dragon Shinryu burst through into the Endsinger's nest. It was Zenos, still insatiable for his rematch, willing even to become a temporary ally against the end of everything in order to have it. Although aghast at his being there (and his overall audacity), the Mochikokos agreed and hopped upon his back for the final battle.
And when all seemed lost, it was the prayers of their friends and their loved ones that gave them the strength to destroy her.
Whilst Meiko attended to the remaining Meteion left behind, A'kihiko made sure to block Zenos' path, as he had reverted from his dragon form for the final battle. Here, Zenos addressed A'kihiko's desire for adventure and challenge, and likened them to one another.
A'kihiko could not deny this. Meiko, however, joined the conversation as Meteion departed, ready to end Zenos once and for all.
The three of them clashed, two against one and yet somehow evenly matched through it all. They fought and fought and fought until their armor bent and their knuckles were bloody. Until there was nothing left but wounds and ache.
In his final moments, Zenos acknowledged his appreciation for the existence of the both of him. With his own brand of dynamis, he bid they be saved so that they could continue their lives how they wished.
The siblings' spare teleporters dropped out of nowhere, and they were returned to the safety of their ship.
A few weeks later, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn would officially disband, and its members go their separate ways. Ever imbued with a desire to help others, A’kihiko stated that he would simply return to what he had been prior to joining the Scions – an adventurer, mostly unaffiliated. Meiko, too, would go on a journey -- but not by her brother's side, for the first time in forever.
For her, who had only ever joined the Scions and ventured out into the world due to the desire to protect him, it was a reluctant but overdue parting. But they agreed to write and keep in touch, as did the rest of the Scions. 
Meiko briefly returned to the First to update Ryne, Gaia, and Lyna of the goings-on in the Source. Upon her return, she sent out a few letters – to her and Hiko’s parents, to Sidguru and Rielle in Ishgard, and Ranaa and the Troupe in Doma – before departing on her own journey herself.
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endwalkerlore · 2 years
Lore Notes 2
Note on the Notes: This set contains a couple days worth, as I forgot to create a new document.  
Reviewing the conversation with Hydaelyn - Zodiark is confirmed sundered Zodiark "Forestalled" the apocalypse -"an intertwining of your time and mine"
Something inside the core of the tower was consuming the aether - a man's arm
High Crucible of Al-khamiya
Midgardsormr came to the Source after the sundering Hydaelyn was Midgardsormr's "final bastion" - the last hope.  So long as Hydaelyn endured, so to he hoped would dragonkind
Even asleep, Midgardsormr is watching over the world Theory: Midgardsormr was ALWAYS Hydaelyn's back up plan.  That's why she's letting him use her to regenerate.
Vritra says we are a confluence of too many threads, and a storm that catches our friends.  But we will need them in the end
Akasa (pronounced Akasha) - unseen energy in Hannish Alchemical Theory -essence influence by feelings -distinct from aether - aether permeates the land and animals and objects, but akasa exists beyond our reach - either bestowed from on high or torn from the heavens -beyond our power to purposefully alter or manipulate - cannot be created or destroyed; only an "abundance of spiritual emotion" can influence it -this is what is harnessed when you exceed your limits on the battlefield (?!?)
I need the burger emote and the coffee one
Levitation spell was discovered in Noumenon
The forum are bound by an Enchantment that prevents them from speaking without permission -reminds me of Louisoix's spell - being unable to remember the Warriors of Light
Aether: Soul and Memory (incorporeal), matter (corporeal) -Corporeal is in flux, soul and memory are not YEP. -Sharlayan has a rule against memory manipulation Memory can be blotted out with an abundance of similar aether; this is used to prevent them from speaking on the topic, but can be reverse with 9/10 of the members, or upon death The blots on the souls are washed clean in the aetherial sea
Theory: Maybe Louisoix was taken to the Sea by hydaelyn, to free him of the lock
Water veins carry aether in the water, as aether currents do in air, and manifest in Spectral currents
Mysterious blue light 10 years ago
Garleans settled land 800 years ago
Radio is powered by something similar to the talismans, protects against tempering
Aetherytes in garlemald are designed to allow garlean usage -also generates power - possibly demonstrating theory about sancutary
Retired Magitek engineer mentioned a "flaxen haired man" who taught him of allagan tech - nero?
The Ascians needed him to be whole before they could free him
Six locks ont he moon, one for each element -"Brands" - giant swords driven into the ground
As long as Zodiark remains bound, no more sacrifices will be made in his name, nor will the souls inside be consigned to oblivion -OH.  Oh.  Oh fuck.
Hythlodaeus was one who gave his life
Fandaniel went full Kefka.  In all but name
Author note: written before the fight: The real final days will be from Zodiark's demise and the undoing of the laws Author note: written AFTER the fight: YEP
Hydaelyn sundered HERSELF
Power is a reflection of the creator.  Hydaelyn HAD to dedicate herself wholly to Zodiark's destruction
The moon is an ark
Theory: we're going to use the Crystal Tower to journey back to the start and avert the apocalypse before it begins Author note: this was noted somewhere on the moon still, before even the 85 quests and dungeon
The flower is "Elpis" - Hope
When a republic, Garlemald hired Roe mercs
- Author note: I managed to not take any notes from after the moon to the 85 dungeon, except this next.  Not all of what happened was highly impactful LORE wise, though there absolutely were some very impactful moments.  Also I may have just been stunned..
Theory - the reason why the modern occurrences are born of sentient beings and not creation magic is BECAUSE the sentient beings are the product of Zodiark's creation
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jax332 · 5 years
It Grows...
You come across a strange machine, not unlike a smaller version of those found by Cid and the WoLs after they defeated Omega. It's small buttons make it hard to determine what the box is for, but you're sure it contains an audio file of some sort. Twisting and rotating the box, your thumb brushes over an unmarked, mysterious glass pannel about the size of a... Fingerprint... Scanner...
"Initializing protocol..." It buzzes, whirring and clunking to life. "Emergency power reserves depleting..." Not sure how much time is left on the thing, you frantically push a few buttons, hoping to shut it off before it dies. "Initiating message playback..." A long, awkward silence of radio static began to buzz through the dusted speakers. You begin to question whether or not the thing would play anything at all when suddenly, a coughing erupts from the person recording. "You... May be the last person to hear this message, and I would like to think it... Got into the hands of one of my dear friends..." The man hacked up a lung before continuing.
"Many, many moons ago, I made a pact... I sold my soul to a high voidsent..." His raspy breathing made it difficult to understand much of what he was saying. "It's... Taking over. I passed through the void.... The first..." The soeaker began to screech and crack as it's powere reserves dimmed out. "My curse... It's spreading due to over exposure to the void... The pain is hard to withstand... For anyone listen-" the man was cut off, and a loud, invigorating groan played through the cracks of noise. "My hands... They're... Celeste green?" The quizically pained voice stopped. "No, no I'm turning too fast... The curse grows... Jax, this is what you get for making thaaaa-!" Another bolt of pain shot through the man's voice. "He will soon claim me. I have to s-save... The first..." Jax's exasperated vocalization was followed by a thud, and with that the device finally buzzes.
"Power supplies dangerously low. Initiating shut down procedure..." It was obvious that the device had been through it's fair share of trauma, but it's suffering was over. Question is, is Jax's?
Do you even know a Jax? The name rings through your mind as if he was someone important, someone holy. It all comes rushing back to you with a flash of light. Jax Stormcloud, the man who bested every single force of injustice that stood in his way. Jax Stormcloud, one of Hydaelyn's gifted. He had helped save the realm a hundred times over, and now it seemed like he was doing it again, but in a far off world. Something bad has happened.
What do you do?
(Ah hello friends! I wanted to throw out a starter and a possibly interactive experience for you guys, if you were interested! Jax has been, for lack of a better word, cursed by a high voidsent who feeds on his aether in exchange for him to switch Hydaelyn's blessing for Zodiark's blessing and back again, and it's beginning to change him physically. Feel free to share or post or DM me if you're interested in being part of his transformation process and trying to stop it or helping him cope with it! Til next time,
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hydaelynradio · 4 months
The triumphant return of Radio Free Hydaelyn comes with the somber chill of battles lost… but the outreached hand of dear friends cuts through the bitter cold of Coerthas. That's right, we're finally cracking into the Award Winning expansion pack Heavensward, and we're absolutely chomping at the bit to dig into this one.
Can our heroes clear their names, find their lost friends, and save a city on the brink of complete oblivion? Seems like a tall order for a book boy and his fiery friend, but who knows… perhaps the wheel of fate can be stopped yet.
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hydaelynradio · 9 months
Welcome, champions of Eorzea, to A Podcast Reborn.
We have a brand new format, and with it a brand new outlook on the production of the series. Analysis is the name of the game here at Radio Free Hydaelyn, and we'll be applying a careful and specific lens to one topic at a time from now on, non-linearly.
This week, we take a look at where we left off at the tail end of the original show, examining the beautiful trainwreck that is the original Several Cutscenes that do, in fact, Play in Sequence... though not before performing a bit of a post-mortem on the first incarnation of the podcast, and why it didn't quite work out.
We're very excited to get back into it, and we hope you enjoy!
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hydaelynradio · 9 months
Sort of segueing off last month's episode, this time we're talking about the core Alliance members and their funny presidents.
Obviously we go on at length about Ul'dah being. Like That. As well as asking very important questions, such as "How is it that the military dictatorship is the most equitable society here?" and "What exactly does Kan-E-Senna actually do, anyway?"
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