#Rhine & albedo
otaku553 · 2 years
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Thinking about them….
Them is ageswap au Albedo and Klee bc I’m back at it again with the ageswap aus
In which Klee the spark knight takes in a mysterious child that doesn’t seem quite human. Albedo is quiet and reserved and rare to see in Mondstadt, but you can always tell where he goes by the small snowy trail footprints he leaves behind. (Oddly enough, the footprints are little light imprints of chalk. But the mondstadtians don’t ask questions—their resident spark knight has always been a bit odd.)
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gold-rhine · 1 year
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: Repost bc my previous blog got shadowbanned. very soft, almost didn’t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if you’re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but that’s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
He’s extremely introverted and demi, he’s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
“I used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.”
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, he’s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
He’s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes.
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly.
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too".
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but he’d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, he’s very open about how he doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
He’s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after he’s already realized he’s into you
“Would you like to have a chat with me?
Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.”
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine event’s painting lesson)
“Heh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspiration”
“By the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.”
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, he’s very curious and open to experiments, doesn’t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other ppl’s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously won’t be loud and expressive, but if he’s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane.
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesn’t know him, he’d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. It’s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isn’t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that it’s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, he’s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
“No, I’m not displeased. On the contrary,” he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. “It’s a somewhat interesting development on a… matter that’s been perplexing me for some time.”
“Huh? And what is this matter?” you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
“Well, it… depends. Do you see me strictly in… ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.”
“Oh?” you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. “No, I’d be interested in your other… capacities.”
“Well, in that case I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m attracted to you.”
“I wouldn’t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.”
“The attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If you’re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.”
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
“Anything for science, my prince.”
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you don’t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you.
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Yes. But I feel a little dizzy, I’m not sure why.”
You smirk.
“It’s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.”
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
“Oh. That makes sense, I suppose.”
“I guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?” “Do you want to go on?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “But I would like to have some time to prepare.”
You think that this “time to prepare” is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
“Hey, are you sure you’re not moving too fast?”
“Do not patronize me,” he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. “I am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, it’s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.”
“Oh, such a romantic,” you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
“I didn’t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.”
“Then why make an effort now?”
“Because…” he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. “Of the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.”
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
“It makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didn’t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!”
You can’t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and he’s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment you’re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But it’s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
“You have a theory on why, surely.”
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
“Yes, but I’m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“The mood we started with was experimental biology, I don’t know how you can ruin that,” you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. “Baby, if I didn’t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldn’t go after you at all, don’t worry, you can talk.”
“Well, it’s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, there’s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. I’ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but it’s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.”
“Oh, you *are* a romantic, huh,” you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
“Do you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I can’t help, but react?”
“Of course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Don’t you like it?” you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
“It's complicated,” he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. “I enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about what’s to come, but I’m also acutely afraid to disappoint.”
“Don’t worry, baby.” you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. He’s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. “You can’t disappoint.”
“Of course I can,” he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, soft  hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
“This mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,” he’s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
“Albedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as “imperfection.” They would just think it’s cute.”
“Is it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?”
“Being anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,” you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
“I can’t argue with that, I’ve seen it too often. I suppose there’s no such thing as perfection for a human.”
“No, there is.”
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it. I’ll make sure of that.”
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
“Are you okay, little prince?”
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
“Yes. A little dizzy, but I’m fine. You can go on.”
“Are you sure you’re not too overwhelmed?”
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
“No. And I think I’m forming a theory.”
“Oh? I have to hear this,” you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
“At first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art can’t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,” he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. “A transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.”
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
“See, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?”
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest you’ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
“You really think so?”
“Of course, my prince.”
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
“Please,” he whines when you break up to catch the air. “I need to feel this, please…”
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But it’s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless “oh-oh-oh…” escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. “It’s too much, maybe I was never meant… to feel…”
“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. “You’re so beautiful and you’re doing so good for me. Just let go.”
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
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rhine-gold-archive · 2 years
sub! Albedo x Dom! GN! Reader
Warnings: not sfw, edging, first time, fingering, anal sex, long dialogs discussing metaphysics of human connection. Cock stands for cock\strap as usual.
A\N: very soft, almost didn’t want to tag as as dom! reader, but the dynamic is specifically pronounced. but give it a try even if you’re just into bottom Albedo.
Wordcount: 3k
Albedo might seem like cold and disaffected, but that’s mostly Neurodivergency (TM)
He’s extremely introverted and demi, he’s usually not interested in people at all and so comes off as curt and rude
But rarely, if he does form a connection, he very much quietly and intensely hyperfixates on it
“I used to think interaction with others was a waste of time. But after meeting you, I'd rather spend my time on you than other matters.”
As you can tell from the quote and his general interaction with the traveler, he’s pretty open about his interest. Albedo has a mix of very quiet, shy social awkwardness in some situations, and almost clinically shameless directness in others.
He’s lonely, but he wants very specifically someone who can see and understand him for what he is without flinching, and the people for whom the nature of his artificial creation would not change their demeanor towards him is who he tends to latch on.
While normally very precise and methodical, he can throw logic and principles out of the window when it comes to the person he really likes. 
Like remember the last dragonspine event where he turned into an absolute spineless mush in order to fix traveler's ugly doodle without actually admitting that it's ugly. 
They even specifically spelled out his thoughts to show that he does think it's ugly, while he's muttering out loud "no, its uh great, i mean i can maybe add a few embellishments if you would like me too". 
He becomes clingy, but in an extremely introverted way. He would not initiate contact, but he’d aggressively, though in a very roundabout-way hint that he would like your presence (his story quests, esp the last scene of the latest dragonspine event)
And when you do choose to spend time with him, he’s very open about how he doesn’t really care what you do, as long as you’re together, and that he would like to prolong that time.
He’s also very straightforward about letting you decide and following the lead after he’s already realized he’s into you
“Would you like to have a chat with me?
 Albedo: Certainly. Uh... I will let you decide the topic of our conversation.”
(again, the fucking second-hand embarrassment horror of the last dragospine event’s painting lesson) 
“Heh, where should I begin...? In your company, I never lack inspiration”
“By the way, after we're done. may I have the pleasure of inviting you to dessert with me? To continue our time together, and to thank you for your company.”
Albedo is not an easy, quick fun type, he's a long time, deep investment only. But in return, he’s very curious and open to experiments, doesn’t have any societal prejudices, very accepting of other ppl’s oddities, artistic, deep-feeling, imaginative, with a quiet, but intense need for acceptance and praise.
He obviously won’t be loud and expressive, but if he’s your type, effort spent on him can be very rewarding, he is the case where you can give the lightest touch and see it ripple through him like a hurricane. 
It happens on a seemingly normal evening while you two are drinking tea with desserts in your room. Albedo tells you about his latest research project, or, if more precisely, about how Cyrus from the Adventurers Guild keeps interrupting it with his inane training activities on Dragonspine. For someone who doesn’t know him, he’d sound just politely dry, but you can read sarcastic exasperation in his tone, so you laugh and sympathetically pat his arm. It’s a fairly innocuous gesture, but he suddenly freezes. You immediately take your hand away and apologize, remembering that he isn’t a very physical person, but he shakes his head, says that it’s okay. But when he tries to get back to his story, he’s clearly distracted and still thrown off balance, so you try to clear the air by promising to not do it again.
“No, I’m not displeased. On the contrary,” he says, throwing you an inquisitive glance askew. “It’s a somewhat interesting development on a… matter that’s been perplexing me for some time.”
“Huh? And what is this matter?” you ask, grinning, and are surprised to see Albedo, who is usually very straightforward even with the most direct questions when his curiosity is peaked, frown hesitantly.
“Well, it… depends. Do you see me strictly in… ah, platonic capacity? Because in that case, I would prefer to not endanger our friendship and move on from the subject.”
“Oh?” you smirk, raising an eyebrow and watch his pale sculpted cheeks color slightly as he avoids your gaze. “No, I’d be interested in your other… capacities.”
“Well, in that case I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m attracted to you.”
“I wouldn’t call it fairly obvious, but do go on.”
“The attraction itself does not surprise me, of course. What I find perplexing is how disproportionately strongly my body reacts. If you’re not averse to the idea of physical interaction, I would like to see what direct skin to skin contact would feel like.”
You look over him, a slight blush on his cheeks, but bright blue eyes watching you intensely, and grin.
“Anything for science, my prince.”
He nods seriously, starts unbuckling the clasps on the elbow-long glove on his right hand, but you don’t wait for him to finish, slide your fingers into the gap on his thigh between his high boots and shorts. He startles, almost jumping up, looks at you with wide opened eyes like a deer in headlights, and you lean in and kiss him. He makes a tiny surprised noise, but answers, a little awkwardly, leans into you. 
When you move away, he sits there in stunned silence, blushing, one glove half-taken off, and shorts-pant rolled up, really looking like a prince who tries to find an etiquette- appropriate response to being ravished.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
“Yes. But I feel a little dizzy, I’m not sure why.”
You smirk.
“It’s probably a sudden redirect of a bloodflow.”
He looks down at his crotch, blushes brighter, but says calmly.
“Oh. That makes sense, I suppose.”
“I guess this makes an experiment a success, huh?” “Do you want to go on?”
“Yes,” he says without hesitation. “But I would like to have some time to prepare.”
You think that this “time to prepare” is just to mentally catch his breath, but when you walk back into the room after some time, you find him by the bed, completely naked, clothes folded neatly on the nearby chair.
You walk up to him slowly, smile, not wanting to spook him.
“Hey, are you sure you’re not moving too fast?”
“Do not patronize me,” he says firmly, narrowing his eyes. “I am more than 400 hundred years old, I know biology, I know how sex works. The process itself is not complicated at all, it’s simply a matter of stimulating the appropriate organs and zones.”
“Oh, such a romantic,” you smirk, moving to stand close to him, and he looks at you sternly, an interesting contrast to his stark naked body.
“I didn’t involve other people because it seemed too much of a hussle to satisfy basic needs of the body when I can do it myself.”
“Then why make an effort now?”
“Because…” he pauses, looks away briefly and continues more slowly, measurely. “Of the inappropriate reaction of my body to your touch. And because when I touched myself imagining you it felt much better than when I did without thinking of you.”
You raise your eyebrows at his admission, but he goes on, his voice frustrated.
“It makes no sense! It was the same hand and the same gesture, and yet it felt so much stronger. Why? The same stimulation should produce the same results, but it didn’t. And now your touch, even over the gloved hand, which should not even be a desired zone for stimulation, feels that much intense!”
You can’t keep away for longer, lean down, catching his mouth in a kiss. He moans, leans against you, his naked slender body trembling, arching when you run your hands down his spine, his cock already getting hard against your thigh. You push him down on the bed and he lets you, looks up at you with hazy, wide open blue eyes, wet lips half open, pink tongue showing, cheeks blushing, and he’s trying to hide his hard dick behind the half-closed pulled up knees. For a moment you’re tempted to take him right there, spread his legs and ram into him roughly, until he screams and loses his senses.
But it’s much more fun to play with him slowly, so you prop yourself on the bed next to him, catch his cheek in your hand, looking down at him with a smile.
“You have a theory on why, surely.”
He blinks a few times, swallows harshly and licks his lips, trying to stay in control..
“Yes, but I’m not sure I should say it right now. I wouldn’t want to ruin the mood.”
“The mood we started with was experimental biology, I don’t know how you can ruin that,” you smirk, but as he still looks anxious, soften your voice. “Baby, if I didn’t want someone weirdly over-analytical, I wouldn’t go after you at all, don’t worry, you can talk.”
“Well, it’s not directly correlated, but I think it works on similar principles. See, there’s a difference between just a rendering of something, no matter how accurate, and art including the same object. In fact, an art piece does not have to be accurate at all. I’ve struggled to identify it, but it is undeniable once you feel it. You may call it an inspiration in art, but it’s also that ephemeral and unspoken thing that separates home from the house, an acquaintance from friend, a string of words from poetry.”
“Oh, you *are* a romantic, huh,” you smile and stroke his cheek. He makes a small noise and leans into your palm. You run your fingers slowly, lightly down his neck, over the curve of his collarbones to the beating pulse in the delicate hollow of his throat, and he shivers, arches under your touch, his breath catching. His body, pristine, touch-starved, reacts so strongly to the smallest stimulation, but even as affected as he is, he still watches you sharply.
“Do you enjoy it, seeing the power you have over me now, how disproportionately I can’t help, but react?”
 “Of course. It makes playing with you so delicious. Don’t you like it?” you slide your hand down his chest, thumb at the tender pink peak of the nipple and watch him squirm, his cock twitches against his belly and starts to leak.
“It's complicated,” he says quietly, pressing his head against your shoulder. “I enjoy the sensations, I feel excited and anxious about what’s to come, but I’m also acutely afraid to disappoint.”
“Don’t worry, baby.” you draw your hand down over his ribs, tensed up stomach, stroke teasingly at the lovely hipbones instead of finally touching his pulsing dick. He’s just such a fun, responsive canvas to explore. “You can’t disappoint.”
“Of course I can,” he says incredulously, but then you slide your free hand into his fluffy, soft  hair, grip at the flaxen blond locks and pull, making him arch his throat with a helpless whine. You kiss the golden diamond on his neck and feel him tremble and swallow harshly under your lips.
“This mark is not more sensitive than the rest of my skin, and yet when I know you caress my imperfection, it wrecks me,” he’s shaking in your arms, and yet his voice is calm, almost distant.
“Albedo, baby, the absolute most of humans would not look at this mark and think of it as “imperfection.” They would just think it’s cute.”
“Is it a sign of how deep my differences run then if it feels important to me?”
“Being anxious about perceived flaws that no one else cares about is the most human thing imaginable,” you answer softly and he chuckles, leans against you.
“I can’t argue with that, I’ve seen it too often. I suppose there’s no such thing as perfection for a human.”
“No, there is.”
He watches you with a raised eyebrow, and you grin, lean down, finally covering his cock with your hand, catch a tiny, strangled sigh from his parted lips. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it. I’ll make sure of that.”
You stroke him slowly, trying to prolong the pleasure, but he was too understimulated for far too long, too high-strung, he throws his arms around your shoulders, his hips rocking into your hand involuntarily, eyelashes fluttering over the glazed over eyes, and he comes with a short breezy moan.
You kiss him lightly, stroke him through it until his body relaxes under you, frantic breath slowing down.
“Are you okay, little prince?”
He opens his eyes, and you can see him coming to his senses, the focus coming back into his gaze like a bright sharp edge of a scalpel.
“Yes. A little dizzy, but I’m fine. You can go on.”
“Are you sure you’re not too overwhelmed?”
His fingers dig into your shoulders just a little deeper.
“No. And I think I’m forming a theory.”
“Oh? I have to hear this,” you smirk, slide your hand between his legs to circle at his entrance.
“At first, I thought interaction with others was a waste of time, but now I realize I was wrong. Art can’t be created without inspiration, and inspiration has to come from interaction with the outside world,” he whispers, quietly, but with conviction. When you slide your fingers inside him, he presses his cheek against yours, his quick breaths damp and hot against your skin, his disheveled soft hair tickling at your temple. “A transformation can only be achieved through a reaction with a new reagent, and so the same with humans, a person can only change through the experiences obtained.”
You bury your fingers deeper, scissor and massage his walls until he opens up, his hips bucking up and cock getting hard again.
“See, baby, but if that reagent reacts like a human, then what does the origin of it matter?”
He looks up at you with a small, surprised smile, the sweetest and shiest you’ve ever seen on him, despite his trembling nakedness under you, the shameless spread of his legs, your fingers fucking into him and his pretty swollen dick twitching on his belly.
“You really think so?”
“Of course, my prince.”
He arches to press an awkward, fervent kiss against your lips and moans when you slide your tongue against his.
“Please,” he whines when you break up to catch the air. “I need to feel this, please…”
You take your fingers out and slide your cock\strap into him, pressing into him slowly, giving him time to adjust, but even so, he feels so full. He moans, throws his arms over his head to grip at the bedsheets. When you start fucking him, it feels so good, but also like too much, like his body is too small to contain it, and so he instinctively tries to let out the excess of energy, the crystalline flower blooming under his fingers. But it’s not his usual, perfectly structured symmetrical construct, the delicate amber petals sprout wildly, disproportionately at all sides, shutter and form again like waves with every thrust. Soon the pulsing gold flower is covering the rest of the room with a helplessly writhing form of Albedo in the center, and the outside layers start losing the definition, turn into flickering white wings of the crystalflies. He shudders with each movement, small, breathless “oh-oh-oh…” escaping his half-bitten lips, but he never takes his eyes off you, the bright aquamarine of the high, cloudless noon of the Dragonspine skies, sharp glow reflected off the untouched snow and the deep-glimmering ice.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he whispers weakly, barely audible, while the gold and white pulse of his flowers throw the flashing reflections on his body. “It’s too much, maybe I was never meant… to feel…”
“Shh, baby, it’s okay,” you lean down, press the gentlest kiss to the corner of his open mouth, while fucking harshly into him, and he watches you hepleslly, intently. “You’re so beautiful and you’re doing so good for me. Just let go.”
He sees the way you look at him, the way you touch him, and finally he gets it, his body overripe, tension rippling on the cusp of revelation. When does a human feel perfect? Oh, but when someone sees them as such.
He arches in your arms and comes with a chocked scream, crystalized petals blooming all at once around you, and just for an endless moment, the chalk under his skin turns into gold.
751 notes · View notes
monards · 26 days
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albedo you want to call rhinedotirr mom SO bad that you actually sound stupid
30 notes · View notes
sleepless-rants · 6 months
Lets see *checks notes*
Last time we saw albedo was during the 3.5 mondstadt event which is OVER HALF A YEAR AGO now.
Last time albedo actually had a significant appearance was back in 2.3 which is two years ago.
However when I say significant I mean significant. We had the biggest Rhine family lore drop so far and more importantly, it ended on a CLIFF HANGER.
now obviously with like 70 characters in the game they cant give everyone the same screentime they used to have BUT SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT. my khaenri'ah senses are telling me the reason he's been absent for so long is because we're going to meet Rhinedottir herself in the next albedo event/quest.
mark my fucking words.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
…was birthed chalk
summary: any smith that discards a perfectly good blade holds no amount of power over the craft. perhaps it’s better, then, that the sword is passed onto one who knows better.
word count: 6.1k (good lord-)
-> warnings: spoilers for albedo lore, rhinedottir is Awful and albedo has a small crisis over it.. a metaphor that may or may not make sense only bc i was the one that wrote it
-> gn reader (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yum1x || @esthelily || @dedef7890
<< part 1 || < masterlist >
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when albedo wakes up, the sun has long since risen.
it’s not a surprise, as he stayed up rather late simply thinking, but it was inconvenient.
he sighed and reached for his nightstand, tying up his hair just enough to go through the motions of the morning. it was a fast, familiar, memorized pattern, quickly waking him up and getting him ready for the day. he rushed a little bit, knowing he’d woken later and rhine was expecting an explanation, but he still exited his room with hardly a yawn, moving for the kitchen. maybe he could indulge a bit, have something sweet- to wake him up, of course, and drain the remnants of sleep from him.
he barely had the chance to step over the threshold before rhine’s door opened and she walked out, bag over one shoulder and a folder in the other. she looked over at him, eyes sweeping over his clothes.
“what are you dressed like that for?”
he glanced down at himself. he wasn’t wearing anything stained or torn, and was practically identical to what he’d worn yesterday. a white shirt and pants, thick enough nothing spilled would quickly reach his skin but thin enough that it wasn’t a hassle if they needed to be disposed of. the same things he always wore.
“what’s the issue, master? is there a fault in my clothing?”
her face twisted like he’d said the sky had turned red. “didn’t i say you were coming with me today? that’s not exactly fit for snow.”
the room suddenly turned into a vacuum, all of the air leaving albedo’s chest even as he took a breath. go with her? where? when had she said so? he would have certainly used the time from yesterday to prepare if she had told him.
“stop staring and change. quickly.”
her words snapped him out of his haze and he nodded, a mumble of ‘right away, master’ clumsily pushed out of his mouth as he rushed by.
what did he wear? he rarely went on trips outside of the lab, and when he did it was never far enough to warrant much more than a simple coat. and where were they going? was it going to be cold? hot? dangerous? would he need to be able to move quickly?
albedo felt like his body was moving on its own, stripping off his shirt and pulling on another before he could make the conscious decision to do so. the flimsy band he used to tie up his hair fell to the floor but he hardly noticed, simply grabbing the more secure one for lab work and wrapping it around his wrist as he continued to change.
he wasn’t sure how, but he eventually made it out of his room in a cohesive outfit, a jacket thrown over his arm. when rhine looked him over again, she couldn’t find a fault, nodding and turning for the door.
albedo fought off a smile.
there was a cold wind outside so he ended up putting on the jacket as they walked, feeling odd about it. it was thick to keep out the chill, but… it was strange to have so much more weight to his movements. similarly, walking in boots instead of simpler shoes felt strange, out of place. he supposed it was simply because he’d never really worn them before, rarely ever venturing out like rhine did…
he followed her through a forest, trying to take in as many details as he could without stopping to sketch. brilliant blue butterflies fluttered on top of yellow flowers, large petals dipping and swaying under the weight. sun streamed through the gaps in the leaves, shifting as the winds rippled through the boughs of oak and pine. it bordered on overwhelming, the sounds of birds he’d never heard distracting him long enough that he nearly tripped over a large root.
rhinedottir huffed, an odd mix of amusement and irritation. “what, you never heard a bird before?”
he tracked a large red one as it hopped across branches, searching for something unseen. “nothing this vibrant… i’ve never been this far from the lab before, master.”
she gave him an odd look. “really? i expected you’d be out and about pretty often.”
he tore his gaze away from the bird to look at her in confusion, but.. she seemed serious. “you told me to practice alchemy, so… i did. i run experiments and rarely leave, only if i’m searching for a substance we’re out of. the farthest i’ve been was only around a five minute walk, to… miss alice called it starsnatch cliff.”
her face twisted at the mention of alice’s name, and she picked up the pace slightly. “don’t talk about her.”
“why? has she done something to upset-“
“just listen to me, alright? don’t.”
the conversation died in an instant, leaving albedo confused once more.
the forest soon broke, the trees dispersing out into a plain, and he looked around, trying to get his bearings. there was a map in the lab but he rarely used it, only ever looking to see if rhine could pick him up a material or another that he needed without going too far out of her way. still, he had a vague memory of it, enough to know the name of the mountain they were approaching.
“is the domain near vindagnyr?”
rhinedottir tensed, her grip on her bag tightening. “it’s called dragonspine.”
the edge to her words shuts down any further questions he had, and he bites his tongue with a nod.
another thing to learn.
they thankfully don’t go deep into the mountain, stopping only on the outskirts. he recognizes the domain they stopped at from the diagram she showed him, the diamond sigils faintly glowing yellow.
he inspected the domain, double checking both the inscription on the bottom and the idea he had to solve it. it seemed like it was feasible, but-
“here.” rhine held out a hand, holding a long sheath. a leather handle stuck out from it, the silver of a guard glittering dangerously, and albedo hesitated before taking it.
“why do i need a sword, master?”
she waved a hand as if it was obvious. “it’s dangerous. now stay here, i’m gonna go find a geo slime.”
“i don’t know how to wield it, are you certain-?”
“if you don’t want it then just leave it behind. it’s useless anyway.”
without any other words, she left, leaving him with a sword he didn’t know how to use.
carefully, he undid the latch and pulled off the sheath, revealing a smooth silver blade. it was simple, with a basic cross guard and a neat edge, but he still felt intimidated by the razor-sharp edge. his specialty was with alchemy, not with blade-work… surely rhine knew that?
albedo flipped the sword over and blinked at the engraving along the center of the blade. wouldn’t it make sense to have it on both sides?
he brought it closer to his face, squinting a bit to make out the words. it was an old sword, evidently, and it showed in the faded marks.
‘as the creator forged, so too do i serve.’
albedo stared.
though the words were blurry and indistinct, he was certain that was what it said. but what did it mean? there it was again, the mention of this ‘creator’, this time on a blade? was it a title, referencing the blacksmith? surely that was what ‘forged’ was there for…
at the sound of footsteps he quickly put the sword back in its sheath, deciding to shelve the thought for later.
rhinedottir came up besides him, chest heaving with effort. one of her hands was carefully cupped, a yellowish slime in her hands. “alright, i’ve got the condensate. whats your idea?”
“the inscription says to take the shortest path and to repeatedly-“
“albedo, the elemental energy in this thing isn’t gonna last.”
ah…. “top right, middle left, bottom left, middle right, bottom right, top left.”
she nodded, walking towards the domain. carefully, she smeared the slime over the sigils in the order he told, each glowing brighter as she went. as every sigil lit up, the path connecting it to the center sigil seeped with energy, flowing down to the middle. when the last of the condensate was pushed into the final sigil, the center one glowed as well, pulsing brightly. with a loud and heavy crack, he domain doors split open, falling inward.
rhinedottir was crouched, wiping the remainder of the slime onto the grass, and she stared at the doors
“you did it.”
warm pride bloomed in albedo’s chest. he had.
he helped her up and she picked up her bag of supplies, but turned to him instead of the door, a stern expression on her face.
“now, albedo, you need to stay close to me, alright? don’t stray off or wander, and if you get lost stay put and shout. domains are dangerous things, and frequently filled with monsters. this one should be empty, but in the case that it isn’t… just don’t go poking around where you shouldn’t.”
he nodded, clutching his sheathed sword a little tighter. a satisfied flicker of a smile crossed rhinedottir’s face before she turned, delving into the domain.
he followed dutifully, making sure to stick to her side. it was hard not to ask to stop and look at a carving on a wall, or an inset of gold upon a door, but the idea of her irritation kept his curiosity at bay. they made their way over mossy and cracked stones, occasionally pushing through creaky, rotten doors or climbing over fallen stone. the air itself felt ancient, important, and he wondered why rhinedottir was searching this one. she want one for history, but surely there wasn’t anything of value here…
they stopped in front of a large door, remarkably intact for the state of the rest of the domain. it was simple, blank, and the only visible mechanism of opening it were the four levers, two on each side.
rhinedottir put her hands on her hips, huffing. “there’s only two of us.”
albedo looked around the room, spotting a large pile of debris and not much else. a plan began to form in his head, a rough draft of possibility, and he wrapped the strap of the sheath around his waist to free his hands. the sword was odd and uncomfortable, but it stayed.
rhine spoke before he could, “any ideas?”
he cleared his throat, carefully stepping forward to see if she would stop him.
she didn’t.
he approached the lever closest to him, noting the large ball on the end for grip. carefully, he pushed down, surprised to see it gave with little effort. the mechanics were likely rusted and tired, unable to provide the resistance it used to, or maybe the weights had snapped off due to their ropes rotting… whatever the case, it made his job easier.
he let it go, watching it ease back into position, and turned around.
“how heavy is your bag?”
at first, her eyes lit up, but they quickly dimmed. “the angle of the levers is too sharp, it’ll just slide down.”
he shook his head. “no. the levers don’t exert enough force rising up to counter your bag, provided it’s heavy enough. as long as we push it down first, it’ll stay.”
she hesitated, holding the bag tighter, but eventually caved. as she walked over, albedo pushed down the lever again, moving to the other side of it so she could hook her bag on it. her hands hovered around it as he removed his hand, but it held.
a smile spread across her face, and she looked up eagerly. “we need one more.”
albedo turned to the pile of debris and took off his jacket, laying it out on the ground. carefully, he fills it with stone, tying the sleeves together into a handle and carefully hoisting it up. a few rocks slip, but he can tell just by holding it that it’ll work fine.
rhine gets his plan and lowers the lever for him, letting him hang the jacket on it. together, they move to the other side of the door, taking their own levers. creator and creation, in sync, pushing down the levers to a domain.
when the door creaks open, albedo turns to her in joy, delighted at the show of cooperation-
rhinedottir brushes past him, pulling her bag off the lever as she walks past.
the doors begin to slide close and albedo rushes to slip between them, leaving his jacket hanging in his haste, and shivers at the cold in the new room.
it’s dark, more so when the doors shut with a bang. the only light is a pale blue in front of him, the shadow of rhinedottir outlined within it. she’s peering down at something, her bag dropped at her side.
the floor is covered in something dark, something that floats when he kicks at it. he crouched, careful not to touch it, and sees they’re… feathers. thousands and thousands of feathers, littering the floor and walls. they’re large, smooth, as if all the feathers on an impossibly large bird had simply… fallen off.
the sound of a zipper draws his attention, and he looks over, standing. the source of the blue light is gone, the light now white and coming from a headlamp on rhinedottir’s head. she’s zipping up her bag, a self-satisfied smile on her face. “i should have brought you sooner, your skills are a pretty good tool.”
the air went cold.
ice quickly crawled through albedo’s veins, faster than it would naturally just from the chill. an unnatural, frozen mass settled in his stomach, fed the more he turned over rhinedottir’s words in his mind.
she didn’t seem to notice, busying herself with brushing off feathers from a door in the corner, but albedo couldn’t shake it off as easily as she did.
why did it bother him so much?
the walk back to the lab was cold, both because he had left his jacket and because it was nearing nighttime. the lamp on rhine’s head was the only source of light, forcing him to walk behind her and keep his eyes trained on the floor to watch where she stepped. now that it was dark, he could see that something in her bag was glowing, blue light barely edging through the gaps in her zippers. she’s taken something from the domain, but what?
he didn’t notice when they arrived, too lost in his thoughts, only pulled out by the sudden warmth around him. he shut and locked the door and watched as rhine goes through her normal routine. boots off, coat off, bag in hand, and it’s only when she pushes open her door that he takes a step and realizes a problem.
she pauses, slight annoyance flashing for a brief moment across her face. “what?”
albedo undoes the loop of the sheath, holding up the sword, but she shakes her head.
“keep it. you’ll need it later.”
without another word, her door closes, the silent click of the lock solidifying the barrier between them.
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the next day is wrong.
it’s the only way he can describe it. there’s a tension in the air he can’t quite understand.
he’s cold even under his blanket, and he thinks about putting on his jacket only to remember he doesn’t have it. the floor is cold, and he shivers as he walks to his door.
the fire is out, which explains why the room is so cold, but it still feels empty beyond that. everything is in its place, nothing is overtly missing, but…
albedo grabs a lighter and some tinder, crouching besides the fireplace and relighting it. sparks fly and flame catches, and he stays for a moment to warm up, looking around the room. snow has swept in besides the door, which makes him frown. why would rhine leave again so soon after a discovery?
the fire crackles and pops to life, and he stands, backing away a bit so he doesn’t get burned.
what’s wrong?
why does the room feel so empty?
he turns, intending to check the small table by her door where she sometimes leaves him notes, but his attention catches on his desk.
it’s mostly as it was when they left the day before, with one vital exception: a large and thick book, weighing down two envelopes.
if he had a heart, he had a feeling it cracked.
he feels… a word comes to mind, dread, but he doesn’t understand it, not fully. his breath picks up as he approaches the book, as his shaking hand brushes over the print of his name in his master’s handwriting and he feels cold.
‘albedo,’ it reads. nothing more. nothing less.
his chest feels tight, his mind running rampant as it tries desperately to catalogue, define, and diagnose whatever makes him feel so nervous.
carefully, cautiously, albedo pulls the envelope from beneath the leather bound book, feeling afraid.
he pulls out his stool and sits, mostly so he doesn’t feel as nauseous, and rips open the letter, pulling out the twin sheets of paper inside. its… small. the ‘paragraphs’ are barely a line or two long, yet the handful of sentences feel like they’re being forced into his mind by chisel.
I have found what I have been looking for. Locked within the domain we searched was the Heart of Naberius, and I have no further matters to attend to here.
Go to Mondstadt. Find my old friend, Alice, and give her the recommendation letter. Then, complete your final assignment. Any other projects you were working on prior are now void; consider this to be the only one that matters.
Your final assignment: show me the truth and the meaning of this world.
— Gold
he reads and rereads the words over and over again, but they don’t stick. his hands are shaking, worse now, and something in his chest begins to hurt. he checks the other page but only finds a map, the backs of both papers empty. nothing more. nothing less.
albedo drops the papers, if only to read them without the words shaking, but finds that his sight has begun to blur. he wipes the water from his eyes and tries again, and again, and again to understand what’s written in the letter.
rhinedottir always said that if he didn’t perform well she would simply leave; was this the end result of that? had he failed to keep up with the pace she had silently set? was there some silent cue he was meant to follow, something to direct him to the answers she wanted quicker than he would organically find them? was he meant to be quicker, more efficient, was he meant to find things at such an inhuman pace because he was never truly human to begin with?
‘kreideprinz,’ she says (nothing more, nothing less), pretending as if the title from his ‘childhood’ wasn’t something he had clearly failed to earn if she had left, if he had somehow failed. ‘recommendation letter,’ for an ‘old friend,’ as if she hadn’t stopped talking about her after the incident with klee, never inviting them back no matter how many times albedo subtly hinted alice might be able to help her.
even as he stands, as his mind registers the command of his final assignment, a large portion of his mental space is taken up by the instincts she drilled into him, desperately attempting to make sense of at least something.
maybe it’s hunger, his thoughts nudge, but he’s never had the largest appetite to begin with, and accidentally skipping days of meals while he was focused on a project never made his stomach hurt like it did now. he feels- he doesn’t know how he feels, he could stop and sit and think for a year but never know. the words he’s searching for are out of his reach, blurry, unknown to him even as he feels them all the same. he knows that it’s likely some sort of panic response, the ever-analytical sector of his mind forever chugging away and collecting data on his own feelings, but he doesn’t know why.
he pulled a bag from his closet, blankly running through a checklist his brain pulled from thin air. the book rhinedottir left him was tucked into a pocket, the letter put away while the map stayed out. ‘mondstat,’ she said. he’d heard about it from alice—made sense, he was supposed to go there to see her—but while the name was familiar, he still didn’t know where it was.
he’d packed. nearly all of his belongings were tucked within the bag, save for maybe a few of the early textbooks he studied from simply due to space and weight. still, even as he set it on his desk and stared at the map, reading the names yet not registering the information, he didn’t feel ready.
feel. the word was beginning to lose meaning.
he felt things he didn’t understand and didn’t feel what he thought he should. he wasn’t angry that she left without warning, nor sad at the lack of assignments or the vagueness of the one he did receive. he wasn’t resentful—a word that hardly applied to him anyway—because she had left before she reviewed something he’d submitted to her. he wasn’t anything he knew, and everything he didn’t.
he was just… hollow.
albedo wiped the tears from his eyes and made an effort to read the map, understanding only the location of the lab, the marker designating north, and the city labeled mondstat. he folded the map and put it in his pocket, pulling a lab coat over his shoulders and hefting the bag. the door was cold, the wind outside even colder, and as he stared at the key in his palm, he wondered if it was even worth it to lock the door.
metal twisted within metal.
the chalk prince crumbled.
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the first thing albedo noticed about mondstat was that it was tall.
buildings stretched higher than he’d ever seen, walls so tall he had to look up to see the guards patrolling along the top, bows in hand.
the second was that it was an island.
he checked the map rhine left him—and blocked out the part of his mind still documenting the bitterness in the back of his throat, wondering if it was emotion or illness—and upon further inspection, if he squinted.. the blurry lines revealed there was in fact water around the city.
he folded it away. at least he knows he has the right place?
he steps from the treeline where he’d been resting, pulling the familiar weight of his bag i’ve this shoulders and-
he freezes, barely a foot from the shade of the whispering woods.
he turns, slowly, and sees red within one of the bushes. bright, a hat on top of a red coat, blonde twin tails broken up by specks of grass caught within them. the clover charm on klee’s hat caught the light, shining, and a warm pressure built up in his throat.
he can’t stop the way his voice almost cracks, strained with his journey (he’s alone) and the realization he’s been avoiding (maybe he was meant to be)
she lights up upon recognizing his voice, quickly rushing from the bush to latch herself onto his side. her arms wrap around him, and he tentatively sets one of his on her hat, unsure where to put it.
(her hair reminds him of rhinedottir’s, of the time she spent meticulously washing dust and debris from it after a long journey, of the blades of grass she flicked into the fire as she braided it away, tying it with a bright red ribbon alice had gifted her)
“klee’s so happy to see you! what are you doing here? where’s your mom? are you here to stay? oh, can i show you my new dodoco?”
albedo picked through her questions in his mind, deciding which would be safe ones to answer. “i’m here for your mother, alice. i’m… to deliver a letter to her.”
klee backed away, fitting her thumbs under her backpack straps. “klee can take you to her! i was going back to the city anyways.”
he glanced at the forest. “what were you doing there?”
her face suddenly flushed a bright pink, eyes flashing with what he assumed was embarrassment before she rushed forward, taking him by the hand and walking at a shockingly fast pace for somebody so young. “don’t worry about it!”
albedo had a feeling he should.
nonetheless, he followed, letting her lead up up to and across the bridge. it was empty, an eerie feeling settling over it as he walked. he wasn’t sure why; maybe it was the imposing height of the walls? maybe it was the guards in front of the gate, swords at their sides?
(suddenly, he was aware of the blade hanging at his side that rhinedottir had given him. had she known that would be the last time they met? or had she intended to teach him how to wield it?)
(he’s not sure which is more unbelievable)
the guard on the left brought his hand up in what albedo could only assume was some form of salute, in the process slightly blocking their path. “klee. who is with you?”
“this is albedo! he’s the son of a friend of mama’s, and klee’s friend too!”
the knight scanned him up and down, lingering slightly on his sword.
(would he have the heart to hand it over? would he feel better without a reminder of her, or worse that he’d give it up so easily?)
the guard eventually settled with a second salute, dipping slightly in a half-bow. “mondstat welcomes you, strange yet respectable traveler. please state your identity and purpose; the knight of favonius are here to ensure your safety.”
‘knights of favonius’… the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t tell why. maybe from one of alice’s tales?
still, he dipped his own head in greeting, partially to stall. ‘identity’…
“i am albedo… disciple of rhinedottir in the study of alchemy. i am here to deliver a letter to alice, klee’s mother.”
klee looked up at him with a pout. “you’re not staying longer? what happened to all the things we were going to do?”
he didn’t remember ever committing to anything prior. “that isn’t my choice, klee. even if i wished to stay, i have nowhere to.”
the knight cleared his throat before the conversation could continue. “according to the knights of favonius handbook, we are to accompany travelers through the city as needed…”
“it’s okay mr. knight! klee knows her way around the city! i can take albedo to mama and then show him around.”
the knights were clearly uneasy about the prospect, likely because of klee’s age, but eventually nodded, moving back to their posts.
“mondstat welcomes you.”
klee quickly pulled him forward again, into the city, a quick ‘thank you!’ thrown over her shoulder that was likely lost in the sea of noise.
mondstat was loud. and full. more people than he’d ever seen in his entire life were gathered in just the simple courtyard she pulled him through, the calls of venders and the orders of customers melding together into an indecipherable mess. he was thankful she took him to the side, up a staircase, if only to get away from the massive crowds.
“mama is at a meeting with the knights right now, which is good! you can bring her your letter and get help from the knights at the same time,” klee explained, slowing down slightly from all the stairs. no wonder the walls were giant: so was the rest of the city.
he tugged her back, slowing to a stop. “klee, i don’t think i’ll need the help of the knights. if alice is in a meeting, then we shouldn’t bother her.”
“who said i was in a meeting?”
klee moved faster than he did, turning towards her mothers voice and running towards her, attaching to her side much in the same way she did to him. the thought pulled the corners of his lips into a smile.
alice laughed, catching her daughter easily. “hello, little clover.” she looked up, shock and recognition pooling in her eyes. “albedo? what are you doing here? is rhinedottir with you?”
his muscles tensed at the mention of her name, the memories of the past week of travel threatening to bubble up. he swallowed them down and hoped his voice wasn’t shaky, “no, but i’m to bring you a letter from her.”
alice’s eyes moved to his shoulders, to the large bag he’d been carrying. “are you staying here?”
“…i don’t know.”
her face twisted with something, and she turned her attention to klee before he could ask.
“clover, could you do me a favor?”
klee stepped back, “of course! what is it?”
“i need to read over albedo’s letter and sort some other things out, okay? while i do that, could you show him around the city? he’s never been here, and i’m sure he’d love for you to help him get his bearings.”
klee nodded, clearly excited, and alice walked around her to him. he pulled the letter from his pocket, but she reached for his bag instead. “let me take this.”
“that’s not necessary, i-“
“-have nowhere to go, albedo. i’ll hold your things while you walk with klee.”
something earnest and soft cradled her words, a care to the way she smiled at him when he caved and handed over his bag. he felt lighter without it.
before he could think about it further, alice was gone and klee had taken his hand in hers again, tugging on it.
“albedo? are you okay? you look upset.”
he tried for a smile. “i was just thinking about something. where do you want to go first?”
she studied him for a moment, squinting slightly, before apparently coming to a decision.
“we’ll go to the cathedral first. mama always says that if you ask the creator really nicely you’ll sometimes get help with whatever your problem is, and you look like you have a lot of problems!”
there it was again, that title…
she began to walk before he could say anything, taking him up let another flight of stairs. this one was longer, curving, and gave him time to figure out how to phrase what he wanted.
she turned, but didn’t so much as slow, “hm?”
“who’s the creator? you left before you could say last time.”
klee did stop this time, so abruptly he nearly ran into her.
“how do you not know? everybody knows.”
she spoke with a mix of confusion and… something akin to indignation, so strange coming from somebody so young that by the time he registered her words, she had pulled him along again, faster.
“everybody knows,” she mumbled to herself. “everybody. the grand master asks for guidance and captain kaeya for wisdom, mama prays for knowledge and klee asks for inspiration. how do you not know?”
he felt bad, somehow, even though it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know. he knew that, he wasn’t a fool, it wasn’t his fault, it was…
(flashes of blonde hair flicker in his mind, the sharp command to ‘try again, and get it right this time’ echoing in his mind. already, it felt like a year ago he last saw her)
(could be truly blame her when his mistakes were his fault?)
klee leads him up to a large building—‘cathedral,’ he remembers—but takes him past the large doors, to the back. at the end, behind it all, was a small park-like space, large stones spaces equally across the space. the stones are carved with words, but she doesn’t let him get closer to read it.
she pointed, and he followed, jumping slightly at what he saw. against the back wall of the cathedral, seeming oddly at rest for being carved of stone, was a large statue. the pedestal it sat on was simple, but littered with offerings, the flowers looking fresh. if he had to guess, it was likely a shrine of sorts, probably to-
“that’s the creator.”
ah. he’d thought as much.
klee sat him down in front of the shrine, beginning to tell a story. it’s simple, one told to children, but it’s gets the message across to him.
the creator was to teyvat what rhinedottir was to him. divine hands shaped the mountains and plains, breathing life into the soil. the very purest form of creation, forming something- forming everything from nothing, the smallest of flowers and largest of trees planted with barely a thought. rivers cut through the earth at will, every blade of grass placed by the hand of the one that made it.
klee told a story of the birth of the universe, of the colors on an invisible pallet that painted the planets and dotted the sky with stars. she sat on stone and fiddled with her dodoco, her voice never wavering as she repeated everything she was told, graciously filling albedo in.
in return, albedo untied the sword at his side, laying it down in front of the shrine. the blade felt uncharacteristically heavy, his hands cold, but he still set it down gently.
it was a lot of information, but he managed, carefully filing everything away as the way he viewed the world slowly changed. it made sense; everything had to come from somewhere, after all.
he looked not at the sheath, but through it, at the inscription along the center. ‘as the creator forged, so too do i serve.’
perhaps he and the blade were more similar than he thought.
no bladesmith made a weapon without a purpose. no alchemist dedicated years to a project only to stop when they reached the final product. nothing was made without being tested, nothing was alive without being taught, no sword was made without an edge.
and yet, somebody had to teach the smith. somebody had to guide their hammer to the stool, their hands along a sharpening stone, trained them in the skills of polishing and oiling. no god created an art without a an artist, and no teacher let their pupil loose without granting them the skills to continue the craft.
no tool existed without intention. no smith existed without their mentor prior, nor without their own student to teach.
rhinedottir may have abandoned him, but his creator never would. they would not let him be set loose without purpose, nor discarded without reason. he could tell, simply by sitting in front of the marble statue, that this was the case.
he could feel it in the wind. in the gentle breeze they guided, sweeping his worth from his shoulders. in the ground beneath him, that never grew uncomfortable. he could sense the subtle presence of the creator, the way the grass seemed to point towards the pedestal of the statue or how the sun seemed a little less harsh back here making it evident. albedo could feel the creator’s intentions as his eyes moved back to the sword, to the reminder of rhine that bore a carved reminder of them, feel the reassurance in the etched words. amidst the sea of confusion surrounding rhinedottir’s disappearance, they had appeared, stretching a hand to pull him out and back ashore, to the banks of stability.
albedo reached back.
they felt warm.
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rhineposting · 3 months
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reveriedreamworld · 2 days
Chapter one of my rhine story; first time fully writing her so!
‘’I am not your mother- I am your master.’’
When he first heard those words, it left him confused. If she created him, doesn’t that make her his mother? Wouldn’t that make him her son? but she made it quite clear how she was going to treat him. She was right.
Today was another one of those days. As hesat, she used some kind of magic to make a non physical record of his statistics.
He looks away from her, hands behind his back, not saying anything
”No need to look so down in the dumps.” Her voice was laced with cold amusement at his expression as she finished writing something on her desk. She stood up and walked over to stand right in front of him.
”You’re being useful. That’s all that matters.” She tilted his chin up with her thin, cold fingers with a grip of steel before letting go and standing back up.
���Now, tell me how this experiment made you feel.” She held up what was previously just a list of statistics and now seemed to be some type of analysis.
“Cold. Like I was covered in snow. And dizzy. Felt like I hit my head.”
”Interesting. What about your emotions?” As usual, her eyes glittered with a kind of cruel curiosity that was just how she was.
She had done this a thousand times before, but it was still somehow intriguing to her. It was almost like she lived to see and test these things.
“…The best way I can describe it….numb. Just really really numb.”
”Numb?” Rhinedottir seemed surprised for a moment. ”Perhaps that was a result of the experiment? Or….” Her interest was piqued. It made her seem like a curious child.
She reached out a hand and touched his neck, checking his pulse. Her fingers were cold as ice as usual. And for whatever reason, he almost leans into the touch.
”…Hm.” She was focused, but the coldness of her expression lessened a bit. She continued the touch, running a thumb over his cheek in a way that was more gentle than usual. As she continued, her eyes seemed to brighten with interest. This wasn’t just numb indifference anymore. He looks up at her tiredly, his blue eyes dull
”…” Rhinedottir’s heart leapt into her throat for a second, something the blonde never seen from her before.
A pause, and she pulled back her hand as if she had been burned. That single moment was the most warmth that Rhinedottir had ever displayed, and it quickly vanished as her usual cold expression and demeanour returned. She quickly walked back to her desk, not looking at him.
”…Get some rest.” She forced out, refusing to look back at him.
She felt a lump form in her throat, as she clenched her fists. She shouldn’t care…it wasn’t her business. But the memory of that single moment of contact and the feeling of that single word felt as if it had burned itself into her mind, and she couldn’t get rid of it no matter what.
She couldn’t get rid of the feeling of warmth and humanity.
It disgusted her.
It wasn’t her.
She couldn’t feel this way.
How was it possible that the smallest moment of humanity still felt so disgusting to her?
She sat at her desk for hours, looking down at her work in front of her…but not doing a single thing.
The sound of the word “mother” echoed in her mind over and over. That had never happened before. What if it changed something? What if it affected her results? Not to mention, what if her…whatever he was, towards her research, changed anything?
Her work was her entire life…if something was going to threaten it, then she would have to get rid of that something. However…that idea seemed increasingly painful right now.
Rhinedottir’s mind was filled with conflicting thoughts and conflicted emotions. She wasn’t used to this. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was the master here. She was the one in control.
Everything should have been under her control. She should have been able to disregard those feelings. So why did it feel so wrong? So terrible?
She had never given that feeling in herself a name. No doubt, if she tried to describe it to someone else, they would say it was a mother’s love…but that just didn’t make sense. You didn’t love experiments. They were for learning, advancing, and growing. You didn’t love them like children. She couldn’t accept that it was love, not at all.
Yet, there was no denying it either. As she ran a trembling hand over her face, she felt her eyes start to moisten with tears. It made her sick.
She banged her head on the desk.
She was going to be sick.
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oathofkaslana · 11 months
albedo and klee are like: i know so much abt life and nothing abt living except when i look at you i feel like i know and i feel like i understand because you, my little sister, radiate life.
albedo and klee are like: i don't always understand you because you're so so smart and so much older than me but i do know that i love you and don't like it when you're sad and i love you okay!
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dkniade · 1 month
I’ve always wondered what this cheerful and super upbeat vibe in Contemplation in Snow represents
But while listening to it with my eyes closed and thinking about Albedo just now, I realized:
It represents Klee and her positive influence on him, doesn’t it
(And then Klee’s leitmotif literally shows up at the very end of the track)
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gold-rhine · 1 year
hm.. kaeya, albedo, and childe for mirror sex, begging, and exhibitionism? tried to avoid the ones I've already seen asked with Albedo, since a couple of my first ideas were (if one of these is accidentally repetitive... your choice I guess??)
warnings nsfw
don't worry about making it repetitive, as long as there are other characters, the whole point of this game is mix and matching :)
actually i think each of them can be fun with each prompt, so instead of usual process of elimination, i'm just gonna go in order of hotness, and since i'm biased, it starts with the prettiest and the only character in genshin impact. fucking kaeya in front of a mirror would be insanely delicious. this is the shit devils are tempting saints with. tying him up wearing nothing but his choker, gorgeous and lithe in half-shadows and slanted moonlight, highlights in his hair turning silver where the light touches them. meeting his eyes in the mirror while fucking him and he smiles, a slow lop-sided smirk, filthy and pleased. making him fuck himself on your cock\strap, and he's shameless, in fact, he's posing, arching to look more seductive, but sometimes, when it suddenly gets too real, teeth scraping on the side of his exposed neck, cock hitting just the right spot, fingers digging into his thighs, when his composure wavers, he meets his own eyes in the mirror both to check that he let nothing show and to make sure he's being the same perfect fantasy. imma stop here bc i plan to sometime write an actual piece on kaeya's relationship with sex as the performance and watching himself in the mirror both to evaluate his own performance and make sure partner enjoys it, the struggle with being watched, but not seen.
albedo is breathless, overwhelmed, so used to feel in control that he doesn't know how to handle so much desire, so he reaches to you, almost as for help, despite you being the one who inflicted this on him. "please" as if "i don't know what do with myself, but i trust you to know", bright blue eyes wide open. "please what?", stroking the tender inner sides of his open thighs, and he swallows, but doesn't look away, doesn't blush, bites his lip with a concentrated little frown "Please fuck me. What do you want me to say that you don't already know? You know I want this badly enough to say anything, you've brought me to this on purpose. What would exact words matter?"
childe is so into exhibitionism, like have you met this whore. what the fuck is that half-open jacket on the naked torso. his shirt is like literally closed on only one button up top. that's ridiculous. tartag, wear some fucking undershirt. and this is not the same as geo men's straightforward sluttiness with crop tops or just being shirtless, no, childe wants to have some intrigue, to pretend it's a tease. except he doesn't have patience or self-control to be a tease, so he's like one step above the flashers. oh i'm srs business fatui, i'm wearing a srs bsns suit, it just happened to be dangling on a single clasp and showing off my abs wink wink. shut up, you whore, no one is buying that shit. if i met him in public and he introduced himself as "toy salesman", i'd think he's gonna try to sell me some vibrators by demonstrating them on himself right there. hold still girlie, im taking a dick pic. ok this somehow derailed into tartag slutshaming, but to be fair, if you made him undress somewhere where there's a chance he could be seen and then just kept telling him what a pathetic whore he is, he'd come untouched in ten minutes flat, which would be too soon bc i didn't even get to the fact that he's 11th harbringer and after signora and scara are out, there are only like 9 ppl left in harbringers AT ALL, what kind of LOSER do u have to be, so he'll have to keep standing on his knees, covered in cum, like a cringeslut failwhore he is
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venti-death-watch · 1 year
kinda interesting to me how presumably pretty much all the known hexenzirkel is from mond/khaenri’ah/snezhnaya. like:
- alice lives in mond.
- rhindottir is from khaenri’ah.
- barbeloth is probably from mond. (i see a lot of people saying fontaine, but due to mond’s barbatos/barb naming conventions i’d guess mona is from fontaine and her mentor was at the very least named in mond.)
- nicole is probably from mond or fontaine (more because of current genshin names per nation more than anything else).
- i. ivanovna is from snezhnaya.
- andersdotter is probably from khaenri’ah or mond (or descended from sal vindagnyr).
genshin really said ‘powerful women belong in cold climates/former cold climates’ huh
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monards · 7 months
I don't know if it's the symbiosis lore influencing my perception of Rhine and Albedo; but a little part of me realllyyyy hopes Albedo was right when he thought Rhine wanted him to live a good life.
Because it's like, when you remember stuff; typically you remember it how you saw it at the time. Like when you saw a math problem in the 3rd grade and didn't understand it; you may learn how to do it, but you still don't understand that scenario's math problem because that's the impression in your head. And a tiny part of me is praying that's how Albedo is imagining Rhine.
He had no life experience when he was with her, so it's not like he knew how to fully judge Rhine correctly. Like, if your mom- who disappeared suddenly- was being cold and just mean before leaving, no duh you'd still call her cold and mean years later. That's how you felt in the moment, so that's how you'd continue to judge her now because it's not like you have any other experiences to go off of.
But now Albedo DOES have life experience to go off of. He's seen other mothers and parents. Like Alice; she's a good mother to Klee in many ways-- she does everything to make her happy, dotes over her, makes sure she can always have someone to look up to; but she's still not the best mother by a VERY long shot. She still left Klee in mond all alone with only Albedo and the knights, and she's definitely neglectful by letting her play with bombs. But in the end, that doesn't mean she's a completely horrible mother. And it's like, when you put that logic up to Rhine; it checks out. Because even if he hasn't seen Rhine since she left him with Alice; he can still look back at those experiences beforehand with a different lense.
Rhine obviously realized by now that kindness has done nothing for anyone she's cared for in life. Elynas & Durin-- who literally gush over her being a good mother, and who she wanted to have good lives and see all of humanity (or at least she says she did), were both very brutally murdered and their bodies are literally only considered apart of the terrain now; no respect, no love, and most certainly no happy ending. But other's like the riftwolves, who she didn't give a second glance to, thrived. The riftwolves literally have an entire ISLAND they just sorta live on in peace; waiting for her. So obviously; at the point of Albedo, she probably in some very messed up way thought, 'hey. maybe if i'm a horrible person, albedo will also not end up being absolutely hammered for whatever reason.' and, hey; that's EXACTLY what happened, AND IT WORKED!!! Rhinedottir did love Albedo (albeit in a VERY skewed way) and she did what she thought was best for him; even if it definitely wasn't.
Albedo was made to be human, and to experience the world and all it had; and in her eyes, the best way for him to achieve that was without her.
(I'm so tired. I don't think this makes any sense but I can't go to bed unless i post it.)
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sleepless-rants · 3 months
"Durin this", "albedo that" when are we gonna talk about the one horned white horse in cinnabar spindle lore?
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is it refering to subject two (which desperately needs a symbolism deep dive because holy shit) or did rhine just feel like making a unicorn too at some point
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aeroblossom · 5 months
sooo, not sure how many people know evangelion here, but i'm pretty sure albedo is at least partly inspired by kaworu nagisa.
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they both share the same birth date - september 13th. hoyoverse are passionate, passionate evangelion fans, so i doubt it's a coincidence. they've also based much of scaramouche on shinji ikari. both albedo and kaworu are artificial beings of sorts, and shinji and scaramouche have a similar theme of being betrayed and used by the people around them. they also just kinda have a similar temperament? philosophical, observant, a bit flirtatious if you see it like that, searching for their purpose for being born.
but going into more tinfoil hat territory, in one of my earlier posts i described how the albedo stage of alchemy could correspond to the second orthant - soul. and wouldn't you know, kaworu nagisa was created by an organization called seele. seele being german for 'soul'.
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cake-wlk · 1 year
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