shanemcretro · 3 months
GAHT Blood Test Results February 2024
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A few milestones have been achieved this month. I’ve reached my third month of gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) and was able to get an estradiol implant (200mg, compounded). I kicked pregabalin as it wasn’t helping with my anxiety symptoms – but was helping with sleep… I also ceased indometacin successfully. Hemicrania continua is not being so continua now.
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My phosphates, calcium and ALT levels. Ahhh yes. Let’s start with the ALT. My ALT was easy to fix, cease indometacin. I also took some milk thistle to help keep the old liver in tip top shape – with interesting consequences. I’ll circle back to this one later!
Phosphates and calcium, I do wonder if this is actually a bad thing to have lower numbers on these. A ionised calcium test was ordered and found to be in range, but so were my other calcium stats – this time. I’d only changed my calcium vitamin to a non-plant-based formula as I don’t get much calcium from milk. i.e. I don’t drink milk. End result – calcium levels are OK for now.
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Now phosphates are in everything, it should be difficult to ingest this in low amounts. Thankfully, I have a good history owing to low blood iron and phosphate levels were ordered as a complementary test most of the time. Using this data we can see that I tend to be on the lower side of things. But since starting GAHT, record new lows. Some potential answers could be here and here.
My theory is either my spirulina (cyanobacteria) infused multivitamin is causing lowered calcium and phosphate levels leading to improved bone density. This could perhaps explain the historically lower phosphate levels as I’ve taken this particular multivitamin for a few years now. Then we have this (potato) gem from the second article.
Estrogen therapy (ET) is associated with lower serum calcium and phosphorus concentrations and is known to increase bone mineral density (BMD).
Estrogen and progesterone are very good at not causing osteoporosis. Menopause is a great example of what happens when hormones are absent and why hormone replacement therapy exists for older assigned female at birth (AFAB) people. This puts my mind at ease and we’ll be rechecking in three months.
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Oh iron, sweet, sweet iron. I mean each blood test takes five vials of blood? I’ve given up on blood donations so we can rule that one out and it’s nothing cancer-related so… diet? To keep my ferritin (iron stores) up I’ll be taking 210 mg of elemental iron every other morning one hour before food. This maximises absorption as hepcidin, the enzyme that tells the iron to stay or go, is still sleepy.
Of course vitamin C can override this too if daily dosing was needed. As my levels haven’t reached critical yet, and I don’t enjoy the undesirable GI side effects of iron therapy, every other day gives me roughly half the issues! 😅
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Onto hormones! Errrrr… why did prolactin double and zip outside the reference range in the space of two months. The GP wasn’t sure why and the endocrinologist said it’s not an issue unless it’s triple that number. I had a peek into some literature and pregnant women can have this level between 1000 and 8000 mIU/L. Remembering that pregnant women are not going to have those levels forever.
So what caused mine to spike? I believe it might have been the milk thistle I was taking to fix that pesky liver up from the indometacin damage. Information here, here and here. This has been ceased now so it should drop back within the reference range next blood test. Hold up, I was just reading this again.
In animals, milk thistle has been shown to stimulate bone mineralization. However, how it affects humans is currently unknown.
Hmmm, I wonder if my calcium and phosphate levels will also increase on next blood test without milk thistle supplementation. Something to look forward to as I was only on milk thistle for two weeks.
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Ahh yes traditional sex hormones. One of the more interesting to look analyse. Keep in mind that all my blood tests are done in the trough – which should indicate the lowest concentrations.
On 6 mg oral estradiol valerate (2 mg thrice daily) and estradiol gel (Sandrena brand estradiol 0.1% gel 1g sachets twice daily) I scored a lovely 764 pmol/L. Previously with pill therapy (6 mg) it came in at 364 pmol/L. So a decent jump for just a bit of gel. Good result, so good in fact, I now I have two pellet implants (100mg each) in my left buttock for 200 mg of estradiol. It will be interesting to see how that stabilises over the next three months as they can fluctuate a bit early on.
On the progesterone (P4) front, folks tend to take it after being on estradiol for around 12 months. My endocrinologist doesn’t see any issue with starting it earlier. In AFAB puberty, estradiol peaks before progesterone even appears on the scene. Then again I am not exactly AFAB, so past performance may not be indicative of future performance.
For me, I see progesterone a counterweight against what is intended to be high-dose estrogen. With progesterone in the mix my skin is less dry which was one of my biggest gripes about estrogen monotherapy.
At least one of the metabolites produced, allopregnanolone, is a neurosteroid that acts on the GABAnergic system when taken orally – in a good way, I think. Interestingly enough in a similar way to alcohol, benzodiazepines and even to a lesser degree, pregabalin. Lesser degree in that pregabalin doesn’t touch the GABA receptors themselves, and instead mess with other systems that have a flow on effect to the GABAnergic system.
Oh I could ramble on for days about this sort of thing. Let’s look at the level itself. 9.1 nmol/L. Alright, that’s in the trough still so that’s quite good. Last dose would have been 12 hours ago. It puts me somewhere between pre-ovulation and mid-cycle. I have since doubled the dose on my endocrinologists recommendation.
There are other routes of administration (ROA) for progesterone, butt (ha!), my current compounded powder (200mg twice daily) is not compatible. I would need to purchase the non-compounded version to do that, and it’s not on my radar at this point in time as it is quite expensive.
Converting my 9.1 nmol/L to a US-friendly unit of 2.6 ng/mL helps locate where I am on these charts, you can see where I fit in. You’ll also maybe note that progesterone via the rectal ROA results in markedly different levels of progesterone, allopregnanolone and pregnanolone.
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Which leads us onto finasteride which is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor (5ARI). It stops this particular enzyme (5-alpha reductase) from doing what it wants to do. This is primarily used to stop testosterone (T) conversion to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
For assigned male at birth (AMAB) people, DHT gives you the gift of male pattern baldness provided you have the correct set of genes. As a transgender woman, I don’t really want to be bald if I can avoid it. So I started taking finasteride early on. However progesterone and finasteride both inhibit the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. And the finasteride, as it turns out affects a little more than just the 5AR enzyme.
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Remember our little friend allopregnanolone from earlier? Blocked. What about isopregnanolone. Blocked. Finasteride is really quite a dirty drug with lots of off-target activity.
I’ve deemed it as unnecessary for the same reason I don’t take any testosterone blockers, such as cyproterone acetate or spironolactone. We’re going for estrogen dominance here. Women do have testosterone, but it isn’t the dominant sex hormone.
It is unclear if there is any added benefit to taking one of these medicines once your testosterone levels have been reduced into the female range through the use of other blockers.
The science behind it all is always a work in progress. But for now let’s keep that key phrase – estrogen dominance; the female hormone range, at the front of our minds.
If the presence of DHT makes male pattern baldness progress… what happens once I cease finasteride, will it also resume? Well, that’s where the next set of blood results come in.
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Oh there it is, estrogen dominance achieved! Testosterone levels in AFAB have a reference range of less than 2.0 nmol/L (pre-menopause). And there I am sitting pretty at 1.1 nmol/L. My sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is heading up and up. I can’t find the document I had, I am sure it said above 115 nmol/L can result in estrogens being bound. In lieu of that article, from Wikipedia.
The relative binding affinity of various sex steroids for SHBG is dihydrotestosterone (DHT) > testosterone > androstenediol > estradiol > estrone. DHT binds to SHBG with about 5 times the affinity of testosterone and about 20 times the affinity of estradiol.
So having a high SHBG level is a good thing, the higher the better. Bind all the sex hormones so they can’t be used – male ones are lost first, then the female ones. That means goodbye any DHT generated by the mere 1.1 nmol/L of T.
The calculated free testosterone being below 25 pmol/L is also a great sign things are heading in the right direction. This is why testosterone blocking isn’t required for me. I really do enjoy delving into this sort of data and getting a better understanding of what it all means. So that’s it for now. I look forward to my next set of results sometime in May. 🙃
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fitnessmith · 4 months
Comprendre et réduire le taux de la SHBG naturellement
La SHBG ou globuline de liaison des hormones sexuelles permet de réguler et de transporter les hormones sexuelles comme la testostérone ou les œstrogènes à travers le corps. Une dérégulation cause de nombreux problèmes de santé. Heureusement, nous avons des moyens naturels d’agir sur notre taux de SHBG, ce que nous allons voir dans cet article. Après votre lecture, vous pouvez regarder ma vidéo…
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stabbylambchop · 1 year
Guess who has to go back on T 😂
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diet2all · 9 months
סך טסטוסטרון מתייחס לכמות הכוללת של טסטוסטרון הקיימת בזרם הדם. הוא כולל גם את הטסטוסטרון שקשור לחלבונים, כמו גלובולין קושר הורמוני מין (SHBG), וגם את הטסטוסטרון שאינו קשור או קשור באופן רופף לחלבונים. רמות הטסטוסטרון הכוללות יכולות להשתנות לאורך היום ומושפעות מגורמים שונים, כולל גיל, מין ובריאות כללית.
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svenskjavel · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans: Dieter och vanor som hjälper med testosteron eller östrogen 🏳️‍⚧️
⚠️ Jag vill inleda med att jag inte är medicinskt utbildad. Detta är information jag samlat ihop från lite olika källor under en relativt kort tid. Ta det med en nypa salt, kolla upp riskerna själv och var rädd om dig!
⚠️ Varning för könat språk i många av källorna!
Kost: ”Vissa livsmedel innehåller naturligt östrogen eller fytoöstrogener, som kan hjälpa till att öka östrogennivåerna hos kvinnor. Livsmedel som tofu, sojabönor, linser, linfrön, persilja och rödklöver kan innehålla höga halter av fytoöstrogener.” Källa.
Det finns också studier som pekar på att lakritsrot ska öka mängden östrogen i kroppen. Källa. Källa. Källa. En metod som ska ha använts av Skyterna runt 700 år före Kristus. Observera att lakritsrot kan påverka andra receptbelagda mediciner.
En hög östrogen nivå associeras med en hög SHBG nivå. Källa. Träning, koffein och alkohol spekuleras kunna höja nivån. Källa. Kostfiber sägs också ha den effekten. Källa. Kostfiber finns i t.ex. grovt bröd.
Öl höjer östrogen nivåerna i kroppen. Källa. Även de flesta andra alkoholdrycker som finns ska höja östrogenet. Källa. Ville nämna det men rekommenderar inte. Skillnaden är liten och överdriven konsumtion riskfylld.
Kost: En låg nivå av SHBG ökar mängden av den sortens testosteron som påverkar sekundära könskaraktäristiska drag. Minskad SHBG nivå går att uppnå genom en proteinbaserad diet. Även rött vin (ej vitt) ska minska nivån. Källa. Källa.
Protein, zink, magnesium, B-vitamin (B3 främst) och Omega-3 ska höja testosteronnivån. Därmed mat som ägg, mandel och pumpafrön, spenat, lax, makrill och bönor. Örter som indisk ginseng/vinterkörsbär/ashwagandha och triggarnöt/tribulus rekommenderas också. Källa.
Nötter och frön generellt, avokado, kokosolja, oliver och olivolja rekommenderas av följande källa. Källa.
Styrketräning, hälsosam mängd sömn och vitamin D hjälper till att både bibehålla nuvarande samt öka testosteronet. Källa.
Kronisk stress innebär lägre testosteron nivåer. Källa.
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solarpoweredbirds · 10 months
OK SO here's that separate post i was talking about in the tags of my last rb
i recently learned* you can have completely normal levels of total testosterone but high levels of "free" testosterone (testosterone that your body can use). your body has sex hormone binding globules (sbhg's) which bind to, well, sex hormones, and prevent them from working to regulate the levels of sex hormones more accurately. if those levels are low for whatever reason, it means that more of the testosterone in your body is available for use. while i'm sure that's not the only potential cause, my point is that you VERY MUCH can have "normal" levels of testosterone (if we ever figure out what those are) and have "hyperandrogenism" (loaded term because hirsutism is usually the main symptom and has a...pretty racist history but you get the point).
as a note on that though, low shbg levels can often be associated with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which can cause health issues beyond just hyperandrogenism. so if you have hyperandroginism caused by that, it's worth looking into other issues you may have possibly being related!
tl;dr there are LOTS of reasons for "hyperandroginism", and yes, sometimes (probably more frequently than the medical system wants to admit) it just Happens due to natural variations! but also, in some cases it can be associated with other issues. so if you have issues that you have yet to find any reasonable explanation for and symptoms of high testosterone, it's worth looking into hormonal imbalances/related conditions because sex hormones DO interact with other hormones and body processes and that's important to keep in mind!
*by "recently learned" i mean i was going through old bloodwork and found out that this was the case for me pre-t because my doctor just said "yeah your testosterone is highish" and didn't elaborate. qed, it can be very beneficial to learn to read your own bloodwork (i know at least for usamericans, quest diagnostics lets you access your bloodwork online and has short descriptions of each test's meaning, but you can easily find more detailed ones online!)
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stele3 · 8 months
I’ve been on gel for a bit over three years. I still get my period with my T at 300 or so, and it’s also very regular. It stopped for two months early on in my treatment, when my levels were (unintentionally) higher, around 450 iirc. From my experience I feel like 560 should probably be high enough, but everyone’s different, and I’m not a doctor. My endo also always orders an SHBG blood test, from what I’ve heard it helps interpret T levels.
I've switched to subcutaneous T shots and that finally got rid of my period. It's also deepened my voice a lot but eh, I'll take it.
I am thinking about getting a hysterectomy. From what I've heard it's a pretty fast recovery period, not like top surgery -- top surgery sounds like a nightmare. Respect and love to whoever wants to do it, and you should always have access to it! But yikes, the short-term recovery is long and the potential long-term effects of chest scarring on the shoulders is something that I've encountered repeatedly in my work as a massage therapist.
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danielaolszewska · 9 months
Elevating Your Vitality: Testogen Testosterone Booster Review
Are you dealing with reduced testosterone levels? Really feeling worn out, lacking power, as well as experiencing a decreased sex drive? You're not alone. Lots of guys face these problems as they age, however there is an option-- Testogen Testosterone Booster. In this thorough review, we will explore the benefits, components, and also performance of Testogen in boosting your testosterone levels normally. Bid farewell to fatigue and hey there to a revitalized you!
Testogen: The Ultimate Service for Reduced Testosterone
Testogen is a revolutionary testosterone booster that integrates powerful components to naturally stimulate your body's testosterone manufacturing. Unlike artificial options, Testogen supplies a safe and also effective way to enhance your hormone levels with no negative side effects.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a dietary supplement formulated with scientifically shown components that function synergistically to increase testosterone production in your body. By resolving the root cause of low testosterone levels, Testogen aids recover hormonal balance as well as improve overall vitality.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen works by targeting several crucial variables that add to reduced testosterone levels. It promotes the production of luteinizing hormonal agent, which signifies the testes to generate more testosterone. Furthermore, it hinders the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, guaranteeing optimum hormone balance.
The Power of All-natural Active Ingredients in Testogen
Testogen's potency depends on its thoroughly picked natural components that have been verified to boost testosterone levels successfully. Allow's explore the key components that make Testogen a phenomenal testosterone booster:
1. D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid plays a vital function in controling testosterone synthesis. It promotes the release of luteinizing hormonal agent, bring about raised testosterone production. Research studies have revealed that D-Aspartic Acid supplements can dramatically raise testosterone levels within weeks.
2. Magnesium
Magnesium is a vital mineral that sustains countless bodily features, including testosterone manufacturing. It aids convert cholesterol into testosterone as well as advertises better sleep quality, which is essential for hormone regulation.
3. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 shortage has actually been linked to reduced testosterone levels. Testogen addresses this by offering an optimum dose of Vitamin D3 to support healthy testosterone production and enhance overall health.
4. Nettle Leaf Extract
Nettle Fallen leave Essence binds to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), preventing it from affixing to cost-free testosterone. This permits more testosterone to continue to be bioavailable and also energetic in the body, enhancing its effects.
5. Korean Red Ginseng Extract
Korean Red Ginseng Remove has actually been utilized for centuries as an all-natural aphrodisiac and energy booster. It enhances libido, improves erectile feature, as well as increases power levels-- all essential factors in renewing your manly vigor.
6. Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Remove is rich in furostanolic saponins, compounds that promote the release of luteinizing hormone and also promote healthy testosterone levels. It likewise helps in fat loss and also muscle building, making it an excellent addition to Testogen's formula.
Testogen Testosterone Booster Testimonial: The Benefits
Now that we have actually explored the effective components behind Testogen, allowed's delve into the advantages you can get out of integrating this supplement into your daily regimen:
1. Increased Energy Levels
Do you commonly find yourself feeling tired or lacking motivation? Testogen can assist you reclaim your power and also vigor by naturally boosting your testosterone levels. Bid farewell to tiredness and hello to a much more energised you!
2. Enhanced Sex Drive and also Sexual Performance
Low testosterone levels usually bring about a decreased libido as well as efficiency concerns. Testogen addresses these worries by promoting healthy hormonal equilibrium, resulting in enhanced libido and also far better sexual performance.
3. Boosted Muscle Mass Stamina and also Growth
Testosterone plays an essential function in muscular tissue development. By boosting your testosterone levels, Testogen helps you accomplish better muscle stamina and also development. Say goodbye to stubborn fat as well as hey there to a leaner, more muscular physique.
4. Mental Clarity as well as Focus
Low testosterone levels can adversely affect cognitive function, resulting in mind fog and also trouble focusing. Testogen's natural components sustain mental clarity as well as emphasis, enabling you to do at your finest both mentally and physically.
5. Increased Self-confidence and Well-being
When your testosterone levels are optimized, you'll experience an overall renovation in confidence and well-being. Bid farewell to insecurity as well as hi to an extra certain, better you!
Frequently Asked Inquiries About Testogen
Is Testogen safe to use?
Yes, Testogen is created with natural ingredients that have been thoroughly selected for their safety and also efficiency. It does not have any type of damaging compounds or synthetic hormones.
How long does it take to see outcomes with Testogen?
Results may vary depending on specific factors such as age, way of life, and also general health and wellness. Nonetheless, many individuals report considerable enhancements within a few weeks of regular use.
Can ladies utilize Testogen?
Testogen is specifically created for males due to its testosterone-boosting residential properties. Females need to seek advice from their healthcare provider before thinking about any hormonal supplements.
Are there any type of negative effects associated with Testogen?
Testogen is usually well-tolerated, without any documented adverse effects when used as guided. Nevertheless, it's constantly advised to check out the label and also talk to a health care expert if you have any kind of concerns.
Can I combine Testogen with various other drugs or supplements?
While Testogen is a natural nutritional supplement, it's constantly recommended to speak with your doctor before combining it with any type of other medications or supplements to make certain compatibility.
Is there a money-back warranty for Testogen?
Yes, Testogen uses a 100-day money-back guarantee, enabling you to attempt the product safe. If you're not pleased with the outcomes, just return the unused part for a full refund.
If you're aiming to naturally increase your testosterone levels and also redeem your vigor, Testogen Testosterone Booster is the supreme solution. With its effective blend of natural ingredients as well as proven performance, Testogen supplies a safe and efficient means to enhance your hormonal balance. Say goodbye to reduced power, reduced libido, as well as uncertainty-- and also greet to a revitalized you with Testogen!
Get more information: Testogen Testosterone Booster Review
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teen-wolf-obsessed · 9 months
Mastering Strength and Stamina: Testogen Testosterone Booster Review
Are you battling with reduced testosterone levels? Feeling worn out, lacking power, as well as experiencing a lowered sex drive? You're not the only one. Several males encounter these concerns as they age, yet there is a remedy-- Testogen Testosterone Booster. In this extensive testimonial, we will certainly discover the advantages, components, and also efficiency of Testogen in improving your testosterone levels naturally. Bid farewell to fatigue and hello to a revitalized you!
Testogen: The Ultimate Service for Reduced Testosterone
Testogen is an advanced testosterone booster that incorporates effective ingredients to normally promote your body's testosterone manufacturing. Unlike synthetic choices, Testogen provides a secure and effective method to enhance your hormone levels without any adverse side effects.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a dietary supplement developed with medically verified components that function synergistically to raise testosterone manufacturing in your body. By resolving the origin of low testosterone levels, Testogen aids restore hormone balance and improve overall vitality.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen works by targeting numerous essential factors that add to low testosterone levels. It boosts the production of luteinizing hormonal agent, which signals the testes to generate even more testosterone. Furthermore, it hinders the conversion of testosterone right into estrogen, guaranteeing optimal hormone balance.
The Power of All-natural Active Ingredients in Testogen
Testogen's potency hinges on its thoroughly picked all-natural active ingredients that have been proven to boost testosterone levels efficiently. Allow's delve into the key components that make Testogen an exceptional testosterone booster:
1. D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid plays an important function in regulating testosterone synthesis. It promotes the launch of luteinizing hormone, resulting in increased testosterone manufacturing. Studies have shown that D-Aspartic Acid supplementation can dramatically boost testosterone levels within weeks.
2. Magnesium
Magnesium is a vital mineral that supports numerous physical features, consisting of testosterone manufacturing. It assists transform cholesterol right into testosterone and advertises much better rest high quality, which is vital for hormonal agent regulation.
3. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 deficiency has actually been linked to reduced testosterone levels. Testogen addresses this by giving an ideal dose of Vitamin D3 to sustain healthy and balanced testosterone manufacturing as well as enhance general wellness.
4. Nettle Leaf Extract
Nettle Leaf Essence binds to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), stopping it from attaching to cost-free testosterone. This permits more testosterone to stay bioavailable and also energetic in the body, improving its effects.
5. Oriental Red Ginseng Extract
Korean Red Ginseng Essence has been utilized for centuries as a natural aphrodisiac and power booster. It improves libido, enhances erectile function, and also boosts power levels-- all crucial consider renewing your manly vigor.
6. Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Extract is abundant in furostanolic saponins, compounds that promote the launch of luteinizing hormone as well as advertise healthy testosterone levels. It additionally assists in weight loss as well as bodybuilding, making it an excellent addition to Testogen's formula.
Testogen Testosterone Booster Testimonial: The Benefits
Now that we have actually explored the effective ingredients behind Testogen, let's delve into the advantages you can anticipate from including this supplement right into your everyday routine:
1. Enhanced Energy Levels
Do you usually discover on your own really feeling tired or doing not have inspiration? Testogen can aid you restore your energy and also vigor by naturally raising your testosterone levels. Bid farewell to fatigue and also hello there to an extra energetic you!
2. Boosted Sex Drive as well as Sexual Performance
Low testosterone levels commonly bring about a lowered sex drive and performance problems. Testogen addresses these concerns by promoting healthy and balanced hormonal equilibrium, leading to boosted sex drive and far better sex-related performance.
3. Enhanced Muscle Toughness as well as Growth
Testosterone plays an essential role in muscle development. By improving your testosterone levels, Testogen aids you accomplish better muscle toughness as well as growth. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hi to a leaner, extra muscular physique.
4. Psychological Clearness as well as Focus
Low testosterone levels can negatively affect cognitive feature, causing brain fog and also problem focusing. Testogen's natural ingredients sustain mental quality and also emphasis, permitting you to do at your ideal both emotionally as well as physically.
5. Boosted Self-confidence as well as Well-being
When your testosterone levels are optimized, you'll experience a general enhancement in confidence as well as well-being. Say goodbye to insecurity and hello to an extra certain, better you!
Frequently Asked Concerns Regarding Testogen
Is Testogen risk-free to use?
Yes, Testogen is created with all-natural ingredients that have actually been thoroughly chosen for their safety and security and efficacy. It does not include any dangerous materials or artificial hormones.
How long does it require to see outcomes with Testogen?
Results might vary depending upon private variables such as age, way of living, and total wellness. Nonetheless, numerous users report significant improvements within a few weeks of consistent use.
Can women use Testogen?
Testogen is especially created for men as a result of its testosterone-boosting properties. Ladies need to speak with their doctor before considering any type of hormone supplements.
Are there any type of side effects related to Testogen?
Testogen is usually well-tolerated, with no reported negative effects when made use of as directed. Nevertheless, it's always advised to check out the label and also seek advice from a healthcare professional if you have any kind of concerns.
Can I incorporate Testogen with various other drugs or supplements?
While Testogen is a natural nutritional supplement, it's constantly advisable to seek advice from your doctor before incorporating it with any various other medicines or supplements to ensure compatibility.
Is there a money-back warranty for Testogen?
Yes, Testogen offers a 100-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to attempt the item risk-free. If you're not pleased with the outcomes, just return the extra portion for a complete refund.
If you're looking to naturally increase your testosterone levels as well as redeem your vitality, Testogen Testosterone Booster is the utmost remedy. With its powerful mix of natural active ingredients and proven effectiveness, Testogen provides a safe as well as reliable way to enhance your hormonal equilibrium. Bid farewell to reduced energy, lowered sex drive, and lack of confidence-- and also greet to a rejuvenated you with Testogen!
Browse this site: Testogen Natural testosterone booster
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estilocandle · 9 months
Achieving Greatness: Testogen Testosterone Booster - Detailed Review
Are you struggling with reduced testosterone levels? Feeling worn out, doing not have energy, as well as experiencing a decreased libido? You're not the only one. Several men deal with these concerns as they age, however there is an option-- Testogen Testosterone Booster. In this detailed testimonial, we will discover the benefits, active ingredients, as well as performance of Testogen in boosting your testosterone levels normally. Bid farewell to tiredness and hi to a revitalized you!
Testogen: The Ultimate Service for Reduced Testosterone
Testogen is an advanced testosterone booster that integrates powerful active ingredients to normally promote your body's testosterone production. Unlike synthetic options, Testogen provides a risk-free and reliable means to improve your hormone levels without any adverse side effects.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a dietary supplement created with scientifically verified ingredients that work synergistically to raise testosterone manufacturing in your body. By addressing the source of reduced testosterone levels, Testogen helps bring back hormone equilibrium and boost overall vitality.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen works by targeting a number of crucial elements that contribute to low testosterone levels. It stimulates the manufacturing of luteinizing hormone, which indicates the testes to produce even more testosterone. Additionally, it inhibits the conversion of testosterone right into estrogen, making sure ideal hormonal agent balance.
The Power of All-natural Ingredients in Testogen
Testogen's strength lies in its carefully selected natural components that have been shown to improve testosterone levels properly. Allow's look into the vital elements that make Testogen an exceptional testosterone booster:
1. D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid plays a critical role in managing testosterone synthesis. It boosts the launch of luteinizing hormonal agent, resulting in raised testosterone production. Studies have shown that D-Aspartic Acid supplements can considerably boost testosterone levels within weeks.
2. Magnesium
Magnesium is an essential mineral that supports numerous physical features, consisting of testosterone production. It assists transform cholesterol right into testosterone and advertises much better sleep top quality, which is important for hormonal agent regulation.
3. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 shortage has been connected to low testosterone levels. Testogen addresses this by supplying an optimum dose of Vitamin D3 to support healthy testosterone production and also improve overall well-being.
4. Nettle Fallen Leave Extract
Nettle Fallen leave Remove binds to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), stopping it from affixing to cost-free testosterone. This allows even more testosterone to remain bioavailable as well as energetic in the body, improving its effects.
5. Korean Red Ginseng Extract
Korean Red Ginseng Essence has actually been utilized for centuries as an all-natural aphrodisiac as well as power booster. It improves sex drive, enhances erectile function, as well as enhances energy levels-- all vital factors in rejuvenating your manly vigor.
6. Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Essence is rich in furostanolic saponins, substances that promote the release of luteinizing hormonal agent and advertise healthy testosterone levels. It likewise assists in fat loss and also muscle building, making it an exceptional enhancement to Testogen's formula.
Testogen Testosterone Booster Testimonial: The Benefits
Now that we have actually checked out the effective active ingredients behind Testogen, let's explore the advantages you can anticipate from incorporating this supplement into your daily routine:
1. Enhanced Energy Levels
Do you commonly find on your own really feeling tired or doing not have inspiration? Testogen can assist you regain your energy as well as vigor by naturally increasing your testosterone levels. Bid farewell to tiredness as well as hello to a more energetic you!
2. Improved Sex Drive and also Sexual Performance
Low testosterone levels commonly lead to a lowered sex drive and efficiency issues. Testogen addresses these concerns by promoting healthy and balanced hormone equilibrium, resulting in improved libido and better sexual performance.
3. Enhanced Muscle Mass Strength and also Growth
Testosterone plays a vital role in muscle development. By improving your testosterone levels, Testogen assists you achieve far better muscular tissue strength and development. Say goodbye to persistent fat and also hey there to a leaner, a lot more muscular physique.
4. Psychological Clarity and also Focus
Low testosterone levels can adversely affect cognitive feature, resulting in mind haze and problem concentrating. Testogen's natural ingredients sustain psychological clarity and also focus, permitting you to carry out at your ideal both emotionally as well as physically.
5. Boosted Confidence and also Well-being
When your testosterone levels are optimized, you'll experience an overall enhancement in confidence as well as wellness. Say goodbye to insecurity and also hello to a more positive, happier you!
Frequently Asked Inquiries About Testogen
Is Testogen secure to use?
Yes, Testogen is formulated with natural components that have actually been meticulously selected for their safety and also efficiency. It does not include any type of unsafe materials or synthetic hormones.
How long does it take to see results with Testogen?
Results may differ depending on private variables such as age, way of living, and also total wellness. Nevertheless, many customers report substantial improvements within a couple of weeks of regular use.
Can women make use of Testogen?
Testogen is especially formulated for males because of its testosterone-boosting buildings. Women need to seek advice from their healthcare provider before taking into consideration any type of hormone supplements.
Are there any type of negative effects associated with Testogen?
Testogen is typically well-tolerated, without any noted adverse effects when made use of as guided. Nevertheless, it's constantly advised to check out the label as well as seek advice from a medical care expert if you have any kind of concerns.
Can I incorporate Testogen with other medicines or supplements?
While Testogen is a natural dietary supplement, it's constantly suggested to seek advice from your doctor before combining it with any type of various other medicines or supplements to make sure compatibility.
Is there a money-back assurance for Testogen?
Yes, Testogen supplies a 100-day money-back warranty, permitting you to try the product safe. If you're not pleased with the outcomes, just return the unused part for a full refund.
If you're looking to normally enhance your testosterone levels as well as redeem your vitality, Testogen Testosterone Booster is the utmost remedy. With its powerful mix of all-natural active ingredients as well as tried and tested performance, Testogen supplies a safe and effective method to optimize your hormone equilibrium. Say goodbye to reduced power, reduced libido, and uncertainty-- and also say hello to a renewed you with Testogen!
Click here!: Testogen Testosterone health
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severefacealpaca · 9 months
15 Hilarious Videos About Testogen Review
Are you dealing with reduced testosterone levels? Do you want to normally boost your testosterone manufacturing without resorting to unsafe steroids or synthetic hormones? Look no more than Testogen, the advanced testosterone booster that has actually been medically verified to safely increase testosterone levels in men. In this short article, we will check out the scientific research behind Testogen and exactly how it can assist you attain ideal testosterone levels for enhanced energy, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health.
What is Testogen?
Testogen is a natural dietary supplement developed with an effective mix of components particularly picked to enhance the body's very own testosterone production. Unlike artificial steroids or hormone replacement treatment, Testogen deals with your body's natural processes to stimulate the manufacturing of testosterone, leading to various health and wellness benefits.
The Importance of Testosterone
Testosterone is a crucial hormonal agent that plays a crucial function in different bodily functions. It is in charge of controling muscular tissue mass, bone density, fat distribution, red cell production, sex drive, and also state of mind. However, as guys age, their testosterone levels naturally decline, causing a series of undesirable signs and symptoms such as exhaustion, reduced muscular tissue mass, lowered libido, as well as also clinical depression.
How Does Testogen Work?
Testogen includes an unique combination of natural ingredients that work synergistically to boost the body's very own testosterone production. Let's take a closer consider a few of these vital active ingredients and their mechanisms of action:
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D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that plays an important role in the regulation of testosterone synthesis. Research studies have actually shown that supplements with D-Aspartic Acid can substantially boost testosterone levels in men. By promoting the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, D-Aspartic Acid promotes the production of more testosterone in the testes.
Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris is a powerful natural herb that has actually been used for centuries in conventional medication to improve male vigor and potency. It consists of active compounds called saponins, which have actually been shown to promote the production of testosterone by enhancing the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body. In Addition, Tribulus Terrestris can boost sex drive, muscle strength, as well as general athletic performance.
Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek Remove is a powerful herb that has actually been made use of for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to boost testosterone levels naturally. It has substances called furostanolic saponins, which have been revealed to boost cost-free testosterone levels by preventing the action of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a healthy protein that binds to testosterone as well as makes it non-active. By decreasing SHBG levels, fenugreek remove allows extra testosterone to continue to be readily available for use by the body.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an important nutrient that plays a crucial role in many physical features, consisting of testosterone production. Researches have actually shown that guys with enough vitamin D levels often tend to have higher testosterone levels compared to those with vitamin D deficiency. Testogen consists of an ideal dosage of vitamin D3 to ensure sufficient testosterone synthesis.
Zinc is a vital mineral that is involved in over 300 chemical responses in the body, consisting of testosterone synthesis. Study has actually shown that zinc supplements can enhance testosterone levels in both sedentary people and also athletes. Testogen offers a generous amount of zinc to support ideal testosterone production.
The Advantages of Testogen
By normally increasing your testosterone levels, Testogen provides a vast array of advantages that can substantially enhance your general health as well as quality of life:
Increased Power Levels: Testosterone is known for its role in enhancing power and also decreasing exhaustion. With higher testosterone levels, you'll experience boosted vitality and also boosted stamina to tackle your daily jobs with ease.
Enhanced Muscle mass Mass and also Strength: Testogen promotes protein synthesis, which is important for muscle mass development and also fixing. By increasing testosterone levels, Testogen aids you build lean muscle mass, enhance strength, and also accomplish an extra sculpted physique.
Improved Libido and also Sexual Performance: Reduced testosterone levels typically bring about a reduction in sex drive and sexual efficiency. By improving testosterone production, Testogen can reignite your sex drive, improve erections, and also boost total sexual satisfaction.
Increased Mental Quality: Testosterone not just impacts physical characteristics but likewise plays an important function in cognitive function. With enhanced testosterone levels, you'll experience enhanced focus, psychological clarity, and also enhanced memory.
Mood Enhancement: Low testosterone levels are typically connected with state of mind swings, impatience, as well as even depression. By restoring hormone equilibrium, Testogen can aid support your mood and advertise a feeling of wellness.
Reduced Body Fat: Testosterone plays a vital function in managing fat metabolic process. With raised testosterone levels from Testogen, you may experience a decrease in body fat percentage as well as an increase in lean muscle mass.
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If you're seeking to normally boost your testosterone levels and also enjoy the many benefits related to ideal testosterone production, Testogen is the response. With its scientifically tried and tested mix of all-natural components, Testogen can securely improve your energy levels, muscle mass, sex drive, and also overall health. Bid Check out here farewell to the symptoms of low testosterone and also hello to a rejuvenated as well as confident version of on your own. Attempt Testogen today and also embark on a trip towards a much healthier and also extra meeting life.
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mcatmemoranda · 10 months
Low testosterone
FSH and LH tell the testes and ovaries to make sex hormones and gametes. So if you're making a lot of FSH and LH, it's because your brain is trying to tell your sex organs to make what they're supposed to make. If the testes aren't responding to LH, then the pituitary will make more LH, trying to get the testes to go. So if you have low testosterone and high LH, it's primary hypogonadism, meaning the testes are just not making the testosterone. If your testosterone is low and your LH is low, then it's secondary hypogonadism because your brain isn't making enough LH to stimulate the testes to make testosterone.
From UpToDate:
Definition – Hypogonadism in a male refers to a decrease in either or both of the two major functions of the testes: sperm production and testosterone production. These abnormalities may result from disease of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or disease of the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary hypogonadism).
●Signs and symptoms
•Failure to undergo or complete puberty indicates deficient testosterone secretion.
•Symptoms that could indicate hypogonadism in a man are decreases in energy, libido, muscle mass, and body hair, as well as hot flashes, gynecomastia, and infertility.
●Candidates for testing – We suggest case detection by measuring serum testosterone when hypogonadism is suspected, such as in those with sexual symptoms, osteoporosis-associated fractures, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated weight loss, those taking sustained-release opioids or high-dose glucocorticoids for prolonged periods, and those who are incompletely virilized or have small testes on examination.
Men with acute or subacute illness should not be assessed for hypogonadism, as they will have a transient functional secondary hypogonadism.
•Serum total testosterone – To make the diagnosis of hypogonadism, we suggest measuring a morning serum total testosterone concentration between 8 and 10 AM on at least two days.
•Serum free testosterone – Measurement of the serum free testosterone concentration is worthwhile only when it is suspected that an abnormality in testosterone binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) coexists with hypogonadism. The two most common situations of abnormal testosterone binding are obesity, which decreases SHBG concentrations, and aging, which increases SHBG.
•LH and FSH – If the total testosterone is subnormal, it should be repeated between 8 and 10 AM, and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating (FSH) concentrations should be measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
•Semen analysis – A semen analysis is also part of the evaluation of hypogonadism if the patient is pursuing fertility or has been diagnosed with infertility. If subnormal, a serum FSH concentration is measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
●Interpretation of results
•Primary hypogonadism – The patient has primary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently below normal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are above normal.
•Secondary hypogonadism – The patient has secondary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently subnormal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are normal or reduced.
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fitnessmith · 9 months
La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
NOUVEAU 👉 La testostérone : Ce que tout sportif devrait savoir
Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de la testostérone, cette hormone clé pour les sportifs. Mais saviez-vous que le sport peut influencer son niveau ? 1. Baisse après un effort intensif : Des recherches montrent que les hommes qui s’entraînent intensivement peuvent voir leur niveau de testostérone au repos diminuer. Imaginez cela comme une batterie qui se vide après une longue séance de sport. 2.…
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fearecia · 1 year
Ah yes, the incompetence of the medical field.
See the PCP to try and get appropriate referrals because I really need one person managing my HRT and hashimotos, since the former directly affects med dosages of the latter. I also want to try and get a handle on the constant inflammation issues that are most likely not related to the hashimotos.
Doc is running behind. No one gets a medication update from me. Manage endo referral and get inflammation panel ordered, but get rushed back out of office without half the things on my list addressed.
Doc runs blood work. Blood sugar comes back a little elevated, cholesterol is completely whacked, WBC count is, as usual, nicely elevated, and inflammation makers are pissed off as expected.
I get a call stating that they are all concerned about the blood sugar and the cholesterol. Want to repeat labs in a week. Oh, and they ordered an A1C.
Bitch, I'm on accutane. That shit fucks your cholesterol. I also have needle poke anxiety, so the blood sugar always spikes. Chill. It's fine. Please redo my T labs because they came back stupid high, and it's probably because I had applied the gel maybe an hour before having blood drawn.
A1C comes back pre-diabetic. Huh. That's odd. I'm usually really darn good on that one. Oh hey, look at this. Turns out that accutane will raise your A1C noticeably around the 5 month mark (hi, that's where we're at). Well that makes sense. Cool.
Repeated CBC comes back with yet further elevated WBC. Surprise surprise.
Get a call from the assistant. "You're in pre-diabetic levels. Doc wants you to eat a low carb diet and we'll recheck in 3 months."
"I'm on accutane. It will raise the A1C. Yeah, sure, we'll redo labs. Whatever."
Bitch, I've been on a low carb diet for at least the last 5 years. Like, cool it. And maybe have half a brain. If you'd bother to look at the previous recorded result, you'd see that I'm usually golden. Also maybe look at things a bit more holistically? Like, I'm losing weight, for gods' sakes. Did you bother to notice that I weigh less than last time you saw me? Did ya? Nah. Didn't think so.
I'll let you run labs in 6 months. One, because I probably have another month of accutane left. Two, the A1C reflects the last three months of blood sugar, so we need to give my body time to recover. Three, because chronic inflammation also affects all that shit, and my body needs time to calm down.
Also, how about you address the elevated WBC and inflammation markers like I asked you to? HMMMMMM?
All this followed by an automated email from planned Parenthood stating that my hormone levels came back high and they want a SHBG run.
We ran the SHBG alongside the testosterone. 🤦
And yes, the second round of T labs did come back lower, but still higher than I was expecting. Combined with the SHBG, things are a little high, but we'll adjust and be fine.
Nothing like having to educate and manage your own damn doctors. Constantly. And nothing like having to wrangle referrals from said doctors because you need specialists for your care, and said specialists won't take new patients without said referrals.
I'm annoyed and bitching. Because chronic health conditions also means chronic doctor management. And I'm tired of it.
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nothorses · 2 years
sorry if this is odd but i think you have the highest ftm following of anyone i know: have any other trans men been taking moclobemide and had a sudden increase in testosterone levels? i've seen one study indicating a sudden rise in T and reduction in SHBG in cis men and my levels were suddenly very high last time i had a test done.
Just gonna toss this out there in case anyone else has information!
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Unleash Your Strength with Animal Test – Universal Nutrition
Are you looking to elevate your fitness journey and maximize your muscle gains? Animal Test by Universal Nutrition is designed to support serious athletes and bodybuilders in achieving their peak performance. This powerful supplement combines potent ingredients to boost testosterone levels, enhance strength, and promote muscle growth. Let’s explore the active substances in Animal Test and understand why it should be your go-to supplement for unmatched results.
Urtica Dioica (Stinging Nettle Root Extract): The Testosterone Liberator
Urtica Dioica, commonly known as stinging nettle root extract, is a crucial ingredient in Animal Test. It plays a significant role in boosting free testosterone levels by inhibiting the binding of testosterone to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG).
Boosts Free Testosterone: By reducing SHBG, more testosterone is available for muscle growth and recovery.
Supports Prostate Health: Stinging nettle root extract also promotes prostate health, ensuring overall well-being.
Enhances Muscle Mass: With increased free testosterone, you can achieve greater muscle gains and improved strength.
Dosage: Each pack of Animal Test contains an optimal dose of stinging nettle root extract. For best results, take one pack daily with a meal.
Cissus Quadrangularis: The Joint Protector
Cissus Quadrangularis is a plant extract known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and joint-supporting properties. It’s essential for athletes who undergo intense training sessions.
Reduces Inflammation: Cissus helps alleviate joint pain and inflammation, ensuring you can train harder and longer.
Supports Joint Health: It promotes the healing of tendons and ligaments, crucial for preventing injuries.
Enhances Recovery: By reducing joint discomfort, Cissus allows for quicker recovery and continuous progress.
Dosage: The inclusion of Cissus Quadrangularis in Animal Test is formulated to provide effective joint support. Take one pack daily to maintain joint health and support recovery.
Yohimbe Bark Extract: The Performance Enhancer
Yohimbe bark extract is a well-known stimulant that enhances athletic performance and promotes fat loss. It’s particularly effective in boosting energy and endurance.
Increases Energy Levels: Yohimbe provides a significant energy boost, helping you power through intense workouts.
Promotes Fat Loss: It aids in fat burning by increasing lipolysis, making it easier to achieve a lean physique.
Enhances Blood Flow: Yohimbe improves circulation, ensuring your muscles receive adequate oxygen and nutrients during training.
Dosage: Each serving of Animal Test includes a potent dose of Yohimbe bark extract. It’s recommended to take one pack daily with a meal for sustained energy and performance enhancement.
Trans-Resveratrol: The Antioxidant Powerhouse
Trans-Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in Animal Test. It supports overall health and well-being, ensuring your body is in optimal condition for muscle growth.
Reduces Oxidative Stress: Resveratrol helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, promoting overall health.
Supports Heart Health: It improves cardiovascular function, ensuring your body can handle intense physical activity.
Enhances Recovery: By reducing oxidative stress, resveratrol aids in quicker recovery and muscle repair.
Dosage: Animal Test provides an effective dose of trans-resveratrol to support your health. Take one pack daily with a meal to benefit from its antioxidant properties.
Hesperetin: The Bioavailability Booster
Hesperetin is a flavonoid that enhances the bioavailability of other ingredients in Animal Test. It ensures that your body can effectively absorb and utilize the supplement’s potent compounds.
Improves Absorption: Hesperetin increases the bioavailability of active ingredients, maximizing their effectiveness.
Supports Metabolism: It aids in the efficient metabolism of nutrients, promoting overall health and performance.
Enhances Muscle Growth: By improving nutrient absorption, hesperetin supports muscle growth and recovery.
Dosage: Each pack of Animal Test contains hesperetin to ensure optimal absorption of its powerful ingredients. Take one pack daily with a meal to maximize the benefits.
Why Choose Animal Test by Universal Nutrition?
Animal Test stands out as a superior supplement for several reasons:
Advanced Formulation: Each ingredient is carefully selected and dosed for maximum effectiveness.
Quality Assurance: Universal Nutrition adheres to strict quality control standards, ensuring you receive a safe and reliable product.
Proven Results: Countless athletes and bodybuilders trust Animal Test to help them achieve their performance goals.
If you’re serious about taking your fitness to the next level, Animal Test by Universal Nutrition is the supplement you need. With its powerful blend of ingredients, it supports testosterone levels, enhances strength, and promotes muscle growth, giving you the edge you need to succeed.
Order now and experience the difference Animal Test can make in your fitness journey. Unleash your full potential with Animal Test – the ultimate testosterone-boosting powerhouse.
"For the latest updates and exclusive content, visit our website today."
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