#Samhain avis
lesmadj · 2 years
 « Samhain » de Kate Dolan - La chronique sabbat…ique !
Envoûtant et subtil, #Samhain vous prend aux tripes de sa langueur hypnotique qui ne manque pas de charmes et confère au film un parfum vénéneux de reviens-y.  On frissonne parfois, on s’inquiète beaucoup et surtout on tente de se rassurer comme on peut.
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acidheaddd · 2 months
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I added noise to mask some of the artifacts I was getting, but thanks to @warmsol, I tried ezgif and then brought the gif into photoshop to edit it further. It's a bit tedious, but definitely works!!
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laurawithslblues · 4 years
Night ritual
Witchcraft has not a pedigree, ‘Tis early as our breath, And mourners meet it going out The moment of our death.
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I carry the mark of death, bestowed upon my soul for generations. I carry the restless spirits of the ones you sent to the gallows, our innocent children of nature, our mothers, our sisters. They were the lonely, the strong, the different, the outcasts. But we will never die, and our…
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boscodeglispiriti · 3 years
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[COME ONORARE I TRAPASSATI IN QUESTI GIORNI?] In Veneto, le cose che impari sin da piccolo sono queste: 🕯️🌼 Il 28 Ottobre si accende la prima candela e si mette un fiore bianco per accogliere le anime dei morti. 🕯️🥛Il 29 Ottobre si accende un'altra candela e si mette un bicchier d'acqua per i morti abbandonati o dimenticati. 🕯️🥛🍞🍎Il 30 Ottobre si accende un'altra candela, si aggiungono un bicchiere d'acqua, un pane bianco e un frutto per i nostri avi. 🧆 Il 1 Novembre, giorno di tutti i santi, arrivano le anime di quelli che sono morti da piccoli. In questa giornata si mette tutto il pasto sull'altare. ✨ Il 2 Novembre arrivano tutte le anime dei morti adulti che mangeranno tutte le offerte dei familiari. 🕯️Il 3 Novembre si accende l'ultima candela bianca e ci si congeda dai trapassati. ❇️ Conoscevi queste usanze? ❇️ Ne hai di simili nella tua regione, paese o famiglia? #ognissanti #samhain #spiritualità #antenati #spiritismo (presso Italia, Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVhorrRqFxH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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108nero · 4 years
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"TRINOX SAMONI" 150x200cm mixed media on canvas 2017 - @galerie_slika Lyon. Le tre notti di #Samonios, festività celtica, festeggiata anche dai nostri avi cisalpini di cui abbiamo notizie attraverso il #calendariodicoligny che equivale ai nostri giorni dei Santi e dei Morti, in cui le barriere tra il mondo dei vivi e quello dei morti e degli spiriti si riaprono. Oggi conosciuta anche come #halloween (che semplicemente vuol dire Notte dei Santi in Scozzese) la festa di #Ognissanti venne istituita nel 840 d.c. da Papa Gregorio IV per cristianizzare la ricorrenza pagana comune alla gran parte dei popoli dell'Europa pre-cristiana. In queste sere i nostri avi e i nostri cari estinti sono più vicini ed è giusto ricordarli come meglio crediamo. /// #druidismo #druidry #celti #colignycalendar #동시대미술 #contemporanea #アート #抽象芸術 #艺术, 抽象 #contemporary #現代美術, 当代艺术 #современное #искусство #zeitgenössische #Kunst #sztuka #współczesna #suvremena #umjetnost #trinoxsamoni #samhain (presso Galerie SLIKA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAd1Qhn8sv/?igshid=jyx6j5ebcju7
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karmarando-blog · 5 years
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Il sabba di Halloween: Samhain fra rituali e tradizioni I popoli antichi avevano l’usanza di celebrare ogni passaggio stagionale attraverso una serie di rituali magici per ringraziare la Grande Dea. Nella notte tra il 31 ottobre e il 1 novembre, le popolazioni celtiche salutavano la fine dell’estate con il Samhain: il termine deriva dalla lingua gaelica Sam Fuinn (ossia fine dell’estate). Samhain segnava l’ultimo raccolto e l’inizio dell’inverno, il passaggio dalla luce al buio; una sorta di capodanno. Secondo queste antiche credenze, durante il Samhain la linea che separa il mondo dei vivi da quello dei morti diventa più labile, concedendo di stabilire un rapporto con il mondo degli spiriti. Le popolazioni celtiche sapevano che nella notte del Samhain gli avi percorrevano questa terra, portando con sé buoni auspici e protezione. Per questo motivo, ancora oggi a Samhain si pratica l’arte della divinazione. In questa notte si rende omaggio ai defunti, celebrando divinità legate al culto dei morti. Il Samhain prevede un rituale ben definito: i focolai vengono puliti ed ogni fuoco viene spento per essere riacceso il giorno successivo. Si banchetta con vino, birra e idromele per tutta la durata della festa, con l’alternanza di riti e narrazioni. Secondo il racconto celtico The Wasting Sickness of Cuchulainn, la festa del Samhain aveva la durata di sette giorni (tre antecedenti e tre successivi alla notte). Per il rituale si prepara un altare sul quale vengono posti i frutti dell’autunno, candele (nere e bianche) e un oggetto a forma di disco che richiami la Ruota dell’Anno. Con la mente rivolta ai cari defunti e la consapevolezza che la fine della vita segna solo l’inizio di un nuovo ciclo, si può iniziare il rituale dichiarando le intenzioni, attraverso specifiche formule, e invocando le divinità, si perfora la melagrana, un frutto particolarmente simbolico. Dopo aver acceso un fuoco (o candela) si brucia il pezzo di carta su cui precedentemente si è indicato un aspetto della vita del ci si vuole liberare. Seguono altre formule e il rilascio del cerchio. Samhain significa ritirarsi in se stessi, creare un rapporto con il mondo https://www.instagram.com/p/B4S-GpyJJe1/?igshid=13p2u3uid2qu0
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seraniia · 5 years
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La religion commercial ou comment on se fait berner d'apres mon avis.
Extrait du livre "mon almanach paien de sylvie okada"
<< il est interessant de noter que cette roue de l'annee a donne naissance au calendrier religieux chretien europeen avec, a peu de choses pres, les mêmes symboliques ( a defaut d'eradiquer les paiens, la religion des vainqueurs en a assimile les fêtes)
- Samhain - fête de la toussaint et fêtes des morts 31 octobre
- Yule ( aussi appeler alban arthan ou modra necht) - Solstice d'hiver - noel et ses fêtes de fin d'annee se terminer par l'epiphanie ( les fêtes solsticiales pouvaient durer entre 10 et 21 jours dans l'antiquite)
- Imbolc - presentation de l'enfant jesus ( issu de l'ere astrologique du belier ( mensonge sur satan la tête de belier pour etouffer la croyance ?) et precurseur de celles des poissons) Et chandeleur, le carnaval
- Ostara ( ou alban eilir. Eoster) - equinoxe de printemps ( fêtes d'ostara la deesse du renouveau accompagnee du lievre) - paques et ses lapins en chocolat des confiseurs...
- Beltaine - fêtes de la vierge, mais aussi l'ascension et la pentecote donc le 1er mai... Aussi appeler nuit de Walpurgis
- Litha ( ou alban hefin) - solstice d'ete ou la saint jean d'ete
- Lughnasad ( ou lamnas ou lunasa) - l'assomption de l'immaculee conception aux environs du 1er aout
- Mabon ( ou alban elfed, modron) - equinoxe d'automne - la saint michel ( date importante pour le monde paysan autrefois) >>
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multigaydom · 7 years
50 Questions
 tagged by: @so-tired-yet-so-alive Thanks Jess! :) 
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
1. coke or pepsi? I don’t really give a damn but I would usually grab a coke
2. disney or dreamworks? disney i guess
3. coffee or tea? tea but I like coffee almost equaly
4. books or movies? reading all the way. I love movies but I tend to only watch Marvel ones, but this year I’ve gone to the cinema more and it’s been fantastic
5. windows or mac? umm.... linux? I grew up with windows tho so i guess i’d choose that simply because i still remember how to operate it. i’ve never touched a mac in my life
6. dc or marvel? Marvel, obviously
7. xbox or playstation? i’m not a gamer and I’ve only held PS once. it was fun tho
8. dragon age or mass effect? dragon age only bc a friend loves it, i havent played
9. night owl or early riser? i’m both, weirdly. not in the same day.
10. cards or chess? cards, I don’t play chess
11. chocolate or vanilla? i don’t like chocolate things
12. vans or converse? vans, not that i own any but i like the shape better
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? i... don’t know
14. fluff or angst? i like a good drama that resolves into cute stuff
15. beach or forest? forest, although beaches are amazing, i don’t really live near one (as in the nearest is about 1000km)
16. dogs or cats? dogs
17. clear skies or rain? well, that depends. I absolutely love a clear sky for walking and stuff but I enjoy rain as well when it’s warm and i can run through it, or when I’m cozy inside with a candle. 
18. cooking or eating out? cooking! 
19. spicy food or mild food? mild, I don’t really fancy spicy food
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? christmas
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? I already am a little too hot for a human being
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be? either healing or teleportation (in any way)
23. animation or live action? i love anime, i feel like when you’re animating you’re much more free in what you want to do (mostly with supernatural fights etc), but live action movies are more relatable
24. paragon or renegade? i have an idea what a paragon is but im not sure i follow the question
25. baths or showers? shower. I enjoy baths but I’m not too used to them and I can’t breathe properly in there
26. team cap or team ironman? team cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy for sure
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they? oh you are on! 
"Aime moi mon, mais aime moi longtemps." - Les Chansons d'Amour (Love me less but love me longer)
"Quinque lineae sunt amoris - scilient visus, allocutio, tactus, occulum sive sauvium, coitus." - Aelio Donato (There are five levels of love - look, speech, touch, kiss and intercourse.)  
"Člověk roste bolestí. A tak se může stát, že se jednoho dne dontkne hvězd." - Alice OReally (A person grows by their pain and so it is rather possible for one to reach the stars one day.)
"K lidskému bytí neodmyslitelně patří i události, o kterých mravokárci obvykle nemluví jako o "správných". - Lord Roderik Galant (To a human being undoubtedly belong events that the moralists don’t necessarily describe as “good”.)
"It's one thing to say 'Be in a relationship with me' and quite another to say 'Give up sex to be in a relationship with me'." - some fanfic on AO3, I forgot, I'm sorry
29. youtube or netflix? youtube, simply because I don’t have netflix
30. harry potter or percy jackson? i don’t necessarily like either but harry potter seems like a much more advanced thing
31. when do you feel accomplished? when i’ve done the thing that i’ve been dreading
32. star wars or star trek? star wars 
33. paperback or hardback books? hardback
34. horror or rom-com? i don’t like either
35. tv shows or movies? tv shows because i feel like they cover much more plot-wise
36. favourite animal? tortoise
37. favourite genre of music? oh don’t ask
38. least favourite book? i wouldn’t read a bad book (but i do hate my share of history books i have to study)
39. favourite season? spring
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? none thank god
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? a t-shirt that’s big and baggy and underwear, sometimes shorts or pants instead of that
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? not every day
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? oh god i don’t know???
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? the shows don’t really have a theme song lately, do they. Friends, then, seeing as i don’t recall any other
45. harry potter movies or books? haven’t read, haven’t seen
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? any kind of shipping could never equal the tumblr experience
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? guitar kinda alright, piano if i could only remember the notes
48. what is the worst way to die? an illness, that’s what I feared before I was cleared and I stil don’t like the idea
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? i would probably listen to people’s conversations about me because i hate myslelf and my self esteem needs to get even lower
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? oh dude i will so answer this question! and it’s going to be pretty weird but I would love to see my parent’s relationship before I was born. and also... i would love to see Vesuvius explode. 
51. (my question) If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? if i could live on a farm then yes, but in this society no
I tag: 
@notcaycepollard @avi-iva @imaginejolls @katsudesu @black-satin-dancer @crescendohowell @fzztsimmons @leslie-knopes @princesconsuela
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davidlebarde · 7 years
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Le livre avance rapidement, la troisième histoire, celle de Finn et du Pùca de Samhain est achevée. Je viens de terminer la couverture, avec mon sponsor Holiday Ireland... Des avis ?
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