#She was baked with chai tea instead of milk
scarredriot014 · 2 years
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stormbabylore · 5 months
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I wanted to figure out what Aeryn's favorite foods were, so like an insane person, I stood in front of the market board for an hour reading through all the meal options. And now I'm going to ramble about food lore/headcanons. In excess.
It doesn't take Aeryn long to adapt to infrequent meals and a lifestyle of grazing, when possible, as a result of her adventuring lifestyle. In early ARR, she is too uncomfortable in her own skin to eat in public places, let alone among company, unless forced. (I suspect Mother Miounne would have some concerns about her perceived lack of nourishment and might occasionally do something about it.) As such, she develops a habit of keeping various edible foodstuffs on hand so she can eat on-the-go when hungry - or when reminded by others that she needs to eat.
Things she would keep stocked, both at "home" and while traveling: teas and coffees, various breads, dried fruit, nuts, and cheese - when she can get it.
Despite this preference, however, she will never turn down a free meal when offered. Aeryn doesn't know anything about herself as of game start, and that includes her favorite foods! Everything is new to her, and part of her quiet desperation to "find" herself includes figuring such things out as quickly as possible. As such, she has tried many, many things in her travels, enough to pinpoint she is a fan of meat-based stews, curries, and other predominantly rice-based dishes - typically anything hearty, warming, and (preferably) mildly spicy. She also hasn't yet met a form of popoto she doesn't enjoy. None of these are things she takes the time to make for herself, but she considers it a treat when she is able to indulge in meals like this prepared by others.
(Though she doesn't know it, this preference comes directly from her past life: such dishes as potatoes and stews would have often been prepared in bulk and served aboard the ship.)
She is most weak to (and might overindulge in) the following: sweet breads and pastries, coffee in any form, and tea with milk or cream.
Some of her favorite in-game foods:
Honey Croissant/Almond Cream Croissant
A couple silly food headcanons that have latched onto my brain since I put them in fic: honeyed sweetbread is a popular holiday treat in Gridania; and spiced sweetbreads/pastries are common in parts of Thanalan. (The scent of spice and baking bread is something Aeryn associates very heavily with Vesper Bay.) There are myriad other bread/pastry foods in-game she would like, but these two most closely resemble those I'd already written about.
Espresso con Panna
Any coffee beverage would suffice, but I imagine the first time Aeryn has espresso con panna, she would be delighted by the richness of the bitter/sweet flavor meld.
Chilled Popoto Soup
She's generally not a fan of soup at all. (She would quietly argue it's a beverage, not a meal, and that it's wrong to drink something with chopped up bits of stuff in it.) But the cream-based soup and the mesh of leek and popoto, well pureed, just works for her. I like to think of Thancred as the soup-making scion, and I imagine he would smirk and be pleased as pie to win her over with this particular meal. It becomes one of her favorite comfort meals, and she would like it both hot and cold.
La Noscean Toast
I imagine Baderon suggested this to Aeryn at some point, and she gladly accepted, thinking it would just be simple toast - maybe with some citrus jam from nearby Summerford. When she instead experienced for the first time what amounts to the Eorzean equivalent of French Toast, she was immediately obsessed. She makes a point of having this whenever she can stick around long enough in Limsa, because she finds it doesn't taste right anywhere else but at the Drowning Wench. (Baderon actually makes sure the cooks add orange zest to hers, because he knows how much she loves all things citrus.)
Thavnairian Chai/Masala Chai
Any latte-style tea (including Steppe Tea) is a favorite, but she especially likes the blend of spices in chai and considers it a treat to indulge.
Baguette and/or any leavened bread
It is not abnormal to see a half-eaten baguette poking out of her chocobo's saddlebag when Aeryn is on the go. Likewise, there are various forms of leavened breads available across Eorzea (of note the Crumpet and the Ishgardian Muffin) that I assume she would pack for her journeys and nosh on while traveling.
And a few honorable mentions, if not favorites:
Coffee Biscuit
Aeryn prefers pastries to cookies, but she does still love all things coffee. I headcanon she can't get this one frequently. (Maybe they're only common in one specific area she doesn't visit as frequently.) She would also prefer a stronger coffee flavor in them compared to how they are usually made.
I had never heard of this, but the description sounds AMAZING, and I assume Aeryn would probably love it as it encompasses quite a few of her favorite things.
Walnut Bread
The perfect travel snack, packed with nuts and just a hint of sweetness. Again, my daughter is weak to her sweet carbs.
And just in case all of the above wasn't obsessive enough, I also skimmed through the ingredients list. A few favorite foodstuffs that are labeled as crafting ingredients include:
Cheese. Mostly those of a milder flavor that won't stink up her bag. She will pack wedges of cheese to enjoy with her bread and fruit and thankfully eats through it quickly enough that it doesn't spoil. A specific favorite would be cream cheese, which she would enjoy during brief periods of rest where she can acquire it.
Oranges. I do think Aeryn is more inclined to eating dried fruits, since they travel better and tend to be less messy. That said, I think she fell in love with the various citrus fruits she was first introduced to in La Noscea, and despite being messy, they travel a bit better than some other fruits. She would likely carry oranges with her when possible and would try other citrus along her journeys, like lemons, limes, and persimmons.
Nuts. I mentioned this above, and almonds are the only one I can think of that she might keep on hand and actually snack on. But she would try to ensure she always had some form of crunchy protein on hand.
That's it! That's the food lore. \o/
Thanks for reading!
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illia-ast · 5 years
Never-ending Survey :: Illia
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RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by @lareine-kira && @gildedandgolden
Tagging: who hasn’t done this?? @a-sharlayan-abroad @cahli-tia @dravaniia @fair-fae @lydha-lran @tales-of-wanderer-sal @vryn
FULL NAME: Illia Astraea
AGE:  25
BIRTHDAY:   14th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Miqo’te (Seekers of the Sun)
NATIONALITY: Eorzean, The Black Shroud (assumed) 
LANGUAGE/S: Common, a little Ishgardian
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Gridania, The Black Shroud
CURRENT HOME:  Mist, La Noscea
PROFESSION: Hunter/botanist for hire. 
HAIR: Short, snowy white. Longer locks frame her face.
EYES: One is light green, one is light blue.
FACE: Heart shaped, round cheeks. 
LIPS: Full lips, usually with faint peach gloss.
COMPLEXION: Lightly tanned. 
TATTOOS: N/A, but thinking about some.
HEIGHT:  145cm
WEIGHT: Average weight.
BUILD:  Curvy build, soft body, toned arms and legs.
FEATURES:  Sharp lacquered claws, spectacles.
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  The bangs framing her face are brushed down smoothly, the short back is fluffed up.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Neutral or smiling.
USUAL CLOTHING:  In town, a black and white dress, stockings, and heels. Out hunting, leather tunic, shorts, and thigh high boots.
FEAR/S: Being abandoned, being unable to escape enclosed spaces, being somewhere she can’t see where she is/whats around her.
ASPIRATION/S:  To be happy, to have people to be happy with, to make others happy.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Cheerful, determined, loyal, considerate.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Naive, oblivious, pushes people away, avoidance behavior. 
TEMPERAMENT:   Phlegmatic
SOUL TYPE/S:   Priest
FAITH: Belief in the Twelve.
GHOSTS?: Absolutely.
AFTERLIFE?: Return to the lifestream, be reborn in time.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Stays out of political things.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Literate and basic math, studied in the Lancer’s and Conjurer’s guilds.
FATHER : Unknown father.
MOTHER :  Unknown mother.
SIBLINGS : Unknown.
EXTENDED FAMILY: Adopted mother and father; two elder brothers and a sister.
BOOK:  Old fairytales, particularly about the Twelve and beast tribes.
DEITY: Menphina.
HOLIDAY:  All Saints’ Wake
MONTH: Spring months.
SEASON: Spring.
PLACE: Deep within the Shroud.
WEATHER: A sunny day with a gentle breeze, dappling the ground in gold.
SOUND / S: The sound of wind in the tress, waves crashing to the shore, the tinkle of an orchestrion.
SCENT / S: Floral, spice, wood, leather.
TASTE / S:  Fresh baked bread, butter and jams, chai tea and milk.
FEEL / S:  Sunlight on your skin, wind ruffling your hair, skin to skin contact.
ANIMAL / S:  Anything small and cute.
COLORS: Rolanberry red, black, tan, mint.
TALENTS: Hunting, deft hand for botany, sketching and painting.
BAD AT : Reaching out to others, asking for help
TURN ONS: Strength, sense of humor, intelligence, witty.
TURN OFFS: Abuse of those weaker than you, cruelty, stupidity.
HOBBIES: Drawing, people-watching, sewing, cooking.
TROPES: I have no idea to be honest, didn’t think this all the way through.
QUOTES :  N/A at this moment.
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  .... I have no idea. I don’t really watch much in the way of movies and a terrible 90′s action flick would NOT suit her lol She would probably be better suited for say... a fantasy comedy maybe?
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Something cheerful and upbeat mixed with more peaceful stuff. .... actually, just do the whole Dragon Age Inquisition sound track. I love it.
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   A friend suddenly sprung on me “make a profile!” for RP events. That’s... really what started Illia as a character instead of just my avatar in game.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   She’s just someone fun and happy to get into the mindset of.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  She is much more of an extrovert than myself. It can be draining to stay in that mindset and work for it.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   I like to think her foundation is the better parts of my personality, though lacking in my poor esteem and crippling anxiety. 
Plus the hair cut!
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   Were I in Eorzea, she would mom friend me to the extreme lol Confined to the property and tending the house while she’s out on commissions. House wife? Yeh.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :  I find all her interactions fun and interesting!
But for... I guess just “interesting” is if she came across someone that would make her prickly side come out; someone being cruel to others or arrogant and hateful to her or others.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 : Sunshine! Happy thoughts. Etc. Really, just a positive character for other characters to run across/interact with. I think a little sunshine in everyone’s day could be for the better, you know? Plus if something sad or dramatic happens, it would feel more soulful you know? 
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : Forever. My phone kept deleting stuff and it’s still difficult sitting up at the computer.
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Plating Memory - The New York Times
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“Can you repeat the steps all over again?”Gradually I learned that like my mother, I too am a whatever-is-in-the-fridge-throw-in-the-pot-kind-of-cook and I too would eventually learn to cook for a multitude of guests at even a moment’s notice. I too rely on a sixth sense for spices to know which ingredients will go together and a certain aroma to know when a dish is done. I am my mother’s daughter: Some turn to yoga and music to relax; I chop onions, julienne carrots and cube bell peppers. A kitchen to me is the comfort and care of a mother’s arms.Two years after moving to Georgia, I had a miscarriage at 16 weeks. I could not even stand to be in the kitchen. Knives reminded me of breakage, tomatoes of blood and smells of all the meals my baby would not eat. Food stopped being about the abundance of past memories and turned into a reminder of future memories that would never be.My mother counseled me to prepare rich foods cooked in ghee to mend my body and drink doodh pati chai, in which tea leaves are simmered in whole milk, cardamom, cloves and sugar to heal my heart, but grief had left me incapable of entering the kitchen. Instead, we lived on delivery pizzas.A few weeks after the miscarriage, my doorbell rang one afternoon. It was the mother of my 5-year-old daughter’s best friend. She hugged me and told me my daughter had told her daughter and she was so sorry. Through a blur of tears, I took the aluminum dish she handed me. She instructed me to bake it for 40 minutes at 350 degrees.“Enchiladas,” she said. “I hope you like chicken.”I had not yet acquired a taste for Mexican food and I was not a fan of chicken, but I thanked her. After she left, I told myself that all I had to do in the kitchen was turn on the oven to 350 degrees. I put the dish on a rack. I switched on the timer. When the timer pinged, I placed the dish on the table and held my hands over it. The fragrant steam warmed my cold fingers. I inhaled the smell of a food I’d never eaten in my life. I lifted a forkful to my mouth. I chewed and chewed and finally I managed to swallow. I did not like it and yet I chewed and swallowed and chewed and swallowed because the fact is it was not enchiladas I was eating.I was eating the kindness in the thought to make me, a veritable stranger, a meal. I was eating the effort involved in shopping for the ingredients. I was eating the money spent. I was eating the time that had gone into preparing the dish and delivering it into my hands. For the first time in a long time I was eating maternal care.I did not finish the enchiladas. In fact, I made sure to leave a little in the container and I let it take up as much space as it needed in the fridge for as long as possible. It would take me years to develop a taste for Mexican food and a few more years before I’d try a recipe at home. I made enchiladas with chicken in red sauce and with each bite I thought of the woman whose kitchen-kindness rescued me from aloneness and brought me back, forkful by forkful, into the world of the living where people cooked and ate and drank and made memory. Source link Read the full article
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shelfnovel12-blog · 5 years
Dirty Chai Tapioca Pudding with Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Crumble
Dirty chai tapioca pudding is topped with gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookie crumble and makes a deliciously aromatic and decadent dessert.
Lover or a hater? I feel like people are pretty opinionated on pudding. I love the stuff. That said, I love it on it’s own. I don’t love it in a pie. No, pies are for fruit, not creamy fillings. Nope, nope, nope.
Throw things like rice and tapioca in there and people get even more worked up about it. I truly don’t get the tapioca haters. That texture is just FUN! At least I think so. Guess that’s probably why I love chia pudding too (pumpkin chocolate chia pudding or pumpkin pie chia pudding parfaits anyone?).
*This post is sponsored by Udi’s Gluten Free, a 2017 partner of Running to the Kitchen.
Basically, the more texture, the merrier in my eyes. Or mouth.
My mother-in-law is the rice pudding queen. I’ve made it before but don’t do so often (this creamy orange spiked wheatberry pudding is the closest thing to it on here) because hers is really just the best.
Except for that one time she made it with salt instead of sugar. It was years ago when we lived in Florida, my brother was visiting and she was so excited to have another mouth to feed. He and Ulysses took the first spoonful and watching my brother’s face transform into disgust while he tried to disguise it for politeness sake was one of the most comical moments of my life. I, thankfully, hadn’t tried my serving yet.
She’s redeemed herself since then but that my friends, is why you keep food items in (appropriately) labeled containers.
I’ve purchased some obscure ingredients doing this thing called food blogging for the last 6+ years but weirdly, tapioca pearls were never one of them up until recently. With a half opened box of them though this dirty chai tapioca pudding came to be.
I feel like this isn’t something I should admit but I had no clue what dirty chai meant up until a few weeks ago. Julie made these brownies and it was like the angels started singing and the heavens opened up. Espresso AND chai combined? Um, yes.
I want that combination in drink form, in brownie form, in pudding form and basically any other form it wants to take because YUM.
I decided I wanted to take the texture thing even further with this dirty chai tapioca pudding and crumble my favorite Udi’s Gluten Free soft baked cookie on top – oatmeal raisin.
Remember these maple cashew chocolate chip cookie milkshakes from back in the summer? Well, I do love those Udi’s cookies too but if you ever give me a choice when it comes to cookies between traditional and soft baked, I’m going soft baked all the way, always.
They bring even more fun to each bite of this dirty chai tapioca pudding. It’s equal parts aromatic, coffee buzzed and sweet (it’s also dairy free!) and I think all you pudding lovers (minus the texture weirdos) will love it.
Dirty chai tapioca pudding is topped with gluten-free oatmeal raisin cookie crumble and makes a deliciously aromatic and decadent dessert.
Prep Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes
1/2 cup tapioca pearls
3/4 cup brewed espresso
1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond/coconut milk
1 1/2 teaspoon chai tea
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tablespoons maple syrup
pinch kosher salt
4 Udi's Gluten Free Soft Baked Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, crumbled
Place tapioca pearls in a small bowl, cover with cold water and let soak for at least 1 hour.
Drain tapioca and set aside.
Place almond/coconut milk in a small pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer. Place chai tea in an infuser and let steep in the pot with the milk over low heat for 5 minutes.
Remove tea infuser and discard. Add the brewed espresso, vanilla, maple syrup and salt to the pot, whisk to combine. 
Add the tapioca pearls, increase heat to medium and stir frequently over a low simmer until pudding thickens and tapioca turns from white to clear, about 20-25 minutes.
Pour the pudding mixture into 4 containers. Top each with the cookie crumbles and serve. Alternatively, refrigerate pudding to serve chilled and top with the cookie crumbles before serving.
Source: https://www.runningtothekitchen.com/dirty-chai-tapioca-pudding/
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keijay-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://cookingtipsandreviews.com/how-to-make-spiced-coffee/
How to Make Spiced Coffee
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Tasteofhome.com EditorsNovember 30, 2018
Want to change up your morning cup? The Taste of Home Test Kitchen shares two easy methods for making spiced coffee.
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If you’ve been around at all in the past few years, you’ve probably tasted the mother of all spiced coffees: pumpkin spice. The annual arrival of the pumpkin spice latte generates as much fanfare as a hero returning from battle.
Thing is, it’s easy to make spiced coffee at home, any day of the year. (Much cheaper, too.) You can also think beyond the pie spice and use your favorite spices, alone in or in combination, for fantastic flavor. Spices like cinnamon and cardamom impart warm, cozy notes, while star anise or ginger impart a more powerful flavor twist.
Let’s get started. No fancy cardboard cups necessary. (Dare we suggest a slice of coffee cake on the side?)
Psst! Taste of Home has a brand-new coffee line! Get your free sample here.
How to Make Spiced Coffee: Two Methods
Method 1: Spice Up the Coffee Grounds
You’ll need:
1/3 cup ground coffee (not instant coffee granules)
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon or other spice. Cardamom, pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg, allspice and star anise pair well with coffee.
Step 1: Sprinkle grounds with spice
Combine coffee with ground cinnamon or other spice in the filter basket of your coffee maker. We used a drip coffeemaker, but you can also spice up coffe made in a French press, Chemex, pour-over or other method.
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Step 2: Brew
Prepare coffee as usual. You’ll get about four cups.
Step 3: Enjoy!
Enjoy as usual-black, or with cream and sugar. Want to go over the top? Combine spiced coffee with spiced milk.
Method 2: Spice Up the Milk
You’ll need:
Coffee, spiced or regular
1 cup 2% milk
2 to 3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking cocoa
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 cinnamon sticks, optional
Whipped cream, optional
Step 1: Combine Ingredients and Warm
Combine the milk, sugar, cocoa and vanilla in a saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat for 5-7 minutes, or until small bubbles appear on the sides of the pan. Stir occasionally to keep the heat even and prevent scorching on the bottom. Don’t let the milk boil!
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Step 2: Add Coffee
Pour the hot milk mixture into four coffee cups and add coffee. The milk adds rich mocha flavor to regular coffee. Spiced coffee + spiced milk = extra delicious.
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Step 3 (Optional): Gild the Lily.
Garnish your mugs with cinnamon sticks and whipped cream for a decadent dessert-like treat. Serving an after-dinner drink? Add 1-2 tablespoons of coffee liqueur to the mug. Want a summery version? Just chill the spiced coffee and milk until cool, then pour over ice.
Want to make more coffee shop drinks? Check out our favorite recipes.
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Creamy Caramel Mocha
Indulge in a coffeehouse-quality drink with this caramel mocha recipe. With whipped cream and a butterscotch drizzle, this treat will perk up even the sleepiest person at the table. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Comforting Coffee Milk
This recipe is special to me because the delicious ingredients and flavors speak for themselves without those extra preservatives. Now that’s refreshing! —Brenda Schrag, Farmington, New Mexico
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Holiday Peppermint Mocha
Make spirits bright with a minty mocha to share under the mistletoe or around the piano. I’ve also stirred in coffee liqueur instead of peppermint. —Lauren Brien-Wooster, South Lake Tahoe, California
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Creamy Irish Coffee
My maternal grandma was never a drinker, beyond a glass of champagne at Christmas, but she couldn’t resist Bailey’s Irish Coffee. —Rebecca Little, Park Ridge, Illinois
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Mocha Morning Drink
When I’m sipping this delicious coffee, I almost feel like I’m visiting my favorite coffeehouse. —Jill Rodriguez, Gonzales, Louisiana
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Caramel-Chai Tea Latte
Inspired by the spicy chai drinks served at coffee shops, I whipped up a caramel-drizzled latte I can enjoy at home anytime. —Katelyn Kelly, Perryville, Maryland
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Viennese Coffee
This isn’t your regular cup of Joe! Dress it up with chocolate, whipped cream and more, making it a drink to savor! —Sharon Delaney-Chronis, South Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Hazelnut Mocha Smoothies
This smooth blend of coffee, cocoa and nutty flavors is better than any coffeehouse version we’ve tried. Try it, and we’re sure you will agree. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Iced Coffee Latte
This is a great alternative to regular hot coffee and is much more economical than store-bought coffee drinks. Sweetened condensed milk and a hint of chocolate lend a special touch. —Heather Nandell, Johnston, Iowa
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Coconut Lover’s Frappe
I love frozen beverages, so I wanted to create one similar to those in coffee shops but without coffee as an ingredient. When I drink this frosty treat it’s as good as any specialty shop drink but without the hassle or the cost. —Emily Semmelrock, Jewett City, Connecticut
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Sweet Kahlua Coffee
I have this beverage brewing in my slow cooker at my annual Christmas open house. I set out the whipped cream and grated chocolate in festive dishes so guests can help themselves to as much Kahlua-flavored coffee as they’d like.—Ruth Gruchow, Yorba Linda, California
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Frosty Caramel Cappuccino
This frothy frosty beverage is positively delicious for breakfast, a mid-afternoon snack or an after-dinner dessert. It’s also a great quick treat to serve with a plate of cookies when friends come to call during the holidays. To make the ice cream topping easier to drizzle, put it in a squeeze bottle, take the cap off and microwave for a few seconds. —Carol Mann, Summerfield, Florida
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Honey Spiced Latte
We combine rich molasses, golden honey and a host of spices to create this warm and comforting beverage.—Taste of Home Test Kitchen
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Hazelnut Coffee
The blend of flavors—coffee, hazelnut and a bit of chocolate—make this drink absolutely sensational. It is great for breakfast or brunch, but is also wonderful for a quiet moment at the end of the day. —Frieda Bliesner, McAllen, Texas
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Irish Cream Coffee
A steaming cup of this jazzed-up coffee makes the perfect pick-me-up any time of day. Try experimenting with other liqueurs or creamers to give each cup new life. —Carol Fate, Waverly, Illinois
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Hot Ginger Coffee
I like to sit by the fire and sip this coffee on a cold winter day. It’s a great warm-up after shoveling snow, skiing, skating or snowmobiling. —Audrey Thibodeau, Gilbert, Arizona
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Iced Coffee
When my sister introduced me to iced coffee, I didn’t think I’d like it. Not only did I like it, I decided I could learn how to make iced coffee on my own. My fast-to-fix version is a refreshing alternative to hot java. —Jenny Reece, Lowry, Minnesota
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Cinnamon Mocha Coffee
Most store-bought flavored coffees are expensive. Here’s a special early-morning beverage you can make at home. The aroma of cinnamon and cocoa makes this mocha coffee hard to resist. —Taste of Home Test Kitchen, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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Cappuccino Punch
When I tried this punch at a friend’s wedding shower, I had to have the recipe. Guests will eagerly gather around the punch bowl when you ladle out this frothy mocha ice cream drink. —Rose Reich, Nampa, Idaho
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helatherwhite · 6 years
Healthy Green Bean Casserole – gluten free, paleo, vegan, AIP
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Today I'm so thrilled to bring you a recipe for one of my FAVORITE Holiday recipes–healthy green bean casserole.
One of my FAVORITE Holiday foods is green bean casserole. I mean, I love the turkey (well, I really don't love it unless there are other fixins with it) and sweet potatoes (not the casserole, but plain), and cranberry sauce–and of COURSE pumpkin pie….but really, I just LOVE green bean casserole.
I remember being sooo excited when I was a young girl going for Thanksgiving or Christmas to my great-aunt's house. She ALWAYS had green bean casserole there and for some reason it always made the meal for me.
Something about the creamy sauce and the crunchy munchy topping.
I'm sure there are some of you out there who don't like Green Bean Casserole, whether it's healthy or not (in fact, my husband is one of those people–he's not into anything creamy. I think it's a “thing” from his childhood.  He associated creamy things with being unhealthy and now even if I healthify them, he doesn't like them. Hmmmm….), but if you don't like Green Bean Casserole, then most likely you aren't looking on the internet for a Healthy Green Bean Casserole, right?
So you aren't reading this.
Back to those of us who “get” it about the crunchy munchy creaminess.
Anyhow, the recipe that I have today is a seriously good recipe for a paleo green bean casserole, and it's loaded with all kinds of healthy ingredients.
Note–this is not your typical so called “healthy recipe” that is low carb, or low fat. This healthy green bean casserole really is that.
Healthy. AND it's great for almost any special diet. Here's why:
It's a Vegan Green Bean Casserole. So if you need to avoid dairy and eggs, this totally fits the bill.
It's a Paleo Green Bean Casserole. If you're avoiding grains and such, it works for you too!
It's a Gluten-free Green Bean Casserole. So all of you gluten-free folk can enjoy it too!
As you'll see below, this recipe for Vegan Green Bean Casserole comes from a fabulous Healthy Holiday Recipes Cookbook that is meant for people who are following the Paleo, Primal, or GAPS diet, so it will work for SOOO many people.
And even if you are nut free, I'm pretty sure you could substitute sunflower seeds for the topping.
This gluten-free green bean casserole is loaded with SO many healthy ingredients that you can feel great serving it to your family and guests, knowing they will be truly nourished by it.
Not typical casserole stuff that sits in your stomach and makes you wonder after the fact why you ate it in the first place.
Nope – this is good stuff.
Ingredients You WON'T Find in This Vegan Green Bean Casserole
The 2 biggest “healthy eating” offenders in a typical green bean casserole recipe are–the cream of mushroom soup and the french fried onions.
So let's check out the totally not-so-healthy ingredients in those babies, shall we?
Cream of Mushroom Soup Ingredients
Ummm–no. Just no.
No to:
canola oil (almost for SURE GMO)
soybean oil (ditto)
corn oil (ditto again!)
soy protein concentrate (quadruple ditto)
monosodium glutamate?!?!  (ummmm-no need to talk about this one)
soy lecithin (again the GMO thing)
flavoring (this could be benign, but considering the heinous status of the rest of the ingredients, I'm betting that it isn't)
French Fried Onion Ingredients
Onions, Palm Oil, Enriched Flour (Wheat Flour, Niacin, Reduced Iron, Thiamin Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Soy Flour, Salt and Dextrose.
I was pretty shocked to see that ingredient list–at least ONIONS is the first ingredient there!
These aren't as bad as I thought but I'm a flat out “no” on the soy flour since it's likely GMO, and for anyone with a gluten issue, these just aren't going to work.
And the folic acid can potentially be a trouble for those with MTHFR issues (though granted, there isn't much in here).
Ain't none of that stuff in this Vegan Green Bean Casserole!
Healthy Green Bean Casserole - gluten free, paleo, vegan, AIP
print shopping list
Preparation :55
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1:00
Serves 6-8     adjust servings
1 lb green beans
1 cup cream of mushroom soup (here's a packaged healthy cream of mushroom soup)
3/4 cup finely-ground almond flour (or finely-ground soaked nuts)
1/2 cup thinly-sliced onion
2 tbsp melted butter (use palm shortening for dairy-free option)
1 tsp salt, divided (I use Real Salt)
1/4 tsp garlic powder (or Homemade Garlic Powder)
Preheat oven to 350°.
In a large bowl, combine butter, almond flour, and ½ tsp salt and stir.
Toss the onion slices in the mixture to coat them.
Place the green beans, remaining salt, and cream of mushroom soup in an 8 X 8 baking
dish and stir.
Top green beans with onion mixture, then cover and bake for 30 minutes.
Remove the cover and bake for 20-30 minutes longer, until almond flour becomes brown
and slightly crispy.
by Adrienne
Recipe Notes
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More Healthy Holiday Recipes
This fabulous vegan green bean casserole recipe is just one of the many allergy-friendly recipes in Nourishing Holiday by my friend (and I'm not just saying that she is my friend–she really is), Jaclyn Harwell.
I'm telling you, if you are looking for special-diet friendly recipes that can get you through the Holidays in an enjoyable and celebratory fashion, you want this book.
The above links are for the ebook version. For those of you who really want a print book instead, you can shop here.
Nourishing Holiday is 50 Grain-free, Gut-Healing Recipes – all suitable for the Paleo, Primal, and GAPS Diets
Though I personally think this Gluten-free Green Bean Casserole is my FAVE (I'm sure all of you green bean casserole lovers out there are with me on that), these are some of the recipes in this healthy holiday recipes book that I am just DYING to make:
– Caramel Sauce—yes! – Gingerbread Man Immune Boosting Gummies – Beet and Goat Cheese Salad with Honey Mustard Dressing – Mincemeat Pies – Chai Tea Concentrate – Party Mix – Roasted Cauliflower Soup – Winter Pear Salad with Warm Olive Oil Dressing – Creamy Dreamy Pumpkin Pie – Gingerbread Cookies
Now, I know that many of you have food allergies, and this book does have some dairy in it as well as eggs. We are too, mostly due to our son's life-threatening food allergies that caused severe eczema when he was an infant..
So here is the information on how even those with allergies can still enjoy the great recipes in this book:
Avoiding Dairy? I think you'll have no trouble making the substitutions that you need.
Just use store bought dairy alternatives, or make my Homemade Coconut Milk, Homemade Almond Milk, or Homemade Rice Milk. And I have to say that those are the EASIEST versions you will find anywhere.
Avoiding Egg? About 14 of the recipes will be tough to find substitutes for, since they are coconut flour recipes and those are notoriously hard to use an egg substitute with.
You could try this Powdered Egg Substitute if you like for the best alternative, but I still think it will be a bit rough going.
Avoiding Nuts? If you can eat seeds, then using sunflower seeds might work well for you. Tiger Nuts and tiger nut flour are also a great option!
What's your favorite Holiday food? Will you add this Vegan Green Bean Casserole to your holiday table?
The post Healthy Green Bean Casserole – gluten free, paleo, vegan, AIP appeared first on Whole New Mom.
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chaihedgehog-blog · 7 years
The assumed diversity of the white bellied hedgehog diet (to my knowledge there aren’t any studies into the stomach and faecal content of wild white bellied hogs like those for European Hedgehogs as is found here: Wildlife Online.) means that there are plenty of safe and species-appropriate options available for an owner to change what’s on offer at dinner time.
I was delighted to find that hogs can be given the ‘two ingredient’ banana pancakes; these are very easy for me to prepare because this dairy free recipe is where I start when making banana pancakes for myself.
For Chai The Hedgehog
The ingredients are simple: two eggs and one ripe banana
To prepare I used a measuring jug, a little non stick pan and because I wanted cutely shaped pancakes I used a small metallic heart-shaped cutter.
Add the eggs and slices of banana (or the whole banana if you’re feeling dangerous) to the measuring jug. A bowl is fine if you don’t have a jug, I just like pouring the mixture into the pans instead of using a spoon.
I then use a hand mixer to whiz the ingredients together and pour the mixture into the cutter which is already in the tiny pan (medium heat).
It doesn’t take long for the mixture to cook on one side. To turn I (protect your fingers it will be hot) flip the metallic cutter then use a chop stick or knife to poke the shape down the length of the cutter. Once it touches the pan, lift the cutter off and wait for a few seconds.
Repeat these steps for as many tiny pancakes as you want (you can also free pour less than a teaspoon into the pan for circular pancakes).
Tiny, tiny pancake dinner garnished with a side of kale and a tea cup of water.
Using the Leftover Mixture for Me
If you don’t use all of the mixture for your hedgehog friendly pancakes, you can enjoy the rest of the mxture for yourself!
Bubbling pancakes for me! 
To the leftover mixture (I only used about a teaspoon or two of mixture above) I add:
1 tbsp flaxseed
2 tbsp self raising flour
1 tsp sugar 
When they didn’t rise I added an additional 1/2 tsp of baking powder
I didn’t need to use the oat milk because the mixture was already at a consistency where it was easy to pour and the pancakes were rising well.
I use the hand blender which I’ve set aside to mix the new ingredients into the banana and egg mixture, and wait for my frying pan to warm up to a medium heat and melt the small amount of butter I’ve put in. Then pour the mixture into the pan and cook until done. I tend to either get my first pancake perfect or find that I need to modify the mixture based on how well the pancake has risen or cooked.
There you are!
Chai, preparing to walk over her treat. I’d just given her some mealies and she was determined to find more.
Some tasty pancakes for your hedgehog that you can also enjoy. I tried this recipe when Chai rejected my spinach scrambled egg offering because other owners seemed to find more success with banana and egg than other mixtures.
Tiny Cooking: Banana Pancakes The assumed diversity of the white bellied hedgehog diet (to my knowledge there aren't any studies into the stomach and faecal content of wild white bellied hogs like those for European Hedgehogs as is found here: 
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