intcrpol · 2 years
He wasn’t sure if his agent training was at work or if these other boys simply didn’t care that they had all the subtlety of a crazed Rhyhorn, but he knew he was being followed. For what reason was unclear, but Ginjiro disliked the sudden attention being paid to his normally quiet and inoffensive presence. Being this aggressive in a public setting felt off, weren’t they worried about the local police at all?
Sighing under his breath, the interpol trainee tried to lose them in a crowd, but found himself trapped after rounding the wrong corner of a back alley.
“Three against one? You guys really have no shame,” he quipped dryly, not making a motion to act besides widening his stance just slightly.
It was easy enough to side-step the first swing, grasping the larger teen’s hand and giving a firm twist into a supinating wristlock. The thug crumpled like a wet paper towel, trying to rotate his body before his pained wrist emitted an audible snap when it broke.
Shirogane ducked beneath the reach of a kick and brought his knee up into a solid blow to the groin, quite literally knocking the wind out of his second assailant’s lungs. Taking some initiative, he jumped forward into an axe kick and brought his heel down on his last opponent’s collarbone. 
Before he could leave the alley, a taller figure blocked the way. He seemed different- Relaxed and poised, confident. Their leader...?
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Rather than exchange any pleasantries, Gin stretched a bit to limber up. Something told him that he might actually have to put some genuine effort into this fight.
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