#Soowon and Yona are foils in many ways
stardvstbby · 16 days
thinking about how Soowon and Yona represent a difference between victory through sacrifice and victory through compassion. Soowon is okay with being the bad guy if Kouka ultimately benefits, whereas Yona’s unwavering kindness inspires hope and garners support from even enemies. Soowon gave up every close relationship he had so he wouldn’t be blinded by affection in pursuit of his goals, while Yona’s affections are her very motivation and through them she is able to strengthen herself and those around her. both Yona and Soowon sway others, albeit in different ways. Yona speaks to people’s hearts and their yearning to be better, inspiring them to help her, but Soowon gets to the core of others’ goals and supports their motivations in a way that they end up wanting to be his ally
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