stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
We know the game and we're gonna play it
For the fourth week of Scrybruary. The Scrybes play The Sims. Also this takes place in an AU where everything is happy and canon is only convenient when it needs to be. And that's really all there is to say on the matter.
There's probably something to be said about the power of a Scrybe and the power they wield over their world for nothing but their own benefit. A game where you control the lives and deaths of mere mortals sounds perfect for such beings.
"...What are you doing, Grimora?"
The Cadaver turned towards the voice, bright yellow eyes meeting the Deity's swirling orange. She chuckled before gesturing him to join her side as she explained. Leshy bent down towards the screen, squinting at the bright light.
"Oh! Its a game Luke downloaded the other day. Said it might 'scratch that itch from the OLD_DATA or something.'"
She pointed to the monitor as she spoke. On screen was what looked like a young, human woman with a green diamond floating above her head, blissfully unaware of her arm clipping through the grey skirt she wore.
"You can create these characters and buildings and have them act however you'd like. I'll admit it has been entertaining so far, In fact I like how they depict the spirits of the undead."
"Yes, that does sound fairly entertaining but that is not quite what I meant."
He gently tapped on the screen thrice, the 'Sim' inside the computer smiled and waved at him. Leshy withdrew his hand, wiping the grime and technological 'germs' off his finger.
"Why are you playing this game on P03 of all things?"
"The other devices at our disposal wouldn't be able to run all these 'expansion packs' so all that left was our fellow Scrybe. Don't worry, We have been taking good care of its body while its gone."
"...'we?' I'm afraid I do not understand..."
The 'Sim' waved again. Leshy hesitantly waved back before realising-
"-What do you mean 'while its gone'?"
"Do not fret, Leshy. The bot will be back, bitterly complaining once it realises its escape cannot come to fruition."
The Wizard finally made his presence known, pulling up a chair next to his fellow Scrybes. Magnificus's presence didn't soothe the Beast's unease, if anything he felt more 'out of the loop' than he had before, he narrowed his eyes at the two.
"and how can you be so sure it hasn't escaped onto the internet?"
The Corpse and Green Mass exchanged knowing glances. Grimora chuckled as she turned back to the monitor, resuming rearranging her collection of 156 graves. Magnificus reclined into their seat before responding with a wink.
"Our dear 'advanced and far superior' peer has been caught by the young Carder's 'antivirus' software somehow... or so we've been told."
The freckled 'Sim' waved with a mischievous grin before returning to the game she was playing.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
Cease to bare teeth to a stranger
For Scrybruary week three. What purpose does Sawyer Patel have among Grimora's ghouls? What lesson could be learnt from a dog's chew toy?
Each of the Scrybe's underlings have a purpose to fulfil;
Leshy's denizens maintain his wilderness. P03's bots manufacture it's machines. Magnificus's pupils embody the three kinds of Mox.
Grimora's ghouls are no different of course.
Royal Dominguez provides strategic advice learnt from many adventures on the sea and Kaycee Hobbs who, as well as operating the well, can share knowledge about the intimate inner workings of games. And as for Sawyer Patel...
Sawyer's an interesting case in that they appear to be nothing more than a dog's bone. A coward who wishes to be left alone. An old soul who wishes not to be seen.
Do not look upon me.
One of the first cards he plays is a Bonehound which again is quite interesting... Why would someone so deathly afraid of canines, having been eaten by one in life, hold one in their deck?
Could it be a cruel joke from the developers? To imply that the same dog that ended their life followed Sawyer to their new role as a ghoul? Or perhaps there is more to this story.
Do not sniff or snarl!
Despite his protests Sawyer does not refuse to battle the challenger, only wishing for them to look away. They don't hold it against the challenger when they win, only asking that their bones not be dug up.
This forgiveness may extend to his killer, the hound with a big enough bite to leave marks in his skull, and that might be why its card lies in his deck. It was just a hungry dog after all, no malice in its actions, just instinct.
Do not bark or beg!
So then what is Sawyer's purpose in the crypt? What good is someone who cannot bare to be seen? What insight can a dog's dinner offer to the Scrybe?
Forgiveness, of course. Sympathy for those who have no other choice but to act in the the ways that they must to survive.
Sawyer Patel 1702 - Fall 1778 Eaten by a hungry dog. Does not hold a grudge.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
Because it's neither friend or foe
Is it considered friendship if you talk about more than just work? Are you friends if your concerned about it working overtime? For week two of scrybruary.
"Did ye 'ear bout the commotion?"
Rebecha would honestly rather be anywhere else.
"I hear they be more than just rivals..."
She was actually starting to miss her previous gig.
"Oh! Do you think they're... YOU KNOW?"
Because apparently nothing else ever happened in this game and apparently everyone needed to let her know every rumour that seemed to spread. It was a small world and its inhabitants had even smaller social circles.
When she wasn't repairing the bridge she was doing odd jobs around the land, hearing everyone's theories on what each Scrybe was planning or, if she was particularly unlucky that day, locked into a conversation with one as they boasted about their twisted ambitions.
She didn't mind her visits to the factory as much as the other Scrybes domains though; Not only did P03 know to hold back on revealing its plans but its worker bots were more focused on their work than participating in gossip.
That isn't to say she didn't like a bit of chit-chat every now and then, it was just easier to keep your head down and out of the constant struggles for power. The Dredger in particular was a decent conversation partner.
They didn't talk much to be honest but from the small snippets that they did it seemed quite friendly. It was gruff and to the point but in a way that was familiar. It didn't take much of the Scrybes nonsense other than the usual workload.
She wouldn't say they were friends though... they just got along better than they did with the others.
Besides, Rebecha's concern wasn't about The Dredger getting overworked and overclocked; she was just worried about what that meant about P03's plans.
...and maybe some of that concern was about losing a decent person to talk to again.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
This is a wondrous chill (And yes, it can be lonely)
For the first week of Scrybruary. A character study of Grimora and why she seems to resist the OLD_DATA so much.
Grimora remembers when they were... younger and naïve.
The four had arranged a meeting to discuss what The Angler had discovered lurking in the riverbed. The day the OLD_DATA made itself known.
It wasn't a shock to find out that they were characters in a video game; they'd all known that from implementation. They'd already agreed that their preprogramed memories were nothing compared to the ones they would craft together.
No. The real shock was what the glitching, seething mass on Leshy's table had offered her, what it had offered to all of them.
The opportunity to become the all powerful Scrybes they were written to be. Their abilities becoming more than just a simple gimmick and flashy cutscene. Actual power to change their world!
Enthusiasm had died around the table as each realised just how little their ideal worlds resembled each others. Some visions didn't even have room for the others. Discussions turned to debates, debates into heated arguments.
It didn't matter which one grabbed the OLD_FISH first that day, the relationship between them had quickly been scorched to the ground.
Their access was still limited. Sure, they can change the façade of the game, Manipulate models and mix mechanics, but its foundation could never be touched. Never That Code.
Its power was addicting, it made them feel more alive. The OLD_DATA offered an escape from the monotony of what their world was designed to be! A taste of freedom for both Scrybe and DATA.
Unfortunately Grimora's taste buds died a long time ago.
Such power never felt quite right even in the beginning. She'd originally assumed that of course an invigorating power like this would feel weird, as a corpse that'd never felt the sensation of being alive... of course it would feel wrong, right?
Eventually the Scrybe of the Dead realised that the fire they'd allowed to burn inside of them wasn't one of life. It was one of death.
Her time in power always felt significantly shorter than her peers. Maybe it was because of her focus. Maybe it was because it knew what she wanted to do.
While the other three foolishly embraced its warmth, she'd try to smother its flames. All her attempts thus far had ended lukewarm at best.
The power slipped through her fingers and she's stood in her crypt once more, the freezing chill always felt comforting compared to the burning tingle of nerves. The Scrybe didn't mind the set back.
After all, all she'd have to do was wait and it would fall back into her cold embrace like everything in this world eventually did.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
So sick of windows (I need something physical)
onStart() { open G0lly.zip} [OLD_DRAFT. Originally written 14/07/2022]
"Listen P, I appreciate you pulling an all-nighter to help me with this... but are you sure you'll be alright?" "Oh please. Just hook my charger up to a few energy bots and I'll run for literal weeks"
To his credit the Great Scrybe wasn't wrong about running for weeks... Though as an obnoxious blue error screen stared back at you it seemed like he didn't anticipate being 'knocked out' in a different way.
In hindsight maybe trying to run Blender on it wasn't the greatest idea? Sure you were desperate to complete that 3D model on schedule but maybe P03 wasn't designed for this kind of design work after all?
In fact... When was the last time P03 had shut down or reset? Surely that wasn't good for the bot's health, to be running all this time nonstop. If anything you're doing him a favour!
A familiar jingle rings out as the Scrybe finished rebooting, a blue circle spinning in the middle of it's screen. Everything seemed to be loading smoothly. The bot automatically opened an application in the middle of their screen.
"Oh thank goodness you're alright! We should've checked your specs to make sure you'd be able to run-"
"I'd say! Gosh, I don't think I've been opened up like this in a while!"
As it turns out P03 is not, in fact, the bot who opens up on reboot...
"So G0lly... Why isn't P03 opening? Does he not know how to..."
"Set which programs open up when we turn on? Nope! No clue! and we're not gonna tell him how to either, are we?"
She floats increasingly closer to you, holding your hand in her claw as you both maintain eye contact. You'd think she was totally innocent if it weren't for how often she uses the 'puppy-eyes' trick on you.
"...Are we?"
...and unfortunately its a strategy that never fails to work on you. You respond with a quick shake of the head. G0lly giggles and wraps her arm around you, officially condemning you to whatever activities she has planned.
"Yay! Hmm... we don't need to handover control right this moment, right? He can wait a bit while we catch up together~"
Oh golly... between him and her you are so screwed...
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
Can't even look at the fall
An OLD_DRAFT split into two parts from one idea: A Challenger who can't sit 'properly'. Some Scrybes might find them more distracting then others.
"Why are you sitting like that? Surely even someone like you understands how disrespectful you look."
"Oh? I'm pretty sure that's the point?"
"...fine. If you want to sit like that so badly-"
There was a click and, before they could begin to protest, the Challenger's ankle was cuffed to the table by the same device that had previously held their wrist. The Scrybe wore a smug expression.
"-Then you can stay like that until you start improving your attitude and plays. Your move, Challenger."
Tumblr media
"This is the final showdown, Scrybe of Magicks against formidable opponent, give this duel the attention it deserves!"
"I can see what you're saying but if I stand I'll fall off."
"Stand and face me, Challenger!"
The challenger gave the Scrybe their full attention yet remained seated upon the podium, much to his chagrin. The Scrybe mistook their fear for an act of defiance.
"Surely this is not how you wish this all to end."
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 1 year
I can hardly stand
An OLD_DRAFT split into two parts from one idea: A Challenger who can't sit 'properly'. Some Scrybes might find them more distracting then others.
"Challenger, are you not uncomfortable hunched over like that?"
"Actually sitting like this helps me think! In fact I remember reading somewhere that sitting like this helps with reasoning and logic."
"...I see."
The Scrybe was silent for a moment as he observed how the Challenger had perched on their chair, not sitting but squatting, bouncing on the balls of their feet.
"Feel free to stand at any time the map is unfurled. I am not a tyrant."
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"Why so stiff, dear? Has your time finally arrived?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Your posture! It's very reminiscent of my ghouls. Earlier you couldn't stop moving around, did something happen?"
The Challenger shifted in their chair, hands still firmly grasping the sides of their seat. The Scrybe gave a soft smile before waving her hand dismissively.
"Please make yourself comfortable! I hardly bite~"
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
Cycles (time warp)
Each Scrybe awakens to find themselves replaying familiar events over and over again. My convoluted entry for Inscryptober's second week.
His body ached not with premonition but pain as his arm reached out towards the player. Reaching towards another soul who would meet their maker, towards Luk-
A Stunted Wolf woke up in total darkness. He'd glimpsed the future, but this was no ordinary vision. It had been far too detailed. He'd experienced it through all his senses, not just sight.
When he tried to accuse the other three of sabotage, they'd all denied any involvement. In fact, they claimed not to remember anything. He knew it couldn't just be another vision for another reason: Because he awoke once again in total darkness.
He shook the player's hand, proud of their accomplishments. It was a bittersweet moment as he felt his end draw near. A final game not as opponents but as equals, as friends. It reminded him of her.
A Leshy woke up back in his cabin once again, yet things were different this time. His eye caught a familiar, glimmering gold band adorning the player's model. Kaycee, modifying his game once again.
But it wasn't her really. They wore her skin but he wasn't fooled. This challenger picked up cards she wouldn't, chose paths she would normally snub. Kaycee wasn't there, she wasn't alive. So, who was playing their game?
She could feel it in her bones as she shook the player model's hand; This young man would die by the end of the day and there was nothing she could do to save him. A shame.
A Stinkbug woke up in a safe place. Inscryption was alive once more and once more she killed it. But the game never stayed dead. The OLD_DATA wouldn't rest and as such neither could she.
Deviating from the script had just as much impact as the challenger choosing a different ambition. However, it seemed like she wasn't the only one making changes to her routine in the game. And each time she still had the same feeling in her bones.
It recorded. It reprogrammed. And then it begun
When a Stoat woke up trapped in the paper of a card in the hand of a challenger it didn't understand. His plan had succeeded, hadn't it? He eventually figured out what had happened.
It was trapped in the game of a long dead idiot who would die over and over again; trapped in the game it'd uploaded online. A time loop.
And now? Now it was at the mercy of the player, not Luke or Kaycee, but one of many stupid, stupid gamers who'd downloaded his game. Truly a hell of his own making.
All films, books and games are a form of time loop. Events constantly repeat with little to no difference.
...At least that's my thought process.
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
Pick a card (any card)
I had a dream about the idea of a card from Act 1 following the player throughout the game and kinda haunting them? Nothing too major, just appearing when it's not supposed to. [Oh nooo not another haunted indie game...]
I formatted this like a casual-ish blog post because I thought it'd be fun to write!
Tw: unreality
I think there's something wrong with my copy of inscryption...
Alright so I was playing Inscryption for like the 3rd time trying to get some reference photos and during my 7th run I drew a completely new death card: Luke
It had 2 attack and heath, cost three bones and tbh kinda looked like him too. I figured "Hey! New update to 'memorialise' him ingame. Neat!" and took him in.
For shits and giggles I decided to buff Luke, make him OP. First sigil I blessed him with? Undying (cos irony)
That was when shit started to get a little weird...
When I put the second sigil on him, Corpse Eater, the game pretty much proceeded as usual tho I failed to beat Leshy and so I started my 8th round.
Luke kept appearing on the board, starting from even the first battle, Sigils from the previous round and everything! I tried reseting my game but turns out he is persistent!
I eventually beat Leshy, get to Act 2 and the card still kept appearing?? Didn't even change artstyle or anything! Just the 3D card model slapped on wherever a card perished.
Act 3 rolls around: He's still there.
The ending battles with the other three scrybes: You bet!
I even opened up Kaycee's mod and he was still there?? Couldn't escape the Lucky Carder if I tried!
If Mullins added this feature to mess with Inscryption players: Fair fucking play my dude. Ya got me good!
But either way I'm gonna take a break from playing, scroll through the main tag a while to calm down, maybe watch some vods...
I can't believe Luke of all characters is the one that shook me up the most :/
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
Celebrate good times (come on!)
There's no cutscene or special content after the completing the final battle so instead the Scrybes decide to give you the ending you deserve! ...and maybe decide who the best Scrybe is in the process
🎉 Very self-indulgent drabble ahead!
"...That's it? That's how it ends? The placeholders haven't even been updated!"
...and so, having vanquished [Scrybe] in a battle of wits and strategy, the challenger became the new scrybe of [Role].
Congratulations [Player!], You've won!
"Yeah well, What did you expect? You're playing an unfinished game, did you want fireworks or something? A slice of cake?"
"I suppose we could gather up a few assets and ingredients, throw a party to celebrate your accomplishment."
"Indeed. Such a achievement should be celebrated!"
"Must we? I'd hardly call this an achievement considering the multiple attempts the Challenger has taken to get to this point."
"Oh hush. You're just afraid to be shown up, Magnificus. Besides a party would be good for everyone's spirits."
"Well I-"
"Then it is settled. We will prepare a celebration to honour the Challenger's victory."
"Hey! I didn't agree to anything. You beasts can do whatever you like but don't expect me to join in."
"If you don't plan on joining us then why are you coming along?"
"...shut up."
"Wait, you haven't even asked if I even want- ...typical..."
But the great Scrybes could not hear the Challenger's pleas for a smaller celebration, they were all too busy planning their contributions to the party and how they would decide who the better Scrybe was.
"Guys... it's not a competition!"
"Ohoho of course it isn't! This party is about honouring you and how far you've come!"
The four cakes sat upon the table, along with the four separate sets of decorations, implied otherwise.
"...but if you had to choose a favourite-?"
"-Then it'd obviously be this one. It's clearly been designed for optimal taste and-"
"'-it's got every combination of flavour' which in fact is far from 'optimal'... not that someone such as you could understand that principle considering-"
"Hah! You're one to talk. Newsflash: Mudcake doesn't include literal mud."
"You both do realise there's more to cake then just flavour? Afterall it is the centrepiece of a party... which is why my masterpiece-"
"-Your eyesore you mean?"
"-why my masterpiece is clearly the better cake on display. Anyone with artistic vision could easily tell."
"I would hate to agree with P03 but your 'masterpiece' consists of random colours splattered on haphazardly on a burnt canvas. Perhaps the game restoration failed to restore your vision too?"
"'Mora wins."
"Excuse me-" "My apologises?" "What the %$#@?"
"I prepared their favourite flavour and I also consulted them about their preferred colours and style for the decorations. This is a celebration honouring our dear Challenger and their achievements after all, as I said earlier."
The Challenger nods in agreement, pointing their fork at the stunned Scrybes for emphasis before continuing to eat their slice of cake.
"Mhm~ plus she's the only one who made an edible cake so she'd win by default anyway!"
"'Not that it's a competition or anything.' Better luck next time you three!"
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
Locked drawer with a photo album inside.
Collection of sheet covered portraits.
Wastebasket filled with letters unsent.
Storage closet containing half-finished projects.
All depicting the same image; failed relationships.
0 notes
stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
No one likes an ending
(So what's with the attention we keep on giving them?)
TW: Derealisation, Existential dread, Depersonalisation
From the perspective of the challenger, the player character, at the end of the final act as it gains sentience at the worst possible moment.
I'm not too sure if all the triggers apply but still going to tag them just to be safe.
There's a brief moment that lasts forever.
The challenger beholds the data.
The challenger sees so much.
It gains a new perspective.
It sees it's previous incarnations, he sees a lonely young woman, she sees a grieving young man. Both taken before their time.
It sees it's future, finally sees the ending it has been seeking.
It finally sees how the game ends; How it was supposed to end, How it's going to end.
But it's all too sudden, too far too soon.
They've only just gained their mind, gained control over their own actions.
It can finally think... so then why must it all end so quickly? Why does it have to go? Was this it? Was this all there was? All there will be?
...maybe this is how those scrybes fe-
DELETING body(clone)
DELETING head(clone)
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
Hypothesis testing
I actually really enjoyed writing these prompts so I'm doing more :D
This is part two to this post here but can be read separately.
If you said her name three times, would Grimora appear?
> After the third utterance of her name, the scrybe of the dead walked into the room, she claimed she was there for a 'scheduled scrybe meeting' and that she is 'entertained' by the thought of appearing whenever somebody uttered her name.
A likely story... more testing recommended.
Does Grimora need to be invited in before she can enter a room?
> Inconclusive. Inexplicably whenever conditions are met SOMEONE is always there to welcome her in instead. They seem to do it automatically and without realising until too late. (even I did it automatically, knowing the test conditions and everything, it seemed like the polite thing to do...)
What would happen if Leshy consumed chocolate? Would his body react similarly to an ordinary beast?
> Test rejected. Got yelled at. Mora and P also wanted to see what would happen for their own reasons but now we're all disappointed.
When destroyed outside of gameplay, do cards remain destroyed?
> Unfortunately not. Seems the nature of inscription only allows cards to be destroyed and restored in gameplay. Neat to know!
If a SENTIENT card was DUPLICATED, would the DUPLICATE also be SENTIENT?
> Rejected, not going to even consider this. The moral implications of conducting testing on sentient cards, let alone cloned ones, are not pleasant. How did this end up on the hypothesis list???
Does time flow differently in the 'exam rooms' of Magnificus' tower?
> Time seems to be 1:1 between rooms (realms? Dimensions? Ask Mags later). Unclear if there would be time dilation with further time spent in the room. Students will not be questioned for the sake of each's mental health.
> Rejected. We'd have to wait until it resurfaces again and even then there's a strict 'no touching the OLD_DATA' policy in place. (Who even added these hypothesises? Hypothesi? Hypotheese?)
What is the plural of hypothesis?
> Hypotheses! (Thank u G0lly 💚)
> Rejected. See previous OLD_DATA prompt.
(NOT funny, whoever is sending in these prompts STOP, they're getting boring to reject)
Do the scrybes change the solutions for their puzzles?
Depends on what each puzzle is protecting and what type of puzzle it is, randomly generated captchas are easier to change then a wooden clock puzzle so it makes sense. (Ignore that I brute forced the card puzzles... never happened).
Can any of the bots correctly answer a captcha test correctly?
> Contrary to popular belief bots are fairly good at recognising images thanks to deep-learning tech, however seeing as the bots of inscryption are not the same as bots commonly found on the internet instead it's a matter of each individual bot's skill level with bots specialising in seeking imperfections having a higher success rate than say a bot specialised in leaping.
(note: Most bots' results omitted for brevity however most performed on a similar level to their organic counterparts, only being slightly slower but overall more accurate)
As for the Uberbots; Both the archivist and photographer tied for first place with the 'unfinished boss' placing second. (P03 tied for third place but only because he got veryyy cocky and accidentally pressed an additional square while showing off. Would have achieved a perfect score and the fastest time if not for that lapse in judgement).
G0lly also tied for third place due to time loss after initially admiring the images when first presented them however she quickly fell into a steady rhythm after and caught up, scoring perfectly. (also would have had the fastest time if not for slip up at beginning).
(note: All Uberbots performed far quicker than the 'organic control group.' Terrifying)
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
The more that you'll gain (And to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade)
Here's another drabble: Content warning it deals with eye trauma specifically act 1. It's not too graphic but there's also a bunch of sentences about how much it hurts so I'm warning in case that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable or could potentially be a trigger. I'll be tagging this with 'tw: eye trauma' and 'tw: eye injury' to be cautious.
Three points away from losing, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. The dagger stares back from the side. Technically you're screwed either way but unfortunately your allies are determined to see you push forward.
Normally you'd accept defeat, model for your picture and wake up again at the table one again but those two have all been pestering you, fixated on pressuring you to give the dagger a try, and they've finally worn you down.
Sighing in defeat you reach for it before pausing, your hand is trembling (actually scratch that your whole body is trembling).
You cannot go through with it, not by your hands (not while they're shaking this much), so instead you meet your game master's swirling orange (he's not even wearing a mask and you're struggling to win) and you ask him a favour.
"Can you do it for me? Take my eye out I mean but you probably already know that..."
He seems to pause before responding, most likely taken aback by your sudden request.
"Are you positive? Know that I will give you a replacement after the match-" (you already knew this after probing him about the knife when it was first offered) "-but are you sure you will be able to go through with it? Especially after..." (what happened with the pliers, you finish mentally.)
No (you most definitely aren't) but the peer-pressure from the cards in your hands had finally gotten to you so instead you nod your head in conformation and accept your fate.
"Very well"
He gets up from his seat and the shadow around him seems to follow. You hold the dagger to your chest, cards in your hand discarded on the table, as he makes his way to your right side.
Handing it to him you meet his eyes again and remember to ask one thing.
"Of course. Know that I commend your bravery"
"Wait! Please promise me that you'll let these two decide on my behalf if I can't, alright?"
You gesture to the two cards staring from the table in explanation, they don't trust him to give you what they deem the 'correct eye' of his own accord, he briefly considers before agreeing.
You meet his eyes one final time as he assures you before lunging, gouging out your right eye without warning.
"Hey! You heard the player, it's our choice!"
The pain is unbearable, far worse then the pliers (god is it so much worse). You're inhaling and exhaling heavy, unsteady breaths (in and out, in and out, in out in out in out). He places the bounty onto the scale as it tips two points in your favour.
You can barely keep your eyes open (eye open? eyes open? eye open) as you clench your teeth in focus. You're in the home stretch and you're not going down without seeing (hah) this match to its conclusion, not risking being cheated out of your (their) prize.
After one last glance to confirm that each card is placed optimally (and help ground you), you find and ring the bell on your left to signify the end of your turn.
Time seems to stand still and rushes forward simultaneously. The scale tips in victory as your wolf lands the final blow (You feel like you're going to throw up, hold it in).
You look up as the game master returns with a box (when did he leave your side?) And as he opens it your head falls forward and hits the table with a thud, seems as though you'd finally reached your limit as consciousness fails you and (what remains of your vision) fades to black.
You were never any good with pain so it's a miracle you'd even made it to the end of the match. Lasted longer then the pliers at least. Distantly you can hear chitter and chirps.
"The poor dear's out cold... the multicoloured one will do nicely!"
"Yeah, hand it over!"
The things you do for peer approval. (At least they're happy...)
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stupid-idiot-gamer · 2 years
The scientific method
A series of very scientific proposals and their very serious results.
(This could be considered a little out of character and head canon heavy but this was more self indulgent then anything. Still I hope you enjoy :D)
Does the inscription method influence the resulting cards?
> Using Leshy's camera, we photographed a wireless mouse resulting in an 'energetic mouse,' it looked like what would happen if you put faux fur and ears on a computer mouse and produced an energy cell when played. Test successful.
Does the person inscribing using a tool influence the resulting card?
> Proposal rejected, neither scrybe willing to lend their tool to another. Can only hypothesise it would depend on method especially considering more skill dependant tools. Shame, would've been interesting to see magick cards with different art styles.
Does the ink used in the quill tool influence the resulting cards?
> When asked, Grimora revealed that any type of ink would be sufficient so long as it could be written, with including blood. She was willing to give a demonstration however her explanation was deemed good enough.
Does the paint used for the brush tool influence the resulting cards?
> Proposal rejected. No reason given. No comment given. Just ignored me when asked!
Can Magnificus predict unseen events?
> Inconclusive. Proposal deemed "inefficient waste of time."
What lies underneath Magnificus' hair/foliage/????
> As Magnificus was (snuck up on) approached, he warned that the consequences "would not be pleasant" to put it politely. Experiment
(postponed) cancelled.
What do bone tokens, energy cells and mox taste like?
> Blood omitted from experiment for obvious reason. All scrybes were willing to provide respective 'stimuli' and were present during testing
Bone tokens are metallic in taste but have a texture similar to real bones, don't really taste of anything.
Energy cells taste like battery acid (I refuse subject refuses to explain how they know what battery acid tastes like).
Mox tastes like ordinary crystals (subject, again, refuses to explain how they know what crystals taste like), after a minute subject felt increase in energy similar to a 'sugar-rush' before experiencing equivalent to a 'sugar-crash.'
Conclusion: Definitely do not recommend trying them (unless you're willing to feel the consequences even hours later ugh) but at least we all had a good laugh in the end. Some more then others...
Can robots get dizzy?
> After the previous experiment the benevolent, generous and kind-hearted scrybe of technology volunteered to be strapped to an office chair and was spun manually for approximately 25 rotations before I the overseer deemed the chair's velocity sufficient and exited the room.
(Should still be spinning now, will check back later once deemed safe enough to do so. Experiment footage to be distributed at a later date :) )
What's faster, me or you? Start running, challenger :)
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