#Surely they have a dedicated artist/art team? wh...where are the writers
pestilentbrood · 1 month
Um. One quastion. Looking at the... everything going on with FR's lore situation right now.
W... Why haven't they hired a writer. Why don't they have a dedicated lore writer. Or even just someone for the short stories. Do they not have the money to afford more staff? Because otherwise I cannot wrap my head around why they don't have a dedicated writer.
It would solve ... many of their problems . Lore writing wouldn't have to be passed around haphazardly to all of them. And we could have like... consistent, well put together lore. By people who Can Write
so um. W. Why do they not have a writer. They're supposedly consulting a professional writer for the Auraboa lore rewrite (which has repeatedly had more stuff chucked into it, it seems, which is usually not a great sign for how a story is progressing) so like... why not just. Hire. A writer
Am I missing something .
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