noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#my sleep is so fucked up oh damn !!!!#TBF IT'S BEEN LIKE THIS FOR. THE PAST WEEKS 😭😭#i nap sm during the day that it takes longer for me to nap at night T_T#lowers like my stress though in a way but oh my god#i end up always talking n rambling more than i usually wld when i'm. emotional n sleepy n brain empty 💀#wna slam my head against a wall. not rlly but#HDLKFAJDFLKSDJFL#I SWEAR I SHLD PUT A WARNING EVERY TIME I TALK TO PPL LIKE#disclaimer when you talk to me within these hours or emotions then [] will happen and i apologize profusely in advance#that said tomorrow's a holiday ???? i'll try to like. rest properly yes#i'm still so sleepy after napping so much i wna go back to sleep#i have stuff to do though still grrr#next week 12/7 1 year of endwalker we'll make the ffxiv fc. i'll prepare enough before the date so it won't be pushed again !#since i'll have to. yh w the fc name especially w my friend bcs you can't change it right :<< roles can though#n i'll ask my other friend from another server bcs he has an alt on ravana if he cld be the 4th person we need to form the fc hehe#& like.. reply to my friend too n oh gosh finish the letter i'm writing to myself it's so hard to continue smth once i've left it for a bit#& like i'm gna try to rank as high as i can for the uhh pjsekai event in en pcs it has my favs ehe mafuyu. kanade. ichika. honami too!!#short haired mafuyu >< i love ichika's card sm there too i had that as my pfp for quite a while#oh yeah just like yk distract myself by thinking of like. ffxiv. gbf. games in general SPEAKING OF GBF GRIMNIR MAKES ME SO HAPPY#AAAA GRIMNIR COMFORT CHARA HE'S JUST SO PRECIOUS ! 🥺#i'm still very sleepy rn my mind is all over the place but distracting myself n feeling like i'm just.. drifting a bit is better than wtvr#i'm like a mess rn but it isn't exactly a bad mess 👍🏼 i'll just try to do what i can#i've really been wanting to write again lately :( just express myself in wtvr way in general honestly. i love using my mind#ffxiv fc.. playing games. writing. writing wtvr. reading n watching wtvr too i just want sm more knowledge of anything n everything#I'M RAMBLING AGAIN 😭😭 yk what i'll get some stuff done n maybe nap a bit again or idk
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theflyingfeeling · 10 months
so who else is looking forward to the Deadzone merch drop because they need the serotonin boost of spending money on something they don't need but desperately want as a completely healthy coping mechanism or is it just me 👍
edit. woops I did not realise the merch drop happened already lol anyway I was expecting a t-shirt??
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
What do you think yandare Hannibal would do if reader snuck out the window and went into the woods just to chill by the lake/creek and find shiny rocks
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i see you’ve asked for nbc hannibal in ur other message so i’ll do just him<3 thank u for specifying:)
TW: yandere behavior, toxic relationship, false imprisonment, reader is GN, implied kidnapping, barely proof read tbf
if any of this triggers u pls scroll past and stay safe🤍
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NBC Hannibal x His GN!Reader who sneaks out🌷💗
Haha. You’re bold if you think you can make it out for over an hour at best.
Ever since Hannibal took you, both the front and back door have had multiple locks installed, which are checked by him every morning, noon, before he goes to work, and night before you both go to bed.
Even the windows have been sealed shut and there are cameras in each corner of the house. Face it, you’re stuck like a mouse in a trap.
Especially since you now know of his eating habits
Still, somehow you’ve managed to jimmy open a window after weeks of slyly breaking apart the sealing on it (you sneaky fuck), and successfully snuck out at night making minimal noise, avoiding waking Hannibal in his slumber.
Still, somehow you’ve managed to jimmy open a window after weeks of slyly breaking apart the sealing on it (you sneaky fuck), and successfully snuck out at night making minimal noise, avoiding waking Hannibal in his slumber.
You’re given an hour head start this time, since Hannibal is sound asleep and you didn’t knock anything over when half hazardously jumping out the house
When he wakes up, though?
Oh, hes pissed.
Angry, worried, confused. All these emotions stir around inside him as he checks the cameras in hopes you’ve simply left bed momentarily for a glass of water or something.
Which is when he spies the open window. And the timeframe of you leaving.
An entire hour ago.
He sighs heavily, rubbing the bridge of his nose out of stress. Disappointment for both you and himself circling around him
Hannibal doesn’t waste any time getting changed, instead heading in the direction you left in, in his sleepwear and black dressing gown
Meanwhile, you’ve already seated yourself on a bench facing a peaceful, serene lake, which spreads greatly throughout a large portion of the area, lit brightly by the moon which sits comfortably above the distant edge of the water
Life is great
Life is peaceful
Life is quiet and stress free, away from Hannibal’s animalistic, obsessive clutches.
Until he finds you. 15 minutes later. The crunch of leaves under his feet startles you away from your tranquil meditation session, turning to face him with a look of horror
Your apologies and please go straight through him, ignoring your explanation for whatever the Hell you thought you were pulling tonight by leaving like that.
Hannibal grabs your arm and lifts you straight up, putting you in front of him and firmly pushing you back in the direction of the house
“Back home. Now.”
The minute you’re inside his home again he sits you down and lectures you for what feels like hours. Expressing his anger, disappointment, and worry, in the most collected way he’s able to given his current emotions
And congratulations! Unfortunately this little stunt has stripped you of all freedom entirely, almost every second of the day is spent besides Hannibal (apart from when he has to leave for work, then it’s spent locked in a single room)
Let’s hope that hour and 15 minutes were worth it
(at least you got to keep the little rocks)
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lilibethmg · 2 months
love on tour | a.h.
a/n: welcome to my first social media fic of hopefully many!! i have a whole universe planned out within the british youtuber group and i thought who best to introduce the series with than arthur hill!!! all work will be ocs not xreaders
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liked by arthurnfhill and 5,937 others
popped down to london to film the double denim music video today!! out on friday if you’re lucky x (and thanks to my wonderful camera man @arthurnfhill)
userone arthur and kam interaction???
| usertwo the way they are my new fave duo
userthree r u guys dating?
userfour i love your music kam!!!!
| kamrynkam tysm <3333
| userfour OMG KAM NOTICE
arthurnfhill i expect to be paid for my services
| kamrynkam oops.. maybe next time?
| | userfive NEXT TIME??
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liked by arthurnfhill, georgeclarkeey and 4,937 others
surprise! we’re going on tour! tickets link is in my bio if you fancy seeing us x
its gonna be one hell of a show.. i wouldn’t want to miss it!!
arthurnfhill ar-tour! ar-tour! ar-tour!
| kamrynkam i want a funky name for tour too :(
| arthurnfhill i’ll work on it 🫡
userone i got manchester tickets!!!!
usertwo omg can’t wait to see you two
georgeclarkeey looking forward to meeting you (especially after everything arthur has told me about you)
| kamrynkam all good things i hope!!
| georgeclarkeey terrible, terrible things
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liked by arthurnfhill, arthurtv and 5,924 others
tour has been a blast so far! london you’re up next 👀 it’s so surreal coming out on stage and seeing you lot go crazy, thank you for having the best energy ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
userone can’t wait for tonight!!!
usertwo you were so good last night <3
saderah gonna cheer the loudest for you tonight
| arthurnfhill not if i cheer louder
| saderah let me flirt with your girlfriend please!
this comment has been deleted.
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liked by arthurnfhill, lisahull_hill and 5,926 others
ar-tour/kam-fest was awesome!! you guys were all so lovely and have made my year xx
p.s. do we want passing thought (feat. kam) to be released 👀
userone you were so good!!!
usertwo yours and arthur’s voices sounded heavenly together omg
| kamkamryn tysm oh my gosh <3
lisahull_hill you were brilliant darling!
| kamkamryn thank you lisa 🥹
userthree can’t believe i got to meet you!! thank you for being so lovely
arthurnfhill ❤️
| kamkamryn mwah
userthree your chemistry was a little too good for my liking 🤔🤔🤔
saderah girl you were awesome!!!!!
| kamkamryn love you sade :((
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 6,293 others
‘i’d step on lego for you’ is now all yours! i hope you guys have as much fun listening as i did making it! this ep is a collection of my favourite songs i’ve made in the past year with 2 brand new songs!!! let me know your favourite song on the ep!!! 🩵
arthurnfhill forever proud of you
| kamrynkam ❤️‍🔥
| | userone HELLO??!?
usertwo naked poetry goes so hard!!
userthree afterlife is a banger tbf
saderah straight fire!! no skips!! she’s done it again!!!
| kamrynkam stop it 🤭
| userfive i think we all know 👀 @arthurnfhill thoughts?
commented liked by kamrynkam
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liked by arthurnfhill, saderah and 4,834 others
finally found my muse ❤️‍🔥
userone hard launch 🤔
| kamrynkam hard launch 😌
usertwo OH MY GOSH!!!!
saderah sister-in-law!!
| kamrynkam sister-in-law!!!!!!!
arthurnfhill i expect 3 songs about me written by the end of the week (love you x)
| kamrynkam stfu loser 😭😭 (love you too x)
userthree 2nd photo is giving rockstar’s girlfriend
| kamrynkam *rockstar girlfriend
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pansy-picnics · 3 months
pansy will the anons be released from your time out dungeon? (all the anons agree telepahically to behave)
there's been so much negativity going around so whats your favorite varigo hc?! your favorite oc?
SORRY this is honestly the funniest fucking ask i’ve ever received bc i’m being so real with you rn i forgot i even did that. i didn’t even give any context for it either i don’t think??? 😭😭 Yeah sorry ya’ll i just drew varian with top surgery scars ONCE and within 30 minutes i got like 3 asks from that one anon telling me to draw him with abs and that trans varian isn’t real or something. it’s like when one kid is a dick in class and now EVERYONE has to stay inside for recess just bc of the one guy. sorry i forgot you in there tho that’s my bad /j
i haven’t rlly noticed a lot of negativity recently but tbf i also just. haven’t been here much at all these past few weeks LOLLL so i guess that’s not all that surprising.
as for ur second question….Honestly depends on the day for both. but i think genderfluid hugo and varian just losing his fucking mind over it is always pretty high up there. especially since in my head varian’s not a fashionable guy at ALL, he doesn’t understand the first thing abt makeup or how people put outfits together or anything so as far as he knows his boygirlfriend is just a shapeshifter and he’s a bisexual disaster so like he’s sure as hell not gonna complain abt it. Fucking loser
for ocs….again depends on if were just talking ocs in general or specifically tangled ocs, cuz i’ve been a little abnormally obsessed with my splatoon ocs again recently
tangled wise tho….ryder will FOREVER be my favorite sorry………But don’t tell any of them i said that🤭
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cupid-styles · 2 months
omg i forgot to say that (sorry @freedomfireflies :’)
yeah it was weather related
its been soooo windy the entire past week and raining a LOT, and then this morning i got woken up at 5:30 bc it was hailing so fucking much
like i was genuinely concerned but tbf id only gone to bed five hours ago and was sleep deprived so i also didnt care that much? and then it stopped and just kept pouring and then it started thundering and i saw a bunch of lightning flash and i literally just turned around and went back to sleep bc i had to be up an about an hour anyways
long story short yes its weather related but it was really unexpected
sorry literally everything i just told u was so unimportant holy shit😭
omg that's SPOOKY!!!!! we had a ton of thunderstorms and crazy storms over the weekend and last week and they were scaring me so much esp bc I live in an old building, it felt like the whole thing was shaking fgdkjgfkdj
but im glad youre safe and everything is ok and back to normal!!!! also fyi nothing u tell me is unimportant
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
hello! I recently found a game called degrees of lewdedy(DOL, for short) best way I can describe it is porn survival game. one of the npcs reminded me so much of your bully! bakugou that that's how I imagine him🫠 anyways I thought you might like it so I'm here to recommend it! you can play the game on any device that google or whatever iphone has instead.
just... please make sure to take a good ten minutes messing with the settings before starting to play.. unfortunately bestiality is a option :(
( https://dolmods.net/transmod/ ←in case you can copy paste it)
me, knowing damn well i have been romancing whitney for months and weeks in my save file: aha…
tbf i did discover the game AFTER bully bkg but. after learning abt whitney i was never the same. i love DOL 😭😭 i dont post it on here but i talk abt it on my personal alot. it is . well
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buzzcutmase · 9 months
She hates how everyone seems to be forgetting about her including mase hopefully
no genuinely last thing i’ll say before i stop but like NO MATTER what they have or what the fuck they had or anything everything the past few months and now mase being back on raya and maybe even what’s gonna happen potentially if she does her annual october visit (god forbid)…they’re clearly not as serious as some make it out to be or as she would like it to be or whatever so all you can really do it look at these things and LAUGH bc genuinely i think that’s her way of reminding HIM of what was going on a few months ago when now she won’t even be over even though he’s been out with injury and had FIVE WEEKS (and most of summer break too tbf) to spend some time with her 😭
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royrockstone · 1 year
not really a question, just wanted to give you some flowers
ive been reading your stuff for the past three weeks and im so glad i came across you cause i didnt think id find a writer in the succ sphere that can write roman in a way that won’t annoy me LOL (tbf i did find very few others since then but youre my fav) also it’s so hard to get a laugh out of me with writing and i totally belly laughed a few times, you’re fucking funny
idk i think youre pretty brilliant and get the characters so well its almost unbelievable at times
and jesus christ i love the way you write ed stuff, i was thinking about it watching the show but you just gave it a whole new dimension 
i still didn’t read everything, don’t want to binge it and then be sad. 
actually i do have a question, do you have any personal writing outside of fic realm? or ever considered writing whatever original stuff? well regardless i think you’re insanely good at imitation and a few dialogue moments feel like a memory of the canon show in my head 
k that’s it :))
this was so SO kind (to the point where i kinda didnt want to answer just to keep it in my inbox ) thank you for taking the time to write out your thoughts and send them my way!! 
beyond glad to hear you think im funny and a Roman Understander— that's everything i want to hear <33
re: the ed stuff, i tend to bring a “hm getting a lot of ed vibes from this” mindset to a lot of media 😭 (and we live in a disordered culture! most media with something to say about the world has something to say about food and bodies) but its ofc become clear over time that its incredibly intentional in succ! which is a win for me but also. a devastating loss emotionally. and it adds a ton of depth and dimension to its stance on wealth, gender, trauma, personal identity and family dynamics. im glad to hear that the way i write it hits the mark for you <3 (truly my biggest flex is that i was an ed!roman truther from before the esquire interview. i saw the dog pound scene and went “hm. rexie vibes.” and never looked back.)
i know there will be fewer eyeballs on it after the show ends/once the post-finale glow (or anger, but hopefully glow!) wears off, but i have a few more ideas i want to bash out abt these characters before i pack it up, so you’ll get more content even if you finish all thats currently out there!
 SCREAMING that someone would like my fic enough to ask about my non-fanworks writing. actually screaming. dream come true! ok ok i Do have a personal writing practice. ive been published a few times in cultural criticism (and one poem lol. nothing earth-shaking, as its something im relatively new at and haven’t put a ton of effort into yet) id also be happy to dm you some critical writing ive done that deals with ed themes if thats of interest! like most mediocre prose writers, ive dreamed about writing a book. and im currently writing a screenplay (my la-era roman slay) but i don’t rlllly expect that to go anywhere since Everyone has written a screenplay (ive mentioned it obliquely on here before, but its thematically centered around dancers/theater/the political economy of the culture industry/the legacy of aids in the arts) but yes, if im talented at anything, its mimicry (thats why i tend to write in fandoms with rlly specific, imitable dialogue styles and tones- succ, veep, the secret history) so i understand if people would not be interested in my original writing.
ty for this ur very kind and i will treasure this ask foreverrrr <333
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
Hey T!! I just saw your post and I’m SO SO sorry I haven’t dropped by in so long! 😭😭 I think I sent in a suggestion a while ago at some ungodly hour in the morning, and after that I started overthinking. I know it’s going to sound so stupid, but I was afraid that it would seem weird or “pushy(?)” if I just sent in casual asks right after sending in a suggestion. So then I wasn’t sure how long I “should” wait before dropping back in, and by that time school started back up for me and it got pretty busy! Asjjsks looking back now I promise I know how dumb that is haha, and I’m very sorry again!! 😓
I haven’t caught up in a while so I hope you’ve been doing well and taking care of yourself!! I think you were on a trip the last time I checked in? How was that?? I hope you and everyone else had a great time!! ☺️
- 💜
P.s. If you need me to change my anon to avoid confusion, just lmk!
Hii !! 🤗 You've nothing to feel sorry for !! 💗 I didn't mean to call you out 😆 — just didn't want to give "💜 anon" away w/o warning either! They've chosen to be "💌 anon", so all's well that ends well!
I totally get the social anxiety about asking for something, and then worrying about trying to "win brownie points" or whatever shortly after. I also totally promise that I don't ponder tactics like that too deeply. 🤪 If I feel uninspired, then I simply won't write, regardless of how nice someone is to me. 😉 /playful
My road trip to Colorado (in Jul) w/ my partner + friends was a wonderful experience !! ☀️ My partner and I also visited Utah (in Aug) where we mostly rock climbed w/ friends who live there (in Utah). 🧗🏻‍♀️
School's going smoothly thus far (my classes began this past Tue), albeit I'm already tired. 🙃 Hope you're looking out for yourself, and that despite being busy you're having fun too !! 🥺
Hehehehehehehehe aka me awkwardly laughing bC I HAVE SO MANY SUGGESTIONS TO WRITE. 💀 I stg I publish 1-3 times per week, but somehow haven't made a dent in basically anything ????? 😂 Okayokay tbf I've gone from 10+ requests to just 3 remaining, bUT STILL !!
That being said, I explicitly decline suggestions when I'm uninterested in 'em, so if you (or anyone else!) sent me a suggestion that's yet to be answered, then I'm def hoping to write it ~eventually! 🤞🏽 Suggestions have been on back backlog, however, bc I currently have 15 guaranteed-to-write wips atm, whereas suggestions are ~if/when the mood hits (explained in faqs/suggestions). 😅
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