#i nap sm during the day that it takes longer for me to nap at night T_T
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#my sleep is so fucked up oh damn !!!!#TBF IT'S BEEN LIKE THIS FOR. THE PAST WEEKS 😭😭#i nap sm during the day that it takes longer for me to nap at night T_T#lowers like my stress though in a way but oh my god#i end up always talking n rambling more than i usually wld when i'm. emotional n sleepy n brain empty 💀#wna slam my head against a wall. not rlly but#HDLKFAJDFLKSDJFL#I SWEAR I SHLD PUT A WARNING EVERY TIME I TALK TO PPL LIKE#disclaimer when you talk to me within these hours or emotions then [] will happen and i apologize profusely in advance#that said tomorrow's a holiday ???? i'll try to like. rest properly yes#i'm still so sleepy after napping so much i wna go back to sleep#i have stuff to do though still grrr#next week 12/7 1 year of endwalker we'll make the ffxiv fc. i'll prepare enough before the date so it won't be pushed again !#since i'll have to. yh w the fc name especially w my friend bcs you can't change it right :<< roles can though#n i'll ask my other friend from another server bcs he has an alt on ravana if he cld be the 4th person we need to form the fc hehe#& like.. reply to my friend too n oh gosh finish the letter i'm writing to myself it's so hard to continue smth once i've left it for a bit#& like i'm gna try to rank as high as i can for the uhh pjsekai event in en pcs it has my favs ehe mafuyu. kanade. ichika. honami too!!#short haired mafuyu >< i love ichika's card sm there too i had that as my pfp for quite a while#oh yeah just like yk distract myself by thinking of like. ffxiv. gbf. games in general SPEAKING OF GBF GRIMNIR MAKES ME SO HAPPY#AAAA GRIMNIR COMFORT CHARA HE'S JUST SO PRECIOUS ! 🥺#i'm still very sleepy rn my mind is all over the place but distracting myself n feeling like i'm just.. drifting a bit is better than wtvr#i'm like a mess rn but it isn't exactly a bad mess 👍🏼 i'll just try to do what i can#i've really been wanting to write again lately :( just express myself in wtvr way in general honestly. i love using my mind#ffxiv fc.. playing games. writing. writing wtvr. reading n watching wtvr too i just want sm more knowledge of anything n everything#I'M RAMBLING AGAIN 😭😭 yk what i'll get some stuff done n maybe nap a bit again or idk
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lelengerine · 9 months
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sweet dream
pairing | jaemin x reader
synopsis | the time wherein you told jaemin about a dream, just because you felt like it — alternatively labeled as jaemin fluff stacked upon even more jaemin fluff.
genre | established relationship au, pretty much domestic jaemin because i am so soft for him pls, purely tooth rotting fluff, mentions of food, use of nicknames for reader (princess)
wc | 0.5k
notes | wrote this during my break since i had a sponty urge to write about jaem (even though im currently writing a fic for him that’s way longer than anything i’ve written so far), so take this as a little peace offering for the time i’ve been away hehe <3 thank you sm for the support you guys give me and i’ll be fully back soon!! likes, rbs, and feedback are always appreciated :>
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“nana, guess what!” your presence floats over jaemin’s shoulder, his figure lounging comfortably on the couch.
he lets out a chuckle from your sudden burst of enthusiasm, craning his head to get a better look at you. from your appearance alone, he could tell you had just woken up from that nap you told him about an hour ago, hair fluffed up and cheeks slightly puffy. “what is it, princess?”
the overwhelming feeling of heat creeps up your face as you shy away, still not used to him calling you by that nickname. “i… i just wanted to tell you i had a really good dream while napping is all.” 
“oh? you told me you haven’t experienced any good dreams in a while.” you seem to have piqued his interest as he gestures you to sit on his lap. with hesitant steps, you shuffle your feet, rounding the corner of the couch before finding comfort in your boyfriend’s embrace. “now go on, tell me all about it.” he eases you in sweetly, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face.
you take a glance out the window, trying to piece together your story before saying it aloud. “i dreamt that we went to a pretty cafe on a windy day, much like the weather outside right now.” you point out, earning a small hum from jaemin. “we ate some macarons by a window seat, and you got this caramel macchiato to try, but you also said you kind of preferred one with a stronger hit of coffee, so i had you order another one because i could just finish your first order instead!”
you ramble off further, not forgetting to note any of the details that miraculously stuck to you in your slumber, and all jaemin’s doing is admiring you with a dopey grin. seeing you talk about the little joys in your life just warmed him up inside, even if you did go off track most of the time.
“hey- were you even listening to what i was saying?” you eventually catch him in the act, and all he can do is nod along to your words. “you were taking about how you wanted fairy lights in our home like in the cafe you dreamt about, right?”
“oh so you were listening.” you playfully poke at his chest, a satisfied chuckle leaving your lips, an action he gladly mirrors. “the dream was pretty mundane, yet it stuck out to me for some reason. guess i just like spending time with you.”
“i like spending time with you too, princess.” he mumbles out softly before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, and you feel the tip of his nose lightly brush against your skin.
“that tickles, nana!” you exclaim, trying to cheekily push jaemin away, yet your efforts are no to avail as he wraps his arms around you with no plans of letting you go.
“if you love spending time with me, then why don’t we just stay like this for a while.” he peers up, a mischievous grin on his face that only leaves you with one answer.
“i’d like that.” you bring your hands up to his cheeks, cupping them gently before placing a peck on his lips. “i’d like that a lot.”
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YOUR ANNIE FIC “tragedies of war” MADE ME CRY SM :( gosh your writing is beautiful!! can i request smth similar? maybe after annie meets the scouts she reunites with reader and it’s just fluff and stuff 🥺🥺 no rush ofc <33
Honestly, after that one, we all wanted a happy ending version (even me lol)
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(Annie Leonhart x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: None
Category: Fluff
Summary: As a sort of divergence from this fic, Annie breaks out of the crystal and immediately goes looking for her S/O.
Words: 1.8K
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It was the first thing on her mind when she was suddenly freed from the crystal.
Where is she?
She could feel the effects of time on her muscles - they were stiff and tense, reluctant to move at all.
Just how long have I been in that thing? She wondered. How much time has passed?
After four years, you’d imagine she’d have a wide array of things on her mind. But, in reality, there was only one.
Her girlfriend.
She leaned against the way tiredly before slinking down to sit, folding her knees into her chest and burying her head. She could tell, by some sense unknown to even her, that a lot of time had passed.
She thought of what you’d look like now. Were you happy? Were you getting along with everyone? Had you found out the secret of the walls? Did you find out her secret?
Thoughts raced through her head like a crashing river, never stopping for any order, but still flowing in the same direction. Suddenly, a thought creeped its way up her neck, instilling a seed of worry deep in the pit of her stomach.
Were you even okay? Were you hurt? Did something happen? Did you... did you...
No, she thought, determination struggling to reach past the worry that laced her mind and expression, she’s fine. She’s strong, nothing would’ve happened to her. No titan would ever kill her, she’s stronger than that.
She finally made her way up on unsteady feet, staring around the room absentmindedly.
She’s... she’s okay... The blonde stumbled forward, her legs voicing their complaints painfully, but she didn’t care. She has to be...
I have to find her.
So, here she was now. The front door of the Scout building, two MPs standing wearily to either side of her. She wasn’t surprised by that, though. It made an amount of sense - she was a titan shifter from Marley, who was the number one enemy of Paradis at the moment. Still, she made it clear her only intention was to visit her girlfriend, and, with much persistence, they allowed her.
That didn’t stop the two MPs from boastfully carrying rifles and folding Annie’s arm behind her back painfully. They needed to make sure there was zero chance of transforming, especially now that she was so close to many important military figures.
An MP stepped forward, pounding their fist on the door begrudgingly. An even more begruntled Levi answered.
“Military Police?” He questioned, cocking an eyebrow at their unannounced presence. He sighed, before speaking again, the tiredness evident in his voice. “What are we being arrested for now?”
“Nothing,” the female MP to her right spoke quickly. “Just a visitor.” She spoke flatly, gesturing to the blonde still restrained in the soldiers’ grasps.
Levi eyes slowly tracked their way from the MP down to face Annie.
“Her?” He raised an eyebrow, almost looking at her with condescension. She wasn’t surprised. She looked tired - after all, those four years in the crystal weren’t exactly a holiday. Not to mention, her face, normally neutral and stoic, was plastered with worry. Eyes wide and mouth slightly agape, as if she was waiting impatiently for some horrid news.
He continued to stare, but Annie didn’t crumple under his concrete gaze. Her eyes were fixed over his shoulder, searching the room behind him for any sign of her lover.
She saw no trace of you amongst the soldiers, and worry began to grow once again, and her heart slowly dropped more and more.
Despite her limited success in finding you, she locked eyes with a familiar face - Armin. He seemed quite surprised to see her, a curious expression painted his face as he marched over.
“Annie?” He said her name, speaking it almost like he wasn’t even sure she was real. “What are you...” He trailed off, confusion evident in his tone.
Quickly though, he regained his train of thought, “Come inside.” He gestured gently, and she stepped inside eagerly.
She scanned the room once again, and there was no sign of you. The seed of worry grew.
“Things have changed a lot, y’know.” Armin started, leaning against the wall. “We made it outside the walls. We know about you and the warrior program. It feels like it would take years for you to catch up on everything that’s happened but-”
“Where’s Y/n?”
She didn’t bother for small talk, or hell, even meaningful conversation for that matter. That didn’t matter right now. She had one thing on her mind.
“Y/n?” He echoed, registering the question for a moment. “Y/n is...”
What’s all the chattering about? You wondered, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you woke from your nap. You laid in your dorm room bed, which unfortunately shared a wall with the common area. Given all the noise, you figured there was some type of guest.
You pulled the covers off of your body, and sleepily got up and went towards the door, yawning loudly. You stepped out of the door and into the hallway, and headed towards the commons.
“Y/n is...” The blonde man spoke unconfidently, almost as if he was trying to remember your whereabouts.
She paid no attention to what he was saying, though, as movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention.
A slow shadow slunk against the wall, placing it’s hand on the wall for balance. And it rounded the corner.
She made eye contact. And there it was.
Her world.
You stood right in front of her for the first time in four years. Tiredness and fatigue were evident in your eyes, but you were certainly there. Alive and well. And that’s all that mattered.
“Y/N!!” She shouted, and the light seemed to return to her face. The thousand pound weight on her shoulders had just been lifted, and finally, she could move again. And, although her shocked and worried expression stayed present, you could see the quick buildup of tears in her eyes.
She broke free of the grasp the MPs had on her, adrenaline assisting her in breaking through their hold easily, and pushed her way past Armin, sprinting towards you as fast as she possibly could.
Your hazy mind took a moment to process the blonde mass running towards you, but your eyes lit up in excitement as you finally processed that beautiful face and identify it as your girlfriend, somehow awake from her slumber.
“Annie!” You beamed, opening your arms to allow her in just in time for her body to collide with yours, easily knocking over your unprepared body.
You landed against the wall of the hallway roughly, and you slid down the wall carelessly. Your girlfriend was clinging to you almost desperately, gripping the front of your shirt and burying her face in it, your leg to either side of her body. 
You grabbed the back of her head, pulling her closer into you. You could feel the wetness of tears on the front of your shirt as she sniffled and sobbed into your chest. Normally, she would never let herself get so emotional in front of everyone, but the overwhelming relief she felt just to know you were safe was too much for her to be able to control.
It was all too much for her. The sight of your adorable face, the warmth your body gave off, the scent the was so originally yours engrained into the clothes you wore. It hadn’t hit her until just now how much she missed you, even if she was hardly conscious in the crystal.
She sobbed helplessly into your shirt, finding herself unable to do anything else at the moment. You were relieved too, of course, but you never had to worry about Annie’s safety, which couldn’t be said vice versa. Still, happy tears filled your eyes as you continued to embrace your girlfriend.
You stayed like that for a little while longer, until a loud *ahem* caught your attention. You moved your head up to look (though Annie decided to keep hers right where it was), and were greeted with Caption Levi staring down at you.
“I get you’re happy, Y/n,” He stated bluntly, trying not to make things super awkward. “But this is the kind of affection that can be saved for your dorm room.”
A pink tint flared up on your cheeks, suddenly reminded by the fact that everyone in the commons could see you two.
“A-Ah,” you chuckled. “Of course Captain Levi.”
You placed your hands on the underside of Annie’s thighs, allowing you to hold her as you stood up and walked to your dorm.
You shut the door quickly, locking it for good measure, and laid down on the bed, setting your lover down gently beside you.
It seemed her crying had died down for the most part, thankfully. Even though they were happy tears, something about seeing your lover cry made you so unhappy.
“Annie,” you smiled at her, causing her to move her head up to stare at you. You brushed the hair out of her face affectionately, smiling with happy tears in your eyes. “I’ve missed you.”
The statement only seemed to bring out more emotion in her, as her lip trembled in an attempt to not let any tears fall. “Y/n... I was so worried about you... I thought... maybe... something had happened.”
You laughed warmly at that. Not necessarily making fun of her, but instead creating a warm and enveloping environment around you two with it.
“I would never leave you like that, Annie. I’m strong, you remember?” You grinned, and rolled up your sleeve to flex your bicep, a funny habit of yours that she had taken note of during your cadet days together.
She laughed at your silliness, her face seeming genuinely happy for the first time in years.
She was at home.
“I know...” She sniffled, reassuring herself even more, despite the fact you were already right in front of her. “I just... I was just worried for you...”
She muttered, pressing her cheek to your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat. You wrapped an arm around her gently, using the other arm to pull a blanket over the two of you, before grabbing her hand in your own.
“You need some rest, I’m sure, sweetie.” Your words were smooth and even, lighting a fire under Annie’s heart with every syllable.
“Yeah...” She smiled into the embrace, feeling truly at peace for the first time in what felt like forever. “I guess so...”
She buried her head in your chest once again, the soft sound of your heartbeat lulling her gently as the wave of sleep finally overtook her body.
She hadn’t slept like this in ages. No, this was different.
She was home.
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This isn’t proofread hahaaaaaaa :)
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sweets-cookies · 4 years
Hi~ I've been in a pre shitty mood lately, just yknow, life. Sooo could I request some hc of Bakugou, Shinso and todoroki comforting theirs s/o? Perhaps silently getting their signs and just cuddling them close or making them smth to eat? Up to you tho!! Thank you sm in advance, darling ❤
A/N:Hi babes~ this is such a good and I had such a fun time doing it but fun fact I got half way done with it the first time and my phone ended up restarting for no reason and it erased all the stuff I wrote so I had to redo it but I in fact did finish it somehow apparently my phone didn't like the first one and said "No❤" anyway I hope you enjoy it since all of us have bad days~~
Katsuki Bakugo
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Despite popular belief this boom boom boy would probably know straight away how your feeling and everything
He would probably start off not knowing what to do I mean who the hell would go to him for comfort normally
The answer is basically no one so he doesn't really know what to do everytime he's sad he just kinda sucks it up and deals with it
So don't expect him to know what to do right off the bat all he knows is he definitely doesn't like seeing you like this but he doesn't know what exactly to do so he does what he knows best, violence
He will try and hurt whatever hurt you, yes that includes things that technically can't get hurt like just life in general or school but he has good intentions I promise
After he realizes it's only making you more upset he'll try the second thing he knows how to do
"Hey dumbass I made your favorite food so stop pouting and come eat, and don't say you have I know you haven't"
Your health is so important to him and he wants to make sure your still taking care of yourself and he knows how much you love his cooking so expect him to cook for you when your not feeling like yourself
He will always be down to cuddle with you when you need it and honestly even when you don't need it
But even more when you do, he'll just hold you for hours and rub your back and try and tell you sweet things to the best of his ability which surprisingly isn't bad at all
"Hey baby I know things are hard right now but that doesn't mean that they wont be fine soon maybe not tomorrow or maybe even next month but I'll be here to help you alright dumbass" he always has this lovesick smile
And it's encouraging to him that you trust in him enough to show him your insecurities and to tell him and show him that you haven't been doing so well lately
He will always let you cry in his arms if you need to and he won't make fun of you for it after spending time with deku he understand s its important to let those emotions out(charecter development sis)
He feels lowkey privileged to be able to see the side of you that isn't happy and isn't perfect
He will read his Romance manga to you or with you when your feeling down to try and make you happier whether it's during a cuddle session or with you in his lap while hes sitting at his desk with his head on your shoulder
He's happy to make you happy and if having to show a more vulnerable side of him is makes you happy he will make that sacrifice
His main priority although is just making sure your taking care of yourself like eating,brushing your teeth and hair, and showering and if your not he will help do those things for you until you can
Hitoshi Shinso
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Why tf does he look so fucking musty in all the gifs like huh?
Anyway He wouldn't know what to do either tbh he isn't really known for being exactly considerate to others feelings
But for you he tries his best it's not that he's bad with his words he's actually pretty okay at it but not really comforting words he's better at setting people off
He always wants to make sure that his words never come off condescending either as he can sound like that at times
He can always give you reassurance of you need it but unlike bakugo he won't try to solve your problems for you
He believes that everyone needs to figure out their own shit, that doesn't mean he won't be there to support you though he just wants you to be independent in a way
He let's you be down and doesn't complain since he understands that going through tough times happen to everyone and that it's best to ride out that wave and soak up that emotion
"Cry a river but don't let it drown you" type stuff he's supportive but your demons and problems are yours to fix he'll hold you If you need but when it comes down to the problem that's your problem to fix but he will be your cheerleader
"I know that things are hard kitten but just remember how amazing you'll feel when all of it is over the fact that you can endure so much in life and your still here is so important"
He wants you to know that just cause he won't solve your problems it doesn't mean he doesn't care about them he cares enough to know that he needs to let you handle some things while he's ok the side lines
But he also cares so much that he wants to fix everything for you even if in the end it won't help you very much
He just wants the best for you and sometimes it can get hard for him to do considering how important to him you are
Will happily take naps with you all day long if life has been beating you up to much and you just need some time to reenergize yourself
"Come on let's take a nap kitty you look like you need one"
Life gets hard for everyone and it's not fair but he tries his best to make you forget about it but the time you have to leave his dorm
He lives for the cuddles he gets while napping and you guys do it even when your not upset about anything but they last WAY longer when your not feeling like yourself
He will also hold you for hours telling you how proud he is of you
"This week was really hard for you kitten I'm so proud that you managed to get through it and still try and be optimistic"
A lot of head kisses while napping and him with his hair down while he tries to use his words to warm your heart~
Shoto Todoroki
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Okay he's so fine tho like wow😶
Okay sorry my simp side is coming out so anyway when he see's you upset expect a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles in public
He like the others isn't very good with comforting words but more of his actions are what shows he cares, he never had anyone show him how to treat someone when they feel down so he tries to figure it out on his own
"I heard you haven't been doing well lately so um I thought maybe we could share my soba"
He will give you anything you want expect him to come to you with random gifts bought from his father's card
"I wasn't sure if you'd want this new dress or this new necklace since they both reminded me of you so I just got both"
He definitely thinks that money can fix shit which I mean it lowkey can but not in all circumstances so just like politely tell him to stop buying you expensive shit(unless you don't care)
He will gladly also cuddle you and most likely will tell you all the shit he wished his father had told him when he was younger so expect a lot of sweet words
"Hey love, your doing amazing alright don't stress out so much my love what your doing is enough"
He's surprisingly really good with his words but is always scared of saying the wrong thing so he doesn't talk much and just cuddles with you and will let you lay on either siad of him(ya know if your hot or cold)
He'll heat up his hand and rub your back or stomach since heat is known to relax people and he Hope's that he can do that for you as well
He will feed you all the fucking time I think he just finds it cute especially when your not feeling like yourself he will just baby you 100%
He's really caring and just wants to make sure your taking care of yourself and you look cute with him feeding you usually you'd sit on his lap with the food infront of you on your phone and he'd just randomly put the food infront of your mouth on a fork and wait for you to open your mouth
He finds it cute and thinks that it's his own way of say that he does care about you a lot even if he doesn't say it all the time
He will also brush your hair and braid it or just style it into anything you want he just wants you to feel relaxed with him and would do anything to make you feel better
He definitely will go and talk to his mom about what he should do and how to make you feel better and he also will probably just bring you to his mom for like a little family meet up
His mom loves you and she will always be down to see you and he knows how much you like her so he Hope's it'll boost your mood a bit and she's better with words
He absolutely adores you so he'll do whatever you need until life stops fucking with you
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aiiwa · 3 years
FMK - kenma, kuroo, yaku. - tumblr is being an absolute pain in my ass and won’t let me answer this directly.
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FUCK. yaku morisuke. i been thinkin’ bout him lately...yes.
knowing your boyfriend since high school, it became easier over the years to read him. although yaku never tried to hide his emotions, hot-headed and straight forward; there were some days he’d come home from training, and something about him would just be off. no matter how hard he would try to hide it, you always found out - chastising him for not confiding in you. as his girl friend, all you wanted was to care for him, and you knew exactly how to do so.
“f-fuck, y/n, feels so good.” yaku moans, cocoa coloured eyes set on the lewd sight of you between his legs.
the steady bob of your head was entrancing; the way you swallowed his full length down your tight throat, pink tongue darting out to kitten lick at his balls, before coming back up to suck on his red tip. focused on making yaku feel good and timing your breathing, a mixture of your drool and his essence dribbling down your chin, you know he’s close when he starts throbbing in your warm mouth.
what you don’t expect is for yaku to pull you off of him, pushing you onto your back, to straddle your chest. instinctively your hands press into his toned thighs, as you stare up at him excitedly, already knowing what he wants.
“gonna cum on my face, baby?” you ask, rubbing soothing patterns into his skin, finger tips trailing up towards his tense stomach. “then do it, want you so bad- nghh!”
yaku shoves the tip of his pulsating cock on the flat of your tongue, as he fists himself. you enjoy the way his flushed face contorts in pleasure, the furrow between his brows, the way his sandy locks stick to his forehead. he pumps himself once, twice, three times - before he’s blowing his warm load all over your tongue. praising you through laboured breaths before moving down, and pressing his lips to yours.
MARRY. kozume kenma. he makes me soft, wanna be his wife ahhh.
if you thought sharing a bed with a significant other would take some time getting used to, then try doing so with a professional gamer as a boyfriend. during the couple of years of dating with kenma, it had definitely been trying, learning to fall asleep to the sounds of guns blazing or spell casting from whichever gaming device he had in his grasp as he lay next to you. yet thankfully, by the time the two of you married, it was simply part of your nightly routine.
but now that you were around six months into your first pregnancy, your baby starting to react to sounds and voices, kenma had decided to take some extra measures to ensure you and your little princess’ comfort. he started to wear headphones as he played at night, despite how uncomfortable it was for him as he usually wore them all day during streams and filming videos. you insisted he could continue to play as normal, but he was stubborn.
surprisingly, sleep now evaded you, with the way your baby was constantly shifting around restlessly in your tummy. kenma had begun to worry, with how tired you would look in the mornings, even struggling to hold a nap during the day that was longer than twenty minutes. it took you almost two weeks to figure out what was wrong.
“kenma.” you mumbled, turning around to look at him stretched out beside you. he was just about to slide those ridiculous headphones over his ears, though he halted, golden eyes appraising you questioningly. “please play with the sound on.”
“-i think she likes the sounds of your games.” you confess, offering a shy smile as you rubbed soft circles around your belly.
your husband seemed almost dumbfounded. reaching a hand out, he presses his warm palm against your rounded belly, feeling the little kicks of your baby girl. shaking his head amusedly, he puts away his headphones, turning the sound up; and instead of leaning back on his pillow, he shuffles down a bit to lay his head on your lap. his cheek resting against the underside of your belly.
and as he starts a new mission for whichever game had caught his interest tonight, only then did you and kenma feel your baby calm down. when you were lulled to sleep by the same sounds that used to keep you up at night, you missed the words your husband whispered to your tummy as he paused his game.
“do you really like the sounds of daddy’s game, princess? you know, mommy used to complain all the time, even threatened to kick me out on the couch a few times. she never did it though...loves me too much.” the subtle tap against his cheek from a kick, has him chuckling, snuggling into your belly more. “i hope that’s you telling me to keep playing instead of trying to kick me out of my own bed.”
KISS. kuroo tetsurou. going to those lame ass work christmas parties with him, yeah that’s the vibe.
it was when your less than sober coworkers began singing along to whichever crappy christmas carol was playing, that you truly started to question your existence. or at most your sanity on why exactly you chose to attend this work party. you were notorious for your lack of attendance to such events - so when you showed up, faux excitement and all, everyone had gaped. yet only one had smirked and winked in your direction.
said coworker was currently seated at one of the of the tables, nursing a red cup filled with punch, watching everyone else disinterestedly. he was the reason you were here right now, and when you finally swallowed your pride and made your way towards him, a nameless, drunken coworker had elbowed your back - sending you right into kuroo’s lap.
“oh? this is a nice surprise.” kuroo teases, wrapping an arm around your waist to steady you. “finally here to thank me for convincing you to come to this…” dwelling on what exactly to call what was happening before the two of you, you decided to fill in the blank.
“train wreck?”
kuroo blinks once before throwing his head back to laugh. he really had that hyena guffaw down to a tee, but the face a stupid greek god that had a funny feeling in your tummy settle.
“oi, y/n! kuroo!” you both turn at the sound of your names, to find another random coworker off hisface. you were trying so hard to understand what he was trying to say, but felt yourself stiffen once he dangled something over you and kuroo’s heads. “mistletoe!” he cheered.
before you even have a chance to decline, kuroo has slides his hand to hold the back of your neck; turning you to face him and then pressing his lips against yours. your eyes widen in shock, but as he gently caresses your mouth with his, you slowly close your eyes to savour the sweet kiss. moments pass by before he breaks the kiss, forehead against yours as he wears that same teasing grin. no, it’s not teasing, it’s...affectionate.
“i’m glad you came tonight, y/n.” he admits, brushing a lock of your hair behind your ear.
slightly breathless, you whisper - “thank you for convincing me to come.” and then your lips are back on his.
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miki-snake · 4 years
Cockwarming with the HQ Boys
📖: Just some quick random thoughts on how some of the hq boys would be while cockwarming you
🧡: Kenma x reader, Bokuto x reader, Matsukawa x reader and Tendou x reader
⭕️: SMUT, nsfw!, 18+, cockwarming, some degradation, not proofread and maybe kinda rushed at the end idk? 
🔍: 3.3k+
A/N: it got longer than expected;; i need help pls, sm show me how to write short thingz
Kenma Kozume
he doesn’t have a high libido and most of times isn’t the one to initiate things
especially on days when he was exhausted from college and streaming
the first time cockwarming came up wasn’t planned
he was lying on his bed with his switch in his hands playing ac
it would be a lie if you said that u weren’t a little needy but you were also tired
u just wanted to cuddle with him
so u slid up between his arms, head nuzzling against his neck, arms wrapped around his torso and your legs on either side of his waist
for some minutes you two just lay there like that
somehow you unconsciously grind yourself against him and of course it doesn’t go unnoticed
he just lets you do as you wanted and continued playing his game
you realized how you were already dripping wet and started to grind yourself harder against him
it wasn’t unusual for you to dry hump your boyfriend to make yourself come (easiest way for a lazy evening)
the feeling of his cock hardening underneath you sent shivers up your spine
you couldn’t handle it anymore and sat up a little
in a fast pace you slid down your shorts and soiled panties, throwing them across the floor
you looked at Kenma and grabbed the hem of his boxers, desperately wanting feel his hot skin
he nodded his head and in a fast motion his boxers were out of your way
going back to your previous position you wrap your legs around his waist
you sat back down in his lap, his now fully erect cock between your pulsing lips
slowly you moved yourself forth and back
both your juices already mixing with each other
Kenma was still focused on his game but you could hear him letting out some low moans
the slow pace wasn’t enough anymore and so you moved your hips faster and harder against his leaking cock
though you still craved the feeling of being filled by his cock
so suddenly you raised your hips, grabbed his dick and sunk down on his shaft 
you both let out a loud moan and Kenma’s head fell back into his neck
somehow the feeling of being filled by him made you feel warm and the tiredness came back to you
so you just wrapped your arms around his neck, head on his shoulder and enjoyed the feeling of being one with your boyfriend
Kenma asked you why you wouldn’t move
you just shook your head and nuzzled deeper into his neck
he didn’t mind it and went back to playing with his switch
so you two sat there in the silence except from the quiet game music and occasionally you would clamp down on him or he would give a little thrust into your cunt
since that day it became a normal habit in the evening for the both of you but not every time would be as peaceful
It was six o’clock which was Kenma’s usual streaming time and after many requests of wanting to see his girlfriend or for him to play against her, he finally gave in and so you found yourself in his streaming room.
Instead of sitting next to him like any normal person would do, you were sitting on his lap. The chat was filled with comments on how cute you were, how you two look good with each other and some of them asked why your face was so red. You just told them that you were a little embarrassed because it was your first time streaming and you were excited. You were indeed excited but not because of the stream. How could your cheeks not be flushed when your boyfriend's cock was buried deep inside of you while thousands of people were watching you two through a camera.
It was Kenma’s idea because he somehow felt needy that day but he couldn't postpone the stream and who were you to deny your beautiful and cute boyfriend when he was asking you to cockwarm him in the public eye.
So after you two answered some questions he started a game so you and him could play it on stream. His voice was calm as he was explaining the controls but you sure as hell were too distracted to understand what he was telling you. When you would die during the game he would thrust up into you and you’d mask your moan as a groan of disappointment because of your death. He would tease you, telling you to answer some questions in the chat while you waited for the next round to start. Sure it wasn’t easy to be quiet but you couldn’t help and constantly grinned yourself on his cock.
When Kenma died in one round, right before his team won (you were already dead), he thrusted his hips up into you, his cock going even deeper and hitting a spot inside of you that made you lose your mind. You bid yourself hard on your lip, head facing away from the camera and eyes shut, while they rolled back into your head. It was so hard to not let a single noise escape your lips and you weren’t sure if a small whimper maybe left your mouth but in the moment you didn’t care. You just basked in the feeling of your orgasm, trying to ride your high as long as possible but you knew that it couldn’t be that long.
You felt Kenma’s hand on your head and finally you opened your eyes and turned your head back to the audience again. You saw how the viewers were asking you if everything was all right and you told them it was fine and you just felt a little nauseous back there but it already settled down again.
Kenma kept on stroking your hair and he proposed to change the game to Animal Crossing so it was more relaxed for you.
And so you continued the stream and showed them your island, but you didn’t forget Kenma's hard cock that was still filling you up.
Bokuto Kotarou
this man lives for cockwarming
he knows that he is packing and he loves to see how you struggle to take him all in
he’s not only long but also thicc
his cock head spreading your dripping lips until it felt like they’d be torn apart
he lets out a guttural groan when he’s fully seated inside of you
praising you for being such a good girl, his good girl
it would be totally random when he would tell you to come and sit on his cock
like when you two are eating, in the pool or in the car
you two would swim in the pool on a hot summer day
while taking a break he would suddenly grab you by your hips
he’s hauling you over on his lap
fast motion swiping your bottoms to the side
it might be rushed but he’s still careful of not hurting you
teasing you a bit and letting his tip run up and down your gaping hole
also circling around your clit
finally he’s pushing the fat tip into you
slowly so you could feel every vein on his cock that was grazing ur walls
loves to suck on your nipples while pushing u down
still keeping his eyes on ur face tho
he needs to see ur needy and strained face
watching how your eyes roll back, mouth open and the tip of ur tongue hanging out
you do try to tell him that it’s too much (even though u don’t wanna stop)
and he just chuckles at you
keeping a firm grip on ur hips and holding you down
after what feels like hours you reach the base of his dick
he’s pulsing inside of you and can’t help but clamp down on him
you were outside in the pool do you tried to keep ur voice down
but not possible
you whimper and moan and groan etc.
so when he’s completely inside of you he starts walking out of the water
with you in his arms he climbs out as if you were a part of him
he sits down on the sun bed and just keeps you in place
sometime he would even doze off like that
Bokuto is impatient tho so it won’t stop at just cockwarming
You now found yourself on the floor of your living room with your boyfriend hovering over your body and his hard, thick cock buried inside of you. After he woke up from his little nap he wasted no time to grab you at your hips and move you up and down his cock. You, still half in your sleep, couldn't help but let out a low groan. He sat back up  and used the new position to drive his cock even deeper into you. His eyes were still a bit unfocused from just waking up but it didn’t stop him from looking at your beautiful face that slowly twisted into a mask of pleasure. Even though you enjoyed the work out you two did at the moment, you asked him to stop for a moment. Bokuto listened to you and asked you what was wrong and you told him that you two should go inside to continue the little fun you had. He didn’t respond and just picked you up and sprinted into the house. He nearly tripped and fell down the floor but that was when he decided to just lay you down and continue in your living room.
Mattsukawa Issei
“Come on y/n, we both know how much you need me to move my cock in your sweet, little, juicy cunt. Just tell me what to do and how you want it, so I can give you your deserved pleasure, my baby owl.”, he said to you with his low scratchy voice and you just squirm underneath him. “I need you to move, please fuck me with your thick, fat cock, I need to feel it. I need to cum, please.”, you cried out to him and without a warning he started to pound into you at a fast pace, rocking your body against the hardwood floor. You could already feel the familiar coil building up inside of you, the previous hours of cockwarming already making you feel  sensitive and stimulating you to no end. Bokuto didn’t slow down and just kept on rolling his hips into yours, occasionally grazing against your oversensitive clit. “Ko- Kotarouuuu I need to come, please let me come, I can’t take it anymore!”, and so you felt how his thumb went down on your clit, rubbing and twisting it. His lips found your hard, rosy buds again, tonguing and sucking on them, his teeth scraping the prickling skin. All of the stimulation made your head spin and your orgasm hit you like a shockwave. Your mouth wide open, a silent scream coming out of it and your nails digging into Bokuto’s back. As you slowly came out of your orgasmic state, you realized that Bokuto’s still humping you and desperately chasing his high. He was overstimulating you and you needed a break, so you spoke up to help him reach his climax. “Kou please come for me. I need you to come for me, need to feel all of your hot and sticky cum flooding my pussy. I want it all deep inside of me, come on Kou wanna feel it dripping out of my little cunny.”
And with that he lost all of his control, hips moving erratically and a loud moan leaving his mouth, while you felt how your insides were filled with his hot cum. He fell down on you and buried his face in your chest, you both stayed like that, relaxing in the afterglow.  
if you think that Bokuto would tear you apart, this man is going to break you
he is the epitome of a thick and long cock
there is no way that you could just cockwarm him randomly
usually you two do it in your bedroom
you still need to get prepped beforehand
so some fingering has to be done or you’d only be able to get the tip in
like Bokuto he loves to see you struggle and knows how much you have to take
he takes it slow on you at first
prepping you with his long fingers and maybe even eating you out (if you’ve been a good girl) 
he’d take his time, enjoying how you’d mewl above him 
he would get you sloppy wet but wouldn’t let you come 
when he thinks you’re ready to take him he sits back up 
he’d still take some lube and spread it on his cock just to be sure
he might like to add a little pain in the play but he’s aware of his size and it shouldn’t hurt more than necessary
so you’re slowly sliding down his cock 
you already feel the stretching and straining 
your walls are instantly clamping down on him which makes it harder to move
he tells you to relax and rubs your clit to distract you from the pain 
taking a deep breath you try to regain your composure
his tip was already in and you start to move a little up and down a bit
that way you can slowly get him deeper inside of you 
half way in you beg him to just leave it that 
you already felt too full 
but he won’t stop there and grabs your hips to push you down 
when he bottoms out you felt tears prickling in your eyes
Mattsun comes ups and kisses them away
he looks down on your belly and nearly comes at the sight 
your stomach was bulging from his long cock 
you felt it, the strain against you belly button 
you still felt a bit pain but it was overshadowed by the pleasure of being filled 
you two just lie there and enjoy each others presence 
but it was sure to end soon
Tendou Satori
Even though he was only inside of  you and not moving, you felt completely stimulated. The veins of his cock were pulsing against you inner walls and his trimmed hair was pressed against your clit. “What is it? Is having my cock deep inside of our slutty hole not enough for you?”, he asked you with his deep voice in a taunting manner. You don’t react to him and so he thrusts his hips up in a fast motion and you nearly screamed. Even after spending some time with his cock inside of you, you won’t ever get accustomed to his size. “If you want it all you have to do is beg for a it like a little slut you are, alright babygirl?”, he moved his hands up to cup your face and you have no other choice but to look him right into the eyes. His eyes were devouring you already, full of desire and making you feel all hot and bothered. 
You felt like a dam broke inside of you and the words just came rushing out of you. “Please daddy, I need to feel more than that. I’m your little slut and your pussy needs to be filled with all of your cum, please.”, you whined and slowly moved your hips on his cock, the feeling of being stretched still accompanying you. “Well said babygirl. Alright I guess I can’t leave you hangin then right?”, he smirked and thrusted into you from below. The tip of his cock kept on pushing against the inside of your stomach, reminding you of how big he actually was. He moved in a fast pace and circled his thumb around your clit. You had to hold onto him or else the impact his thrusts might have thrown you off of him. To say that he was wild was an understatement. He flipped you around on your back, his cock never sliding out of you and got back to his frenzy pace. His pants were fanning your face and you felt how he was slowly pushing you off the tip. He could feel how your walls were clenching down on him even more than usual and he knew you were close. His thrusts also became irregular and he landed a slap on your clit. That was what you needed to fall off the cliff, full speed into your sexual heaven. Mattsun followed you into his own high and spurts of cum were painting the insides of your now wrecked pussy white. 
He circled his arms around your body and rolled off to the side, so he wouldn’t crush you. He pulled you into his chest, nose buried inside your hair and you two doze off into the dreamland. 
he’s a fucking tease
cockwarming is smth you two casually do 
like when you lounge on the couch and watch anime together
he was the first one to initiate it 
but now none of you has too really say anything and it just happens
most of the times just cockwarming isn’t enough for you tho 
he knows that but he wouldn’t move in any way 
you would have to do all of the work
teases you and makes fun of you being so needy 
you two started to watch the new season of bnha 
somehow along the way you moved onto his lap and slipped his dick into you
just happens you know
so you two continue to watch the movie but you start to feel the tingle inside your stomach
you think you’re sly and moved forward to grab your drink so you could feel him moving inside of you
the problem was
you did that like every five minutes
so he picked up on our habit and just told you to give him your drink he’s gonna hold it for you
that ass
so you started to get impatient and squirmed on his lap 
you could hear him chuckle 
so you turned around and glared at him 
he just shrugs at you and is like:
you wanna get off? do it yourself
“What’s going on? You look so troubled.”, you knew he was teasing you and you already knew that if you want something to happen, you had to do it yourself. So, you turned around until you were facing him, your hands on his shoulders and you started to move your hips. “Oh! So that’s what was keeping your mind occupied? I already knew that you weren’t focused on the tv but I didn’t think that you were thinking about fucking yourself on my cock.”, he laughed at you but that didn’t stop your movements. No, you even started to move faster so you could see him pant and flustered as you felt. Well, it won’t be that easy because he knows which buttons to press for you to break first. “So, you’re just using me like a fucktoy? Oh, you’re such a desperate little bitch, you couldn’t even watch the movie without thinking about stuffing your stupid cunt full of my cock?”, he knew how much his dirty talk was affecting you and your pussy clenched down on him at every word he said. Your juice was already dripping down o his cock and thighs, the whole scene a complete mess. That was fine with you though because you wouldn’t describe yourself other than a mess at the moment. A moaning mess, a hot and bothered mess, just a fucking mess for none other than Tendou Satori. The knot in your stomach was starting loosen and you felt how even more slick dripped down your thighs. Suddenly he thrusted his hips upwards into you and the climax came crashing down on you. Your body tensed up, thighs pressed against Tendou’s legs and eyes rolled back into your head. He’s following suit and thick squirts of his heavy creamy cum are rushing into you, making you feel even fuller than you already are. The episode was still running in the background, while you two panted from the exercise and you just sit there, taking your well deserved break. 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Diego Hargreeves’ child
Diego Hargreeves x child!reader
warnings: knifes, blood, guns, death mentions, mental hospital
prompt: anonymous: “Hi! Could you please write a “The Umbrella Academy” Diego Hargreeves x daughter reader headcanon? I always think Diego is such a overprotective softie dad ♥️♥️”
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deigo really said “?????”
how dad
but also he’d just the most loving dad anyone could ever ask for
✨it’s because he was never loved by his dad✨
“hi cutie, i love you, i love you, i love youuuuu”
he locked away all his weapons so that you couldn’t hurt yourself on them
but he always missed a few and he’d turn around and see you holding throwing knives and just FREAK OUT
“no, no, no, you may not have those! knives are for big boys like me, not babies”
“give back”
“‘give back?’ are you nuts?”
diego has conversations with lil you as if you know what the fuck he means dhshshhshs
as you got older, you became more interested in his “career”
“no, i dont care if you have powers or not! you have a bedtime, that means no vigilantism, you hear me?”
“if i say ‘no’ can i be a vigilante?”
“you know what? how about you clean up the gym for al so he doesn’t evict us?”
you did not sign up for this
you really wanted to meet your aunts and uncles, but you weren’t exactly sure they knew about you
i mean, you knew you had a cousin but everyone knew about her because aunt allison was a goshdarn celebrity
“dad, i want to meet the family!”
“no you don’t”
end of discussion
despite having a bedtime, you still watched movies late at night with your dad
he really liked marvel movies
“come on, that would never happen!”
“you come from a family of superpowered kids, a robot mom, and a monkey, and you’re upset about...a guy that shoots arrows?”
“maybe i am, what’re you gonna do about it?”
you ask about umbrella academy stories a lot, you your dad usually makes it about him
“and then i punched that guy in the face! and then i stabbed him in the leg because he was a dick! bet you’re friend’s dads arent as cool as me”
*yawning bc you’ve heard this story a million times*
you go to public school
you do have your dad’s last name
which occasionally gets recognized
“woah! wasn’t your dad a superhero?”
“i have no idea what youre talking about” :)
practicing your knife throwing while diego is away, him coming home to find his knifes stuck through various targets
so proud but he had to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself
you actually had to learn how to patch him up because he did come home a bit battered and bruised several times
“im okay, y/n. no need to freak”
“dad, there is literally blood dripping on the floor will you just sit down and stay still for five goddamn minutes?”
“woah, who the fuck taught you to cuss?”
watching the news at home when your grandfather was reportedly dead
you were actually very upset because you wanted to meet him so bad
even if he was a dick
your dad came home silent and you knew he knew
“you okay?”
“oh, yeah, im better than okay!”
finally getting the chance to meet your family
“who are you?” -allison
“im, uh, y/n. diego is my dad”
*jaw dropping*
and you know what? that happened four more times (plus ben but you didn’t get to see that)
“and you are?” -luther
“who’s the...the little one?” -klaus
“well, what do you know? diego’s a dad” -five
“don’t tell me that’s...no way” -ben
“you’re diego’s? wow, i can’t believe he didn’t tell anyone” -vanya
“i...i know who all of you are” -you
diego bragging about how perfect you are while everyone simultaneously rolls their eyes
“well, y/n, maybe one day we’ll schedule a playdate for you and claire” -allison
“‘playdate?’ how old do you think i am?...but yes i wanna meet her”
“god, you’re so much like diego, it’s unsettling”
you had been secretly training at al’s gym during your dad’s late night activities
so when trouble came your way, you were able to handle yourself pretty well
“where the hell did you learn that?”
“al showed me a few moves!”
“that old man? you’re kidding”
you met your grandmother, grace, who was tasked with keeping you safe at all times
you actually loved her sm
but there was something a bit off about her
besided the fact she was a robot
klaus snuck you out so that you two could have BoNdInG tImE
it wasn’t all bad
ben was a lil choked up that he got to meet one of his niblings
“they’re perfect”
“they just stabbed someone, buddy”
“who are you talking to?”
“okay, y/n, i need you to curve something when i throw it, got that? right at that security guard”
“what are you throwing?”
“you’ll know when you see it, make your uncle five proud”
<3 family
running into patch!!
“hey, kid, i just saw your dad. i thought i told you to handcuff him to the radiator when you were away?”
“yeah, well, he wouldve chewed his hand off so here we are”
that was the last time you saw her :/
well, your dad was now a wanted man
“what happened to your arm?”
you actually didn’t expect this family reunion to go south like this
wait—yes you did
vanya has powers????
“i thought vanya was the one without powers?”
“yeah. so did we.”
diego straight up did not want you anywhere near that
but you, again, were his child and also fuck authority you do what you want
the vibe is almost getting shot several times
by hazel, cha cha, and “commission” guys?
going 2 ur auntie’s concert 😌✨
“y/n, hide in the bathroom and stay there until i come get you”
“dad, i love you, but no”
“y/n, i love you too, but yes”
you won
but in the end (or not so much) you time traveled to...1961?
without any of your family
“this is...this is not good”
understatement of the year(s)
what was a kid like you gonna do in dallas, texas in 1961
no seriously, what
it was rough, but you managed to survive on your own
and open a paper in 1963 to find a mugshot of your dad
“son of a—”
visiting dad! (two years later)
“y/n? oh my god, y/n! shit, i missed you so much! why do you look different? you’re bigger, oh god. how long have you been here?”
“2 years, dad. you?”
his hair was so LONG
“2 months”
“christ, that’s it?!”
“i have to stop jfk from being assassinated”
“what makes you think that’s a good idea???”
“its the right thing to do, wanna help?”
“shit, i guess. as long as i dont end up here”
“no promises, people in the 60’s are crazy”
diego: 👁👄👁
you: 👀
running into five on the street soon after
“uncle five?”
“no time to talk”
“okay, asshole? i’ve been here for 2 years and you dont care?”
“two years, huh? i spent 45 years in a post apocalyptic world as a 13 year old and beyond”
“i didn’t say it was a competition, dude. you kinda dropped us all at different times. at least, me and dad. he—”
“is trying to kill lee harvey oswald, i know. come with me”
finally running into your other aunts and uncles, who were so excited to see you
you ran into their arms and they picked you off the ground and you felt closer than ever after only knowing them for 10 days
dad broke out
lila too
“im your new mom!”
“you’re what?”
diego dragged you along with him almost everywhere
he had missed you so much, but he keeps forgetting you kinda grew up without him for a while longer
meeting grandpa :)
“a grandchild, huh? how unfortunate”
“what did you just call me?”
“a bitch.”
your dad and basically the entire table trying to hold back laughter
reggie was stunned
cold hearted just like him <3 he didn’t know if he was offended or proud
this is so confusing
diego just disappeared off the face of the earth
and assassins were on your case
“the goddamn swedes are back oh shittt im gonna die”
“y/n, just curve their bullets”
“it’s not as easy as it sounds, klaus!”
you were doomed
theres too much to go over
apparently you died on a farm????
and then you didn’t??????
and your dad was almost apart of the commission
“hey, you okay, y/n?”
“i would like to take a nap please”
“yeah, me too”
“me three!” -klaus
yeah it was never that simple 😌💕 the end
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff // @lotsoffandomrecs // @takethebladeawayfromme // @that-nerd-tessa // @teenwaywardasgardian // @spidergirla5 // @sheridans-dynamos // @freya-xo // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @jay-is-groovy // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @abbiesthings // @thereagles // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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luvrboytengen · 4 years
ok so tumblr decided to delete the lovely @wetleafwrites ask about a chubby s/o with the OM boys so LETS TRY THIS AGAIN
warings: none just fluff✨
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-I just KNOW he’s a thigh man I just know ok
-he likes to lay on them after a hard day and just nap for once while u comb you’re fingers through his hair
-he LOVES do have you on his lap while he works
-and he ALWAYS has to have a hand on you
-whether if it’s a hand on your thigh during a meeting
-or a hand on the small of your back while walking through the halls, ITS GONNA BE THERE
-diavolo jokes about him being soft all the time
-leading to lucifer silently being mad but he can’t really get mad since he knows he’s right,,,
-and if you ever get insecure about your weight
-I don’t make the rules he loves u a lot ok
-If something doesn’t fit you he will get it made for you in your size ok he doesn’t care how much it’ll cost
-Overall he is a softie for you no matter your weight
- ahEM
- Doesn’t care about how much you weigh
- He loves u for you and not just your body
- Spoils tf outta you like
- Buys you everything you want
- Doesn’t matter the price (no duh he loves spending money kai-)
- If you tell him your insecure he doesn’t understand at first
- He just thinks you’re prefect in every way possible
- But if you explain if to him he starts to understand
- Will literally worship the ground you walk on
- Overall he’s a big softie for you
-Ok anyways
-Loves to have you sit in his lap while he games
-doesn’t matter your size you are in his lap 24/7
-omg can you imagine him laying on your stomach while he like reads a manga
-I hc that he hums like openings alot can you imagine him humming against ur tummy WAH
-makes u cosplay with him just like do it ok
-put on the maid outfit with him JUST DO IT
-napping with him after binging an anime.
-he understands your insecurities since he has a lot as well
-so he tries to help you as much as possible since he doesn’t want you to feel like he does when he gets down
-overall soft bb loves ur tummy v much
-is always on you
-hands all over all the time
-loves when you sit on his lap and play with his hair while he just wraps his arms around him
-and he loves to just have his hands on your chest, nothing sexual he just likes his hand there ok it’s warm
-laying on ur stomach is his favorite hobby
-doesn’t matter if it’s gonna take longer because he has to find plus size stuff
-he will find stuff to make you feel happy and confident
-he probably doesn’t understand why you’re insecure at first because he thinks you’re perfect(he also thinks he’s prefect so-)
-but he will do everything in his power to make you feel confident
-i’m talking spa days, shopping trips, the whole nine yards
-overall he is sweet but sassy bb
-mans loves you
-so he like, has his head in-between your thighs(NOT IN THAT WAY OK-)
-and he like grabs a book and reads to you while you comb your fingers through his hair
-its his favorite way to read winks
-its a basically a daily thing where he will just walk up behind you and squeeze u like he just
-loves sleeping on ur chest like he just feels so comfy and warm
-sitting on his lap while her just puts his face in your chest >>
-so he like has ur face in his chest while he combs through your hair and reads
-hes very observant so I feel like he’d know that you have insecurities
-does everything in his power to make you feel more confident
-tries to find books with maybe like a plus size character or something
-overall reader boy is v loving even if he doesn’t seem like it
-bb boy
-will cook for u
-shares his snacks with you
-try and convince me that he wouldn’t give you his hoodies
-and bb no matter your size they will FIT because he’s HUGE OK
-tummy kisses. thats it thats the tweet.
-you know how couples workout together like with the Spiderman kiss and shit?
-whether you work out with him or you are there for motivation, he wants u there ok
-for like pushups he puts u on his back and u get a fun ride out of it giggles
-and like u have to do the Spiderman kiss ok
-insecurities wise, he doesn’t understand
-he thinks you’re prefect so why don’t you think that
-explain it to him pls bb is so clueless
-will hype u up just like so much
-overall soft foodie boy loves u sm
-napping on ur chest? Check
-napping on ur stomach? Check
-napping on/inbetween your thighs? CHECK
-ur just so soft how could he not fall asleep on u
-forehead kisses
-so many forehead kisses
-loves ur thighs
-he thinks they’re so SOFT and KISSABLE
-you could be chilling on the couch in the lounge with the other brothers and he will just come and LAY ON U
-the brothers r like ??? Ok then
-and the moment he’s got his head on ur stomach he’s out
-good luck getting him up love
-insecurities wise he’s pretty understanding
-like he knows your insecure about certain things because of your weight or just in general but he does his best to make you not feel that way
-will have you lay on his chest while he runs his hands though your hair while telling you all the things he loves about you
-newsflash you’re gonna b there for awhile because he loves everything about you
-overall, soft sleepy boy is adorable and loves u
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winzenni · 4 years
butterfly (nakamoto yuta)
Summary: when your secret tattoo is discovered and you're scolded during dance practice, the nice Japanese boy group trainee can't help but interfere.
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Pairing: trainee!yuta x trainee!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Author’s note: trigger warning! unwanted touching? also, we all know that yuta respects women af so i thought this would just be something he’s probably done
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“and uh 5, 6, 7, 8.”
“smoother movements, people.”
“y/n, you’re late on the third count.
“one more time from the top.”
“y/n, fix your left arm.”
“last time from the top.”
It was just another day in the practice room, preparing for your next dance evaluation, but today’s practice felt a little harder than usual. Maybe it was the fact that it was over ninety degrees outside (a typical summer day in Korea), or the fact that you were wearing a fairly thick T-shirt with long sweats that were made for chilly weather.
When you woke up from your nap two hours earlier, you had completely forgotten about the group dance practice scheduled in ten minutes, and grabbed whatever clothes you saw first in your closet before dashing to the practice room, where your trainee friends were already warming up with the teacher.
“Ok, 10-minute break. Get some water and come back ready to clean up your moves.” said the instructor, Mr. Kim.
The trainees scattered from the center of the room, with some girls leaving to stop by the water fountain, some guys grabbing a towel to wipe their sweat, and some just plopping down on the floor to catch their breath.
“It’s so hot, Jiwoo. I think I might faint from heat exhaustion,” you tell your friends. Like you, Jiwoo has been training under SM for the past two years. Though make and female trainees were often divided during the training process, today, all trainees, both male and female, were learning the same hip-hop routine for the monthly evaluation.
“It's not that hot though? Maybe it's because you're wearing fleece sweats. Y/n, you really are going to pass out if you keep wearing that. I have extra shorts that you can wear.” Jiwoo pulls out a pair of black athletic shorts from her duffel bag and hands them to you.
“Really? Oh my god, Jiwoo, I don't know what I would do without you.” You take them from her, standing up. “I'll be back, I'm going to go change.”
The shorts definitely helped with the heat, but Jiwoo’s size and proportions were a little off from yours. She was a little shorter than you, which made the shorts barely reach halfway to your knee, yet the shorts were a little loose around your thighs, allowing the fabric to fly up each time you squatted or jumped. Nevertheless, it was better to show some skin than pass out from heat exhaustion.
Still, you didn't want the male trainees to see anything that you didn't want them to. And in particular, you didn't want anyone to see the tattoo on your inner thigh.
Not only were tattoos considered ugly and immature, but they were also a nuisance to makeup artists and stylists. Just knowing that you had an inked design on your body would make you less eligible to debut.
So to prevent the shorts from rising up and revealing your tattoo, you put less energy into the jumps, but this compromised the appearance of the performance.
“Ok, everyone stop,” said Mr. Kim. “Y/n, why are you jumping like a half dead frog? At this part, everyone needs to jump up like a spring, a slinky! You're a rusty wire right now, fix it.”
“Sorry, Mr. Kim. I’ll do better.”
In the next rounds of dancing, you decided to put your all into it, fearing a scolding from the teacher. Hopefully, no one would pay attention to you enough to notice what was under your shorts.
“From the top to the second jump,” Mr. Kim ordered.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. You counted in your head, focusing on only the dance and your movements.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. In this moment, you only noticed yourself, your swaying motions, your posture, your expressions.
1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-jump. 1-2-
“STOP!” Mr. Kim roared.
Everyone's eyes widened, unsure if they were the ones going to be scolded. At this point, it had been a longer practice than usual, and as practice dragged on, Mr. Kim’s mood and tolerance dwindled exponentially.
“Y/n. Step up.”
Your heart suddenly began pounding a mile a minute. What did you do wrong? You could have sworn your movements were perfect. You stepped forward from the grid formation, to the front of the class with your back facing them. In the mirror, you saw your fearful face in front of all the other trainee’s wide eyes and pitiful stares.
“Y/n. What is this?” Mr. Kim pointed to your right inner thigh, right where the fabric of the shorts ended and revealed a black mark on your skin. “Lift up your shorts.”
With shaking fingers, you slightly pull up the edge of the shorts to reveal a small inked butterfly on your thigh, just a few inches wide. In your peripheral vision, you could see the other trainees, sending looks of surprise? shock? confusion? to each other.
“Y/n……” the edge of Mr. Kim’s lips slid upward, almost laughing in your face to mock you. “You've been messing up all day and now this. You really continue to surprise me.”
He pulled up the edge of the shorts once more to get a glimpse of your tattoo, his foreign touch on your thigh making you flinch.
“If you're going to be a rebellious bitch and get a tattoo, at least make it creative!” He laughed. “A butterfly?”
At this point, you looked down at your feet in the mirror’s reflection, too embarrassed to face how the other trainees were looking at you. You blinked quickly to prevent any tears from falling. Would you have to get the tattoo removed to keep training? Or worse, would you maybe even be kicked out? Having a tattoo was one thing, but you had been causing some trouble during today's practice with your mistakes.
Mr. Kim’s scolding continued in the back of your mind, but you tuned it out with the clouded thoughts of what might happen to you. You were brought back to the current situation when Mr. Kim’s hands pulled up your shorts again to see the tattoo, this time a little too high, revealing a sliver of your black underwear. You took a step back.
“Hey!” A new body appeared in your field of vision, pushing away Mr. Kim’s hand and stepping in between you and the teacher with his y'all figure.
“M-mr. Kim,” you started.
“Hah, look at this-this,” Mr. Kim didn't know where to start with cursing you. “Y/n, you're dismissed. Leave now. Yuta, get out of my way and go back to your position.”
It took a minute for you to process Mr. Kim’s words. Dismissed from practice? Dismissed from the monthly evaluation? Dismissed from the training you had put the past two years of your life into and given up academics and friends and good food for? With all these thoughts in your mind, you couldn't help but let some tears slide down your cheek as you left the room and went into the hallway. You couldn't even hear the roaring voice of another teenager behind you.
“You can't touch her like that! That's not-"
Sitting in an empty recording room, you couldn’t help but let the tears run down your face.
You had worked so hard for so long to get to where you were, and you might have just lost it all because of a stupid butterfly tattoo you thought would be cute a year ago. In your head, you could only hear the sound of your own crying and the troublesome thoughts plaguing your mind.
A boy sat next beside you. Looking at you through his straight blond bangs, he says, “Sorry about what happened to you back there. That wasn't cool at all.”
You try to even your breathing and control your tears for a moment to respond. “Thanks, but it wasn't your fault so you don't need to apologize. Why are you here? Aren't you going to get in trouble for leaving practice?”
“Well, I just didn't think it was fair for you to be treated like that back there,” the boy says, looking down at his feet. “I-I wanted to see if you were ok. Oh, and I'm Yuta by the way. Nakamoto Yuta. Nice to meet you.” He offers a hand to shake, and you grasp it weakly to give it a friendly shake. 
“I'm y/n,” you say in an almost silent whisper. “You should go back. One dismissed trainee is enough.”
“No, I'll stay here until you stop crying,” Yuta declares firmly. “I-I just really think it was so unfair for you to go through that. It's so dumb, like honestly, it's just a tattoo! It's no different from… from me wearing this earring or choosing to have blond hair!” He says, readjusting the beanie around his bangs. 
After a moment of silence and looking down at your shoes, your sweaty legs and tired ankles, Yuta gently breaks the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You hesitate for a moment, wondering if it will be burdensome to release your tensions and worries into this stranger you've just met today. However, his aura radiates a warm, welcoming feeling, like a close friend you've reunited with after a long time.
“I just… I just did so much to get here. I don’t think I can live with myself if this is what gets me kicked out.” Your mind reverts back to flashbacks of all the meals you skipped, tears you cried, hours you danced, and sleepless nights you had dedicated to your journey to debut. To throw that all to waste over sweating a little too hard and changing pants at dance practice -- it would be a burden you would not be able to live with. 
Coming to terms with the tragic future you’ve set up for yourself, a tear slips from your eye down onto your shoes, not going unnoticed by Yuta. 
“Hey, hey, y/n, look at me,” he says.
You look up to him from under your tear-stained eyelashes, meeting his honey-like gaze.
“You’re not going to get kicked out. It’s gonna be ok,” he says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and squeezing it comfortingly before sharply retracting his arm. 
“S-sorry, I… is it ok if I put my arm here?” He asks.
You nod, leaning into his touch and putting your head on his shoulder. 
You sit together for a while like that, without exchanging any words. Though he doesn’t say anything besides softly rubbing circles into your shoulder, Yuta’s mere presence and the warmth radiating from his body brings you a sense of consolation. 
“I think it’s cute,” Yuta says, after what feels like ten or fifteen minutes of silence.
“Hm?” you say.
“The butterfly,” he explains. “I think it’s cute. Don’t listen to what others say about it. I think it’s really cute.”
“Thanks. It’s supposed to represent, like, hope and endurance,” you say. “I got it a few months into training because it was a difficult time for me. So whenever I mess up, I just look at it and think about…. I guess, I remind myself to keep going.”
Yuta nods, processing the symbolism of it and how much it must’ve meant to you. “I’ll be your butterfly,” he chimes in quietly.
“You’re going to keep training here with me. I’m not going to let you quit now.”
Though his words sound motivational, you wonder, what power does he have over this? Well, whatever happens, you’re glad you were able to make a new friend. Little do you know that Yuta’s father has some... connections with the company.
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berkmansimagines · 4 years
So during this scary time may I please request some dad!barry? Obviously they’re stuck in isolation due to what’s going on in the world and Barry calms down reader worrying about them or their daughter getting sick or worried in general??? I’m not sick but bitch could really use something to calm her down rn 😪 Thank you sm you’re the best!!! ❤️❤️❤️
A/N: Thanks for this request anon! I’m in the same boat, being under quarantine sucks 😞 I hope this drabble helps a little bit...
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It’s been 12 days since Los Angeles went under quarantine. At least you think it’s 12. Every day feels like a year and they’ve all started to blend together. You and your husband, Barry, have kept your infant daughter home the entire time. You’re all getting antsy.
“It’s okay, little bug,” you coo to your baby girl, rocking her gently back and forth.
Your daughter hasn’t stopped crying since she woke up from her nap. You and your husband, Barry, have tried everything to calm her down but nothing’s worked. 
“Let me hold her for a bit,” Barry offers.
“Okay,” you nod and hand the baby off to your husband, “You should try making those BB-8 noises again. It might work this time…”
Barry sighs and shakes his head. He looks down at the sobbing little girl he’s cradling in his arms. 
“Y/n-” Barry says quietly, “I think maybe we should take her for a walk in the stroller.”
“You want to take her outside? Are you crazy?!” your eyes widen. 
“The fresh air would be good for her… for all of us,” your husband tries.
“No way, Barry! She’s only six months old. You heard the news. Babies are one of the most vulnerable groups,” you cross your arms, then look down at your feet, “I just don’t want her to get sick.”
Barry puts your crying daughter back into her crib, then walks right over to you and pulls you into a hug. Between the two of you, your husband has been dealing with this situation more calmly. You think it’s because of his military training. Barry has been the one who’s taken emergency trips to the store to get more food and diapers. And every time he returns home, you’ve made him wash his hands before he could pick up your daughter again.
“Hey, it will be okay,” Barry says softly, “I’ve been out there, it isn’t the apocalypse. There’s not a lot of people walking around and if they are then they’ve kept their distance. If I didn’t think it was safe, I wouldn’t have brought it up.”
“I… I don’t know,” you bite down on your bottom lip. 
You know you’re being a little overcautious but you don’t care. If this quarantine happened when it was still just you and Barry, you wouldn’t have made such a big deal about it. Everything changed the moment you found out you were pregnant. You love your little girl and care about her more than yourself. You would do anything to protect her.
“Nothing will happen, I promise you,” Barry reassures you, “Do you trust me?” 
You take a couple deep breaths and nod, “Of course I do.”
You turn your head and eye your daughter, still crying in her crib. And then-
“Fine. We can take a walk… But we will not be outside longer than 30 minutes, got it?”
Barry kisses your forehead, “Thank you, y/n. You won’t regret this.”
“I love you,” you tell him, “But if you want a walk, we need to go now before I change my mind!”
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mayhemcj · 5 years
I’mma take a nap right here ~ Klaus Hargreeves x Male!Reader
Request: here’s the tea, i really need a klaus x m! reader where reader is super sleep deprived (maybe from work or even college) and maybe they are walking together and reader just straight up falls asleep so klaus has to carry him home and reader wakes up when they get home and they cuddle and klaus just kind of whispers sweet things and gets reader to fall asleep? thank you bb
A/N: I love this sm. I'm currently sleep depreived from college myself so I'm definetely going with that. Thank u anon! (I'm so sorry about the title dfsjds)
You were currently wasting away at your laptop in your university library. You had essay after essay, project after project to start, work on and finish since the semester was soon coming to an end. Although you were grateful that you had summer coming up, fuck, finals were hard on you. It was hard for you to sleep at night knowing you had so much to do, and it took a harsh toll on you. You had hardly slept the past few days, and Klaus, your roomate and boyfriend of almost 7 months, was starting to take notice.
In his defence, it really isn't hard to see at this point. You had started to doze off at random points in the day; During breakfast and dates, even just 'relaxing' on the couch. Sometimes he would ask you a simple question and it would take you a minute to even process what he said.
"Y/n? Have you been here all day?" Klaus seemed to just appear in front of you, standing next to the table you were working at.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. History paper."
"You've been working for days, you need a break, love."
"No I jus.. I just need to finish this.
"You keep saying that, Y/n. You need to sleep."
Klaus said softly, grabbing your book bag and starting to put your things away.
"I'm not.. I'm not even tired.." You replied, quietly turning away to yawn after speaking.
"Obviously. You have bags under your eyes, hun. Come on, please? For me?" He said in a small voice, giving you his puppy eyes.
You sighed quietly and looked to what you had done on your computer, biting your lip. You sighed again, closing your laptop.
Klaus grinned. "Thank you, baby. You need a break. You've been working so hard."
"I suppose." You said quietly in response, standing up and packing up the rest of your things.
"You have! Now come on, let's get home."
You slipped your bag onto your shoulder, tiredly grasping for Klaus' hand. He recipricated, intertwining your fingers and smiling.
You two quietly walked home, as your shared apartment wasn't all too far. You, however, kept dozing off, tripping, and generally just being a mess. You let out a relieved breath when you stepped into your apartment building, really starting to feel the sleep get to you. You yawned again, and had Klaus guide you to the elevator.
"You tired, love?" Klaus asked, pressing the button to your floor.
You simply hummed, closing your eyes and leaning against the elevator wall and crossing your arms.
"Y'know, I love you, but you really need to give yourself more breaks. You work so hard, and again, I love you for that, but you need to take care of yours-"
Klaus stopped mid-sentance and looked over to you. Your head was rested in the corner of the elevator, your lips parted. You were snoring. Fucking snoring.
"Oh my god. Y/n?" Klaus said quietly, taking a step towards you. "Babe, really?"
You didn't respond, obviously. You had passed out cold, while standing.
Klaus thought for a moment, but had to act quickly since the elevator opened to their floor. He cursed under his breath and untangled your arms, putting them around his neck and picking you up by your thighs.
"As much as I love your body, god my twink ass can't handle picking you up." Klaus said and laughed to himself, walking out of the elevator with you in his arms.
"Aw, fuck.." Klaus only realized that he needed to get your keys while he was in front of your door. He set you against the door, your legs still wrapped around his waist. He finally worked out your keys from your front pocket, putting them in the door and holding you again before opening it.
"Alright, babe.." He said, really only to himself. "I don't know how you do this every other day with me." He chuckled again, grabbing the keys from the door and closing it with his foot.
He took a quick breath and waddled to your room, setting you down on the bed and working your limbs from his body.
"Let's get you out of this, yeah?" Klaus said softly, starting to unbutton the button-down you were in.
You picked up your head, seemingly still half-asleep. "Hmmh..?"
Klaus looked up to you, halfway down your torso. "Morning, baby. Just trying to get you out of these so you can sleep, alright?"
That seemed to be a good enough explanation for you, as you dropped your head back to your pillow, closing your eyes again.
Klaus worked your arms out of your shirt, dropping it to the floor and slipping your shoes off. He kept you in your joggers, not wanting to deal with them. They were comfy enough, anyways.
He climbed into bed beside you, tossing the blanket over the both of you and curling up to your side. You were probably 100% asleep at this point, but you moved your arm around him, making him sigh happily and moving closer to you.
"I'm glad you're getting some sleep, finally. Even if it took passing out." Klaus chuckled sleepily, closing his eyes and resting his head on your shoulder. "Goodnight, love.."
A/N: This was,,, longer than anticipated. and if you don't know wtf i'm talking about with the title, it's a vine (again i'm sorry). Thank you for reading!
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February 23rd, 2020
Day 9: Gathering Energy To Explore Puerto Princesa
Today, I woke up late because I needed all the rest that I could get. The original plan for today was to go on a day tour of the Underground River nearby (sort of nearby) and check that out before going straight to the airport for my late afternoon flight. However, because I wasn’t feeling great, I wasn’t up to it and ended up changing my mind last minute. And I’m glad I did because I got some much needed rest. I really wanted to chill out in bed for a bit longer after waking up but ended up getting out of bed and getting ready because I had to make it in time for breakfast at the Painted Table. But luckily, I was feeling much better compared to the last 24 hours.  
Downstairs at the Painted Table, I had the best breakfast I’ve had all trip. By a long shot! It was so good and there were so many things to eat and try! For my plate, I had breaded pork chops, marinated chicken, rice, ube champorado, two over-easy eggs, a waffle, sausage and ham, watermelons, and pineapples. So good! I wish I was hungrier because I definitely wish I could’ve eaten more food! I sat for a while and slowly enjoyed my food before finally getting up to return to my room and pack up my stuff for check out. I even snuck in a short nap before checking out because I wanted to regain as much energy as possible before losing access to my comfy bed.  
Because I couldn’t extend my check out time into the afternoon, I checked out at noon and sat around trying to figure out what I could do in Puerto Princesa that would be low effort and would help me pass by time until my flight. After sitting with phone in hand for about an hour, I finally committed to a plan and went for it. The plan was to walk toward Puerto Princesa City Baywalk Park and back with some random stops in between.  
It was so hot outside but I braved it and walked all the way to Baywalk Park. On the way there, I stopped by the SM Shopping Center nearby to cool down and look around for a bit. I walked into the grocery store inside and ended up buying some gummy worms for the walk. I walked through the different levels of the mall and looked at some of the stores before continuing on my way. I made another brief stop at the public market before heading over to the promenade. Once I was at the park, I sat and chilled in the shade for a bit while watching people ride by on their bicycles but I didn’t stay too long before starting my journey back to the hotel. There wasn’t too much to see or do in town. Plus, it was so hot and humid that it was hard to stray too far from the hotel.  
Back at that hotel, I still had some time to kill. So I made my way over to the pool and just lounged there in the pool chair until it was time to go. It was actually really relaxing to quietly lie next to the pool and enjoy the shade with a little breeze blowing by. A much needed escape from the hot sun. I stayed next to the pool until just before I had to leave. Because I was feeling thirsty and because I had enjoyed the mango smoothie last night so much, I went to get myself another one to enjoy before my shuttle left for the airport. And man was that a great idea!  
The shuttle ride to the airport was less than five minutes and getting through security was quick too. With some extra time, I sought out the airport lounge and hung out there for about an hour before it was time to board my flight. The lounge was empty and it was simply stocked. I had myself a cup of pandan jelly with coconut milk and some water before boarding my short flight to Manila. Once I had arrived in Manila, I decided to stick around the airport to figure out my EVA Air flight back to Los Angeles because of the whole coronavirus issue. It took awhile for me to get to the terminal that I needed to be at to figure everything out. But by the time I had arrived, the airline desk hadn’t opened yet and wouldn’t be open for another few hours. Damn, what a waste of time.  
I finally called a Grab taxi to take me to Andrea Sy’s house (her parents’ house) in Forbes Park. The ride was smooth and I eventually got to her house without issue. The house helper opened the gate for me, and at the door, I was greeted by my old Okada frosh Andrea Sy! It was so good to see her after about 7-8 years! She showed me briefly around the bottom floor of the house and showed me to my room for the next 24 hours. Her house was very nice and very spacious! We ended up chatting in my room for a little bit and doing some catching up before she had to bid me goodnight since she had work in the morning. So much to catch up on tomorrow! Can’t wait! 
5 Things I Learned Today:
1. Ube champorado tastes like Vietnamese Che.
2. Palawan/Puerto Princesa was a destination for Vietnamese refugees during and after the Vietnam War, per my dad. Interestingly enough, those refugees left a culinary mark on the Philippines, leaving Filipinos with dishes like chao long. 
3. In island countries like the Philippines, there are such things as inflatable water playgrounds. Sounds fun! 
4. There are usually police guards or security guards placed at the entrance to many hostels and hotels I’ve seen in the Philippines. Guards are also present at the entrance of many stores and shops located in shopping malls as well. 
5. Forbes Park is one wealthy neighborhood in Manila. To get in, you have to have your name on the list sent to the guards at the front. There is only one entry gate for Grab taxis. Once in, you notice that the homes were large and gated and that the people here were much better off than the general population in the Philippines. Definitely a place for wealthy people. And I was very fortunate to experience it.
0 notes
kiddiemom-blog · 5 years
Mythbusting Sleep Training Claims, Science-Style|Evolutionary Parenting|Where History And Science Fulfill Parenting
Source: Unidentified
If you remain in the organisation, as I am, of having to talk with a great deal of individuals about sleep training and what it involves or merely reside in a Western culture and have actually heard of people speaking about sleep training non-stop, you have likely heard much of the claims and declarations about sleep training that are made. There tend to be five different locations that get covered by these claims: quality and amount of baby sleep, maternal psychological health, infant cognition and knowing, positive results of tension, and the development of self-soothing. In this post, I wish to cover each of them briefly (I have actually gone into more depth in other posts on here which I will likewise link to) and what the science actually informs us about each.
Quality and Amount of Baby Sleep
Sleep training enhances baby sleep, yes? Kids-- once sleep trained-- sleep longer and much better and are better for it, right?
Yes, moms and dads wake less and report less wakings (though in the long-lasting when compared to controls even this is doubtful [1], however the problem with moms and dad report is that they aren't in fact sitting and viewing their kids all night understanding exactly how and when they sleep. Fortunate for us, we have techniques that can do such a thing and have been utilized in a couple of research studies to take a look at the quality and quantity of baby sleep after sleep training-- actigraphy or videosomnography-- as well as reviews of the literature as an entire to compare across studies. What trustworthy information do we have about baby sleep and sleep training from the research study that has been done?
Maternal Mental Health
Lots of people voice concerns over mommy's mental health and the requirement for sleep. It is thought that if moms sleep better, they won't be as likely to experience post-partum depression so a few of the push to sleep train comes from a somewhat well-meaning area. The issue here is that the research study isn't rather as clear in supporting this.
Now, it would be remiss of me to neglect the studies that do discover that ladies who are depressed are most likely to report baby sleep problems (e.g., [9], [10]. There are such studies and one of the bigger issues with them (as recognized in [3] is that they don't suggest causation. These analyses are typically structured such that ladies with anxiety report more sleep issues than women without, but this does not actually speak with the experience of sleep or what triggers what. It is quite possible that depression impacts sleep independently of any infant sleep issues, as is understood to occur in grownups who suffer depression without children. [ 10] supports this hypothesis when they discover that no matter baby sleep issues, maternal report of her own sleep is a stronger link to depression.
One location I wish to keep in mind here is that infant sleep has actually not changed from a biological perspective; nevertheless, our culture has. Post-partum anxiety has actually not been something that is widespread due to infant sleep but may undoubtedly be another example of what has been terms an evolutionary inequality. That is, infants expect to wake and nurse and co-sleep, however in our society these are not considered good behaviours (certainly, in many of the studies above-- specifically [6], [8], and [10]-- these are in fact the requirements for an infant sleep issue, not a subjective report from the mom) and therefore are discredited. They exist for a reason and the lack of support that numerous families face when parenting in a biological or evolutionary manner can develop problems where there otherwise may not have been any.
Infant/Toddler Cognition and Learning
Sleep assists learning, right? We understand that if we nap after discovering something, we do much better at remembering it. This understanding has resulted in a lot of panic amongst parents who have children and young children who are completely biologically typical and wake in the evening. In some way we have actually confused the reality of sleep and finding out with a belief in a needed long period of sleep in young childhood. We need to set this right, so let us review what we know about sleep and infant cognition and learning.
Now, again, I need to mention that there are research studies that have discovered relationships in between more combined sleep and cognitive efficiency. One of the more interesting notes is that studies that have discovered sleep to be crucial are less likely to be longitudinal in nature and based on one time point evaluation. It is also rather most likely that provided the variety of variables that can affect cognition, sleep is simply one that may or might not have a modest effect based on what is occurring with the other variables. The consensus right now in the literature is that sleep just doesn't appear to effect infant development on a larger level (e.g. [ 16].
The Favorable Impacts of Stress
The typical claim here is that the tension of sleep training is actually not excellent and not just that, but a bit of tension is in fact helpful for us human beings. Hence, we can see that leaving an infant to cry in the evening is assisting them.
Not so.
Here is a brief summary of the research study, though I connect a full piece below that has tackled this misunderstanding in far higher information than I will enter into here:
The Development of Self-Soothing
One of the more fundamental views out there is that if you do not sleep train your child, they will lack certain emotion regulation abilities.
Ideally by now you can completely comprehend why a lot of the important things being said about sleep training falls under the classification of 'misconception'. These are not truths, they are not supported by science as a whole, and they certainly fly in the face of evolutionary biology and anthropology. Understanding that these are cultural beliefs must help in feeling more positive in your own reactions and responsivity to your kids.
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