#THAT. that last area of enw was so heavy. so heavy
astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes i remember and think abt that walk in endwalker. that final walk. and i just want to lay down and. agh
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scumerage · 4 years
Tornado and Child Emperor are the True Protagonists of the Monster Association Raid:
#I. Garou is not the Protagonist of the Raid:
Why those two and not Garou? Simple. Garou is the protagonist of the Monster Association Saga, not the raid. He is barely present during the raid...
The fight against Darkshine (Pri Pri isn't much of a fight) =
Arriving at the surface and claiming Disaster Level God
Proceeding to defeat GS and every hero on the surface
His fight with Saitama and the aftermath
Now, the last two are two of the largest events in the series.... but those only happen at the end, during the beginning and middle of the raid, Garou does absolutely nothing other than beat down Pri Pri and Darkshine, then climb to the surface. Garou isn't very much relevant for the beginning and middle of the raid.
But what do Child Emperor and Tornado do that is so, so much more important? Why can they lay claim to being the protagonists of this raid in the manga (Edit 2) and not Garou (or even Saitama)? Quite simple: Child Emperor is the sole leader of the S-Class heroes, and Tornado is champion of the heroes, expected to defeat the Monster Association alone when all hope is lost (Edit 1).
#II. Child Emperor - The Leader of the Heroes:
What does Child Emperor accomplish?
The planning of the entire raid (Tracking down the monsters HQ in City Z/ mapping out the entire area/providing communicators and strategy)
The battle against Phoenix Man, which causes him to doubt the entire Hero Association and his fellow S-Class
The rescue of Waganma, the #1 reason the raid happened in the first place
Coordinating with the other S-Class on the surface to fight ENW, BS, and Garou
Is that as much as Garou? No. But it is throughout the entire raid, not simply the end. Therefore Child Emperor plays a much larger and more central role than Garou ever did.
And think of how much more the manga may add to increase his leadership role? Child Emperor may not be the only adult in the room room, but he's certainly the only parent actually looking out for the S-Class as a whole (unlike Tornado or Sweet Mask who view them as second rate.
Child Emperor is the only truly competent Hero leader we've seen so far in the series. A genius scientist, strategist, AND respected leader even by the largely egotistical, lone wolf S-Class. As far at the aliens, he was running through options for attacking the ship since 4 S-Class were handing Melzagard. After that, what..
Tanktop with his bros... nothing more than a gang of jocks?
Blizzard with her B-Class maphia, all suit and no sting? (or her "New Blizzard Bunch" pipedream?)
Death Gatling and his merry band... who he viewed as expendable for his own glory?
Sekingar... tried. A noble effort... but leadership doesn't give an A for effort.
That's why Child Emperor is the protagonist of the Monster Association Raid. He is the only one holding the S-Class together... as a team... as one unit to face the unified might of the monsters. He knows it, all too well (allowing Phoenix Man to use this heavy burden of leadership against him). He sees the big picture of the raid as a whole. >!Thus... it will be his failure with their defeat by Garou. Not because Child Emperor's leadership mattered then... but it should never have gotten that bad. The Monster Association should have been defeated long before that, and Garou dealt with quickly and prematurely. No wonder he leaves the rotting HA and joins the Neo-Heroes.
#III. The Tornado of Terror - The Champion of the Heroes:
"In the Hero Association, there is also someone among the officers who expected very strong monsters that could make the S-Class struggle. Still then reason he was so confident... was...."
"HER.... The S-Class Rank 2 Hero, Tornado of Terror, was participating."
"She is a being nothing in the world could hope to defeat in a frontal attack. Rather than S-Class Rank 1 Blast who does not carelessly stand on the centre stage, she is treated as the Association's final weapon."
What does the Tornado of Terror accomplish?
The "defeat" of Gyoro Gyoro AND Psykos, the mastermind behind the Monster Association
Lifting the monsters base out of the ground in order to force the remaining monsters to fight on the open surface rather than hide/ambush/corner the heroes underground/
The battle against Pykos and Orochi, as the only S-Class hero in the raid capable of facing them alone (Edit 3)
The "defeat" of Black Sperm and ENW, two monsters none of the other heroes could defeat
Facing Garou alone, if briefly, as the only S-Class hero present capable of doing so (Edit 3)
But.... there is a problem with all those actions: it's just Tornado being powerful, isn't it? Does that add any value to her character? No... and yes. No, because we already knew she was the strongest S-Class hero by feats. Yes... because her power puts the entire raid, and even the S-Class in general... in perspective.
Whenever the Hero Association acts, sending in an S-Class hero to eliminate a Demon, worrying about the rise in monster attacks, considering whether or not the unreliable S-Class will actually show up when called... Tornado is there. She alone is the only hero who has made it her duty to save the world, day in and day out.
Blast is completely absent, neither an alien invasion nor a continental explosion threaten humanity enough for him take action.
Metal Knight has given up saving millions from monsters in order to save billions from the Organization.
King refuses to fight publicly, time and time again walking away from monsters and forcing other heroes to pick up his slack.
While the rest of the S-Class are too weak/limited to even consider the idea of trying to save the world on their own.
Of course, it's quite easy to say Garou is a far more developed and world changing character than her. That is correct... but that doesn't make him relevant during most of the Monster Association Raid itself. She was there in the beginning, middle, and end.... because no one else could fulfill her role as the champion upon which all other heroes could follow to victory.
#IV. The Longterm Consequences of Tornado and Child Emperor's roles:
The Monster Association Raid >!was a disaster and an utter humiliation for the Hero Association and the S-Class (despite the fact they achieved both key objectives of rescue and victory)!<. Still, those two hold together both heroes and the Hero Association through her power and his leadership. Something even Amai Mask, for all social power, could never do.
>!But after the raid? Tornado is outcast as a potential disaster by the Hero Association. Child Emperor is disgusted by the corruption and incompetence and leaves of his own accord. Again, even with Amai Mask, the unity of the heroes was doomed to crumble without them, losing Amai was just the ripping the bandage off rotting wound in the Hero Association that was already there.!<
- Without Tornado, the champion of the heroes, her quote >!from Blast!< couldn't be any truer for the Hero Association...
"Don't go expecting someone to come and save you.���
- Without Child Emperor, the leader of the heroes, Phoenix Man's quote about the heroes unity would inevitably come to pass:
"Their unity was broken... it was fragile... it's because their interests and ideals are not one and the same."
#V. Final Notes:
Edit 1: King is too unreliable and unpredictable in spite of his power, unlike Tornado, who fights publicly and directly.
Edit 2: In the webcomic, yes, it is fair to argue Child Emperor and Tornado were not protagonists, as Child Emperor was just one hero among many, and Tornado >!ended up just getting knocked out 3x in a row!<. However, in the manga, their roles are greatly expanded.
Edit 3: Just as with the alien ship, King is too far away from the battle to provide aid. Just because he's the world's strongest man doesn't mean he surpasses Tornado in range and mobility.
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