#Takuto Hirukawa
montblancvelvet · 1 year
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I really love these guys!💕 hahaha
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mhudson92 · 1 year
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voltageapps · 7 months
November 2 is the birthday of Takuto Hirukawa from Love Letter from Thief X 🦊
Happy birthday Takuto!
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jess-21990 · 8 months
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qelsanprincess · 1 year
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Coming straight from the King of Tsunderes himself 😂
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4anthronen0ladorta6 · 11 months
Voltage, Inc out of context #2
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Main story ss1
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aoie-yu · 11 months
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♡ Thinking abt him,,,
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cascadedkiwi · 8 months
Demi-human Black Foxes (LLFTx)
(A/N: An unfinished idea from November 2021. Past me had some cute stuff in her head. I especially like Takuto's section😁)
Word count: Somewhere around 1,324
(Kenshi and Hiro)
The man blinked at her, cutting his eyes to the box where the tuft of brightly colored hair was peeking from the side again.
Kiyuki crouched down to be on eye level with the two. "I'm just curious. Oh! Wait right here!" She jumped off and ran around the corner, crossing over to the other side of the street to her favourite little buffet-style cafe. She zipped back to the alleyway, worried that they may have gone but somehow knowing they were still there.
The box rolled at the sound of her approach and she grinned at the sight. 'I finally get to see the face attached to that pretty hair!' She held out a bag in front of her. "These are for you two! I'm not sure what you like or if you have allergies so I got two different meals so you guys can share. Hopefully you like it!"
The taller boy watched her from his place sat next to a wall. He had been licking a scrape on his hand before she had reappeared. He sniffed the air in front of him, the smell from the bag a tempting one. He growled low under his breath, stopping his companion from edging any further out of the box towards the strange girl.
She tilted her head. "I don't really want to just leave it on ground like you're actual animals but I can see you don't trust me enough to take it from me so..." She lowered the bag, never breaking eye contact. "Enjoy!"
Kenshi watched her keenly as she left, eyeing Hiro popping out fully to sniff out the food in his peripheral.
"That smells really good..."
Kenshi waved toward the package. "Check it out if you want."
Hiro excitedly lept at the permission. "She seems really nice." His eyes went wide and sparkly at the hot food.
Kenshi watched him taste at the different assortment of foods from both takeout containers. "Some of the worst ones do at first. Play nice and then they turn on you."
Hiro's commically large ears drooped. He had never gotten the full story of Kenshi's experience before they met up, but it continued to be reaffirmed that he had no trust left for humans of any nature. Hiro still retained his hope that not all humans were as horrible as the one's he'd come across. He got the feeling that this girl was one of the good ones.
Kiyuki bit her lip as she approached her apartment building. She really hoped those two had eaten the food. It wasn't about the money - the cooks had actually given her extra with no charge - it was the way her chest squeezed at the sight of them. "They shouldn't have to live like that…"
She blinked in surprise at the fluff ball in front of her door. "Well hello there, cutie." She lowered herself to sit on her heels. "What are you doing here? You're such a pretty color, almost like a golden retriever. I've never see such a blond yellow kitty before."
The cat meowed loudly at her, pawing at her door. "You act like you live here, mister - or ma'am. Can't tell if you're a boy or a girl."
The cat promptly laid on its side and rolled, revealing its genitals.Kiyuki drew back. "Woah, ok, message received, MISTER cat. That was freaky. It's like you completely comprehend what I'm saying."
The cat sat up and pawed at the door again, meowing loudly.
"Demanding much? Excuse you. Come here." She reached out carefully, cautiously petting his head, scratching behind one ear. He pushed into her palm. "Ok then, will you let me pick you up?"
The yellow cat placed his front paws on her leg, looking at her.
"I'll take that as a yes." She scooped him up and let herself inside the apartment.
Once inside, the cat allowed her to get as far as her living room before squirming free and dashing for her bedroom.
"Hey, get back here!" Kiyuki hightailed it after her impromtu houseguest, squeaking in horror at the sight of the cat fighting to pull a particular bright blue blanket from her closet. "Stop that!" She cried just as the creature succeeded in his mission, yanking the blanket free and tumbling a few times with the released momentum.
"Oh geez, you!" Kiyuki shook her head as she went over. "Takuto's gonna have a fit if he hears about this!" She tugged gently at the blanket, trying to sort fur from fabric without further tousling the cat. "You literally could've gone for any other blanket. Or just the one on the top." She looked over at the rumpled piled spilling from her closet floor shelf. "What made you go for Takuto's?"
Distressed cries sounded from within the rumpled blanket, and Kiyuki pulled with more purpose and less caution. Finally, she caught a glimpse of a blonde stomach and was able to separate cloth from creature. "All that fuss to get yourself tangled up."
The cat meowed as if annoyed."You did it to yourself, mister, don't get an attitude with me."
The cat looked away and kiyuki laughed as she set him back down on the floor. "You seem more intuitive than the average cat so could you please keep still while I clean up this mess then I can get us some food?"
The cat watched her then meowed loudly, going over to the blanket she was holding up and away from him.
"You can't have this one, it's not mine. It's literally the only blanket in this entire apartment that isn't mine." She stood, which seemed to aggravate her feline visitor. "It's almost like you know this. Takkun's gonna get a kick if I ever tell him about this. A cat that loves Shiffy."
The cat meowed loudly, jumping for the blanket. Kiyuki furrowed her eyebrows. "What is up with you? You're almost as fussy as Takkun for this thing."
The cat fell over dramatically, rolling about.
"You know what? I'll let you have it for a bit. You and Takuto can fight over it next time he comes over. That'll be a funny sight."
The cat seemed to huff, its tail twitching in jerky movements in the air.
Kiyuki laughed as she dropped the blanket so one corner landed partially on the cat.
He looked away, ignoring it.
"Oh, so now you don't want it anymore? That's fine, I'll put it up then." She gave the farthest end of the blanket a little tug, a knowing laugh bursting from her when the cat jumped on top of the blanket, grabbing one end in its teeth and rolling to cover itself. The knowing laugh extended into a cackle as she watched the cat turn itself into a burrito. "You remind me of the time Takuto did the same thing to avoid going home one night. I gotta tell him I found his spirit animal."
She took a breath to steady herself again. "Well, you seem perfectly happy as a little cat blanket snail so I'll go get us some food. Then we'll decide what we're doing with you."
She murmured to herself as she left the room, "I don't remember what the landlady said about pets…" Something in the back of her mind did note that it was a bit odd for her to be so comfortable leaving a cat she had just found to its own devices in her bedroom, but he seemed preoccupied with the blanket and more than that, it was like he knew her. To be waiting for her on her floor and pawing at her door like he knew that was her off time. He was a very intelligent cat, no doubt about that. If not for his clear cat body she would think he was human. 'Or at least demi.' She'd look more into it tomorrow. Today had been long and eventful enough.
Kiyuki blinked in surprise at the sight blocking her entrance to the fox-themed bar she had finally gotten around to visiting. A large, brown dog lay on its side right in front the door. Its breathing seemed labored and she crouched down to get a better look. "Hey, buddy... you awake?"
One of the dog's pointy ears twitched as its eyes blinked open. It looked around before looking up at her, blinking forlorn puppy eyes.
Kiyuki was instantly smitten. "You poor thing..." She held the back of her hand up to its nose.
The dog sniffed it before looking back up at her, licking her he gently.
She lifted her hand slowly, reaching to pet his head. The dog stayed still and let her. She moved her pats down to his neck, rubbing around. "No collar... the white on your nose pins you as an older puppy... that's it. I've decided. You're mine now."
The dog looked up, raising its head as Kiyuki popped up onto her feet. "Come on, follow me. Unless... can you stand?"
The dog got up with a bit of effort, shaking out its fur. It was much bigger than she anticipated, standing at shoulder height to her waist. "You're a big doggo, aren't you..."
The dog whined, shrinking back.
"Aww, no, puppy I didnt mean that in a bad way! I didnt think you were so big but that doesnt mean i'm not gonna keep you anymore!" She hugged the tall pooch around the neck. "Ranko loves big dogs so it'll be easier to convince her."
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
Special Flight✈️ -You and him, on a journey of Love-
VIP Room Event
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toasprincess · 3 years
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The man that matters the most,,, and my dumbass forgot to vote for him 🙃
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mhudson92 · 1 year
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Takuto!! Behave yourself!! 😳
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voltageapps · 7 months
Top 30 General Election 2023
The result has been out since November 7. Stay tuned for the final round at the end of November! You can check the full list of the ranking on the 100恋+ app.
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Ranking for 1-30:
Hideki Ishigami
Munechika Takado
Sentaro Kyogoku
Tadanobu Nomura
Kosei Aihara
Boss (Seiichi Setoyanagi)
Hiroshi Kirisawa
Shusuke Soma
Tsukumo Kobayakawa
Jin Namba
Togo Daimon
Aki Mochizuki
Takamasa Saeki
Minoru Tsujimoto
Misao Higuchi
Kuranosuke Kiba
Asahi Kakyoin
Kiyoto Takasogo
Seiya Fushimi
Bunta Kurimaki
Croudia Saigu Sui
Takuto Hirukawa
Riki Yanase
Takane Momochi
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jess-21990 · 8 months
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Mmmaaayyyyyybeh~ xD jk
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thatotomelove · 3 years
LLFTX - How they comfort MC who just lost her job
This is my very first attempt at a headcanon prompt, so do let me know how to improve and if you liked it at all. ^^
Would start off teasing you about it
"What, they finally had enough of your clumsiness?"
Would shut up when that only made it worse
If you start crying, would genuinely feel bad and hug you, trying to comfort you
He's not the best at comforting people, awkward boi he is, so he wouldn't say much and just let you complain and cry as much as you want to him, all the while holding you
Would focus much more on actions and little signs of affection, such as holding your hand the whole time you talk, and running his fingers through your hair if you put your head on him
Would bring you his Shiffey blanket and coccoon you with it, laying down beside you when you get tired
If you want to sleep, would hold you close all night long and you would have to pry him off if you ever want to get up the next morning
If you want... other things, he is more than willing to help you forget your worries with a bit of loving. He would be exceptionally gentle and attentive in this case, focusing on making you feel good
The next day, your ex-boss would find his computer mysteriously wiped clean with no idea how it happened
Would be cheerful and smile, trying to make light of the situation
Not that he's not sad for you, he is, but he tends to be optimistic and wants to make you smile
If it doesn't work, would hug you and let you let it out, kissing the top of your head
If his initial reaction makes you mad at him, would genuinely apologize and explain he just wanted to make you feel better
Would let you stay in his arms as long as you want, rubbing your back and kissing you lightly every so often
Would bring you both beers later on, claiming it's the best comfort food for rough times
"Beer isn't food silly"
"Don't mind that and just drink"
Would also bring you to see the night sky like he used to do before you were dating
His mom would catch you as you're walking out, stopping when she noticed your puffed-up-from-crying face
Would make a jab about her son making you cry, pretending to whack his head
Would actually be worried about you, and Kenshi would have to nervously explain the situation, worried she might think he made you cry for real
The whole interaction would make you laugh and feel a bit better
When you get seated outside, Kenshi would give you his jacket so you're not cold, and put his arm around your shoulders
You'd eventually fall asleep there, feeling warm and protected, and Kenshi would pick you up bridal-style and carry you back to his room carefully, so as to not wake you up
Would big spoon you to sleep himself, kissing your temple when he noticed the smile that appeared on your face as he laid down
Would call you periodically the next day, just to chat and make sure you're alright whenever he catches a break at work
Would be kinda pissed at your employer
How dare they make his princess feel sad and not recognise her talent??
Wouldn't let it show too much and focus on comforting you, you are in pain and you need him, his own emotions can wait
Would hug the life out of you the moment you tell him, kissing away any tear he saw streaming down your face
"Don't worry, Princess, you'll find something even better down the line! You have so much talent and passion for what you do, you're basically guaranteed to succeed!"
Genuinely believes what he said, and does his best to make you believe it too
Lots of sweet talking and "I love you"s, nothing is too much and too embarrassing to make you smile
Would join you in dissing your old boss when you complain in front of him
Would stay with you for the night, not wanting to leave you alone when you're in pain, and do virtually anything you ask of him
You want comfort and kisses? He's all over that
You want food and/or movies? Don't get up, he's already got them
You want s*x? As if you need to ask
Would take the day off his classes the next day and go on a date with you, taking you to your favorite places and ensuring you feel better
The best at comfort you'd ever find
Riki can be a tease, but if something makes you legitimately sad, his "big brother" side would activate immediately
Would finish early as soon as he heard the news, deeming your well-being more important than whatever meeting he had coming next
Would make you all your favorite foods for dinner without you being able to refuse or argue
"But Riki, you're already tir-"
"Stop talking, the soup is getting cold"
Would listen to you vent and cry until late in the night if you need it, all without saying a word
Would mention being able to find you a job in your field with a few phone calls if you want
If you refuse, would reassure you and say he can provide for you as long as you need and to not feel stressed about anything
When you stop crying, would sit with you on the couch, cuddling up to you, while you're watching a movie of your choice
Would pay more attention to you than the movie, watching over you to make sure you're okay while running his fingers through your hair
Would need only a sign from you hinting you want to do more than cuddle, and the movie would be all but forgotten
Would treat you like absolute glass in that case, taking you so gently and with so much love that you almost completely forget what made you sad in the first place
Would kiss everywhere he could reach and whisper "I love you" a lot all throughout the act
You'd both sleep on the couch that night
Would make sure you're eating right and taking care of yourself properly the next few days, spending as much time with you as his job will allow until you're back on your feet
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sadisticsmiles · 3 years
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Love Letter from Thief X Fanbook Images
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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welcome to day 17 of the 60 days of voltage challenge!
click here for the questions.
⇦ day 16 | day 18 ⇨
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okay, so i have a lot, but here are just a few.
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from soryu oh’s main story (kissed by the baddest bidder)
soryu being hot and dominant, what’s new?
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from jinpachi yushima’s campaign (serendipity next door)
*hyperventilates* this man will be the death of me.
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from hideki ishigami’s main story (my sweet bodyguard)
i don’t know why, but this cg makes me feel some type of way.
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from shuichi hishikura’s traitor wedding march story (kissed by the baddest bidder)
it’s shuichi hishikura, enough said.
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from the jin namba’s main story (her love in the force)
honestly all of jin’s cg’s are gorgeous. or maybe he’s just the one who’s gorgeous, who knows?
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from hideki ishigami’s sequel (my sweet bodyguard)
my man lookin’ finer than wine!
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from soji okita’s main story (era of samurai: code of love)
era of samurai: code of love has especially nice cg’s.
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from takuto hirukawa’s main story (love letter from thief x)
imagine not falling in love with him at first sight.
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