#That’s My Rap Sheet (about) 📄
doyl1st · 3 months
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doyl1st · 18 days
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Isaac and Scars
Isaac, in general, is not a very self conscious person. Yes, he's very fussy when it comes to his appearance, but it's very surface level. His clothes must always be nice, neat, and wrinkle free. His hair must always be neatly combed. His jewelry must always be polished and sparkling.
His body, however, is of very little concern to him. He doesn't mind that he's short, and he doesn't particularly care about having a little dick. He likes being chubby, too. Things that may bother other people, he finds quite endearing about himself.
The only thing that he really, really doesn't like about himself are the scars on his wrists.
Prison had not been easy for Isaac. He didn't play well with others and often found himself in solitary, the food was disgusting and there was never enough light. It reminded him of his childhood in all the worst ways, and he was fucking miserable the entire time. The thought of spending the rest of his life behind bars was simply too much to handle.
He hadn't been convicted of anything too terrible, but the sheer number of convictions would make sure he never saw the light of day again. How was he supposed to deal with this misery for the rest of his life?
He wasn't going to.
Around the one year mark of his stay, Isaac had given up hope. He'd made up his mind, and decided that he was going to take his own life.
Another boy at the Institute, a fellow named Ike, had done the same when they were teenagers. Isaac had always considered him to be weak, a pathetic creature undeserving of the brilliance he'd been given. Maybe that's why he'd ultimately decided to go out via the same method, as penance for insulting his brother's memory for so long.
He'd tried to hang himself first, but it obviously didn't work. Isaac wonders if he may have only been desperately asking for help, and when his plea was ignored, he really gave it his best attempt, the way Ike had done it.
Using shards of a broken mirror, Isaac slit both of his wrists about halfway down to the elbow. He sat on the floor and waited, eventually blacking out.
He awoke some time later, his leg cuffed to a hospital bed, and his wounds sewn shut.
The deal that granted his freedom came soon after, giving him enough hope to carry on. The scars of that night are still stuck with him, though.
Isaac has two noticeable scars on both forearms, beginning at the top of his wrist and terminating about halfway down to his elbow. They're a pinkish purple in color, dotted by suture marks on either side. You'd know what they're from the instant you saw them, and Isaac hates that so goddamn much. The scars make him feel as pathetic and weak as he'd thought of his brother, and so deeply ashamed for it.
He'll never roll his sleeves up if he can help it, even if it's miserably hot outside. Someone would have to be a very, very close friend or lover to see him without his shirt on. He'll even leave it on for sex. He's considered tattoos to hide them, or even having them surgically altered, but a part of him always says no. It always tells him he deserves to be marked for life.
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doyl1st · 20 days
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Isaac, Death, and Grief
Isaac's first experience with death happened when he was around fifteen years old. Another test subject, a boy named Ike, hit a breaking point and ended his own life. The children weren't allowed to interact with each other more than what was deemed necessary, and it would be decades before he'd regard them as his siblings, but Isaac still felt something after Ike's death. It was a bitter, painful emotion that he just couldn't wrap his head around, and in his confusion he'd beaten it into anger. He was angry with his brother. Angry that he'd waste such a gift, that he'd been so weak. Ike would be regarded as a failure, one even worse than Ignatius. At least he was still alive.
Isaac wouldn't understand Ike's suicide until some four decades later, when he'd found himself at a similar breaking point. He'd already been idly considering it, a sort of back up plan in case life grew even more miserable and boring, but a two year stint in prison had pushed him over the edge. First he'd tried to hang himself using his own bed sheet, second he'd slit his wrists with shards from a mirror. That was how Ike had done it, actually. Isaac's not sure if it was a conscious decision to emulate his brother.
He still has the scars, of course. A pale line on each arm, descending from his wrist and terminating just above the bend of his elbow. Isaac considers himself better now, though. And he considers Ike to be the brother he'd lost, his anger replaced by a faded grief.
More recently, his heart has been thoroughly broken by the death of a close friend. Detective Brian Phillips, the very man who'd arrested Isaac, had also been his very first true friend. Isaac finds it funny in a sad way that he'd once planned on murdering Phillips, and now he's choking back tears every time he thinks about him.
In Isaac's opinion, it was a stupid death. Phillips had been the victim of pure chance. A slipped wheel on a stormy night had ended an illustrious career, and Isaac's dear detective.
At first, Isaac had felt the same sort of confused rage he'd felt when Ike had died. How could such a brilliant man die in such a simple, even cliched way? How could he promise to be there for him, only to leave? It just wasn't fair.
Isaac wasn't able to attend the funeral, and he'll always be bitter about it. But the anger has subsided, at least. It's been replaced with a deep blue aching that feels as if it's never going away.
There is a bizarre comfort to it, though. Aching so terribly reminds Isaac that he's human, that he's not the amoral sociopath he'd believed himself to be for so long. Phillips is still helping him learn and grow as a person, even in death. So fucking cliche, Isaac thinks.
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doyl1st · 4 months
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Would you like a brief overview of Isaac's character development and personality changes?
Season One: Isaac presents himself as a suave, level headed villain who wouldn't be out of place in a James Bond movie. He's as charming as he is ruthless. He forms a friendly rivalry with the detective chasing him, which leads to a roof top standoff where Isaac holds the detective at gunpoint. If he pulls the trigger, he gets away. But, Isaac realizes that he can't do it. He's not as emotionless as he's forced himself to believe. He allows the detective to arrest him.
Season Two: Having his sense of self totally shattered and going through the prison system does a number on him. Isaac reverts to a very bratty, almost childlike pattern of behavior. His cursing habit worsens and he finds that his destructive impulses come on stronger than ever. He's in full Chaos Goblin mode.
Season Three: Isaac has begun working with the detective who arrested him. He's taken a plea deal that allows him some sense of freedom in exchange for his help solving cases. He's starting to rebuild his sense of self, but he still struggles. He tries hard to make people like him without being a manipulative monster, but he struggles. His destructive impulses and short temper keep getting in the way, but he's trying.
Season Four: Isaac has made considerable progress readjusting now that he's found his place solving these crimes. His sense of morality softens, he finds that helping people feels good. He still struggles with his impulses sometimes, but he's doing better. The suaveness he initially presented himself with is returning.
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doyl1st · 1 month
Isaac doesn’t really believe in closure. To him, it’s an unobtainable goal that always seems just out of reach, and every step forward just pushes it away, or it splinters it apart until it’s lost any comfort it could give.
If someone’s spouse goes missing, that someone will always wonder where they’ve gone.
If the spouse’s body turns up, that someone will always wonder how they died.
If it turns out the spouse was murdered, that someone will always wonder who did it, and why?
Even if the murderer is caught and a motive is given, there’s still the question of how. How could someone just decide to take a life? What makes them okay with doing that?
Maybe the initial someone takes comfort in knowing their spouse’s killer is caught, but is that closure? Is it really?
Isaac doesn’t think so.
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doyl1st · 1 month
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Along with languages in general, Isaac has a particular interest in ciphers. He likes decoding them and creating his own, and will often include them in the letters he sends out to his penpals. A key is usually included for the more complex ones, unless his pals are up to the challenge of cracking it on their own.
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doyl1st · 3 months
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Isaac and his siblings
I haven't quite decided exactly how many children were raised at the Facility, but there are five concrete ones at the moment. The children aren't biologically related, but considering the circumstances, think of themselves as something of a family. They'll be getting posts of their own eventually, but I'm gonna give somewhat short summaries here.
None of the siblings share a surname, but they all have the same initials of ID. It's a joke, because they needed some form of identification.
In no particular order, we have Ike, Iggy, Imani, Ivan, and Isaac.
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Ike didn't live past his teens. He'd killed himself in his room at the age of 16, no longer able to cope with life as an experiment. Isaac used to consider him weak and a waste of effort, but after his own experiences with attempted suicide, he now considers Ike the brother he never got to know, and the most tragic victim of the Facility.
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The next is Ignatius, or Iggy, as he prefers. He and Isaac share a lot of similarities, to the point where they've considered they may have the same father. Both of them are short. Isaac is 5'3, and Iggy is 5'4. They both make highly animated facial expressions, and they're both adrenaline junkies. They're also prone to violence with poor impulse control, but Iggy is definitely worse than Isaac.
Iggy is a few months younger than Isaac, but you'd think it'd be years, with how Isaac looks after him. He fusses over Iggy and encourages him to make good choices, and he'll give anyone an earful if they talk poorly about his brother.
Isaac is a very impulsive person, but around Iggy he tends to display a lot more self control. He sort of feels like one of them has to be level headed, or they'll both probably die horribly. But he's absolutely not above joining in on some of Iggy's more violent or impulsive fun. Iggy likes to call himself and Isaac The Beastie Boys and Isaac does Not get the reference.
Iggy's very big on music, which Isaac is kind of clueless to. He's one of those "I listen to everything :)" people and his favorite genre is the heaviest metal known to man. Isaac can't stand it, but he does like 80's hits, so that's what Iggy usually plays in the car.
Isaac thinks a lot about how differently things could have been if they'd reconnected earlier than in their 50's. He feels horribly for the mess Iggy got into.
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Then we have Imani, the reason why Isaac says he's the smartest man on Earth, rather than the smartest person. At the Facility, the two were often neck and neck with each other in regards to test scores. Some years Isaac would be on top, some years she would be. By the time they left, Isaac was considered the greatest success, but that's not really true. He may prove smarter in the sheer amount of knowledge he holds, but she is by far more emotionally intelligent and grounded than he is. Imani's the only one of the four defined siblings that was able to successfully integrate into society. She's a college professor, and a mother of two, with very little interest in her brothers' misadventures.
She's relatively new, so I don't have much developed for her just yet, but I do know that she's integral to helping Isaac catch their fourth sibling, who became a serial killer. That's when they reconnect for the first time since they were teenagers, and she tells Isaac and Iggy that she doesn't want to be a part of their world. Not them as people, but the cases they get into, and they have to respect that.
They do exchange letters, though. Isaac sends cards with too much money on the holidays, and Iggy sends toys. Just a little thing that helps them feel normal.
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The fourth still living sibling is a man named Ivan, whose killing spree is currently Isaac's most difficult case yet.
At the facility, he was always considered third place behind Isaac and Imani, and that left its mark on him. He wanted prove he was the best and since Imani has (in his opinion) given up, Isaac is his primary target.
His murders were staged in a way to directly challenge Isaac to prove which of them was the most intelligent, with Ivan confident that Isaac would never catch him. Even if he did figure out his identity, he'd never be able to pin him down and arrest him.
If Isaac was the person he thought he was, though, that might have been true. He'd assumed that Isaac was as cold and detached from the world as him, but he's very much not. He proves as much by setting his ego aside and asking Iggy and Imani for help, outside factors that Ivan didn't count on.
It leads to a confrontation between the three brothers, ending with a bullet in Iggy's stomach and one going through Ivan's skull.
I haven't mentioned it just yet but Iggy is like, really good at fighting and he's got no qualms about killing people he feels deserve it, so it's necessary to handicap him for the climax of the story.
Iggy's on the ground bleeding out, so he can't really help. But what he does do is goad Ivan into trying to strangle him, giving Isaac the opportunity to kill Ivan.
After his death, Isaac kind of regards Ivan as another tragedy. He thinks his brother could have done great things and changed the world, if not for his ego and self importance. The whole ordeal causes Isaac to take another lesson in humility, and he's a bit more tolerable afterwards.
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doyl1st · 3 months
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I can't sleep, so have this thing about how some of Isaac's quirks relate to his upbringing.
The first and most obvious one is that Isaac's tantrums are often just attention seeking behavior. Sometimes his meltdowns happen just because he's dealing with more emotion than he can regulate, but most of the time he's just wanting someone to pay attention to him. The children at the Facility were always starved for interaction, and the ones like Isaac would do whatever they could to get it.
His passion for fashion came about because the children always wore simple, all white outfits. They were test subjects, after all. Now that he's an adult, he likes to stand out. He likes being flashy. You'll never catch him wearing anything but a finely tailored suit and enough jewelry to pay off your mortgage.
His love of food comes from a similar place. The kids had a specific diet that was meant to be nutritional, but nothing else. Now he's a full fledged foodie. He likes both ends of the spectrum, though. He'll be just as happy eating $12 street tacos as he would a $300 steak.
Piggybacking off of food, Isaac loves to share food and treat people to fancy dinners. He shows his love through food. If he cooks for you, you're very special to him. Isaac has always considered himself a selfish prick, but that's just not the case. He can be self centered, yes, but not selfish or greedy. He'll leave a waitress a $100 and not think twice about it. That sort of behavior comes from the children only really having each other. Their contact was limited, but they found ways around it by writing notes and leaving them in places only they'd know where to look. They'd often leave candy, given to them as rewards, too. Isaac has a distinct memory of a day when he'd felt completely and utterly miserable, only to find some joy in a chocolate bar that had been left in a book. Now he does nice things for people because life fucking sucks, and any bit of kindness helps.
Isaac's sleeping habits are pretty weird. He likes to sleep in relatively enclosed spaces, preferably with something directly above him. His ideal napping location is in a storage closet underneath a table. If he has a space of his own, he'd prefer to have the mattress directly on the floor, too. He'd like one of those little bed tents, too. He can sleep in a regular bed just fine, he'd just prefer not to. If he has a partner that he's intimate with, he'll settle for one of those fancy canopy beds. Places like that just feel like home to him, pretty much entirely because the rooms he and the other children stayed in were very small.
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doyl1st · 4 months
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Isaac is a master manipulator, and an expert in (neurotypical) body language. Despite this, or maybe even because of it, he somehow managed to convince himself that he's a sociopath without emotions.
He's essentially manipulated himself.
A big part of his character development is putting his manipulative ways behind him, and trying to make real, genuine connections and build relationships. The problem is that he just flat out doesn't know how to do that while being himself.
He'll still pull out some of his old tricks if he thinks it'll help with a case, though.
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doyl1st · 10 months
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An important thing to note about Isaac is that while he may be the most intelligent man alive, he doesn't judge anyone based on their perceived intelligence or lack thereof. He fully understands that everyone has a unique perspective, unique skills and abilities, and he sees the value in that.
An early indicator of it is just in the way he talks to other people. He usually speaks in a really casual manner, keeping his vocabulary somewhat limited and down to earth. Isaac doesn't want to make anyone feel stupid just by talking to him, so he tries his best not to talk over their heads He can absolutely be an asshole, but he's not that kind of asshole, you know?
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doyl1st · 4 months
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
weirdly specific but helpful character building // still accepting @traveling-song
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7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
I'd find Isaac by simply, but loudly asking if there's a Mister Doyle in the house. He wouldn't be able to resist screaming "It's DOCTOR Doyle, goddammit!" A partner wouldn't need to find him, because he'd be stuck to them like a needy puppy. But if he did happen to be misplaced, all they'd have to do is shout his name and he'll come sprinting. He's a simple man, despite his big brain.
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doyl1st · 4 months
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
weirdly specific but helpful character building // still accepting @the-haunted-office
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22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Maybe not simple to everyone, but Isaac can't swim and he's too scared to try learning how. It isn't really something that he can learn to do on his own, and he hates having to actually ask how to do something.
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Well, most of Isaac's choices have been pretty morally questionable. Something small, though, would probably be him stealing and giving away candy. He could pay for it, but he just likes stealing.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Isaac fucking hates taffy of any kind. It's the only candy he won't eat because getting it stuck in his teeth is infuriating to him. Sensory nightmare.
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doyl1st · 3 months
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Killing and Isaac Doyle
For a good portion of Isaac's adult life, he'd essentially convinced himself that he was a sociopath. It was easier for him to believe that he was broken from the start, rather than broken by his childhood experiences at the Facility.
The incident that ruined this self perception was the same incident that got him arrested. He'd had the detective who'd been chasing him held at gun point, and could have gotten away if he'd pulled the trigger. It was something he'd even planned, setting up a final confrontation between the two. When the time came for it, though, Isaac just couldn't pull the trigger.
He chose to surrender, letting himself be arrested rather than kill an innocent person.
A few years later, Isaac would be faced with a similar decision. This time, though, it wasn't his freedom that was on the line. It was the life of his younger brother, Ignatius. It was a family affair, actually, because the man that was strangling the life out of Iggy was their eldest brother, Ivan.
While Isaac had only thought himself capable of murder, Ivan was more than up to the task. He'd taken up serial killing as a hobby, and had more or less directly challenged Isaac to catch him. It was Ivan's way of proving that he was the most successful Facility subject, not Isaac.
Ivan had played a long and painful game with Isaac, culminating in a confrontation between the three brothers. It was only supposed to be Isaac and Ivan, though. Iggy was a factor that hadn't been considered. Enraged by the intrusion, Ivan had put a bullet into Iggy's stomach. He wanted him to die slowly, but was more than eager to hasten the process with his bare hands when provoked. The thing about strangling someone, though, is that you need both hands to do it. Ivan's gun was on the floor, and Isaac was quick and quiet. Ivan hadn't even noticed Isaac had taken it, until his younger brother yanked his head back by the hair and put a bullet through his ear.
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doyl1st · 4 months
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WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE : If you're meeting him face to face, the first thing you'll notice about Isaac is his short stature. He swears he's 5'4", but he won't sit still long enough for you to measure. You'll probably notice his figure, too. He's got himself something of a dad bod going on, his belly well past his belt buckle and highlighted thanks to those tailored button down shirts tucked into his pants. So there's his fashion, too. Ludicrously expensive suits, hair neatly combed. Cherubic cheeks. Piercing blue eyes and a crooked smile that, though healthy, suggests he probably should've gotten braces sometime in his youth.
WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE : Isaac is the sort of fellow who never leaves home without spritzing himself with his favorite, expensive cologne. It's a deep, rich scent that brings to mind leather and whiskey. There's a slight floral hint to him as well, though it's hard to tell whether it's his cologne or some other product he's wearing.
WHAT THEY TASTE LIKE : He's salty, of course. But sweet, too. Just a little bit bitter, but nothing overwhelming.
WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: Despite being a little bit tone deaf, Isaac has quite the vocal range. His usual speaking voice is best described as 'irritatingly shrill', a goblin hopped up on sugar and caffeine. He's fond of lowering it too, though. When he'd like to be dramatic or, perhaps even romantic, his voice drops to a quiet and almost smoky rumble. Nothing close to smooth, still, but not a shriek either.
WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE : Isaac feels comfortable. Those luxurious suits of his are all made from soft materials. His hands are warm, and surprisingly gentle. His tummy makes an excellent pillow to snuggle up to. Even his hair, when free of product, is soft and easy to play with.
Tagged by: @reverdies Tagging: @bewitchingbaker, @toprotectandscrve, @dxsole (for anyone you'd like), @colecassiidy, @escapedartgeek, and aaaanyone else who'd like to participate
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doyl1st · 9 months
🍁what is something that bothers isaac more than he lets on?
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse! // Still Accepting! @escapedartgeek
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Isaac would hate to admit it, but there are a lot of things that really get under his skin. The biggest one at present is probably his ankle monitor.
As part of his conditional release, Isaac has to wear a monitor around his ankle that's extremely similar to one your average house arrestee has to wear. It serves the same basic purpose in that it keeps track of his location, but rather than being bound to one location, he's bound to a person. The lead investigator for whatever operation he's involved in is given the receiver, and Isaac isn't allowed to go beyond its range.
That's not what bothers him, though. If all it did was track him, he'd be fine with it. Hell, he's swallowed an AirTag before. What really gets him is just how visible the thing is. It's bulky. There's a blinking green light on it. It's almost impossible not to see, and anyone who does catch sight of it immediately knows that he's a criminal. A dog on a leash. It's a modern day branding, as far as he's concerned.
Something to note, though, is that Isaac is fully capable of removing it or even fully disabling it. Something like that would be easy as pie for him to do. But he doesn't, because he'd like to think that his willingness to wear it shows that he's trying to improve and better himself as a person.
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doyl1st · 9 months
🍁 + does issac believe in the supernatural? Why or why not?
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse! // Still Accepting!
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So, Isaac was raised in an environment where simply accepting things was frowned upon. He was taught to look at everything with an analytical eye, to pick apart whatever he came across until every single facet of it could be seen and understood. Nothing was to be taken at face value. Everything had an explanation. It's what makes him so insatiably curious, and aggravatingly stubborn. The perfect combination for a detective.
It also colors his worldview, and how he interprets things beyond his understanding. Isaac doesn't believe in the supernatural or the paranormal, but he does believe that there are certain things we simply cannot explain yet. Most things have a perfectly normal, readily available explanation. Anything that does not eventually will.
His actual opinion on certain things should be taken on a case by case basis.
Ghosts? Nonsense. They're just how humans interpret random phenomena because death scares them. Magic? He's a magician himself, it's all smoke and mirrors. Bigfoot? Absolutely. The jungles of rural China are remote and dense enough to hide a population of bipedal primates.
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