#The Barbie movie. Dressing up for it. Being proud makeup and skirts and dressing up like I did as a girl. God it was so wonderful
batfamfucker · 11 months
Appreciation post for 'girly girl' characters and/or shows that celebrate traditionally feminine things that girls and women are shamed for.
Characters on this list that love makeup, fashion, hair, etc. Characters that are still written as strong, intelligent, brave, etc. That told young girls that these interests are valid, they are not lesser interests. Being feminine and liking traditionally feminine things does not make them weak.
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#I'm so glad I got to grow up with these girls#I was originally gonna make a post of Barbie Daphne and Stella and be like. They remind me so much of each other#And how much I love characters like them#Because I do#But then I was like fuck it let's just make a post for all the girly girls because they're so good#So here we are. In a world of misogyny. We still have them. And I am so greatful#I'm sad I missed out on celebrating my femininity and stuff like this in my teen years because of just. Stuff I was going through#But I'm glad I'm doing it now. I've been getting into makeup for the past year. Mostly eye it's so fun#The Barbie movie. Dressing up for it. Being proud makeup and skirts and dressing up like I did as a girl. God it was so wonderful#I've not felt this connected to this part of myself in years. It has helped to much#It reminded me of my love for Barbie. The movies. The fairies and mairmaids. The bright colours and fashions#And my love for all of these shows. The outfits and designs I fell in love with. The friendships and sisterhoods in all of them.#Yes it's just Rarity. I know some of the others girls also fit. But some don't as much so I didn't wanna just put a group one#And I know Kim and some others aren't as girly as others. But she's still a good example.#Her and Monique's shopping trip and other stuff is engraved into my mind. I actually think about them a lot I love them#Daphne was also a masisve awakening for me. I had such a crush on her. And the Hex Girls.#If you're wondering why other shows aren't on here. Like Trollz or Powerpuff Girls or something. It's msotly based on what I watched#And I didn't really watch them I'm sorry but feel free to add more.#We're ignoring how I mispelled mermaids. I'm not going back to change that tag.#Anyway I love women basically. We're awesome.#Barbie#Scooby Doo#Bratz#Monster High#Kim Possible#My Little Pony#Winx#Mew Mew Power
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aclulessidiot · 11 months
Barbie hit a cord with me. Going into the movie I didn’t expect anything I expected a good movie with commentary and for the most part that’s what I got but the scene that just dug into me was when the daughter makes Barbie cry. When Barbie started crying I started crying. Because I realized I was that little girl. I used to love Barbie I have all her movies on dvd, I loved pink and glitter, and frilly dresses. I wanted to be Barbie. I dreamed about being a beautiful girl in a ball gown and makeup. Hell my favorite movie was the three musketeers and I asked my grandma if she could sew the costume from the film. I remember she took me to Joan’s we picked out fabric and embellishments. I even sketched the dress for her and I wore that thing all the time, I made a mask too. But when I grew up people always looked down on ‘girly girls’. Girls who wore skirts and dresses and did anything feminine. I looked down on myself as a child because I felt like being feminine was wrong. Like I wasn’t cool enough because of it. So when I was 13 I remember vividly hating everything feminine. I even dunked on Barbie. I told people I hated the color pink that I hated glitter. I gaslit myself into believing it. And all of it came out in that scene because to me it felt like I was the one making Barbie cry. Knowing that if she had heard what I had said would have done that hurt me. Because deep down I love her and everything she was. And I think that is what is so different about this movie. Is it covered things that were so integrated into my being as someone who was born a woman. Things I’ve been too scared of talking about or thinking about because I’m scared to think of my gender and what it means for me and how I am. Today I got to dress up like the princess I wanted to be as a little girl, I got to be something that little girl would be proud of. And all of it was just because of a trend for this movie. I did not expect to come out of this movie grateful. But I am. I am grateful for this movie being made and to the writers and dicrector and all the creatives behind it who did. This has changed a lot for me. And showed me that I didn’t kill that little girl that she is still in there no matter what happens in my life. Even when I don’t feel like a woman. She’s there and maybe she’s even proud of me.
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dawnsrose · 3 years
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first name?  aurora
surname?  capulet
middle names?  josephine antoinette
nicknames?  briar rose / rose ... i guess heh
date of birth?  february 26th
age?  twenty - five
height?  5′6ft / 1.70m
weight?  121lbs / 55kg
build?  slim
hair colour?  very light blonde, golden - like
hair style?  straight and lightly curled at the end, with bangs
eye colour?  violet, kind of a purple-ish blue
eye shape?  almond
glasses or contact lenses?  neither
distinguishing facial features?  the color of her eyes, but also her lips are naturally a really pretty pinkish color
which facial feature is most prominent? i don’t think there is one ?  her face is very well balanced, although i guess her eyes are the most attention - catching part
which bodily feature is most prominent?  her waist, it is quite small!
other distinguishing features?  nope
skin?  fair ,  and her skin do be clear af we love to see it
hands?  small and dainty
make up?  she doesn’t really wear makeup, but she thinks its fascinating! her favorite items are mascara and lipstick
scars?  none
birthmarks?  none
tattoos?  none
physical handicaps?  none
type of clothes?  dresses ,  though she would love to incorporate some pants into her wardrobe .  usually wears neutral / earthy tones ,  unless it’s a special occasion ,  in which she’ll wear either pink or blue .  loves a nice skirt .  think cottagecore outfits !
how do they wear their clothes?  again ,  light and cottagecore outfits .  think of outfits like these: 1 2 3 4 5
what are their feet like? (type of shoes, state of shoes, socks, feet, pristine, dirty, worn, etc)  aurora takes really good care of her feet ,  so they’re pristine !  she really hates wearing shoes ,  but wears them when she’s in public so as not to seem weird .  she really enjoys the feeling of her feet touching the grass though ,  as it reminds her of home
race / ethnicity?  caucasian
mannerisms?  classy ,  delicate and polite .  very ballerina like ,  except her gestures aren’t as grandiose .  i would say a good example of her demeanor is audrey hepburn ,  or the movements in old / classic barbie movies like nutcracker or swan lake .
are they in good health?  for the most part !  she has a bit of anxiety when surrounded by many people ,  but it’s getting better .
do they have any disabilities?  none
what words or phrases do they overuse?  little expressions of surprise like “ goodness! ”  or  “oh!”
do they have a catchphrase? none
are they more optimistic or pessimistic?  optimistic for sure
are they introverted or extroverted?  ambiverted leaning towards introverted 
do they ever put on airs?  not at all !
what bad habits do they have?  sleeping in heheh she may be an early bird ,  but aurora really enjoys sleeping in and napping
what makes them laugh out loud?  philip being a clown. honestly it’s not hard to make aurora laugh, especially over silly things
how do they display affection?  gentle touches, words of affirmation, poetry, tender gazes
mental handicaps?  none
how do they want to be seen by others?  as someone who cares about them and that can be trusted
how do they see themselves?  as someone who still has a lot to live and learn and give, but who appreciates every little thing around her. she sees herself as a good person who is just trying her best
how are they seen by others?  i think people see her as someone kind and full of life. something like the embodiment of hope. maleficent probably sees her as a nuisance though
strongest character trait?  i’d say it’s a tie between how much she believes in goodness and kindness, and how perserverant she is 
weakest character trait?  she dispairs quite easily, but always ends up collecting herself
how competitive are they?  not very !  it’s about the experience ,  not the result 
do they make snap judgements or take time to consider?  it depends on the situation, i think. but more often than not, aurora is capable of thinking things through before reacting --- except for when it comes to her feelings.
how do they react to praise?  lots of blushing and dismissal ,  though she appreciates it always
how do they react to criticism?  lots of self doubting and crying at first, but she’s thankful and appreciative of it all, because she assumes it means the other cares about her improvement and well being 
what is their greatest fear?  being alone
what are their biggest secrets?  that she doesn’t hate maleficent , and wants to meet and talk to her
what is their philosophy of life?  treat others as you wish to be treated and have faith in love
when was the last time they cried?  when she first saw philip in elias
what haunts them?  fear of never meeting her parents
what are their political views?  she knows nothing about politcs, just wants everyone to be treated with respect and equally
what will they stand up for?  prejudice ,  unnecessary rudeness ,  racism ,  homophobia ,  mysogyny ,  literally anything that puts someone in an uncomfortable spot .
who do they quote?  probably her aunts heh
are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?  outdoorsy !
what is their sinful little habit?  she’s very secretive and sneaky about her thoughts ,  and likes finding little loopholes in things
what sense do they most rely on?  touch and hearing
how do they treat people better than them?  with respect ,  would like to learn from them as well
how do they treat people worse than them?  also with respect , tries to find common ground and understand why they are that way 
what quality do they most value in a friend?  kindness and support
what do they consider an overrated virtue?  detachment 
if they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?  how dependent of others she feels .  it’s not her fault of course, but she wishes she had more control of her life .
what is their obsession?  the feeling of being loved 
what are their pet peeves?  loud sounds / people arguing over silly things
what are their idiosyncrasies?  she tends to panic and overthink things at times, which can be bad
is their family big or small? who does it consist of?  i’d say it’s decent sized / kind of big ,  considering she still considers the good fairies family .  plus ,  philip’s also become part of her family ,  and his family is huge .
what is their perception of family?  any and everyone who is there for you when you need them most and cares for you as you care about them
do they have siblings? older or younger?  none .
describe their best friend.  i don’t think she has one ?  give her a best friend :(  philip can’t be both okay that’s too much.
ideal best friend?  just someone she can be a silly romantic with, who’ll watch movies and read books and sing or dance with her, maybe go on walks / play with animals too ! 
describe their other friends.  most of aurora’s friends are really sweet ,  nice people .  she’s also protective of many of them ,  like dani for example .  there’s others she actually looks up to ,  like penelope for example or emily .  she thinks they’re both absurdly glamorous and beautiful .
describe their acquaintances.
do they have any pets?  not really, but aurora loves animals and gets along with them so well so ...  who knows heheh she had lots of animal companions back home though
who are their natural allies?  the charmont family
who are their surprising allies?  not too sure but thackery binx and i think hercules zevrous would be an ally to her as well!
what was your character like as a baby? as a child?  not too different from how they are now. aurora was a very lively, happy child! she was also absurdly kind and was full of life, while being naturally graceful and poised. i don’t think she was one to cry a lot either, and was most grateful for everything the good fairies did for her.
did they grow up rich or poor?  while she wasn’t poor, aurora had a fairly modest upbringing, since she did live in a cottage in the glen back home, but nothing lacked for her in terms of essentials and etc.
did they grow up nurtured or neglected?  nurtured by the good fairies! aurora grew up knowing nothing but love.
what is the most offensive thing they ever said?  i legit don’t think aurora has ever offended anyone like that? if she doesn’t have anything good to say she’d rather not say anything at all, and nothing has annoyed to the point of doing so. at least not thus far.
what is their greatest achievement?  i think still being alive lmao
what was their first kiss like?  oh i don’t know yet 👀
what is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?  i legit can’t think of anything other than her argument with the fairies about philip, but she came around soon enough.
what are their ambitions?  to be reunited with her family, to have a big wedding with philip, to understand maleficent’s ideals, to become more independent.
what advice would they give their younger self?  to just believe in herself, and that everything will fall into place. 
what smells remind them of their childhood?  fresh flowers and grass.
what was their childhood ambition?  to find love.
what is their best childhood memory?
what is their worst childhood memory?
did they have an imaginary childhood friend?  nope!  she had a fair amount of animal companions, so there was never any need for imaginary ones. 
when was the last time they were crushed with disappointment?  that brief moment when meeting philip in elias where she thought she would have to ignore him for the rest of her life due to being engaged to someone.
what past act are they most ashamed of?  arguing with her aunts over love and being so sad/crying so much about it.  still, she doesn’t think she could have behaved any other way.
what past act are they most proud of?  i think she’s extremely proud of how she’s been living in elias so far,  not relying on others for help and taking good care of herself.
has anyone ever saved their life?  i think in a way, everyone who’s been involved in keeping her away from maleficent has saved her life.
strongest childhood memory?
do they believe in love at first sight?  OH HELL YEAH
are they in a relationship?  yes !  happily married :`)
how do they behave in a relationship?  not much different from how she normally does, but she definitely blushes and sighs a lot more every time she thinks of philip.  also loves to talk about him, please ask her about her man.
when did you character last have sex?  ... never 👀
what sort of sex do they have?  none lmao
has your character ever been in love?  OH YEAH
have they ever had their heart broken?  yes, but it wasn’t his fault.
how do they respond to a threat?  by keeping composure and trying to reason with the person.
are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?  tongue !
what is your character’s kryptonite?  her loved ones, children and animals.
if your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?  a letter from her aunts, which they gave her before she came to elias.
how do they perceive strangers?  as something she has to be on the lookout for despite nothing they’re not always dangerous.
what do they love to hate?  cold weather. 
what are their phobias?  being alone in a large crowd/surrounded by unfamiliar people, losing her loved ones, being in a completely unfamiliar situation. 
what is their choice of weapon?  words, but i think aurora would secretly love to learn how to use a sword. Let Her Fight.
what living person do they most despise?  i guess the easy answer would be maleficent, but aurora really holds no hatred towards her. if anything, she sympathizes.
have they ever been bullied or teased? no.
where do they go when they’re angry?  wherever there’s lots of flowers and warmth.  or to philip.
who are their enemies and why?  maleficent, and that’s because of her father’s clownery !
what is their current job? n/a.
what do they think about their current job? n/a.
what are some of their past jobs? n/a.
what are their hobbies?  dancing (she’s been learning ballet in elias! ), singing, gardening / caring for her flowers, reading.
educational background?  homeschooled by the good fairies, i’d say she has a good grasp on history, mathematics and a few languages, plus other things she’s learned on her own.
intelligence level? slightly above average.
do they have any specialist training? no.
do they have a natural talent for something?  singing !  she’s very gifted when it comes to music and dancing, but singing is definitely where her talent lies.
do they play a sport? are they any good? nope, and no, but she could be !
what is their socioeconomic status?  despite still leaving a fairly common life in elias, aurora is a princess, so she is extremely wealthy. her family is in charge of her expenses in elias, yet she doesn’t spend a lot.
what is their favorite animal?  she loves all fauna, but bunnies and birds hold a special place in her arms.
which animal do they dislike the most?  crows. for some reason they give her a bad vibe, though she likes birds.  snakes and dragons also make her shiver.
what place would they most like to visit?  honesty ... her home lmao.
what is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?  sunrise !  aurora loves waking up in the morning and watching the sky’s pretty colors.  she also adores sunset.
what is their favorite song?  love dance by sergei perkofiev,  fee des lilas by tchaikovsky, quelqu'un m'a dit by carla bruni, moon river by audrey hepburn.
music, art, reading preferred?  all sorts of music but espeically clasical and old love songs. she loves classic literature, but also mystery and romance novels, and her favorite art movements would be romanticism and renaissance.
what is their favorite color? pink ,  but don’t tell merryweather !
what is their password?  briarrose59
favorite food:  i feel like aurora would absolutely love pasta if she tried it.
what is their favorite work of art?  springtime by pierre-auguste cot
who is their favorite artist? jean-honoré fragonard
what is their favorite day of the week?  wednesday 
what is in their fridge?  a number of juices, some fruits like watermelon and strawberries, milk, ice cream.
what is on their bedside table?  a lamp,  lavander oil, a difuser , perfume bottle and a novel
what is in their car?  doesn’t have one !
what is in their bin? paper bags, crumbled up paper balls, a couple of candy wrappers 
what is in their purse or wallet?  a credit card, some dollar bills and she always has a coinpurse around, just in case.
what is in their pockets? i think some seeds for birds to eat.
what is their most treasured possession?  a gold necklace with a heart pendant, the letter the good fairies gave her.
who or what is your character’s guardian angel?  OK LETS GO. i would say the good fairies or thackery are her guardian angels, but if i had to name an actual angel, i think it would be chamuel.
do they believe in the afterlife?  yes, she believes everyone that leaves is going somewhere else.
what are their religious views?  she doesn’t really follow any religion in particular, but believes a lot in karma and in the whole “do no harm but take no s***”, “treat others as you want to be treated” way of life.  she does, however, believe in a higher power.
what do they think heaven is?  a place where there’s no sadness, no pain, no evil. somewhere where there’s nothing but love and joy and people are able to live in eternal bliss.
what do they think hell is?  a place where people who hurt others and lived a selfish life learn from / are punished for their mistakes and hopefully become better. maybe one day they’ll reach heaven.
are they superstitious?  a little ,  but not to the point where it clouds her judgement .
what would they like to be reincarnated as?  a bird or a beautiful flower .
how would they like to die?  peacefully ,  before philip ,  hopefully in her sleep and surrounded by her loved ones 
what is your character’s spirit animal? a swan or dove
what is their zodiac sign?  pisces 
what do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?  i think lying/keeping someone in the dark all their life as was done to aurora is something she would never want anyone to go through. that and betrayal. 
what is their view of ‘freedom’?  to be able to follow your dreams without fear or worries, to live the life you want.
when did they last lie?  she doesn’t lie !
what’s their view of lying?  incredibly wrong and hurtful. please don’t lie to her.
when did they last make a promise?  not sure.
did they keep or break their last promise?  she always keeps her promises.
what are their eating habits?  she’s very healthy, eats all her greens and fruits and veggies, but will allow herself to indulge in sweets every other week. aurora grew up healthy, but there’s a lot of delicious food in elias and out in the world, and she would like to try it all !
do they have any allergies?  she’s allergic to a few metals, which results in all of her jewelry being real gold. 
describe their home.  i suck at words so here’s a few pictures that i think fit the vibe of her home !  bedroom / bathroom / random wall / kitchen / corner of living room  
are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?  minimalist !
what do they do first thing on a weekday morning?  shower !
what do they do on a Sunday afternoon?  she usually goes for strolls around town, the library or mama odie’s for a nice snack !
what do they do on a Friday night?  relaxing bubble bath and netflix, no joke
what is the soft drink of choice?  none
what is their alcoholic drink of choice?  she doesn’t usually drink alcohol, but isn’t opposed to a bit of wine
what or who would your character dress up as for halloween?  i can definitely see aurora dressing up as titania or a fairy of sorts.
are they comfortable with technology?  it was a bit difficult at first, but now she’s much better at it !  still messes up quite a bit though.
if they could save one person, who would it be?  i think philip, since the fairies probably wouldn’t need her help.
if they could call one person for help, who would it be?  in elias, probably thackery and if not him, philip. however, if she’s panicking, philip will probably come first. 
what is their greatest extravagance?  she has a
what is their greatest regret?  doubting her family’s concern for her even if for just a split second, as well as arguing with the fairies.
what is their perception of redemption?  she thinks everyone deserves a chance at it.
what would they do if they won the lottery?  charity.  everything goes to charity.
what is their favourite fairytale?  steadfast tin soldier.
what fairytale do they hate?  the little match girl, for it just makes her cry a lot.
do they believe in happy endings?  absolutely !
what is their idea of perfect happiness?  to be surrounded by people who love you just as much as you love them.
what would they ask a fortune teller?  if her family and kingdom will be alright , and if maleficent will change for the better.
if your character could travel through time, where would they go?  i think the day of her baptism, just to see what really transpired.
what sport do they excel at?  i feel like she could be very good at tennis, equestrianism and fencing !
what sport do they suck at?  i can’t see her being good at anything that overly relies on strength, as aurora is too graceful and delicate. she legit doesn’t wanna do anything that’s too brutal or something.
if they could have a superpower, what would they choose?  to fly or to properly speak to animals.  maybe shapeshifting / changing her appearance so as to hide with easy could be helpful.
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readiceprincess · 6 years
Chapter Twelve
Luther greeted them at the door when they came back from a quick errand run. “I must confess I wasn't expecting this.”
Sibyl and Westley carried bags full of magazines, snacks, and cleaning equipment. She shrugged.
“I'm gonna educate Westley then we'll clean this place up,” she explained.  Luther raised his eyebrows. His eyes were puffy, but that just made him more attractive. Maybe it was law that people in Faerie and the Grimm Order had to be good looking or something. She couldn't complain.
“We? Your highness is cleaning too?”
“Trust me, I don't want to,” Westley said behind her, “but she's left me no choice.”
“Nope. No choice whatsoever. Now come on, modernization time.”
They walked in, Luther moving out of the way with a stunned expression. Westley and Sibyl sat on the dusty kitchen table. She used a swifer to wipe the dust off then laid out the magazines and snacks. Holding up a box, she grinned.  “These are pop tarts. The best pop tarts are chocolate chip and wild berry. And the best way to eat them is frozen. Got it?”
“Chocolate chip and wild berry. Yes,” Westley repeated. He reached for the box and opened it, pulling out a chocolate chip pop tart.
“Here are some magazines. Magazine's are like little paper books that come out once a month. They're horrible and a plague on the earth but for now we'll use them to teach you about our world. I got all I could find,” she continued, opening a box of Mike & Ikes. “This is candy. There're all types of candy and it's pretty bad for you. But delicious.”
“You know we have candy and magazines in Faerie right?”
“You do?”
“Of course. Just not this colorful,” Westley replied, gesturing to the magazines. “Well you learn something new every day.”
Luther watched, leaning against the wall with an interested expression. There was a twinge of amusement in his eyes as one brow rose with interest. Westley took a few Mike & Ikes then grabbed a magazine and stared at the cover.
“Who is Bradgelina?”
“Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,” Sibyl answered. “Both are actors. They're a famous couple. People like to mix the names of their favorite couples.”
“Oh okay. What plays have they performed in?”
“They act in movies.”
“Movies are like plays but on a television screen. I'll show you sometime when Josephine and I have our movie night. I guess you haven't seen The Goonies either.”
From where he stood Luther chuckled. The prince peered back at him. When he smiled Luther had wrinkles by his eyes. “You're doing something very human, Westley,” Luther commented. “Eating junk and reading gossip is as human as it gets.”
“Now we just need to watch hours of Netflix and order pizza. I bet you haven't seen Friday Night Lights or Pushing Daisies.” Sibyl munched on a sour gummy worm. There was a knock on the door. Her eyebrows furrowed as she leaned back. “Are you expecting anyone?”
“Ahhh.” He tapped his temple and moved from the wall. “That must be your tutors.”
She made a face, Westley chuckling.
Luther opened the door. The short council member and a tall women waited. Her hard gaze made Sibyl straighten. With silky black hair in an ornate up do, crystals and snowflakes decorated her and made her appear out of this world. And she was a big fan of smoky eyes. It was like she and Rose had the same makeup artist and made her still.
Luther welcomed them with a warm smile. “Good morning Council Member Xavier and Miss Sonja.”
The woman seemed bored. “Hello Sir Luther.”
He motioned for them to come in, stepping aside. They entered, studying the home with disdain. “Mortals have such horrible taste in decor,” Miss Sonja murmured. With a frown Luther lowered his head.
“We're working on it,” Sibyl piped up. Their attention snapped to her, Miss Sonja's lips forming into a thin line. “We got some cleaning supplies. I'm just teaching Westley about the modern world before we get started.”
“Good Oberon,” Miss Sonja whispered. “You must be Celia's daughter. The resemblance is uncanny. Yet you lack her sophistication and grace.” Sibyl shrank into herself. Yup, she reminded her of Rose alright.
“Can't you see?” Westley countered. “There's something magical about her.” A small smile curved the corner of her lips.
“Prince Westley, forgive my rudeness,” Miss Sonja gasped. She and Xavier bowed, but he didn't notice, reading a magazine and peeking over to Sibyl. “Your mother asked I return you immediately.”
“I don't want to go home.”
The tutors exchanged a glance. Xavier cleared his throat. “But Westley your mother is worried. And your bride-”
Westley slammed down the magazine. “I will not marry that toad and I'm not returning. For Faerie’s sake I'm an adult. Let me make my own decisions – as a prince and a man.”
Xavier and Miss Sonja were dumbstruck. Sibyl smiled. Courage was intoxicating.
“You know it doesn't work that way,” Miss Sonja sputtered.
“Why don't we let Westley settle this for himself? He can make his own decisions. And as for me,” she pulled out her chair and stood. “You're here to tutor me right?”
Xavier frowned. “You're siding with him?”
Sibyl put her hands on her hips. “Everyone deserves agency.”
“What a bold statement,” Miss Sonja snorted.
“Never mind that,” Xavier said. “Miss Sonja will begin her tutoring session first. As you continue to be a part of the Order it's imperative you learn proper etiquette. On the summer solstice a Masquerade Ball is hosted and both courts will want you to present yourself.”
“What? I-”
“There will be no getting out of this,” Luther interrupted. “You're a representative of Earth now.”
Sibyl stared at her clothes. Debutantes didn't wear Barbie graphic tees, right? “I don't look the part.”
With a snap of Miss Sonja's fingers Sibyl was in a beautiful Victorian gown. It was monochromatic, as if it came from a black and white photograph. The hoop skirt brushed against the ground.
“How did you do that?”
“Glamor,” she replied. “Every Fae can use it.”
As it hugged her body – and the corset was pretty tight – a strange sensation ran over her. Glamor was weird but cool. It was much like a whisper of winter's edge. But there was something transparent about it hinting to its fabrication of reality.
“Let me show you what imagination energy can do.” Miss Sonja snapped and they appeared in a gray ballroom. People danced, their expressions hollow but movements swift and precise. Something about the ballroom seemed familiar, as if she had been there before. There was a different feeling here. It wasn't the same as Glamor. While Glamor felt like a mask imagination energy was real. It breathed life in an almost ironic way.
The dancers parted, revealing Miss Sonja, Xavier, Westley, and Luther standing across from her. They were dressed in Victorian attire, dashing and beautiful yet gray. Maybe Faerie was a bit gray too. “Your first lesson will be proper introductions and the Waltz.”
“The Waltz?”
Luther stepped forward and offered a hand, bowing. “I'm Sir Luther, knight of the UnSeelie Court under Clan Bear.” There was a sparkle in his eyes. “The Waltz happens to be my favorite. Would you do me the honor of this dance?”
Sibyl blinked. If she thought he was good looking before he was downright gorgeous in his Victorian suit. If there was ever a man born to dress in Victorian suits, it was Luther. “Y-Yes.”
“Introduce yourself. Curtsy,” Miss Sonja instructed.
Sibyl wobbled into a curtsy, not sure how to move in the dress. “Like this?”
A snap of sharp pain rippled down her back and she yelped. “Graceful! Graceful! It's hard to believe you're Celia's daughter. Address him as you go down and introduce yourself as you come up. Then give him your answer.”
“Is this really necessary?” Sibyl groaned. Another sharp pain rippled down her back. “Okay okay.”
Behind Luther, Westley waved. He put one foot forward and curtsied, pretending to grab his skirt. Oh. Sibyl mimicked him, saying, “Sir Luther, I'm Miss Sibyl Bix. I'd love to dance.”
Luther gave her an encouraging smile. “Well done. We'll work on how to introduce yourself.” He winked. “Now follow my lead.” He put his hand on her waist and held her other. “Keep your shoulders back. Good. Now keep your chin raised and don't look at your feet. Do you know a box step?”
“I was a dancer. It's the dress that's a problem.”
An encouraging smile played at his lips. “You'll get it.”
They danced around, Sibyl counting the steps in her head. It'd been so long since she danced. A few more sharp pains rippled down her back but for the most part she got it.
“Ahh see,” Luther complimented. “You're doing a wonderful job. Your mother would be proud.”
“Thank you.”
She was beaming. Maybe it was the mention of Celia or the fact that a handsome man was dancing with her. Either way it wasn't too bad. Heck she could get used to this.
As they danced, he held his head up high. It was kind of endearing how his ears stuck out a bit and his hair kind of curled. Every now and then she caught glimpses of Miss Sonja watching with critical eyes. Xavier swayed to the music, closing his eyes. There was no sign of Westley but she had to concentrate on her dancing anyway.
“You said you were a dancer?” Luther asked, making small conversation.
“Hmm? Oh yeah. I took ballet for ten years,” she replied, keeping her eyes on him. “Sorry. I keep counting in my head so I'm not being the best dance partner conversation wise.”
“Well to be honest, I think you're the belle of the ball even if you're not conversing,” he whispered, leaning closer and peering past her. She chuckled.
“Oh man, are you serious? With this competition?” She gestured to the hollow figures around her.
“It's hard to believe, I know,” he agreed with a chuckle. His breath was cool like a winter morning. A thrill of pleasure soothed her at his touch. “I think someone wants to take you away from me.”
Luther didn't answer. He released her to spin, but Sibyl stumbled and bumped into someone. Embarrassed she turned to Luther. He was gone. Her hands balled into fists at her side and she sucked in her lips. There was a tap on her shoulder. When she turned she found Westley smiling down at her, comfortable in a nice suit but a touch shy.
“Shall we?”
She curtsied, almost stumbling. “Right. Um sure.”
Westley pulled her close and cleared his throat, beginning the dance. For some reason she couldn't look at him. It wasn't that he was bad looking. Far from it. He was a walking dream. Luther had nothing on him, and that was saying something. But something about him just... Ah she couldn't put words to it.
They moved to the song, the pace quickening. Sibyl gulped, then stepped on his shoes.
“Ouch,” Westley winced. A sharp pain rippled down her back.
“Sorry,” she said through grit teeth.
“Stop.” They froze, taking a deep breath. “Perhaps we should dance slower.”
Sibyl frowned. “I'm not cut out for this etiquette and lady-like stuff, am I?”
“You underestimate yourself,” he whispered with a shake of the head. “You can do this. I know a lady when I see one.” He tipped her chin. “And you have the makings of a great lady in you.”
“Lies. All of it.”
He laughed, and it was the most beautiful thing in the world – both worlds. “I'm not lying. Let's try again. Show me that you have the grace and beauty of a swan. Or like your mother. Or whatever is graceful on Earth. I'll spin you this time.”
“I'm not ready for a spin.”
“Let's try.” And he let her go for the spin.
She couldn't keep her head straight. The room swirled. Losing track of her feet, Sibyl tripped, pulling Westley down with her. The impact knocked the wind out of her and Westley bumped against her. The room spun until she could make out the details of the roof. Cherubs frowned at her. Westley propped himself up on his elbow.
Sibyl covered her face, waiting for his reprimand. Nothing happened. She peeked through one eye. His face was bright red as he chortled and her jaw dropped. “You think this is funny?”
“Don't you?” And he cracked, exploding with laughter. “I've never had this much fun at a ball.”
Sibyl put her hands on her face, hiding her red cheeks as she laughed. “That's it, no more spinning. Or falling.”
“Brilliant idea.” Westley sat up. The ghostly figures parted as Miss Sonja stormed over, eyes wide and appalled. The prince stood and coughed. “Miss Sonja.” He acknowledged her with a slight bow. “Sibyl,” he whispered to the laughing girl. “Sibyl get up.”
“I can't,” she laughed. “Why are you whispering – Ow!” She turned to her side, her back aching from another sharp ripple of pain.
“Miss Sibyl! We can see your unmentionables,” Miss Sonja scolded. Westley grabbed Sibyl's hand and helped pull her up, her hair falling in her face. “You have the grace of a duck. You'll never be ready for the Masquerade.” Miss Sonja rubbed her eyes. “This is a disgrace.”
“I - Ow!”
“Silence,” Miss Sonja hissed, dropping her hands to her sides. “I've never had such an embarrassment of a student. Disgraceful! I can't do it Xavier. I'm done.” Xavier walked to them, disdain marring his features. “Now Miss Sonja-”
“I'm done Xavier. She'll never learn. She'll never have what it takes. Celia made a big mistake in raising this girl on Earth surrounded by hicks,” Miss Sonja bellowed. Westley squeezed Sibyl's shoulder but she stepped forward.
“My mom did the best she could to raise me,” she snapped. “And if this is the world she grew up with then it's my world too. But don't you dare talk about her like that. I don't care what you think about me but you better keep your mouth shut when it comes to her.”
Miss Sonja crossed her arms, glaring down at her. Sibyl held her ground, her hands clenched into fists at her side.
“You have no idea what kind of world you’re throwing yourself into, child. And you’ll never make it or impress anyone.”
“Well not if I give up I won’t,” Sibyl retorted. “I messed up. It’s my first time. Don’t expect me to be an expert right away. But don’t count on my failure so soon either.”
Tapping her chin, the tall woman considered her words. Her eyes flickered to Xavier. He sniffed, his lips forming into a thin line.
“Now that's what I expect from the daughter of Celia,” she told him. Westley raked his hands though his hair.
“I told you, she has it in her.”
Sibyl fell on the couch. If she thought Miss Sonja was bad, Xavier was worse. She was supposed to create these things called power pulses from her hands and every time she failed – which was most of the time – he'd shock her. She did manage to freeze a few things when she got upset, but that didn't impress Xavier.
When Reeve and Josephine arrived Sibyl laid sprawled across the couch and Westley was eating gummy worms and reading magazines.
“How was your... Day?” Josephine asked.
“Just leave me alone to die,” Sibyl whined into a pillow. She lifted her head, bags under her eyes and her hair a frizzy mess. “Who's idea was it to let those two tutor me?”
Josephine turned to Westley while Reeve put his stuff down by the coat rack. “Was it that bad?”
“You had the etiquette lesson didn't you?” Josephine frowned. “Miss Sonja's well known in Faerie. She plans events for both courts, especially the UnSeelie court.”
“What are these courts anyway?”
“Seelie and UnSeelie,” Reeve said, flexing his arms as he came to sit beside her. “Seelie is the summer court and UnSeelie is the winter court. But they've been disbanded and are now a bunch of countries. Like here.” So it was just as Rose said, and just what she feared.
“Is everyone in the UnSeelie court a butch like Miss Sonja?”
“If so then you're a butch. And Luther's a butch. What's a butch anyway?” Reeve scratched behind his ear and slouched on the couch.
“I'm UnSeelie?”
“How else can you walk around in the middle of February in that?” Reeve pointed to her shorts. “Which I approve of by the way.”
She hit his shoulder but they smiled. “Okay. UnSeelie. I know what to research now.”
“Speaking of which we have some books to give you on Faerie. Remind me later. Don't you have somewhere to be?” Josephine asked as she sat on the dusty arm chair and put down her things. Sibyl groaned.
“Work! I hate my life.”
“Did I tell you I got a job at the antique store too?”
“Beautiful. Now pick me up and take me.”
“You know I can do that. I'm serious.”
She considered this for a moment, then leaned on his lap. “Okay. Carry me away. Then let me sleep.”
“Carry you?” Westley asked, raising his head from the magazine. His eyes locked on Sibyl resting on Reeve's lap.
Reeve stood and pulled her up with him. Sibyl toppled into him, groaning at her heavy muscles.
“They worked you to the bone, eh?” He pulled her forward so she stood in front of him. Sibyl blew through her lips, limp in his strong hold. “Well come on. You can sleep in the car.”
“Get some food for dinner,” Josephine called.
“I vote donuts,” Sibyl mumbled.
“I second that notion.” Josephine raised her hand to vote.
“Okay princess. Come on.” Reeve instructed as he helped her out the door.
“I came in with a dooooonut hoooole. I just wanted to eeeaaaaaat them aaaaall,” Sibyl sang into the cold night.
Westley stood, watching, but said nothing. He sighed, turning back to his snacks and magazines.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
wingwomen ch2 (trixya, shalaska) - lale
A/N: thanks for all the feedback on chapter 1! Keep looking out for new installments this week :)
Alaska grumbled to herself as she walked into her social studies class, swinging her bag onto her desk and dropping into her seat. Her phone buzzed where it was tucked into the waistband of her skirt, and she took it out and saw that she had a whatsapp.
Bozo 🤡: don’t embarrass me!
Bozo 🤡: just be nice to her. casual. don’t be weird!
Bozo 🤡: i mean it
Queen of the snakes 🐍: calm down, weirdo, this was all your idea!
Bozo 🤡: and it’s a fucking good one! i want you to tell me every single thing you say.
Queen of the snakes 🐍: she just walked in. i told her you’re in love with her.
Bozo 🤡: 😡😡😡
Bozo 🤡: what’s she wearing??? That dress yesterday was amazingly hideous. kinda love it, kinda wanna burn it
Alaska looked up, watching Katya cross the room and take a seat at the desk diagonally behind her own.
 Queen of the snakes 🐍: all pink, super cute!
Bozo 🤡: ??????
Queen of the snakes 🐍: 😂
Bozo 🤡: you fucking bitch, die
Queen of the snakes 🐍: today’s outfit is a shirt with at least four patterns on. All horrible. She’s got a bow in her hair, though.
Bozo 🤡: omfg
Queen of the snakes 🐍: it’s black. I think she might be wearing a necklace made of cigarettes?
Bozo 🤡: stop lying you rotted whore!
Queen of the snakes 🐍: im not! i’ll send you a snapchat
Bozo 🤡: don’t you fucking dare!!! She’ll think you’re a total freak
Queen of the snakes 🐍: i can be sneaky!!
Bozo 🤡: 😡
Queen of the snakes 🐍: fine, weirdo. i’ll text you after class
Alaska tucked her phone away again, rolling her eyes at Trixie overdramatic reaction. Yes, maybe she had a tiny, miniscule crush on Sharon Needles, but she’d never gone this crazy over her, especially not when she’d only just met her. Apart from that time she’d walked into a door because she was distracted by Sharon back in their Freshman year, but that had only been because Sharon had just dyed her hair peroxide blonde for the first time and Alaska hadn’t been able to resist staring at her.
She took a deep breath, then plastered a grin onto her face as she turned to face Katya.
“Hiee!” she chirped, crossing one long leg neatly over the other. Katya blinked at her in surprise, full red lips parted.
Hi?” she repeated, sounding unsure of herself.
“My name’s Alaska. What’s yours?” Alaska asked. Of course, she already knew exactly who she was, but she didn’t think that was the best way to introduce herself.
“Katya,” Katya replied, still looking a little wary. “You are one of the cheerleaders, yes?”
“Yeah!” Alaska agreed, pleased for an easy way to try to steer the conversation towards Trixie.
“You stare at us yesterday,” Katya said, eyes narrowing. “You and the one who look like pink doll.”
“Barbie?” Alaska asked, feeling her stomach sink at the hostile turn in Katya’s tone.
“Da! Her name is Barbie also?” she replied, cocking her head.
“No! Her name’s Trixie. She just looks like a Barbie,” Alaska explained. Katya crossed her arms over her chest.
“I have seen Heathers movie. Cheerleaders are bitches, you do not stare to be nice,” she said.
“No! We’re nice, I swear,” Alaska said, her face hot with embarrassment. Had they been that obvious in the way they’d been watching Sharon and Katya the day before? Had Sharon always noticed Alaska stealing glances at her?
“Is because Sharon is gay?” Katya asked bluntly.
“Of course not. I’m gay, and so is Trixie. She’s the head of the LGBT club here,” Alaska said, proud of herself for bringing things back to Trixie.
“Oh. And Barbie is your girlfriend?” Katya asked, sounding curious now. Alaska felt triumphant, like she’d successfully defused a bomb.
“Oh, no way. I mean, we kissed once, but it was gross, like kissing my sister. I mean, she’s not a bad kisser! Far from it. I’ve only heard good things. Not that kisses a lot of girls! But she has kissed some, and lots of people want to kiss her!” Alaska felt like she was watching herself from outside her body as she rambled on, her words getting quicker and voice higher as she dug herself deeper and deeper into a hole. As soon as she got the chance to talk Trixie up she’d managed to insult her kissing skills, suggest she was a slut and ended up talking absolute garbage.
Katya was smiling at her, though, apparently amused by her nonsense rambling. Or maybe she just hadn’t understood it all, Alaska thought hopefully.
“You are weird,” she decided, giving Alaska an approving nod.
“Yeah,” Alaska agreed, shrugging. “So, Trixie and I usually have lunch –“ She was cut off by their teacher shouting over the chatter in the room, getting everyone’s attention, and Katya shifted her focus before Alaska could finish inviting her to lunch with them. Oh well, she’d still made progress. It seemed that they hadn’t made the best impression on Katya, but she thought she’d managed to talk her around.
Queen of the snakes 🐍: she asked me about you
Bozo 🤡: ?????????
Queen of the snakes 🐍: she kept calling you Barbie
Bozo 🤡: today is the day i die
Bozo 🤡: this is the best moment of my LIFE
Bozo 🤡: did she say anything else???
Queen of the snakes 🐍: pretty sure she hated us before i talked to her
Bozo 🤡: omg why
Queen of the snakes 🐍: she saw us staring yesterday. i think sharon doesn’t like us
Bozo 🤡: but Katya doesn’t hate me now, right??
Queen of the snakes 🐍: thanks for the sympathy bitch
Bozo 🤡: Sharon hates everyone, it’s her thing
Queen of the snakes 🐍: you’re so helpful
Bozo 🤡: don’t you worry, i’m gonna change her mind. i’m the best wingwoman!
Queen of the snakes 🐍: who exactly have you been a wingwoman for??
Bozo 🤡: Shea and Sasha, at Pearl’s holiday party!!!
Queen of the snakes 🐍: drunkenly crying over them when you found them making out doesn’t count as being a wingwoman
Bozo 🤡: close enough! trust me, this is going to be amazing. she’ll be in love with you by lunch
Usually, Trixie was one of the first ones to all of her classes. She was a good student, and she liked to take a moment to settle herself before class began so that she could focus properly. Today, however, she forced herself to hang around by her locker until just before the bell for next period rang. She was one of the last people to arrive at her Algebra class, which left only one seat for her to take – the one next to Sharon Needles at the back of the classroom.
“Shit, how can you even see from back here? Do I need glasses?” she muttered to herself, squinting at the board. Really, she thought to herself, the things she sacrificed for Alaska. She was a great friend.
She couldn’t believe Katya had asked about her. Had she made an impression on her already? She couldn’t help the small, excited grin that spread across her face. Did Katya think she was cute? Alaska would have said if Katya had been asking because she thought her makeup was awful or something. 
Knowing Alaska’s conversation with Katya had gone so well made her determined to do her part for her best friend. Her immediate crush on Katya had given her a little taste of how Alaska must have been feeling this whole time for Sharon, and Trixie didn’t know how she didn’t go insane with it. She felt like she was buzzing, filled with pent up nervous energy as she considered what Katya thought of her, and what would happen if she tried to talk to her. She couldn’t! She was too nervous. It made sense now why Alaska had always resisted her urges to just suck it up and talk to Sharon. It didn’t matter, anyway; Trixie was going to make this happen for her. 
The advantage to sitting in the back of the room was that she could talk to Sharon without being overheard as long as she was careful. They’d had several classes together over the years, but Trixie had never actually really talked to her before; Sharon always kept to herself, and Trixie usually partnered with Pearl or Fame if she needed to. Today, though, she was going to make the effort for Alaska.
“Sharon,” she hissed, leaning over towards her.
“No,” Sharon said, not missing a beat. She didn’t even look at Trixie, focused on scratching chips of black paint off of her nails. Trixie blinked at her, taken aback.
“But I just –“
“No,” Sharon repeated. Trixie gaped at her. She hadn’t prepared for Sharon refusing to even talk to her. This never happened – she was a cheerleader! Everyone always wanted to talk to the cheerleaders.
“Sharon, please,” she tried one more time, and Sharon finally lifted her head, giving Trixie a withering stare that made her shrink in her seat.
“Fuck off,” she said succinctly.
Trixie looked back towards the front of the room, still shocked by the hostile response she’d received. She was definitely going to have to rethink her plan.
Sharon sat down on the grass that afternoon, Katya hot on her heels. The cheerleaders were already gathered together, and she watched as Alaska and Trixie drifted to the pack of the group to stand together and gossip as they did every day. A cigarette packet appeared under her nose, and she blinked and looked over at Katya’s grinning face.
“You stare at cheerleaders,” she said, putting a cigarette between her lips and lighting it easily before offering her lighter to Sharon.
“They always look over here. Probably bitching about me,” Sharon said, lighting up her own cigarette and leaning back on her palms.
“One talked to me today,” Katya told her, exhaling a long plume of smoke and crossing her legs out in front of her.
“Which one?” Sharon asked.
“The tall one. Standing at back,” Katya said.
“The pretty one?” Sharon said, watching Alaska as she talked to Trixie.
“Trixie? With the makeup?” Sharon asked. Had Trixie decided to spend her day trying to talk to any weirdo she could find?
“Not Barbie! Alaskaaa,” Katya said, drawing out her name in a pretty accurate impression of Alaska’s distinctive drawl. Sharon snickered.
“Wait, are you calling Trixie Mattel the pretty one?”
“Da! Beautiful,” Katya said, her gaze focused on Trixie.
“You really are fucked in the head,” Sharon said, getting a cloud of smoke blown in her face for her troubles.
Trixie was pretty enough, sure, but Sharon didn’t like her. They’d never spoken before today and she was still rattled by Trixie’s attempts to talk to her. She thought she’d played off her discomfort pretty well, and it had certainly been satisfying to tell Trixie to fuck off.
Sharon knew what girls like Trixie were like. She’d seen every movie where the cheerleaders liked to fuck with the weird kids, so she knew better than to think that Trixie might have been trying to be nice. Trixie might have been the head of the LGBT club, but she was still a cheerleader first and foremost. Lesbian or not, Sharon didn’t trust her.
“What was Alaska talking to you for?” she asked Katya, who was already stubbing out the butt of her first cigarette and taking another from the pack.
“She was nice. Strange. Talked to me about kissing Barbie,” Katya said.
“What the fuck? Are they a thing now?” Sharon asked in surprise. An irrational flash of jealousy shot through her at the thought of Alaska kissing Trixie.
“She said it was gross. Got embarrassed, very funny,” Katya explained, shrugged. “Weird girl. Like you! I like her.”
“She’s not like me. She’s cool,” Sharon said, venom seeping into her voice.
“You’re cool!”
“You’re crazy,” Sharon shot back. She wasn’t even sure how she’d ended up friends with Katya. She’d turned up at school one day and decided that Sharon was going to be her friend. That had probably come from being able to tag along on Sharon’s smoke breaks, she thought. Whatever the reason, she was glad to have her crazy Russian friend around. She didn’t like anyone at their school, not really, but she still got lonely sometimes, spending her days by herself.
“You really do not like them, no?” Katya said. Alaska and Trixie glanced over at them, then turned around again. They seemed to be discussing something important, from the look of concentration on Trixie’s face – not that it was easy to tell what she was feeling with the layers of makeup on her face.
“They’re bitches. I don’t trust them. Haven’t you seen Carrie? The cool kids pretend to make friends with the loser and then they throw pig blood over her.”
“Pig blood not so bad,” Katya replied with a shrug. “Beside, loser girl murders them all with her mind! That could be you,” she added, beaming at Sharon.
“You’re such a weirdo,” Sharon replied. “I just feel like they were planning on tricking us or something. Trixie tried to talk to me in Algebra, but I told her to fuck off.”
“Barbie? You bitch!” Katya said, eyes going wide.
“You’ve never even met her!”
Katya looked back over at Trixie and Alaska, slowly exhaling a lungful of smoke.
“Beautiful,” she said after a moment, a serene smile on her face.
“Shallow bitch,” Sharon laughed. She looked over at Trixie and Katya, who were finally paying attention to the other cheerleaders. Trixie had a nice figure, with wide hips and thick thighs, but Sharon thought Alaska was the prettier of the two of them.
“Not all cheerleaders are bitch,” Katya said, stubbing out her cigarette.
“Sure they are! They’re all bitches,” Sharon rebutted.
“You talk to Willam! She cheerleader,” Katya pointed out.
“Willam is Willam. Also, she’s not a cheerleader, they kicked her out. Besides, she’s the only one here who can always find a good weed dealer,” Sharon said, waving a hand dismissively.
“You are impossible! Talk to Barbie. Be nice! Get me her number,” Katya said, winking overdramatically at her. Sharon groaned, shaking her head but laughing at how ridiculous she was.
“Alaska was really nice to you?” she asked. There was a spark of hope in the pit of her stomach. She didn’t know what it was about Alaska that had always caught her attention, but for whatever reason a tiny part of her had hoped that Alaska was nicer than the other cheerleaders.
“Da! Sharon. You sit here and watch every day. Alaska was nice. Maybe Trixie was going to be, too!” Katya said, bumping her shoulder against Sharon’s. “I talk to Alaska for you, yes? Make sure she is not mean cheerleader bitch. I see you look,” Katya said. Sharon whipped her head to face her, cheeks burning hot.
“What? No! I don’t like her,” she insisted, fiercely embarrassed. Katya screeched with laughter at her.
“I help you get girl. Trust me! I talk to Alaska, you be nice to Barbie. Deal?”
Sharon buried her head in her hands. Sometimes, she really, really wished she’d never let herself make friends with this crazy bitch.
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