#The King Of Hell Damien Lucifarian
nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E: Part 4 - Rhythm of The Night (set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
"Why are we talking about how to hide a stiffy?" Kirby questions, raising an eyebrow as she looks at the shorter man, watching as his cheeks flush.
Eddie goes to speak, but covers his mouth and looks away from her, staring at the floor for a moment as he scratches his beard.
Kirby studies him for a second before looking over at the food, about to get up when she feels Eddie's hand touching her own, only for him to pull his hand away when she looks at him.
"I like your tattoos, especially the shamrock." Eddie whispers, pointing at the small, black shamrock tattoo on Kirby's right wrist.
"I got it when I was eighteen, that and the apple of discord on my back. Those were my first two, since then I've been adding two more every year."
"So you keep them small, to not take up all the space before you get another year older?"
"Exactly." She smiles softly.
The two spend the rest of the day, slowly, getting used to being around each other in the hotel room. Eddie listens as Kirby tells him about Wales, and the C.R.C and she grants Eddie the same amount of respect, when he talks about being an indie wrestler for nearly 20 years. By the time the sun starts setting the two are on the balcony, Eddie smoking a cigarette as Kirby sits at the small table next to the door, with her sketchbook in her lap and an empty can of Jack Daniels and coke on the table next to her, gradually sketching the city around them from where she sits.
"So, what are we gonna do about our sleeping arrangements?" She asks, not even looking up from her drawing.
Eddie chuckles softly, "Kid, we are gonna sleep next to each other. Back to back, like true independent wrestlers."
"Oh, okay, I'll sleep in what I'm wearing then."
"I'm not letting you sleep in jeans, no way, I'm not gonna touch you or anythin' like that. I want you to be comfortable, kid, I want you to be okay tomorrow morning."
"You go get settled first, I want to finish this sketch before I join you... if that's alright with you, of course."
"Fine by me, kid." Eddie says softly, patting Kirby on the head as he walks back inside.
After around 10 minutes, when Kirby assumes Eddie's asleep, she closes the balcony door, looking over at the bed and seeing Eddie already, at least half-asleep, in just his boxers. Seizing the opportunity to take in the image of how Eddie sleeps, her brain seizes the moment. Perhaps it's the can of Jack and coke giving me thoughts, or perhaps it's the bulge visible in Eddie's bright red boxer shorts, but the smut reading memories are flooding back and, sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, Belushi, Farley and Candy are being replaced with Eddie.
"Shit, God fucking damnit, no... no, I'm not allowed to think about these things." She mutters to herself, a little too loudly.
"You alright, kid?" Eddie grumbles, having woken up slightly upon hearing Kirby's form of self-discipline.
"I'm alright... it's just... you'd laugh if I told you." She murmurs, rubbing the back of her neck.
"I'll try not to laugh."
"I... used to read smut about John Belushi, and other such celebs, and seeing you nearly naked... well it brought up some thoughts, to say the least." She admits sheepishly.
"Oh," Eddie whispers, before smirking and winking at Kirby, "You wanna do a lil' somethin'-somethin'?"
"Don't tease me." Kirby groans, turning her back on Eddie as she goes into the bathroom.
"Tease you?" Eddie chuckles, "kid, I ain't teasin' ya... I'm serious, if you wanna see where this goes, we'll see where this goes." The sound of his voice gets closer to Kirby.
Kirby splashes her face with water, taking a deep breath as she grabs a towel to dry herself.
"I'm just sayin', I've been with a lot of women, and you... you aren't like any of them, but not in a bad way."
"I'm not Billie, I ain't Bienvenida Marino. I don't do one night stands... that might actually be why I've been a virgin, for so many things, for so long... the most I've ever done is kiss someone." Kirby explains, gasping when she feels Eddie's hands on her waist.
Eddie spins Kirby around to face him, locking eyes with her, "Let me teach you everything you never learnt in your teens, lemme guide ya, kid, we don't have ta fuck, but lemme show ya what the world is like, outside the ring... can I do that?"
"Teach me, please... show me what I've been missing out on. Hell, show me why Billie's so crazy about being intimate with people."
"I can't read her mind, but I can do this." Eddie whispers, his voice rough, but not hoarse.
Eddie's bright green eyes flicker, from Kirby's deep blue ones, to her lips, still painted a more golden shade of orange, he smirks and licks his lips, slowly moving in for a kiss and brushing his lips against hers gently, then going in for a second, more deep kiss; Kirby places her hands on his hips and slowly closes her eyes; She lets Eddie fully take control of the situation, which he does about as naturally as he flicks ash off a cigarette. The taste of his lips on hers takes over her mind, smoky and with a hint of alcohol from the (few) sips he had of her can of Jack and coke while they were talking earlier in the evening; Without warning Eddie starts manoeuvring Kirby towards the bed, slowly taking steps backwards until she falls back onto the bed.
She finally reopens her eyes, seeing Eddie standing above her with a wild grin on his face, Kirby gasps when Eddie pulls her back up to her feet, (unknowingly) giving him enough of a gap to slip his tongue into her mouth, making the kiss deeper and, for a moment, Kirby swears she can hear a guttural growl from the New Yorker.
In that moment something clicks in her head. Something she thought she would (normally) never think to do. She closes her eyes and gets closer to Eddie, making sure to get close enough, to feel his dick get harder in his boxers, right before he pulls away and she realises how close she just got to him.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me-" Kirby starts, quickly getting cut off by Eddie pulling her into a, much rougher, kiss by the belt loops of her jeans.
When Eddie pulls away their eyes lock again, and suddenly the (emotional) feeling within the room goes from awkward and unsure, to steamy and they know things can never go back to a simple, friendly relationship between the two of them.
"You wanna?" Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks at Kirby.
"Sex?... I've never even looked at anyone naked, except from myself." Kirby mumbles, slightly ashamed of her answer.
"Sex, making love, call it what ya want, but do you want to... do ya," Eddie takes a moment to collect his thoughts, taking a deep breath and blurting out, "do ya want me to be your first dick?"
Kirby lets out a nervous chuckle before taking her shirt off, "I will gladly have you as my first... Fuck, I'd take you as my first, last and only." She smiles softly, watching Eddie's eyes flicker, from her face, to her chest as she takes off her bra.
"Holy fuck..." Eddie whispers under his breath.
Somehow stopped in his tracks by Kirby getting naked, his eyes widen slightly and his jaw falls open, he takes in the sight of her, scars, tattoos and all as she stands back up, letting her hair down for once and walking up to Eddie, gently kissing his cheek. Kirby lets out a small noise of surprise as Eddie explores her body with his hands. She stops his left hand before it gets to her breast, guiding it towards her crotch.
"You consent to this, right, Kirby?" Eddie asks, his voice the softest it's been in a while.
"I give you my consent, Eddie... Edward, I want to do this with you." Kirby nods, moaning as Eddie teases her folds with his fingers, moaning louder when he removes his boxers and she sees what he's packing.
Holy fuck, how is that meant to fit inside me? Is the first thought that comes to her mind upon seeing his dick, followed swiftly by the thought, At least I didn't offer to suck it, cause that could hit my gag reflex and really fuck me over.
"Like what you see?" Eddie whispers in her ear, teasing her with both his words and his hands.
"Care to teach me how such a weapon is meant to be handled?" She teases back, or at least tries to, her tone nervous and unsure.
Eddie chuckles, laying down on the bed, gesturing for Kirby to straddle his lap, she complies and before she knows it, Eddie has her moaning loud enough that the people next door start banging on the wall, yelling for her to shut up, but as thick and fast as the obscenities can come from Kirby's lips, she reaches her climax and Eddie realises that her one round is half of his, and trying not to push her limits, he pulls out and wraps her hand around his cock, showing her exactly what to do to get him over the edge, her body still close enough that her stomach gets coated in the streams of his juices. Eddie goes to talk before falling silent as he watches Kirby take a taste of the cum now covering her, getting pulled into a very steamy kiss from him, biting her bottom lip and grabbing a handful of her ass, making her lay next to him as he goes to grab a towel to clean 'his girl' up.
His girl... throughout the whole of their first time together, he was calling her 'his girl', no longer Damien's property, no longer 'Kid', no longer just a co-worker. Eddie's girl... Eddie's girlfriend?
"Eddie?" Kirby clears her throat, unsure of if it's a good time to ask the question, "Eddie... am I, are we..." Her voice falters as Eddie cleans her up.
"Don't worry, I know what you're askin'... and yea, from now on, you and me are as together as Mox and Renee, but without the marriage or anything that comes with it." Eddie murmurs, lazily kissing Kirby to say 'goodnight' and curling up under the covers next to her, fully nude.
When Kirby wakes up the following morning, Eddie's outside in just his boxers and jeans, smoking a cigarette, and watching her through the window. He smiles once he notices she's awake, gesturing for someone to go into the room. At that moment Kirby notices Renee and Jon, sitting at the table (that has been moved) outside. Renee heads inside to let Kirby have a little privacy from both men, who could potentially see her wake up, nude and (still) coming to terms with how sore her thighs are from the night before.
It takes a grand total of, around, 20 minutes for Kirby to be up and ready for the day, heading outside to talk to her new, (and first ever) 'boyfriend', or as Renee insists on calling him 'Kirby's new hunk'. Eddie holds out his hand to her, or rather offers her what he's holding in his hand, a (still warm) cup of coffee from a local café, the same one they met at, the same order she told him that day too.
"Thanks... did you have a shave?" Kirby asks softly, slowly adjusting and, snuggling up to Eddie's side when he pulls her close to him.
"Gotta look good for my lady, had a little tidy up," Eddie mumbles, moving Kirby's hair away so he can kiss her scar, "You look real pretty when you sleep, so peaceful."
"I think you might be the cause of me being so peaceful... I didn't have any nightmares, or night terrors, barely even dreamt last night." She whispers, lowering herself slightly to be closer to be closer to his height.
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Inside Jokes and References in the Full Bios
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Mainly for @spacelizardtrashboys and @kuruumiya
Also: Any time strikethrough text is used it's because it's meant to be secret information, for example on the small bios any time 'Lucifarian' truly isn't their last name their is strikethrough test after saying that it's not their real name. This is to say that no matter what is written or if it's strikethrough text or not, it is there for a reason.
Damien - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for him refers back to his 'King of Hell' gimmick, as does his middle name, Rex means king.
He's protective, like a dad, but also way too overprotective over the gimmicks for the girls. He's an old, old school guy so he enjoys card games with the boys.
He's supposed to sound like a young Hugh Laurie, mainly because if I heard a young Hugh Laurie say Damien's bio quote I wouldn't be able to take him seriously.
His main finisher (Seventh Circle) refers back to (a) him being the king of hell and (b) the seventh circle is for violence, and well, he's a wrestler, that's a pretty violent job.
He calls fans both 'peasants' and his 'loyal subjects' because he's like an asshole-ish king who'd quickly be dethroned if they rebelled.
Vickie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
The Quote for her refers back to her gimmick along with the old saying 'pride comes before the fall'.
She's called 'Victoria' because of both (a) it meaning victory and (b) the fact that Queen Victoria ruled back when Britain had an empire, then the empire fell (as in pride [Vickie] before a fall)
Both Her and Damien are born in August and are the only two to share a birth month as they are Father and Daughter (non-kayfabe, as in they share DNA)
She's raised Christian as back when she was growing up England was a lot more Christian than when she became an adult so she got lax in her beliefs
Her personality is supposed to make her come across as a vain, rich, arse of a person, yet deep down she's still redeemable, she's got a long way to go before she actually redeems herself though
She's the type of person who makes sure EVERY little detail of her matches and promos are PERFECT to the point that she will control what other people do or say, down to the moment it's said/done and the way it's said/done
She only likes the other D.O.D (Daughters of Darkness) members because she has only made enemies in the short while they've been in the company, she especially dislikes George 'The Animal' Steele because of his very messy style going against her 'everything should be perfect' views
She's the leader, the brain and the mouth because of her control over the group, if she let them have more control, there might be less arguments about her amount of control
Her named moves are also references to both her gimmick and other things. Beheader is named because of the Tudor monarchs of England having kind of a thing for killing people in this way (ex. Henry VIII).
Lineage Ender is named that because if she ever botches that one specific move (it'll make sense in context/ she does it during a training scene) it could end either her own Lineage or the person she's doing it to.
Lion's den is called that because she traps them in a near-inescapable crucifix pin, and normally if someone goes into a den of Lions, they aren't escaping in one piece.
Family Pride is named that because not only is her gimmick the sin of pride, but she's got pride in her family and she's her dad's 'pride and joy' because she's his only child.
Wish for this (her main finishing move) is called that because it's an inside joke of "you're gonna 'wish for this' to be over soon"
As she's Damien's blood daughter, a 'prodigal son' joke seemed somewhat appropriate.
Billie - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the Guerreros and the whole 'Latin lover' trope
She was born in February because of Valentine's day, hence why her birthday is two days before the 14th
She's 1/2 Cuban (just in general - both Mexican and Cuban culture is interesting to me) But she's 1/2 Cuban in case I ever need to write for Razor Ramon, I can get away with making the joke of 'my Cuban accent's better than yours'.
Her casual style is 'Suggestive' because how else is Lust supposed to dress.
She dislikes Hulk Hogan because she finds him incredibly annoying and she dislikes Jesse Ventura because she dislikes his fashion choices.
I imagine her uncle Hugo looks like Luis Guzman and her dad's like Raul Julia. Try to imagine those two wrestling as a luchador tag team.
Her mother was basically a valet to her dad, which was usually Billie's role before she was part of the D.O.D.
Her move name references are all song references: Love me Tender - Elvis' song of the same name, Personal Aphrodite - a reference to / joke on 'Personal Jesus', Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye's song of the same name.
Also, I hope to eventually use the joke 'The Babe, the babe with the power,' 'What power?' 'Power of voodoo' 'Who do?' 'You do' 'Do what?' 'Remind me of the babe' because of one of her commentary nicknames being 'The Babe'
P.G - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is in reference to her being greed and (right at the start of the story) her thoughts on money actually being able to buy her happiness
her surname 'Voronin' means crow, and well, crows like shiny things, like money
she wears 'fancy but simple' clothing because if she bought designer clothes she'd be in debt, but she still wants to look like she has more money than everyone else
she's cowardly in a Jimmy Hart way, she'll piss someone off during a promo and run away once she feels like she's in danger
she's a showman because she's more show than work, meaning she works exceptionally quick matches.
Her moves are basically jokes on the fact that she is greed, such as Gold-digger and Diamond Ring. However, Money Maker is also a joke on the fact that it's a facebuster and usually an actor's face is called their 'money maker'
She hates Hulk Hogan and Sgt slaughter because of how patriotic they are
Kirby - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to (a) the fact that she's Gluttony, (b) her being the only one who wears a mask constantly and (c) her basically being the group's scare tactic against people who think they can push them around.
I am planning on eventually making her a part of the machines, maybe as a valet, maybe as a wrestler, not 100% sure as of right now
Her mother is the Norwegian-Scottish one and her father is the Irish-Welsh one
She is the tallest (not the heaviest, that's Damien) but she's still 9 inches shorter than André.
She's willing to bleed hardway, but hates blading
She hates Big John Studd because of his disrespect, she hates Hulk Hogan because she thinks he's obnoxiously 'American', she dislikes Lord Alfred Hayes and Dynamite Kid because they are so insistent on calling her '1/4 Icelandic' whenever she talks about being 1/4 Norwegian. She hates Brutus Beefcake because he's just 'so, so much' energy-wise.
She's always been tall, always shorter than André though, she was 5'6" when she was 12, which is still taller than Sam, P.G and Eli.
Kirby's the best at using folk tales and mythology references in her promos and still keeping them dark and scary.
Her speaking voice is Jessica Hynes, but I imagine her singing voice (which will be important later) to be that of Deee-lite's Lady Miss Kier. On that note, I will be putting up a post on this part of the fic's canon.
Feeding Frenzy is meant to look similar to Roddy's wild punches, hence the 'frenzy' part of the name.
Organ grinder is named because it's meant to look really hard (like she's putting all her force and weight into it) as if she's grinding her opponents organs
Hungry for Blood is an in-joke of during her toughest matches she seems hungry to give the fans the sight of blood
Consummation is a joke of 'the match will soon be over, the match will soon be concluded, or consummated' not the sex-based meaning of that word.
Number of the beast, which is 666, is a reference to the 619, and is a modified 619 basically.
Vampire's Bite is a reference to her sitout jawbreaker looking like she could possibly bite someone's neck, like a vampire, as she performs the move
I didn't want to call her chops, chops, so I made a joke of 'oh it's chopping, like a butcher's knife'
Overfeeding is another basic gluttony reference. Cheshire Grin is a facelock-based joke. Let Them Eat Cake is a butt=cake joke
The ogress is a thinly-veiled way of the commentary team calling her ugly, because why else would she be the only one in a mask
Holly - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is written that way because I always wanted her to sound like she comes from New Jersey
She's very cuddly towards the rest of the D.O.D and thus gets called a teddy bear by the others
She's Pansexual because she doesn't care what your gender is, she loves people just being themselves
She's the only ginger because I've never seen a ginger wrestler from New Jersey
She was raised Catholic but lost her faith upon realising how bad gay people are treated by the church (Holly literally just goes "Y'all it is 1984, how are y'all gonna reject people based on who they love?")
Holly's very much the person who'll ask permission to cut a promo on someone but won't tell them how harsh she's going to be
She's the group's mom friend (mum friend?)
Before she started travelling with another member of the group (Holly travels with Sam a lot) she would accidentally no-show events
She does accidentally give incredibly stiff shots
Holly likes Gorilla Monsoon because their friendship is very much a weird pseudo-dad-daughter friendship, so basically, she's using him as her new dad
Her voice is Angie Harmon because I think Harmon sounds like a badass from New Jersey
Naptime, Dirt Nap and Lullaby are jokes of 'I'm gonna knock you out'
Eli - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a joke of 'this is why she doesn't do a lot of promos'
She's the most likely to be on one of those 'too hot for TV' blooper reels from her promos
Both she and Sam hate people taller than them
Sam - Bio In-Jokes and References:
Her quote is a reference to the fact that her tattoos are her 'masterpiece'
she dresses athletically because she's always ready for a fight, especially because she's usually the one picking fights
She likes Lou because he's like a crazy uncle to her and she likes George Steele because, unlike Vickie, she likes the wild man side of his gimmick
She's voiced by Melissa Etheridge because she's still feminine but is the most masculine sounding
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E: Part 1 - The Man Behind The Crown (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
As she looked up, she saw Damien's face, and that scowl... that damned scowl. The one of an angry tyrant looking at an insubordinate servant moments before carving their skull in half with a sword.
Kirby wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering with her mouth drier than the Sahara. She knows it was a nightmare but it was the same nightmare she had been having since moving into the building two years ago. Damian Lum, her boss, had bought an old disused motel, just enough room for the girls and their families if needed. The girls, each with their own problems in life, were representing the other six sins, and they had chosen Kirby to be Gluttony. Kirby, the only giant, was now known as a gluttonous beast and Damian... no, Damien, was to blame.
Damian was rich, not from wrestling as 'Damien Lucifarian', but because he was Damian Lum, son of wealthy businessman Adam Lum and thus his family had more dollars than sense. Stupid mental jokes aside, Kirby had to get up, her mind was the type that stayed awake after being awoken. Plus, it had just gone '06:00', or so her alarm clock told her.
"If I were luckier, I'd have been saved by the bell." She mutters to herself as she gets out of bed, a long day ahead of things already on her to-do list from last night's unfinished work and the days before. It was Monday. 20th July. 2020. Around three weeks earlier she had called her parents to wish her father a happy birthday. Three weeks; 3; Three weeks of working for AEW. Three weeks of editing Eli's Vlog, too. Kirby hated; no; Kirby hates the vlog. She went to college, and university, only for those skills to be used on the vlog. That stupid vlog.
Admittedly, she only hates it because she isn't getting paid for her work, despite the amount of hours put into it. Hours she could spend doing projects she has more love for. Her art. Making her own rig gear. Alas, she was awake and therefore she had to get dressed and do her morning routine. Shower, dry off, brush teeth & hair, get dressed, done. She would head to the gym next door and wait until someone got in contact. Kirby's not a social person; nor is she a recluse: she has anxiety and can find new people intimidating at first.
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At '06:30' Saraid arrives out front in the car. They had already planned out the morning; café, breakfast, grab gear, airport, check in, flight, get to Jacksonville, reach the hotel, have lunch. Saraid's relationship with Kirby is like a younger sister, Saraid gets on Kirby's nerves, Kirby watches over the eighteen-year-old and waits for orders. Both of Semi-Irish descent and with an annoying habit of blurring the lines between gimmick and reality, they had grown protective over each other during the two years they were together.
Thanks to the fact the 'compound' as Damian called it was in Asheville, North Carolina, it took just under two hours to get to Jacksonville, Florida. From there the girls went to meet with their boss and the rest of the sinful team at their hotel, taking in the sights that they can before they reach their destination and unpack their belongings.
Eli's Vlog P.O.V:
Eli flipped the camera screen around before turning it on and filming.
"Bonjour [Hello], my darlings, tis me." She started her intro, same as the three weeks prior, making sure to get the other girls with her in the hotel lobby on camera.
She always began the same, a small intro to herself and her life before going on with her day and filming most of what she did within a day. Kirby would edit it later, taking out the unnecessary and double checking whenever she had to censor a word.
"Today, is the first day of our trip to Jacksonville. We're going to wrestle in Daily's Place and then hang out with some of the guys in a nearby bar. But first, I'll show you around Jacksonville with Geia and Billie."
As Eli continues to film, Kirby and Sara chat in the background with Renee, Jon Moxley's wife, Renee. Sure it was in the background, but viewers paying less attention to Eli and more to the goings-on in the camera view could glimpse Moxley and one of his friends going past the girls, Mox's friend pushing past Kirby quite aggressively.
"Woah, Kirby, ça va mon ami [are you alright my friend]?"
"I'm okay Eli, just another jackass who thinks his tiny **** gives him reason to barge past a woman taller than him." Kirby scoffs, staring daggers at the man who just barged past her.
"**** you!" The man yells, his Bronx accent thicker than Sara's.
"**** me yourself, you coward." Kirby snaps back.
"Kirby." Eli gasps, surprised at her friend's sudden snap at a stranger.
"What? Oh yeah right, I have to censor myself now. Well in that case, **** you, **** head."
The man only laughs in return, it's the laugh of a smoker. He stops for a second, doubling over slightly which makes his black t-shirt hug his beer gut more than when he's standing, the rosaries around his neck swinging down the moment he puts his hands on his knees.
"Eddie. Come on, man." Mox murmurs, looking over his shoulder at the other man.
"A'ight, a'ight. I'll stop ******* with them." 'Eddie' chuckles as he follows Mox.
Renee excuses herself and follows her husband and 'Eddie' out of the room, heading to their car.
Gluttony's P.O.V:
Kirby grunts as she heads to her and Sara's shared hire car, picking up her bag and heading to the locker room. Quickly changing into her workout gear (orange leggings and an orange sports bra that looks two sizes too small despite being the right size) before heading out to the gym, accompanied by the other girls as they each start their workout. The interaction from earlier still stuck in her mind as she replays it mentally for the millionth time.
Who was that guy? Mox said his name was 'Eddie'. What was his deal? Probably just another jerkwad trying her patience. When did Tony hire him? Judging off of every website she checked he wasn't signed to AEW. Where did he get such an attitude? Probably from growing up in New York, like Sara, only worse. Why would he even dare to piss off Kirby? He hopefully didn't realise she was standing in his way when he pushed past her. How did he have the balls to do such a thing? He's friends with Moxley, of course he would have the balls to do something like that.
She barely notices the hours pass as she continues her workout, that was until Damian and Tony came to check on her and ask about the incident. She put little thought into the words, giving her 'boss' and her actual boss a general spiel of answers that would calm them and get them to leave her to her workout.
It reached '13:00' before Kirby's stomach made her aware of how hungry the hours of working up both a sweat and an appetite made her, she took five minutes to shower and change into casual clothes (the outfit from earlier) ahead of quickly heading to her hotel room to grab her laptop and wallet and then finding a small café that would allow her to write several emails to her family back home, replying to her kin's worries.
"I... Mox said I should apologise for pissing you off earlier." The Bronx accent from earlier mutters.
"Apology is not required. I'm busy." Kirby grumbles, not looking up from her screen.
"Then..." 'Eddie' stalls for a moment, "... lemme buy you lunch to say sorry and to avoid me gaining an enemy."
"Sure, you can sit with me too, just don't annoy me further, Mister...?"
"Eddie. Kingston. You don't have to bother with any formalities or fancy words."
"Alright then, Eddie, no gimmicks as we're in public, right?"
"I'm Eddie Moore. Friends call me Eddie, Ma calls me Edward and enemies call me Asshole." He smiles softly.
Kirby smiles gently in return as she finally takes in Eddie's features, not too perfect, but not too rough either. A Yankees cap, which Eddie swiftly turns backwards, revealing his buzzed black hair beneath it. Two seemingly perfect eyebrows and green eyes... bright green eyes, rare on anyone, but a noticeable difference from people she's met before. A slightly crooked, but rather cute nose for a wrestler. Then the scruffy beard and thin lips. If looks could kill, he'd be far worse than any Voorhees, Sawyer or Krueger. She shakes the thoughts from her mind as she checks back into the conversation.
"So, what's ya name? I heard ya friend call ya 'Kirby'."
"I'm Kirby Rhydderch, or to the audience, Kirby Lucifarian."
"Rid..." Eddie struggles in an attempt to pronounce her surname before giving up, "where ya from?"
"Llanfaethlu, Anglesey... Wales."
"Oh, you're that Welsh girl that Mox was talking about, the female Andre."
"He calls me that?" She asks, partially inclined to end the conversation there and go talk to Moxley about his words.
"Better female Andre than female Doink, right?" He jokes as he sits opposite her.
Kirby chuckles softly, shaking her head slightly before looking up at Eddie, "Can I get you a coffee or something?"
"Nah, I'm buying, whatever you want."
"Whatever I want, huh, okay then... a cappuccino and a hot chocolate, both large and in to-go cups and a blueberry muffin if there's any left, please."
Eddie leaves for a few minutes, giving Kirby a perfect chance to give him a mental dressing down. He's rugged, no he's rough. He's a tough guy, no shit Sherlock he's a wrestler. He smokes he would fit in back home, as if a guy like him would want to visit Wales let alone the Rhydderch clan. He must be at least in his 30s, no his beard's greying either he's so stressed his beard's gone grey or he's like 50. A guy like him has to be married, according to what Mox has said in the past he doesn't even have a girlfriend or kids. He's kinda hot to be honest, WOW Kirby first we think that actors like Luis Guzmán, John Goodman and Dan Aykroyd are cute and now this dude, plus he's got a Bronx accent, as if our childhood crush on Raphael needed further help coming to light. He then returns with both drinks but no food.
"No luck on the food, sorry."
"Well, beggars can't be choosers or so they say." Kirby shrugs, her mind still mid-argument with itself.
Eddie passes her both drinks before looking at her laptop, almost studying it, "That's a lot of stickers."
"I collect them, I travel a lot because as you know wrestling takes you to a lot of places and I need this for work and private stuff so it comes with me and thus it's gained... personality, for lack of a better explanation."
"Gotcha, it's got a life of it's own, so you add stickers to make it look like it." Eddie nods and smiles softly.
Eli's Vlog P.O.V:
Over at the hotel, Eli, Sara and Honey are playing video games and answering questions on a livestream while recording the livestream to keep as an archive.
"Excellent question, mon ami [my friend], 'Where are the other girls?' from someone who I didn't catch the name of."
"Vi is in her hotel room, talking with her husband. Billie is probably trying to pick up a potential date somewhere. Geia is meeting with two of her step-kids for lunch, I can't remember which ones... and Kirby. Well, Kirby's a ghost in giant form, nobody knows where she is ever, except for Kirby." Honey explains.
"This will probably be in this week's vlog, but Kirby and one of Moxley's friends had quite the first meeting."
"Yeah, the jerk barged past her and Kirby's gonna have to censor herself and the dude for the vlog." Sara scoffs.
Eli nods in agreement before going back to reading the comments as Sara and Honey continue to play Mortal Kombat together.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 22 - Just One of Dem Days (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here Chapter 19: here Chapter 20: here Chapter 21: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as ‘Mature / sexual content’ just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it’s Kirby’s inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it’s either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia’s text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men’s dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby's uncle Bran spends the night sleeping on the couch, waking up at 10 am, on Saturday the 3rd of September, to the smell of Kirby cooking breakfast.
“Good lord kid, ya oul dear taught ya well.” He yawns, scratching his stubble as he gets up, joining Kirby in the kitchen.
“You still take ya coffee with milk and two sugars, Uncail [Uncle]?” She smiles softly at him, looking up from the pan of bacon and eggs.
“Indeed I do, have ya been cryin’ banphrionsa [princess]?”
“Dhúisigh mé ó nightmare, Tá Eddie fós ina chodladh agus ní raibh mé ag iarraidh é a dhúiseacht. Mar sin, tá [I woke up from a nightmare, Eddie is still asleep and I didn't want to wake him. So, yes].” Kirby nods, her uncle pulls her into a gentle hug, stroking her hair.
“Ya Aintín [Aunt] will be here soon, as will ya col ceathracha [cousins]. Ceart go leor [okay]?”
“Aye [yes].” She whispers, leaving her uncle to finish making breakfast, when she gets a text from her cousin Branwen, Bran’s only daughter.
Kirby goes to the front door, seeing the taxi pull up with her Aunt Meinir and her cousins Mostyn, Darach and Branwen stepping out.
“Don’t panic,” Darach jokes, “We haven’t brought the kids to tire out Aintín fathach [Giant aunt].”
Darach, forever the jokester, married to a lovely German lass.
“Nor have we brought the wives, or Branwen’s hubbie.” Mostyn adds.
Mostyn, Moss, the brawn of the trio. His wife’s a beautiful Native Canadian lady.
“I’ll help you wit’ the twins, banphrionsa dragon [dragon princess].” Branwen smiles softly.
Branwen, the brains, now a McCormick, her husband a half-French half-Irish gent with a mean right hook.
“Get yer butts in there before the house gets cold.” Meinir, Bran’s Wife, scolds her three kids, hugging Kirby gently when she enters the house.
If ever a tornado was named something Welsh, it would be named after her. As her name would suggest via its meaning, she’s tall, slender and beautiful, even at 69.
“Before you ask, this place is rented, and the twins are asleep in the nursery, don’t wake my sons nor my husband. Ed’s a grump in the mornings, and I don’t need the New Yorker being a grump, right now.” Kirby explains, leading the tiny percentage of her family to the kitchen first.
She takes over making breakfast from her Uncle Bran, quickly serving the group up a hearty breakfast, bacon, eggs, toast, beans, all the things her and her family are used to. She even remembers how the group takes their coffee and tea. Bran, coffee, two sugars and a dash of milk. Meinir, tea, black as she cannot have milk. Moss, coffee, one sugar, no milk, strong and sweet. Darach, tea, milky and with two sugars. Branwen, water, not a fan of tea or coffee.
“Holy fuck!” Eddie yelps, nearly falling on his ass when he sees Kirby’s cousins.
“Oh, we should have sat down, Moss.” Darach murmurs as he sips his tea.
“Ya think? I know I’m tall, but you two are tall and broad.” Kirby shakes her head, kissing Eddie’s forehead.
Moss, 6’5”, and Darach, 6’3”, look down at the floor in shame. Their 5’4” sister chuckles as she looks at them.
“And these guys are?” Eddie asks, using Kirby as a shield, having not gotten dressed yet and still in just his rosaries, boxers and a tank-top.
“Ooh, Dara, Kirby married a real New Yorker, maybe a Catholic too?” Moss whispers.
“Eddie, you met my Uncle Bran last night, this is his wife, Meinir, and his kids, my cousins, Mostyn, Darach and Branwen. Consider yourself lucky that they didn’t bring their spouses, or kids, this place would be nearly full.”
“How many kids do you have?” Eddie asks them, a look of total confusion on his face.
“Me and Gen have six, our eldest is eighteen, youngest is three.” Mostyn answers first.
Darach follows his lead, “Myself and Gertie have five, our eldest is fifteen, youngest is also three.”
Branwen is the last to answer, “Me and My hubbie, Faron, have four, Taliesin, Samuel, Rainbow and Quintella.”
“Ooh, Moss, has Eadberht said anything about proposing to his girlfriend yet?” Kirby asks.
“Oh no, he hasn’t said anything about proposing to Nerida, I think he’s a bit scared.”
“Aww, I was looking forward to annoying him about that.”
“Don’t worry, Ker, ya still the baby of the family.” Darach chuckles.
Eddie watches, stunned into silence, as Kirby and her cousins talk back and forth in Irish and Welsh, mentioning name after name, the occasional English word being spoken.
“Eddie, you a’ight?” Kirby asks, gently wrapping her arms around his neck.
He wraps his arms around her waist instinctively, “I have no idea, what any of, what you said for the past ten minutes means.”
“Luckily for you, none of it was important. Me and Branwen are gonna feed the twins, okay?”
“A’ight, Ma, I love ya.” Eddie whispers, kissing her gently before letting her go.
From the nursery, Kirby and Branwen can hear Bran, Moss and Dara questioning Eddie.
“So, what are the kids' names?” Moss asks.
“Emir and Ethan.” Eddie answers confidently.
“No, no,” Dara chuckles, “their full names.”
“Oh fuck,” Eddie’s confidence drops, “Emyr Fah-lawn Peri-der Ariel Moore and Ethan Lore-can Gwin Joel Moore.”
“Pretty decent for a non-Irish speaking ‘Irishman’.” Bran announces his approval, making both of Kirby’s male cousins shut up.
“Kirby,” Branwen whispers, “Say their full names, go.”
Kirby chuckles softly, shaking her head before pronouncing her boys names perfectly, “Emyr Faolán Peredur Ariel Moore and Ethan Lorcán Gwin Joel Moore. There, Branwen, ya happy?”
She nods and chuckles softly as she finishes feeding Emyr, handing him to Kirby. Kirby carries both boys into the kitchen with her. Kirby smirks and shakes her head as she watches Eddie wrestle with his belt.
“Babe, help.” Eddie mouths when he sees her.
Kirby hands the twins to their father and fixes his belt buckle, “How the fuck did you bend the metal of this?”
When Eddie doesn’t answer she looks up at his face, his line of sight directly going to her rear.
“Edward.” She grumbles.
Moss and Dara chuckle softly.
“Sorry, Ma, what?” Eddie’s face goes pink from embarrassment.
“How did you bend the metal of the belt buckle?”
“I don’t know, fuckin’ wit’ it too much?” He shrugs.
“‘Fuckin’ wit’ it too much’?” She mockingly asks, teasing her husband.
“Fucked wit’ you too much, got these two as a result.” He teases back, sticking his tongue out at his wife.
Kirby copies his actions, “Doughboy.” she whispers.
“Doll.” Eddie murmurs.
“Wild Card.”
“Punk Rock Princess.”
“Bite me.” She smirks.
“Did ya take ya anxiety meds, and ya iron supplements?”
“Yes, as soon as I woke up.”
“You got any more family showin’ up?”
“Ya might wanna pray, ‘cause I don’t know.” Kirby whispers.
“Take one of the Princes then.”
Kirby takes Ethan from his father, letting Eddie use his rosaries to say a small prayer.
“Hey little guy,” Kirby starts baby-talking to her son when he opens his eyes, his blue eyes staring up at her own, “How’s my little dude doing? Huh, baby boy, how is you doing my love?”
“You’re so cute, Ma.” Eddie murmurs, making Kirby blush a bright pink.
“Sorry, I got a bit lost in my thoughts.”
“I wish I got that on video, I would have watched it over and over.”
“He looked at me, you know I gotta talk to him if he looks at me.”
“I know,” Eddie wraps his free arm around her waist, “I love you, Kirby.”
“I love you too, Eddie… my Edward, my King of Diamonds.”
“My Kirby, my Dragon Princess.” He smirks.
“Did you like last night?” She asks softly.
“If Jon and Renee weren’t there, it would have been perfect.”
“It’s the closest thing to actually being in either a nightclub, or strip club with me.”
“I know, it’s also much more private and personal.” He whispers, kissing her jawline and the scar on her cheek.
“What’s gotten you so affectionate this morning?”
“I guess it’s just one of them days.” He winks.
“Did you go through my music?”
“Yep. You left your ‘Moody’ playlist up.”
“Don’t blame that on me, blame it on Spotify.” She murmurs, sipping her can of decaf coffee.
Eddie grabs a can of Red Bull, and they both head to sit on the couch next to each other. Moss turns the tv on, flicking through the channels until he gets to the sport, putting on a game of Rugby, Ulster v Dragons.
“Why don’t you put on some wrestlin’?” Eddie asks.
“Because,” Kirby sips her coffee, “As a family who runs a wrestling promotion, if we want to watch wrestling, we will watch something from our archives.” She explains.
“How far do the archives go back?”
“Oh jeez… Uncail, how far do our archives go back, with the tapes?”
Kirby’s Uncle Bran steps back inside, holding his cigarette outside of the patio doors, “Our taped archives?”
“Yeah, not the written stuff but the filmed stuff.” Kirby nods.
“I would think back to when Naoise started wrestling, so nineteen-sixty, maybe nineteen-fifty-nine? I would have to check. But it’s somewhere around then.”
“Oh wow,” Eddie mumbles, “That’s a lot of footage.”
“Yeah, most of it’s been digitised now too, so we’ll be able to go back, and use the footage to teach generations ahead.” Bran explains before stepping outside to finish his cigarette.
“Hey Da, can I bum a smoke off ya?” Dara asks as he steps outside.
“Take one of ya sister’s.” Bran grumbles.
“Here, and don’t tell my husband, he thinks I’ve switched to the robot.” Branwen chuckles softly.
“Switched to the robot?” Eddie asks Kirby softly.
“Switched to an electronic cigarette or vape. It’s something that my Uncle Rhod came up with.” She murmurs, engrossed in the rugby game.
“Sweetheart.” Eddie puts his hand on her thigh, getting her attention off the tv.
“Yes, Eddie?”
“You gonna explain what’s goin’ on?”
“With what?”
Eddie gestures towards the tv, “I don’t watch this stuff, you know me, Knicks, Yankees, that kinda stuff I watch.”
“Oh,” She smiles softly, leaning back and keeping Ethan close to her chest, “So you have Ulster, northern Irish, and The Dragons, a Welsh team. Currently The Dragons, the team Moss and Dara will want to win, are beating the asses of Ulster. You know how you have leagues and stuff?”
“Yeah, this works the same?”
“Yep. U.R.C, United Rugby Championship, if The Dragons win, they go on to face Edinburgh or The Sharks, depending on who wins that game.”
“Okay, and who are the Sharks?”
“They’re a South African team.”
“And why don’t you guys support Ulster?”
“Divorce him.” Moss grumbles.
“He’s askin’ why we don’t support Ulster, Moss, nothin’ more.”
“We don’t support ‘em, ‘cause they fuck the British willingly.” Mostyn scoffs
“Jesus, Moss. Right, long story short, we don’t support Ulster ‘cause they’re northern Irish, our ancestry comes from the republic.”
“Oh…” The weight of Moss’ statement dawns on Eddie, “So if I were to support Ulster, your family would hate me?”
“Don’t even mention them by name.” She whispers.
Eddie nods, putting a finger to his lips, indicating that he’ll stay silent. Instead Eddie focuses on Emyr, both him and Kirby watching as his son, Emyr, yawns and opens his eyes. Green eyes meeting green eyes. Son staring up at his father, reaching for his face, or rather the blur that takes up most of Emyr’s vision. Eddie in his ‘I hope you suffer’ tank top and a pair of jeans, timbs on but unlaced, rosaries hidden between his white and black tank-tops. Emyr in a small ‘kiss me I’m Irish’ onesie, a gift from his maternal grandmother, Kirby’s Mam, Oda.
“I hope one day, you’ll grow up to find a woman, or hell, a man, who is as amazing as ya mother, Emyr.” Kingston whispers, kissing his eldest son on the  head.
“Kingy, that has gotta be one of the sweetest things you’ve ever said.” Kirby whispers, receiving a gentle kiss on her cheek scar.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 21 - Atomic Dog (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here Chapter 19: here Chapter 20: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as ‘Mature / sexual content’ just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it’s Kirby’s inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it’s either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia’s text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men’s dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby smiles softly at Renee before she starts to sing again, closing her eyes and focusing on the song, “I don’t want clever conversation, I never want to work that hard. I just want someone that I can talk to, I want you just the way you are.”
Eddie wipes a tear from Kirby’s cheek, she can only tell it’s him due to the way his hands feel against her skin, rough yet gentle.
“I need to know that you will always be, the same old someone that I knew. Oh, but what will it take ‘till you believe in me, the way that I believe in you?”
Eddie’s grip on her waist tightens a little, Kirby opens her eyes for a moment, getting a look at her twin sons actively listening to her before she closes her eyes again.
“I said I love you, that’s forever, and this I promise from the heart. I couldn’t love you any better, I love you just the way you are.”
Eddie wraps both arms around her tightly and kisses her deeply, when Kirby instinctively goes to cup his face in her hands his skin is slightly wet. The song got to him probably just as much as it got to me.
“You’re okay, Papi.” She whispers, kissing his forehead.
“There is so much I wanna tell you, but I don’t have the words.” He whispers.
“You don’t need words, just actions.”
Eddie nods, making the trip around the mall a relatively quick one, driving the group back to the AirBnB and searching through the rented home for something.
“Pá, what are ya doin’?” Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion, watching as he goes through the house..
“Seein’ how to set up their sound system so we can play our own music.” Eddie shrugs.
Renee, places Nora in the cot with the twins, standing side-by-side with Kirby as she watches Eddie play with the electronics.
“If you electrocute yourself, I’m not taking you to the hospital.” Mox smirks and shakes his head, happily taking a beer from Marciano and sitting on the couch beside him.
“Shut up.” Eddie grumbles, stepping back and checking the volume of the speakers, not too loud but also not too quiet, “Ma, play whatever music you listen to.”
“You sure?” She murmurs, grabbing her phone.
“Yea, go for it.” He nods.
Kirby connects her phone to the speakers and plays her ‘80s Mix’, the first song, Billy Joel’s ‘Sometimes a Fantasy’, she murmurs the words under her breath, going to get the shopping, Eddie stops her making her sit on his lap. The second song, ‘Weird Science’ by Oingo Boingo’.
“This is just you in song form,” Marciano jokes, “weird, but a scientific fact that people such as yourself exist, Kirby.”
Kirby shakes her head softly as the music changes again, ‘You Give Love A Bad Name’ by Bon Jovi, Eddie pulls her into a rough kiss when he realises what song it is. The boys are taken off guard by the next song, ‘Atomic Dog’ by George Clinton, Kirby turns the sound up slightly and gets up to better enjoy the music.
Kirby closes the curtains and blinds in the room, turning up the dimmer on the main light, just enough, to replicate a nightclub. Luckily for her and Renee the crib is in a separate room, so the kids won’t get in the way of anything spicy. Renee grabs a bag from the trunk of the car, a bag she and Kirby obtained the previous night, special order from Billie, enough lube and condoms to last a month, maybe two. Renee looks at Kirby and they head off to get changed very quickly.
“Well, I’ll be seein’ ya boys.” Marciano says his goodbyes and leaves.
Kirby and Renee return to the room after Jack leaves, both Moxley and Kingston’s jaws drop, Renee in a short black dress, Kirby in a bright orange two-piece set, an off-shoulder sweater top and skirt, both buttoned up.
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“'Nothin’ but the dog in ya’.” Kirby sings along.
It takes Eddie hearing the line ‘why must I chase the cat’ to make him stand up and dance with Kirby. He stands up and she turns her back to him, he pulls her towards him by her hips, grinding his groin against her ass and vibing with his wife.
Kirby catches a glimpse of Renee and Moxley, making out on the couch as Moxley looks through the bag of sin.
“Eddie, catch.” Mox chuckles, throwing a box of condoms to Eddie.
“Oh, what else is in there?” Eddie asks, leaving Kirby to look through the bag.
He takes her hand after getting a small collection of items, Kirby switches the playlist, the next song being ‘Too Close’ by Next. Eddie raises an eyebrow as he listens to the music, pulling Kirby onto his lap to let her grind on top of his lap, he goes through the items he has, Oh Jesus, Eddie, I am not using that.
Kirby’s eyes widen as Eddie lets out a low chuckle, he picks up the vibrator, testing out the batteries and looking from the device to Kirby’s skirt, he slides it up and smirks when he sees the lack of underwear, turning the vibrator on to its highest setting and touching it to Kirby’s clit, making her gasp and her hips buck forward.
Kirby grabs Eddie’s wrist and shakes her head as the next song starts playing, ‘Freak Like Me’ by Adina Howard, Eddie seems to get the message when Kirby unbuttons her shirt, no bra underneath to hide her chest. Eddie rushes to undo his jeans, getting his already hardening cock out of his pants, about to forgo a condom and slide into her. Once again Kirby shakes her head, hearing Renee and Mox’s sounds of pleasure from the opposite couch, she takes a condom and slowly slides it onto Eddie’s dick before he takes over.
“I need a roughneck,” Kirby censors herself, “that can satisfy me.” She purrs in Eddie’s ear.
Eddie starts pumping into her, grunting and groaning loudly, making Kirby seem silent in comparison… until he smacks her ass and makes her moan loudly, sending her hips jolting into his. Kirby goes to get up, her mind certain that one of the twins has started crying.
“Ma, whatcha doin’?” Eddie whispers.
“I thought one of the boys started cryin’.” She murmurs.
“No, neither of them did, ya a’ight, stay.”
“But I was certain, Ed-” Kirby gets cut off by Eddie kissing her softly.
“Your mind’s playing tricks on you, like those times you get nightmares. The boys aren’t cryin’, you’re a’ight.”
Kirby snuggles up to her husband, letting him rock her body the way only he knows how, making them both cum at the same time. He carries her to the shower. Jon and Renee soon leave, taking Nora with them.
Kirby attempts to sleep a couple times, it’s fitful and ultimately futile. She looks over at Kingston, peaceful and far gone, the rise and fall of his chest rhythmic and calm. Her heart races in her chest, making her nauseous from anxiety and worry.
“Doll?” Eddie checks on her, his voice raspy and tone hushed, his tanned hand finding her pale wrist, taking her right hand in his left.
“You should go back to sleep.” Kirby whispers, not even looking at him.
“Me, what about you? Doll, you need sleep, you’re a mother now… it’s Damien, isn’t it?”
Kirby’s brain refuses to let her answer.
“Yes, it is Damien,” Eddie chuckles softly, “Ya do realise, not answerin’ me, is the clearest answer ya give me?” He wraps his arms around her waist from behind, kissing the back of her neck and down her spine softly.
“I don’t want him having control over me anymore.” Her emotions betray her attempts to stay calm, her voice wavers as silent tears stream down her face.
Eddie pulls her towards him, keeping a tight grip on her, like she would disappear if he let go. Kirby shifts her position to face him, burying her face in his neck, her body shaking as she sobs.
“I’m not losing you, not again.” Eddie growls protectively.
“Eddie, you won’t lose me, I’m not afraid for me.”
“Then who… no, no, he’s not gettin’ anywhere near our sons, not now, not ever.”
Kirby pulls away slightly, looking into Eddie’s eyes, an unspoken promise that they’ll protect their family, no matter the cost or consequences.
“Our boys, our sons… our little princes, will be perfectly fine, happy and healthy, as long as we stay vigilant with protecting them, after all, you know what Damien’s done to me.” She whispers, clinging to the rosaries around his neck.
“Vigilant, Doll?” Eddie raises an eyebrow.
“Keep careful watch, observant of dangers.” She murmurs, getting a nod of recognition from her husband.
Eddie’s grip tightens on her when the doorbell rings, cursing under his breath when the boys wake up crying.
“You go see who’s at the door, I’ll calm the boys.”
Eddie nods, kissing Kirby deeply. She slaps his hand away when he goes to touch her, still nude, crotch. Both of them get up, Kirby going to look after her sons, Eddie going to check who’s at the door at midnight.
“Oh, mo pháistí [my children], you two look as handsome as your oul fella.” Kirby whispers, kissing both of her sons on the forehead. She sings softly to them as she listens for any trouble with Eddie.
“Kirby!” A voice yells from the front door.
Eddie… no, not Eddie’s voice, too similar to my own in accent. Da? No, he would’ve called in advance. Oh God, which one of my uncles has decided to show up.
She grabs a nightgown from the bedroom and walks to the front door, shaking her head when she sees Eddie body-blocking the doorway into the house.
“Edward, let me see who it is.” She requests, her voice calm as she approaches her husband.
“Some dark skinned motherfucka, probably one of that asshole Mike’s friends.” He snarls, his demeanour softening when he looks at his wife.
“Some dark skinned motherfucka also perfectly describes half my family.” She mumbles, moving her husband out of the way.
She takes in the figure, dark skinned and much larger than her father, not in musculature but in weight.
“Uncle Bran?” She asks, before being pulled into a tight hug.
“Oh, I missed ya lass.”
“Okay, I’m pretty sure my spine just popped.”
The man lets out a deep, hearty chuckle, stepping into the house after Kirby.
“Edward, this is my uncle Bran. Bran Maitiú Uther Rónán Rhydderch, this is my husband Edward Moore.”
“God, you’re so much like your father, travel to a different land and come back married, why don’t ya, lass.” Bran shakes his head softly, pulling his niece into a gentle hug.
“You’re her uncle?” Eddie raises an eyebrow, fascinated by the differences between Kirby and one of her uncles, “But you’re… and she’s… you’re not black?”
“No, just very well tanned.” Bran shrugs.
“You’re darker than me, and I’m half Puerto Rican.” Eddie’s jaw drops slightly.
“Oh, you did marry a Latino, I thought Rhod was joking.”
“Half Latino, Half Celtic. Eddie’s half Irish-American and from New York. Oh, and the less said about the way Uncle Rhod and Uncle Del joke, the better. How’s the family?”
“Your seanmháthair [grandmother] is now a hundred-and-two. The boys are looking to fly out to visit you, so expect him,” Bran gestures to Eddie, “to be surprised again by how the family looks… and all’s well fer now.” He scratches his stubble as he thinks.
Kirby walks up to Eddie, closing his mouth for him and kissing his forehead, “reality is stranger than fiction, yes he is my uncle, yes he is blood related to me, no he is not black.” she whispers, kissing his temple and wrapping her arms around his waist, placing her left hand over his heart, calming her husband.
“Your grandma, I assume, is over a hundred years old?” Eddie whispers, watching as Bran goes to see the twins.
“Yeah, she claims it’s Guinness that’s kept her alive so long.” Kirby chuckles softly as she snuggles up to her husband, feeling him stroke her hair.
“And your Uncle Bran…”
“Tanned, not half black or Latino, just a man who tans easily. He is the darkest out of my uncles, though my uncle Sean gives him a run for his money at times.”
“Sean?” Eddie raises an eyebrow.
“Uinseann, most people shorten it to Sean.”
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E: Part 20 - Mulder and Scully (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here Chapter 19: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
"Every time you kiss me, I feel like I'm in heaven." Kirby mumbles, blushing a gentle shade of pink.
"I was gonna go get some beer, you wanna come wit' me?" Eddie smirks, sliding one hand up her shirt and the other down her pants.
"I was gonna stay here and introduce Jack to the boys, you know, let him spend time with them."
Eddie nods, his eyes flickering from her lips to her breasts, before focusing on the crotch of her yoga pants, "Ma?"
"Yes, Eddie?"
"Do these pants rip easily?"
"Eddie, don't you dare, do that and I'm making you buy me a new pair for every pair you've ripped."
"What's that count up to currently, ten, I'm gonna make it eleven." Eddie grins devilishly, sitting sideways in the driver's seat and pulling Kirby onto his lap.
Kirby glares at Eddie, "Don't you fuckin' dare."
Eddie smirks and tears the crotch of her yoga pants open, "Look at this grumpy face ya got, babe, I think I need to give you some satisfaction."
He moves her boxer shorts out of the way, sliding his jeans and boxers down far enough to let his dick spring up beneath her, grazing over her folds before resting against his stomach. He checks the glove box and curses under his breath.
"What? No condoms Kingston? Good, good… I'm gonna go get changed now, so me and Renee can go shopping with the twins and Nora." Kirby sorts herself out and walks back into the house.
"Ma, come back here, Mami… fuck." Eddie pulls up his boxers and jeans before rushing after Kirby.
"No, 'cause now ya jus' bein' a horndog. Get the fuck outta here." She snaps as she walks to the bedroom.
"Ma, if you don't come back here, I'm gon' pick ya up, and then we'll see who the real boss of the house is." Eddie snarls as he follows her.
Eddie slams the door behind himself when he reaches the bedroom, pushing Kirby up against the wall and kissing her roughly.
"Edward," She grumbles, "did you have ta slam the door?" She whispers against his lips.
"If the twins start cryin', I'm sorry, I wanted to make it more believable that we were arguin', instead of just flirtin' and gettin' each other goin'." He slides his hands up to her breasts, tracing the lace of her bra with his fingers.
"I must also apologise, my handsome brute, because me and Renee are actually goin' shoppin' with the kids."
"Ah fuck, Doll." Eddie whines.
"I'm sorry, Mr Loverman, but I promised her we would."
"A'ight, I'll take my kisses and hug before ya go." He grumbles, pouting.
Kirby kisses him gently, wrapping her arms around his waist, her blue eyes meeting his bright green ones before fluttering closed. Eddie whines when she pulls away, clinging to her shirt for a second longer than his usual.
"Eddie, you a'ight, Papi?"
"Can I…" Eddie looks away from her face, "can I come wit' ya?" He asks, his voice barely loud enough to hear.
"Oh Eddie, of course you can, oh my love." She whispers, pressing Eddie's head against her chest.
He hums happily, snuggling his face into her breasts.
"Do not motorboat me." She warns.
"Fine." He grunts, pulling his face away from her chest.
"We're walkin' to the mall, so, I'm dousing myself in sunblock."
Eddie chuckles softly, "I'll go get the boys ready, I love ya."
"Yea, Ma?"
"Tonight, I am all yours." She purrs.
Eddie smirks and winks at her before leaving. Kirby gets changed into a pair of black ripped tights, a black sweater, faux leather boots and a cross necklace.
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She leaves the bedroom after putting on the Yankees cap Eddie bought her.
"Emyr, Ethan, look at ya mother, ain't she the prettiest woman in the world?" Eddie grins proudly.
"Don't tell me you faked an argument." Marciano groans.
"Jack, you know me, you know I play up around people I trust." Kirby smirks as she gets the pram.
"Only person I know who is capable of acting and incapable of understanding emotions."
"I know, the autistic chick on commentary leads to complaints… I know Eddie's comin' with us, but what about you and Moxie?"
"We might as well, ya know." Marciano shrugs, pulling Kirby into a side hug and kissing her cheek.
"Don't you flirt with my wife." Eddie grumbles as he places the twins in their pram.
Emyr on the left hand side, Ethan on the right, the only thing between them is a small orange and black blanket. Emyr, the older twin, rolls to face his younger brother.
"Have you heard half the things we've said to each other while on commentary?"
"Yeah, and now you're married to my former tag partner." Marciano chuckles.
Eddie holds onto Kirby's hand as they walk to the mall, keeping himself between her and the road. It takes ten minutes for the group to reach the mall. Kirby and Renee go inside with the kids and Eddie immediately video calls his wife.
Eddie, Jon and Jack are outside. Eddie winks and sticks his tongue out at her as soon as Kirby picks up, lighting up a cigarette as Kirby shakes her head.
"What do ya want, Doughboy?" She chuckles softly.
"I wanna see my sexy ass wifey… miss those pretty eyes of yours." He shrugs.
"If you finish that cigarette, you can do more than just look at me." She smirks.
"I would love to kiss my sexy gothic wife, but ya know me, Ma, I gotta smoke at least one a day."
"Yea… I know." She murmurs, feeling someone staring at her.
"Everything a'ight, Ma?" Eddie raises an eyebrow, a look of concern in his eyes.
"Yeah, probably just anxiety or somethin'. I'm gonna put the phone in the pram so I can focus on which stores me and Renee go in."
"Love ya, Princess."
Kirby blows a kiss to him through the screen, "handsome brute."
Kirby switches the call back to audio only, as does Eddie, she then places the phone between her sons in the pram. Kirby and Renee walk side by side for about a minute, talking back and forth, entering stores and looking through items for themselves and the kids. The feeling that she's being watched returns when Renee leaves for a moment.
"Hey beautiful," a white guy walks up to Kirby, slightly tanned skin with brown hair, blue eyes and a necklace with dog tags which catches Kirby's gaze, "Do you have a name or can I call you mine?"
Kirby rolls her eyes, but the man seems not to notice her wedding ring, or the disinterested attitude she's giving him. I'm fairly certain if Eddie heard that, he's on his way now, fuming with intent to give this guy a New York style ass whoopin'.
"Do your sons have a father figure, or can I be your baby daddy?" The man attempts to flirt again.
Kirby notices a group of men, who look a similar age to the guy talking to her, smirking and giggling to themselves. Admittedly, I am slouched and I have a face mask on, perhaps he doesn't realise my height, musculature or the scars, or perhaps he doesn't care. She stays silent, letting the man try line after line as she mentally compares him to Eddie.
Look, Mr Smooth Operator, I have a husband, a very sexy husband at that. Your boring blue eyes could never match up to his stunning green ones, like emerald jewels which glow when he’s happy and dim when he’s upset or angry. Your coiffed Lord Farquaad looking haircut is bottom of the barrel trash compared to the perfectly kept tough-guy appeal of my darling’s shaved jet black hair, nor the slowly greying maturity of his beard, like a barrel of Scotch he has aged perfectly. You think that tan and that confidence makes women fall at your feet, oh you poor little baby, you have no fuckin’ clue what a real man looks like, the kind of man who makes a woman like me feel like a goddess when he touches my body. You can never match up to a man like Eddie Kingston… you will never be my Eddie, my American Idiot, my Soldier of New York. He is street-wise to my book-smart, he is loud and outgoing where I am withdrawn and quiet, but he loves me for me and I love him for him, flaws and all. So no, you cannot replace Emyr and Ethan’s Pá, nor will you ever replace my Edward.
The man goes to touch Kirby's hip, receiving a punch to the jaw for his efforts. He gets sent sprawling to the floor right as Eddie reaches the store, chuckling as he walks up to Kirby's side.
"Holy shit, Mami." Eddie pulls Kirby into a tight hug and kisses her deeply, "If I hadn't already married you, seein' that would've sealed the deal."
"Married? To this chump?" The man sputters out as he gets up.
"Chump? Ef yw'r dyn mwyaf golygus i mi erioed gael y pleser o wylio. Mae'n garedig ac yn sylwgar mewn ffordd na fydd fuckboy fel chi byth. [He is the most handsome man I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. He is kind and attentive in a way a fuckboy like you will never be.]" Kirby snarls, backing the man against a wall of the store; she only backs off when Eddie pulls her away.
The young man runs off, his friends already gone.
"Did you call him a fuckboy?" Eddie smirks.
"Yes, but that word does not translate, it remains fuckboy." She shrugs.
"What else did you tell him?"
"That you, my love, are the most handsome man I've ever seen, that you are kind attentive, and that he could never be you."
"Did you hear half the shit he said to you?" Eddie asks as he starts pushing the pram.
"Nope, I tuned him out and thought about you."
"About all the nasty shit I'm gonna do to you later?" He smirks.
"Nope, I was yelling at him mentally that he will never stack up to you, especially with that Lord Farquaad ass haircut."
Eddie lets out a breathless chuckle, wheezing and putting his head in his hands, "Lord Farquaad ass?" He repeats, wheezing as he catches his breath.
"What, the motherfucka looked like Lord Farquaad with that haircut." Kirby shrugs, smiling when Eddie looks at her.
"Ma, I love the way ya mind works." He grins.
Eddie pulls Kirby into a gentle kiss, keeping one hand on the pram and wrapping the opposite arm around her waist. Tough guy… my Eddie… my rugged Prince Charming, the sceptical Scully to my inquisitive Mulder, he still runs to protect myself… How shall I reward thee Kingy?
"Whatcha thinkin' about babe?" He whispers when she doesn't immediately open her eyes after the kiss.
"How you still ran to protect me, and the way in which I should reward you."
"You wanna know how you can reward me? Stay wit' me, don't ever change to try and please me, or anyone else, you've never let me down."
"Billy Joel, Kingy? 'Don't go changing to try and please me, you never let me down before. Don't imaging you're too familiar, and I don't see you anymore'." She kisses his temple and wraps an arm around the back of his waist.
"Any other good lines from that song, Doll?" He asks as they look around the store together.
"I would not leave you in times of trouble, we could have never come this far," She sings softly, "I took the good times, I'll take the bad times, I'll take you just the way you are."
Eddie rolls the pram back and forth, making Kirby notice that the twins are watching her. Emyr and Ethan both listen to the sound of their mother’s voice, the same voice they’ve heard since they first developed the ability to hear in utero.
“Keep singing, Mama, I think they like it.” Eddie whispers.
“Don’t go trying some new fashion, don’t change the colour of your hair. You always have my unspoken passion, although I might not seem to care.” Kirby tilts her head back as she tries to remember the lyrics.
She glimpses Eddie grinning out of the corner of her eye, he’s watching the twins and grinning. She looks at the twins, both awake and intently looking at her. Eddie gestures for her to continue as Renee re-joins them.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E: Part 3 - Shamrocks & Shenanigans (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as ‘Mature / sexual content’ just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it’s Kirby’s inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it’s either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia’s text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men’s dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
"Nope, just me, Mam and Da."
"Any boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé?"
"That's very forward of you, Eddie."
"I just want to know if there's anyone, other than the girls and Damien, in your life."
"Nope, as far as I'm concerned, I'm by myself."
Eddie nods as he leans back, breathing out a cloud of smoke as he looks at Kirby.
"I have... had friends, back home, T.J, Mike and Yoshi. Haven't spoken to them since I left Wales, though, two years ago." She mutters.
"You have me," Eddie smiles softly before clearing his throat, "and Mox, if you need us, I'm always just a text or phone call away if you need me."
"You'll protect me?" She jokes, cocking an eyebrow as she looks at Eddie.
"Yeah. Sure on TV we're at war right now, but now I know what your 'Boss' is like, and he's an asshole by the way," Eddie grins, "I'm gonna keep you safe whether you like it or not."
"Don't be an ass, Eddie." She chuckles, struggling to keep a straight face as Eddie sticks his tongue out at her.
"you're stuck with me today, kid, so you better get used to this asshole." He winks.
"I'm stuck with you. As in Mox dropped you off so you'll be with me all day?"
"Exactly, so put up and shut up. Where's your car anyway? We can talk and drive, get you to relax around me, too."
Kirby looks over at Eddie whilst they walk to the car. He glances over at her, smiling as he takes a drag of his cigarette, finishing it before getting into the car. The moment she turns the car on her music comes on, quiet but still loud enough to hear, 'The Have Nots' by House of Pain.
"Oh man, you listen to House of Pain?"
"Yeah, why? Do you want me to turn it off?"
"Nah, how do I turn it up?" Eddie asks, messing with the buttons and dials inside of the car before Kirby can give him an answer.
After an hour of silence from Kirby, Eddie snaps slightly at the lack of conversation.
"I know you can talk, so why the fuck have you given me nothing but silence? Did I offend you somehow? What have I done?" Eddie asks, or rather, demands.
Kirby stays silent, pulling up at a new hotel, or more accurately motel, and parking.
"The fuck are we doin' here?"
"Eddie, if we stayed at the hotel we were at last night Damian would know. If we stay here, no one except us knows." She explains softly, her tone like a mother dealing with an unruly child.
"Oh... smart move," Eddie mumbles, "Well, when we get a room you gotta pretend that ya datin' me."
"Beth y uffern [What the hell]? I'm not... why the fuck would I do that?" Kirby stammers, her eyes wide and her eyebrows raised as far as they can go.
"Beth... what? Because ya have ta, or else people might get suspicious." Eddie shrugs, getting out of the car and opening Kirby's door before she even realises he's on her side of the car.
"But why?"
"But why," Eddie whines mockingly, "Let me put you in my shoes for a second, kid. Guy of my age rolls up at a shady, cheap-lookin', motel with a young, pretty lookin', gal like you, are ya gettin' the picture?"
"Oh," Kirby gasps, "I see... I am not, you know, a red light special, so to speak."
"A red light special? Like the TLC song?"
"Yeah," Kirby whispers as she walks beside Eddie, "I like 'em attentive and I like 'em in control, you know what I mean?" She chuckles softly.
Eddie shakes his head as he chuckles, getting his suitcase out of the trunk, before heading to the front desk, and getting the first available room.
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The room's small, bathed in pink light from the sunlight streaming through the, still drawn, curtains. Kirby heads to the bathroom and stops in her tracks, in front of her is a small room, barely lit from the pink lightbulb above her head, she turns around and blocks Eddie's way into the bathroom.
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"What's up with you? Need me to leave while ya piss or somethin'?" He grunts, raising an eyebrow as he takes in the bright pink of Kirby's cheeks, her scar almost managing to blend into her skin for once.
"Edward, we have a problem." She manages to squeak out.
"Problem? What sorta problem?"
Kirby moves, allowing Eddie to see the heart-shaped bathtub and the, intentional, pink lighting, he chuckles for a moment, then his brain kicks into gear and stops him mid-laugh.
"Oh fuck, there ain't a shower in there?" He asks, the grin dropping from his face.
She shakes her head, "I like some excitement and I like a man that goes." She teases as she walks over to Eddie, jokingly blowing him a kiss before taking her car keys off him, heading to grab her bags from the trunk.
"Now is not the time to quote that song!" He calls after her.
When Kirby returns, Eddie's outside on the balcony, smoking a cigarette and mumbling, what Kirby can only assume is, either rap lyrics or his thoughts to himself.
"You alright, Eddie?" She asks softly as she walks out onto the balcony next to him, "you don't have to put that out now I'm here, you know."
"You got that song stuck in my head, kid, you've got me mumblin' that shit to myself."
"I've got you mumbling Red Light Special to yourself? I guess there are worse songs to think about having sex to... not that you're thinking of having sex with me or anything. God no, why would you want to, I mean, look at me, I'm no man's first choice." Kirby rambles on quietly, her cheeks gradually getting redder as her brain screams at her to shut up.
"Hey kid, you're as pink as that bathtub," Eddie chuckles, patting her shoulder and pulling her into a side hug, "If I were thinkin' of fuckin' ya, I would at least get to know ya first."
"Don't mess with my head, Eddie." She grumbles.
"Or else you'll?" he teases.
"I'll steal your phone, call your mother and explain to her, that her son's making a young lady very uncomfortable."
"Don't you dare, my mother would destroy me with words alone, she'd take my head off with her teeth."
"Ooh, you've got a fiery mother too? Is she a red-head like mine or is she... What's the thing Billie says, Latina or Hispanic?"
"Puerto Rican, my father's Irish though."
"Fully Irish, or like half Irish half somethin' else?" She asks quietly, "My Da's half Irish, half Welsh."
"Fully Irish, I think, I'm not sure though, fairly sure he's part Hulk sometimes... and not smart Hulk, like first movie dumb Hulk."
"I get that. My Ma's half Scottish, so pissing her off is like pulling the pin on a human grenade."
"Ah, so that's where you get your fire in the ring from, you got both Irish and Scottish fire, so it's like a shotgun blast of 'Don't piss her off'."
"Sure... unless you're Damien, and have control over my career, and drag me away from my friends, just to see if working in America will work out."
"Oh really? You wanna talk about that?"
"Yeah, or at least the friends I, used to have, Mike, Ashkii, and Yoshi. Ash always had this joke that hanging out with me and Yoshi meant he was 'hanging with the video game girls'. Yoshi would always tell him he was an idiot for saying things like that." She smiles faintly.
"And what about Mike?"
"Me and Mike... we were as close as a guy and girl can be without dating. People would joke that he was Viscera's son, and I looked like Mideon's daughter, and we were gonna be the next Ministry of Darkness. I managed him for a while, tried to train him and get him to below three-hundred pounds, but nothing ever worked... in a way it was part of his charm, a guy that didn't care about impressing me with his physique, no rippling abs or striking bodybuilder poses as I walked by in the gym, just... playing Reggae music and singing along as he watched me put together that night's plan for after the show."
"Sounds like a great friend." Eddie mumbles, rubbing her back to reassure her, holding her closer when she starts to tear up.
"And then one day, Damien decided he wanted me to become 'Gluttony' and my uncles agreed, a seven-to-one vote stripped me, and my Da, of power over my career..." she takes a shaky breath in, wiping her eyes with the palms of her hands, "...I never wanted to be 'Gluttony', I thought it was horrible as a concept. Luring men who were considered 'out of shape' with the power of overindulgence in the consumable... I would never harm anyone's feelings intentionally and yet there I was, night after night, making jokes at my former best friend's expense, no wonder he kicked me out of our flat. I ended up moving back in with my parents, because I knew if I got a new place I couldn't pay the rent, I... I fucked up through no fault of my own." She whispers, her voice hoarse.
Eddie finishes his cigarette and leads Kirby inside, sitting her on the bed and holding her close, whispering small attempts at reassuring phrases to her.
"I'm sorry, you probably think I'm a wreck or something." She murmurs, only to be met with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"You're not a wreck, you're a kid, who grew up in the wrestling world and never learnt how... tough, the business could be because your dad protected you. How about, I go get us lunch in the car, you stay here and rest. I'll be back before you wake up from your nap, I promise."
"You promise you're not just leaving forever?"
Eddie takes her face in his hands, although rough, the feeling is quite gentle, "I promise on my mother's eyes" He whispers.
After Eddie leaves, Kirby undresses down to her underwear, an (unintentionally) sexy black lacy bra with a pair of TMNT boxer shorts, every one of her tattoos and scars on display for only her to see, and potentially any security cameras placed in the room.
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True to his word, Eddie returns before Kirby wakes up, setting out the Chinese food and the small table, almost intentionally like a first date, the two seats parallel to each other, he curses under his breath when he hears her let out a gentle yawn.
"I promise you it's not what it looks like!" He blurts out, his cheeks turning pink momentarily.
"It looks like a conversation set up, two chairs opposite each other, food... perhaps a pint of Guinness? Maybe a can of beer?" She shrugs, getting up before her brain catches up to her body.
"Well, it's not everyday I see a sight like that," Eddie chuckles as Kirby reaches for her discarded t-shirt, bending down and unwittingly giving Eddie the 'perfect view' of her cleavage, "If you want me let me know it." He winks.
"Did you just-"
"Quote Red Light Special, yup."
"Oh thank fuck, I thought your dick had made you go on auto-pilot to flirt with me."
"You don't have a lot of experience with men, do ya?"
"Wrestling them, yes. Socialising with them, no." She admits sheepishly.
"Well, usually a guy will tell a girl they like them, either by actually sayin' somethin' or their body will tell the girl, I think you know how that stuff works though."
"Oh trust me, I have seen plenty of jean crotches being adjusted or covered by men."
"See, jeans can hide it. Just get baggy enough jeans and the problem sorts itself out. Sweatpants, however, they give everything away." Eddie explains, sitting on the edge of the bed.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 19 - Treat Her Right (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here Chapter 18: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Eddie treats Kirby to everything she wants for the six weeks after she gives birth, date nights at every restaurant he can find Within Yonkers, massages, full days spent shopping for stuff, both things for Kirby and the twins. Slowly getting Kirby and the twins used to longer car rides. Gathering everything they need for the twins and themselves and doing the long, ten hour, drive down to Florida.
Ethan Page is the first person to greet them at the Airbnb the next morning, Friday 2nd September 2021.
"Oh hi, I'm guessing you heard the news." Kirby chuckles when she answers the door, still in just an oversized shirt, boxer shorts and her black yoga pants she slept in.
"I was told you had the babies." Page beams.
"Ethan, meet Emyr and Ethan."
Page's eyes light up, "You did not."
"yeah, we named him Ethan, I kept thinking about how long you've known Eddie, and how much you and Eddie have impacted each other's careers."
"Oh my God," Page hugs Kirby tightly, "you're so sweet."
"Don't squeeze me, Ethan, I had a bad night last night."
"Oh no, everything okay?"
"Yeah, Eddie decide that we would relax with a couple drinks… and I only had one beer I felt off. I think my body's rejecting anything bad for the twins."
"Maybe, Renee did say that you're breastfeeding." Page shrugs.
"Wifey, what's goin' on?" Eddie asks, walking up behind Kirby in just a tank top and boxers.
"I'm introducing Ethan to Ethan." She smiles softly, feeling Eddie wrap his arms around her waist.
"Emyr has my eyes, Ethan has his beautiful mother's eyes." Eddie murmurs.
"Oh, so they aren't identical… they look almost identical."
"Small differences," Kirby whispers, "but I can tell my boys apart"
"How?" Page asks quietly.
"Emyr has green eyes and faint freckles on his face and shoulders. Ethan has blue eyes, no freckles but he does have… oh, what's it called, a port-wine stain? Basically a birthmark covering his right knee and part of his right thigh."
"My sons, my adorable baby boys." Eddie kisses both of the twins' heads.
Emyr yawns and opens his eyes, bright green like Eddie's. Emyr takes more after his father, slightly more tanned skin and harsher features, seemingly only taking his mother's freckles, his hair a darker shade of blond than his brother. Eddie picks his eldest son up, letting 'All Ego' see the similarities between him and his first son.
"Wait here, Mox got us stuff, it makes the boys look a lot more like Eddie." Kirby whispers to Page, heading to grab a box from the bedroom.
She returns to the nursery with a small box, 'Emyr' is written on the top in Renee's handwriting, she opens it and places the box in the cot, taking Emyr from Eddie to change his diaper and dress him. A black and yellow baby grow, a small graphic t-shirt with Tupac on it, a faux rosary with a pacifier instead of a cross, baby-sixed timberlands and a baby-sized black, Yankees cap.
Page starts giggling when Kirby hands Emyr back to Eddie, she heads off to get the other box as 'All Ego' pulls out his phone, dressing their younger son in an almost identical outfit, the only difference is the t-shirt, a baby version of Kirby's Ice Cube shirt. Eddie holds both of his sons up and Page takes a photo.
Ethan opens his eyes when Page holds him, showing off the bright blue eyes he's inherited from his mother, his features are softer than Emyr and Eddie's, paler skin, a softer jawline, a thicker bottom lip and much 'kinder' looking brow-line. As Kirby described he has no freckles or beauty marks. His skin is more porcelain in colour than his brother's sun-kissed tone.
"So, how's it feel to meet a baby named after you?" Kirby asks as she takes baby Ethan back into her arms.
"It's amazing, he's adorable. His brother's also adorable." Page smiles softly, clearly trying not to cry.
"Eddie still needs to think of who their godfathers will be. I know that Renee will be their godmother, and Ruthie can't be because she's their grandma. If she weren't related to them though, she would for sure be a godparent. I wouldn't have gotten through the pregnancy without her."
"How are you handling being a mother? I heard someone say you were told you couldn't have kids."
"I view my boys as miracles, mainly because I was under the belief I couldn't get pregnant, let alone pregnant with twins," She chuckles when Eddie hands Emyr to her, "What're you doing, Pá [dad]?"
"Gettin' a can of Red Bull from the fridge, mama," He kisses her gently, "I love you," he runs his fingers over the scar on her cheek, "my badass beautiful wifey."
"You owe me a coffee, Jefe [boss]."
"Jefe, you callin' me 'Jefe' now, Ma?" Eddie chuckles.
"Head of the household, ain't ya, big boss, El Jefe [the boss]?"
Eddie nods, grabbing a can of Red Bull from the fridge and sitting next to page on the couch, "Well, Ma, I may be the head of the household. But you, oh brotha, you are way more powerful than me."
"Yeah, I've seen clips from C.R.C, you've lifted guys who are five-hundred pounds plus." Page adds.
"That's because it's part of my job." Kirby shrugs.
"Lifting five-hundred pound men, Ma are ya hearin' yourself? 'I's part of my job'? To lift five-hundred pound men?" Eddie raises an eyebrow at his ivory-skinned wife.
"Yes, during my time in C.R.C it was a part of my job. Eddie, during your time with C.Z.W it was your job to do death-matches." Kirby raises an eyebrow back at her tanned husband.
"She's got you there, Eddie." Page mutters.
"You stay outta this, this is between me and her." Eddie grumbles.
"Oh, did I touch a nerve, Edward? Did I touch a nerve there?" Kirby smirks.
"Cierra la boca [Shut your mouth]." Eddie growls.
"Hazme [make me]." She growls in return.
"Ven auqí [come here], Mami." Eddie gets up, going over to Kirby, lifting her chin roughly and growling as he kisses her.
"Te amo [I love you], Papi." She whispers against his lips.
"Page, you may wanna leave… now."
'All Ego' gets up, leaving quickly. Eddie takes the twins, placing them in the cot before hoisting Kirby over his shoulder, taking her to the bed and making out with her.
"You little slut." Eddie growls against her lips, climbing over her.
Kirby flips their position and straddles his lap, "I'm only a slut for you, Papi."
"Damn right, ya only mine, you wanna fuck your Papi, Ma?"
"So soon after havin' twins, only if you use protection, Papi."
Eddie smirks, "We could go dry, or I could get off watchin' you get off." He suggests.
"Mutual masturbation or dry humping? I'd really prefer if you-"
Kirby goes silent when she hears the front door open, both her and Eddie sharing a worried look.
"Eddie?" Moxley's voice echoes through the house, "Kirby? You have guests… He Emyr, hey Ethan, how're my nephews doing?"
"So close to lettin' you tear my ass in two, but no, we have fuckin' visitors." Kirby grumbles.
Eddie's eyes light up, "Fuck them, you've never let me do that before."
"Eddie, no… Edward, we have guests."
"Fuck." Eddie grumbles.
Kirby and Eddie's shared sour mood is quickly dropped when they see their guests.
"Jack!" Eddie grins, letting out a breathless chuckle.
"Eddie!" Marciano chuckles, pulling Eddie into a tight hug.
Kirby looks from her former commentary partner to the other guests, Renee, carrying her and Jon's daughter Nora, and three others. One a rather tall, tanned man with waist length black hair in a long braid, wearing one of the old C.R.C merch shirts and jeans. Ashkii Tsinajinnie. The second, a short Japanese woman, a pink shirt with 'Sakura Power' written on the front and pink gym shorts on, matching her half-pink, half-black hair. Yoshi Nakagawa. The third and final guest from Kirby's past is an average height, around five-foot-seven, black man, nearly 300 pounds of both fat and muscle, his head shaved, wearing black sweatpants and one of Kirby's merch t-shirts from before she was gluttony.
"Mike! Mikey?!" Kirby starts tearing up.
"Kirby… Princess? Lawd a massi!" Mike pushes past Ash and Yoshi, taking Kirby's face in his hands, "Oh, Princess, breathe easy, you an Empress now, baby gal." His Jamaican accent brings back a flood of memories from his and Kirby's shared past.
"Mikey, I missed ya, ya dope." She whispers, taking a deep breath.
Mike holds Kirby close to him, kissing her cheek and rocking her to keep her calm, "Oh, mis sistren, look at you, an Auntie, not jus' an Auntie but a Mammy now."
"Eddie, what's wrong?" Jack whispers.
"You're Mike" Eddie asks, completely astonished, "You're the guy she's cried over? You…" Eddie's astonishment turns into anger, "You kicked my wife outta your home?!"
Jack and Mox rush to hold Eddie back. Kirby pulls away from Mike and rushes to Eddie, holding his face, witnessing the rage in his eyes.
"Eddie, calm." Kirby whispers, her jaw dropping when Eddie pushes her aside.
"No, not wit' him. You," Eddie points at Mike, "you helped Damien get in her head, you knew she didn't want to be gluttony, if her parents weren't around she would have been homeless, you could have helped her but you didn't! I understand now why ya ring name is 'Monster', because you are one!" Eddie yells, getting up close with Mike
"Eddie, don't." Kirby rushes up to the side of both men, trying to push them apart.
Mike pushes Kirby away, by her face, knocking her to the floor, "How the fuck do ya know about my past, huh? She been tellin' you tings she ain't got no right to talk on."
Mike storms out, taking Ash and Yoshi with him. Kirby storms off in the opposite direction, leaving through the back door, hearing Eddie's footsteps behind her as she walks, going down the back alley between two rows of houses.
"Ma, wait!" Eddie hollers.
"Go fuck yourself, Kingston!" Kirby yells as she continues walking.
"Babe, just give me a chance."
"To do what? To ruin more of my chances at ever gettin' a friend back?"
"If he did that shit to you, was he ever a friend?"
Kirby stops walking, standing completely still as she thinks about it. Eddie's right, Mike practically handed me to Damien. he willingly let me get brainwashed by that tyrant.
"Doll?" Eddie whispers as he walks up behind her.
"Fuck, Eddie, I'm sorry… you're right, he fucked me over, he let me go."
Eddie wraps his arms around Kirby, checking if she's been hurt, "Breathe, ya a'ight, a'ight?"
"Yeah, yea… I'm good."
Eddie leads her back to the house, right as Emyr and Ethan wake up, the boys crying when they wake up.
"Oh, my baby boys." Kirby runs to the cot, picking up her sons and holding them close.
Marciano and Moxley check up on Eddie, Renee helps Kirby feed the twins, grabbing a bag of breastmilk from the fridge. Renee gives Ethan a bottle of breastmilk and Kirby takes her shirt off to feed Emyr.
"God damn, look at those tits!" Eddie hollers.
"Eddie, I'm feeding our baby, don't you get all fuckin' horny on me."
"Look at how fuckin' sexy you are though," Eddie smirks, kissing Kirby gently, "ya so sexy, Ma, so beautiful."
Kirby shakes her head, chuckling softly when she looks over at Renee. Renee mouths 'Go kiss him'. Kirby finishes feeding Emyr as Eddie walks out to the garage. She hands Emyr to Moxley, putting her shirt on as she walks to the garage.
"Eddie, hold up." She reaches for his hand as he gets to the car.
"What's up, Kirby?" He raises an eyebrow as he looks at her.
"Uhh… well, I… I wanted to do this…" She whispers, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him, gently at first but slowly heating up when Eddie puts his hands on her waist.
"Oh fuck, Ma," Eddie whispers against her lips, "every time you kiss me, it feels like the first time again."
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 18 - Baby Makes Three... or Four (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here Chapter 17: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
"Two babies." Kirby smiles as she holds the ultrasound picture.
Eddie and Mox chuckle as Kirby gleefully giggles and spins in the backyard of their Airbnb. Renee walks out with a beer for both the boys and a bottle of water for herself.
"Do you know how many years I thought I couldn't get pregnant, but two babies, two?" She stops giggling, her eyes welling up with tears.
Eddie stops laughing, putting his beer down and rushing to wrap Kirby in a tight hug, "I got ya, Ma, ya a'ight. Breathe, Kirby, deep breaths."
She buries her face in his neck, sobbing against his skin, tears of happiness, but still sobs, clinging to Eddie like he's her entire world.
"So, I'm guessing the twins will be a miracle to you, Kirby?" Jon asks softly.
She lifts her head, from the crook of Eddie's neck, "When I was eighteen, the doctors told me, they had me fully convinced, that I couldn't have children. You know the fact I'm a giant, that's why I was thought to be barren, forever childless. To be told that I'm not just pregnant with one, but two, that's... that's somethin' beyond my wildest dreams."
"Our little miracles, God was kind enough to bless me wit' you, now he's blessin' us wit' them." Eddie whispers, holding Kirby protectively.
Kirby had gone back to New York the next week, spending April and beginning of May around Eddie's parents. She wakes up on the morning of the 14th, to the sound of barking, not dog barks but human barking, echoing through the house 'Arf, Arf' like a loud bad cough. She gets up and throws on an oversized t-shirt and maternity leggings, cautiously opening the bedroom door
"Who the fuck is out here barking? Don't you know it's six in the morn...ing... Hello, Stranger." She stops in her tracks, smiling upon seeing the figure.
Eddie pulls Kirby into a gentle hug, kissing her deeply.
"You missed the second ultrasound, I got pictures and info for ya."
"I'm sorry I missed it, but tell me everythin' Ma." He smiles and kisses her softly.
"Okay, first of all, ya mother is a saint, and second of all, do you wanna know what gender the twins are?"
"I'm sure my mother knows she's a saint, and yes please, Sweetheart."
"Both are boys, ya bloodline continues." She smirks.
Eddie grins, "I know what my motha's like, what have you, and her, been thinkin' of namin' my sons?"
"I was thinkin' Emyr and Ethan, or Eirian and Elisedd."
"I know you, what do the ones other than Ethan mean?"
"Emyr, is Welsh, it means 'King' or 'Lord'. Eirian is-"
"One of your middle names." Eddie teases.
"I know that, but it's gender neutral, and means 'bright' and 'beautiful' in Welsh. And Elisedd is also Welsh, and means 'kind' and 'benevolent', and was the name of two Welsh kings."
"I think we name one Ethan and one Emyr, and give them both Irish and Welsh middle names that only you can pronounce. That way, when our boys are naughty, when they show how much their Pá has influenced them, you're the one who knows exactly how to yell their full names, and get them back in line." Eddie chuckles as he sways them from side to side.
"I like that idea, Kingy. You gotta fly out tomorrow, don't ya."
"Yea, but I wanted to have a day with my Wifey, so I chose today. Just you, and me, and a very comfortable bed. I wanna talk to my boys, and relax with my Doll." He smiles softly, throwing his phone on the couch next to his bags
"How're ya gonna do that when you... oh, you mean the twins."
"Pregnancy brain?"
"Yep, that's why ya mother's a saint."
Eddie chuckles as he picks Kirby up, holding her, bridal style, in his arms and taking her to the bed. He talks to the bump for the rest of the day, only leaving to grab food, or drinks, for himself and Kirby.
He leaves an 'I love you' note for her the following day, before he flies back to Jacksonville. Kirby gets to August before having to call Eddie with an emergency, his phone doesn't pick up, but luckily for him it's a false alarm.
Kirby's halfway through her breakfast, on the morning of the 26th of August, when the door swings open and Eddie, Mox and Homicide walk in, all three men looking panicked, Renee however looks calm as ever when she sits next to Kirby.
"How's the babies treating you?" She asks, softly touching the bump.
"They're evil, nah I'm kiddin', they're fine. Yesterday though, oh jeez, nearly had a heart attack when Doughboy didn't pick his phone up. Luckily for him, it was a false alarm, Braxton Hicks, thought I was in labour when I wasn't." Kirby explains, shovelling spoonful after spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
"See, I told you three it wasn't happening for real."
"Still could've picked ya damn phone up, Edward. Wifey thought she was givin' birth, Edward. Ya mother's currently annoyed with you, as am I."
"Where is he? Eric texted me to say he picked him up from the airport." A very annoyed Ruth emerges from the spare bedroom.
Eddie tries to use Homicide as a shield when his mother starts yelling at him in Spanish, very angry Spanish, before she hits him in the arm a couple times, finishing her tirade by hitting Eddie around the ear.
"Thank you, Ruthie, I'm sure ya would've killed him for me if he actually missed their birth." Kirby smirks, sticking her tongue out at Eddie when she walks past him.
"I'm not gonna miss their birth, I'll take as much time off as I need to," Eddie explains, wrapping his arms around Kirby's waist, "You wanna sit outside in the sun together, beautiful?"
"As long as you help me up, handsome."
Eddie leads Kirby to the back patio, sitting on the steps with her between his legs, relaxing with his wife for around an hour before Kirby's breathing spikes.
"Oh shit, oh fuck." She mutters, feeling her water break.
Ruth and Renee look at each other before helping Kirby up.
"Jon, call an ambulance" Renee whispers, Jon nods and does so immediately.
"Eddie, go put on something presentable, you're going to meet your boys sooner than expected." Ruthie orders her son, giving him a stern look when he grumbles.
"Oh fuck, holy shit," Kirby whispers breathlessly, "Ruth, how did you manage to do this twice?"
"Neither time was twins, and they were easy babies," Ruth shrugs, "Nelson, you hold her steady, I'm going to get the hospital bag." Ruth instructs, leaving Renee and Nelson (Homicide) to hold up the, very pregnant, giantess.
It takes five minutes for the ambulance to reach the house, enough time for Eddie to realise that it's not a false alarm and start panicking and praying.
"Edward." Kirby growls.
"Yes, Doll?" Eddie looks at her from, where he's sitting in the ambulance, between Ruth and a paramedic, halfway between the house and the hospital.
"Prayers will not help right now." She glares at him.
Eddie goes silent and protect his crotch.
By the time they reach the hospital, Eddie's holding Kirby's hand and trying to hide his emotions, failing at the latter miserably, and looking more of a mess than Kirby.
Eddie nearly faints when the doctors show him how far through pushing Kirby is, the forehead of their first son visible.
He has a nurse check on his hand, after Kirby's done pushing out the first baby, she just tells him that nothing's broken and to focus on his wife.
By 5:30 pm on the 26th of August, both of the twins are resting in cots, next to Kirby's hospital bed.
"How long have they been sleeping, Eddie?" Kirby asks softly.
"Emyr's been asleep for two and a half hours, Ethan's been asleep for half an hour, and you, Ma, have been so strong and brave, ever since you came into my life."
"And you, my handsome man, nearly fainted." She chuckles softly.
"The beauty of childbirth," Eddie chuckles, "Guaranteed to make men either faint or puke."
"But it's worth it. Our sons, our beautiful baby boys. Emyr Faolán Peredur Ariel Moore, born two-twenty pm and Ethan Lorcán Gwyn Joel Moore, born four-fifteen pm, both on the twenty-sixth of August twenty-twenty-one."
"Our boys. My sons. The sons of a beautiful, Celtic giantess and an idiot from New York."
"You're not an idiot, you're handsome and charismatic, and you make me laugh."
Eddie climbs into the hospital bed next to Kirby, holding her close and kissing her deeply.
"You can tell my Da, he wasn't here for the birth of his first grandchild, or the second."
"I'll take that on, they can yell at me and not you, after that I can deal with ya father's anger. I've dealt with an angry, sweaty, violent, in labour, you."
"Did you see Emyr's eyes when he opened them, green, like yours." Kirby sighs happily.
"Ethan's got your deep blue eyes, but they both, for sure, have my nose." Eddie grins proudly.
"I heard the nurses say something about them breaking a hospital record, so I think they might have my gigantism."
"If they do, I don't mind, it'll just mean two more amazing giants in the world, like their mother and her beautiful stretch marks."
"Don't mention the stretch marks, I don't like 'em."
"But they add to your beauty in strength, you look more badass and that's the real miracle, somehow adding stretch marks to an already badass babe, made an even more badass baby mama."
Kirby's about to kiss Eddie when Emyr yawns, both Eddie and Kirby look over at the cots. Eddie gets up and picks him up, passing him to Kirby. She holds him close to her chest and smiles softly.
"Hey, little one. Eddie, he's opening his eyes. Aww, my little king."
Eddie grabs his phone, taking a photo of Kirby with Emyr, picking up Ethan and taking a selfie with both his kids and his wife. Kirby watches as he posts it to Twitter and Instagram, not mentioning their names.
"This is gonna sound so wrong, but ya gonna have a kid on both tit for a while, if ya breastfeed." Eddie chuckles, smirking at Kirby.
"Edward." Kirby raises an eyebrow in response.
"What," he shrugs, "it's true."
"It may be, but I saw the look in ya eyes."
"Okay, maybe I was thinkin' of putin' ya tits in my mouth."
"Don't hold Ethan like that." Kirby scolds as Eddie balances the younger twin in one hand.
"He's safe, I got him." Eddie whispers, placing Ethan back in his cot.
"I gotta call Mike, and Ash, and Yoshi, and Jack... God, I must call Jack... he'd lose his mind." She murmurs, cradling Emyr in her arms.
"Jack? One of your cousins?"
"Nope, better, Jack Marciano."
Eddie's eyes light up at the idea, "Holy fuck, he'll go crazy... shit, I shouldn't swear around the babies."
"Nope, but they're young enough not to remember, or repeat it, in a couple years though, ya won't be so lucky."
Eddie kisses Kirby gently, a beaming smile on his face. He places Emyr back in his cot, and climbs into the bed next to his wife.
The following morning Kirby's allowed out of the hospital, she's still dressed in maternity clothes, Eddie takes her out, to a nearby café, so he can smoke, and so she can have a cup of coffee with him.
"I went through ya phone, called everyone ya Da told me to." Eddie murmurs, watching Kirby take her first post-pregnancy taste of coffee.
"And...? Ya can't just leave me at that."
"And, beautiful wifey, ya friends are gonna try to fly out to see the boys. Oh, and Jack's real fuckin' mad that we didn't tell him, about us, sooner." Eddie takes a drag of his cigarette, breathing out the smoke away from Kirby.
"If I hadn't spent, nearly all of, yesterday giving birth to twins, I'd spend all day today in bed with you."
"Keep it in ya pants," Eddie chuckles, smirking and winking at her, "Sexy baby mama."
"Sexy? Baby weight on me still, and I'm sexy?"
"Ya always sexy to me, Ma." He whispers.
"Emyr and Ethan are gonna have a weird childhood." Kirby sighs softly.
"Yeah, but they have us as parents, and we are very capable of beating up bullies."
Kirby's phone buzzes in her back pocket, she reads the message before looking at her husband, "You finish ya cigarette, we can take the boys home in a little while."
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 17 - She Drives Me Crazy (Set in 2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here Chapter 16: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Eddie and Kirby had gone back to Jacksonville, Eddie keeps Kirby next to him at all times. He's going to the gym, she's by his side; he's going out with his friends, he brings her along; he has to go into work, she's there with him backstage.
January had come and gone. As had February, the couple spending Valentine's day in Miami, Eddie watched Kirby get two new tattoos, the first two on her legs, a Yankees symbol on her inner right thigh, and the phrase 'Let's cause a little trouble' on her inner left thigh.
March comes next, Eddie has a promo at the end of Dynamite on the 10th.
Kirby wakes up early, running her hands over her bump, and then looking at Eddie. He's still fast asleep, and completely nude, she gives him a gentle kiss before going to do her morning routine.
"Ya big for a lil' dude, ain't ya." She murmurs as she looks at her belly, side-on in the mirror, "I think auntie Renee might be right when she says there's more than one of ya."
"Are you talkin' to yourself, Ma?" Eddie asks when he walks in the bathroom.
"Actually, mr loverman, I was talkin' to the bump."
"Our little man, soon ya belly's gonna be as big as my dad's."
"Eddie, we still have a few months before that, so, not soon."
"I'm sorry Doll, I know, I shouldn't tease my beautiful, pregnant wife." He smiles softly, pulling Kirby into a gentle hug and his lips soon finding their way to hers.
"So, Kingy, you thought of what ya gonna tell Damien tonight? How badly will he need to ice his ego, from the whiplash of that talented tongue of yours, my darling?"
"You'll know as soon as I've thought of it, Mama. But I assure ya, he'll be needing help, if he thinks he'll be gettin' you away from me, Mrs Kingston." Eddie smirks as he backs Kirby against the shower wall.
Eddie trains with Kirby by his side, caressing her stomach whenever he takes a break, he watches her hum along to her music as she watches him train. The show goes off without a hitch, Tony makes sure to let Eddie's promo take place with enough time before they go off the air.
"Cut my music, cut it!" Eddie hollers, walking with Kirby by his side through the tunnel and out into the ring, "Look at who I got, look at this beauty." He makes Kirby do a spin for the cameras, showing off her black and orange dress (made to mirror Eddie's ring gear), "All mine. True, I had to go out searchin' for her, and true, it's not as easy as the movies make it look. But I got my true love to return to me," He smirks, pulling Kirby into a gentle kiss, and showing their rings to the camera, "the beautiful Mrs Kingston, my lady. You know what she told me, when I went searchin' for her, she told me, 'Eddie," Kingston starts doing an impression of Kirby, "I ran because I finally got free of him. I ran because he lost control over me. I ran because I didn't want you... Eddie, I didn't want you to get hurt.' Of course I told her, it's okay, I get hurt all the time. But the way she looked at me," Eddie holds Kirby close to him, "I knew I needed to protect her... I knew deep down it was time to start a war with 'him'. You may be askin' who is 'he', oh brotha," He smirks and chuckles lowly, "you already know who you are." He growls, snarling at the camera, "Oh, and uh, this Mad King may be the last of a dying breed, but one day I'll have my own, what's that word you used, Princess?"
"Brood, Kingy." She smiles softly.
"I love the way you say it." Eddie smirks, kissing Kirby roughly.
Eddie's about to lead Kirby to the back when Damien's laughter can be heard, deep and demonic. Kirby attempts to push Eddie away but he holds her tighter. FUCK! Is all that Kirby has time to think before they get showered in fake blood, or at least she hopes it's fake blood.
Eddie's face is red with rage when they get backstage, "Where the fuck is Tony Khan!?"
Kirby rushes to his side, placing his hands against the baby bump, and caressing his face, "Eddie, calm, focus and breathe."
Eddie's bright green eyes lock with Kirby's ocean blues, he breathes a deep sigh of relief, "I still have you and I still have the baby. I know, I know... but Damien needs to pay for what he's done to you, and whatever he did to get that blood."
Tony rushes over, "What happened?"
"Damien's blood bathed us," Kirby explains, "I don't know where he blood, how he got it, or even if it's fake or pig's blood. But what he just did, means this is a war, so I may not be able to fight, but Eddie is, Moxley is, there are many men who would be willing to stand, and fight against that false King."
Eddie lets Kirby talk, keeping one hand on her stomach as he dials Mox's number with the other.
"Tony, I need you to allow me to bring my family over here, the men at least, just to stand against Damien, we won't fight unless you allow us to. You have my word, an ancestral King's honour."
"Call whoever you need to, if Damien's willing to go behind my back and do this, I don't know just how far he's willing to go." Tony nods, giving Kirby a nervous smile.
"Thank you, boss, I would shake your hand, but I an covered in blood."
"That's okay, you two go get washed up, and have a good evening. I'll see what I can do."
Eddie's still pissed after they both shower off. He's still fuming when Moxley joins them at a local diner. Kirby lets Renee sit next to her, Kirby's hair still tinted pink from the blood, the two women smile softly at each other, practically each other's sister-in-law.
"Eddie stop it, if I hear you growl one more time, I will spend the rest of tonight putting your mouth to a better use." Kirby grumbles.
Eddie smirks and raises an eyebrow in response, "Oh really?"
"Yes, really, you've been growlin' for like half an hour now, and it's startin' to annoy me, I love ya, but shush for a moment so I can think."
"Sorry, Ma, I'm just... ya know."
"I know, Papi, I'm also pissed off at Damien." She reaches over the table, holding his hand.
"Ya don't look it." Eddie mumbles.
"Because I'm planning on how to go about, closing Damien in, and executing him." Kirby growls.
Eddie's eyes light up and Jon groans and looks away.
"I'll get up, so will Renee, and then you can fuck Kirby in the bathroom, how's that for a plan?" Jon suggests.
"Nah, she's only just started talkin' dirty." Eddie grins.
"Keep it in ya pants, Edward, we have our first ultrasound tomorrow, I wanna be awake for it."
"Ultrasound? As in we get to see the baby?" Eddie asks softly
"Baby or babies," Renee notes, "given how big Kirby's bump is already, there's more than one in there."
"Don't spook Eddie, he's had a hard enough day." Kirby chuckles softly.
"If there's more than one, I hope one's a boy and one's a girl. A little me and a little Kirby." Eddie smiles gently.
"If there's more than one, there's a few possibilities, at the low end with twins, we could have two boys, two girls, or one of each, but then there's multiples like triplets, or quadruplets, up to, what, like eight?"
Renee nods, both of the girls giggling quietly as both men go pale.
"Eight... in one..." Mox bites his fist, "that's gotta fucking hurt."
"They made, God, either a documentary or a show about the lady who had eight kids." Kirby murmurs.
"God, three at the most, please." Eddie whispers, kissing the crosses on his rosaries.
"Yeah, three at the most, so Eddie has to help me put my shoes on, every day when I'm six to nine months pregnant."
"I'll help you, in any way that I can, Ma."
The group orders and eats, Kirby makes sure she pays the bill.
When they head back to the hotel, Eddie's listing off his ideas for how to get back at Damien.
The following morning (Thursday 11th March) Kirby gets ready for the day, before waking Eddie up, making him breakfast. He keeps his arms wrapped around her waist, from behind, as she cooks, softly humming as they sway, side to side.
"Baby, it's yours, all yours, if you want it tonight," Kirby starts singing softly, realising the song Eddie's humming, "I'll give you the red light special, all through the night."
"God, I love you, my Celtic Queen." Eddie whispers against her neck, kissing between her shoulder blades.
"You better love me, I'm making you breakfast when all I wanna do, is go to sleep." She smirks.
"But ya the best chef in the world, and ya love me and..." Eddie's voice trails off as he slides his hand down her side, Kirby swats his arm away when he reaches the front of her sweatpants, "oww, c'mon, Ma, really?"
"Yes, really, no sex until after the ultrasound, ya goon." She reminds him, plating up the food, bacon, eggs and toast.
"Thought you were only makin' me bacon and eggs?"
"The toast is so I can steal it when you inevitably get up to smoke."
"Inevita... what?"
"Inevitable. Certain to happen, unavoidable, inescapable, for sure. Like war, or taxes, or death." She explains, her tone soft-spoken, earning a nod of understanding from Eddie.
"Inevitable, like you stealin' my toast every mornin'?" He teases, smirking and winking at her.
"You fuckin' let me, you goofball," Kirby tries to avoid Eddie but gets pulled into a hug, "nope, no kisses for the idiot, no" She chuckles softly, before giving in and letting Eddie dip her into a kiss.
Eddie finishes his breakfast and slides the leftover toast to Kirby, letting her eat it, as he goes out on the back porch to smoke, the first cigarette of the day. She finishes the toast as he finishes his cigarette, he grabs the keys for their rental car and drives them to the clinic, letting Kirby lead him, to where they're supposed to be.
Kirby takes in how the nurses and doctors smile at her, and then gain a look of confusion and concern on their faces upon seeing Eddie. He's probably doing his usual grumpy face, whenever we're out in public, and Eddie doesn't want to be around people, out comes grumpy Eddie. She looks at her husband, and sure as the sun is a ball of fire, Eddie's got a grumpy look on his face.
"Edward." Kirby whisper-yells.
"Yea, Wifey?"
"Take that grumpy ass look off ya handsome fuckin' face, ya scarin' people."
"What? Babe, you know what I'm like... Doll, don't make me smile at everyone."
"I'm not sayin' that, you've got your mask on, ya can drop the mean muggin'."
Eddie nods, adjusting his Yankees cap and giving Kirby a soft smile, his features softening slightly when he attempts a neutral expression. Kirby pulls him close, and hugs him for a moment, the tension in her shoulders giving away how nervous she is.
"Sweetheart, it's okay, we're here to see our baby, not for anythin' else. A'ight, Ma?" He murmurs, rubbing her arms until she pulls away.
She wipes a few tears from her eyes, "I'm okay, it's okay. I'll be alright, just gimme a sec."
"Mr and Mrs Moore?" A nurse asks as she approaches the couple.
"Yea, that's us." Eddie nods
"Come with me please, your appointment is in room two-zero-five."
Kirby and Eddie follow the nurse, Kirby clinging to Eddie's arm, and Eddie unconsciously going back to his grumpy look.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 16 - International Velvet (set in 2020/2021)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here Chapter 15: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
"Stop, no, Eddie, ya hands are freezin'." Kirby giggles, her voice sounding more Irish than usual.
Eddie's eyes brighten, "Say that again."
"Say what again?"
"What ya just said."
"Wha? Freezin'?" Her accent thickens as she, fully, drops the 'work voice' she uses around English speakers.
Eddie kisses her deeply, pulling away to whisper against her lips, "Ya voice is much sexier with the accent."
"If you react like that when ya meet my family, ya gonna have a ragin' stiffy the entire time we're there."
"You think I care about that, when ya voice is so sexy, C'mere." Eddie pulls Kirby onto his lap, kissing her deeply.
"You go do ya work, I'll stay here and do mine, okay, a stór [my treasure]?"
"A'ight, Ma, I'll let ya sort everythin' out. I'll make sure we see ya family durin' the holidays."
"Okay, my darlin', I love you."
"I love ya, so fuckin' much, my Celtic princess."
"My American boy, Soldier of New York."
Eddie gives Kirby one final kiss before he heads off, it's short but sweet, and Kirby's left smiling after he leaves.
During the show, four photos 'glitch' onto the screen, the first during the first match, the second during the second match, and so on, the only untouched match is Moxley vs Omega. All four are put there intentionally. All four were agreed upon by Tony Khan and us... I hope people get the message loud and clear.
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A couple days pass, Kirby moves all of her stuff into Eddie's home again, she gives up her life in Virginia fully, returning to the wrestling world. The only difference is that she's no longer brainwashed by Damien. On the 9th Eddie has work and Kirby comes with him.
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A further four images are shown, this time avoiding Eddie's match. That match has whispers all throughout it, playing over the loudspeakers.
"The road to hell is a one way track, I'm driving backwards to escape it." Is the first line, two minutes into the match.
Around two minutes later comes the second whisper, "Some bridges must be burned."
Another two minutes pass and a third whisper is heard, "Some demons have demons, it's time to fight mine."
Right before the end of the match comes the forth and final whispered line, "I speak the ugly truths, his hounds never listen."
Eddie ignores Kirby's plans to celebrate his 39th birthday, opting to stay in bed together, and Eddie sleeps for the majority of the day. Kirby works beside him and chuckles when Eddie wakes up, only to kiss her. Eddie manages to convince her to have 'birthday sex' with him, several times over, and unprotected each time.
Eddie and Kirby fly out to Wales on the 18th, spending Christmas with her parents, before flying back to Jacksonville on the 27th. Eddie goes to work for the tribute show on the 30th. Kirby stays in their hotel, she sits in bed all day, numb from the news, only moving for food, or to get a bottle of water, or to throw up. Eddie makes sure they fly home, to New York, that night, immediately going to bed with Kirby and falling asleep.
Kirby wakes up to the sound of Eddie humming, she checks her phone '10:00 Thursday 31 December', "Shit, ten am, I slept in, fuck." she whispers to herself.
"Wifey," Eddie smirks from the doorway, "Got ya somethin', several things, also..." he leaves for a moment, coming back with Homicide by his side, "look who came over." Eddie beams.
"That's all well and good, now go away so I can get dressed."
Eddie pushes Homicide out of the doorway, and looks at Kirby intently, his body filling the doorway, "Sexy Wifey?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Edward, ya know damn well I sleep in my underwear... only reason I don' have a bra on, is 'cause ya broke it."
Eddie closes the bedroom door behind himself, climbing on the bed and pinning Kirby underneath him, kissing every inch of skin he can get to. He gets up and watches her get dressed, pulling her into a gentle kiss, refusing to let her be more than an arm's length away from him.
"So sexy, my wife, sexiest woman in the world, ya so fuckin' beautiful, and ya mine, an-"
Kirby kisses Eddie to shut him up, "Eddie, shush, ya got me stuff, I would like ta know what."
Eddie hoists her over his shoulder, she makes herself comfy, he proceeds to carry her out to the back patio. Homicide shakes his head as he looks at Eddie, whispering something in Spanish that Kirby doesn't fully hear, he chuckles when Eddie puts Kirby down.
"Hi Nelson."
"Ey, Mami, ya married his idiotic ass?" Homicide jokes, earning himself a 'you stfu' look from Eddie.
"Eddie, do not start 'effin and blindin' at this time of the mornin'." Kirby warns.
Homicide looks at Kirby like she's an alien and Eddie chuckles.
"I won't, I promised ya mother I'd be respectful around ya," Eddie smiles softly, "I will, howeva, tell you to eat the breakfast I got ya."
"A chopped cheese ain't breakfast." Homicide murmurs.
"Eddie, stop glarin' at 'im. As my grandmother would say, stop glarin', stop gawkin', keep talkin'."
"Why do ya talk like tha'?"
"Because, Nelson, I was raised by a primarily Irish family, who speak Irish slang an' have Irish accents. I, me self, was born in Kilkenny in Ireland." Kirby explains, midway through eating her 'breakfast', aka the chopped cheese Eddie bought her.
"You were born in Ireland?" Eddie asks, a beaming grin on his face.
"Yeah, I thought my Da told ya."
Eddie shakes his head 'no', lifting Kirby's head to kiss her passionately, refusing to leave her side, even as he lights up a cigarette.
"My wifey, my Irish woman. For so long, I thought you were born in Wales, but ya weren't. Can you eat faster, I wanna make a baby."
"Fuckin' niño [child/boy]." Homicide groans.
"With how my stomach's been actin' up recently, ya already have." Kirby mumbles.
Both Eddie and Homicide go still, Kirby can feel them staring at her.
"The feck are ya gawkin' at me for, your the dope who wanted ta have 'birthday sex'."
"Homicide, keep her there, I'm gettin' a fuckin' pregnancy test." Eddie grabs his wallet and rushes off, leaving Kirby with Nelson for around ten minutes.
"Ya married him?" Nelson/Homicide asks.
"Indeed I did."
"Congrats. Ya think ya pregnant?"
"At the least it's a stomach bug, but considering the amount of times me and Ed have, you know, 'gone at it', I'll be fuckin surprised if I ain't up the duff."
"Ya gon' let him smoke aroun' the baby?"
"Eddie's smart enough to know not ta. I trust him on that."
"So... ya got any name ideas?"
"Something with an 'E' at the beginning," She murmurs as she finishes her breakfast, "I gotta put this in the bin, so we gotta go inside."
Homicide follows Kirby into the house, taking in the changes she's made to the place. Kirby smiles when she sees Homicide smile.
"This place..."
"Actually feels like a home now?"
"Yea, I like it." Homicide murmurs.
"Thanks, I kinda want to paint the walls, but that's for another day." Kirby shrugs.
"I thought I told you to keep her there." Eddie grumbles as he walks back into the house.
"Hey Papi."
"Hey Ma, go figure out how to use this, I gotta figure out how to gain back street cred."
Kirby takes the box and goes to the bathroom. It'll be fine, it's too early to tell.
She quickly figures out how to use the test and does so. Oh well, time to pee on a stick.
She paces back and forth as she waits for the results. God, could this take any longer.
She looks at the 'stick' and freezes in shock. How am I gonna tell Eddie?
"Oh fuck... Homicide, make Eddie sit down!" She hollers through the door, taking a deep breath and grabbing the test, checking her pulse before leaving the bathroom.
"Ya not, ya not or the test is too early, or somethin' right?" Eddie asks, his eyes wider than usual.
"Edward, you know ya love me." She mutters, holding the test behind her back.
"Yeah, you're my calm." He smiles softly.
"Would you love me if I was chubbier... say nine months chubbier?" She asks, handing him the test.
Eddie looks at the test, then at Kirby, then back at the test, then back at Kirby. He beams, getting up from his seat, picking Kirby up and spinning her in his arms, "I'm gonna be a dad, I'm gonna be a motherfuckin' father." He chuckles wildly, putting Kirby down and pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Kirby smiles softly, "We're gonna be parents. We're gonna have a kid, there's gonna be a little mix of us running around."
Eddie hoists Kirby over his shoulder, "where the fuck is my phone? I gotta call Moxie, and Ma, and your father, and I gotta tell Eric, and my dad..."
"Eddie, breathe. Breathe, my handsome warrior, breathe." Kirby whispers.
Eddie keeps Kirby in his arms, grabbing his phone and calling everyone he can, and practically getting in a shouting match with Moxley, his brother, Eric, and his dad, Earl. About an hour after calling Ruth, she knocks on the door.
"Edward, let me in!" Ruthie yells through the door.
Kirby slinks her way out of Eddie's grasp, and goes to let her in, immediately being pulled into a hug.
"Hi, Ruthie." She sighs happily.
"Eddie told me the news."
"I know," Kirby giggles, "he had me over his shoulder when he called you."
"Eddie and you are the greatest thing to happen to each other, mi nuera [my daughter-in-law]. I'm so glad Eddie has you, you keep my son happy and calm. I may be his mother, but from now on we both will worry about him, don't let your fear mess with the baby's health. I'm always a phone call away." Ruth whispers, cupping Kirby's face in her hands before pulling her into a hug.
"Gracias, mi suegra [Thanks, my mother-in-law], if you ever need anything from me, Mamá [Mother], don't hesitate to call." Kirby whispers, pulling away and wiping her eyes.
"Everythin' okay over here? Ma, sweetheart, where you two cryin'?" Eddie asks, gently hugging his mother.
"Maybe... a'ight, yeah, but in my defence, it's not everyday that I get to have a sweet moment with ya Mam."
"C'mere, baby mama," Eddie chuckles softly, "let me hug both women in my life."
Kirby joins in the hug, kissing Eddie as she takes in the moment. Her husband, Eddie, her mother-in-law and the baby, or babies, growing in her womb, for the first time, in a long time, she feels like all's right with the world.
Kirby's parents are the next to find to find out, her Da whooping and hollering that his family's legacy will be continued, her Mam crying tears of happiness, and wishing the best for the 'young' couple.
The final person to find out, through Kirby and Eddie, is their boss, Tony Khan. Tony wishes them well, and tells them that Kirby can continue to work, as long as she doesn't get in the ring. Kirby agrees with the compromise.
She relaxes for the last few days of the year, and the first two of 2021, eventually getting bored of laying around and doing nothing.
"Eddie, baby daddy, Papi." Kirby calls from the bed as Eddie showers.
"Yeah, sexy Mami?" He calls back.
"There's ten days 'till my birthday, what do ya wanna do?"
Eddie smirks as he walks over, a towel around his waist, "I think you know what I wanna do, Ma."
He lets the towel drop and goes to kiss Kirby. She puts her hand in front of his face to block him.
"Ya already got me up the duff, Kingy, and we gotta fly back to Jacksonville soon. So, what do you wanna do before we leave?"
"I wanna fuck my wife, ya know, let her know I fuckin' love her." He chuckles.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 15 - I Try (set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here Chapter 14: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
Kirby takes a deep breath, freshening up and looking in the mirror at herself, on the verge of tears as Eddie walks into the bathroom.
"It's okay to cry, sweetheart," Eddie goes silent when Kirby, wraps her arms around his waist, buries her face in his neck and starts crying, "I got ya, babe, ya okay." He whispers.
"I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to..." She goes quiet, unsure of herself.
"It's a'ight, you can tell me." He reassures, rubbing her back to keep her calm.
"I wanna be with you, I have tried to forget you and move on, I can't deny the way I feel anymore... I want a life with you, I want a family, I want to wake up in a bed next to you, every morning for the rest of my life... I want us, without the fear of Damien splitting us up, all of it, the good, the bad, the goofy, the grumpy, the fuckin' ugly truth is I'm afraid... I'm afraid of Damien, I shouldn't be, but I am, even at my best I can never beat him."
"Then we'll take him on... together," Eddie smiles softly at her, pulling her into a gentle kiss, "first though, ya gotta marry me. I want you, no, I need you. I need this tall, sexy, Celtic rose in my life. I won't deny, I've had some nights where I got drunk and almost went home with a chick, but I couldn't get anythin' from them, everything I could gain from some other broad, you did better than them. Everything, conversations, sex, makin' out in the back of a car, everythin'."
Kirby smiles weakly, "You really wanna be with me?"
"It's why I'm here, I even brought both rings with me. Mox said the idea was insane, 'cause I have work tomorrow, but I can't wake up alone again, not when every dream I have is of bein' with ya... I stopped tellin' Renee about the times I dream, 'cause every dream I've had since ya left... they were all the same, all of 'em, I would wake up next to you, we would talk for a while, and then they'd end when I went to kiss you..."
"'Cause I wasn't there..." She whispers.
Eddie nods, lifting Kirby's chin to kiss her softly. They stay still for a moment, taking in the silence before Eddie moves. He covers Kirby's eyes with one hand and leads her back to the bed with the other, making her sit down and close her eyes, when he allows her to open them again, he has the ring box and is kneeling in front of her.
"Kirby Raven Eirian Aoibheann Rhydderch, will you please never leave my side again?"
"I will admit, this is an improvement on your first proposal." She jokes softly as she stands up, pulling Eddie to his feet and kissing him deeply, feeling a slight chill when Eddie slides the ring onto her finger, "Quick question, Papi, why the fuck and when the fuck did you get your eyebrow cut up like that?"
"October, missin' ya wife'll do crazy things to a man," He smirks, "now put on the prettiest dress you own, 'cause I am findin' a chapel, and we are partin' ways ever again." He looks at Kirby, a wild energy in his eyes as they meet hers.
Kirby feels Eddie's eyes watching her as she gets dressed, a simple plain orange sundress and the black timbs he bought her, Eddie makes sure he looks okay (even going to the length of raiding Kirby's stuff for a suit jacket, before giving up once he sees how well tailored they are to her size).
"Fuck it, c'mere." Eddie shrugs, hoisting over his shoulder.
"Eddie, no, put me down." Kirby chuckles.
"Nah," He pats her butt, "I think I'll keep ya there for a while."
Eddie carries her out of the building, putting her down and kissing her gently when they get outside. Eddie uses his phone to find the nearest chapel and leads Kirby to it.
Within half an hour, they're legally married. Within two hours, Kirby's surname has been changed to Moore. Within four hours, they're back in Jacksonville. In a hotel's 'newlywed suite' together. Eddie above Kirby on his hands and knees, trapping her on the bed, kissing her deeply over and over again.
"Do ya take me as ya husband, to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, forever?" He whispers.
"I do," She whispers, "do you take me as your wife, for better or worse, until death do us part?"
"I do," Eddie grins, "My wifey, no more leavin' me, not now, not ever."
"Gotta put this in the calendar from now on, December first twenty-twenty, married the greatest man in the universe."
"Our wedding anni... aneh... anniversary, fuck that word." Eddie murmurs.
Kirby chuckles softly, cupping Eddie's face in her hands, "how about I say that word from now on?"
"Lil' miss bachelor's degree, my Mrs bachelor's degree, God, you're beautiful."
"Says the most handsome man in the world." She smiles softly.
Eddie smiles softly, "If I don't get you pregnant by the end of tonight, it'll be a miracle."
Kirby sticks her tongue out at Eddie, he immediately mirrors her actions before he kisses her roughly. Eddie growls against her lips, pulling away to take his shirt off and lay next to Kirby, lazily kissing her as he keeps hold of her left hand with his, the metal of their rings making a small 'clink' sound when they collide.
Eventually Eddie falls asleep beside her, and Kirby watches him for a couple minutes, she puts her head on his chest and snuggles up to him, soon falling asleep.
Eddie wakes her up with a kiss the following morning (2nd Dec 2002, Wednesday)
"Morning gorgeous, are ya comin' with me to work today?"
"I gotta sort a lot of things out, but it's all stuff I can do with my laptop and phone, so... sure. I'll come to work with you."
"You're so fuckin' cute... sure, you're a little awkward, a little clumsy, a little theatrical and definitely a workaholic, but I love that about you."
"And you're argumentative, childish, gruff, immature, overprotective, sarcastic, stubborn, a tease, a bigmouth, lewd and short-tempered."
"Oh, and ya also anxious, gluttonous, stingy, and a supposed cannibal." Eddie smirks, grabbing Kirby's face and kissing her roughly.
"You're so sexy, Eddie."
"Don't start flirtin' with me, 'cause you know I'll risk missin' work to fuck ya pretty little brains out."
Kirby gets up, pulling Eddie into a tight hug, going to the bathroom to do her morning routine after he kisses her cheek scar.
"Are you watching me, Edward?" She asks, looking in the mirror as she washes her face.
"Yea, can't help but stare at my lady... my beautiful wife... I'm gonna get you a coffee, and I'm gonna make sure everyone knows ya mine."
"You're going to work in that? It's cold out, A stór [my treasure], put a hoodie on or somethin'."
"What did you just call me, Ma?" He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"A stór, it means 'my treasure' in Irish." She shrugs.
"I like that, I'll go put a hoodie on, but I wanna hear you say that again first."
"A stór." She purrs.
Eddie spins Kirby around and kisses her deeply, his hands on her waist as he growls against her lips, grinding his groin against hers.
After Kirby finishes her routine, Eddie takes her out to grab breakfast.
He posts a picture of them from the day before on his Instagram and Twitter. He chooses the photo of them at the chapel, both of them displaying their wedding rings, captioning it 'I got her back, and my Queen is much more powerful than her King'.
Kirby shakes her head as she watches him post it, unable to protest, mid-bite of her blueberry muffin.
"There, now we wait for the comments, calls, texts and everythin' else."
"Now we wait for Twitter to set itself on fire over a photo." Kirby chuckles softly.
They don't have to wait long, the first call is from Mox, then Renee, then practically the entire locker room of AEW. Call after call, text after text, Instagram and Twitter notifications come streaming in. Kirby turns Eddie's phone off to silence the constant notification noises.
"We are popular today, Eddie... don't do that again."
"Why not?" Eddie smirks, "I thought you liked me being reckless."
Kirby chuckles, placing her head on his shoulder, he kisses her forehead softly as he turns his phone back on. He keeps his phone on silent and turns off his notifications for the next two hours.
"If we fly out tomorrow, we can get a truck and move everything to New York. I'll also see if we can fly out to Wales for ya birthday."
"We don't have to fly out for my birthday, Kingy... you want me to go, get some papers and roll you a ciggy?"
Eddie kisses her softly, "I'll grab ya coffee, you go roll me one, a'ight, Ma?"
"Okay, no talking to reporters, striking anyone or staring at my bottom."
"Two outta three?"
"Fine, you can stare at my ass... handsome man."
Kirby leaves Eddie in the café, heading to a nearby corner store and picking up some stuff for her and Eddie, she stands outside the café rolling a cigarette. She's practically a natural at it, having learnt from her uncles and cousins, she hands it to Eddie when he walks up to her. He immediately lights it up and hands her a to-go cup of coffee.
"Ready to go shock the world?" He smirks.
"Or get rich trying," She smiles softly, "You give me refuge, I give you a giant, cannibalistic demoness."
"Babe, I have a GED, I don't know what refuge means."
"It's basically another word for safety."
"Yeah, I'll keep you safe, stop ya from gettin' all jittery and keep ya head from spinnin'." He kisses her softly.
A couple hours pass and Kirby's, doing her work and emailing people, sitting in catering backstage at Daily's Place. She's listening and humming along to her 90s mix on Spotify, ignoring the world around her, when a very pissed off Eddie sits beside her and starts grumbling obscenities. It takes him unplugging her headphones, from her phone, to make her notice him.
"Eddie, that wasn't nice of you," She looks over at her American husband, her peaceful smile becoming a concerned frown, "What's wrong, Kingy?"
"I'm gonna punch Moxley in the face, if he asks me any more fuckin' questions." He grumbles.
"Kingy, no punching people, breathe, be calm." She whispers, pulling Eddie into a side hug and kissing his jawline.
Eddie takes a deep breath, reaching over to Kirby's laptop and opening something, starting a video call with Kirby's parents.
"Eddie, no, it's like one in the morning over there."
"Why the fuck are ya video callin' my laptop at this time, princess." Hywel (Kirby's father) groans as he picks up the call.
"Sorry, Da, My American idiot husband did it."
Hywel chuckles, "Hey, son, you two finally got married? Don't tell me it went down like a rom com, I'll owe your Mam a tenner."
"Hey Hywel, just wanted to ask ya, can you two fly out for Kirby's birthday, and would it be alright if we flew out to spend Christmas with you guys?" Eddie asks his father-in-law.
"I'll talk with Oda when she wakes up, but feel free to visit us anytime you two want to. Kirby already has her own house keys, and you can always visit the C.R.C building... I gotta sleep now, or else I'll be awake for the rest of the day, night my little princess, keep her safe Eddie."
"Night, Da, I love you."
"Don't worry, I'll keep her safe," Eddie nods, hanging up the video call, "gonna take ya home for the holidays, gonna make ya introduce me to ya family." Eddie smirks, tickling Kirby's ribs and slipping his hands under her shirt.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 14 - Sunday Morning (set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here Chapter 13: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Kirby's P.O.V:
It had been a month, almost three, since she had told Eddie everything.
He hadn't taken it well at first and she got scared, leaving before Eddie could stop her.
Well done idiot, now we're on our fuckin' own again.
Kirby had taken time away from everything in her life.
Wrestling... her other work... her family... friends... Eddie.
A fresh start, that's what we need.
She had begun attending church every Sunday, part of her hoping to bump into him every time.
Kirby had driven out to Orangeburg, South Carolina and spent the remainder of September there, gathering most of her stuff from Asheville in October and Yonkers in November and moving into a rented apartment in Arlington, Virginia.
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She had cut off her ponytail and started dressing more formally. Suits, shirts and slacks. Switching between dark makeup and no makeup. She had even taken up a part-time job in an office to pay for her rent and other expenses. She had even gone to the extent of buying a new phone, keeping the old one purely for the memories.
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Kirby's alarm clock starts ringing at'05:00', She gets up and checks the calendar, Tuesday 1st December. Almost three months since starting fresh. Just a few more days and people will stop searching for us.
Her old phone goes off and she answers without thinking, her brain kicks into gear a few seconds later and she doesn't talk, holding the phone next to her ear.
"Kirby, is that you?" Renee's voice asks, followed by Mox and Eddie telling her to put it on speakerphone.
Don't answer the question. Do not speak.
"Kirby, if you're there, answer us... please." Renee requests softly.
Stay silent, they'll hang up soon.
"C'mon, Ma, no more silent treatment," Eddie takes a deep breath, "Tell me how to find ya... tell me where my fuckin' wife is."
"Eddie, don't growl like that." Moxley warns.
Kirby hangs up and leaves the phone on her nightstand, walking into the kitchen and making her morning coffee as she goes through her call log.
Eddie spent all night trying to call us, text after text begging me to pick up the phone.
She reads a couple of his texts out loud, "'Ma please pick up', 'Kirby, I love you, call me', 'tell me where I can find you'... Holy fuck, I gotta call off from work today and sort this out... I can't have Eddie trying to track me down."
Kirby dials her boss and hopes he doesn't pick up on anything, explaining the situation by calling Eddie 'an old friend turned stalker' and praying her boss believes the lie. He does, or at the least seems to, believe what Kirby tells him and lets her have the day off to sort it out. Eddie phones right after she ends the call to her boss, Kirby goes against her gut and answers it.
"Hey Wifey," God, I can see his stupid grin in my head, "Mind telling me where the fuck you are? Or if it's even you I'm talkin' to, Ma?"
Kirby stays silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say.
"You're the one who picked up, the least ya could do is say 'hi'." Eddie grumbles.
Kirby can't help but giggle nervously, "I'll give you that one, Eddie, the least I could do is say hi." She murmurs her thoughts out loud.
"I fuckin' knew you were still alive," Eddie chuckles heartily, "Now ya gotta tell me where you went, our home feels empty without ya. Before ya say it, I know 'technically, Edward, it's just your home'," Eddie does an impression of Kirby before clearing his throat, already choking up slightly, "It's our home, I know ya gave me back the engagement ring, I found it and the note, saying to forget you, but you're still my fiancée... Kirby, please" Eddie sobs, "I'm beggin' ya, sweetheart, come back ta me."
"I'm in Arlington, Virginia." She blurts out before her brain can stop her mouth, "I have an apartment, and a job, and I haven't even spoken to my parents since I left."
"Ya haven't... but what about ya folks, ya family, ya 'obligations to the C.R.C'?"
A wave of emotions hit Kirby all at once, rage, sadness, fear, and all she can muster up as an answer to Eddie... a man she loves so much and hates to hurt, is the most brutally honest thing she's ever said, "I wasn't expecting to be alive for this long after running away... but every time I think of harming myself, I think of you and I can't do it... I know we never got married, but I can't stand the idea of making you a widower."
"I'm gettin' the next flight out there."
"Eddie, don't." She pleads.
"Don't? Ya just told me you've thought of endin' ya life... the life of the most beautiful woman in the world... my Celtic warrior queen, my better half, my angel of death-matches... my bride just fuckin' told me she'd thought of goin' to the grave instead of walkin' down the aisle." Eddie nearly yells down the phone, his emotions getting the better of him.
Kirby sits on her bed and sobs, unable to speak anymore.
"I'm flyin' to Arlington and makin' sure you're okay." Eddie tells her before hanging up.
Kirby texts him her address and apartment number, telling him how to get into the building. She walks to her bathroom and turns the shower on, getting undressed and grabbing a towel, she sits in the bathtub in the path of the water and cries silently.
After what feels like a century she moves, getting out and slowly drying herself off, she's in her underwear when there's a knock at the door... more of a pounding on the door than a knocking.
"Give me a second to get dressed." She calls, her voice weak.
The pounding gets louder and Kirby rushes to open the door, still just in her underwear.
"I fuckin' hate planes, but I didn't wanna drive ten hours to see ya." Eddie mutters, thrusting a bouquet of roses at Kirby.
She steps back and Eddie walks in whilst she inspects the roses.
"Are these-" Kirby goes to ask him why the flowers are covered with plastic and foil.
"I couldn't choose between flowers or chocolates, so I got you chocolate roses, I know, big dumb Eddie Kingston can't decide bet-" Eddie gets cut off by Kirby pulling him into a deep kiss.
It's as if they never parted, Eddie wrapping his arms around her waist, and resting his hands on her ass, Kirby wraps her arms around his shoulders, and chucks his baseball cap at the couch. He smirks against her lips, biting her bottom lip and roughening up the kiss, smacking her ass which makes her moan against his lips, just enough room for him to slip his tongue in her mouth. Kirby pulls away when air becomes a need and not an excuse.
"Ya like them?" Eddie asks softly.
"Like isn't the right word, this is so fuckin' genius of ya, I fuckin' knew you were smarter than how you act."
"Genius of me? Ya not mad I got you chocolates and not flowers?"
"Flowers die and you can't eat them when you feel down, chocolates don't and they make me happy... chocolate roses," Kirby beams, "well, they're... they're fuckin' genius, ya don't have all the packaging of a stupid box, with stupid little info cards, ya don't have ta throw them out because they're wilting... they're..." Kirby trails off, unable to come up with the right word.
"They're you," Eddie whispers, "Beautiful and pretty, and they taste so damn good, especially when you shouldn't be eatin' them 'cause ya know you'll get caught." He smirks.
"Does it always come back to sex with you, Eddie?" She teases, shaking her head softly.
"Not always, but when I think of you, my mind tends to go visual." He winks.
"Eddie, ya haven't seen nor heard from me in almost three months and all-"
He cuts Kirby off by kissing her, lifting her so her groin is level with his, carrying her to her dining table and putting her down on top of it. He weaves one hand into her hair and the other into her boxer shorts, caressing her inner thigh.
"Do I have ya consent, my bride-to-be?" He teases.
"Yes, Eddie... I missed how filling you can be." She whispers.
It takes Eddie all of five seconds to strip them both, carrying Kirby to the bed over his shoulder. He stands above her for a moment, taking in the changes she's made to herself. Not many, but a few noticeable differences, like the fresh bruises on Kirby's knees and shins, the cuts, scabs and scrapes on her arms, and her much shorter hair.
He takes his time, kissing from her fingertips to her neck, first on her right side then her left, smirking as he kisses from her neck down to her crotch. Eddie teases her with his tongue, moaning at the return of her taste to his lips.
"How did my lady get hurt?" He whispers as he moves to make out with her as he makes love to her.
"I may have had a couple trips and accidents recently, none I am happy to talk about." Kirby murmurs, moaning when Eddie starts thrusting.
"Ya can tell me, Ma, it's why we're a couple. So you have someone who'll listen to ya problems."
"I fell down the stairs twice in the last month, once by tripping over my own feet, and once by a stray cat, running in front of me when I was jogging up the stairs after work."
"And ya arms?"
"I got in a scuffle with someone at a bar, scratched up my left arm in the process. The next week I was jogging, with headphones in, and someone tried to grab me. They went to stab me, I used my right arm as a shield."
"And now ya husband's home, so nobody can fuck wit' ya ever again." Eddie smirks.
"I don't have the ring anymore, back to square one on the whole marriage thing." Kirby shrugs.
Eddie doubles his pace, groaning as he tries not to cum early, "Kirby, would ya be my girlfriend?"
Kirby moans out the words, "Yes Eddie." as she cums.
Eddie smirks as he follows her over the edge... literally, groaning in pain as he lands on his back on the floor, all 250 pounds of Kirby landing on top of him.
"Holy fuck, Eddie, are you okay, Papi?" Kirby asks, checking the fall hasn't given him a concussion.
"I'm fine Kir-" Eddie goes silent as Kirby picks him up in a bridal carry and places him on the bed.
"Sorry, I got concerned..." She whispers sheepishly.
"Shh, shh," Eddie puts his hand over her mouth, "ya could've fuckin' been carryin' me over ya shoulder every time we've had sex... you can carry me?"
"Well, you're not actually that heavy, I have picked up and carried men double your size, Eddie... would you, uhm, would you like a coffee?" She murmurs, sitting next to him on the bed.
"Marry me." Eddie blurts out.
"What did you just say?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Marry me, at the nearest fuckin' chapel we can find, marry me."
"Eddie, I can't just drop everything to be in that world again, no."
"Kirby, I know I sound like I've lost my fuckin' mind, but... I need you in my life. I need my smart, sexy, strong, unafraid to tell her own father when he's crossin' a line, badass babe in my life. I can't be me anymore, not without you... Tony noticed that after ya left I got cruel, I started actually wantin' to hurt whoever I was facin'."
"I can't just drop everything all over again." She gets up, heading to the bathroom.
Eddie follows her, "Kirby, you are my calm. You are beautiful. Your blonde hair is like a sandy beach, your blue eyes are like the ocean, your scars show you've lived a story worth telling, those little beauty marks and freckles are like stars and ya pale skin... like paper, marked with ink, or snow, fragile but beautiful."
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 13: Just a Girl (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here Chapter 12: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's / Kirby's P.O.V:
The King of Hell...
Oh fuck, oh no, run... Can we run? No, we have to run. HAVE TO RUN!
Kirby's brain finally connects with her feet, rushing towards the balcony door and whispering a prayer under her breath.
Too late.
Damian grabs her from behind, she manages to kick him in the groin and runs.
"Fuck, shit! That little bitch! Urbano, Quirino, don't just stand there, get her!" Damien barks his orders, the big dog barking at his mindless hounds, "Natividad, you come with me. If she's still in Jacksonville by the end of tonight, we will find her."
Kirby's heart pounds inside her chest, her brain a mess of signals, as she runs for her life. Without thinking she jumps from the balcony, rolling when she hits the ground, and continues running.
Gotta call Eddie, got to warn him.
Kirby finds an alleyway and hides behind a dumpster. She takes her phone from her back pocket, checking if it still works before using it to call Eddie, praying that Eddie's still safe.
Pick up... pick up... PICK UP!
"Hey Swe-" Eddie answers in his usual tone, the sound of Penta and Blade talking audible in the background.
"Edward, shut the fuck up and listen."
"Woah, woah, Kirby, what's wrong?"
"You can't go back to the hotel, Damien's looking for me. If he sees you, he'll attack, you gotta run, Eddie. You have to run."
"Babe, what happened?"
"Damien found the hotel room. I'm safe, for now, I ran. He'll be looking for both of us, and he is pissed. He's got his fucking 'Hounds' with him, if he or they find you, fight. Do not let them take you quietly, I made that mistake once and it almost got me killed."
"Hounds? Like that dude from Eli's stream?"
"Exactly, that Hound is Mac, Billie's younger brother. The other hounds are Billie's other siblings, Zac, Judi, Nat, Rino, Ros and Bano. You'll know them when you see them, 'cause they'll try to kill you if they see you."
"Hey Mami, you remember me?" A voice echoes down the alley.
Shit! Fuck! That voice, no... no, it can't be, that's how he fuckin' found me!
Kirby hangs up the phone and slowly stands up, "Mac, Macario, this doesn't have to be this way."
"You kicked me in the nuts, all I wanted was a lil somethin'-somethin' mami." He chuckles, making his voice sound deeper and more demonic.
"You told Damien how to find me, Mac! It didn't have to be this way!" She hollers, hoping to reach his humanity.
"You were supposed to be Gluttony, an unstoppable force of consumption, and now look at you, a mere mortal."
"I never wanted to be Gluttony, Mac, and I know that you wanted to be one of his hounds."
"What have you become?" Macario asks, glaring at Kirby as he gets closer.
Kirby goes silent, taking a deep breath and once again kneeing Mac in the nuts, shoving him to the ground and running. She doesn't look where she's going for a moment, crashing into someone and ending up on the floor, swearing when she feels the searing pain in her leg and realising what just happened.
Rosaura and her knife 'Sasha', and now we're injured. Fucking excellent!
"May God forgive you, Ros, but I gotta go." Kirby whispers as she gets back up and jogs off.
Kirby slows down slightly, blood running down her leg from a stab wound, she slowly starts getting unsteady. She rips the sleeve off her dress shirt, using it to put pressure on the cut. She leans against a wall to catch her breath, closing her eyes for a moment.
"You look pretty winded, Señora [Lady], could I offer you some assistance?"
Kirby looks up, long black hair, tattoos on the hips, a wedding band on the outstretched hand, a blue lipstick tattooed on the woman's opposite arm, in line with her rather large breasts, dark blue lips, brown eyes... FUCK! Judith, yet another Hound.
"Hey Judi," Kirby chuckles softly, "You come here often?"
Judith steps back, a look of confusion on her face, enough space for Kirby to stand up and punch Judith in the face, possibly breaking her nose, Kirby starts walking away before running when Judith tries to grab her ankle.
"Come back here you bitch!" Judith screeches.
"I think not, mi amiga [my friend]."
Kirby eventually reaches the café, scanning the faces inside before someone grabs her and spins her around, she instinctively goes for a punch. The person grabs her fist, pulling Kirby into a gentle kiss.
"I got ya," Eddie whispers, "you're safe now."
Kirby lets out a deep sigh of relief, her shoulders lowering as she relaxes.
"If Damien, or anyone he controls, tries to split us up they'll have a war on their hands."
"We may want to go to a hospital." Kirby whispers.
"What's wrong, Ma?"
"I got stabbed in the leg."
"You got stabbed in the leg?!" Eddie's eyes go wide, "And you didn't think to tell me?!"
"It was an accident."
"How the fuck do ya get stabbed by accident?"
"Ran into someone holding a knife." She shrugs.
Eddie shakes his head and chuckles softly, "ran into someone holdin' a knife. C'mon, I'll take you to hospital."
Eddie gets blade to drive them to the nearest hospital. Kirby gets the, admittedly small, injury patched up and gets released within the hour. Eddie and Kirby drive past the hotel, making sure the coast is clear, grabbing their stuff and leaving.
They regroup with 'Eddie's Friends' outside of Jacksonville.
Penta, Rey, Butcher, Blade, Allie, Kirby and Eddie.
In a bar, in Altamonte, Orlando, Florida.
Eddie's hand brushes Kirby's when he walks past her to the bar. She mentally thanks the fact she's wearing a mask, hiding the smile the small gesture created. He got us into this mess, but fuck it, I wouldn't have it any other way.
When Eddie returns to the table with a pint of Guinness for Kirby and a Jack-and-coke for himself, he sits beside her and smiles, the softest smile Kirby's ever seen from him for only a moment. He quickly goes back to his usual, straight-faced, expression before anyone else can notice.
After about an hour of trying, and failing miserably, to come up with a plan, the group goes their separate ways. Kirby and Eddie are left in the bar together, Eddie separated from Kirby in the bathroom, when Billie walks into the bar alone.
"Is everything a joke to you?" She whispers in Kirby's ear, her voice smoky and seductive.
"Billie, you know damn well I wasn't planning on anything happening. Especially not between me and him." Kirby sighs softly.
"Then why can't you just let him go?" Billie hisses, softly touching Kirby's shoulders.
"I get it, Billie, it's all my fault, I didn't listen when you said not to fall in love, I was warned and yet I still did it, alright. I should have stuck with your plan and let him lust after me, 'cause you're so fuckin' great."
"But you didn't and now the King is angry. Tell me, Kirby, why do you have such a struggle obeying his orders?"
"Obeying orders, from a man who proclaimed himself King, without a proper claim over any throne?" She scoffs, "God, you're un-fucking-believable."
"You don't even know the greater plans his majesty had, I was supposed to take Kingston, you've fucked with the wrong minds in the wrong ways."
"Do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth, 'his majesty', you know deep down Damien is no rightful King of fuckin' anything."
"You can still return to his side, ya know, you can still be a part of his court." Billie purrs in Kirby's ear.
"I refuse to be brainwashed ever again. Bienvenida, you should know how bad conforming to his will is, it took you away from your children." Kirby growls as she gets up, paying for her and Kingston's drinks before leaving.
It takes about five minutes for Eddie to join her in the car.
"Sweetheart, are you okay?" He asks, keeping his distance when Kirby punches the dashboard repeatedly.
She watches as Billie leaves, getting out of the car and pacing back and forth, "I'm gonna fuckin' KILL HIM!" She screams in rage, punching a dent into the side of the car, which makes her knuckles bleed.
Eddie rushes to her, checking her hand for any broken bones, pulling Kirby into a nearly spine-crushing hug. He stops her raging further by holding her still, Her arms pinned to her sides, she looks down at Eddie's face and his cheeks go red, confirming her suspicions that it isn't Eddie's phone poking into her groin.
"Edward?" She raises an eyebrow.
"Yes, Kirby?"
"Did I... how do I say this?" She pauses for a moment, "Did my fury, did it... did that, have an impact on your loins?"
"Uhh... What?" Eddie pulls away, staying by her side.
"Did me punching the car and screaming, 'get your motor running', so to speak?"
"I was kinda hopin' ya wouldn't notice that..." He chuckles, a hint of nervous energy in his voice.
"You find my anger... sexy?"
"You said you were gonna kill him, I assume you mean Damien... my mind thought of you covered in blood, then I started thinkin' of you... naked and covered in blood."
"You want to see me covered in blood, Papi?" She teases.
"Fuck me." Eddie purrs, adjusting the crotch of his jeans.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth, Mr Kingston?" Kirby smirks as she climbs back in the car.
Eddie practically sprints to the driver's seat, taking them to a dark parking lot, he takes as little time as possible, ripping Kirby's clothes off, pinning her to the backseat. He kisses her deeply, pulling away, ever so slightly, to whisper what's he's going to do to her, his lips touching hers as he details his plans for her body.
"You know what I'm gonna do to you, sweetheart?" Eddie growls against Kirby's lips.
"Tell me." She purrs, a blissful smile on her face.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard, there's no way you're walkin' tomorrow," He takes his cap and shirt off, "I'm gonna pound into you until ya seein' stars," off comes his belt and timbs, "I'm gonna make you choke on my cock and I know you'll enjoy it," He grins devilishly as he removes his rosaries, "I'm gonna hammer into that pretty little pussy of yours, until I'm sure ya pregnant," Eddie slowly removes his jeans, leaving just his white tank-top and boxers, "after I've done all that, I'm gonna pound into you from behind, I might even make that sexy ass of yours familiar with my dick... I won't fuck you in there, just make us both very aware of how it feels when I'm inside ya ass."
Eddie does exactly as he says, fucking Kirby so hard, in so many positions, that she's sore all over, he finishes by curling up behind her, his dick in her ass, sleeping peacefully within reach of his fiancée. The couple are covered by a blanket as they sleep in the back of the car.
"Mornin' my beautiful Celtic princess." Eddie whispers when she wakes up.
Kirby checks her phone '08:15 Thursday, 4th September', Eddie smiles when she looks at him, the smile drops from his face when Kirby just whines 'oww' as her body aches from the night before.
She freshens up in a public bathroom, as does Eddie, and she returns to the car first.
"You wanna talk about last night?" Kirby asks Eddie when he returns.
"Yeah, Damien's huntin' you now?" He murmurs, scratching his beard.
"That's not the part of last night I was gonna talk about..."
"Oh... What do you wanna talk about?"
"When we were at the bar, and you were in the bathroom... Billie came up behind me..."
"What happened, Ma, you can tell me." Eddie puts his hand on her thigh to comfort her.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 12 - Unpretty (Set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here Chapter 11: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
Kirby is woken up by a text from Eddie the following morning (Saturday 29th August), 'Get dressed, I'm taking you out for coffee'. Kirby sighs as she gets up, getting dressed, and walking into the bathroom. She looks in the mirror at herself and hides her face in her hands. Why is Eddie with me? He's so handsome and I'm so ugly. I hate this fucking stupid orange ponytail, and these scars on my face, no amount of foundation can cover them. She wipes the tears from her eyes and splashes her face with water, drying off and doing her make-up, making sure she looks like she was never crying. She walks out of the bathroom and around the house, looking for Eddie. She finds him on the back patio, smoking a cigarette, scrolling through something on his phone. she takes a deep breath and double checks her outfit.
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"Hey King, what are you doing?" She asks as she walks up, standing next to him.
"I'm just lookin' through..." Eddie looks over at Kirby, "Well, hello Ma, you come here often?"
"What? Eddie, we live together."
Eddie chuckles softly, "babe, it's a pick-up line."
"Oh... right, yes, I do come here often." She chuckles weakly.
Eddie finishes his cigarette, putting his arms around Kirby's waist and kissing her gently, the look in his eyes going from loving to concerned, "Kirby, is everythin' okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine." She whispers, barely loud enough to hear.
"No, no, I don't believe ya. What's wrong?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Tell me, I don't want you being upset."
"Eddie, am I pretty?" She asks, her voice trembling, tears in her eyes.
"Are you pretty? No. Are ya fuckin' stunnin' and gorgeous? Hell fuckin' yeah."
"I don't feel pretty..."
"You don't think you're pretty, 'cause you're not someone you'd be into. I am your type, right?"
"Yeah, I love you." She nods softly.
"You are my woman, I am your man. You don't have to love how you look, just be comfortable with who you are. I'll love your body, your mind, all of ya. You just stay with me, and let me love you,I'll be the one who adores you... Now smile, ya got me emotional." Eddie murmurs, wiping his eyes with his shirt.
Kirby buries her head in Eddie's neck, letting her sadness leave her body before pulling away, "I'm gonna go do my make-up again."
"This time around, take it all off, I wanna see my girl in her natural state."
"Yes sir, Mr Kingston." She jokes softly.
When Kirby returns from the bathroom, Eddie's got one of his hoodies and her pair of timbs in his hands, he nearly drops the items when he sees her.
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"Woah, how the fuck do you go from a natural ten to a fuckin' nine?"
"Do you prefer the lack of makeup?"
"Prefer it? If I hadn't decided to take you out today, I'd be fuckin' ya 'till ya can't walk. Why do you cover up all of these beauty marks? And the freckles on your shoulders, why do you cover those up?"
"You are paying extra attention to detail?" She asks softly.
"Well, yeah, now I can see the details clearly. I'm not drunk or tired, or horny as fuck," He whispers, pulling her into a gentle kiss, "put these on, and we'll head out."
"One of your hoodies? I thought you didn't like anyone toughing your stuff."
"You said you like how I smell, so I thought this would be perfect, I have plenty more."
Kirby takes in the smell as she puts the hoodie on, biting her lip to stop herself from moaning, her senses full of Eddie's presence. It takes her a moment to remember how to tie her shoelaces, her mind still on Eddie. He wraps his arms around her waist from behind, kissing her neck.
Eddie spends the rest of the day, and the following three days, showing Kirby around Yonkers. Kirby arranges their flight and hotel, the couple flying back to Jacksonville, Florida on the 1st of September. Eddie and Kirby go right to bed after flying in, waking up on the 2nd in a mess of limbs.
"Morning, Kingy." Kirby murmurs as she wakes up.
"Good mornin', gorgeous." Eddie grumbles, pulling Kirby on top of him and into a lazy 'Good Morning' kiss.
"You want me to get you a coffee, Mr Loverman?"
"If you wouldn't mind, Doll, can ya pick me up a pack of-"
Kirby kisses Eddie softly, "I can get ya a pack of cigarettes, don't worry."
"You're such an angel." He whispers, resting his hands on her ass, grinding his groin against hers.
"Eddie, no, I have things to do today."
"Like what, what's more important than sex wit' ya fiancé?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Uhm, going to the gym, writing emails to people, doing some shopping for the house."
"Doin' some shopping for the house?"
"I'm not living in a blank white box forever, Eddie."
Eddie reluctantly lets Kirby get up, watching as she does her morning routine. Kirby gets dressed in front of him, in a short, mid-thigh tartan skit, a comfy orange sweater and a black button-up jacket.
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"You look so fuckin' cute. Don't ruin it with makeup." Eddie half-groans half-yawns.
"Fine, I'll just put my mask and my timbs on, I was gonna put lipstick on, but nope, it's fine."
"A'ight, I get it. You can put some, and I mean some, makeup on."
Kirby blows a kiss to Eddie, grapping a lipstick from her bag, going back into the bathroom. She returns with her lips now a deep, chocolatey, shade of brown, she puts her mask and timbs on, standing up and being pulled into a hug by Eddie.
"I love ya, I put the can of mace in your bag, stay safe. Remember, two coffees, a pack of cigarettes, and maybe a box of con-"
Kirby kisses Eddie to shut him up, "I'm not getting condoms, you can survive without sex for a couple days."
"How am I supposed to do that, when you look so sexy?"
"Either get yourself off, or suffer. I'm not in the mood right now, Eddie."
"A'ight Ma, I'll suffer with my sexy-ass fiancée, bein' really fuckin' hot, not lettin' me rock her body." Eddie grumbles.
Kirby shakes her head, kissing Eddie one final time, grabbing her purse and leaving the room. She grabs Eddie's cigarettes first, also grabbing a box of nicotine patches, then getting him the first energy drink can she sees, paying for those items and heading to the local café. She pulls out her phone and calls Eddie.
"Hey beautiful, you at that café ya like?"
"Yeah, waiting for you, gonna get some work done while I wait. I got us some breakfast and coffee."
"I'll be there in a couple minutes, gotta call Ma first, tell her we got here okay."
"Tell Ruthie I say hi, and ask her to send me that really cute picture of you, Eric and Evan."
Eddie chuckles, "Okay, will do. Love ya, my gorgeous angel, see ya soon."
"Bye, handsome." She whispers as she hangs up, getting out her laptop and starting to work.
Around five minutes later, Eddie shows up carrying both his own and her gym bags. He sits across from her and sips his coffee, snapping his in front of her face to get her attention.
"Stop it," she grumbles, "I can't remember if Mike still has my posters or not. Fuck it, I'll call him later and ask."
"Hey Princess." Eddie smirks when Kirby looks at him.
"I got you some nicotine patches, and an energy drink." She murmurs, passing him the stuff she bought him.
"Thanks, I owe ya one."
"All you owe me is a weekend in Wales together."
"Deal, I'll give you a whole month in Wales if you want."
"As if either of us is gonna take a whole month off."
"You took a year off." He teases softly.
"For medical reasons." Kirby sticks her tongue out at Eddie.
Eddie chuckles, happily digging into the French toast Kirby bought him watching as Kirby works. Every so often she looks at him and sticks her tongue out, Eddie does the same in return, making each other smile softly. They leave after Eddie finishes his breakfast, heading to the gym and training with each other. After their workout, Kirby heads back to the hotel and Eddie heads off to the arena. She continues doing her work, going down her to-do list and crossing things off.
Kirby wakes up to the sound of the hotel room door opening, she checks the time on her phone '00:13 Wednesday, 3rd September' she looks over at the door and the shape in the doorway.
"Shit, I didn't mean to wake ya." Eddie whispers, closing the door behind himself.
"What kind of time do you call this?"
"'I should have called my girl and told her I'll be late' time?" He suggests.
"Yeah, a call or text would've been nice."
"I went out for drinks with Penta and lost track of time."
"You went out for drinks and didn't think to call me?" She raises an eyebrow in confusion.
Eddie gets undresses, only leaving on his white tank-top, and climbs into the bed next to Kirby. He smirks when he sees the underwear she has on, a see-through black lingerie set with a gap over her groin.
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He pulls her onto his lap, kissing her deeply and slipping his tongue into her mouth, grinding his groin against hers.
"Were ya waiting for me?" He asks, whispering in her ear.
"I will always wait for you, Eddie, I even went out and got a box of condoms for you."
Eddie growls as he kisses Kirby roughly, pulling away to search for the box, slipping on a condom before sliding into Kirby. He shifts their position so he can pound her into the bed, growling as he makes her moan.
"So fuckin' pretty, every little thing about ya is heavenly, ya my little piece of heaven." He grunts watching as Kirby cums, continuing to pound into her.
"Oh fuck, Eddie." She whispers breathlessly.
"You may think ya ugly, but I see how pretty, not even pretty, how fuckin' hot you are." Eddie inhales sharply as he cums, sending Kirby over the edge for the second time, he pulls out and kisses her deeply.
"Eddie, Papi?"
"What's up, beautiful?"
"Do you wanna actually, you know, go through with your end of the deal?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie raises an eyebrow and smirks, "oh fuck yes."
Kirby's jaw drops slightly as she watches Eddie, moving at the quickest pace she's ever seen him at, chuck the condom in the bin and rush to pin Kirby to the bed.
"Woah, Eddie, slow and sensual. It's making a baby, not a fucking race."
Eddie rolls his eyes but does slow his pace, making out with Kirby as he makes love to her. He manages to last three minutes, finally cumming with a guttural growl.
"You truly are the sexiest man alive." Kirby whispers.
"You wanna go shower together?"
Kirby nods and lets Eddie lead her to the shower to freshen up, they fall asleep next to each other.
When Kirby wakes up later that morning, there's a 'to-go' cup of coffee on her bedside table, Eddie's left her a note on his pillow, she reads it and smiles.
'Gone to get us breakfast. If Moxley calls tell him to go fuck himself, he'll know why. You are the prettiest woman in the world. Never forget how much I love you. P.S I'm sorry if the coffee is cold when you wake up.'
Kirby drinks her coffee and does her morning routine, getting dressed in an all black outfit, plain black crop-top, black jeans, plain black dress shirt, her black timbs and a couple black bracelets. She smiles when the door opens, the smile quickly fading from her face.
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nightsidewrestling · 1 year
D.U.D.E Part 11 - Stay (set in 2020)
Note: This is set in a universe where Men VS Women / Intergender matches can happen.
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Chapter 1: here Chapter 2: here Chapter 3: here Chapter 4: here Chapter 5: here Chapter 6: here Chapter 7: here Chapter 8: here Chapter 9: here Chapter 10: here
Tags: @piratewithvigor @tantamount-treason @thedollmaker16 @janetreader
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places (those chapters will be marked as 'Mature / sexual content' just to be safe). Please inform me if you wish to be tagged or untagged from posts. If the text is in italics and orange it's Kirby's inner monologue. If the text is coloured but not in italics, it's either dialogue or a P.O.V change (P.O.V changes will be in bold and translated dialogue will appear in square [ ] brackets), Key below. Quick note on Geia's text colour: Yes I do know that as Greed she should be in yellow but I decided to colour the men's dialogue yellow so Geia was changed to be pink like the other women in the story outside of the main 8.
2nd Quick note: Eddie's parents are named (in the story) Ruth & Earl, and his brother is Eric. I have not yet decided on a name for Eddie's sister-in-law.
The Main 8: Damo - Bio. Vi - Bio. Billie - Bio. Geia - Bio. Kirby - Bio. Honey - Bio. Eli - Bio. Sara - Bio.
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Gluttony's P.O.V:
Eddie arrangers for them to fly out to Yonkers after Dynamite on Thursday, a red-eye flight followed by a cab trip to his house... Our house, Eddie's home, and God does it ever look like it. Admittedly, Eddie keeps his place clean, it's quite nice for a very blank home.
"Well this is nice, but it's... Eddie, I say this out of the kindness of my heart, you need to add personality." Kirby mumbles.
"I'm hardly ever here, unless I got a girl wit' me... but that's only for, I'm not sayin' that to my wife... you wanna see the bedroom?"
Eddie shows Kirby to the bedroom and she lets out a sigh of relief.
"At least one room has a soul... Admittedly it's the soul of a gigolo, but it's soul nonetheless."
"Did you just call me a gigolo?"
"I highly doubt you bring back models every night."
"I brought you here." He smirks.
"Once again, not a model, too scratched up and scarred to be a model."
Eddie's phone goes off and he leaves Kirby to unpack. Knowing her parents were staying with Eddie's, she takes a moment to breathe, she makes the room feel more homely to her. She goes to look where Eddie went, stopping when she hears his voice.
"Just get ya ass over here and stop playin', how're you supposed to meet my new lady if you act like that, huh? Homicide... Nelson... don't you say that... I'll kick your ass, yeah, I know it's crazy, I love her... she's my fiancée, my soon-to-be-wife, and I adore her. God only knows how long I've been searchin' for a good woman like her... a'ight, see you in a few, bye."
Kirby's breathing catches in her throat, she coughs and Eddie turns to look at her.
"You okay babe?"
"Yeah, I'm fine... one of your friends is called 'Homicide'?"
"He's a wrestler, like you being 'Gluttony'." He shrugs.
"Oh, it's a ring name, I should've guessed... been around too many guys who use real sounding names."
"You finished in there?"
He gestures to the bedroom, distracting Kirby for a moment, as he walks up to her. He wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her into a deep kiss, slowly making her walk backwards. They only stop when they reach the kitchen counter, Eddie smirks as he pulls away. The smirk is quickly replaced with a look of annoyance when someone knocks at the door.
"Who is it?!" Eddie hollers, protecting Kirby's ears.
"Who the fuck do ya think?!" A man, incredibly similar sounding to Eddie, replies.
"Oh hey, Eric. I'm gonna go let my brother in, you stay here, I love ya."
"He sounds exactly like you." Kirby whispers.
"He is my brother."
Kirby goes to speak, but doesn't out of embarrassment. Eddie lets his brother in, walking back to Kirby and pulling her into a gentle kiss, showing off Kirby to Eric.
"Kirby, Eric. Eric, Kirby." Eddie mutters, gesturing back and forth between the two.
"So, you're the reason, Ma made me buy this," He hands Kirby a white box, "don't worry, it's just cake, it's not gonna kill ya."
"That's very nice of your mother, Edward... I thought we were gonna buy us a cake, no?" Kirby whispers as she opens the fridge, "Why is there only beer in your fridge, Eddie?"
Eric laughs as Eddie struggles to come up with an answer. Kirby just shakes her head softly as she places the cake (still in the box) in the fridge. As she closes the door, Eddie puts his arm around her waist, she kisses him gently.
"What do you do for work, Kirby?"
"I'm a wrestler, but I'm also a video editor, artist, writer, photographer, and I work in talent relations for the C.R.C."
"Wow, you must have a lot on ya plate doin' all that."
"Nah, it's easy for me to just breeze through it all. I'm a workaholic, like my Da. If I'm not doing something, anything really, it makes my mind wander."
"And that's not good?" Eric asks softly.
"No, well... it depends, usually though... yeah, it gets bad," Kirby mumbles, "Especially when my mind goes to, you know, things in my past I could have... I could've done differently, you know."
Eddie tightens his grip on her waist, kissing her jawline, "you're okay, sweetheart." He whispers.
"Now though, I wouldn't change anything about my life, I wouldn't dare risk changing something... I know it sounds cheesy, but I am scared that changing anything, even the tiniest detail, would make me lose Eddie."
"Never, you'd never lose me. I'm stayin' and so are you, together, here in New York or on the road."
"Speakin' of cheesy, Ma's gettin' both you and Kirby both a chopped cheese." Eric murmurs.
Kirby raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"Oh Kirby, you are gonna love it," Eddie grins, "It's like the perfect intro to being a New Yorker."
"It sounds nice, but then again so does a kebab... and a pint of Guinness too."
"I'll go get the food, you stay here. I love you, my queen, my angel, my fuckin' babygirl."
Eric groans as he looks away. Eddie smirks, kissing Kirby deeply, backing Kirby against the counter. He sticks his tongue out at her when he pulls away. She smirks and pulls him back into a kiss, he groans against her lips, close enough to feel him get hard. Eric nearly has to drag his brother to their parents.
When Eddie returns, he leaves the bag of food and drinks on the counter, he searches the house for Kirby, eventually finding her in the shower. He undresses and joins her, kissing up her spine, spinning her around and kissing her passionately.
"Hi Eddie, future husband." Kirby purrs against his lips.
"Shh, no words, only moans." Eddie whispers, dropping to his knees and teasing Kirby with his mouth.
After a couple minutes, Eddie shuts the shower off, he hoists her over his shoulder and carries her to their bed. Eddie climbs over Kirby, pinning her hands above her head, grunting as he pounds into her. Fast and rough, making her moan and squirm, every thrust banging the headboard against the wall. Kirby moans his name as she cums, sending Eddie over the edge.
"Fuck, I needed that so badly." Eddie groans as he pulls out.
"That makes two of us." Kirby chuckles breathlessly.
"Stay," he grunts, "I'll get the food."
"Put some underwear on, for all you know, we could have visitors."
"Homicide's seen me naked before, we'll be fine."
"Eddie." Kirby states flatly.
"Oh, you mean your family."
"Yeah, I may like you nude, but what would my Da think if he saw you like this?"
"Kirby?" Eddie murmurs.
"Yes, Eddie?"
"Are your parents cool with me being mixed?"
"Yeah. My whole family is cool with me, and my cousins, marrying other races. One of my cousins, Roderick, is married to this lovely, Afro-American girl from New Orleans... what's her name, Gethsemane." Kirby explains.
"Oh, so you have a couple different races in your family already?"
"Yeah, we don't discriminate, unless you're English... Irish and Welsh history has taught us not to trust them." She shrugs as she gets dressed.
"So why did you trust Damien?" Eddie asks as he gets dressed.
"Same reason I trusted Jimmy Jacobs, and joined the flood, I didn't... I was 'brainwashed' into following their command."
"You were in the flood? That fuckin' scumbag." He growls.
"Eddie, calm," Kirby whispers, stroking Eddie's arm, "breathe, Papi."
"I'm still gonna fuckin' kill him."
"Don't, Eddie, just teach him a lesson, no killing people."
Eddie sighs and nods, going to get the food and two cans of beer, sitting outside on the patio with Kirby. Eddie lights up a cigarette and watches Kirby take the first bite of a chopped cheese.
She moans softly, "this is so fuckin' good." She whispers.
Eddie smiles softly, "you like it?"
"Like is an understatement, I fucking love it. Back home this would be called 'drunk food'... I love kebabs and stuff, a lot of the things people call 'drunk food', I eat fully fuckin' sober."
"You got ya Ice Cube shirt back?"
"Yep, smells like you, your fly's undone."
"Shit." Eddie grumbles, doing up his fly and checking to see if the neighbours saw anything.
"When did Homicide say he'll be here?"
"Soon, around now-ish." He says, right as there's a knock at the door.
"Go let your other best friend in." Kirby teases jokingly.
Eddie kisses her forehead as he goes back inside, coming back with Homicide following him.
"Kirby, Homicide. Homicide, Kirby. We good?"
"Oh, you're Nelson Erazo, I remember you." Kirby murmurs, looking up from her food.
"You're marryin' Eddie, 'The Dragon Princess' of C.R.C? Moxley's 'female Andre'."
"Don't call her that, she's not a female Andre, she's Kirby. My Kirby, her Da's little princess, my future wife."
"Thanks, Eddie... I feel really embarrassed saying this, but are you going to eat that?"
"Not if you want it, take it," Eddie shakes his head, giving Kirby his food, "especially if I hear ya moan again." He smirks.
Homicide chuckles, "Eddie, come on man."
"What's wrong wit' that?" Eddie shrugs, "I didn't say what I was thinkin'."
"What were you thinking?" Kirby raises an eyebrow.
"I'd rather see those pretty lips-"
"Eddie, stop," Homicide groans, "She's a ten time death match champion, not just some piece off ass."
"You two have worked together?" Eddie raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yeah, I went by my name in C.R.C, did their death match tournament a couple of times." Homicide shrugs.
"You nearly won the thing a couple times as well." Kirby smirks.
"I know, only lost because I had to face you."
"Exactly, you don't mess with forces you can't control, like a motherfucking dragon."
"Instead, just let Eddie fuck the dragon."
Kirby groans, "such a lame fucking joke, my man."
"So I'm marryin' C.R.C's 'Dragon Princess'?" Eddie asks.
"Yep... 'Dragon Prince Eddie Kingston'... that actually sounds cool."
"I'll spell it out for ya in simple terms. Ya soon-to-be father-in-law is the 'Dragon King' of C.R.C, each 'boss' of C.R.C is a king. Kirby knows the list better than I do. But, Hywel is the 'Dragon King' because he's a highflyer, he stays in the air and he's fiery, therefore a 'dragon', same applies to Oda and Kirby, Dragon Queen and Dragon Princess." Homicide explains.
"I'll give you the list. Naoise is the Cyhyraeth King, he specialises in both hardcore and brawler styles. Rhodri is the Ogre King, he specialises in grappling. Uinseann is the Clurichaun King, he specialises in both technician and powerhouse styles. Yorath-"
"You have an uncle named 'Yorath'?" Eddie interrupts.
"Yes, moving on. Yorath is the Hunter King, he's a technician. Bran is the Fomorian King, he's a powerhouse. Fergus is the Dullahan King, he's a brawler, and finally, my Da, Hywel is the Dragon King, he, my mother and I are highflyers." Kirby explains.
"It sounds complicated, but it's actually really easy yo go with, it's just how they train people."
"Oh, so I would be the 'Dragon Prince' even though I'm not a highflyer?"
"Yeah, you would." Kirby nods.
"That's all I need to know, sweetheart."
"I got shit to do, so I'll see ya 'round. A'ight?"
"That's alright with me, see ya Homicide."
"Call me if ya need anythin'." Eddie nods, pulling Homicide into a half-hug.
Eddie and Kirby spend the rest of the day, into the early evening, getting Kirby settled into their, now shared, home. Eddie watches as Kirby makes dinner, before raising an eyebrow at her when she puts a bowl in front of him.
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"What's this?"
"Tatws Pum Munud, bacon, potatoes, stock, carrots, onions, peas and beef."
"It's Welsh stew?" Eddie asks, looking from the bowl to Kirby.
"Aye lad, warns ya from the inside." Kirby smiles softly.
"I ain't a lad, babe, I'm a grown ass man." He smirks.
"Just eat your fuckin' stew, Kingston." She shakes her head gently.
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