#The dads!! ever!!! heeheehoo
zaacoy · 1 year
Hiii I just wanna say that I love your art so frikin much like the way you draw is just so perfect like how??? bro Im stealing your hands so be cautious/j
I dunno if your still doing Freenoodles suggestions but here's one if you are cuz Im absolutely obsessed with that ship rn:
so just Tang and Pigsy being relatively gay and someone litterly anyone (maybe MK I dunno) walk in and is so confused because my lil headcannon is they're Relationship is probably closeted if thats even the term idk Im like half asleep idk what Im doing
(Help why is this so long-)
Hihi!! Thank you!!!! You'll have to fight me to get my hands tho >:3c
Here's theyyyymm
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cutemoniic · 4 years
you're talking to a crow person again, it means that you got over your dad?
Not really. It just means that I’m willing myself to not group everyone in a group called ‘’crow people’’ since everyone is unique. I don’t know this person, I’m testing my own limits, trying to be more social.
That aside, y’know. My dad, the person who adopted me after my creator tried to kill me without batting a lash, died. It’s not easy to get over it. You might have the emotions of a teaspoon, but I don’t.
Lately thanks to some help I have metabolized that he wasn’t really a great person. I mean, he just vanished off the face of Earth without an explanation and then returned to die in my arms. Without a doubt the action seemed noble to him but he just gave me one last trauma before he went off, and while I’m thankful that now I know that he’s dead with no possibilities of returning ever... who does that? 
Who comes to traumatize someone they care about one last time? He should have been there more often. He should have been more present to help himself and me out, but I recognize that he lacked the willpower and commitment to stay around. And I can’t just say ‘’well, he was just like that heeheehoo!’’ because it fucking sucked and it still makes me miserable. I still go and cry in the tub when I think about it, but not as often. I weaponized this anger I’m feeling to not let myself feel sad anymore.
I loved my dad. I still love him. But he wasn’t the best person, he should have been able to change, but he didn’t. And now I have to live with that for the rest of my life while he’s buried near a tree, dead and without a care in the world anymore.
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