#I like to think that they used to be affectionate in front of mk too until he hit his “ewww get a room gags” phase that kids go through
zaacoy · 1 year
Hiii I just wanna say that I love your art so frikin much like the way you draw is just so perfect like how??? bro Im stealing your hands so be cautious/j
I dunno if your still doing Freenoodles suggestions but here's one if you are cuz Im absolutely obsessed with that ship rn:
so just Tang and Pigsy being relatively gay and someone litterly anyone (maybe MK I dunno) walk in and is so confused because my lil headcannon is they're Relationship is probably closeted if thats even the term idk Im like half asleep idk what Im doing
(Help why is this so long-)
Hihi!! Thank you!!!! You'll have to fight me to get my hands tho >:3c
Here's theyyyymm
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fawnfictions · 9 months
So basically I was thinking of a platonic thingy with monkie trio with gn!reader who can just fall asleep literally anywhere
sleepy findings
— macaque, wukong & mk, gn!reader
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tbh, i'm not the smartest, so i wasn't sure if you meant the traffic light trio or like swk, mac, and mk? i went with the latter, but if you meant redson, mei, and mk, let me know and i'll happily do them, too <3
i really liked this prompt, so i wrote more than i thought i would by accident LOL
;; platonic, fluff, no warnings.
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- he may get a lil concerned at first, not understanding why you would fall asleep anywhere that isn't necessarily comfortable.
- after a while, he won't bat an eye, simply moving around you and continuing with his business, or making sure you're comfortable.
- if he turns around and you're just sleeping on the floor, he'll chuck a blanket on you, maybe a pillow or two (or even moving you completely if the position looked like it'd ache later).
- as much as he'll refuse to admit it, sometimes he'll hop into the shadows just to check up on you (he can't lie, he's terrified of losing you after making a new friend after so long).
- and if he finds you passed out somewhere that you probably shouldn't be, he'll carefully pick you up and move you somewhere else nearby.
- if you've decided to take a nap on a bench in the park, you'll mysteriously wake up inside Pigsy's restaurant, assuming that you must've started sleep walking.
- will definitely join you whenever and wherever you decide to conk out, if he's able to, though.
- depending on the strength of ur relationship/how long you've known each other, he'll lay down close to you.
- probably won't snuggle with you, but will move as close to you as he can, having some part of his body touching yours; like his tail laid over your midsection, or his arm against yours.
- he's most likely touch-starved in some way—monkey's are very social and affectionate creatures, and since his resurrection, he hasn't had the chance to cuddle up to, or rough house, with anyone, much less the other monkey's on Flower-Fruit Mountain.
- but he'd be reluctant to start anything, and wouldn't want to outright ask for cuddles, either.
- if you insist on it, though, he'll happily wrap himself around you in a warm embrace, reminiscing on the cuddle piles he and Wukong used to take part in.
The dark-shaded monkey dipped himself into the familiar darkness, joining the bitter shadows lingering in the cracks and crevices of buildings and people alike. He travelled away from the dojo, his usual place of hiding, and onwards to the theatre.
Macaque had planned to perform his usual shadow play, a sort of practice for the eventual time that the Monkey King's little successor would be lured there. However, he'd be lying by saying he wasn't enjoying himself—putting on a show for the local theatre had almost turned into a hobby for him.
As he emerged from the void he often travelled through, stepping into an alleyway next to his destination, Macaque felt one of his ears twitch. He picked up a noise he had grown familiar with, following the quiet snores after adjusting his cloak to ensure his identity was hidden from the public.
The anthropomorphic monkey rounded the corner, taking all but a few steps until he was stood in front of an occupied wooden-bench. He silently sighed, holding back a smile at the scenario he had been through all too many times.
You were seated, chest moving rhythmically with your calm breaths. Your head was uncomfortably leaned backwards at an angle, eyes closed, and mouth slightly agape.
You were clearly asleep; although, Macaque didn't know how.
He felt his heart swell at the peacefulness and innocence displayed on your face. He already knew that he'd do anything to protect you from the kindness you had shown him, but this just further encased that thought in his mind.
It took all but seconds for him to decide. The shadow play could wait and be performed later; for now, he'd focus on taking you home and ensuring your safety and comfortability.
He gathered you in his arms, positioning your head to lean into the crook of his neck and holding underneath your legs and upper back.
Macaque promptly fell into the shadows after a quick glance confirming that no one important would see. He held you tightly, understanding that these 'voids' of his were often too cold for most lifeforms, not wanting you to catch a sickness.
In less than a minute he felt himself 'pop!' back into existence, the familiar interior welcoming him back. Your house had always felt warm to him; not in the sense that you kept the heater on, but rather that it radiated a friendliness that drew people in. It felt very... Homely.
He navigated himself to your bedroom, which was practically muscle memory at this point. After gently placing you amongst the fluffy pillows and heavy blankets, he shed himself of the cloak he wore and lazily tossed it on the floor.
With conversant movement, Macaque took his place beside you in the bed, worming his way under the covers and wrapping it over you. He hesitantly lifted his arm, laying it over your midsection and pausing, listening for any hitches in your breath or signals of disturbance.
Once he was certain you weren't going to wake up any time soon, he relaxed into the position, unconsciously curling his tail over your leg under the blankets.
Macaque may have had plans today, but none of which were as important as taking a lazy day and napping with you.
- he totally gets it tbh
- if he could, he would be falling asleep anywhere and everywhere.
- he isn't too concerned about it, he figures that if you aren't worried about it, he shouldn't be either.
- refuses to ever wake you up, unless you are in immediate danger or if he desperately needs you for something.
- if you fall asleep anywhere on Flower-Fruit Mountain, you WILL wake up in a non-consenting cuddle pile with like, 20 monkey's.
- wukong may or may not also be in that pile (he totally is, out of jealousy).
- any time he finds you sleeping, no matter where it is, he'll join you.
- asleep in a tree? he's jumped up there and is already wrapping his arms around you.
- taken a nap in Pigsy's restaurant? well, looks like he'll surprise MK with a quick visit (where he's cuddling up to you).
- sleeping on a public bench? okay, maybe he's a little more reluctant to be that public about it, he is the Monkey King after all—he'll just move you both to a more private location.
- that may sound saucy, but it isn't, i promise <//3 he's just nervous of someone taking advantage of him in a vulnerable state and attacking you both.
- he LOVES his lazy days, and if you even entertain the idea of sleeping in, he will immediately be dragging you back under the covers to get some more shut-eye.
- honestly, you'll have to drag him out by his tail if you want to get up any time after, like, 10am.
- and, if he gets you too wrapped up in his arms, you aren't seeing the outside world until MK comes knocking at his door, asking about his lesson that was supposed to start 10 mins ago.
- this monkey is VERY cuddly.
- you don't even have to ask, and he'll be (NON-SEXUALLY!!!) touching every part of your body with his own.
- he loves feeling you against him, it really grounds him and confirms that his loved one is safe within his arms, and hasn't abandoned him.
Wukong was growing nervous.
You had told him you'd only be gone for a few minutes, planning on grabbing a few snacks for the movie marathon that you two had set up. Yet, it had been nearly an hour and there was no sign of your return.
When he realised his tail was unconsciously tapping against the arm of the couch, Wukong decided to investigate. Despite his comfortable position amongst the pillows, he lifted himself onto his feet and wandered towards the kitchen. If you were supposed to be collecting snacks, that's where you should be, right?
As he glanced around his familiar abode, he felt his heart drop at the lack of your presence. However, before he was able to begin panicking about your whereabouts and a possible kidnapping, one of his monkey's pulled on his pant leg to gain his attention.
With a few chirps and hand motions, Wukong realised that the smaller of the two wanted to lead him somewhere. If he knew his monkey's well enough, which he did, he'd know that this one must've picked up on his anxious behaviour and was trying to help. With this knowledge alone, the mystic monkey was willingly led to, hopefully, you.
It took all but a few minutes to come across a, rather large might he add, cuddle pile. And, in the midst of it all, was you, smothered by several monkey's clinging onto your form.
Despite the swelling of his heart to seeing his family and you getting along so well, he felt somewhat... irked. This was where you were the entire time? Without him?
Wukong was able to shake the feeling away, before stepping closer to the pile with the intention to join everyone. His entrance had woken most of the monkey's up, causing them to move further away from you to allow their King to take his place next to you in the middle.
From the appearance of it, he was left to assume that you had entered the kitchen and gotten distracted by the cuddle pile that had begun to form, unable to resist the temptation of sleeping. He wasn't surprised; there wasn't a week that had gone by where he hadn't found you asleep in some odd place.
He lowered himself next to you, gently wrapping your body close to his and folding his arms around you. His tail was moved around your leg. Gradually, he felt more monkey's placing themselves around him, further enticed by their King joining the cuddle pile.
It wasn't long before Wukong felt himself drifting out of consciousness. Your rhythmic breathing and the reassurance of your body pressed up against his created a calm atmosphere in his mind, surrounded by his loved ones. He had a feeling that he would need to cancel that lesson with MK, later, though.
- he is SERIOUSLY concerned when he finds you falling asleep one too many times.
- asks if you've been sleeping alright, how many hours you're getting each night, etc.
- poor boy thinks you must be stressed and lacking sleep, from prior experience of his own.
- when you tell him that you just... fall asleep for no reason, sometimes, he's... surprised, to say the least. you can tell he doesn't immediately believe you.
- gets even MORE concerned when he finds you in these weird locations and positions, some of which do not look comfortable in the slightest.
- might even ask Sandy for help, only to be told the same thing that you already told him.
- listen,,, he's just worried for his friend's wellbeing :(
- if you fall asleep in Pigsy's restaurant, he'll rush upstairs to grab you a pillow and some blankets.
- and he'll act as your guard dog, making sure no one disturbs your sleep by being too loud or by moving you.
- although, if anything, he'll be the one to wake you up—he can't exactly control his volume very well.
- If he finds you asleep somewhere outside, he'll probably take you to Pigsy's restaurant, but if it's closed, he'll just take you to his house instead :)
- honestly, i doubt he'd cuddle you at all, unless you were like, ultimate besties and asked him to cuddle.
- he'd be MEGA awkward about it too, but once he got comfortable, he would realise that he's a lil touch-starved and would revel in the feeling of his arms around you/your arms around him.
- if Mei walked in on you two cuddling, she would join you IMMEDIATELY join you, and you'd be stuck in a cuddle pile with them both for the next couple hours.
Before he's even found you, MK knows you've probably fallen asleep in some obscure place that will concern him. Despite his dislike of this habit you've gotten, when he finds you asleep in Pigsy's, he's somewhat glad, because at least he knows where you are.
It's days like these that he can feel himself getting older by the minute. The stress you put on him is undeniable, he hates not knowing whether his friends are safe or not.
Fortunately, his searching does not take long until he finds you.
At first glance, he assumes that you're a child, collecting sticks or playing hide-n-seek in the park, before realising it's you; sleeping underneath a tree. MK wastes little time in rushing over to you, giving you a once-over to ensure that you haven't brought injury unto yourself.
He sighs in relief after noticing that you're in good physical shape. That was one less thing to worry about; now, onto the next...
He wormed his arms underneath your body, being as careful as possible to not disturb your slumber, and lifting you up against his chest. You might complain at him later, feeling embarrassed to be picked up and moved by him, but he's fine with it as long as you're safe and in his sight while sleeping.
With the strength he's gained from his newfound abilities and Monkey King's training, he barely breaks a sweat in his endeavours to relocate you. The familiar scent of Pigsy's restaurant calms him, and clearly you, as well, if the unconscious smile on your face after entering was anything to go by.
MK makes a beeline for one of the booth seats, gently placing you down and ensuring that you won't take a tumble off the edge, before rushing back outside to enter his own apartment above the restaurant. Despite knowing that you're a heavy sleeper and unlikely to wake anytime soon, he hurried to grab the necessary items that he kept stashed in a seperate cupboard for your unexpected naps.
With a pillow and blanket now in his grasp, the young successor retraced his steps to the building below.
Both his boss and Tang ignored his behaviour, used to the odd interaction that happened between you two every week or so. As MK carefully wrapped the blanket over your shoulders, he quietly shushed Tang after a particularly loud slurp from the scholar.
Once he was certain that you were the comfiest you could be, he sat down in the seat opposite you and relaxed. Pigsy had let him out on a break earlier, and he still had 10 minutes left to enjoy it.
That was, until he was startled by the yelling of a young girl entering the building.
MK, in response, stammered out a warning that you were sleeping, putting a finger to his mouth and shushing her. He glanced over to you through Mei's apologies, thankful to notice that you hadn't woken from the disturbance.
He really had no clue how you were able to sleep the way you did.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Hi ! May I request a scenario/imagine for Yandere MK and how would they react to kidnap reader who has lots of traumas/lack of love in the past and reader is very happy to have someone love and protect them?
(I apologise if it's cringe)
Steven ran his hand through your hair while you were fast asleep, with your head on his lap.
He was a bit confused why you had been so comfortable with them.
It had only been a month, but you were already loving and affectionate with them.
"You head's going to explode from thinking, Steven." Marc said as Steven chuckled softly.
"I just don't understand how she's so calm with us." Steven whispered running his fingers through your hair.
"She hasn't had anything before us, she's probably craved this for so long and now she finally has it. And all she has to do is not leave, I don't think she wants to anyway." Marc explained as Steven smiled softly.
"She's so beautiful." Steven whispered as you whined a little and began to wake up.
"Sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you." He whispered as you slowly sat up and stretched.
"It's okay, it was a good nap." You said while Steven looked at you with affection in his eyes.
"You look so adorable, love. Did you sleep well?" He asked reaching up to hold your cheek as you smiled and nuzzled into his hand.
"It was a good sleep. May I have something to eat?" You asked as Steven stood up and helped you stand up with him.
"Of course, darling. What would you like?" He replied as you rushed to the kitchen cabinet making him chuckle softly.
Jake couldn't stop himself from fronting, he came over to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
"Decide yet, mi amor?" He whispered kissing your neck softly as you giggled softly.
"Stop!" You said playfully trying to conceal your giggles.
"I can't help myself, baby. You're just so cute." He whispered quietly.
"Can we have cereal for dinner?" You asked making him chuckle again.
"Well, since you've been such a good girl I don't see why we can't do that." He replied letting go to get the cereal down for you.
You let him pour you a bowl and himself one before you both sat down at small table.
Once you finished eating you went back to the couch and sat with Jake.
He found that you instantly cuddled into his side.
"Do you like my hugs?" You muttered looking up at him as he smiled.
"Of course I do, angel. They're the most wonderful thing." He replied kissing your forehead.
"I love your hugs too."
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jennrypan · 8 months
Got any headcannon to our lovely superstar johnny cage
Hm let's see..Haven't got much that everyone else doesn't already think
First and foremost. He is bi but I think this is a universal FACT fr.
He's a service top/ switch. He's down for whatever fr. (He's needy, whimpers and will be mouthy cuz ofc ofc)
He loves kids, like he likes acting in front of them and putting on little shows to make them laugh.
He WILL make people watch all the movies he's referenced. Like full on marathons at his house so they can understand what the hell he's talking about and just cuz he thinks they'll like the movies. He'll specifically find movies he thinks his friends will like and puts it on.
His love language is gift giving and acts of service <3 oh you like that thing over there?? I GOTCHU. You want me to give you a piggy back ride? I GOTCHU
He's the type to whine and complain if his partner leaves without kissing him goodbye. Boy is dramatic and WILL make it their problem, texting them things like: 'You left without kissing me :(? I'm hurt, I'm literally dying 💔 ' 'Bby are you mad at me :((?'
He gives GREAT hugs. Like full on chest to chest, holding you close cuz he's affectionate and things everyone could use a hug fr (his tits are huge and so are his biceps, you WILL get a hug)
I'm thinking his powers were giving to him by Shang Tsu in the MK 1 timeline. By ACCIDENT. Like when they were fighting to get Mileena back to normal he accidentally gets some of the guys weird shit on his arm and to anyone that isn't Earthrealm it would've burned them or something and instead it just stung him and it was like a mild itch until suddenly..he had those green plasma blasts at the end of MK 1?? And Shang Tsung was mad as hell when he found out cuz now this annoying Earth realmer has abilities 💀
Likes when his partners wear his stuff. Like yes!! That's my jacket!! That's my shirt!! Hell yeah!
He likes cats and would own a Maine Coon and call it Cage Jr. (Idc idc I'm projecting, give my boy a cat)
Favorite colors are Green, Red, Gold and pink . He likes flashy colors
He didn't have many friends growing up cuz people thought he was too loud and obnoxious so when he meets Lui Kang and Co he LATCHES on (abandonment issues :)) ) he wants to hang out whenever they can, he talks about them all the time cuz they're his new besties
(Especially Kenshi 👀)
He snorts when he laughs <3
Sleeps in his boxers or nothing at all so..watch out for that.
He knows a lot of random ass facts about all the things he buys. (People think he just buys things to spend money but nah he's a dork who researches random artifacts and has them to make sure they're taken care of)
He will FREQUENTLY bug Bi-Han about that statue he broke and will terrorize him about it, and Bi-Han will just about lose his mind in rage cuz this Earth Realmer is irking him
He visits his moms grave on her birthday all the time without fail and WILL get agitated if someone tries to stop him or tell him he has prior commitments (unless someone else is dying or something extremely serious is happening..like his child being born maybe 👀 you'll wait til he comes back)
He writes in cursive!! He learned cursive from his mom and knows how to write fast from experience of signing things. (He's also a fast reader cuz he's gotta read his contracts to know nothing fishy is happening)
Annnd that's what I got so far--
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krystaldeath · 1 year
Headcanons for Shadowpeach being Bai He’s dad’s please? (You can do it for your au where that happens if you want to btw, though you can also do it in a sort of canon scenario where the two adopt Bai He after making up or something)
Ahh I haven’t done anything for my au in a while so I’ll do that!
* So in the beginning Wukong was a bit hesitant to get too close to them, since he and Macaque don’t have the greatest history, but one day he saves Bai He from almost falling off a cliff when she was running around with the baby monkeys (the monkeys (both the babies and Mac & SWK) had heart attacks but it’s ok-) and she started to want to play with him more. So he became close to her before he and Mac patched things up and became lovers again
* Bai He likes to wear her hair in two buns on the side of her head. When Wukong one day finally asks why, she stops playing with her dolls and says, “Because it makes my shadow look like a monkey like my baba and papa!” with the biggest smile on her face. She immediately turned away to start playing again so she doesn’t see her fathers both clutching their hearts and crying their eyes out
* She calls Macaque Baba and Wukong Papa
* Bai He knows that her dads have a history together, and she figures out some things when she’s older by looking them up in books/on the internet. She keeps her knowing a secret because she’s afraid that if she brings it up her family will fall apart. Dw they all talk it out eventually but there’s a long period of time where she has this insecurity
* Groom/Braid train! Bai He in front getting her hair brushed, cleaned and braided by one of her dads while the other does the same to him. Mac is surprised that Wukong is actually pretty good at braiding (Wukong takes mock offense to his mate thinking he would suck at it; Bai He just giggles at her dads’ banter)
* Self projecting the little “Oo-Ooh~!” Id do whenever I saw my parents kiss when I was younger onto Bai He
* When she’s hanging out with the Traffic Light Trio for the Big Sis/Big Bro thing she has to hold back so much bc of MK’s rambling over Moneky King. “That’s my papa. He’s talking about my papa and I can’t even say anything about it. WAIT MY PAPA DID /W H A T/????” This is how she gets her Dad Lore™️, much like a lot of us (I assume or maybe this is just me-): From a person who isn’t her dad. In case you’re curious my mom is my Dad Lore supplier usually. Macaque probably tells her the stuff not usually talked about in stories though. “Oh yeah he was an idiot (affectionate). Still is but-“
* Macaque puts on shadow plays for her all the time, especially before bed. She asks for her favorite story and Mac gets flustered bc Wukong is watching too. “Th-the Hero and The Warrior were like the… the Sun and the Moon-” “Oho, were they now~?” “Papa, shh! Baba, please continue!”(It’s a bit of an edited version of the story from the Shadowplay episode, dw, he’s not putting his daughter to bed with a story about betrayal and heartbreak)
* Big timeskip here but after the events of season 3 (oh boy once I get the basics of this au out and can finally get into the shows timeline with it, yall aren’t ready for the angst), they all have some white in their hair. The family have “Hair Dye Days” where they all dye said white either their natural hair color or a fun unnatural color. Usually it’s just Bai He who does the unnatural colors (like pink or red; red is to match her dads :3), but sometimes Mac will dye his purple and Wukong will dye his teal/turquoise (I do Not know which one is the one he often has as his accent color but it’s gotta be one of the other. Probably)
* Last one for now bc this is getting long: Wukong is a living space heater. Macaque and Bai He will just cuddle up to him on each side and he has to try not to cry bc he’s been alone for so long, with only the baby monkeys to keep him company, and now he has a daughter and a husband and his touch starved self is gonna burst from how much love is in his soul now
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Help Chapter 33.
"How so?! are you going on vacation?!" MK exclaimed. Macaque grimaced.
"Not so loud, kid."
From the moment MK arrived to The mountain, Wukong and the warrior were packing, walking around the living room, looking for some things. MK sat down on the sofa.
"Yes. We decided to go on vacation. Wukong always wanted to visit the heavenly afterlife with me~" said the warrior.
"Yeah, otherwise I would die without you." Wukong said.
"Of corse." said the warrior with his smile.
Macaque started packing his bag.
Wukong sat down next to MK.
"Kid, don't worry. I'll leave you in my-"
Macaque glared at him. "-our mountain." Wukong rolled his eyes.
"I hope nothing serious will happen in our absence."
MK sighed. "But, what if... I don't know... DBK attacks, or another demon..."
At the mention of DBK they started laughing.
"What? What are you laughing at?"
"You could say he's as much of a villain as I am an actor." Wukong said.
"Oh. Sun, you are a great actor, if only you would try to show your talent on a real stage." Macaque said affectionately and teasingly.
"No, no way."
"And now I'm completely lost. What's this about?"
"The thing is... I don't like being on stage very much."
Macaque leaned against the kitchen counter and watched MK's reaction.
"You?! Great Sun Wukong?! Is afraid of public performance? I won't believe it."
Wukong sighed. "I'm not really into having a crowd of people watching me and you know... I get stage fright?"
"It's more like a panic attack." added Macaque. "I used to try to get him to go on stage with me, but you always had to back out at the last minute and made up excuses."
"Hey! That was a pretty good excuses."
Macaque raised an eyebrow.
"You work in the theater?" MK asked.
The warrior sighed.
"Sometimes it happens to me to put on a show for mortals... and for my beloved Sun~" he added with a provocative smile. Wukong smiled too.
"Shadow play. Mac. is great at it."
"Oh. Don't exaggerate."
Wukong stood up and walked over to the warrior, hugging him.
"You love my praise, Moon~"
Macaque blushed slightly.
"Okay? So how long will you be gone?" MK interjected.
"Ah.. Maybe a week?" Wukong said. "if it goes well..." he muttered the last part. The warrior took his hand, encouraging him.
"But it's not like last time?"
"You know, when you disappeared for almost a month due to... your health problems."
"Oh. No... no, kid. This is for chillout now. Me and Mac like the good old days."
"Yeah... we'll go sightseeing in the heavenly kingdom, visit some old friends, and annoy them a bit." Macaque said. Wukong chuckled.
"What do you think? Kid? We are two chaotic monkeys. What can you expect from us?"
"I don't know, you two won't get into trouble?"
"Hah. Don't worry about that kid, it'll be fine. Mac, did you pack everything?"
Wukong shouldered the bag.
"So you guys already?"
"Well? What should we wait for?"
Macaque opened a shadow portal.
"You'll be fine. It's only for a week, probably... Anyway, keep an eye on the city, the mountain. And don't play with fire here, okay? You know, this mountain is flammable." Wukong laughed.
"Okay. Good. Have fun."
"Hey, keep your head up, you were trained by me-" he muttered. Wukong rolled his eyes and took his hand.
"-and Wukong, you can do it"
MK felt a greater surge of faith? It's rare for Macaque to give him words of encouragement.
They disappeared into the shadows.
MK felt a twinge of sadness? He wanted to check the time, but it turned out he didn't take his phone. He groaned. He hurried back to the city. He entered the restaurant.
"Hey, you don't know what just happened. The Monkey King and Macaque went on vacation. Well, I couldn't believe it either. Can you hear me?"
Unfortunately, Pigsy, Tang and Mei were asleep. It definitely wasn't normal. (and this is where the action takes place, just like in the TV series with the sleep bug episode.)
"Are you sure this is the place?"
The king and the warrior stood in front of a huge dark style temple (yes LBD style).
"Let's find out."
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maybe1649 · 2 years
Survival of the species — Extra 1
The following text is just an extra of my fanfic (Survival of the species), so to understand a little more, you can read it on AO3! (Or on wattpad, if you understand Spanish).
Red Son was really worried, he didn't like the idea at all, not one bit.
"Well! It's time to go. You're coming with us, aren't you, Red Son?" MK's question and his very attentive look at the young demon, simply made him tremble.
Clearly he was obliged to go, because everyone was going, and recently it was impossible to say no to that annoying human, what kind of power did he have to make him unable to refuse? Red Son really didn't want to go visit the monkey couple, he already knew what was going to happen.
"He's not coming, MK! He's just too much of a coward to come" Mei mocked, those words were enough for the young demon to feel a blow to his pride and respond.
"Of course I'm coming! I have no reason not to go, what a stupidity!"
Of course it was only at that moment that Red Son thought that, then he could only curse himself for having said those words.
"Then let's go see them! You know how happy Macaque gets! "
Oh, shit.
Red Son wished so much that he hadn't gone that day to visit MK and the others.
What a damned lucky guy he was.
When they finally arrived, Wukong had greeted them with snacks, there was always food in his home, especially since Macaque was pregnant, as he had to have anything to appease his partner's craving.
Red Son had stood outside the house as he watched Mei, Tang and MK enter the monkeys' home. The young demon swallowed saliva, feeling really nervous, why was he nervous, why was he so afraid to go inside?
Of course there was a damn good reason! His pride and the embarrassment he had to go through whenever he went to that damn house.
"Good to see you! " Macaque was already hugging each of them, a really affectionate hug, you could say he was even rubbing up against them, maybe sharing some of their scent.
Yes, since Macaque was pregnant, it had been a nightmare for Red Son, and there was a particular reason.
"You came too!" Macaque finally looked at Red Son and smiled, leaning closer.
Oh, no, Red Son knew perfectly well what would happen now.
"Yes, hello to you too, I'm going to... Uhm... Look for fruit, yeah, I'll see you later!" Red Son quickly walked out the door, as fast as he could.
But as soon as he stepped through the door, shadow clones appeared in front of him, surrounding him, about 10 of them. By now, Red son cursed his mother so much for having been friends with the six-eared macaque that every time he sees him he simply thinks of him as a demon puppy, a demon puppy that in fact, could be his own, so he treated him too much like one.
And being held, petted and cuddled was definitely humiliating.
Red Son managed to get rid of the shadow clones, or so he had thought. At some point they all managed to catch him and began to fill him with caresses, hugs, cuddling and grooming him.
The young demon could hear perfectly how his friends only laughed at the scene, he also saw how Mei was taking pictures non-stop, they were really all so hateful at the moment.
"Red Son!" Macaque's voice sounded genuinely happy, the six-eared macaque had come in front of him and hugged him, holding him, clinging to him as he rubbed himself to pass his scent to him.
Red Son had tried so hard to get free, but it was impossible, it wasn't the first time and he hated it too much.
"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go! Put me down!" Red Son complained, as he couldn't even touch the ground.
Macaque ignored all his complaints and continued to hug him lovingly as he purred and his tail wagged happily. The dark-furred monkey took a seat on the couch and began to groom Red Son, who had finally surrendered to this cruel and humiliating fate.
Damn luck, damn pregnancy, damn macaque, damn friends who just stood by and watched and laughed.
This would definitely be the last time he was going to go to the monkey couple's house.
Although we all know it wasn't the last time.
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its-kall-the-clown · 3 years
Hey, I'm send my ask cause I love your writing style. This is the aftermath I'd sick MK. Pigsy & Tang took him to the hospital while Wukong is in FFM waiting & worried out of his mind. So he flies there & he is in fir a shock when he discovers his kid is so sick & in hospital. Prompt list: #39 & 45.
*rubs clown hands together* yall really want part 3? >:3 its angsty but what else am I know for? XD
in this one Tang gets a chance to be a protective dad again
Prompt List
I'm Sorry Bud
Rating: G
Wukong wasn't worried. He was the incredibly handsome sage equal to heaven and super immortal. He had no reason to worry Except….maybe he was incredibly worried. No matter how much he tried, his stomach snapped and curled unhappily every time he even thought about MK.
He got a phone call.
Not from MK but from his dad Pigsy.
He didn't even get a word out before hellfire had rained down on him. Call him old school but there were definitely some new curse words that he had never heard before that spewed out of the hog's mouth.
He was flayed verbally so viscously he shuddered under the swearing and even looked over his shoulder to make sure the pigman did not spontaneously spawn behind him.
The call ended with Pigsy talking about taking MK to the hospital and it was HIS fault.
They hung up after that and Wukong hasn't stopped pacing for the past five minutes. MK was sick, running a deadly fever, and in the hospital because of it.
Because of him...
He bites his thumb, his tail lashing wildly behind him, while he continues to dig a trench with his feet.
"Fuck it."
He leaps upward, summoning his nimbus, and speeds off into the sky to the general Hospital. He's there for only a few minutes but it feels like forever. He didn't even wait for his nimbus to stop before he's timing off to the front doors.
He probably scares the poor lady behind the desk with how he practically slammed into it with how fast he was rushing. He asked for MK which got him nothing till he realized he needed to probably give them his full real name. After saying Qi Xiaotian Sanzang they directed him to a room.
He rushes to room 607 but before he can even get a hand in the door he's grabbed roughly by the shoulder.
"I wouldn't go in there if I were you…"
Wukong turned around to see MK's other dad, Tang, he's holding a few water bottles under his arm and a can of instant coffee. Looks like they were going to settle on for the night at MKs side, and Tang had been sent out on the errand the get them some drinks.
"Pigsy is still in there, and he's not too keen on seeing your face."
They scan the king up and down with passive eyes that hold a twinge of resentment that makes the fur on the back of his neck bristle defensively.
"I just want to see him…..make sure he's okay." He pleads and the passive gaze melts a little bit sympathetically.
"Please," Wukong begs again, even going so far as to duck his head submissively to the mortal. He just wanted to make sure MK was okay. It was his fault after all that they were sick. He should have never let them egg him on into training in the rain.
Tang looks him over again, studying him with a keen eye. He lets out a sigh eventually and walks forward.
"Okay, but only because MK asked about you once. let me get Pigsy out of the room first."
Wukogn jerks his head upward with surprise. He was actually going to let him see MK?
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet. I might not convince him to leave MK's side, wait here and disguise yourself or something." Tang gives him a little head nod before entering the room and shutting the door. Wukong does as requested and transforms into a beatle to cling to the wall.
A few minutes pass and at first, the monkey thinks that Tang couldn't do it and Pigsy wouldn't leave MK's side. But the door opens and the pig demon exits with a grumble about finding a nurse or doctor. Wukong barely has time to fly between the cracks before the door is shut again. He transforms back, landing on his feet.
MK is there.
He looks awful.
The poor boy is laying in a hospital bed, iv hooked up to him to administer fluids and a cooling compress to his forehead. Wukong approaches the bed reverently feeling his heart shatter into a million pieces.
"When they took his temp initially he was running a 104-degree fever," Tang explains walking up beside him and grabbing MK's limp hand.
"He was delirious, crying and shouting Something about being a disappointment before he passed out." They finish, the man rubbing MK's knuckles tenderly. Wukong takes the other side of the bed. And knees there to look at them up close.
"It's your fault you know."
It's like a full-body slam into a mountain. The words were delivered without mercy. He didn't even look at Tang and instead swallowed stiffly.
"You show up out of nowhere, pick MK without any reason that I can understand, and then you make him fill these impossibly big shoes!?" Tang's fist tightens at his side, face growing red slowly and Wukong isn't sure if he prefers this simmering rage of the explosive rage of Pigsy.
"You know how hard it was to build MK back up when we adopted him officially??? He was just a scared timid boy, no confidence! We had to HELP him get where he is now. And then you come along and just-" Tang throws his hands up in the air in frustration "-ruin that in a couple of weeks" he finishes with a growl. Wukogn shrinks further, this feels an awful like when he would get scolded like his master for doing something wrong and he didn't even have a defense for it. All of it was true. He did pick MK for little reason other than he likes the kid's spunk and good heart.
And he was making them fill big shoes. And maybe the big shoes were just too hard for MK to walk in, and maybe he noticed that but didn't help him because he assumed they would get better with time.
"I'm sorry…." He whispers out burying his face into the sheets of MK's bed. He whimpers feeling the guild nash and bites at the lining of his stomach.
"It's your fault...and I don't know if I want ML training with you anymore…."
It was all his fault.
His fault.
His fault.
"Baba...Don't...yell at monkey king."
His head jerks up to find that MK was conscious now, a hand reaches for his head and scratches the top of it like he's a monkey.
"MK…" Tang starts and is cut off by MK who shakes his head.
"Not his fault….he's so lonely." The by comments driving a knife between Monkey King's ribs and stabbing his heart. Those fingers continue to scratch the top of his head deliriously.
"You need to rest, bud. If you don't rest you won't get better." He instructs holding back something in his throat that he realizes is a pur.
"Mmmmkay. Do I look okay?" They asked and Wukong chuckled at the odd question.
"You look fine. Just rest please." He pleads and MK nods his head drearily before drifting back to sleep. Tang and he look at each other, bewildered by the experience. Tang studies him for a moment, eyes drifting over his form at MK's side with the boy's fingers still intertwined with the fur on the top of his head.
Tang must find what he's looking for because his shoulders relax slightly
"You may continue to train MK…." He holds up a finger. "On the condition that you are open and honest with him AND us about his training." He instructs and Wukong nods
"You also cut back to every other evening instead of every night after work. You're going to break him and wear him out. If in a week I decide that's still too much it gets cut back again. Understand?" Tang looks expectantly to Wukong who nods his head up and down quickly. These rules were more than fair, he could do that! Hell, he would tell MK himself of these new rules if he needed to.
The door clicks
"Tang the doctor said those vital signs were normal right now. I TOLD you this" Pigsy enters the room and looks at the display before him. Tang is sitting by MK's side, holding his hand and the window opens slightly.
"Why did you open the window?"
"I-it was a bit stuffy in here" Tang admits looking to where Wukong was just a few seconds ago and then to the window. He must have escaped quickly when he heard Pigsy enter the room. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.
Pigsy grumbles something and walks to the window and shuts it. Then he trudges over to his lover's wide and buries his face into it.
"He's gonna be okay…." Tang reassures and the pig demon who lets put a huff through his snout into their chest. Tang kisses the top of Pigsy's head affectionately and that causes them to melt on his hold.
They all were going to be okay.
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 18
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 18: Spiders, Demons, and People, Oh My!
“Just one more hour-”
“No, I’m putting my foot down you workaholic, you are shutting down and enjoying this festival with the rest of us,” Tang firmly said with arms crossed.
“It just-”
“Love you too, but no.”
“Just give it up Pigsy, you know he’s not gonna budge,” Macaque called out as Wukong, in his human disguise snickered beside him.
“Shut it,” he barked back.
Tang decided to pull out the big guns as he clasped his hands together and said with wide eyes “If you don’t get your ass out of there and enjoy the festival, I will make sure you sleep on the couch for a week.”
“…fine!” He threw up his hands as everyone else cheered.
“Took you guys long enough,” Mei snorted.
“Just remember kids, threatening the couch is always a good way to get your partner in control,” the historian said with a wink.
“Don’t tell them that!” The pig demon shouted out.
“Then maybe you shouldn’t have opened on a holiday!”
“I can’t help it!”
“I know you can’t sweetheart, but this is why I’m here to remind you,” he said as he gave a kiss to his partner when he closed down.
“Awww, aren’t you both sweet,” Wukong teased.
“Can it!” Pigsy embarrassedly yelled.
“Doesn’t mean it’s not true,” he grinned to Wukong. No one besides those that already met him, knew that the monkey in disguise was the Monkey King and not just some dude called Wukong. Cause if they did, then the whole world would have shortly known by Tang fanboy screeches.
“Now that Pigsy has finally given in,” MK grinned as he ducked a rolling pin to the head, “we can finally meet up with everyone else!” He cheered as his bright purple sash, which was tied securely around his bright red changshan pants, flew behind him as Mei, who wore something similar to MK, but with a green dragon art wrapped around her shirt, charged after him.
“Man they sure are excited,” Sandy chuckled as Tang and Pigsy also followed the two children.
“Is he always like that,” Wukong asked as both monkeys slowly trailed behind them, easily knowing where the group was at all times.
“In a nutshell, this isn’t even his first time trying to work on Lunar New Year,” the other simian commented.
“I can scarcely believe it,” he muttered under his breath, not that it stopped the black monkey from hearing, as he forced himself out of his memories. “Also, have I mentioned that I’m loving the hairdo.” He smirked as he grabbed one of the two long strands from the monkey twin buns he was sporting.
“Blame Emerald, she wanted the both of us to match for some reason,” he rolled his eyes as he adjusted his bright red qipao adorned with flowers.
“I certainly will,” he teased. He was in a changshan as well, but in bright yellow that had clouds littered all around the front and he too had a sash tied around his waist, but in red. “Thanks for letting me borrow your sash by the way.”
“You would think that in your multitudes of outfits, you would have a red sash somewhere tucked in there. It’s even your favorite color,” he fondly huffed.
“I’m just as surprised as you are, I could have sworn I had one,” he lied with a smile on his face. Of course, he has red sashes, that’s his signature look, but he’s not gonna say that he wanted a piece of his friend’s clothing outright.
“Sure,” he rolled his eyes. “Well, we better catch up to them before they blow up the fireworks again.”
“Fireworks? You mean the one used during the parade?”
“Nope, I mean the ones they accidentally cause sometimes when they’re bored together,” he deadpanned as Wukong started to burst out laughing. “Not funny dumbass, there’s a reason there are now fire extinguishers at every other street lamp this time around.” He began to pick up the pace as he jumped onto a rooftop.
“Now I really have to know the full story!” He quaffed as he followed right behind.
“Not from me you're not, I swear I still have myokymia every time I think about it.”
“Man, I had almost forgotten just how good food stalls are,” Wukong said with his face stuffed with buns.
“Rethinking the shut in life,” Mac joked as he bounced the youngest of Yanyu siblings, Yuzu, in his arms.
“Oh yeah,” he eagerly nodded.
“We’ll just sit here and stuff your face, I need to hand Yu Yu back to one of her siblings,” he said as he went over to the group.
And that is precisely what he did as he continued his eating as he gazed upon the crowd of people and demons all enjoying the festival. He could see children running all around as they waved their puppet zodiac animals in the air, some couples were holding close to each other as they ventured from stall to stall, he could even see some mother, father, or guardian holding their child on their shoulders to get a better look.
“I should have come out here sooner,” he mused as he fiddled with the skewer stick in his mouth. “Really is nice out.”
“It really is, especially when the fireworks start,” he stopped when Mei finally announced her presence and sat next to him. He knew she was there and watching him, but he decided it was best if she made the first move.
“Well, how do you do on this fine night, little Miss. Stalker,” though that doesn’t mean he won’t still tease the hell out of her. He may be wary of her, but she is still vastly a child compared to him.
“Could be better, but since you're here I’ll guess I’ll settle,” she shot back and sat next to him.
“Ha, I could almost laugh, moon cake?” He held out a tray filled with mooncakes to the girl, who nodded in thanks as she took one. “They’re not as good as Moonshine, but they are pretty good.”
“The only cooks that can ever rival Pops is the chef that cooked for me when I was young and Pigsy.”
“If you say so,” he shrugged as he finished off the tray. “So what brings you around here.”
“Other than the festival?”
“Oh, that was a given, I mean here, with me as of this moment in time. I thought you still didn’t like me.”
“Still don’t,” she automatically said, “buttttt not as much as before.”
This made Wukong pause in his snacking as he looked towards Mei, “Oh? What changed? Was it witnessing my badassery? Beholding my awesomeness in all its glory? Or was it-”
“None of the above,” she promptly stopped him before he could get any more cringier, “You make Pops happy.”
“Oh,” he has to say that he was both not surprised, but still taken aback by her comment. “That's it?”
“Well, and you have stuck by his side when that creepy ass fucker showed up, so bonus points for that.”
“You should have seen Dad's face when you went absolute ham on his ass,” MK interjected as he latched onto Mei's back. “When he wasn’t all disgusted with the creep from hell, he was grinning the entire time. Especially when you landed those blows on him.”
“He was,” he couldn't help but perk up.
“Ugh, you both have it so bad for each other,” Mei said as MK nodded.
“What?!” He nervously said as he shot a look towards Macaque, who was talking to both Sandy and Yanyu, “I don’t have a-”
“You always try to go near him and cuddle a lot of time, all the affectionate nicknames, the goo goo eyes, jealousy towards Shun and your quick deflection of any mention of Dad boyfriend, stealing Dad clothing even though you had some of your own, I can go all day,” MK smirked as he listed off all the obvious ways the Sage monkey had a crush on the Doctor monkey.
“Don’t lie to us, it's so obvious,” Mei shared the same look.
It looked for a second that Wukong was going to rebuttal, but he sighed in defeat. “Is it really that obvious?”
“To everyone but Dad,” he chuckled and patted the monkey on the back.
“Greeatttt,” he groaned and put his face in his hands. “That’s just peachy.”
“Don’t worry, you won’t get too much grief over it, well at least not from us. I don’t know about the rest,” she shrugged.
“Really?” He peeks through the cracks of his hands.
“The two of us have been keeping an eye on you,” she gestured to both her and MK.
“MK, you too,” the Monkey King held a mock wounded look.
“Sorry, but I have to look out for dear ol Dad,” he scratched the back of his neck. “And to be fair, a part of me really didn’t want him to date anyone anytime soon after Shun and I didn’t know how the both of you would be like after the whole fight and everything.”
“Oh,” was all he could utter.
“But I can say that I don’t think I have ever seen Dad so happy than when he’s around you.”
“Now that’s a lie,” Wukong interjected, “You should see the way he lights up when he’s with you guys, his tail always swishes behind him when you're with him.”
“Ladies ladies, we’re all pretty,” Mei butted in before the two boys could go on to fight over the stupidest thing. “But at the end of the day, you make Pops happy so maybe you're not so bad and I guess you wouldn't be so bad as a partner.”
“It would definitely be weird,” MK couldn’t stop the images from intruding in his head.
“Thanks,” he couldn’t stop himself fondly rolling his eyes, but he paused when the implications hit him, “Wait? Did I just get your approval to court Macaque?”
“Court, who even says court these days?” The dragon successor says to herself.
“Red,” said the monkey's successor, “But yeah, you did. Though when it does happen, I’ll just let future me worry about that.”
“Thanks for the boost of confidence and approval, but those aren’t really necessary, I doubt Mac sees me as nothing more than a friend,” he gave a sad smile.
Both teenagers exchanged a look at the sheer stupidity of the monkey before MK sighed and stepped forward. “Well, I never thought I would be ever giving love advice to the Legendary Monkey King when mine is none existent.”
“Your Portay clone on the other hand is a huge flirt,” Mei called out.
“I still don’t know how that works!” He yelled back, he still can’t believe that his own clone would flirt with both of his crushes when he doesn’t even have the guts to say anything. He turned his attention back to the Monkey, “But what I can say is that you should tell him that you love him before it’s too late.”
“Kid, thank you for trying to encourage me, but I’m not going to do it,” he ruffled his child’s hair, “I don’t want to ruin what we managed to scrounge back together.”
“Dude, Pops still consider you his friend even after your big ass fight that went down in history,” Wukong’s eyes slightly widen at Mei’s words.
“So, if you think that telling him would lead him to ditch you when not even physically fighting would? Then there is something seriously wrong with your head,” she bluntly finished.
The disguised monkey stayed quiet for a few more moments before grabbing both of their heads this time and fiercely ruffling it.
“Not again! I just did it!”
“I’ll think about it,” he smiled down at both of them then scoped them in his arms as he walked towards Macaque. “Hey Moonlight! I saw this shooting game a few stalls back, I bet I can beat your ass on it!”
“Try me,” he smirked as he waved bye to the group and eyed the two squirming kids in his arms. “We’re they acting up?”
“Nah, just decided they needed a better view.”
“Your ass is not a better view!” Mei yelled out.
“Being upside down technically counts as a worse view,” MK shouted as well.
“What are you talking about it’s an amazing view!” He teased.
“No, it’s not!”
The black furred simian let out a laugh, “Keep them like this, Gods know it would be easier to keep an eye on them from doing anything stupid.”
“Aye Aye captain!” He mocks saluted as he held them steady and began to walk towards the stand together.
“Put us down!”
“Stop this is really humiliating!”
“Do you hear anything?”
“Nope, just little kids complaining.”
“We’re not kids!”
Everyone cheered as the parade was starting and they all gathered around in hopes to get a better look at all the different floats, with an extra cheer for their own zodiac.
“They sure are excited about the floats,” Wukong chuckled as he watched his student, Mei, and a bunch of other children stand on Sandy’s shoulder to get a better view.
“You should have seen the other year, they almost got onto the float,” he smiled as the two of them sat on a rooftop a little ways away.
“I can believe it…thanks for dragging my ass out here,” he slightly nudged him. “I really have forgotten just how amazing the festival is and spending time with people can be on this day.”
“Anytime Peaches, and if you want you can join us next year, though it won’t be in the city, but rather in the forest. We’ll be just eating round the table and lighting up lanterns with the whole forest, unfortunately not as exciting as the festival here,” he said.
“I would be more than happy to join in,” he instantly said. “I haven’t lit up a lantern in years and besides, anything with you guys is nothing less than fun.”
“Well I’ll make sure to let comet know to bring your ass around then,” he smirked as he looked up in time to see the first firework go off. At moments like these, he’s glad to have durable headphones, it was pure torture back then with ears like his.
“Yeah!” The disguised Monkey King stood up and cheered before sitting back down. “Fireworks are awesome no matter when.”
“I give it a 6/10, now lanterns on the other hand,” he said as he leaned against his friend.
“Don’t disrespect my lights like that,” he lightly shoved him before wrapping an arm around him and putting his head on his as the two of them watched the lights explode.
Everything was truly beautiful at this moment in time.
Unfortunately, the moment couldn’t last as the fireworks were cut short and before either one of them could comment on it, they heard screams and a voice that dominated.
“This is the Year of the Spiders!”
Neither monkey needed them to exchange looks before they both rushed to the scene and saw hundreds of robotic spiders spread all across, chasing and capturing people as they went.
“Shit Mind control!” Macaque cussed as he saw their eyes glow green when the spiders managed to snag someone.
“How in the fuck is the Spider Queen able to do that?!” Wukong muttered to himself as he already dropped his disguise and began to attack any spiders in his way.
“I don’t know, but I think something like that will have the answers,” he pointed to a large spider robot emerging from the ground. “At least Daiyu gonna have a real good time with this.”
“Damn, it’s like Bull King all over again.”
“I’m sorry what,” the black monkey blurted out. He heard the Bull became huge, but he thought it was an exaggeration, so he shook his head. “More on that later, I can already guess you're going to the spider robot of doom.”
“You know it,” he cracked his knuckles.
“You do that, I’ll try to find everyone else and destroy as many of these fuckers as I can,” he emphasized by breaking a few of the spiders on the humans and demons back. He summoned some clones and began to spread them out, “You better not get captured or mind controlled, I don’t feel like kicking your ass right now.”
“Trust me I won’t,” he cockily smirked as he summoned his cloud. “Be careful out there,” he yelled out as he flew off.
“I’m going to laugh in his face if he gets captured, now to find my kiddos and everyone else before I lose it” he muttered as his tail wrapped around the spider that tried to surprise attack him from behind and crushed it into pieces.
“Red!” Mei and MK rushed over to the fallen demon who had crashed land on their ship.
“That was a nasty fall you took there,” she continued as the both of them helped him up.
“What are you doing here?” MK asked once he was up.
“Escaping the Spider menace!” He hissed out to cover up the fact that his face was involuntarily heating up at his crushes arms holding him, “that Spider freak captured my father and she was going to do the same to me.”
“Shit she even captured the Bull King,” the Pig demon said.
“Yes, but luckily I know a way to cure the atrocious mind control that she had enslaved everyone in.”
“You do!” They all hopefully said.
“Yes, but I’ll need your help seeing that my own ride is currently,” he looked over towards the broken parts, “unavailable.”
“If it means saving them then count us in,” MK said determinately.
“But where are we going?” Sandy asked.
“The one place where we can only get the supplies,” he pointed upwards as everyone slowly realized what he meant.
“Space,” well almost everyone.
“No noodle brain! The Celestial Realm!” He loves him, but he can be a bit of an airhead at times.
“Fbiwbfowdjosbd The Celestial Realm! The home of heavenly deities and immortal beings!” Tang tried to go forward but was held back by his partner.
“Down Tang, down.”
“Yes,” he said unfazed, “so will you help me.”
They all exchanged looks with each other before MK stepped forward with a confident grin. “Guys, let’s help a demon steal from the Celestial Realm.”
“Macaque is so gonna laugh at me for this,” Wukong groaned as he tried to break free of the web. “So, so hard.”
“Seems there are things that even you can’t handle,” Spider Queen mocked as she stepped back into the room filled with tied up demons all being drained, some of them more tired than others.
“Can it little caterpillar!” Minsheng yelled out, they too were captured after they got surrounded. They're not as strong a fighter as everyone else, so it was needless to say they were hopelessly outgunned. “No one wants to hear you bitch! Seriously, I don’t know how Daiyu can even stand that voice!”
“You got that right!”
“I would rather die now than listen any longer!”
“Seriously just shut up!”
All the demons shouted out as they mouthed back to the Spider Queen.
“QUIET!” She yelled out in rage, “ Especially about that vulture. Lest you forget, you are all my prisoners now, you are nothing short of a battery for my darling. It’s best to remember that for the rest of your miserable lifespan.”
“I mean they're not wrong,” Wukong smirked, “You are getting really annoying.”
“I, unfortunately, can’t help but agree,” Bull King rolled his eyes at the supposed ‘Queen’ rage. “Your voice is grating enough that I wish to rip my horns from my head and seal them in my ears, but I know it wouldn’t be enough.”
“Why I outta-”
“And besides, you do know that this is not gonna work right?” Minsheng said.
“Now what are you blabbering on about now?” The spider demon was getting sick of this backtalk from these whelps.
“This plan, yeah it’s not gonna work.”
“Oh, now why is that? I suppose you mean of Monkey King protege and their needless efforts,” she smirked as she crawled up to him and leaned in close. “Well, I can assure you that those children are not prepared for my little spiders that are close behind ready to strike when they're down.” She backed up with that same malevolent smirk and was about to turn away when he spoke once more.
“Oh, I wasn’t talking about them.”
“What?” She turned back around, “Then who in the hell are you referring to?”
A series of crashes and explosions all happened simultaneously from the outside as it only subsided for a mere moment before continuing once more.
“What in the hell!” She cried out as she caught herself on the wall.
“That, that is who I am talking about,” the rabbit demon said as the spider raced towards the monitor. She pulls up the screen to see a sight that even frightens some of the captured demons. Because there on center screen was a tall malevolent violent monkey with eyes that glow bright purple as it took down some of the larger spiders that have sprouted out. But what they all noticed is that the titanic demon looked pissed as he screamed.
“What the sweet hell is that!?” She screeched out at the sight.
“Congratulations! You have completely pissed off one enraged papa!” Minsheng smiled at her horror. “Now he will happily introduce you to your execution if you don’t do as he says.”
“Hah, not even I would trifle so lightly when it comes to the Six Eared demon and his claims,” the Bull King laughed loudly at her foolish actions.
Some of the demons were even nodding in agreement.
“You're telling me.”
“Even we know not to fuck with him.”
“Oof, you're really gonna get it now,” Yin laughed.
“Better hope you have some blessing saved up somewhere in that shriveled up place you got a soul,” Jin snorted, “cause you're gonna need it!”
Wukong was staring at the monstrous form of his crush in all of his crush with a slight blush and said with a happy sigh, “Oh you’re so fucking screwed now.”
“That’s Macaque!?” She shrieked as she turned and couldn’t help but give a silent gulp as each and every demon looked at her, whether they were exhausted or not, with a malicious grin.
“You're done Spider Bitch,” Minsheng gleefully said.
She didn’t say anything else as she scurried out of there and went to look for the little girl.
“Bye Bye little spider,” they called out as the door closed behind them leaving them with only the sound of mechanical parts churning and the sizzling noise of their energies being drained remaining.
“Of course you would be infatuated with the Six Eared doctor,” Bull King couldn’t help but sigh, breaking the silence.
“Oh come on, even you!” Wukong shouted back, thus putting the room in a burst of laughter as the demons, whether civilians, criminals, or anywhere in between, began to gossip like middle aged wives at the market when they spotted an old friend.
“Oooo, is that so?”
“Of course you would go after doc, he is quite the catch.”
“Tell me everything!”
“Spill the tea!”
“Now that is something I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“If you have lived as long as I have, you would have long guessed that this was a long time coming.”
“I’m surprised that it wasn’t sooner.”
“Please someone just kill me,” he groaned as the chattering just continued. “Death would be kinder at this point.”
“Sorry, but fresh out of deaths today,” Sheng laughed.
“And didn’t you get yourself like four times immortal?” Yin asked.
“Five, remember the Yama book situation,” Jin said.
“Oh right, I keep forgetting.”
“I regret that so much,” he groaned even louder, it didn’t help that even the Bull King was laughing at his misery. “So, so much.”
Somewhere high in the sky
“What the hell is that!” Pigsy pointed out the giant transparent demon.
They all looked in shock as Tang said, “Please don’t tell me that the Spider Queen made an ally!” He groaned.
While the three adults began to panic at the new situation that popped up, three people, two humans, and one demon smiled widely.
“DAD/POPS/UNCLE!” MK, Mei, and Red all yelled out as they witnessed the scene.
“SAY WHAT!” The three other adults spun towards them in shock.
“Wait,” Sandy squinted his eyes, “Now I may be getting old, but is that giant demon Macaque?”
“What/Excuse me,” both Pig and historian deadpanned.
“ It is! And he’s kicking butt!” MK cheered as the titan stomped on a hoard of spiders.
“Kick that spider ass!” Mei yelled out with a savage grin as the monkey tail threw a giant spider down and obliterated it.
“Of course this would be nothing less than what he can do,” Red smirked at the chaos that was firmly putting the wretched spiders in place.
If anyone was paying close attention, they would have seen both titan and monkey ears twitch. They didn’t move from their position, but a sigh of relief did emerge.
“Found em,” Ahmed asked after he crushed a spider in his jaw.
“Yeah, I don’t know how the fuck they got out of my radius of hearing so quickly, but I found them,” Macaque, who was puppeting his larger version, smiled.
“That’s one worry crossed off.”
“You're telling me, now all we have left is to finish off this shit,” the monkey growled as the lion kept a close watch on his back. While it wasn’t difficult to control his larger version for a short time frame, it was difficult trying to maintain both forms and making sure that there would be no excessive collateral damage. He may be angry, but even he doesn’t want to hurt any innocent people, so it was shortly decided before he began his shadow puppet that the lion would keep guard while the rest helped everyone else. He can even hear Daiyu manically laughing off in the background where there’s the most spiders and can hear the slaughtering of mechanical parts.
Back on the ship, the others were slowly freaking out.
“I thought he was a doctor?!” Tang exclaimed as he watched the monkey decimate the eight legged cretins.
“I thought so too!” Pigsy was just as confused as his partner.
“Dad was a fighter long before he was a doctor, he just doesn’t do it as often anymore. I mean he used to have sparred with the monkey king a lot,” the teenage boy explained.
“You mean to tell me this is him going easy?” The pig demon could feel his eye twitch.
“I hate to see him at his peak,” the historian muttered, then he paused, “wait, he knows the monkey king?!”
“Uhhhhhh.” MK just realized what he had admitted and slowly began to back away.
“Oooo, you fucked up now,” Mei chortled while sporting a large grin.
It took a minute for it to fully sink in, but once it did, boy did Tang straighten up with his eyes blown wide as if he had just been electrocuted. “No way! No way! Is he the fucking Six Eared Macaque from the Journey to the west?!”
“Say what?!” Pigsy exclaimed.
“Is that a question or an answer!” Tang demanded as he stalked closer to him.
“Yes!” He was officially freaked out.
“Oh this is funny,” Red grinned.
“Right,” Mei happily agreed.
“Are you saying that he is the legendary deity that managed to help so many lives, but he is also the enemy of the great monkey king and I am just now learning that I’ve been hanging out with that same legend and dneirbowdubeodosbsudbksd!” The book loving man's mind has been blown as his words have long passed him.
“Great, you broke my partner.”
“I’m sorry!”
“Wait are you just now figuring that out,” Sandy blinked, “I thought it was obvious.”
“You knew!” Everyone on the ship snapped towards the giant in shock.
“Yes? It’s not like he was trying to hide it,” he pointed out.
“He really wasn’t,” the biker woman was on the floor dying of laughter at that.
“Hey look scary, creepy, too many legged spiders in need of decimating right ahead!” MK diverted the attention back to the city ahead. “Talk later!
“Oh ho ho, believe me, there will be many, many talks ahead,” Tang hissed and stomped his way to the front of the ship.
“Welp that’s going to be Dad's problem right there,” he said.
“Gonna pin the blame on dear old Pops,” Mei snorted.
“Yup! This is payback for the needless anxiety this caused me,” the monkey's successor eye twitch.
She may be outnumbered and her pawns may have been taken out, but she will not back down after all.
“All of you together can’t beat me! I am the Queen of Spiders!” Spider Queen declared in hysteria as she took a step forward towards the monkey brat.
“Oh yeah,” they all turned to see the Monkey King casually walking down the wall as he picked up the staff and with a spin he declared, “Well I’m the King,” and with that statement, he freed his student.
He bent down and helped pick him back up with a sheepish grin, “Well you already know I’m not too hot on some things, apparently spiders are one of them too.” Then they all stood tall against the Spider Queen as if daring her to try to make the next move.
“Well if I can’t have this world, then no one can!” She cried out as she slung herself up to the Spider mech. l and started it up once more as the ground began to violently shake. “I’ll level this whole city!”
Right when she did that though, both student and mentor jumped up in the air.
“It’s now or never!” Wukong cried out as MK grabbed hold of the staff.
“Right!” The two began to spin and spin and spin even faster until they were a golden pinwheel of light.
“Here comes Monkey Kid!” Right after that last work, Wukong flung MK forward as the student shouted out facing the enemy head on and the proud mentor whispered as he watched his kid take that final strike.
The machine broke as everything shut down at that moment in, but before MK could feel proud, he had noticed that he was currently free falling.
“Shit!” He yelled out and quickly looked around to find any sort of platform he could get a hold of.
“I got you!” He felt his collar then his body quickly stop free falling as quickly as Wukong in bird form was holding him up.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t quite fast enough to fly far away enough from the incoming explosion in his small form, but luckily there was another as he quickly grabbed the both of them in his hands and jumped far away enough. Just in time as everything explodes.
The machine shattered in millions of parts that it was spread far and wide throughout the city, finally bringing the Spider Queen's short, but deadly, reign to an end.
“Whew, thanks-DAD!” MK exclaimed as he finally noticed that he was in the hands of his father's titan form.
“Great catch Moonbeam!” Wukong beamed up when he got out of bird form.
The Monkey titan didn’t say a word as examined their bruised, injured, and bartered form and with a worried purr, he gently stood up and began to walk back to the group with them still cradled in his hands.
“Anddd I don’t think he is letting us go any time soon,” the student said as he slumped down, only to wince at his bruises.
“Nope,” Monkey King replied as he tried to relax, but both the memories and the wounds made it very hard to do so, it also didn’t help that there was a familiar smell in the air.
Their form eventually made its way to the rest of the group as they all stared up at the lumbering giant that towered over them all.
“I feel like I should be more frightened,” Tang mused as he stared up at the ominous titan with a glowing eye staring back at them.
“I don’t blame you,” Pigsy huffed as he had to stop him from instinctively standing in front of the group, even though the giant monkey was an ally.
“Just be glad he’s on our side,” Sandy smiled up.
“You're telling me,” Red nodded as he rubbed his hands from stopping the explosion alongside his father.
Bull King said nothing as he stared up at the titan.
“Hey guys!” MK shouted as he waved at them.
“Liking the view from up there!” Mei shouted back.
“It’s pretty nice! I never knew laying down on a giant monkey’s hand would feel good until now!”
“Maybe I’ll give you a ride on my war form then,” Wukong joked as he climbed up and sat on the titan's shoulder.
“Wait what?” Though he wasn’t able to ask anymore as the violent hand slowly came down and in front of the group.
“A ride! Count me in!” The dragon girl hopped in first as Sandy followed close behind.
“This might as well happen,” the pig demon sighed as he supported his partner's weight on him and sat down next to the others. But that didn't stop Tang from going starry eyed over the Monkey King and Macaque titan form.
“I’m not going,” Bull King growled when the hand still stood in front of both him and his son.
Red promptly halted in his step when he said that and looked almost longingly to his friends as he put his foot down.
The Bull demon saw his heir's morose expression and only took a moment before he sighed, “You may go if you wish…son.”
The Bull prince's eyes sparkled at his words and he lit up with glee as he rushed over to the rest of the group, getting one arm hugs from both his friends. Yet, the hand still hasn’t ascended.
“Nice teeth,” Mei commented as the Prince settled down and she noticed her other friend teeth.
“Huh?” MK saw her wordlessly take out her phone and show him his new sharpen teeth, his eyes sparkled with glee. “This is so cool! Hey Red, we match!”
“Indeed we do,” he gave a slight grin, “but mine are much more deadlier.”
“Give me a couple days to get used to this and we can find out,” he grinned back.
Before Red could shoot back a growl was heard.
“I said, I’m not going,” he emphasized his words and glared at the giant.
Giant Macaque only raised his brow as he used his free hand to pluck the Bull King firmly, but gently held him as he continued his way.
“Unhand me you insufferable cretin!” He yelled out as he tried to break free, but with him still being wounded and drained of his energy, the struggle was barely even noticeable.
“And you say I’m headstrong,” Monkey King snorted at the demon struggles.
“Oh I am so keeping this,” Mei smirked as she took so many photos.
“Send me that,” Pigsy and MK said.
“Will do!”
They were only put down when they finally reached their destination, which was Pigsy Noodle shop, and standing in front of the doors was a lion supporting a tired looking monkey.
“Thank fuck you all are alright,” he sighed as he released the titan puppet when everyone was off and he should probably be glad that Ahmed was supporting his sorry ass as he would have fallen straight down from the abrupt disperse of energy.
“Are you okay,” Wukong worriedly asked as he noticed his moon tired form and how the lion was helping him.
“Will be, but for now everyone gets your sorry asses inside so I can patch you up,” he pointed to some of the clones inside already holding materials in hand.
“I’ll help-” MK began to say, only to be stopped by his stare “-after I heal up,” he quickly added.
“Nice save,” Mei whispered as both of them and Red went inside.
“You and I are gonna have a long talk Mr. Six Eared Macaque,” Tang almost growled.
“Wasn’t really trying to hide it,” he smirked as the historian raised both his hands in exasperation.
“And that’s what’s pissing me off, ‘it came along the way,’ you weren’t even trying,” he huffed as he marched inside, but not before giving a stink eye to the lion. “And I bet you knew as well.”
“Guilty as charged,” he had to hold back his laughter as his friend gave another strangled yell.
“You're gonna have one hell of a lecture from him,” Pigsy smirked as he nudged the monkey.
“I have already accepted my fate,” he shrugged.
“Good call, also don’t really care about your past and whatnot, you have already shown me that you're a pretty decent demon no matter what history may say.”
“Thanks,” he gave a small smile.
The pig demon patted his shoulder and went inside as well. Macaque looked towards the blue giant who just smiled.
“I already knew.”
“And this is what makes you the smart one,” he smirked as the therapist gave a hearty laugh.
“You need help,” Wukong cautiously asked once more as he stepped forward.
“I am not doing shit except letting my clones do the bandaging and healing, I need to sit my ass down,” he grumbled before giving a slight smile, “but thanks for worrying about me dumbass.”
“Always,” he smiled back.
“Now go sit your ass inside before I make you,” he deadpanned.
“I mean I don’t really need it, you know I heal pretty-”
“I can easily tell that both you and Bull along over there had your energy drained,” Monkey King paled.
“Ah…so you know.”
“Oh I know,” he tail swished angrily behind him, “and I also know just how fucking dangerous energy transfers are when they’re not done properly! And I already know that it wasn’t really Spider Queen's main concern now is it?”
“Ummm,” he nervously hummed.
“Now, get your ass in there or else,” his eyes flickered.
“Aye Aye!” He quickly walked in and escaped the eyes of doom.
“So it seems that there is more to the story,” Tang muttered as he watched the interactions as a salve got put on his leg. “It seems that the two immortal monkeys aren’t enemies.”
“Oh there is a lot more,” MK wished he could rub his forehead, but his hands were currently occupied by the clone wrapping his hand. “So much more.”
No one could say anything else before they heard the Demon Bull speak.
“I’m not going in,” Bull King huffed, “I’m not so fragile that I need to worry about such items.”
“You know what no,” Bull demon raised his eyebrow at the doctor's tone. “I’m not even gonna argue with you, your ass is going in there and you are going to sit down and you are going to get checked over.”
“You dare speak to me like that!”
“Frankly I don’t care!” He barked out as he broke free of Ahmed’s hold and marched up to the larger demon. “I have long since run out of fucks to give and I simply don’t fucking care! I am already spread thin with clones all around making medicine, helping out at the hospital, checking for survivors, and other shit! I was spread thin when I made my Puppet Titan to obliterate the fucking spiders. I am so spread thin that even my own self control is waning as we fucking speak that it’s taking all in me not to just make your stupid ass go unconscious, just so I won’t have to fucking hear you! So. Go. In. The. Noodles. Shop!”
“You don’t have the power to stop me,” he growled and took a step forward, not even acknowledging the lion demon piercing eyes nor the monkey Sage's own ominous stare.
“If you don’t get your ass inside I will call Queen Iron Fan and tell her about your stupidity about your health,” he bluntly stated.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he took a step back in fear.
“Try me bitch.”
“…fine,” he let out a final huff and lumbered inside.
Mei whistled as the clone was getting some derbies out of her back, “Dannnggg, just one word of the mother and he just comes.”
“Mother does worry about our safety when she’s gone,” Red nodded.
“For good reason.”
“Okay!” Macaque said loudly as he plopped himself right next to Wukong, “While you guys are getting bandaged, how about you all tell me what the hell happened both inside the ship and how the hell did you get that antidote because I know the smell of immortal peaches from a mile away and that antidote had that in spades.”
“So that’s why the whole city smells like that,” the brown furred monkey eyes widened, “I thought I was going crazy.
“What is the point in that?” Bull King questioningly asked.
“Well, I thought that it would be better if we all figured out how not only she managed to get her hands on mind control potion that potent, but how almost all the demons, including you two, one of the strongest ones in the world, got captured by the Spider Queen.” He emphasized, it literally makes no sense how she was able to do that. Sure she may be strong with access to her minions that do her dirty work at times, but she’s not that strong to manage to take down so many villains, and she doesn’t have the connections to find a potion of that kind of caliber.”
“That is a fair point,” the Bull demon reluctantly agreed.
“Great! Now talk.”
“She caught the staff?” MK blurted out as he popped up from Mei's shoulder.
“I know! Caught me by surprise too,” Wukong huffed at his student surprise.
“To be fair, Lady Iron Fan did the same with me, but she had some sort of metal glove.”
“But not with pure energy,” Red leaned back into Mei side, “it took me countless centuries to find all the supplies to make that glove and the Spider Queen only used her energy, something is not adding up.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” she nodded as she subtly brought her two crushes, which she will happily keep to herself until both of them are comfortable, back to her. She could very much appreciate the fact that they both had very warm and comfortable bodies that she will happily take advantage of.
“So that’s where Minsheng was,” Ahmed hummed, “the others were worried about them.”
“He really did tell her off, but I saw him escape with the rest after they broke free,” the monkey explained.
“That’s one worry off then.”
“Son, how did you know the incantation and the symbol to enter the Celestial Realm?” Bull King asked when they got to the part where they were about to enter the realm.
“Umm well you see,” he nervously chuckled, “there are so many ways you can get inside the realm other than the main entrance and it’s not like it was hard to actually find another way once you know what the main one looks like. But don’t worry, I haven’t stepped foot inside the realm until today, so they shouldn’t know that it was me who entered!”
“To be honest I never knew that there were other ways you can get inside,” Wukong admitted, “Nice job.”
“Indeed, show me how exactly you managed this feat when we get home,” the giant Bull said. It is no easy task to accomplish something that no one else has done before, he didn’t acknowledge the pit of warm pride he felt.
“Yes father!” He excitedly said, not noticing that his two friends were eyeing the Bull King with disdain.
“Wait hold up, how the hell did you manage to sneak into the Celestial Realm almost undetected?” He questioned when his son finished telling them how they escaped the holy realm.
“Well there was like nobody there, the only real problem we encountered was the spiders, two lion statues that came to life, and perhaps my crippling anxiety,” he shrugged.
“Well get to that last bit later, but what do you mean no one?! You went to the Heavenly Orchard, Lao Tzu alchemy lab, the fucking Jade Emperor Throne Room! What the hell did you mean no one was there?!” His eyes twitch as he gets shrugs from almost everyone, he says almost as now Red son is realizing that what he said is true and is slightly paling at what that could mean. Even Wukong and Bull King are looking at the group in absolute confusion.
“That does raise a concerning question,” BK rumbled. “The Celestial Realm is never without the deities inside, especially the Jade Emperor himself. So if all the deities were gone on the same day then there must have been a deadly matter that needed to be taken care of…but everyone gone? That still makes no sense.”
“You're telling me, it wasn’t even that easy for me to cause havoc when I was up there. I had to disguise myself as so many people just to make it out to the courtyard,” Wukong nodded.
“It just doesn’t make sense on why-” he stopped himself as he looked towards the other monkey and then his son and a thought occurred. “No, that couldn’t be, hey flicker do they still have that Spirit detecting thing for when you enter the realm.”
“Indeed they still do,” he faces palmed as he completely had forgotten that they had been specially made after people, deities, and demons tried to break their way into the realm one too many times.
Macaque couldn’t stop his smile from growing as he finally realized what happened and he burst out into laughter. “No way! No fucking way! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”
“Huh?” Everyone echoed as they watch the monkey burst out almost out of nowhere.
“Umm Dad?” He tried to call out, but he was too busy laughing.
“Pops? You good?” She tried, absolutely nothing in reply.
“Mango, moonlight, my other half,” Wukong grabbed him by the shoulder, which did make him pause, but still was sporting a wide grin. “What the hell did you figure out?”
“Srk, okay holy shit this is just way too funny,” he choked out and continued. “The reason why no one was there was because they sensed MK spirit energy and the staff, both of which had been imbued with your energy. I mean, I know that after sensing your energy was coiled around mine a few weeks ago, they did not want a second round with Wukong in any way shape, or form, especially his successor, so they just fucked off and left!”
Dead silence overtook the small restaurant as everyone's eyes slowly turned to the Monkey Sage, who was sporting both a cheeky and a sheepish grin.
“I feel like I should probably apologize to them one day.”
“The sad thing is that it sounds about right,” Red sighed. While he doesn't visit the celestial realm, he knows enough to know that many deities, including the Jade Emperor, would rather just up and leave than deal with Sun Wukong after what he last did no matter how many centuries may have passed. He does have to admit that out of everything he did, this may have been one of his biggest feats yet. “What is my life right now?”
“Let’s just continue,” Pigsy said as he was holding back his partner from asking so many questions.
“Evil laughter?”
“Shut up.”
“It was fun!”
“And highly entertaining.”
“Shut up!”
“And that’s all of it,” MK finished off.
“Crazy as usual, but that still doesn’t explain how she was able to do what she did,” he leaned back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Wukong stiffen, but he kept that to himself. He will get it out of that monkey when they're alone.
“I heard the whispers again,” everyone's eyes whipped towards Bull King, but only Red son and Macaque knew what he was talking about.
“You mean the same ones that controlled you back then,” the doctor hissed out.
“You met Lady Bone Demon?!” Wukong blurted out but immediately regretted that as everyone's eyes were locked on him.
“You know that vile cretin!” Bull King growled.
“Wait Bone Demon! As in the same one you met in the Journey to the West! That one!” Tang wanted to lean forward, but both Pigsy and Sandy were holding him back.
Wukong said nothing as he gripped his fists under the table.
“Monkey King?” MK worriedly asked at the monkey's still expression.
“Sunbeam,” the monkey blinked at his friend's hand on his and looked up to see his concerned look, “what happened?”
“…okay,” he entwined his finger with his and looked at the group. “I met her on the ship.” He then began to explain his experience with the demon on the ship and the restaurant was silent as he talked.
“So,” Macaque broke the silence, “it seems that we were right on the idea that this was no ordinary spirit.”
“You’ve been investigating this?!” Wukong asked as everyone barring the Bull family and Ahmed looked in shock.
“Of course I have, Bull King got possessed and no one found that at all suspicious? I mean that’s why Queen Iron Fan is currently not even in the city right now, she is meeting some people over some enchanted artifacts and spells that will help. But now that we know who exactly we're dealing with, I think we can narrow that down by a lot. So, you’ll update her,” he said towards the Bull family.
“Already doing so,” Red’s son said as his eyes were glowing red.
“Good, now anything else you tell us?” He looked back to his dumbstruck friend.
“Just that I…encountered her a few times before and that there was a reason she was buried so deep underground,” he sighed as he rubbed his thumb on the black fur. “What she wants the most is to make herself known to the world and she wants to accomplish this by conquering the world, so she’ll be after me first and my powers.”
“And we will be ready,” MK determinedly said. “We know that she is alive and that she is probably planning something, but whatever it is, we'll be one step ahead of her.”
“You got that right, I mean who would ever expect this,” she gestured towards the room filled with people, demons, and immortals, “Wukong lives in isolation so in no way will he be interacting with mortals, supposed enemies with Pops and Bull family.”
“That part is still true,” Bull King grumbled.
“Mostly, but even then you can tolerate him and that is what she won’t be expecting!”
“But there still is the problem that we don’t know what she is planning after her plan failed,” Tang pointed out.
“Was it her plan at all?” They all turned to face Pigsy.
“What do you mean?” MK asked.
“Well, it just seems that with the whole spider theme going on, it was more of the Spider Queen plan and the Bone chick tagging along at the end, you know, like that one person in a group project. I always hated that guy, stupid Hans,” he growled.
“You…do make a point,” Red eyes flickered once he finished his talk. “And mother also said that she will be going to the highlands next after she’s finished dealing with the…unruly elves.”
“That’s one way to say it,” Bull King nodded.
“But since the plan with the Spider Queen failed, where would she go next?” Mei asked.
“We’ll hold on,” everyone looked to Sandy now as the giant looked at Wukong and Bull King, “You said that she was following the Spider Queen, right?”
“Well I may have only met the Spider Queen once, but it’s easily recognizable that she has a superiority complex that hinges more towards the self importance side, and judging by how you describe the Bone demon, she is very tactile and manipulative to use this to her advantage. So we already know it was Spider Queen's plan first, but it was the Bone demon who most likely approached her first as you said that the Queen was more hostile towards the other. But, even when the plan failed, I think that she will still stick with the Spider Queen as she is not only one of the strongest in the city, but maybe has the resources she needs at the moment,” he finished and took a sip of his tea.
“Holy shit,” Mei whispered out as MK nodded.
“Knew you were smart, but man you were hiding it in their big guy,” Pigsy smirked.
“Oh well just a guess based on what I know about their personality and actions,” he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“A well educated one it is,” Bull King said, “What is your profession?”
“I’m a therapist.”
“That makes sense,” he nodded.
“But for now, how about we hold this off until tomorrow,” Ahmed said as he looked at everyone’s bandaged bodies and drooping eyes, “I think we all deserve some shut eye.”
“Their invasion just failed and they won’t be staring back up any time soon,” he cut MK off, “this can wait until tomorrow, where our minds would be fresher and perhaps our bodies a little lighter.”
“Agreed,” Macaque nodded.
“…okay,” MK gave in.
“Good, now everyone upstairs,” most of them began to trudge back up, the doctor eyed the Bull family, “I assume you have the teleportation spell?”
“Yep, prepped and ready,” Red confirmed.
“Then have a safe trip back,” and with final goodbyes, the Bull family left the restaurant, and with a flash, they were gone. Macaque watched them leave and promptly grabbed hold of the back of Wukong collar “And where do you think you're going?”
“Back to the mountain?” He questioned.
“No you're not, you're staying here.”
“Look Mac I really don’t feel like talking more about her,” he sighed once he knew everyone else was gone.
“And that is fine, but you are not leaving my sight anytime soon, now come on,” he pulled him up, “there is a hoard of blankets and pillows calling our names. So just relax, you are safe.”
It didn’t impact the monkey until he felt the warm coil of violet energy gently brush against his vigilant golden aura, did he finally settled down, and his nerves slowly relaxed and the next thing he knows is he is sitting on the rooftop surrounded by blankets and pillows and he is currently snuggled on Macaque shoulder as he hums softly and felt his soft hands groom his fur.
“Sleep Sunshine, we can deal with it all tomorrow,” he whispered and tucked him further underneath his chin.
He wished he could thank him for doing this, for watching over him during his blackout, for keeping him calm, but the words eluded him, and instead, he cuddled further into the hold. He stiffed when he heard soft footsteps approach, but relaxed at the familiar energy of both of his kids approaching him.
“Mind if we join,” MK asked as he took in the sight.
“Would you be up for that Sunspot?” Mac looked down.
Wukong didn’t say anything once more and just wordlessly nodded.
“Alright, you both can join, but right to bed.” He firmly told them both.
“Oh don’t worry, even my bones feel tired,” Mei said as she cuddled next to the black furred monkey and MK softly laid next to the brown furred simian.
Then there’s was silence once more as only the bustling from the streets could be heard as people reunited with each other once again, the whistle of winds, the steady breathing of the small group, and the soft humming of a six eared monkey lullabying them further and further into a deep sleep. And as Wukong listened, felt, and saw everything, only one thought was left as he closed his eyes for a long slumber.
He really loved his family.
As to why Mac didn’t get captured? Easy, he doesn’t have the same kind of cocky ego that both BK and Wukong shared. He actually likes to think before he acts.
Also, hey yeah remember how I said my longest chapter was like two chapters ago, welll I made a freakin new one and guess what? IT’S OVER 9000!! Like holy shit I need to sleep, but damn am I proud of how long I can make these XD
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(sees another fandom that I can ask you about and cheers) Orphan Black! Thoughts? I don't know Dr Who but Tatiana is one of my favorite actors period.
Anon you are so sweet! I'm always happy to chat about fandoms and characters and whatnot, and I will never not appreciate the majesty of Tatiana's acting. That is one of the greatest parts of the show hands down.
Orphan Black, to me, is a show that had incredible potential, but didn't really live up to the excitement it created. (Loooong post ahead.)
The thing is, Orphan Black builds a chilling mystery and background, the world it gradually creates as it goes for about the first two seasons, got be very invested and made me wonder a lot about where it was going to go and what the answers were. The setup is brilliant, right from the start with that iconic cold open of Beth's suicide. The unknown is what really helped this show get as thrilling as it was, because the actual answers behind the unknown were kind of hit and miss, and it seemed like far too often, the show just wasn't interested in telling it's story. Hijinks where the clones impersonate each other in slice of life events? That's fun at first and it really works well as they're still getting to know each other. But after a while, it gets tedious, and it seems like the show would rather fuck around and have dance parties (seriously, that scene was such a #BigLippedAlligatorMoment) than focus on the story and the threat that the sisters are facing. Virtually all of Allison's plotlines are like this, they feel like they belong in a different show, and for some reason the writers insisted on giving her one of these storylines like, every season. After Allison passively murders her own friend out of suspecting that she's spying on her, I just don't feel like an arc about her running for some PTA office position even matters. It doesn't feel right.
Speaking of that, here's another example: Donnie. Why did the end of the first season suggest that he was this secret mastermind working for Leekie? The whole idea just deflates in Season 2 and doesn't really go anywhere. He just goes back to being the bumbling sweetheart he was before. Why even have him be the spy? Maybe it should have been Ainsley. Do you want to know the exact moment that I think Orphan Black went wrong? Like, the specific scene? When Leekie was killed off. The character who had thus far been the Big Bad, gets taken out in the stupidest possible way, a literal accident on Donnie's part, and it's even played for laughs. After that point, the show really struggled to regain it's footing, though I don't think it completely went off the rails until about Season 4, and it was still generally hit or miss. Like, some stuff was really good. The introduction of the Castor clones, the development of Rachel's character (I'll get to her, trust me.) and the reveal of Kendall Malone. But it seemed like so much else was just forgotten or otherwise not resolved. Whatever happened to Cal? Sure, the show wanted to focus on the sisters...but Kira deserves to know her father if she wants to. That's just one example. It's a crying shame because this show is sometimes incredible. The metaphor that I always use for situations like this, is a card game. The show has all the right cards in its hand, they're just not being played.
The two strongest characters, at least to me, were Rachel and Helena. One of these characters was superbly written and went through a devastating arc. The other was Helena. We need to talk about her. In Season 1, she really cemented herself as a memorable presence with her trademark accent, her scars, her whole damn personality (again, hats off to Tatiana) and of course, that iconic screechy theme music that accompanied her. Which at first made us jump, but eventually made us cheer. I adored Helena, and I loved the development of her relationship with Sarah. Who went from shooting her in Season 1, to being deadset on rescuring her in Season 3, being furious with Siobhan for betraying her. (This is unrelated but Siobhan has the same " twist villain fakeout" at the end of Season 1 that Donnie does, and it's quite frustrating.) And yet, I swear, the writers just didn't know what to do with Helena half the time. They put her on a bus for long stretches, including one point where she just up and leaves Allison's house in Season 4, for no given reason. And the characters just kind of...don't care. The same thing happens when she gets arrested. No one cares to try and find Helena, even though she's unstable and often a danger to those around her. Even though she's by herself with no real ability to function in society. Even though she's pregnant. There is no excuse for this, and no Sarah, that "I'm sorry, I avoided you" scene in Season 5 is not going to cut it. It's such an afterthought.
I'm being rather critical, but I hope you can tell that this is from a point of passion. I genuinely enjoyed this show and getting to watch it. Just that sometimes it didn't feel like the show cared that I was watching. However, this was not true whenever Rachel was onscreen. Look, I'm a Merula Snyde stan, so you can probably already guess how I feel about Rachel. Despite her crimes, despite her constant slipping back the dark side, I felt so bad for Rachel at the end of it all. That scene with Kira really sums it up. "Who hurt you?" "All of them." And no scene is more intense than when she stabs out the eye cam. Like, I'm sorry, I pitied Rachel pretty much from Season 2 on. Her parents were horrible to her, and I'm supposed to think Ethan is the good guy here? He kills himself in front of his own daughter, telling her that she doesn't deserve him. And then Sarah shoots a pencil through her eye, causing brain damage and requiring a long recovery. I'm not saying that Sarah was wrong to do what she did, just that if I were in her shoes, I'd still feel a degree of guilt for Rachel's condition. In the end, I'm devastated that she was barred from Clone Club, when she made the right decision at the point it mattered. But there's just too much history there, and Sarah won't ever forgive her. (Though again, I do feel as though there's blame to share.) Rachel is my favorite character and I never expected her to be. But she's just so complex. Side note: "Enjoy your oophorectomy" is so damn quotable. I don't know why but I love that line.
So, Rachel's my favorite. Who's my least favorite? It might surprise you. It's Delphine. I'm sorry, but I just...I couldn't get on board with C*phine. Not after Season 3. I was waiting for the point that the show would push to finally redeem Delphine for her turncoat role, for all of the hell that she put Cosima through. By Season 5 though? I realized that as far as the writers were concerned? She already was redeemed. Even though she did nothing to earn it, except be presumed dead by Cosima. The way she treats Cosima in Season 3 is actually disgusting. Her reasoning for breaking up with Cosima is circular. She has to love "all the clones" in order to be with Cosima, and the way to do that is to take over Rachel's job, which means they can't date anymore? I'm not the only one who thought that didn't make sense, right? Oh and let's talk about how she stalks Cosima's date, breaks into her house, and threatens her life. Red. Flags. Cosima even says the line, "If you're not going to be with me, just let me go." I'm sorry, that should not be something she has to beg for. Delphine's behavior made me want her to stay far, far away from Cosima. Who is, incidentally, a sweetie and I absolutely adore her. I legit have trouble remembering that Tatiana's playing her because she just looks and acts so different. That said, even though I immensely disliked Delphine, I am so very glad that they made one of the clones gay. Just like I'm glad that they made one of them trans. (Though...Tony wasn't handled especially well.)
In general, I do think the earlier seasons were stronger. The Brightborn arc, while interesting, didn't really contribute much to the overarching narrative. We got the backstory on Beth's suicide and finally learned the truth about her, I suppose. Still, even though Beth is one of my favorite of the clones, and I never expected her to be either...I feel like the actual reason given for why she took her own life was rather illogical. She apparently did it because the investigation was putting the clones in danger of another Helsinki. Okay, but just because Evie Cho says you should off yourself, doesn't mean you have to. You could just, like...stop investigating. And if you die under mysterious circumstances without explaining anything to the sisters, they're not going to be put off from the investigation. They're going to look into this even more, because they don't know why they're not supposed to. The reveal that she and Art fell in love toward the end adds an extra gut punch, but it also doesn't make sense because wouldn't Art have referenced it during the period that he thought Sarah was Beth? On the other hand, Season 4 also introduced MK. And I have such a soft spot for her. I adore that sheep-masked sweetie. Everyone always asks "Which clone would you date" (because fandoms can think of nothing else I guess) and I never see anyone give any love to MK. Her death absolutely tore me apart. I am glad Siobhan avenged her even if she went down at the same time. Side note, her last word being the affectionate "Chickens..." Broke me.
Season 5 was a strange beast. In general, it seemed like we were finally getting some answers to the questions that were hanging over us. Exploring the deep mythos. But then they kind of turned it around and made it just be a Wizard of Oz style fraud twist. Westmoreland isn't really inhumanly old, he's a charlatan. I don't know why that was necessary in a science fictional show. I've seen the interviews and I get what they were going for, it just feels like it would have been cooler and far creepier if he was actually that old. The puppet master pulling the strings the whole time. We also finally get some answers for Kira's superhuman healing abilities (though we never learn how she's telepathically connected to the clones) and I'm loving it, but the trouble is, it's inconsistent. Ethan "Why is this guy so popular, he's an asshole" Duncan told Rachel specifically that Sarah being able to have children was a fluke, that the clones were "barren by design." I don't know, the whole concept of Revival and of the "magical island" was really foreboding and tied in with the earlier references to The Island of Doctor Moreau. Especially that song about "Revival's Children" just...the shudders, man. But just having it be a regular old scam is...a letdown. I know it may be more realistic, but I don't always need realism in my scifi. The finale is interesting, in that it's mostly an epilogue. I'm glad the clones (sans Rachel) got to live happily ever after, but there are two gut punches right at the end that are total nitpicks but they bother me. Helena naming her kids after Art and Donnie? And writing a memoir that she names "Orphan Black?" Those two tropes can go die in a hole. They can enjoy an oophorectomy, because I'm so sick of them.
The potential of Orphan Black was practically infinite. The results of Orphan Black fell frustratingly short.
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yunatheintrovert · 3 years
gentle hands | Perseus/Bell
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TW: night terrors, brief descriptions of decaying flesh (there's context I swear).
“Bell,” you shuddered at the way he rolled that name. Heated breath brushed against the skin of your neck at his words. A haze of the smell of nicotine, blood, and decaying flesh filled your senses. 
You kept your eyes tightly shut. You knew better. No matter what, you shouldn’t open your eyes. 
Yet he always tried to make you open your eyes and see him.
Large gloved hands trailed down your neck almost affectionately, lingering over the scars he marked on you. You fought the urge to twitch at the feeling of cool leather brushing over one particular lengthy scar running down your neck. 
“Do you really think Perseus is going to let you live?” he asked almost amusedly. The same kind of tone he used all those nights ago in the safehouse- Have you ever been attacked by a tiger, Bell?-
You flinched underneath him. Your hands grasped the sheets underneath you. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to move and throw him off of you-
A feeling of primal fear gripped you.
Like a rabbit frozen in the jaws of a wolf, you thought numbly. 
“You’ve ruined so many things for him, kid,” he sighed. You could almost see the image of him shaking his head down at you with exasperation. Those pair of ever-present shades hiding the look of disappointment, “Volkov, Aldrich, Rudnik...You were being so good for us until Duga.” 
His hands grasped your neck firmly. Yet soon, his grip tightened and tightened until blood rushing around your ears and heat burn your throat and chest in desperation-
“Perseus will kill you,” he whispered, his breath caressing your ear, “How will he do it? Poison? He always liked you enjoying a bottle of vodka with him in his study.” he mused out loud. You finally brought yourself to claw at the hands around your neck. Flesh raked and peeled under your nails, soft and decaying from all those days rotting in Duga. 
But he didn’t stop there.
“But maybe, maybe he’ll make an example out of you. Drink that customary shot of vodka at the meeting and collapsed onto the floor, grasping your neck desperately. And everyone will just watch as you die writhing on the floor.”
The sickly sweet smell of decaying flesh grew stronger in the air. You nearly gagged at the scent reaching your mouth. Your legs kicked underneath him. Yet he was hopelessly larger than you, pinning you down on the sheets. 
You could nearly see him smile above you, “You’ll die like the pathetic traitor you are. Really you couldn’t choose a side you hadn’t screwed over, Bell? Too fucked up for Perseus, too ruined for the Americans-”
Your eyes shot open. 
His weight was still on top of you with hands pinning you to the bed. Hot streaks of pain throbbed at your neck. A scream escaped your throat.  No, no, no, he couldn’t possibly be here -
You stilled at the command. 
Finally looking up, you found yourself staring at Perseus himself, his usually brushed back salt and pepper hair tousled and disheveled. Cerulean eyes stared down at you with their usual focused intent. Yet there was something wilder, desperate in his eyes. 
“Sir?” you instinctively asked breathlessly. His expression darkened slightly at your words. 
Ah , you thought with an internal wince. It was an  American  honorific. 
You glanced down only to notice how your hands tightly grasped the lapels of his olive-green Soviet military coat. Flinching immediately, you jerked back your hands, recoiling from him with a quiet apology already falling off your lips. 
Perseus sighed, staring down at you before the look in his eyes softened ever so slightly. He released your hands and pulled back from you, moving to sit on the side of the bed instead. 
You pulled yourself up as well, leaning against the wooden headboard. The presence of it was a comforting one- no attacks from behind -yet you couldn’t help the inescapable feeling that you were cornered and alone. 
“Forgive me,” he said gently in his thickly accented voice, “You were hurting yourself, comrade.” You distantly brought a hand to your throat while looking at the vanity mirror right across from the bed. Angry red scratch marks marred your throat. 
You stared down at your hands. 
You did that to yourself. 
“I was worried your wounds would reopen,” he continued on. Your hands trembled in your lap. You bit your lip worriedly. Why, why did he have to say all of those words so gently?
You ruined so many things for him. 
Just like Adler said. So why-
“Just kill me,” you finally said those words weighing on your mind ever since you followed him in Duga, “I don’t have anything to give you.” You closed your eyes, relief flooding your chest. 
You told him the truth. 
All that you had to offer...you gave to him in Duga. 
And really, that was just getting rid of the nuisance Adler and his team posed to his operations. 
That was it.
There was no other reason to keep you around. 
“Oh, Любимая,” Perseus said tenderly, his large calloused hand cupping your face, “I could never kill you.” 
You blinked. You couldn’t help the laughter that escaped your chest. It came out as more of a sob really. Heat pricked at your eyes as your chest tightened. The little golden sickle and star pin on the lapels of his coat blurred in front of you. 
The affection was so clear and evident in his voice. Yet you couldn’t help but be in disbelief of it. No matter what your past with him was-closer than a subordinate was all you could guess-you were still nothing but a liability.
And you knew how Perseus dealt with liabilities. 
All those past files in the safehouse were records of compromised assets Perseus disposed of with calculating ruthlessness. Ever since Duga, you always thought you would be one of those files the CIA would eventually put in there.
Sometimes, you wished he wasn’t so gentle with you.
Because ultimately-
....his gentleness broke you more than MK Ultra ever did. 
“And,” he continued on gently, “You did not ruin everything. We have ushered in a new chapter for the Soviet Era, a better one. Despite what they did to you, you broke through and ensured that.” 
“I could not be prouder.”
You glanced down at the praise as your chest tightened even more inexplicably. You blinked. A tear escaped your eye, falling down your cheek in a heated trail. 
“H-he told me,” you started with your voice ragged and hoarse, “-That you’re going to kill me. M-maybe poison? You’d have me drink it in a shot of vodka during a meeting. M-make an example out of me,” you couldn’t help the stutter in your words. Your voice trembled and shook from the silent sobs wracking your chest. 
Suddenly, he tilted your head up. 
“Who told you this?” Perseus asked, his voice low and deathly calm. Yet his darkened cerulean eyes betrayed his true emotions.
You couldn’t look away, even when you said  his  name. 
“Adler,” you confessed quietly, the name falling off your lips so easily. You had said it so many times, both in the safehouse and in your sleep. The clutches of the nightmares haunting you forced the name out of your lips. Although, truth be told, sometimes other figures pinned your paralyzed self to the bed, whispering and hissing all those words into your ear. 
Adler, Arash, Volkov, Rudnik-
The voices of the dead haunted you. 
You waited for Perseus to say something, anything to your quiet confession. 
Yet he remained silent, staring down at you with  something  in his eyes. 
Slowly, like one not wanting to spook a frightened animal, he grasped your shoulders with one arm and gently pulled you towards him. You froze momentarily, your hands dangling uselessly at your sides. The memory of hands grasping at you while words were hissed into your ear in a terrible yet intimate manner haunted you - 
But you let yourself be pulled into his arms. 
You blinked, finding your head resting against his shoulder on the olive-green fabric of his coat. You felt so small and vulnerable against him in that moment. He could easily bring up a hand to snap your neck without you even knowing. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to panic. 
Yes, you thought distantly, something tired and drained inside of you, I trust him. 
Only after several quiet passing moments in his arms did you realize something.
You had been trembling. 
A few tremors still wracked your body, your shoulders shuddering ever so often with the occasional instinctive sob escaping you. But everything was suddenly more  still .
For once, you could just breathe. 
Hesitantly, you brought your arms up from your sides and brought them around him, awkwardly hugging Perseus back. You felt some of the tension leave his shoulders with a muted sigh escaping him. 
He leaned down, resting his head on your shoulder as his arms held you against him. Heat rushed to your cheeks, the intimacy of it all so familiar yet flustering at the same time. 
“Прости меня. Я должен был защитить тебя,” Perseus confessed against your shoulder, something raw in his deep voice. In that moment, you wished you remembered Russian. That last MK Ultra injection Adler forced you through had damaged your memory in certain ways, taking away your fluency in Russian. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. Any words you had remained stuck in your throat. And so you simply rested your head against his shoulder, noting the smell of cognac and ink clinging to his coat. You breathed, one inhale and exhale after another until your eyes began to droop.
“You should rest,” Perseus said, beginning to pull away from you almost reluctantly. You clutched the lapels of his coat with a hesitant yet pleading look in your eyes. 
“Please,” you began, knowing you were asking for too much, “Stay.” 
His eyes softened. 
He cupped your face, wiping a stray tear away before finally speaking up. Perseus finally nodded before he smiled down at you with an almost mournful yet determined look in his eyes. 
“Позволь мне защитить тебя сейчас.”
For some reason, the solemn determination in his words felt like an oath. 
It was only moments later that you processed your own words. 
Stay, you thought with your face somehow heating up even more. You resisted the urge to kick yourself in that very moment. Flustered, you quickly put several pillows in the middle of the bed, building a pillow wall. 
“H-here!” you pointed with a sheepish smile, “I’ll take one side and you can, uh, take the other side.” 
Perseus stared down at the makeshift pillow wall with amusement dancing in his eyes. He nodded complacently, “The rules have been set, comrade.” he said.
Although, you couldn’t help but get the feeling he was teasing you. 
“G-good!” you said. You laid down on the bed and pulled the sheets over you, the makeshift pillow wall a comforting presence against your back. You felt the sheets rustle as your companion laid down on the bed as well. 
After silence settled in the room, you couldn’t help but stare up at the white ceiling. The surrealness of it all caught up to you. 
Did you really just ask your commanding officer to sleep in the same bed as you?
Suspected past with him or not, that was still-
You shook your head. You didn’t want to bother him with any finicky decision-making. You were just going to sleep and put this all behind you by avoiding him for the next week…
Still restless, you risked a glance towards him across the pillow wall. His broad back was facing you with the olive green coat still on him, maintaining an awkward sense of professionalism amidst this entire situation. 
And to think, this all started from yet another one of your night terrors. 
Next time, you swore to yourself, I’ll cover my mouth. 
You wouldn’t bother anyone if they couldn’t hear your screams and night terrors. 
Eventually, amidst your racing thoughts, your breathing began to slow as the draining events of the past hour crept onto you. With an inexplicable feeling that you were safe no matter what-
-You fell asleep.
The voices of the dead haunted you no more that night. 
Author’s Note: I'm gifting this to FrimReaper on ao3 since their awesome Perseus/Bell works really inspired me to write for another Perseus/Bell fic again with Soft Perseus. It's really great to see Perseus/Bell fics on ao3 that aren't something I wrote for once. And they're all so well-written. I also put this fic as inspired by one of their Perseus/Bell fics, Rainy Day, since that fic really inspired me to write this one out.
 Anyways, hopefully this one-shot didn't come out as too cringey. I'm not used to writing such physical affection and my writing has been off and kinda bad recently so apologies if this came out like something written out of a poorly written harlequin novel. 
Also...would anyone be interested in seeing a sequel of sorts for this where a flustered Bell tries to avoid Perseus in the days after that night? 
Well,  I hope this didn't come out too bad. Thanks for reading!
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purble-turble · 3 years
You mentioned Demon King Red is ready at a moment to marry Mk, but did he ever actually propose?
Oh yes he must have! I don’t think it was some grand affair that King Red put on for MK though.. I imagine that it happened before he became a king and put together his court. It’s just after his parents were defeated by Sun Wukong and MK’s friends, the fight in which Red Son fled without assisting despite PIF calling out for him. He ignored her and rushed back to the palace, certain that his enemies were right on his trail and desperate to prevent them from taking MK away from him.. what a brilliant excuse to write this whole scene out too~
When Red Son arrives back he came upon MK just sitting in the parlor, doing something commonplace like reading and completely unaware of what was happening outside the walls of the palace. He just watches MK for a moment, silently taking in just how perfect this boy is and how much he loves him and his heart is aching at the mere thought of them being separated.. When MK finally looks up and notices him there, Red Son doesn’t even think about what he’s doing next, he just rushes forward, snatching the book out of MK’s hands and then he kisses him. When he pulls back he drops to his knees in front of MK, grabbing both of his hands in his own and he just says quietly, desperately, “MK, my darling... marry me!” ...Notably, it’s not a question.
MK looks absolutely shocked by what just happened. Not that it’s unusual for Red Son to be overly affectionate, he’s gotten used to that mostly, but the intensity of that kiss just now and the twinge of panic in his voice startles MK. When he registers the actual words Red spoke it horrifies him even further.. the idea of being bound to his captor in that way is just horrific! He can’t even form words, it’s all he can do to stop himself from pushing Red Son away since that would count as violence and automatically activate the fillet on his head.. Luckily for MK, there’s a loud noise at the other end of the palace that pulls Red’s attention off him.
Red Son, still holding MK’s hand in a vice grip, stands and runs out of the room, pulling MK along with him. He doesn’t answer when MK asks what’s going on or what that noise was, he’s just focused intently on getting away from there as fast as possible. He doesn’t even notice the frantic way MK starts shouting to wait, hold on, he can’t go that way!! By the time Red Son realizes he’s trying to pull him past the boundary where the fillet will activate, it’s too late: MK is already screaming and grasping at his head as the pain shoots through him. Red uses the vocal command to stop the fillet, but the damage was already done. He hears voices shout in the distance, calling out for MK. They’re here, and they heard him.
There’s a desperate struggle where Red still tries to drag MK along with him, but he resists this time because he definitely heard them shout for him as well. The fillet activates again because of the struggle, and so when Wukong bursts through the doors and finds them, MK is on the ground screaming with Red standing over him. Red Son has not even a second to react before the staff is swung at him with such speed and force that he’s sent flying clear out of the palace, completely shattering multiple walls he comes into contact with.. the hit should have killed him, and would have if he hadn’t summoned the gauntlet on his wrist and used it to soften the blow. Wukong doesn’t come after him and instead turns to MK, still writhing on the ground in pain. He grabs ahold of the fillet and manages to snap it off with his bare hands, freeing MK at last.
Meanwhile Red Son pulls himself upright, with some effort, and through the destruction of the palace that was left in his wake, he can just barely see the scene unfolding of all MK’s friends rushing in to hug him. Red feels nothing but dread as he watches this happen, knowing MK is being taken away from him. He wants to go to him, to rush in and snatch him up again so they can be together forever, but as he tries to pull himself up he realizes just how hard that hit he took was. He’s injured and bloody and he knows from the look in Wukong’s eyes as he delivered the blow that if he saw him still alive he’d come out there and finish the job.... and so Red Son runs away again.
Later as he’s tending his wounds and miserably reflecting on how alone he is, he consoles himself because, well, when he asked MK to marry him, at least he didn’t say no. Then as he wallows and sinks further into madness, he takes on the title of Demon King Red and his delusions fully take hold of him. That thought becomes slightly more distorted and he convinces himself that of course MK wants to marry him. He just didn’t get a chance to say yes in the moment because his friends, his terrible, poisonous friends who ruin everything, had to barge in and ruin his proposal too!
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Id LOVE to see the peachpig fic where Pigsy wasn't told MK was gonna be SWK's successor!!!
Ask and you shall receive! I edited it a little bit. This is 2k words and it’s implied they you know at the end-
I think I wrote this months ago. Also when I say edit, I mean changed like two things then just skimmed as I copy and pasted
It was at that moment that Bajie decided he was going to kill his husband. Rage swept through him at the thought of a few days ago. Wukong gave MK the staff and didn’t tell Bajie about it. He hadn’t even known Wukong wanted a successor! There were some talks but nothing serious, apparently his spouse wasn’t content with retirement, he should have expected that.
Pigsy was pissed and he decided that he was going to be a widower. Tang and Sandy were confused about the fact that the monkey never mentioned the whole successor thing but they were content to let it be, Pigsy was not. He had told Wukong enough about MK, that doesn’t excuse his husband from throwing his kid into danger.
He stomped up to the mountain, his brows furrowed and fists clenched. The monkeys could tell something was wrong and avoided the angry pig. Wukong was on his cloud, eating a peach when he spotted his husband, oblivious to his angry gaze.
He floated down gently and wrapped his husband in a hug, his tail wagged. “Babe! I haven’t seen you in a few days! I missed you so much!” Since the start of the shop, Pigsy gained his own apartment and there would be times where they didn’t see each other. The monkey visited his husband practically every day but they both got busy and luckily, Wukong didn’t show up the day after. “You look wonderful, babe!” He planted a kiss against his lips, Pigsy fought the urge to kiss back and the rising blush.
He pushed his spouse away. “Hi, Wukong.”
Wukong raised an eyebrow yet kept his tail wagging. “How are you, love?”
He scowled. “Wukong, we need to talk.”
“The kid.”
“Oh! He did really well, huh?”
“Is that all you have to say to me?”
He took a step forward. “Why didn’t you tell me that the kid was going to be your successor? You kept the truth from me!”
“Huh? Oh, that. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Yep, he was going to be a widower. “Didn’t think it was a big deal?! He’s my freakin’ kid! I told ya about him all the time! Ya know what kind of past that kid has! Then I find out he has your staff and now he’s fightin’ demons!”
“What’s the problem? He’s a fan of mine! You saw how happy he is!”
“What the fuck are you not gettin’? You didn’t consult me on this! I didn’t think there was a possibility for MK to have the staff until he showed up in the shop with it! Then all of a sudden, we’re on a journey to return the staff back to ya! Ya couldn’t have picked someone else?!”
“He was perfect for it! The perfect candidate to be my successor!”
“Perfect for it?! You could have handled the whole mess on your own like ya always do! What do ya need a damn successor for?”
Wukong frowned, his tail dropped along with his ears. “I’m sorry… I just thought it would be a nice surprise.”
“A nice surprise? I THOUGHT HE DIED!” His husband recoiled. “We all thought he died!” He pulled his husband by the shirt and brought him close. “I THOUGHT MY FUCKIN’ KID DIED TRYIN’ TO GET TO YOU!”
“I would never let that happen,” he whispered.
“How was I supposed to know that? How was I supposed to know any of this? We’re supposed to tell each other everythin’, both small and big. Comes along with the promise of bein’ married. We’ve always done that up until now. You’re still so impulsive! Ya don’t think of anybody but yourself!”
His husband growled. “I thought about the kid too! And who’s the one who only thought about himself, huh? Says the guy who got us captured daily!”
“I’ve changed and I thought ya did too! When ya wanted to retire, I was shocked but I knew you wanted it. Then ya couldn’t pick up the staff to just deal with DBK yourself and get it over with? It would have been so easy for ya to do!”
“That’s the meaning of retired, you idiot! Meaning I’m done with that stuff! Heavens, you don’t have any brains really. Just like back then, getting us captured like a dumbass.” The hurt expression on his husband’s face made him double take. “Wait, baby, I-”
Pigsy shoved him. “So I’m just a dumbass to ya, huh?!” His husband had called him an idiot or dumbass in an affectionate tone but his tone was harsh. “Is that why ya married me? Because I was too stupid to say no? I’m just an easy lay to you! Someone you could laugh at!”
“Love, that’s not it at all! I married you because I love you! I didn’t tell you because I knew this would happen! I knew we would get into an argument about it! The kid had all the right qualifications to be my successor!”
“I told ya I thought he died! You were goin’ to let me believe that my kid died! Ya know what…” He took off his ring.
The monkey’s eyes widened. “Babe, what are you doing?”
The pig threw it on the ground. “I’m done. I’m not goin’ to be an easy lay for you. I’m not goin’ to be someone for you to laugh at! We tell each other everythin’! We used to.” Tears pricked his eyes, this was their worst fight yet. “Ya almost got MK killed and ya expect him to handle your dirty work. You let me believe that my kid was killed.”
He began to leave when Wukong pulled him back. “Baby-”
“Don’t fuckin’ touch me! I don’t want to talk to you ever again!” He left in a huff while his husband stared down at the ring and began crying, thinking over his mistakes.
Weeks passed with Pigsy refusing to speak to his husband, no matter how many texts and calls Wukong had left. If Pigsy was being honest, he missed him, he missed his furry heater who used to tell him jokes and wrap his arms around him, kissing him gently and sweetly. He loved his spouse, he truly did but he was so pissed at the thought of MK being in danger. The kid had a tough life and while he could handle it himself, the pig wanted to make sure he was safe. MK had grown into a worthy successor, the pig will admit.
MK had handled every incident that had come his way, the weather station, the clones, and the spider queen stuff. Heavens, the spider queen. He had to apologize to Tang for that one. He didn’t know what had gotten into him, he was mad at Wukong but he would never flirt with anybody else besides his husband. Tang realized she placed a spell on him which made sense but Pigsy had felt awful for practically cheating on his husband and oh yea, Tang being put in danger.
It was only a few days after the Spider Queen that he laid on the couch of his apartment. He picked up his phone and scanned the messages his husband left him, begging for him to talk to him yet not bothering to go to the shop. Wukong could be an idiot sometimes but he knew to give the pig some space.
Memories of their relationship flooded his mind, their first meeting where he held his own against the Great Sage, being Tang’s disciple, starting to realize he was in love, the denial, flirting with women to get his mind off the monkey, jealousy towards Tang who was in love with Sandy which was a whole other mess, acceptance, continuing to do everything to impress the monkey, the confession, years of dating then all that up to the point where they were finally wed.
He loved the memories, loved Wukong, he was betrayed yet maybe he should have made an attempt to see what was going through his spouse’s stupid head. The pig sighed, maybe he should call him.
A knock on the door cut off his thought process. He raised an eyebrow, who would be knocking at this time of night? The knock continued again, he reluctantly got up and answered it. He let out a slight gasp to see his husband with his tail drooped, his eyes, which looked red from crying, trying to avoid his gaze.
“Hi,” Sun Wukong whispered.
“Hi,” he whispered back. It was as if time stood still, he resisted the urge to wrap his husband in a hug.
He asked, “Is it alright if I come in?”
“Uh… yea, sure.” He stepped aside to which his husband walked in. “What are ya doin’ here?”
“I wanted to talk… I heard about the Spider Queen stuff from the kid.”
“O-oh… yea…”
“Are you okay?”
The monkey nodded. “Good, good.” His fists clenched. “I’m glad you’re safe even though you flirted with her which got you in trouble in the first place.”
“No, I get it. I really do. She’s attractive or whatever, right?”
“Wukong, yes, I flirted with her.” His husband sucked in a breath. “But that wasn’t me. I can’t justify my behavior but believe me when I say that I would never cheat on you.”
“Why wouldn’t you? There are a lot of better options out there even if your choice was a spider.”
“She wasn’t my choice.” He gently guided his husband to the couch where they both sat down.
“She would be a better option than me. Anyone would be better than me. I’m so sorry. I was selfish and immature and I should have consulted you on everything. I put ou- your kid in danger. I let you believe he died.” He kneeled in front of his husband, his head hung low. “I get why you want to divorce me.”
The pig’s eyes widened. “You think I wanted to divorce you?”
He nodded. “You threw your ring away… if you want to divorce me, just say it and I’ll make it happen if…” his bottom lip jutted out. “If it will make you happy. I’ll give you everything, just ask me and I’ll give it to you, no matter the cost, no matter the price.”
Bajie frowned. “Cupcake, sweetheart, look at me.” His husband refused to look at him. He grabbed his husband’s face and tilted his chin up, his red eyes pained him. “Look at me. Cupcake, I don’t want to divorce you. I never want to divorce you. I was just pissed. I would never.”
“Are you sure? You deserve better, better than me…”
Wukong was feeling insecure, during their relationship, it was obvious that Wukong could be extremely insecure at times especially when it came to their love, fighting was more of Wukong’s thing, love was a tricky area especially since he spent time denying how he felt for the pig. “There is no better, honey. I was pissed but I had no right to throw the ring at you. It’s just we tell each other everythin’. I was goin’ to tell you about the Spider Queen incident. Baby, I would never cheat on you.”
“You should. You should have. I don’t deserve you. I didn’t think about your feelings. I was an idiot. That kid, he has something in him, something that I thought I could train. I should have told you. I know how much you care about that kid and I care about him too, from your stories and just from simply watching him. I know he’s your kid, I know how important he is to you. I just thought if I told you, you would have stopped it.”
“I would have eventually understood if you had told me ahead of time and he’s our kid, not just mine.” He thought back to his spouse’s earlier words. “Love, I’m not goin’ to cheat on you. You don’t deserve that. Of course you deserve me. We make mistakes, babe. That’s who we are.”
“But this was our worst fight. I made you upset. I hurt you. You deserve better than an idiot who only looks for himself. I’m sorry I called you a dumbass. I didn’t marry you as some sort of sick joke. I’m sorry for everything.”
“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. I know. You deserve me. I love ya so much. If I didn’t think you deserve me then I would have pushed you away. You know how happy I felt when I found out you felt the same way. You saw my reaction, I was so relieved.”
“I don’t. I don’t deserve you. What if… what if you find someone better? What if I’m not enough to satisfy you? What if after these years you find out I’m not what you want?” He began sobbing. “I love you so much. I don’t want to lose you. I want you to be happier than me. If you want to divorce me, just please say the word and I’ll give you whatever it is you want.”
Pigsy narrowed his eyes. “Hey! Don’t you dare talk about yourself that way! You’re enough, Wukong. You’ve always been enough. There is no better. We’ve been married for 1,400 years, I’m not goin’ to leave you. Babe, you’re the Great Sage, I was still surprised when ya wanted to go for a lowly pig demon in the first place. I’m so lucky that ya chose me even after all the trouble I’ve caused you. I used to get us captured on the daily, I used to flirt with women all the time to get my mind off you. I didn’t think I was good enough to be with you but here we are. I don’t want to hear you talk about yourself like that.” He wiped his husband’s tears.
Wukong growled at him. “Lowly? You’re not lowly! You’re a great Celestial Warrior that managed to fight me on even grounds! Sure, you got us in trouble but you always made up for it. Tch, lowly. I don’t like hearing you talking about yourself like you’re nothing.” Pigsy raised an eyebrow. “Oh. OH! I get it. I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay. We both get insecure sometimes.”
“I’m sorry for everything. I should have told you.”
“You should have but that’s all in the past now. You’re doin’ a great job trainin’ the kid from what I hear. I’m so proud of you, baby. We’ve come a long way from how we were before.”
“Thank you, honey. So you don’t want to divorce me?”
He shook his head. “Never. Not in a million years. You’re stuck with me and I’m stuck with you.”
His tail wagged. “Can I kiss you?”
“Just want to make sure.” He pressed a gentle kiss to his husband’s lips which quickly turned passionate in a matter of seconds.
“I missed you so much. We have a lot of time to make up for. A few weeks is too long.”
“It is. I missed you.” He pulled the ring from his pocket. “Here.”
Bajie beamed and kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I missed this. Aren't you goin’ to put it on me?”
His husband’s mouth quirked up and he nodded, he placed the ring on his finger and kissed it. “Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Are ya talkin’ about me or yourself?”
The king chuckled. “You.” He left a trail of kisses up and down his throat. “Mine,” he growled.
Bajie rolled his eyes. “Yes, yours. I’m sorry for falling under the Spider Queen’s trap.”
“It’s fine. I know it was a spell. Tang explained as much.”
“Hm, I’ll thank him later.”
“We’re okay now?”
“Yes, we’re okay.” At the answer, Wukong nipped at his neck. “Love~”
“It’s as you said, a few weeks is much too long. Want to go to our bedroom, dear?”
“Yes I do. You’re givin’ me a bunch of stuff later, got it? I demand a lot of kisses, cuddles, food and a bunch of other stuff.”
He chuckled. “Okay. Whatever you want. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He guided his husband to the bedroom where they whispered assurances of love and all was well.
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earthrealmlesbian · 5 years
luitana for the ask please
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Liu Kang will rock the seats BUT only enough to get Kitana to giggle or playfully swat his arm.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Neither is always horny though Kitana's sex drive is the higher of the two. They're not big on sex anywhere outside the bedroom but Liu Kang is down to break in just about every surface of their quarters when he's in the mood.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? Kitana is into lounging in the tub while Liu Kang is more used to quick showers. Kitana will often join him in the shower and then go soak in the tub. If she can convince him to soak with her it's almost always to relax.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? I mean, Liu Kang canonically walks around with his tiddies out (depending on the game) so...neither usually get fully naked but it's not uncommon for them to chill shirtless. Liu sometimes gets a little shy because he thinks Kitana is genuinely too pretty to look at. He won't ask her to cover up though.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Neither. Ever. Liu Kang really, really hates going to bed angry. In general, but especially with loved ones. Kitana is a good communicator too so that helps. They go the extra mile to settle things before bed.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Kitana likes taking photos a lot. She'll print out the good ones too. It's no different when her boyfriend is asleep. He's cute and she wants pictures! He'll snap a few of her when she's napping but it's rare.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Liu Kang in both regards. Kitana made it a habit of keeping any romantic interests a secret given the hectic nature of Shao Kahn's court. Liu Kang was ESPECIALLY one she would have to hide so she found herself holding back a lot out of nerves. Hearing him say it after she'd avoided it so long on principle was a very emotional moment for her. Liu Kang tends to worry about the target on her back now that she's Kahn and will often end arguments about her safety with a "because I love you!"
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Outworld is scorching and Liu Kang isn't gonna fit in Kitana's clothes so neither really. Kitana will clutch something of his close when she's napping on occasion.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? (Another long one oops) Neither wake each other up unless they really have to. Both have nightmares about being revenants but mk11 Liu Kang finds himself troubled greatly by his accidental death and rocky relationship with Raiden during Kronika's timeline manipulation. (I have lots of thoughts about Liu Kang loving his dad figure very much but really needing to have a serious talk with him about everything cuz wow) Sometimes he'll wake up from an imaginary fight with Raiden and sob because he's not sure if he'll have to do it again but for real. Kitana holds him and hums to him until he's calm enough to sleep. (She also gently, but consistently encourages him to talk to Raiden about it)
10) Who is more likely to cheat? (at games of course) Kitana by a mile. She's less prone to than Jade but she learned a few tricks from Jade too so....she's gonna use them. Liu Kang is used to dealing with Kung Lao being a brat and cheating so he can sometimes catch it. He doesn't cheat himself though. Much anyways.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Liu Kang does the teasing. He'll catch Kitana giving him an affectionate look so he'll wrap his arms around her and softly say "Strange. You almost look like you have a crush." It makes Kitana giggle and roll her eyes.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Kitana though it's not really a food fight. She'll playfully flick cold water at Liu Kang's back whenever he's not looking and then dart out of the kitchen before he can get her back.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Liu Kang and Kung Lao goof around a lot and sing together when they're enjoying a night out so singing is something he likes to pull Kitana into frequently. Neither are great singers but Kitana thinks her boyfriend's determination is endearing and usually humors him.
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Liu Kang starts the hand holding and Kitana is awfully pleased about it. Hand holding is about the only pda they really do besides hugging. In private Liu Kang will come up behind her as she's doing paperwork and wrap his arms around her waist while peeking over her shoulder. If they're casually walking alone at night Kitana will often idly hook a pinky into his clothes. She's also the butt squeezer (at home).
15) Who writes the others name on their wrist? Honestly? I can kinda see Liu Kang doing it. He reads as a sappy romantic. He wouldn't go out of his way to find a pen to do it but if he misses her and there's a pen nearby he'll write her name in edenian (he tries his best to learn the language for her sake) and then cover it with a wristband/guard.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Liu Kang is more seductive when buzzed but he's got a very narrow window of opportunity. If he's just barely buzzed he can be really seductive but a drink later he's goofy as hell. Kitana is the same way. The difference between seductive and corny/goofy is like one drink. Both are kind of loud. Nothing that's gonna catch everyone's attention but still. Kitana is the louder of the two.
17) Who is more protective? Liu Kang is really protective but he doesn't want to smother Kitana or make her feel like he thinks she's fragile. He knows she can hold her own so he tries not to be too vocal about his concern over her new position as Kahn.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Liu likes to whisper sweet nothings to her when she's napping. If y'all think for a second Liu Kang doesn't think Kitana is a goddess then we must clearly be looking at a different shaolin. When she's asleep he can really gush about it.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Liu Kang is more familiar with driving so he'll usually do it but Kitana can in a pinch.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? They both fall asleep on the other pretty often. Liu Kang will generally be the one doing the carrying but Kitana isn't opposed if he's being stubborn about dragging himself to bed. He blushes every time she does it because...hello Kitana strong....hot. (don't @ me. All mk ladies can bench press literally any dude on the roster and that's a fact)
21) Who cuts the others hair? Kitana takes care of them both. Liu Kang can keep his trimmed but he's nervous about messing hers up so he just let's her take over in keeping both their hair tidy.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Kitana is awful at it. Just incredibly embarrassing. She prefers to make her desires known in person and can never quite do it over text without sounding like a robot. Liu Kang likes to send cute little messages throughout the day when he's got time.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?Both are pretty confident in their place at each other's side. Sometimes Liu Kang gets nervous about his girlfriend being royalty and worries he'll cause her trouble or embarrass her on a political level but Kitana isn't having it. She reassures him that he's the one she's chosen irregardless of politics. Both are equally terrified of losing the other.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Kitana usually initiates but Liu Kang loves it. Slow dancing hits just about all of his sappy romance needs. He knows she likes being picked up and is happy to oblige.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Liu isn't one for sec jokes but he knows his fair share of awful puns and is fully prepared to use them to make Kitana groan in exasperation.
26) Who kissed first? Kitana kissed Liu senseless when he told her he loved her. She'd been dancing around her feelings for so long she just said fuck it when she got the green light.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Liu Kang is a hungry dude. He needs lots of fuel to keep up those washboard abs :/ He's prone to late night grazing. He'd already be the one to grab Kitana some water if she asked though she'd probably just do it herself.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? Kitana writes occasionally and pretty well. Liu Kang is always so moved by the little poems whether he's into poetry or not simply because he thinks the gesture is incredibly sweet. He keeps them all tucked away safely in a box in his drawer.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Neither really. Liu might be tempted to put a little extra flair into his movements in a fight if Kitana is watching. He's not keen on busting his ass in front of her so thank the elder gods for some common sense.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Liu Kang isn't embarrassed about his reading glasses but he thinks they're cumbersome so he ditches them more often then not. Kitana thinks he's cute in them AND when he's squinting at a document because he forgot to bring them along.
Thank you for sending in an ask!
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