#Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock
lesbianboyfriend · 5 months
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um. what if i was made to kill you but when we met you made me realize that maybe i could be more than what i was made for but i still couldn’t escape it so i promised i wouldn’t kill you right away and in return you promised to wait for me. and we were both clones of the same woman.
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hopingfortea · 2 months
i've officially read 67% of my book goal for the year!
best new (to me) books i've read so far (in no particular order):
- Icarus by K Ancrum
- Natural Beauty by Ling Ling Huang
- Penance by Eliza Clark
- In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
- Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock by Maud Woolf
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tymp3st · 3 months
Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock
Sometimes, sometimes, I get so focused in on one goal that it makes me kind of smartn’t. That’s what happened with the review this week. I got really focused in on the other book that I’d planned on reviewing and completely forgot my plans to use this one if I couldn’t get that one finished. This one is courtesy of netGalley. Here’s Maud Woolf’s Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock.…
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alexsfictionaddiction · 5 months
Review: Thirteen Ways To Kill Lulabelle Rock by Maud Woolf
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I am so grateful to the lovely people at Angry Robot for sending me this beautiful ARC of a unique sci-fi thriller that I couldn't put down.
In the near future, the rich and famous have the money to create clones or Portraits of themselves and acting legend Lulabelle Rock has just created her 13th. The 13th Portrait of Lulabelle Rock has one purpose -to kill the other 12 Portraits. It seems simple but can the pitfalls of the human world such as love and morals?
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Lulabelle has legitimate reasons for creating her Portraits and if I had the money and the means, I'm sure I'd do the same! Our protagonist provided a really unique perspective to read from and I adored watching her grow throughout the narrative.
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Our heroine is only allowed to kill other Portraits, so this prevents her from having an evil or ruthless streak. She is programmed purely to kill specific people, which means that she is a killer who is easy to relate to and love. I thought it was interesting that despite the Portraits all leading very human-like lives, they're clearly not considered to be humans by their creator. It really made me think about how the lines between what is a human and what is a machine are perhaps becoming more blurred every year.
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There is some subtle humour as our heroine begins to learn how to get by in the human world. It means that it starts off as a kind of journey of self-discovery and this gradually evolves as the book goes along. I would have liked to have seen more slip-ups from her as I think this would have made some funny scenes and perhaps made her even more endearing.
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The protagonist falls in love with one of her targets and I really loved their scenes together. I wasn't expecting it but it's this aspect of the book that highlights how easy it is for machines to feel human emotions. It lends another dimension that really raised the stakes and kept the pages turning.
Thirteen Ways To Kill Lulabelle Rock is a fast-paced, refreshing read that makes you think. The ending was really satisfying too and there were points where I was worried it wouldn't be. I would have liked a bit more world-building, which another 50-100 pages or so could have solved but it was still a very entertaining, clever book that I raced through.
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Thirteen Ways To Kill Lulabelle Rock by Maud Woolf will be published by Angry Robot on 9th January 2024.
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beckysbook5 · 6 months
Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock by Maud Woolf - ARC Review!
Set in a world of the near future, the celebrity elite have access to a technology that allows them to make perfect copies of themselves, known as Portraits. These Portraits exist to fulfil all the various duties that come as the price of fame. Our protagonist is the thirteenth copy made of the actress known as Lulabelle Rock. Her purpose is very to track down and eliminate her…
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scififr · 5 months
Thirteen Ways to Kill Lulabelle Rock, par Maud Woolf (Angry robot, janvier 2024)
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Lulabelle Rock, une star du cinéma, décante un treizième clone d’elle-même avec pour mission d’aller supprimer les douze précédents, toutes plus ou moins occupé à prendre en charge des taches que l’original n’a ni le temps, ni l’envie d’assumer.
Cela ferait un excellent film, et le roman est très bon ; sinon peut être dans sa conclusion, mais cela importe peu. Un point important pour ne pas tromper d’éventuels lecteurs : le sujet du livre ne réside pas vraiment dans les éventuels treize meurtres (même s’ils ont leur importance) mais dans l’éducation à marche forcée de la malheureuse qui vient à la vie dans l’unique but de tuer ses sœurs jumelles.
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lesbianboyfriend · 5 months
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