estelle-skully · 29 days
Ramshackle tickle headcanons
Ohh god
oh goodness
its time
gadies and lentlemen, I now present to you, my ramshackle t-word headcanons (but just for the main three bc idk enough about any other characters yet)
First off: Vinnie!
she’s like 90% ler, doesn’t despise being tickled but she sure as hell will get revenge no matter what; she adores wrecking people because she thinks seeing people being tickled to pieces and laughing their asses off is some of the funniest shit ever
Girly pop is the kinda person to hear someone snort while laughing and point it out- same for people who blush a lot
she loves pissing people off and getting em hella flustered, again because she finds it funny
on occasion she gets really intense ler moods and will target whoever is closest to her
sometimes when she sees Stone being extra angsty she will wreck him
Skipp often goes to her when he is in a lee mood and she always teases him about it (“You know, for someone who lives on the streets, it’s pretty funny that you actually enjoy something as childish as tickling! How adorable!”)
Vinnie isnt really the kind of individual to deny being ticklish, but if someone asks then she’ll instantly reply “are you?” Without giving a clear answer; you pretty much have to figure it out yourself
she gets pretty violent when shes being tickled- theres a very high chance that you’ll get kicked or maybe even bitten 😭 she doesn’t actually intend on hurting anyone, its all instinct
speaking of violence, she also swears a lot and will throw every threat in the book your way
all in good fun tho <3
teehee next is Skipp
This little shit is a lee leaning switch- 60% lee, 40% ler
Even though he loves when he’s the lee, he also really enjoys pretending to be a tickle monster or some shit because it embarrasses his friends
mostly he goes after Stone because the tickle monster thing mostly works on him (also partially because one can’t really tickle Vinny for more than like ten seconds before she pulls a fucking uno reverse card 😭)
Skipp is the only person who can tell when Stone is in a lee mood (more on that later 🤭)
He isn’t embarrassed in the slightest about being ticklish but he is usually shy when he’s in a lee mood, hates straight up asking to be tickled so he usually drops little hints, which his friends quickly catch on to
he isn’t very mean as a ler, usually he’s more playful than relentless and occasionally will make little comments but doesn’t tease often
but as a lee
cutest little fuck EVER
he doesn’t try very hard to stop the tickles so he’ll either just kick his legs or do a lil happy stim of some kind
his laughter is all giggles and it’s just the sweetest ever
sometimes when he gets extra flustered he’ll cover his face with his hands
and he loves tickle hugs or cuddly tickles; prefers that over being obliterated, which is why sometimes Vinnie goes easier on him
Oki lastly, Stone!!! (My pookie!)
for him I dont actually know, he’s giving big switch vibes so i think i wanna say hes like 50-50
like I mentioned earlier, Stone is sometimes tormented by lee moods, which he is immensely embarrassed by. Skipp almost has a super power to sense lee moods in people though, so even though Stone is good at hiding it, the lee mood inevitably is relieved by Skipp, and sometimes Vinnie, which he’d constantly deny but he really appreciates it
lil bro secretly doesn’t mind being tickled because he’s pretty touch starved, and in general he doesn’t really get to laugh/smile often because he usually isnt in the mood.
again, he would rather drink gallons of rat poison than admit that, though
he tried his best to hide his ticklishness from his friends the first few months they knew each other, keeping the secret like his life depended on it
of course, they found out eventually, though
(do yall want me to write a fic with the “trio finding out stone is ticklish” scenario because id love to)
most of the time his laughter is very loud, and like Vinnie, he swears at his ler, too
but a certain thing one might notice while tickling him is that he doesn’t really do much to fight back at all
that’s probably the biggest giveaway that he actually enjoys the tickles
buuuut also, if one were to get him in one of his less ticklish spots (like his belly and sides or something) he giggles and its SOOOOO CUTE
if you want to get him flustered, then comment on his giggling- he cant stand it
He also goes crazy over compliments and cute nicknames (call him pretty boy and he will die)
and also his face will go bright red (which im pretty sure is canon when he’s embarrassed, by the way- remember that scene in the thesis film, where the three fell through the clothesline and Stone was in the maid dress and Vinnie smirked at him? His face went BRIGHT red and he looked so pissed 😭)
when he’s in a ler mood, though…
bro is fucking terrifying
somehow he’s able to guess someone’s worst spots almost instantly and uses that against them
On occasion he will start something with Vinnie just to get tickled by her but its actually shocking how he can successfully get her pinned down, so their tickle fights are actually pretty equal
Any time Skipp shyly approaches him and does whatever it is he does to hint at his lee moods, Stone can’t help but be a bit envious that the guy can even give hints- he’s to embarrassed to give any indication whatsoever
but yeah sometimes he’ll tease Skipp a bit, but he wouldn’t dare tease Vinnie because she knows EXACTLY what makes him flustered and is not afraid to use it against him
he can say the dreaded t-word most of the time, but not when he’s in a lee mood. Cant stand hearing it either
andddd thats all i got!!! Man i love these three pests (compliment) so much they have my whole heart
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gaybananabread · 1 month
♪*✧⁠Ramshackle Day Off✧⁠*♪
~It’s official: I’ve gained yet another hyperfixation. I absolutely LOVED the pilot for Ramshackle; the trash goblins grabbed my focus. So, as with all my faves, they’re getting the special treatment. If this is your flavor of interest, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Stone
Lers: Skipp, Vinnie
Summary: Stone’s having one of his emo moments, feeling down and not even cracking his usual half-smile. Skipp and Vinnie decide to help, using the one method they know will always cheer up their grungy friend. 
Warnings: alcohol/cigarettes mentioned! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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In their slum alley, the three lovable scraps lounged about, enjoying one of the very few days where they didn't have to fight to survive.
Vinnie had hit the motherload that morning in a dumpster: an entire case of Hickory Smoked Beans, just past their expiration date. It was a Ramshackle miracle.
Since they didn't have to forage for money or food, the trio could take a sort of off-day. While Vinnie and Skipp were lounging and making the most of it, Stone couldn't help but feel morose.
Sure, they had enough food for a few days. But what happens after that? What would they do when they ran out and had to go back to their normal pattern? What if they couldn't get enough, and not even shoes could sustain them?
He'd usually just chug a bit of liquor to calm those thoughts, but it didn't seem to be doing much. Life felt…impossibly meaningless. Like no matter how hard they tried, the universe would continue to put them in their place at the very bottom.
Stone had a particular look when he got into those moods. His eyes seemed distant, he sighed more, and a bottle of some cheap, scavenged liquor was always nearby. 
While looking for some fabric to patch his newest jacket hole, Skipp noticed his friend's sullen attitude. It wasn't a rare sight, by any means, but it still worried him to see Stone so upset. 
“Hey…you alright, Stone? You seem kinda out of it.” Skipp kept a respectful distance, not knowing if his friend was in a touch-positive mood or not. He extended a hand to silently ask if touch was okay. Stone shrugged, taking a swig from his mystery bottle. 
“Aren’t we all? ‘re we ever really in it, or are we jus’ waitin’ for death to find us and put us in our final place?”
“Uh…okay?” Skipp patted the emotional man’s head before scooting away, going to find Vinnie. She would know what to do…probably.
Vinnie was lounging on one of their make-shift nests when Skipp found her. She groaned, stretching as she sat up from the pile of ratty blankets and coats.
“What is it now? Today’s supposed to be relaxing,” she whined, running a hand through her unruly hair. Skipp pointed to their drunken, miserable-looking friend. “Stone’s in a sad mood again.”
“Fuckin’...course he is. The one damn day we get off…” Vinnie grumbled, dramatically hauling herself completely out of her semi-comfortable nest. “He okay with touch?”
After the blonde nodded, she marched over to Stone, waving for him to do the same. Instead of greeting him, she straddled the dejected man, squeezing his hips.
“GRK- Vihihinnie! W-whahat the hehell?!” Stone dropped his bottle, hands flying to grab Vinnie’s wrists. He was drunk, though, so his fight wasn’t a very effective one.
Skipp blushed, his eyes widening. Vinnie’s fix was…tickling him? The optimistic guy never could handle watching tickle fights without getting flustered, but now…
It looked fun from both perspectives, and Stone was quite upset. He was pretty sure his mind would behave and let him wreck his friend for one.
“Isn’t it obvious? We’re cheering you up!” Even though his cheeks were still rosy, Skipp joined in, spidering his short nails on Stone’s kneecaps. It would almost certainly come back to haunt him later, but he didn’t really mind; that was a sort of bonus.
“Yep. It’s too good of a day for that depressing bullshit. You need to learn how to smile, ya mopey shit.” Vinnie was a bit less sweet, but there was a kindness in her salty words. She really cared for Stone, even if he was a depressing asshole sometimes.
“Guhuhuys! Fuhuck ohohohoff!” Stone squirmed and twisted under Vinnie, feeling the four evil hands on him. He squeezed Vinnie’s wrists, though he wasn’t exactly trying to shove her off. This wasn't lost on his friends.
“Aww, you like this, don’t you?” Surprisingly, Skipp was the one to tease him. It wasn’t exactly meant to be one, but that’s what it felt like to the giggling man. He groaned through the happy sound, covering his face with one hand. 
“Holy shit, Skipp. I think you’re right!” Vinnie chuckled, though she already knew that was the case. It was hardly the first time she’d used the method to get Stone to quit moping, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last. He needed to smile more.
“Wonder what happens if I go here…” Vinnie clawed at the back of Stone’s ribs, making him snort and start cackling. It was his worst spot, and she knew it. “Oh. That. How cute!”
Was that a bit mean? Maybe, yeah, but Stone seemed like he was writing gothic poetry that morning. The shithead needed to laugh that Ramshackle sadness off.
“’M NOHOHOT CUHUTE!” Stone was practically losing it at that point. Skipp had decided to move to the undersides of his knees. That combined with the backs of his ribs was almost more than he could handle. Almost.
“VIHIHINNY! GEHE’ OHOHOHOFF’A THEHEHERE!” Stone writhed, arching his back to try and avoid her fingers. He kicked his legs, but that was pretty much useless when she was on his thighs. Skipp had free reign of his lower body, and Vinnie was practically unstoppable up top.
“But I like it here! You look like Maggot with all that squirming, dude.” She mentioned their angelic friend, trying to get him blushing more. His cheeks were pink, but Vinnie wanted more. She knew how red he could get.
“Oh yeah, he does!” Out of Stone’s view, Skipp giggled, making Stone groan. That little ball of sunshine just had to comment on everything, didn’t he? Stone cared for him, of course; he just wanted to lovingly strangle him sometimes.
“You know what eats maggots, Stone?” He flipped the blonde off, but Skipp didn’t mind. The next few seconds would make up for that. “Jumping spiders!”
Skipp clawed his hands, switching spots every few seconds to spider each area on his legs. It was kinda dumb, but scientifically accurate. That, and it tickled like crazy.
“SKIHIHIHPP! IHIHI- PFFAHAHAHA!” All protests died, swallowed up in loud, throaty cackles. His nerves were practically on fire, his thoughts drowned out by his own laughter. It was finally too much.
“EHEHENOHOUGH!” Stone yelled through his mirth, patting Vinnie’s shoulder. She immediately pulled away, Skipp following suit. Vinnie climbed off, giving him a second. 
Stone immediately curled in on himself, turning into a giggly pill bug as he recovered. “F-fuhuhuck youhu guhuhuhuys…” 
Vinnie chuckled, used to his profanities. She knows they usually mean he had fun, but was still a bit salty. Skipp, however, was concerned they’d crossed a line. “Stone? Did we go too far?”
The man huffed, swallowing another bout of giggles. His composure was mostly back, the thin line of his lips showing a ghost of a smile. “Nah, yohou’re fine. Youhu suck, thohough.”
Rolling her eyes, Vinnie nudged the giggly man’s shoulder. “Ah, whatever. You were being a downer, and you know it.” 
Stone lovingly flipped her off and grumbled something under his breath. Skipp pulled both of them into a hug, and for once, Stone didn’t pull away. He’d never admit it, but the embrace felt nice at that moment.
“C’mon, guys. Let’s enjoy our day off!” Skipp’s attitude remained bright as ever. Stone opened his mouth to argue, but huffed and shook his head. 
“Fine. I’m taking Vinnie’s nest.” Stone sauntered over to the pile of cloth, smirking at Vinnie’s near-instant outrage.
“Hey! Get your own rags, Nevermore!” The two started playfully wrestling, fighting over the nest Skipp knew they’d end up sharing. He leaned against the wall of the slum alley, watching his friends and taking in the happiness they both now felt.
Yep. Perfect Ramshackle day off.
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anxious-lee · 1 month
vinnie tells skipp to hold his arms up and he goes "okay :D like this??" completely oblivious shes gonna Get Him
Precisely 😌
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malecelebtickler · 2 days
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Vinnie Hacker our terribly ticklish tiktoker! #maletickling #vinniehacker #tiktok #tiktoker #ticklishcelebrities #celebritytickling
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youcouldmakealife · 17 days
KS Fill: Vinny/Tony; blanket monsters
Another Kickstarter fill -- a request for more of Vinny and Tony gets some postseason flavour.
Everyone always told Thomas that with age came maturity. He’s been waiting for for that to happen to him — kind of hoping it’ll skip him, truthfully, but still waiting — but so far it hasn’t kicked in.
Thomas doesn’t think anyone ever told Anton that phrase. Or, if they did, he decided to go the other way out of spite.
What did come with age, Thomas thinks, is handling playoff exits differently. Or maybe it’s experience, but either way, it doesn’t feel like it did in his twenties. It doesn’t hurt less, he doesn’t think, but he has a sense of perspective that he didn’t have when he was younger and it felt like the entire world had crashed around his feet. He’s not sure Tony has that, though. He isn’t sure how much perspective you can get from inside a blanket fort. Or, maybe not a fort. Fort makes it sound like there was planning, and implementation, and also probably fun?
There was no fun involved in this blanket structure. There isn’t very much structure either. It’s mostly just a pile of blankets twisted around a very cranky man. Still, Thomas figures it’s better to be inside it than looking on from the outside, worrying about if Tony’s gotten stuck in there, all twisted up, but is too proud to call of help, or if he’s getting enough air. There are a lot of blankets piled on their bed right now, so many Thomas can barely find Anton in the pile, which is impressive, considering Anton is a very large man.
Thomas doesn’t want to startle him, but he can’t really knock on Anton’s current setup either. He considers, then taps his knuckles gently against what he thinks might be Anton’s shoulder. “Knock knock,” he adds, just so Anton doesn’t assume he’s just prodding a man while he’s down.
The top blanket opens just enough for him to see a flash of flinty blue eye, then closes again.
“Who’s there?” Thomas says. He doubts Anton has patience for banana, but maybe he can catch him off-guard with a short one. The twins have taught Thomas all of their favourites, and obviously he can’t use the French ones, but they had a few in English too. Interrupting cow’s pretty funny, but Anton has to participate for Thomas to interrupt, which puts a wrench in things.
“A loser,” the pile mutters, and Thomas has to take a sharp breath in so he doesn’t laugh. If he laughs, this blanket pile is on the move, and there's no way Thomas will be joining it.
“Can I come be a loser too?” Thomas says.
The eye’s back. “You’re not a loser,” he says.
“Lost the same series you did,” Thomas says.
Anton’s eye disappears, and Thomas considers more extreme methods — Anton’s stronger than him, but he’s also ticklish, and probably won’t punch Thomas if he goes for his sides, at least not on purpose — when the blanket opens wide enough that Thomas can just barely crawl in. It’s dark in the blanket pile, and hot, humid with Anton’s breath. Thomas makes sure to keep a sliver of blanket open behind him to let in some light and fresh air, and he can see Anton notice him doing it, considering whether to argue that losers don’t deserve light or oxygen.
Thomas bets if it was just Tony in here that opening would already be shut, but now that Thomas is here too, Tony’s stuck — punishing himself means punishing Thomas, and only likes doing one of those. At least, that’s what Thomas is counting on.
“Only one blanket monster allowed, I thought,” Thomas says, and Anton shrugs, their blanket surroundings shifting with the movement.
“That was a hard one,” Thomas says. He spent it on the bench, but that didn’t make it any less hard — watching the final game stretch out of reach, not able to do anything but open and close the bench door for his increasingly dispirited teammates — that’s hard. Hard in a different way than being in the net, but not really less, he’s learned. No matter what, you end up questioning what would have happened if things had been a little different.
“I thought we had it this year,” Tony says softly. “I really thought we did.”
“I know,” Thomas says.
“I wanted to win it with you,” Anton says. Unspoken, that Thomas’ contract is up this summer, that fan favourite or not, Thomas is in his thirties, and there are prospects who deserve a shot waiting in the wings. Unspoken, that he doesn’t want Thomas to retire empty handed. Thomas doesn’t want that either, but even if he does, it was a good one. He wouldn’t trade it for anywhere else, even if a Cup was guaranteed in the bargain.
“I wanted to win it with you too,” Thomas says, and when Anton reaches for him, trying to wrap himself up, surround himself with Thomas the way he surrounded himself with blankets, Thomas does his best to oblige.
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vinnieswife · 1 year
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ materialist ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
last updated! 30/01/2023
✾ = smut!
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Celebrities ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Vinnie Hacker
Hyperactive ✾
Goodbye ✾
Knife play✾
Morning sex ✾
Public play✾
Panic attack ✾
Punishment ✾
Nsfw alphabet ✾
Dirty secret ✾
Mirror play ✾
Birthday girl ✾
Soft!dom Vin ✾ (head cannon)
Such a brat ✾
Live stream ✾
Tired Vin
Lazy day
Trust issues
Play date
Out of the ring
Jacob Elordi
Only indoors
Hard day
The date
Jude Bellingham
Our bet ✾
Pussy drunk ✾
Relieve after a bad game ✾
Hayden Chistensen
Young lovers on the set
Being in love with your co-star
Dating rumors
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Harry Potter ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Remus Lupin
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Anime ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Katsuki Bakugo
Bath and cuddles?
Dabi / Touya Todoroki
Kissing his scars
Morening with Touya
Sukuna Ryomen
Past lover
Our secret ✾
Sukuna’s memories
Under the sunset
Megumi Fushiguro
Evening with Megumi
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Formula 1 ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Charles Leclerc
Some time together
Arthur Leclerc
Your firsts with artie
Stress killer ✾
Pierre Gasly
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Dc / Marvel ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Alex Summers
Jason Todd
thank you
Dick Grayson
You don’t know how to shut up ✾
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Star Wars ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Anakin Skywalker
Dating Ani
Face riding ✾
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Macgyver ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Angus Macgyver
Work day morning
Bozer’s friend
His free day
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Avatar ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
back massage
protective teyam
“are you that ticklish?”
Chronicles of Narnia ┊ ➶ 。˚   °
Peter Pevensie
Late night project
After the battle 
Pirates of the caribbean ┊ ➶ 。˚   
Henry Turner
A pirates love
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horrorolson · 9 months
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Vinny huffed in frustration as you continued to play on your phone while he sat on the couch next to you as if you hadn’t even noticed him sitting down next to you.
Alright, fine, he could make himself much harder to ignore.
He stretched himself out on the couch next to you, laying his head in your lap, looking up expectantly at you, waiting to be acknowledged. He whined as you continued to ignore him, wrapping his arms around your middle, nuzzling his face against your stomach. You quickly smothered your laugh, but not before Vinny realized what you were doing.
Ok, if you wanted to play that game...
He dug his fingers into your sides, knowing full well that you were ticklish, grinning as you shrieked, throwing your phone down on the couch next to you, your attention fully on him now.
“Ok! Ok! You win! I surrender!” You sit for a moment laughing lightly as you calm down and catch your breath, Vinny smiling up at you softly.
You run your finger down the bridge of his nose before leaning down to kiss the tip of it, your hair tickling his face as you lean over him. He grabs hold of your hand bringing it to his lips, before letting go, allowing you to run your hand through his hair, your nails scratching lightly against his scalp as he hums happily at the attention, slowly falling asleep in your lap.
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Slightly longer Survivalshipping headcanon list:
Garmadon will alot of the time make nests out of pillows and blankets on top of Vinny's bed and the two will just cuddle and relax together
If Vinny has a hard day at work, Garmadon will make him food and just hold his boyfriend for a while. If Vinny doesn't want to talk about what happened, then that's okay, he won't push the issue further.
Whenever Vinny gets sick, Garmadon is immediately there to take care of him, and it's already very hard for Garmadon to get sick so he can also give Vinny some kisses and cuddles without worry.
Another thing Garmadon secretly loves is chin scratches, he immediately becomes a big kitty from those. Only Vinny can give him those without almost getting his hand bitten off
Vinny is ticklish on the neck so Garmadon will constantly nuzzle into that spot which makes Vinny immediately start giggling, and loudly laughing if the nuzzling-tickles progresses.
Garmadon likes to brush the tuft of his tail against Vinny's cheek to mess with him. In a playful way, of course, and it makes Vinny giggle after noticing it.
They both hug each other from behind, no excuses.
Garmadon's heart basically melts from Vinny's smile, it's too pure for this world.
Garmadon will gently hold Vinny's face whenever he gets the chance istg
If Garmadon is laying on his stomach, Vinny will lay on the larger man's back and stay there for a while. Garmadon doesn't mind this
For height reference, Garmadon is 6'8 while Vinny is about 5'3
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beaker1636 · 5 months
A New Year's Kiss - Vinny Mauro Fluff
AN: Short, Fluffy, kind of cute. Just kind of came out of my head this afternoon and yeah, enjoy!! Also enjoy vin being a cutie in this gif, not sure whose it is but credit to the owner!
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“Thank you for letting me come with you tonight, I promise I am trying to meet new people but it is hard when so many people only try to be friends with me to get to you,” you say softly, glancing over at your brother Ricky in the driver's seat next to you.
“I get it, you still haven’t been here that long and you get along well with all the guys so it is really no trouble.  Keeps you from having to be alone tonight,” he smiles at you softly before starting to get out of the car, both of you making your way into Vinny’s house, where he was hosting a New Year's Eve celebration.  No alcohol or anything, just a bunch of friends getting together to hang out for the night, which you greatly appreciate.
The two of you step inside and Rick quickly greets Vin before getting distracted talking to Chris, so you take the moment to step into the hallway and sneak into Vin’s room for a moment.  A few seconds later he follows, quickly closing the door before making his way over towards you.
“We need to just tell Rick, I know you are nervous but we can’t keep hiding this forever.  He’s going to eventually figure it out,” Vinny says, stepping in front of you as he pulls you tightly to his chest.
You don’t respond to what he says right away, rather you accept the embrace and rest your head against his chest, enjoying the moment for a few seconds before you decide what to say.  Not wanting your response to come out wrong.
Vinny has been pressuring you for a couple weeks to let your brother know that you have been seeing each other for a couple months now, that way you don’t have to hide anything but you are nervous.  Your brother made a big stink when you first decided to move out here with him to try and start something new for yourself, to get farther away from your parents who you have never felt close to.  You don’t want to upset him, he has always been really overprotective and close to you, has done his best to take care of you and you are worried that he will be upset, or angry about this.  But Vinny is right, it will be easier if you do tell your brother and get it out of the way, he would hopefully eventually get over it… you hope.
“I, I know.  Let us get through tonight and I promise sometime tomorrow I will tell him.  I just, I'm scared,” you admit, looking up at your boyfriend for a moment.
“I know baby, it’ll be okay.  I just want him to know so that we don’t have to hide anymore, so that nights like tonight I can openly kiss my girlfriend as much as I want.  Be able to show you off,” he teases, leaving light ticklish touches along your sides making you giggle.
The two of you lock eyes for a second before he leans in, giving you a sweet and gentle kiss before he pulls away with a sigh.
“I better get back out there before anyone notices I’m missing, meet me back in here at midnight for a kiss please?” He asks you, slowly pulling away from you and making his way back towards the door.
“Of course Vin,” you answer, giving him a soft smile. 
You wait a few moments after Vinny walks back out to follow, not wanting it to seem suspicious that you just walked back out at the same time after being gone for a couple minutes.
Rick notices you reenter the living room and glances at you before walking over.
“Everything okay? I noticed you disappeared for a few minutes.  Vin said that you were overwhelmed with all the people and went to take a breather,” Rick asks, worried about how you are doing.  He knows you don’t like big groups of people so this isn’t that unusual for you.  
“Yeah, I knew there would be a decent size group of people. I just didn't expect this many.  He told me if I need to escape I can go hide in his streaming room or bedroom for a little bit,” you answer, giving him a nervous smile but glad that Vinny gave you a cover. 
Of course Rick would notice, that little fucker notices everything.  You thank god that he wasn’t around in your highschool days to rat you out to your parents when you would sneak out, he was already out here with the band at that point.  The age gap is probably half of why he is so protective of you.  10 years is quite the difference, he felt like his job as your big brother was to protect you even if he didn’t live close to you for quite awhile.
“I’m glad they all look after you as much as I do, if you need to leave or anything let me know.” Rick says, giving you a light hug before moving to grab something to eat in the kitchen while you got distracted talking to a couple of the girls that were over, losing track of time until someone gave a 5 minute to midnight warning.
“I’m going to run to the restroom,” you say, giving yourself an out so that you can go meet Vinny.  You step away and make your way into his bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of his bed while you wait for him.  It is then that you noticed a picture of the two of you that is on his dresser, making you smile. 
You are pretty sure that you are feeling the L word for him, and that terrifies you.  The two of you have only been seeing each other for about a month so it is much too soon to mention this, you don’t want to scare him away by jumping in way too fast but part of you hopes that he will eventually feel that way for you as well.
“Where are you at babe? You didn’t even notice that I came in here,” Vinny says with a light laugh, making you jump as you turn to look at him.
“Jesus, you scared me,” you said with a laugh, a hand moving to rest on your chest for a moment before you set it back down in your lap with the other hand.
“What are you thinking about, your mind is running,” he says softly, sitting next to you as his hand rests on your knee. 
“Nothing, I was just noticing that you had a photo of us in here and looked at it,” you hear everyone start to count down in the other room as you both make eye contact.
“One,” he whispers before his lips settle on yours.
You both move and press yourselves into it more, your arms wrapping around his neck as he shifts to pull himself closer to you.  His tongue lightly running against your bottom lip, you letting him have what he wants before you suddenly hear a voice in the room with both of you.
“I fucking knew it!” 
You both jump away from each other, turning to face your brother.  You feel shy and quickly move to bury your face in Vinny’s chest, not wanting to face Rick who you are pretty sure is fuming right now.
“Rick, I swear I wanted to tell you,” Vinny starts to say, but gets cut off by your brother.
“I’m not mad, I am a little shocked and upset that the two of you don’t trust me enough to  tell me but I am not mad at you,” Ricky says with a sigh, moving further into the room to close the door so that all of you could talk without anyone possibly walking in.
“I planned to tell you tomorrow Rick,” you say softly, moving to look at Rick now that you know that you aren’t getting murdered for this. “I just, I couldn’t bring myself to tell you.  You said more than once that you didn’t want me with the guys, and I intended to follow that rule but Vinny just, he made me feel happy.  That I wasn’t alone out here,” you admit quietly.
“Listen, I said that because I didn’t want you to get hurt but I do trust Vinny okay? Just don’t hide shit from me anymore?  And maybe don’t do the kissy stuff around me, I can live without seeing that,” Rick says, giving the two of you a teasing grin.  “That said I am heading out, do you want a ride home or?” He asks, glancing back and forth between the two of you with a nervous look.
“I think I would like to stay for a little while, if you don’t mind Vin,” you say, glancing back and forth between the two of them with a nervous look on your face.
“I don’t at all, but we probably should rejoin the party,” he says, standing up and reaching a hand out towards you. 
You accept and say goodbye to your brother before he leaves, you and Vinny making your way back out towards the guests.  This time neither of you are afraid to hide the fact you are holding hands, that you are together.  You have been met with some interesting looks but you can explain it later, not wanting to get into that fight quite yet.
When everyone leaves not too much later the two of you wind up laying down together in his bed, his head resting on your chest as you play with his hair, which you have learned as of tonight he enjoys.  And you enjoy doing it, you like making him happy like he does with you.
You think he is sleeping but he suddenly moves away from you, so that he can make eye contact with you with a smile before closing the gap and giving you a light kiss. His lips moving softly against yours before slowly pulling away from you with a smile.
“Had to give you a New Year's kiss that wasn’t interrupted… even if that meant that it wasn’t at New Years. I’m happy that it was with you,” he says softly, before lightly brushing them against yours again.
“I’m happy it was with you too Vin,” you say with a smile.
He shuts the lights off before laying his head back on your chest again, you moving to play with his hair again happily before both of you fall asleep, curled up together and content to not be hiding it anymore.
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leffee · 14 days
Day 19: Instrument
"Is this seat taken?"
"...That's my lap, Vinnie."
"I'm aware."
Sunil rolled his eyes playfully and instead of replying reached his arms out to put Vinnie sideways on his lap himself before his eyes returned to the screen.
"So, why'd you want to sit here with me? You don't like history documentaries." Sunil wrapped his arms around the other who made himself comfortable by wiggling in place.
"No reason, was just bored." Vinnie shrugged, wrapping his arms around the dark neck.
"Mmmhhhm," Sunil hummed in fake thoughtfulness. "Alright, if you say so."
For a few minutes there was silence between them aside from the noise coming from the TV. Sunil’s eyes were on the screen while Vinnie snuggled up close to him. However, the peacefulness ended when Sunil felt his boyfriend nuzzling his neck slowly. He wasn't sure quite why, but... something prompted him to act.
He quickly tightened his hold on Vinnie and lowered him, practically dipping him in this unusual position. 
"Sunil? What's up?"
What happened next? Sunil started rapidly planting kisses all over Vinnie's head, face, neck, sometimes even going lower for the collarbone.
"Hehey what's the bihig idea?" Vinnie insisted and squirmed a bit, but he couldn't stop the absolutely delighted giggles that were continuously escaping him, his legs kicking lightly.
"Nothing." Kiss. "It's your own fault." Kiss. "I know well," kiss, "this is what you were looking for when you came here." Kiss. "So don't even try to protest." Kiss. 
"Whaaaat, no it’s not," Vinnie tried to object nonetheless, his right eye closing as another kiss was planted right under it.
"I said don't." 
Gradually over the minutes the kisses slowed down although never ended, Sunil still wanted to watch that documentary after all. Fortunately, the kisses didn't stop fully and Vinnie? Despite his verbal oppositions he kept leaning into each and every one of them, sometimes even brushing his hair aside to provide access to different spots.
They kept it up for a while until Sunil decided to readjust his grip on the one on his lap. His hands moved from Vinnie’s back to his sides, digging into them firmly.
“Eep!” Vinnie practically jumped in Sunil's grip and when that didn't free him, his body tensed up a bunch. He bit his quivering bottom lip that was, but it didn't prevent the corners of his mouth from turning upwards.
“Vinnie, what happened?” Sunil’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Did I hurt you? Do you have a bruise here? I'm sorry,” He let out quickly.
“N-no, I'm not… hurt,” Vinnie stammered out, his voice rising in pitch with each word, “b-but actually I-I want to g-go now.”
Sunil did almost release him until he caught sight of where his hands were. Oh… oh!
“Hmm, no, I don't think so. You seem cozy here. You especially appear to find this,” He dug his fingers more, “quite amusing!”
“Eiee!” Vinnie jumped again, this time not trying to hide his laughter. “Suhuhuhunil! Nohohoho!”
“I think yes.” Sunil grinned. “I wasn't even planning to tickle you, it's not my fault that you're so ticklish you jump at every touch! You’re reacting to each of those touches like a cute little instrument, making beautiful noises for me to enjoy, so deal with the consequences.” And so, he continued. 
“Nohohoho, Sunil, plehehease!” Vinnie tried to wriggle out even more, but just as he thought he felt his opportunity to escape, Sunil skillfully pinned him underneath himself. As he sat on Vinnie's thighs and pushed his hands against the couch with his own, he took in his victim's now panicked expression.
“W-wait, Sunil, seriously, stop.” Vinnie was already giggling nervously.
“And why should I?” Sunil challenged.
“Cause…” Vinnie's eyes darted all around the room, “you will miss the thing you were watching.” He gave his biggest and undoubtedly nervous smile.
However, Sunil simply changed his grip to now hold both of Vinnie's wrists down with only one of his hands, sat up straighter, and pressed the pause button on the remote.
“No, I won't.” He smirked at the frantically trashing Vinnie and without further ado pushed his free hand under his shirt, now wiggling his fingers on Vinnie's ribs. 
And as the “unfortunate” tickle victim continued letting out out snorts after snickers and wheezes they both knew Sunil wouldn't stop all that soon.
It kindaaa fits the prompt word? Eh, Vinnil fluff for the soul.
Doooon't go wasting your emoooooooooootions
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estelle-skully · 16 days
You know that scene in the ramshackle webtoon where Vinnie and Stone fought each other?
okay yeah so imagine that same scene, but instead of beating each other up it was a tickle fight.
that’s it. That’s the whole post. Goodnight.
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anxious-lee · 1 month
I have a very important question 🙋
do you think teasing would work on Vinnie? If so, what kind of teases (I’m definitely not asking because she’s my fave and I may or may not have a crush on her noooooo)
Excellent taste 🙂‍↕️
If by "work", you mean make her shy? No
If by "work", you mean fluster her enough to turn her whole face tomato red and start cursing at and threatening the ler because how dare they make her feel that soft and small? Then yes 😈
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takecareluv · 2 years
hi love <3
hope you’re having a great day/night
i wanted to request a birthday fic?
like my birthday is on 12th July and vin’s on 14th so maybe like a quick getaway or combined celebration literally anything please use that pretty imagination of yours because it’s so much better than mine
and as always
sending love and hugs!!
a.n. hi my lovie !!! the way i've had the same situation on my mind since my birthday is on the 25th! great minds think alike hehe <3 anyway happy early birthday sweet girl!!! i hope you have the best day ever, you deserve it! i'm sending you so many birthday hugs !!! i love you. this ones for you ☺️💕💌
birthday getaway || vinnie hacker x reader
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with your birthdays being so close together, instead of spending money on extravagant gifts, you and vinnie would go on a trip to celebrate both of your special days. although lets be real, vinnie would still spoil you with presents no matter how many times you told him not to.
this year in particular, you both agreed to take your celebration all the way to hawai’i, somewhere you'd dreamed of going to ever since you were a little girl.
you were currently halfway through your flight, sitting in the window seat of row one. vinnie of course splurged on getting you both first class tickets.
looking down at the vibrant blue sea from thirty-thousand feet in the air, you could not wait until you touched ground so you could feel those warm waters for yourself. 
two hours and a short nap later, you felt vinnie tapping your shoulder lightly, letting you know the plane was about to land. “few more minutes, baby and we’re almost there. you excited?”
still feeling a little groggy from your nap, you only nodded in reply with a tired smile plastered on your face, before tucking your head back into vinnie’s neck, using it as a pillow for majority of the flight. 
vinnie was right. only a few moments later, the pilot came over the intercom telling all passengers and flight attendants to prepare for landing through a mumbled announcement. you let out a small squeal, you were finally in the aloha state!
after exiting the plane and grabbing your luggage from baggage claim, the excitement was fully settling in. you were so close to finally feeling that beautiful tropical weather and ocean breeze you’d been so eager for. 
but before you could do that, you still had one more stop to make. because of how large the island was, you and vinnie decided to get a rental car for the entirety of your stay so you could do even more exploring; of course opting for a jeep wrangler to get the full hawai’i experience. 
once all the papers were signed, you sat in the passenger side of the blacked out jeep that would be yours for the next week and a half.
checking in to the beachside resort, you hurriedly dropped off your belongings in the hotel room, changing into a swimsuit before instantly heading to the beach.
you were in awe of the white sand that lead to the crystal blue waters that softly crashed upon the shore littered with seashells and starfish. it was a sight like no other. you’d never seen such vibrant color of blue, it was extraordinary.
vinnie was too busy admiring the way your jaw dropped and eyes lit up to really take in the rest of the beauty around him. you were adorable, he thought.
you didn’t want to waste a second longer without being in those clear blue waves. you were about to run off towards the majestic sea without a second thought, but before you could, vinnie immediately stopped you, wanting to lather you up in sunscreen before you went off anywhere.
you giggled as he rubbed in the coconut scented lotion, giving him a hard time as you were feeling extra ticklish this particular day. “baby you gotta stay still for me.”
“but it tickles,” you whined like a little kid, trying to pull away.
“i know, love. but you don’t want to look like a tomato later, do you?” he teased. “turn around for me, bub.”
you stood facing him now that he was done applying sunscreen to your back. you squinted up at him as he began rubbing a small amount onto your face, focusing mainly on the tip of your nose that always managed to turn red under the sun. once he was finished, he booped you on the nose before placing a quick peck to the same spot. “alright, now you can go,” he encouraged, lightly tapping your bum.
you grinned from ear to ear, “c’mon! i’ll race you. last one to the water has to pay for dinner!” you shouted as you already started sprinting towards the ocean.
vinnie eventually caught up to you, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder as you both reached the shoreline. “you’re a little cheat you know that,” he exclaimed, throwing you into the water that was much cooler than you expected.
“whatever, just know i’m feeling pasta tonight! hope you got your wallet ready!” you smirked while diving further into the water trying to escape him.
you remained at the beach for most of the afternoon, wanting to soak up every ounce of the sun and wonderful weather this day had to offer.
but as the sunny day dwindled down and the beach became more vacant, you determined it was time for you and vinnie to also head out and get ready for dinner.
as expected, vinnie hopped in the shower with you in order to “save time and water”. the same old excuse he used each time. although you never minded, even if you liked to pretend you did.
after you got out of the shower and dried off, you threw on a simple floral dress with some white sandals. you didn’t bother doing much else, rather sticking with the natural sun-kissed glow and beachy waves the day provided.
“you look beautiful, my love. simply radiant.” vinnie complimented. you only hoped the sun tan burn you got today would cover up how much you were blushing. even after years of being together, you still got shy at his praise.
instead of going to some fancy restaurant, you and vinnie decided to pick up dinner from a local spot, pasta as you insisted, and head back to the beach to watch the sunset.
you found the perfect place, tucked away from the rest of the beach, to set down your blanket and have a little picnic. you poured two glasses of champagne while vinnie opened up the neatly packaged meals.
you dug into the food as you admired the mellow golden light casted above slowly turn to a more rosy pink hue, bouncing off the fluffy cotton balls floating in the sky.
it might have been the most glorious sunset you’d ever witnessed.
once you were done eating, you laid your head on vinnie’s lap as he played with your hair. you stayed like that for quite some time while taking in the magnificent sight around you and listening to the faint sound of the waves crashing nearby.
not too much later and the sun had fully set.
you were consumed by the dark until you saw a small flicker of light out of the corner of your eye.
you turned in search of the source, only to see vinnie holding out a cupcake with a single candle lit in the center. “happy birthday, baby. make a wish.”
you were so close to tearing up at how sweet your boyfriend was. i mean where did he even get that cupcake? you thought to yourself.
“i don’t have to make a wish, i got all i need right here.” you smiled before blowing out the candle.
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Vinnie:coochie coo!! Such a cute foxy! Eric:*giggles * I'm very ticklish! Vinnie! That tickles!
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jamjuice04 · 3 months
[slides in, throws Emperor G tk hcs, slides away]
-Unsurprisingly very evil
-He actually kinda thought tickling was childish and even weak for a while. Then he discovered the possibilities, especially after he went good
-Attacks at random and without warning unless someone wrecked him first. There is honestly no way to tell if he’s chasing someone around playfully or if they should be running for their lives
-That is unless he truly wants to build anticipation and then he will crack all of his knuckles
-Also the type to use it as a comeback, like “Yeah well you’re ticklish so :/“
-That is a very good warning sign that he is like 3 seconds away from wrecking whoever’s arguing with him
-He’s usually pretty rough, although he’s learning to be gentler. Will be more gentle if whoever he’s tickling tells him he’s hurting them, although he’ll usually grumble about how fragile humans/mortals are
-He had to be told that people do in fact need breaks to breathe. He’s pretty good at judging when someone’s had enough now, though
-Has somewhat grasped the concept of varying sensitivity. He does not remember people’s worst spots at all. Don’t worry, he always finds them again :)
-Makes good use of having four arms. He likes picking people up so that he doesn’t have to get on their level
-But he will rugby tackle someone to wreck them
-The more he can freak someone out before he wrecks them the better. He has chased Lloyd around the Monastery for fifteen minutes straight before
-Doesn’t really get involved in tickle fights. He prefers 1v1, usually because he can win. He does watch them
-He’ll heckle whoever’s losing in a tickle fight though
-Likes tickling Lloyd the most, although he’s a bit more careful about it. They’re still trying to rebuild their relationship, and it’s a way for them to bond. He learned Lloyd’s boundaries when it comes to being tickled, especially by him, very quickly
-Honestly doesn’t tickle/get tickled by a lot of people. Vinny kinda introduced him to it, so he’s really the only one Garmadon is comfortable around enough to give or receive
-He and Wu have started poking each other, but it usually doesn’t progress beyond that. He will jab the ninja in the ribs if they’re annoying him
-Goes on a lil bit of a power trip when he’s wrecking people
-Still the king of teasing. Although he’s a little more mean
-He will gladly point out sensitive spots, tease about noises like squeaks or squeals, and especially pointing out if any of the ninja enjoy being tickled
-Also the type to bully them into saying he’s the best or something
-It’s basically impossible to fluster him while he’s the one doing the tickling. In fact, mouthing off at him usually means he doubles down
-Don’t pick a fight with him. Ever. Seriously he has four arms and he knows how to use them
-Not much of a nuzzler or anything like that unless he’s in a really, really good mood
-Most of the time he’s strong enough that he won’t use any hands to pin whoever he’s wrecking, he’ll just go to town with all four arms
-And when he does pin them he usually only needs one hand
-Sometimes he’ll make puns. They are always awful. Likes rib puns the most
-If he finds a bad spot he will chuckle low in the back of his throat. He’ll also just do that when he’s planning on doing something cruel tbh
-Does see it as a bonding activity, as well as something where he can be super mean and people generally don’t get mad at him for it
-He will be grinning smugly the entire time
-He wasn’t really aware of tickling for a while after being resurrected. Like he does have memories of it from when he and Wu were young, but details like that aren’t exactly a priority when you’re busy conquering Ninjago, being imprisoned, and then fighting the Oni
-The first time he ever actually found out about it was when he was in Two Moon Village and Min poked him playfully in the side and he naturally went off at her “hOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME” etc etc. (Garmadon comic enjoyers where you at)
-It didn’t phase her at all, but she didn’t really try again. Garmadon of course occasionally would wonder what exactly she did because it felt weird but didn’t hurt and ??????
-Eventually he asked Vinny about it and Vinny eventually tried to explain it to him. That’s when he kinda remembered it but was still confused
-And he’s very curious so naturally his next move was to try it on Vinny
-Anyway long story short that’s how he first learned that he needs to be gentle. But he didn’t get got back for a while afterwards because Vinny was going “who is dumb enough to try and tickle the Emperor/Lord Garmadon”
-It’s Vinny. Vinny is dumb enough (affectionate)
-It was probably something like Garmadon wouldn’t stop trying to talk to him while he was sleeping so he kinda just grabbed his sides
-And that’s how they both found out that Garmadon is pretty dang ticklish for a warlord and his sides are also his worst spot
-But yeah Emperor G is a pretty stubborn about things like laughing. It’s not good for his image, even if he starts to let that go during/after Crystallized
-Could not understand why this type of conflict didn’t fuel his powers for a long time
-As mentioned above, his sides are his worst spot. He has a tendency to just collapse if he’s tickled there
-His stomach and ribs are a pretty close second, although you have to be careful of the chest wound
-His neck is kinda ticklish and so are his underarms. It’s a good place to shut down his attempts to gain control
-The exposed ribs are ticklish, just not terribly so. And you have to be pretty careful or it can hurt, which has it’s own issues
-Because unless he’s enjoying himself, he has to be in stitches to not try and retaliate
-He laughs loudly once he breaks and he usually breaks pretty quickly. Man has zero tolerance
-Ironically doesn’t cackle like a villain at all. He just has a loud, rich laugh that gets progressively more wheezy the more frantic he is
-Catching him off guard makes him snort and switching spots or tactics unexpectedly can make him squeak. Expect vengeance. No one who’s ever gotten those noises out of him has ever survived the retaliation (rip Lloyd)
-He typically doesn’t expect to be tickled unless he’s actively provoking someone for it or recently wrecked someone
-So post-Crystallized it’s not super hard to catch him off guard but if he catches you first good luck
-Likes to make lots of usually empty threats. He also has a habit of pointing threateningly. Would be a lot more threatening if he wasn’t laughing his head off/putting as much space between him and the threat as possible
-Since he doesn’t usually expect to be tickled, he usually flails when being taken down then actually trying to fight back
-That being said, he’s still incredibly strong. He also has a tendency to kick and flail when he’s being wrecked, and you do not want to get hit
-Would insult whoever’s tickling him (and tries to) but he’s usually laughing too hard
-Never learns his lesson about things (threats, insults, etc) that get him wrecked twice as hard. Ever
-Teasing can be pretty effective, depending on what it is. He does not know how to handle compliments, and he usually gets flustered by comments about how someone so powerful can be brought so low by a little tickling. (One of Lloyd’s favorite things to tell him. Garmadon makes him pay for it every time, and repeats it back to him)
-Most everyone isn’t comfortable enough with him to do more than jab him in the side, but he has gotten into a short tickle fight with Wu once or twice
-Aside from Wu, Lloyd and Vinny are really the only ones comfortable enough to tickle him
-If asked if he’s ticklish, he’ll respond with with a challenge like “no, but you’re welcome to find out.” If whoever asked then approaches, he’ll fluff up and posture because he knows thinks that no one can beat him
-Has kind of a love/hate relationship with tickling. On one hand, it’s unbecoming of a conqueror to have such a weakness, but on the other, he kinda gave up on being a warlord. Plus, it’s more of a bonding activity and really the only time he gets frequent positive touch, so he will seek it out usually when he’s bored
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LPS Tickles: Removing Invulnerability
Summary: Scout removes Russell's invulnerability and tickles him.
Russell has never been ticklish, and many pets have tried and have all failed to get even a chuckle out of him. That was until Scout Kerry created a device to remove his invulnerability so that she and Minka, who was suspiciously observing her, could prove that everyone has a tickle spot. 
  Minka didn't want to do this to her friend, but Scout said that the pets could get revenge on him for all the times he's tickled them. Making him ticklish like the rest of them was going to be easy. Minka nervously approached Russell, with Scout following her closely.
  "Um… R-Russell?" Minka said nervously, reluctant for whatever was going to happen.
  "Yes, Minka? Wait…" Russell noticed Scout pointing a mysterious device at him. "What is she doing?"
  After a blast of light, Russell and Minka had no idea if Scout's device worked. She set her device aside and approached Russell and held his wrists above his head with her tail.
  "Now, to see if that worked," Scout said, positioning her fingers at his sides.
  "I know what you're gonna do, but it's not going to work because I'm not ticklish," Russell said, trying to get himself free. 
  "We'll see about that," Scout said as she started tickling him. Russell, instead of being unfazed, tried holding in his giggling, as he was now vulnerable and therefore, ticklish. 
  "Not. Gonna. Laugh!" Russell said as he tried holding it in.
  "Being stubborn, are we?" Scout said as she moved to his tummy, playing it like a piano. Russell let a few giggles out, proving that her device worked.
  "D-d-dangihihit!" Russell said through his giggling. 
  "It worked!" Scout said cheerfully as she continued to tickle him. "Kitchy kitchy coo!" 
  "Hahaha! Stop it! That tickles!" Russell protested through his laughter as Scout further teased him.
  "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Scout said, tickling all over his tummy, looking for a sensitive place to tickle. 
  "Cut it out!" Russell continued to protest as the tickling was becoming unbearable. It was hard to refrain from bursting into laughter, but he managed to do it. 
  "Scout, maybe this isn't such a good idea. Remember what happened last time one of your devices was successful," Minka said, concerned about what was happening to her friend.
  "Minks, he's laughing mildly, but I know a way to get him to really laugh," Scout replied as she got a feather and positioned it at Russell's stomach.
  "You got me to laugh, but do you need to amp it up?" Russell said nervously. "According to my friends, feathers tickle more than anything!"
  "Ooooh! Thanks for telling me," Scout said as she tickled every way possible on his tummy with the feather. That did it.
  "Quit it! HAHAHA! KNOCK IT OFF! STAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! SCOUT, THIHIHIHIHIS IHIHIHIHIHISN'T FUHUHUHUNNY!" Russell was laughing hysterically as he was being mercilessly tickle-tortured by Scout. 
  "How about this?" Scout said as she tickled with a feather duster, causing more laughter. 
  "STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! I'M SEHEHEHERIOUS! CUHUHUHUT IHIHIHIT OHOHOHOHOUT!" Russell continued to protest through uncontrollable laughter as his tummy was shown no mercy by the tickly feather duster. 
  "Oh, come on. I really wanted to get genuine laughter out of you, since I succeeded with Sunil and Vinnie," Scout said as she tickled more. 
"Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coochie coo!" The tickle words Scout was using were driving Russell crazy.
"Not a pleader, huh? I can fix that. Tickle, tickle, tickle! Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! " Scout was using the tickle words as she continued to tickle him. He started to lose it when Scout started blowing raspberries on his tummy.
  After twenty minutes of nonstop tickling, feeling like hours for Russell, Scout drew her assault ti a close, released him and gave back his Invulnerability. 
  "Y'know, I think I needed a good laugh," he said, hugging his midsection. "Just make sure you give me a heads up next time you want to hear it, okay?" 
  "I promise," Scout said. "I just wanted to prove that everyone has a tickle spot. Especially yourself, even if I have to remove your invulnerability to tickle you."
  "At least now you know what it feels like to be tickled," said Minka. She was right, he did need to know what tickling felt like. 
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