#Tom is my favourite character but I have more sympathy for shiv in terms of their marriage at the moment
I think Shiv is just as much a victim of their marriage as Tom is, they’ve both wronged each other similar amounts in different ways. Despite this I think Tom effectively won the argument, when I say won I don’t mean that he felt better afterwards, or that he was more “right”, he wasn’t, smh “you won’t have my baby” Tom should’ve maybe talked properly to her about if she wanted kids before he proposed, as having kids is clearly something important to him. He may have been wrong or damn well misogynistic about some criticisms he had of Shiv, but despite this, for want of a better and less cheesy phrase he was saying “his truth” Shiv didn’t really do this or at least not as much as Tom.
When Tom screamed “You were going to see me sent to jail” I sort of understood where he was coming from with his anger here, because even though Shiv was right and he offered to go, and frankly there wasn’t much Shiv could do to help him in that scenario, I think the fact that she barely expressed any happiness and even tried to suppress his own somewhat when he found out he was in fact not going to prison, I generally think she was glad he wasn’t going to prison but it didn’t show at all because of her emotional repression, if I were Tom I would definitely grow resentment if my spouse showed apparent indifference over whether or not I was going to prison. But while I was watching in my head I was like ‘Shiv! He is painting you to be a complete villain, why don’t you tell him that when Logan asked you who you would rather take the fall for cruises Kendall or Tom, you said Kendall, you choose your own brother to take the fall over your husband’ of course Logan was just putting her through emotional torture and would have chosen Kendall anyway, because Logan does what he wants, but shiv doesn’t know that, she was probably under the impression that it was her choice, and she choose to save Tom at the expense of her brother, a level of dedication to him, that I’m not sure that Tom has shown to her at any point, despite being the generally more supportive spouse before his big betrayal. But then I thought of course she didn’t tell him that! If she had that would’ve have basically been a bigger love declaration then any “I love yous” she’s told him in the past, she’s not going to show him that much vulnerability especially when they’re fighting.
The only criticism of substance Shiv gave him was the “you took away the last 6 months away with my dad… you sucked up to him and cut me out” the rest of what she said was petty “your mom likes me more than she likes you, you’re a hick, you’re a snake, a social climber” while Tom told her she was selfish, insecure, broken and incapable of love. Tom was more horrible then she was, because to be that horrible you have let your emotions spill and Shiv was refusing to do that despite the tears in her eyes. Clearly out of everything Tom said what hurt her the most was when Tom said “I think you are perhaps not a good person to have children” (obviously this is a sensitive topic for her because of her traumatic relationship with her own mother, and also the fact she’s fucking secretly pregnant) Shiv could have given Tom reasons why he would be a terrible father or even flung the pregnancy in his face, instead, defeated she said “well, that’s not a very nice thing to say, is it?” To stop herself from breaking down in front of him completely she said “I don’t even like you, I don’t care about you” in such an unconvincing way that I think even Tom must have been able to tell it’s bullshit, but on other hand he is so insecure in his relationship with Shiv, and let’s be honest not without reason, that he likely took her word for it.
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