#Twst revan
prince-kallisto · 9 months
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The Dark Mirror’s Overblot markings always had me feeling suspicious because of the little horns, but the Diamond shapes are??? The exact same as Meleanor’s crown???? WHAT.
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I highly, HIGHLY recommend rewatching the opening prologue just for the way Crowley speaks. His voice literally shows off how much he revers his flower of evil. But notice how addresses his “flower of evil” who is the “fairest one of all,” AND the magic mirror. It’s like there’s two separate entities inside. And perhaps the hand in the prologue isn’t his, but it is Meleanor’s ungloved hand.
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We never actually did see the moment of Meleanor’s death…it makes me wonder that if near/at the time of her death, someone else was there to capture her soul, or at least manipulate her magic somehow. The Dark Mirror definitely is just the spirit trapped inside the Magic Mirror from Snow White, so I wonder if the markings on his mask is a sign that someone else is trapped deeper inside the mirror…and only Crowley can call out to the second soul inside.
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Although he can only see small reflections of her, she is still “alive” in the mirror, and the only way for Meleanor to have a “physical” form is through blot, just like Ortho’s soul in Book 6. It’s likely why Crowley knows so much about blot and has a very close connection with STYX in there first place- through the Watchmen, he learned how blot can create a vessel for a soul. And Crowley managed to find 7 souls that resemble the Great Seven so much, and their blot is so powerful. Ortho became a mass of the entire Underworld, but perhaps Crowley only needs 7 powerful souls with Phantoms of the Great 7. So perhaps Crowley isn’t trying to revive THE Great Seven, but he does need the Phantom’s sheer power for Meleanor to have a strong enough form.
Crowley please explain yourself I’m too tired to even yell at you rn 😭🐦‍⬛
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twstjam · 11 months
I've seen some fanart that Lilia, Mallenoa, and Revan had a love triangle thing going on where Lilia was in love with Mallenoa and that's great and all, love triangles ARE pretty fun, but consider:
Lilia was in love with Mallenoa and Mallenoa was in love with Revan... but Revan was in love with Lilia. (I mean who wouldn't right just LOOK at him—)
Lilia never knew this though because him and Mallenoa were so close and in love and he just accidentally kept friendzoning the poor guy.
(Plot twist: Mallenoa was playing wingwoman for Revan but was also flirting with him the entire time until he fell for her too.)
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ijustsitinacorner · 22 days
Love square
I’m bored so I thought of smth for that old OC that’s Lilia’s wife.
I haven’t thought of an official official name for her, so I’ll be using Lilith for the sake of filling in the blank of her name.
Meleanor — Levan
Lilia — Meleanor
Lilith — Lilia
Levan — Lilith
I love hurting my own feelings with angst of these four
Either this, or Lilith has an identical case to Lilia in which she likes all three of them.
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myuuchan · 8 months
About Revan/Levan: “Dragon’s Eye”
In the movie, Diaval can transform into any animal. He has transformed into a human and dragon.
I think that's why they call him that.
Once, Lilia mentioned Meleanor's "waiting for the white dragon prince", so I think instead of waiting for the "white dragon prince", maybe she would rather have the "black dragon prince" (Revan/Levan). 😂
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I found a post saying that Malleus got nothing from his father and a lot from his mother.
But if Revan is Crowley, then he did inherit something from him. His wet cat loser personality.
Malleus just has his mothers look and frightening temper. The personality of from his father.
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floydraw · 4 months
An old masterchef draw!
When I was playing the Leona and Epels masterchef I get that combination for the judge and- I can't ressit draw the situation, thinking in the Levan as Crowley theory ... I thought that Jade is uncomfortable between those two
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(I drew it at 2 am and I was to lazy to paint all lines with colours)
And another one- (I really hate draw the backgrounds)
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(I drew it quickly- Its really messy-)
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quess-art · 11 months
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To survive, to sacrifice, to disappear, to remain
Part 1 | Part 2
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gimmeaheadshot · 5 months
White lilies
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So any flower symbolism fans here?? Just saying if I ever draw flowers they all have a secret meaning hehe
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hanafubukki · 7 months
What if the Chairman was Levan Draconia?
I was talking with Ell (@memoryoflife) about the theories of Crowley being Levan Draconia and all the symbolisms you can find in NRC with their similarities in structure to Briar Valley and the Fortress looking the same as the coliseum.
Then we starting talking about how this is Yana we are talking about. Would she make it so obvious that Crowley is Leavan? What if she was using Dire Crowley as a distraction. The truth subtly hidden among the clues? Thank you @prince-kallisto (our Crowley Connoisseur) for helping me find the scene where the chairman is mentioned.
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So that got me thinking more, wasn't there a moment in which Crowley mentions a superior? And he very nonchalantly mentioned the Chairman as well, but why? Knowing how any little detail in this game can be a clue to the future books/revelations (History lessons, events, etc.), I can't help but wonder if this was one as well.
Because why suddenly mention the chairman, why not just introduce himself? So what if Levan was the chairman? Most, if not all, of the clues pointing towards Crowley being Levan can be used on the Chairman as well.
Now what do we know about Levan Draconia? He is the Left General, Meleanor's husband, he saved Lilia's NRC letter, he went missing on a diplomatic mission, and he wanted to strengthen relations between the humans and fae.
Additionally, he taught the fae the human language so they can communicate better. He seems the more level headed and future thinking of the three childhood friends. Thank you Mumble for going over Levan info with me (@irafuwas).
Knowing this, it would make sense if the Chairman was Levan Draconia.
It would explain the similarities in the symbolisms/fashion with see with Briar Valley, what if it was the Chairman who decorated/influenced it?
As Ell pointed out, it would be a strategic way to have Crowley to continue being in the game and have merch as well, especially if he was a pawn from the beginning.
This would also explain why Crowley is constantly looking for the Blot stones, and why in every book, he has someway/somehow influenced the OBs.
Because someone was telling him behind the scenes what to do and what to look out for, and with Levan's future thinking, this would fit.
This would also explain why Lilia does not recognize Crowley if Crowley was Levan because he isn’t.
(unless they are fraternal twins, that's why they dont look alike. It would explain the whole "why is he here?' line in history lessons too)
When I think about this, it makes me wonder even more. You know? Why such a offhand comment, unless there's a story element for it?
Levan being a Chairman would also explain him teaching the fae the human language because of his future-esque thinking.
Why he also saved Lilia's NRC letter because he knew what will happen in the future and who will play such roles.
Now this brings into question about Levan's Unique magic, what if his was opposite's of Lilia's?
Lilia's UM looks into the past/memories, so what if Levan's looks into the future? This is why he cared about the relationship between human and faes, why he saved the letter, etc.?
But then you can't help but wonder, where does Meleanor play a role in this? Did she know? What is her UM?
Did she sacrifice herself knowing this future? And that's why she was so confident about Lilia and Malleus?
Was she somehow saved?
And then we think about Levan, and if he is alive and knew the events, did he really let his wife die?
Let his friend live with the trauma of his disappearance, also take the risk of his child never being born and growing up so restricted?
Was this why Meleanor gave the "blessing' she did to Malleus?
(What if they knew about the events with Grim, was this their way of making Grim into a chimera? or maybe, just maybe, stop Grim?
because they saw all the people that Malleus and Lilia loved, and they wanted to save them?)
Wether Levan is alive or dead, the results will be devastating when we find out what happened to him.
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pottedplant53 · 11 months
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[Chapter 7 spoilers]
The Crowley = Revan theory has me in a chokehold-
I'm choosing to believe that it's true purely bc the reveal would be so fucking funny
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
Complete Guide to the “Crowley is Levan” Theory
Hello, its the self-proclaimed Crowley/Levan theory expert, back at it again! (*゚∀゚*) I’m really shocked at Book 7’s recent update, and I’m seeing more and more people get into the Crowley/Levan theory.
But for everyone who is new to this theory, people who aren’t yet convinced, or anyone who just wants the major points in one document, I decided to write everything I know about this theory, with the help from posts from my fellow theorists! Of course, at the end of the day it’s just a theory, so make your own conclusions! ^_^
Buckle up everyone for a very long post rife with lore! I worked hard on this one, as it is a culmination of ALL my previous theories, so sharing is appreciated haha. Heavy Book 7 spoilers ahead!
This theory revolves around the idea that Headmage Dire Crowley is actually Duke Levan, the father of Malleus Draconia. Before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let’s go over everything we know SO FAR.
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Levan (Revan, Levaan, and Revaan is also a common spelling) is the husband of Meleanor Draconia, who is the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Levan is a Duke, Diplomat, nobleman, and the left-hand war general. He had control over the Eastern Fort while Lilia had control over the Western Fort. His title is “Ryūgan Duke Levan,” or 竜眼公レヴァーン in Japanese. The characters imply a connection to the Chinese Long, and Ryūgan very roughly translates to “Dragon eyed,” although it is uncertain if Levan is a Dragon Fae, or if this is just his title. Levan is referred to as Meleanor’s “eyes, limbs, and husband,” so perhaps “Dragon Eyed” refers to his connection to Meleanor? Due to his name, people also suspect he may be a bird Fae, specifically a raven.
He seems to be based of Diablo, Maleficent’s raven. From what we know from Lilia, he is slightly meek (according to childhood stories) and gentle, always with a smile on his face. However, he is also extremely dependable and strong. Rumor has it he fought against the Dawn Knight, a figure that the night Fae fear for his power. Despite Levan’s clumsiness, Meleanor is very enamored with him, praising him for the smallest of things while punishing everyone else. Meleanor refers to Levan as “beautiful,” although we have no silhouette or voice for him currently. Levan grew up with Meleanor and Lilia, and was very close with Lilia, who was the right-hand general.
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When Lilia ripped up his invitation to NRC, Levan painstakingly took all the pieces out of the trash and pieced them all together, storing the invitation in the Royal Archive for Lilia to come back 500 years later. Lilia wonders if Levan somehow knew that he would go to NRC with Malleus in the future. Levan is also very willing to start relations with humans compared to the rest of Briar Valley, as he taught Lilia the human language, and has said that he hopes one day, the humans and Fae can share a common language to exchange culture and history together in peace. This positive attitude and willingness to teach is likely what made him such a good diplomat.
However, Levan went missing in the Silver Owls vs. Briar Valley war when leading a mission to deliver letters to the Eastern Fort. Meleanor is heavily implied to be dead, but Levan simply disappeared and never returned. In Briar Valley history books, he is assumed to be dead, but little information of him is known.
But what does all this backstory have anything to do with Dire Crowley? He’s unreliable, manipulative, and never does more work than necessary, even with all the student Overblots. He sounds nothing like Levan. Well, let’s go to the birthplace of this theory to see what’s up:
Crowley and Malleus Parallels
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Black hair with a green-ish tint, pale skin, pointed ears, dark lips, and a similar tall stature. No other character besides Meleanor resembles Malleus to this degree.
Although no dialogue has confirmed it, it is heavily, HEAVILY implied that Crowley is in fact, one of the Fae. He’s been Headmage at NRC for at least 100 years and several of his features imply a Fae heritage. He even gets offended when the Ghost Camera, that was invented in a great-great grandmothers time, is referred to as “old,” as if he took offense to the implication that HE’S old. He’s likely a bird Fae, as he may transform into a raven/crow in the opening animation, and his voice lines show him with bird-like habits. Crowley also refers to his “wings” several times as a part of his anatomy.
@twisted-tech shows that in the Glorious Masquerade event, Malleus wears an costume that’s startlingly similar to Crowley’s outfit, down to the detailed vest to the feathers on his shoulders. In the animation announcement for GloMas, Malleus stands in front of the light the same exact way Crowley does in the opening prologue animation.
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The 2nd anniversary animation also has a strange moment between Crowley and Malleus, with Crowley appearing for a quick moment, before a light shines over him, revealing Malleus.
In Malleus’ birthday-boy interview he mentions how black is the color of nobility in Briar Valley, thus his tendency to wear all-black attire. Isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s main outfit color is black? On a similar note, when an Alchemy Special Lesson is triggered, Malleus says “He’s [Crowley] is far from ordinary.” Malleus, who prides himself for being extremely powerful to the point he thinks less of others, thinks Crowley is unusual? Does he sense a type of power from Crowley, or does something seem uncomfortably familiar about him?
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And last but certainly not least, Crowley’s secret concept art. This in-person event was very exclusive, so many obscure concept art pieces of the characters were only shown here. Crowley seemed to be grouped with the Diasomnia cast with the same color palette, and his purple cape is highly reminiscent of Maleficent’s. He even has briars climbing up his leg. He even has the stamp of the three good fairies on his paper, just like the beta designs for Lilia and Malleus. Of course, concept art should not be used too heavily as a source, but this is certainly no coincidence, and don’t you think it’s odd how secretive this image is? Most fans have no idea this concept art exists.
These two must have some type of connection with each other- this evidence alone is what convinced me in the first place. However, this is just the beginning:
Ravens & Crows Symbolism, Levan vs Crowley
Levan and Crowley have a shocking amount of similarities too! Ravens in mythology were considered to be messengers of the gods, and were especially connected to Apollo, the god of Prophecy. I think that Levan’s unique magic was the gift of Propechy, as in he could see future events. Bringing back Lilia’s line of if Levan somehow knew he would go to NRC with Malleus 500 years in the future, I say yes! He knew many things about what the future held due to his magic, and it makes sense with Raven symbolism. Crowley also has a strange knowledge of future events, from the STYX invasion to Grim’s magestone collar. @rayroseu has also pointed out the Malleus’ egg heavily resembles a Black Opal, which symbolizes death and destruction, and was used to “gaze” into the past, present, and future. Hmmm
What if as a way to reunite with Lilia and Malleus, Levan became the Headmage of NRC? He would have every skill necessary to do so, and Crowley has many connections to the school board, STYX, the Asim’s, Jupiter Conglomerate, etc. He’s not as much as fool as he’d like you to think- he’s in charge of the prestigious school for a very good reason. He knows the perfect balance of manipulation and sweet-talking, just as expected of the diplomat and envoy, just like ravens were in mythology.
Ravens have symbolized death and destruction for a very long time- and isn’t it interesting how Crowley’s first name is “Dire,” as in ‘disastrous’? Yana Toboso has confirmed that “Dire” is actually pronounced as the English word “Dear,” like ‘beloved.’ @sote-forever has pointed out that the origin of Levan’s name means “gracious/merciful,” which feels oddly familiar to Crowley’s catchphrase of “I am so kind/Watashi yasashii no de.” The EN translation uses “gracious” instead of “kind” a lot as well 👀
Speaking of his catchphrase, in Book 7 when Grim hears more about Levan, he says that Levan sounded like a “kind man.” He even uses the same exact language as Crowley uses, ‘yasashi,’ meaning gentle and kind. Just like the meaning of Levan’s name. For reference:
私 優しいので is Watashi Yasahii No de “Because I’m kind.”
優しかった is what Grim said: Yasahikatta (?) meaning “He was kind”
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Back to the death symbolism, I mentioned that ravens were Psychopomp. In mythology, ravens were said to guide human souls to the underworld by the will of the gods. And isn’t it interesting how NRC is FULL of death and underworld symbolism? Technically, Crowley IS the Psychopomp, because he is responsible for transporting the students and is the only one with a special key to unlocking the students coffins. He even says in the prologue that the coffins were designed to represent the “departure of your previous world, and rebirth into a new one.”
As a side note, crows and ravens fall under the same exact word in Japanese: karasu. There are some instances in the EN translation where crow and raven are mixed up, as Diablo, Maleficent’s raven, is referred to as a “crow” in one of Malleus’s chats. Hmmm
Crowley’s cane is also interesting. Not only does the bottom key part spell out “Raven,” the top of his cane looks exactly like Diablo when he was turned into stone at the end of Sleeping Beauty. Although I do agree that Crowley has connections to the Evil Queen’s crow, I think he could be inspired by both. Similarly, NRC’s logo is a raven with a crown above his head. Levan WAS royalty, after all…
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Levan also has a special acceptance of humans. His wife DESPISES humans, but he learned a common language of the Fae and humans in order to communicate, and even taught other Fae the language himself. And once again, he saved Lilia’s invitation to NRC. Doesn’t he sound like someone who wishes to share knowledge? He wants peaceful communication between humans and Fae to share culture and history, just like what NRC is like today. It feels a lot like a Headmage’s behavior, don’t you think?
From the way Meleanor treated Levan, Levan’s behavior sounds oddly like Crowley’s. Meleanor praised him for the most basic things, and seemed to dote over him a lot. Crowley is incredibly egotistical about doing literally the most basic shit ever lmaoo, but I can’t blame him for getting a big head if he used to be always praised for it. Lilia also says that Levan would probably return with a big smile on his face. In every single animation that Crowley is present in, he always has a smile on his face, watching carefully over the events.
Levan also seemed to be a bit of a crybaby in his childhood, as Lilia said that when they got lost in a forest, he “could never forget Levan’s pitiful expression.” Crowley definitely has an aversion to death or people getting hurt, and has cried several times when he gets overemotional.
In the prologue, Crowley claims to be intimately acquainted with every single students homelands. Yes, his hobby IS vacationing, but I think he knows the lands way more intimately than simple sightseeing. Again, Levan was a diplomat. He would have a vast amount of knowledge about the inner workings, culture, and history of many different foreign lands.
Edit: We also have NO IDEA of Crowley’s homeland. If I remember correctly, he’s the only character where his land of origin is unknown. Why would TWST do this, unless this was a huge spoiler? Like…say if Crowley’s homeland was Briar Valley???
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And finally, I think it’s EXTREMELY suspicious that we have not seen at least a silhouette of Levan, despite his name coming up in conversations several times. Why would his silhouette not be revealed, unless his silhouette is a dead giveaway to a character we already know? Same reasoning for why we haven’t had a flashback with his voice- his voice would just reveal the truth. Additionally, NRC seems to lack books over the history of Briar Valley and what happened to Levan and Meleanor. In one of the History Lessons, Malleus mentions a photo of Lilia in a history book. Perhaps there are history books with a painting/photo of Levan? It would explain why the history is so lacking, because Crowley doesn’t want his past self to be seen.
Meleanor, NRC & Other
Whew, we’re almost done! This is the miscellaneous category, but just as important as the above points.
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Meleanor, OB Malleus, and Crowley have many many similarities. I go into more detail in the linked post, but Meleanor’s and Crowley’s features definitely “combine” in Malleus’ features. Take for example, Meleanor’s straight dark teal hair and Crowley’s wavy black hair with a slight greenish tint. It merges perfectly into Malleus’s hair. There are many similarities in their outfit designs too, so I recommend looking at this post!
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This is very strange, but the coliseum and Diasomnia’s dorm hallway have the SAME EXACT DESIGNS as the passageway in Briar Valley (converted into a Silver Owl hideout) and the hall in MELEANOR’S castle. No one could have this punt of knowledge of these locations, especially Meleanor’s castle that was covered in briars and abandoned. Unless…someone at NRC was intimately acquainted with both of these locations. Perhaps a noblemen like Levan would know? Meaning, Crowley?
Crowley in the prologue talks to his “proud, beautiful flower of evil” in the mirror. I highly recommend rewatching the part, because Crowley’s voice just shows how much love he has for this flower of evil. Lili refers to Meleanor as the “most evil Princess,” and she is also the Princess of Wild Rose Castle. Rose like a flower 🌹 \(//∇//)\ She is also an extremely proud person, and does not hesitate to strike people down for disagreeing with her.
Many people ask why Levan would abandon Meleanor, especially when he loved her. I don’t think he willingly abandoned her at all! If my theory of his prophecy magic is right, he knew that there was nothing he could do to prevent Meleanor’s death and the fall of their castle. And who knows, what if Levan Overblotted when he went missing? He led a GROUP of messengers to the Eastern Fort, so what happened to these messengers? Did they die at his hands when he Overblotted? It’s a common theory that Crowley is under the influence of blot, as his mask and gloves would cover Overblot markings.
@ventique18 has also mentioned that a dark Fae’s love in literature is depicted to be OBSESSIVE, as in the couple can drive themselves mad over their love for each other. I think Crowley was a much kinder and genuine person as Levan, but Meleanor’s death permanently scarred him. Plus, as much as we don’t want to admit it, it’s been 500 years. Look at Lilia: he’s changed SO MUCH over the years since his time as general. Why can’t Levan do the same? Longing to reunite with his loved one for CENTURIES isn’t healthy at all, but he desires it so much that he’s willing to hurt innocent people in order to achieve it.
This is out of the TWST canon lol, but there’s potentially a lot of connection to Edgar Allen Poe’s “Lenore” and “The Raven.” Lenore mourns a “queenliest dead that ever died so young” before her wedding, which could parallel Meleanor dying before Malleus’ birth. The Raven represents the pure desperation, grief, and insanity of him wanting to see his lost love again: Lenore, and how he’s unable to cope with her passing. UM??!!!
FINALLY, as the saying goes: Malleus had to get his loser genes from somewhere. Hope this helps! 🤪
Jokes aside, I’m exhausted but I feel very happy to have made this guide! Many thanks to all the blogs I’ve mentioned above, and to Gasmask on Youtube, Otome Atui on Youtube, and MoonlightEquin1 on Twitter for translations!!! It really helped me out my thoughts together in this theory, and I hope it can serve as a reference guide to everyone else!
I had to link a lot of my separate theories just because there is too much to go over in one post, and I’m very limited with photos on mobile 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 If yall can think of anything else to add, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you to everyone for your support, it’s so fun theorizing with everybody!! 💞💞💞
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twstjam · 9 months
Lilia's love for Meleanor and Revan: Romantic, Platonic, or Familial?
Short answer: ALL of them. ANY of them. A secret third thing. Take your pick!!
Long answer because even though some people have explained it already I haven't felt like anyone has NOT come off as aggressive towards shippers so I thought I could help get the message across?:
So there's been some dispute in the fandom about Lilia romantically loving Meleanor and Revan because Meleanor said that Lilia loves her and Revan, but the actual kanji used by her is a lot less simple than just "love" as explained by @/ventique18 in this post. (which I suggest that you read first before this one so that you understand the true and full picture if you haven't!!)
(here's a few screenshots to sum up what she said though for the sake of this post)
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That clears it up, but there's more to this conversation I'd like to point out. As a Briar Throuple shipper I'm making this post to explain or at least shed some light on:
Why people read Meleanor's words as romantic and why they ship Lilia, Meleanor, and Revan
Now, I'm not saying that Lilia having romantic feelings for his friends is the one and only correct view (if you do think that, did you even read the rest of this post?). I'm saying that people viewing it as romantic have a very valid reason and it's not just people shipping because they like to ship when they see the word "love". People shipping Lilia, Meleanor, and Revan are not automatically disregarding any familial and platonic interpretations of their relationship. (or at least not all of them are and I am asking you to not assume.)
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Translators are free to mention it if this translation I found is incorrect BUT STILL—
Okay so, if you'll notice, in the conversation between Meleanor and Lilia, after saying that Lilia loves her, she specifically brings up the time he proposed to her 200 years ago. Right after that, she says that Lilia and Revan, her husband, spent more time together than a married couple.
There are a lot of valid arguments that are against these things being proof of Lilia having romantic attraction, like: Lilia and Meleanor were just kids playing house, Lilia and Revan spending a lot of time together is normal because they're besties, and also Lilia himself says that he was just a stupid kid which can imply that it was just an old crush and he doesn't feel the same anymore.
But look at the big picture!! Look at the words Meleanor specifically used!! The kanji used for "love" is indeed for pure, platonic, and familial love, but immediately after saying it Meleanor mentions things specific to romantic love: Proposal. Marriage.
She could have easily used a different example of Lilia's love for him. She could have easily compared Lilia's time spent with Revan with literally anything else, but she didn't!!! She mentioned a marriage proposal from when they were kids. Even if it might not be valid anymore she still mentioned it out of anything else!! And she compared Lilia and Revan to a married couple!!
The words used in this conversation, like the kanji for "love" and the specific romantically-associated words, both point to Lilia's love being either romantic or platonic/familial. The kanji says specifically pure love, but Meleanor's argument and comparison has romantic tone. It's either. It's both. Anything you want it to be. A secret third thing.
That concludes my ramble folks <3 Shippers are not disregarding platonic and familial love, please don't just assume they are. Not to mention, most of the people doing it are DIASOMNIA FANS. THE platonic/familial love enjoyers of the fandom!! Why have I seen people have such bad faith in them? Just because someone says one thing doesn't mean they don't also enjoy another thing!!
Still though, translators helping to explain the wording correctly is still very much appreciated, but it doesn't disregard romantic views nonetheless nor does shipping disregard platonic and familial ones.
Although, I do understand why some people are a bit frustrated seeing as romance IS more prevalent in media and is often wrongly seen as "higher" than other forms of love, which is a valid frustration, but it still frustrated me a bit how I've seen some people be so quick to be aggressive to shippers.
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Severe Warning
Lilia: *Scowls at Josey* I don't care who you are nor why you're here
Josey(10): *Flinches back*
Lilia: But let me make this one thing clear..
Lilia: I've got faes to protect! My friends I can't neglect
Josey: *Stares with wide eyes*
LIlia: So I'm not taking chances, kid
Josey: Sir-
Lilia: *Glares at him, his eyes glowing* If you make one wrong move, then you're done for!
Josey: *Backs away*
Lilia: *Walks closer* Anything I don't approve and you're done for
Josey: General-!
Lilia: *Lifts his hand* I could put a spell on you and you're done for..
Josey: Trembles*
Lilia: Boy, you better run or soon you will be done for....
Josey: *Bolts away, dropping his herbs*
Josey: *Wails, hugging Arian, tears falling down his cheeks*
Arian: *Looks up as Lilia came close and glares warningly at him* Go. Away.
Lilia: *Stares with wide eyes, then backs away*
Baul: You scared the kid didn't you, the human kid came back in tears
Lilia: I only gave the brat a warning
Revern: *Sighs, shaking his head* It was clearly more than a warning
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fruixtii · 5 months
Lilinor ruined my life
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gloriousbouquetlove · 4 months
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twstunes · 4 months
i'm gonna need the official english spelling of Levan's name to be Revan so it can be literally 1 vowel switcharoo away from being the word "Raven"
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