vyorei · 1 month
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shady-mc-muffin · 25 days
Babies are dying in Gaza hospital due to lack of ventilators
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affairsmastery · 7 months
India things!
Recently, the UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) India, in collaboration with the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) has unveiled the India Ageing Report 2023, highlighting the rapidly growing elderly population in India.
India's elderly population is growing rapidly, with a decadal growth rate of 41%.
By 2050, over 20% of India's population will be elderly.
The elderly population in India will surpass the population of children (0 to 15 years old) by 2046.
The population of people aged 80+ years is expected to increase by around 279% between 2022 and 2050.
Women have a higher life expectancy at ages 60 and 80 compared to men, with variations across states and territories.
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Through the Years → Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark (705/∞)
10 November 2022 | As a member of the High Level Commission for ICPD+25, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark launched The Crown Princess, together with the other commissioners, a status report on the 1,300 promises made in Nairobi in 2019. (Photo by UNFPA/Kongehuset)
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Fanculo Malthus
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artcentron · 4 days
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Peju Alatise Addresses Girl Child Issues With ‘Flying Girls’ t.ly/SrShl
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(Part 1) ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024.
"Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions".
United Nations Economic and Social Council, United Nations Youth, Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, UNFPA, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, Major Group for Children and Youth, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)...
Watch (Part 1) ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024
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worldhealthday · 21 days
Statement from UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem on World Health Day 2024.
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End discrimination to ensure the right to health for all
On World Health Day, we celebrate the successes achieved since the adoption of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action in Cairo, which placed sexual and reproductive health and rights at the heart of development.
Since Cairo, more women enjoy the right to health and are able to exert agency over their own bodies and fertility. More women have access to modern contraception, fewer women are dying in pregnancy and childbirth, and teen pregnancy rates have fallen.
Still, too many women and girls have been left out of that progress. Even as we accelerate efforts to fulfil the promise of the ICPD and the Sustainable Development Goals, healthier lives remain out of reach for far too many people, especially those from underserved communities.
Although the global average maternal mortality rate has declined significantly in the past three decades, a woman still dies every two minutes due to preventable pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications. Deaths occur at much higher rates in poorer countries: the lifetime risk of maternal death is 1 in 49 in low-income countries, compared to 1 in 5,300 in high-income countries.
Discrimination in all its forms contributes to poor maternal health outcomes. Even in better-off countries, maternal death rates are higher among communities that continue to confront racial and other prejudices in everyday life. UNFPA research finds women of African descent in the Americas are more vulnerable to mistreatment and neglect by health-care providers.
We can and must do better. It’s time to end the discrimination and exclusion that women, in all of their diversities, continue to experience when they seek sexual and reproductive health care.
Justice and equality will only be possible when our healthcare systems provide everyone with access to the respectful, compassionate and quality care they deserve.
Today and every day, let us uphold the right of all people to reach the highest possible standard of health, free from discrimination, coercion and violence. Let us champion sexual and reproductive health and rights for all as the path to a sustainable future where everyone can realize their potential.
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xtruss · 1 month
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vyorei · 6 months
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Pregnancy care has been lost
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shady-mc-muffin · 1 month
A displaced girl in Syria finds safety and support
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Agenda Programme of high-level roundtable to commemorate the IDEVAW 2023.
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Rountable discussion:
Investment to prevent VAW and the role of differents actors.
Why investing in prevention matters?
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Through the Years → Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark (704/∞)
9 November 2022 | The Crown Princess is visiting Zanzibar in Tanzania. The Crown Princess is participating in a two-day meeting of the High Level Commission ICPD+25, which works to promote the rights of girls and women. (Photo by UNFPA/Kongehuset)
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humanrightsday · 6 months
Support the integration of human rights standards.
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UNFPA supports the integration of human rights standards into all stages of its programming framework, including:
Analyzing the immediate, underlying and structural causes of human rights violations 
Setting strategies and goals to address the main causes of human rights violations and to empower the most vulnerable people as well as to reinforce the capacity of duty bearers.
Supporting initiatives for the establishment or improvement of an enabling legal and social framework on population and development, reproductive health and gender equality 
Following the recommendations of United Nations treaty bodies such as the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women 
Evaluating and monitoring programmes with participatory processes and using human rights indicators
UNFPA also recognizes that a rights-based approach should be founded on an analysis of gender and social exclusion to ensure that programmes reach marginal and vulnerable segments of the population, especially poor women and young people.
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scienza-magia · 8 months
Oggi giornata mondiale informativa sulla salute sessuale
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Hiv e non solo, in 10 anni infezioni sessuali in aumento. Colpiti i giovani, spesso senza diagnosi. Il 4 settembre giornata mondiale. La salute sessuale è un diritto che va garantito durante tutta la vita, dall'adolescenza e alla terza età. E non significa solo avere rapporti sicuri, evitando la trasmissione di infezioni, che ammontano a circa un milione l'anno nel mondo, con un trend in forte aumento anche in Italia dove negli ultimi 10 anni è segnalata una forte crescita dei casi, ma anche avere relazioni sessuali sane e pienamente consensuali. A ricordarlo è l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, in occasione della giornata internazionale del 4 settembre, promossa dalla World Association for Sexual Health.
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Dalla sifilide all'Hiv passando per clamidia, gonorrea e papilloma virus, il sesso non protetto è veicolo per malattie che possono portare infezioni croniche e complicanze a lungo termine. Per quanto riguarda l'Italia, il Sistema di sorveglianza sentinella coordinato dall'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, dal 1991 al 2021 ha segnalato 151.384 nuovi casi di infezioni, con un aumento costante a partire dal 2005 e un rallentamento nel 2020 a causa dell'emergenza Covid. E la fascia più colpita è quella tra 15 e 24 anni. "L'aumento rilevante che abbiamo osservato in Italia nell'ultimo decennio, in particolare tra i giovani - spiega Barbara Suligoi, responsabile del sistema di sorveglianza Ist dell'Iss - indica la scarsa consapevolezza e l'insufficiente informazione del cittadino. La patologia più diagnosticata sono i condilomi: sono causati dal virus del papilloma umano e sono pertanto prevenibili dalla vaccinazione anti-HPV, che previene anche vari tumori ano-genitali. La maggior parte di queste infezioni sono curabili se diagnosticate e trattate tempestivamente. Ma, in mancanza di trattamento, il rischio di gravi conseguenze a distanza di tempo è elevato: problemi durante la gravidanza, sterilità e tumori. Per questo è importante rivolgersi tempestivamente al medico e in presenza di qualsiasi disturbo a livello genitale". Spesso queste infezioni possono restare asintomatiche a lungo, ma si possono prevenire "usando il condom e evitando rapporti non protetti con partner di cui non si conosce lo stato di salute", aggiunge Suligoi. Salute sessuale però vuol dire anche altro, per l'Organizzazione mondiale della Sanità: "è un diritto" e "fa parte di una vita normale e sana". Un concetto inserito anche nell'ultima edizione della Classificazione Internazionale delle Malattie, che per la prima volta contiene un capitolo sulla salute sessuale. "Ci si è impegnati molto finora sulla prevenzione delle malattie, senza riconoscere come il sesso sicuro significhi anche promuovere l'intimità, il piacere, il consenso e il benessere", ha affermato la Lianne Gonsalves, del programma speciale dell'Oms dedicato al tema. Molte donne e ragazze invece continuano a subire rapporti non consensuali e violenti. "Il diritto alla salute sessuale - ricorda il Fondo delle Nazioni Unite per la popolazione (Unfpa) - è negato quando il sesso è avvolto nella vergogna e nell'ignoranza, o legato alla coercizione, all'abuso o allo sfruttamento", ma anche quando manca l'accesso alla contraccezione. Per questo, la Giornata mondiale della salute sessuale quest'anno mette in luce l'importanza del consenso (#Consent), rendendolo il claim dell'iniziativa. "Il consenso è un elemento cruciale di qualsiasi incontro sessuale sano e dobbiamo educare noi stessi e gli altri su cosa significhi", scrive la World Association for Sexual Health. Questo passa anche "per il rispetto delle scelte di ciascuno in materia, indipendentemente dal genere e dall'orientamento". Read the full article
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(Part 2) ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024.
"Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions".  
Watch (Part 2) ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024
United Nations Economic and Social Council, United Nations Youth, Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Youth, UNFPA, United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, Major Group for Children and Youth, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC); UN Web TV
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