#Vedic astorlogy
Neptune Placements (Observations)
I notice it is all about the feeling with you guys.
When it comes to the way you communicate, express, create art etc. It is all about what you FEEL.
You may get downloads/messages from Source and it may not make sense at first, but later down the line it will.
sometimes the message can be vague but thats the point, your not ready or able to receive the whole thing. sometimes the universe wants you to connect with the mystery and go with the flow. you guys are honestly good at surrending if you allow it.
dont let anyone steal your joy too, a lot of you have a crazy connection to the inner child. your innocence is what we need in this world and tbh I think people can be real jealous of that.
your dreams are powerful, you receive all sorts of downloads, inspiration from them. like movie ideas, lyrics, and paint ideas just be coming out of y'all lol. dont let that go to waste you need to get right to it.
portals are something you guys are naturally adept too. portals are everywhere, and it shows in energy and frequency very often.
you guys 'shape shift' a lot. this is my favorite gift I notice within y'all. because you are multi dimensional and at any given moment you guys can switch in a blink of an eye. this can show in personal style, environment, art, people, etc.
I talk about this a lot, but people could learn how to shift realities, quantum leap, manifest, and connect to their souls desires because you are adept in this universal tongue. this is a gift you guys have as well.
the third eye of neptune/pisces placements are gifted in this area because you guys naturally see beyond the veil. it is only when its unevolved is when it becomes hallucinations, things that aren't truly there and its messing with the brain overall.
that 'delusion' people speak of about pisces individuals is due to them again, seeing beyond the veil.
what is seen to be myths and fantasy is real in many different ways but im sure saying some of that out loud would when you the 'crazy' trope. thats a compliment to them. (aquarius as well)
in my honest opinion, people want believe them until they see that their crazy wild theories manifest into reality and thats when people want a piece of the cake. I'd honestly start charging for the spiritual knowledge that a lot of you have access too.
again, with their spiritual eye being that open, they teach us how to connect to the many possibilities in the universe. ANYTHING is possible.
let me repeat that.
I really want to right this down .. idc if I sound crazy lol - but to the fellow pisces/neptune individuals if you believe in all that fairytale, siren, god and goddess myths and what not please do not stop believing. save your inner child. you guys have an imagination that connects to the divine in more ways then one and people need that. when you tap into source you allow us to connect to that divine source as well. you teach us how to believe not only into GOD/UNIVERSE but believe in ourselves as well. the original witches/wizards lol. so I suggest you keep strengthening that brain because you are not all that crazy.
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saptrishisastro · 10 months
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houseofbrat · 6 years
Ah... I see why you say that if anything happens it'll be after April. It's interesting that her 2ndH is empty save for Ve in the Rasi. (It's like everything is concentrated on 1, 3, 7.) I don't get any wealth as such, or property - nothing "big", which one would assume for someone marrying a prince. I do see your "pleasures of the bed" concentration. It's like, whatever she can get out of life, position, career, money, she will get through "the bed" and through husbands. 1/2
2/2 And that third house… bad thoughts, siblings, travels yes - but short ones, contracts and agreements… On the face of it, in western astorlogy, you’d think something as simple as “Cancer-Virgo-Cancer” would make the most delightfully beautiful soul - but take a deep-dive into the cogs & wheels and suddenly you understand the discrepancy between the initial signs and the actual person. Vedic astrology is really something else. Thank you for taking the time to explain things every now then
Yeah, I see no major “uplift” for her in her chart for a 2nd marriage. Nothing to really indicate that a second marriage would reap greater benefits than the first. (And I know there are people who would swear that she was married before Trevor even though there’s no concrete evidence that ever happened.) If she were to marry a second time, it would likely be to someone older than her, not younger.
As I’ve said before, I suspect this will be called off towards the end of March. But it’ll be over by April 16 most definitely.
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health-tech-trend · 7 years
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anoopastrosutra · 7 years
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Name : Vaishakh Date of Birth : 15-11-2001 Time of Birth : 10:15 Hrs (IST) Place of Birth : Alwaye (India) Question : What to known about the education of the kid and what remedies to do for better studying and conentration
Vaishakh/Swarna, According to vedic astorlogy my observations are as follows: (more…)
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