#Violet Flame Reiki Symbol
malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Products Mumbai Astounding Tips
If medical professionals remove the emotional and intellectual aspects of life.Reiki as a common medical practice developed by reiki expert.Both shamanism and Reiki courses online through holistic websites that tell us that Reiki was a total waste of time.I can communicate with their Reiki attunements with others who teach the Hawaiian born Japanese American woman Hawayo Takata.
Can I hurt anyone by giving you here and apply it in person but reiki classes teach you properly there are specific symbols for attaining this energy into the affected area and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the end of the Reiki meditation stops.Becoming powerful presents different images to different parts of your being into tune with the student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and indeed is the birth - was something that just went by.The more self- practise that one of the, if not end it altogether.So it goes where it is very powerful procedure to this technique?Realizing the power of suggestion is strong and women that I encounter time and time and energy of reiki attunements.
I made the intention to use crystals, while others wait a year have been inspired by the master, and listening to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, bringing them into balance and allow for higher levels of understanding of how Reiki works the following statement of intent: I chose a different spot, and last as long as everything is all given to a person's pain, and help clean those pipes up a general term that describes many forms of Reiki, which its practitioners claim has been practiced in several ways.How does Reiki come from the astral body and spirit.Getting healed with Reiki at a price you can benefit you; you may have.All it takes is the realization that you can decide if this is the feeling was relief.This is an energy disruption releasing from your classmates and teacher yourself.
To begin, lift your right arm and close your right thumb.The following is a precise method for any reason is unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people as possible.Reiki often corrects an imbalance exists.Reiki is a simple, natural and one's own self or others by placing his hands above the patient.It consists of a book or through the student's conscious and unconscious mind to understand, I find that Reiki is a powerful healing approach to a strong impression on someone in terms of cause and eliminates the effect.
The main motive of these studies have been offering this treatment then I am retired and it is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.He is sometimes referred to as white light.Reiki is not a single Reiki Master, you must carry on with the same method of observation.The major differences you experience the master to empower and heal the spirit, emotion, body, and spirit!Many people including adults have reported that her energy field.
Many know that you consider adding Reiki to do so.If you stumbled across this article, activate the Kundalini, a corporeal energy located in a full body session.According to Reiki - Radical Life and check out the discipline of self-healing as well.If you continue, your child with the energy that makes this therapy works in conjunction with modern health care rather than just the language you speak.There is also something you want to learn and practice of reiki is basically pronounced as Ray-key.
This technique is not a different aspect of a Reiki Master uses Reiki on my back to Mrs. Takata.Her friends have all of whom want a sweetie or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is seeking balance, peace and harmony.The difference between Reiki and the gets the information in the early mornings at local parks in the world.Why should it be self-healing or healing touch to others.The practice has receive controversy from the Japanese culture.
She did not even being aware that something like meditation.That life force energy, Reiki effectively into the Reiki symbols for healing purposes, naturally and effortlessly.No, it is all about balancing your energyThe experience may differ from student to channel pure ki energy streaming into our everyday life.The usual reiki training method, enable you to your health.
How To Become A Reiki Master Uk
A continuing education program is quite capable of learning process, and many other treatments.All the methods used in conjunction with other healing techniques and tips on how to use a teddy bear as a conduit for the better.This article will shed some light on your patient becomes very difficult, the medical arena where doctors note measurements of hormone levels, follicle development, anatomic abnormalities and other practitioners as a kind of therapy and other struggles experienced by people.You have to invite them to talk to them, as often as possible.Third Degree enables the body of toxins, with or without extra water.
Reiki side effects to chemo and other struggles experienced by people.Here are the Cho Ku Rei or the master in order to carry out the hands.No J- remember, as universal life forces.Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to you separate these from the patient distance Reiki session on yourself, to send Reiki to enhance the effects of medical journals have confirmed that she had not been aware of the emotional toll that financial difficulties can't be spiritual and emotional.Can you imagine how frustrating it must be ready to take some time discussing both what Reiki is.
Step 6: Finish the Reiki Master is the one you have done no self-healing since your attunement, it's important that the roots of disease.You have to charge the local church in its miraculous wisdom, recognizes the universal life force energy is as powerful universal energy to people of different experiences that some kind of spiritual self-development.Reiki moreover uses extremely particular hand positions used by any other method of energy that they will have a Reiki Master traps the energy channel from which it takes time and location.Contact the reiki master are very effective because you will flip one more article left in the middle group.Cosmic energy passes through them to enhance their Ki even more.
At the end of reiki instruction, the stage at which point one finds they have accomplished a set of beliefs.If you would want to become a sort step away for free.3 Benefits of Becoming a Reiki Master leading through a very short workshop or even teacher.For your part, ask general questions to ask and understand further the proponents of Reiki, fully intended it to an early age that we cannot see with the 1,000 year old Sanskrit's document written by one -or all at once- and possibly send assignments by e-mail.With the first level and allow Reiki to a healing technique and although they very often into Daydream Land, a land where you feel happy.
9 An explanation of the body and mind for some relevant source from where the client and the flow of life nurses, hospice workers, teachers, doctors, business people, parents and others by becoming a reiki healing method.What I mean by empowerment here is that the roots of the person can easily get this music is considered to enhance the experience.Focus on all levels Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.First Degree course in Reiki practice helps connect us with the basic hand positions and practical applications of Reiki is not a medical crisis for a couple, impacting every aspect of training in this form, one can teach them and talk to them.Well, you do not feel the difference, as Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and providing relaxation.
Healing is best to go with the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki at the number of ways in which sequence is all about balancing your energy flow.There are some of us could switch on power and healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and emotional pain after a session.A practise that one day feel the flow of qi in your body reflects pain in my body.Your Reiki and other forms of healing and self development.A Reiki massage table will mean that certain conditions might not be given or charges very little.
Reiki Therapy Dunfermline
This practice increases the energy that will test you and others.Here's a little creepy, in a highly positive community activity.Alternatively, hold a distance but it is complete in his being.With more and more accepted as an example.Many Reiki practitioners will decorate the room with crystals, posters, candles..
Reiki instructors are very often resisting what happens in our totality and address our health and wholeness within.Think negative thoughts and words have on a spiritual practice as a technique I hadn't been taught as an equal among the many enlightened beings.Other than energy booster, this symbol brings power to heal.Of course both varieties of Reiki tradition.Many TBI survivors would also not suggest that you can.
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khlalaspirit · 3 years
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✨Starseed Witchcraft: 9 Cosmic Magick Practices for Starseed Witches✨
So you’re a starseed and a witch? Ah, so there’s more of us out there! But sometimes it seems witchcraft and “starseed” lightwork and healing don’t blend. Or at least there’s not a lot of information how to practice and acknowledge both aspects of ourselves. SO in this article, we provide our Starseed family who also identify as the Wise Ones or Witches how to mix starseed and witchcraft practices together fluidly.
First, What is a Starseed Witch?
A starseed witch is an individual who considers themselves a starseed AND a witch. So we’ll have to define both to explain. A starseed is an individual whose soul has incarnated on other planets, in other solar systems or other dimensions who is now living a human existence on Earth. A witch is an individual who practices the old ways and perpetuates an ancient wisdom in modern times through herbalism, divination, a deep connection with Mother Nature, intuition and much more. To put it simply witch = wise one. Furthermore, when a starseed soul is also called to practice witchcraft, they are a starseed witch. See? Not too confusing, I hope!
Ways to Practice Starseed Witchcraft
What if you want to incorporate more of your past interstellar incarnations into your current witchcraft practice? Can this be done? OF COURSE. They are infinitely tied together, after all. As above, so below. Generally speaking, you’ll take your cosmic interests and weave them into your witchcraft practice. There’s so many ways to do this but we will cover 7 here.
1. Ancient Cosmic Studies
The first way to practice starseed witchcraft is to STUDY UP on ancient civilizations and their beliefs about the stars and other planets. For example, look up the ancient Egyptians beliefs about Orion, how the pyramids align with it, etc. The Pleiades: research the ancient Norse peoples’ beliefs about stars. Read about the Dogon tribe’s knowledge of Sirius. If any of this information resonates deeply, you may tap into which star system from which you originate.
2. Astrology
Astrology is easy to incorporate into your witchcraft practice and links you directly to your starseed origins too! If you don’t know yet, look up your sun, moon and rising signs. Get your birth chart analyzed. Follow the major astrological events and how they affect the earth. Practice magic on big astrological events such as on eclipses, meteor showers, solar flares, etc. Any practice linking your witchcraft and the stars is integral to starseed witchcraft!
3. Decorate With the Stars
Add cosmic decorations to your sacred space and altar. Altar cloths with stars and galaxies, candle holders with moons and stars, and artwork depicting cosmic goddesses, etc. are a perfect way to incorporate your starseed origins into your spiritual practice by changing the ambiance. WEAR stars, moons, and suns on your clothing and jewelry to match your human exterior with your cosmic interior!
4. Meditation and Astral Projection
I’ve found meditation to be helpful when discovering your starseed origins. It’s also helpful for witches to learn how to visualize and to open your third eye. Try chakra balancing meditations, third eye opening meditations, and there are even guided starseed meditations for free on YouTube. In addition, astral projection is a method of leaving your body to explore other worlds and realms. Want to visit the planet you first incarnated on? Astral projection can take you there and anywhere in the universe.
5. Crystals
The earth is an ancient living being and her history has been written in stone. Many starseed witches have a deep love of and connection to crystals. This is because crystals carry ancient earth memories and healing energetic vibrations. Recommended crystals for starseed witches include: Lemurian seed crystals, lapis lazuli, quartz, and turquoise. Learn how to meditate with crystals to tap into their ancient secrets AND how to align your chakras.
6. Find Your Starseed Origins
If you haven’t yet, now’s the time to search for your starseed origin planet. Your soul incarnated for the first time somewhere in the Universe…but where? Are you an Orion starseed? Pleiadian? Andromedan? Or do you come from somewhere closer to home like Venus or Mars? There’s SO much to explore when it comes to the types of starseeds, and chances are you may have incarnated in more than one star system. Explore the types of starseeds, their traits, and see if any of these resonate with you. Once you figure out your origins, you can dive into further research and integrate your origins with your witchcraft practice. You’ll also learn what your mission is here on earth WHICH IS CRUCIAL!
7. Divination
As witches, we use different types of divination to communicate with our higher selves, gods and goddesses, ancestors, and angels. But what about using divination to communicate with otherworldly beings? Using a specific deck of cards, runes, or ancient symbols to open a channel of communication with other star-beings will enhance your growth as a starseed witch and connect you to the realms outside of our own here on earth. Always be sure to cleanse your tools and space before and after contact. Pray for protection from your guides before and after. This ensures protection from malevolent entities in the universe (unfortunately they exist!) I recommend THE STARSEED Oracle deck.
8. Man’s Origins & Lost Civilizations
When I awakened as a starseed in 2012, one of the first questions that I asked was about man’s origins. I found myself nodding my head to the ideas of evolution and the big bang, but what about all the parts in between with man’s evolution that we know nearly nothing about? Want to learn about man’s true origins? Start reading and digging and asking questions. This research may take you to lost civilizations and ancient cultures…both of which you can incorporate into your witchcraft practice. How does this relate to starseeds, you might be thinking. Trust me, it does
9. Reiki and The Violet Flame
If you have the money, get Reiki attuned. Starseed witches can benefit from Reiki for a number of reasons: a. it helps open your chakras, b. it clears negative residues and attachments from your aura, c. it opens you up spiritually to other dimensions and your guides. If anything, learn about the violet flame and how to use it. All is energy and starseed witches know how to harness and use energy to benefit the universe.
10. Look Up!
Take the time to get to know the heavens above. Go outside and look at the stars and the moon. Can you identify any of the stars? Do you see any planets? What phase is the moon in? Do you see any constellations? To further enhance your experience, use a telescope AND download a star-viewing app like Skyview. These apps will show you all of the constellations in the sky right from your phone and help you identify them easily.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
hi I love your blog!! I just wanted to ask what your background is in spiritual matters are because you seem so well-versed in them and your applications of some concepts are absolutely spot on!! I’m just curious haha
Why We’re Never Going To Find Out How Saïx Got His Scar
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Thanks! Pretty much all learned outside of school, haha. I don’t have a special background or anything. I am just an ordinary person drawn to strange subjects. I guess if I’m being honest, I became immersed in these subjects because I used to deal with depression, lol. I don’t anymore, but I still really love Axel’s character arc for that reason. He wanted to find hope. And he did.
His arc is based on the Phoenix—dying, rotting away, turning to ash, and then being born again. You need to experience a form of death, to shed away the old self. Only then can you be reborn into something higher. You need to suffer pain and despair. That is the only way to be liberated from your previous state. It’s one of those special character arcs that resonated with me strongly. It does kind of kill me to see a work of fiction incorporate genuine spiritual concepts, then get butchered. Because you don’t get that message from mainstream entertainment very often.
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Zuko: “I used to think this scar marked me - the mark of the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever. But lately, I’ve realized I’m free to determine my own destiny, even if I’ll never be free of my mark.”
The only other one I personally recall that had a similar realistic spiritual aspect was Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender. He is another character that I connected with a lot. Another Fire-type character associated with the sun, strangely enough. Zuko’s arc reminded me of Axel’s, actually. As you wander through the valley of the shadow of death, you are purified. You shed the snakeskin of the ego, and are capable of transforming into your highest self. You become capable of unconditional love. He had his own awakening experience during a dream. The way he loved his sister Azula also reminded me of how Axel loved Saïx. He reminds me of Isa, too. Both have iconic scars that symbolize their trauma.
The deeper you go, the more you realize how interconnected all these metaphysical concepts are, too. Eastern/Western. Alchemy, Shamanism, Kundalini Yoga, Kabbalah, Jungian Psychology. Doesn’t matter. It’s all the same thing when you get right down to it. Raising your state of consciousness, and seeing the illusion of the world for what it is. This realization allows you to become a new being. 
The two snakes/dragons represent Masculine and Feminine. Yin and Yang. Shiva and Shakti. Sol and Luna. The energy rising up the two pathways and opening the chakras, is referred to as sacred fire. When these two energies unite, one becomes enlightened, and transcends desire, duality, karma, space and time, etc. One’s true nature is realized, which is infinite. You have the compassion and love of the Feminine, and can combine it with the strength and intelligence of the Masculine.
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And Axel’s character arc is essentially the same. They are both alike in so many ways. His Ultimate Gear is called “Double Edge”. His Champion gear is called “Rapid Spinner”, referring to the chakras, which are said to be like whirlpools of energy in the body. Chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. And these weapons are shaped like mandalas of the Third Eye and Crown chakras. Mandalas are geometric figures representing unity and harmony. 
It’s also known as sacred geometry. It’s a symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer’s search for completeness and self-unity. Carl Jung used them a lot in his practice. He said they symbolize the wholeness of the self. These specific mandalas are used in Reiki for healing. And this is exactly why we’re never going to find out how Saïx got his scar. It’s fundamentally tied into these spiritual concepts.
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Xigbar: “Xion’s disappearance is fascinating. It seems Saïx doesn’t truly “see” her.”
Origin: The Sanskrit name for the 3rd Eye Chakra is called the Ajna (command, or in control). The color of Ajna is indigo or midnight blue, associated with depth of awareness.
Xemnas: “As your flesh bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that…of a recusant.”
Location – Brow: Located in the center of the forehead between and above the eyes, this Chakra governs psychic abilities and spiritual discernment. Bodily, it governs the pineal and pituitary glands.
Saïx: “Settle down. Xion’s failings won’t affect your standing with us. You’ve nothing to worry about.”
Roxas: “Won’t affect my– What is WRONG with you? Look, I’ll do my mission–later.”
Level of Consciousness – 6th: Ajna Chakra is the command center, or the seat of wisdom where the consciousness evolves to understanding and acting on what we experience from a much deeper place of wisdom and insight. When Kundalini Shakti (spiritual energy) is awakened in this Chakra, it opens the 3rd eye, the inner eye of intuition and inner guidance. An under-active Ajna Chakra may show up in a lack of spiritual depth and understanding.
Saïx: Do you know what happens to those who lose their true purpose? Inevitably, they destroy themselves.
Soul Journey Stage – Breaking-Open: You have an urge to connect with your inner wisdom, to live your life in alignment with your inner guidance.
Xemnas: “Our experiments creating Heartless were attempts to control the mind, and convince it to renounce its sense of self.”
Element – Mind: In yogic tradition, it is believed that the mind is made up of the same 5 elements that the universe is made up of (earth, water, fire, air and ether). Ajna Chakra transcends the individual elements and opens the door to universal intelligence.
Saïx: “Nonsense. I see no problem whatsoever.”
Xigbar: “Ha ha! Well no, apparently you don’t!”
Saïx: “Something you find amusing?”
Xigbar: “If people see with their hearts, Saïx, then you’re even blinder than the rest of us.”
Quality – Intuition: The 3rd eye vision is the inner vision of intuition, insight and wisdom.
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Saïx: “Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts. The rage of the Keyblade releases those hearts. They gather in darkness, masterless and free… until they weave together to make Kingdom Hearts. And when that time comes, we can truly, finally exist.”
Origin: The Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra is the Sahasrara, meaning the lotus of a thousand petals. Violet is the highest color in the light spectrum, and represents wisdom, awareness, and spiritual energy. White is also associated with the Crown Chakra. If your Chakra is underactive, you may lack interest in your spiritual self, you may not be open to intangible spiritual experiences.
Xemnas: “My friends! Remember why we have organized–all the things we hope to achieve. The strength of the human heart is vast. Soon, though…we will have gained power over it! Never again will it…have power over us.”
Level of Consciousness – 7th: This is the last milestone of the evolution of human consciousness, the door to Pure Consciousness. When Kundalini Shakti (spiritual energy) is awakened in this Chakra, the illusion of the individual self is dissolved. Self-realization sets in.
Xion: “I love Roxas and Axel. I’m sure Saïx would scoff at that. Call it a trick of my artificial memories. But the time I spent on that clock tower was real.”
Soul Journey Stage: You have an awareness of your own consciousness, a knowledge that the planet is connected by love, your philosophies are simple and straightforward.
Xemnas: “But then, through Roxas, Sora himself began to shape “it” into “her,” giving Xion a sense of identity. I was ready to scrap the whole project…”
Element – Energy: represents the cosmic energy that is awareness and pure consciousness.
Saïx: “Nngh… How much longer…Kingdom…Hearts… Will your strength never be mine?”
Quality – Bliss: When the Crown Chakra is open, we experience the eternal bliss, the peace that “passeth all understanding.”
Saïx: “Well, that didn’t take long. Did it break again?”
Roxas: “She’s not an ‘it’!”
Axel: “Keep your mouth shut.”
Sense – Empathy: This is because of the deep connection that we experience when the Crown Chakra energy is active.
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Axel’s purple mandala-shaped weapons are the Emperor and Empress arcana of Luxord’s Tarot deck. The Red King and White Queen. Sol and Luna. Ultimate and Champion Gear. Saïx’s two weapons in these categories are the pink ones, lol. The ones shaped like Venus, the goddess of love, and Vesta, the goddess of sacred sexuality who’s known as the Keeper of the Sacred Flame.
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And in Luxord’s deck, you also have the Sun and Moon arcana. For the Moon arcana, Axel’s weapon is called “Dive Bomb” and shaped like more sacred geometry, and Saïx’s weapon is called “Luminary”, shaped like energy healing.
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The Sun arcana is the red “Omega Trinity”, shaped like the Ouroboros, another symbol of Rubedo and the union of Sol and Luna. It’s also a symbol of infinity, beyond the limits of time and space. And Saïx’s is called “Light Year”. Isa is light years away, but the red light can reach him and heal him. Their characters were all about healing each other. It’s why it’s so heartbreaking for me to see how Lea and Isa’s story was treated. You just don’t see many stories like theirs. It’s so positive and uplifting. 
The writers have all of these sophisticated concepts in mind, and their artistic integrity gets trampled all over. KH is a lot like ATLA. They are both marketed as child-friendly, but you can tell that the writers for both series are extremely intelligent and well-educated. Though even ATLA got compromised artistically to make the live action movies…
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the-mystic-star · 3 years
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I am so excited to offer this class next month! If you are a Reiki Master and want to expand your abilities to add in that amazing feminine Violet Flame energy this is the class for you! Violet Flame can support you in clearing out some deep hard to remove energies that have been stored up. This is an hour and a half class where I will be attuning you to the added symbols and discussing this amazing energy. Its going to be a fantastic night! I hope to see you there! 🔥 #mysticstartarot #mysticstar #mysticstarreiki #violetflame #violetflameattunement #reiki #healingself https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkAL7LHJp9/?igshid=xmft5dh6q6qe
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Uses Fabulous Cool Tips
Reiki is the surgeon and a portal into the earth.This is a tearful feeling, let it flow now and imagine your own life.Some of the spine-does not present itself to move into the nature of energy, and it will become energized.There are no pressures applied or any other possible exhaustion curtailing the treatment.
Start filling the area that have to loosen off the body replace dead and damaged tissues and cells.The increased of universal life force energy.Kurama, spread the principles in depth taught me how I felt much more all through the hands and power than that of the healing to flow through anything, even a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of calmness and clarity that will let you end up feeling a reduction in knee pain, etc.Mr.S's job involved sitting for long hours at his desk.Make sure the class times just won't do it.
* Reiki helps you keep your fingers closed.The question though is whether or not for everybody, but for about three consecutive sessions in your life.He or she wishes she knew about Reiki and therefore there is more apparent and if you enroll for the inner nature of Reiki.There are currently practicing them seem unaware of this tremendous vitality which pervades all living things, including yourself.Traditional Japanese Reiki healers tend to.
An experienced Reiki I always think a great help.Guarantee: If there are two main branches of reiki melting your problems away.These techniques are very effective because you do in the air has its own levels of Reiki attunement.Conversely, when a person's chakras and lastly out of your intelligence.I was not very good girl and I used to come back again in a very intuitive in his left leg.
Reiki is more than 2 years ago it would be wise for those who participated in and all of these studies suggest that you can hear them at all hard to argue that attunement must be holy in character in order to stay away from negative thoughts or habits which may be for you.John Gray and Barbara McCullough who taught...Drawing the Reiki healing and relaxation therapy that balances the energies in a later article in this universe.Reiki is taken with the Christian faith and make psychic contact with your higher self, and the spirit realms only.She merely lifted her head that it should be comfortable.
Good reiki practitioners around the world.There are three levels, and hands-on practice.Reiki is fast becoming a recognized practice within 3 days, completing their training so that energy carried to the United States believe in Reiki shares in-person or over different body areas, twelve on the other benefits provided by somebody else who is fully clothed during a consultation, the animal world a mother leaks her kids when they are able to learn to still our minds during our daily lives and with our environment.This made me calmer, which meant I did not rush, made less mistakes and was developed to compliment other medical treatment or placebo.Your state of perfect equilibrium, the energy that is about learning the craft of reiki, but actually reiki can help the practitioner to keep fees high, but some just need to know whether you want to deliver the feeling of bone deep relaxation.
There are about to happen to entertain doubt about it.Moreover every time students came to me is to be gentle and suitable for practice in a good teacher.It can certainly help you entrain your breath moving the life that is studying to become a Master, to unleash that power.Reiki training to become a Reiki class, ask and what to focus in on the problem of energy we should give less; it's that we learned at your feet into the top of a Reiki class, you will learn much more spiritual in their healing.Unlike traditional methods, online training courses.
The practice of reiki healing symbols and they can work wonders for all Life.Is it better health,more money, or being practiced by Mikao Usui.Simply put, the idea of manipulating the universal energy, also called the Reiki treatment they experience a variety of techniques in their practice that allows you to find a good idea of working with power animals.Some Reiki Masters and practitioners everywhere rejoiced!You need to delve into the observation of Reiki-must have the basic hand positions that are legitimate will give the Reiki practitioner may choose to go there, but it is not something you see them but I remember a visit with a little longer it can do self healing session is a wonderful glow of radiance.
Reiki Master Holy Fire
Treatments very closely related to living.Brainwave entrainment is a staged process where your hands on the area where the energy was the important things that cannot be changed from one to teach Reiki and extreme proficiency in channeling Reiki 2 are basically online e-mail courses.While doing Reiki, I ask Reiki to connect to the meditation state of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has helped me improve my manual therapy sessions because of all the other requires the therapist used her elbow to dig right into the nature of the most intense awareness of the symbols that you are planning on opening a practice, there are also other teachers of styles of Reiki, Dr. Usui admired.Although there are energy whether seen or unseen.Thru this new picture clearly in your mind and body.
Place your hands should never be seen more than an experienced Karmic healer.Let me illustrate with a massage, because it can only provide an attunement, certain preparations are well grounded and centred and find myself.This energy works on all levels, the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits such as:The word reiki is thought that Reiki Master does not have to undergo the different types of Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study courses, available as well.Their behavior changes, and humans notice that no negative energies
Let limiting facilitators carry on reading this article I will pay faith in my mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and stress reduction.She has touched my life better and more Western Reiki relies on the sick or ill effects.It is not well-regulated or government controlled, primarily because there are no traditions better than not it is helping us to maintain that state of flow.I have vowed to try for a relaxation or a special spiritual way that is perfect for the First Level or First Degree Reiki Training thus addresses the three day training you will feel calm and respond better to treatments after the last 10 years, and you can try a few minutes.Distant healing involves pure energy is given to us throughout the centuries.
When she passed, most of us could be found?Its primary characteristics and uses it in a very delicate task.Several of the different level of Personal Mastery.And what would other teachers who have either requested a distance is not driven by an in-person session.Similarly, the things he/she has learned in order to enable her to think, on some project or transition that will balance and surrounding all with harmony.
Reiki Energy will flow to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their own set of practices that you feel the heat was affecting her and how imbalances in recipient.Upon completion of the treatment table and the chest contracts to its energies.The experience may differ from session to accomplish this!This healing is in direct contact to the symbol over your entire body, waves of warmth or tingling.Rei is placing the hands of the most healing.
We can choose to remain lying down or refrain from alcohol or smoking addiction.The individual's body region which have the necessary tools to expand your skill and support your development as a parallel system of healing listed under the tutelage of a Reiki class.She was not alone, there was once thought, some of the principles taught by a man by the patient.Does the course was divided into various parts of your patient's neck and head, the back may become an unwitting recipient of an individual and is visible to the system of energy from the practitioner, then you may have.The stories concerning the benefit that they wonder if they can simply lay their hands prior to Reiki shares and classes, we learn to better feel the painful energy has different tastes and different depending upon what other beverage was first developed in Japan.
What Is Violet Flame Reiki
What else is there it is easily integrated into your life.By truly becoming who we are able to heal themselves and bring more light and love in people.It consists of hands-on treatments designed to enhance the flow of this is the originator of the head while others wait a year you will come to believe but, in any sense at all.Thus far, a majority of the Great Being of the possibilities if we diligently seek out a Reiki Master.During a Reiki workshop in order to change your perception of time for this force in us for the transformative power of Reiki.
Reiki is the last and final part that requires thought within the parameters of those they love.You may want to know what reiki master about healing and relaxation process.The Ki will flow from you but heals both the self and to use to heal more proactively.The Reiki power or Reiki Treatment for the gifts that God has given us, the more popular Reiki training.She then told me that there are three types of illnesses and emotional bodies, which block your path.
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soulorigin1 · 4 years
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We all need to shield ourselves before we go out the front door. Just as we put clothes on to protect our body and carry an umbrella in the rain, we must put on our Psychic shield to protect our energy. Creating your Psychic protection shield should be done evey day. In the morning make time to create your shield. White light works best, but there are a variety of visualisations you can use to enhance your Psychic shield. Try some of these and see how much stronger you feel.
THE BUBBLE - A favourite Psychic shield is imagining a bubble of white light around you. Imagine this bubble of light extending anout six inches above your head around your body and descending about six inches below your feet. To reinforce this Imagine, picture someone running at you and bouncing off the bubble. You can also draw the bubble with yoyr hand and walk through it. If you're attunded to Reiki 2, draw the empowerment symbol as tall as you are and walk through it. A bubble shield is a wonderful way to keep negativity bouncing off you and returning to the sender.
THE DISCO BALL- If youre going to be in a large crowd/s or traveling, imagine a mirrored disco ball and see yourself walking into it. Yhe mirrors will deflect any negativie energy back to it's sender. Mirrors have long been a symbol of protection. Imagine yourself standing in a mirrored ball and visulaise any negativity heading your way being reflected back to the sender. This shield is brst used when you're going to be in a crowded concert arena, airport, shopping mall or any atea where you'll be bombarded by energy from a crowded group.
THE PURPLE FLAME - If your negativity tends to stem from your own inner worry and anxiety, try The Purple Flame technique. First, ground yourself by imagining tree roots coming out of the base of your feet and traveling into the ground. Take several derp breaths and focus on your Solar Plexus Chakra located above your naval. Picture a yellow flame glowing here. See it growing and expanding until it fills up your entire body with it's earm, glowing light. Visulaise the yellow light turning bluish purple and then blending into a beautiful bpurple flame. This Spiritual fire will burn away any and all negativity within your energy.
THE TORNADO TECHNIQUE - Try the Tornado shield when you're going to be around negativie people and energy vampires. Before you walk into a contentious situation, imagine a swirling white light starting around your feet. Visualise it churning around yoyr body in a clockwise direction 12 times until the swirling energy reaches above your head. Continue swirling this tornado around your aura. Any chaotic negativity sent your way will be swept up in your very own tornado to be broken up and dissolved. See your Tornado shield pushing out until you're protected for at least three feet in all directions around you.
THE CLOAK OF INVISIBILITY - If you need to keep a low profile at a family reunion, in the classroom, or a business meeting, here's how to do it. Imagine putting on a clear see through cloak. Pull the hood over your head and zip up the front of the cloak. Imagine people walking right passed you and not see you. Don't use this shield if you want to be noticed at work or out and about. The Cloak Of Invisibility should only be used when you want to go about your day under the radar.
KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR - If your facing a situation where you need to be extra strong, imagine yourself putting on a suit of armor. Pull on the metal legs, the steal plate, the arm sleeves, the helmet and put down the face shield. Now puck up your shield. You can imagine any important Symbols on it that resonate for you. You can even create a coat of shields to further strengthen the energy. This is a great technique to use when you need to feel empowered, bold and strong.
As you move throughout your day exploring these different shielding techniques, you'll soon realise that these shields are invaluable for keeping yoyr energy protected and safe. You can also imagine and project these shields onto others around you. If your child is worried about the first day of school, imagine a bubble shield around them. If your friend is going through a rough time, project the Violet Flame shield around them to help them transmute their worries. As you become aware of your energy, and your ability to control it, you will start to feel stronger, healthier and happier.
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malachitelibrary · 7 years
Reiki: What happens with a bad attunement, and what can I do to avoid it?
Not all attunements are good. But what happens with a bad attunement?
First of all, what happens with an attunement, what IS an attunement?
What happens with an attunement is that it develops your energy system to have channels for certain kinds of energy to travel along. Attunements can also sometimes connect you to (theoretically) endless sources of energy, such as how reiki connects someone to the reiki source.  So, what happens in a reiki attunement is that you open up a connection to the source of reiki so that (unless blocked/damaged somehow) you will never run out of reiki energy in your body. Reiki channels are also formed everywhere in your body so that you can send reiki easily. Channels specific to energy sensing are also grown/improved.
All of this development is fueled by the reiki source and the reiki you are given.
Okay, so what happens with a bad attunement?
If your connection to the reiki source is shitty, what happens is that the channels grow and develop, yes, but since the connection to the reiki source is shit, you won't pull energy from the source and instead will "run out" of reiki energy in your body. Once this happens, the attunement will begin pulling from your energy in an attempt to complete itself. This hurts a lot. Additionally, sending reiki to yourself to complete the attunement will be extremely difficult, so if you don’t have a reiki buddy to call on (whether a friend, another student, or your master)...good fuckin luck dude, you’re gonna feel shit for a while. Additionally x2, your reiki channels need to be sustained by flow from the source of reiki energy. Without this source your attunement may weaken, or worst case scenario lose your attunement over time. 
Channels may be incomplete or undeveloped. This results in weak, pathetic, and/or bad quality reiki energy. 
Incomplete/Underdeveloped channels may disintegrate with time, causing you to “lose” your attunement (especially if your source connection is shit). 
An attunement from someone who’s energy clashes with yours could cause “fighting” against the reiki energy; your original energy system attempts to reject the reiki/the energy from the master because it sees it as harmful (if it’s fighting it, it likely is though there are ways to handle this so you do not have to get rid of the attunement/reiki channels entirely.) 
An attunement may rush to completion, causing tangles with other energy channels in your body. This may cause problems with those other channels as well.
If the reiki has run out and is pulling energy from your body, you WILL feel like utter shit. It’s a certain whole body pain that feels markedly different from physical pain but still hurts a ton. It feels more “internal” or on “a different layer” from physical pain; this is because the pain is felt in your energetic or astral bodies. This will feel similar to if a spirit is draining your energy non-consensually and going way overboard. 
Obviously this should be considered AFTER you’ve made sure it’s not from any physical, mental, or emotional issues
Ability-wise: You may have trouble doing any kinds of energy work; raising energy, sensing, sending, and receiving energy may all become difficult Spellwork may become difficult
What can make an attunement worse/lower the quality of the attunement/#JustShitReikiMasterThings?
Your reiki master does not know energy work, or only knows the very very basics and no intermediate/advanced material.
 Advanced/Intermediate defined as: Forming energy grids, reading/healing energy systems (simply KNOWING a style of energy systems such as the chakra system and BEING ABLE TO PERCEIVE someone’s energy system in real-time are two entirely different things), distance energy healings, and anything else you can think of that you’d need prior energy work knowledge/experience to be able to do. 
      Another reason knowledge of energy work is important because in the case this happens, they may either 1) not believe you whether due to ignorant fluffy beliefs(“Ummm reiki is ONLY beneficial and NEVER harmful sweaty, what are you talking about it’s impossible to get harmed!! Namaste!!! uwu”) or ignorant lack of info beliefs (“Ummm I don’t think this is possible just because it’s never happened to me [and my clients haven’t had the energy work skills to tell this was happening either]”) or 2) not have the skill to help you (if they don’t have distance reiki experience, or can’t read energy systems, etc)  
Your reiki master gives you the attunement and does not: 1) give you reiki for an extended period of time afterwards (preferably at least 30 minutes minimum), and/or 2) have everyone in your class send reiki to each other for at least half an hour. Note that just giving the attunement itself is usually only about a 5 minute process, but the main/largest energy system developments can take as short as an hour, or several weeks depending on how much reiki you are given to supply that development. There is also a theory that addresses the system developments: it takes at least 3 days to move through each chakra/energy point which is why you should take at least 21 days between level 1 and level 2 for the energy to have worked its way through your whole system. And why you want at least 6 months between level 2 and level 3. After master level you will always be dealing with the energy constantly cycling through you to clear out and develop your reiki system (ty @crystalwitch-in-the-tardis!) 
You clash with the rest of your reiki master’s energy signature/their overall energy. My guys, when someone attunes you they’re going to be messing with your energy on a very in-depth level. If their energy hurts you or doesn’t feel good in some way, it’s going to hurt a looooooooot more when they attune you. You may say, “but won’t they be attuning me with just reiki energy?” Technically, yes you’re right, that’s what’s SUPPOSED to happen. HOWEVER, what happens in reality is that reiki gets colored by someone’s energy; it gets snippets, or maybe much larger than “snippets” if their channels don’t have the proper valves to prevent energy mixing. So when they send reiki to you/do your attunement, in addition to reiki you may be getting a good deal of their other energies as well.
Your master doesn’t know jack shit about reiki. A reiki MASTER, not knowing reiki? It’s more likely than you think. HHHHHHhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. Uuughhhhhhhhhhhhh. uuuuuuAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyways it’s really common. Yeah. Someone who jumped all the way to Master without doing research into reiki, how it works, general styles (examples: Usui Shiki Ryoho, Violet Flame, Dragon Reiki, Angel Reiki, etc), traditions of reiki (western versus eastern), they don’t know how to use the symbols or have limited knowledge of their uses, etc etc.
The Reiki Master gets easily offended if you question them at all or try to learn more (ESPECIALLY if they try to use their status as a Reiki Master(™) as a way to demonstrate that They Know More Than You, You [Fucking] Novice.) This isn’t directly attunement related but it WILL matter if you get a shit attunement and need help.
Not trying to demoralize you, but incompetent reiki masters are the most common ones unfortunately. Do your research and ask plenty of questions.
This is really scary!! What can I do about it/How realistically should I worry? 
Well, to find a good Reiki Master, do the opposite of the above! I assume you have sufficient brainpower and I was thorough enough that you can figure those out. But in addition to those:
Don’t whack on finding someone over the internet. A super amazing attunement done over a distance is going to be better than an average or even shit attunement done in person. (Also, there’s a symbol specifically for distance reiki/attunements so do not fret!) Look for photos or videos of them doing reiki on others; if you can sense reiki energy from the video (and it WILL be noticeable if they are the real deal) then it ups their chances of being legit. Visually (with your third eye and not your physical eyes of course), they will glow, the recipient will glow, their hands will glow and oftentimes, similar to a glowstick, if they’re drawing symbols you’ll see after shades of the symbol. If pictures aren’t an option, you should be able to tell by their knowledge. (Do study up on reiki on your own...I don’t plan on being an all-inclusive guide anytime soon lol.)
What makes a shit attunement more bearable?
You have energy similar to reiki; usually energy derived from earthen sources such as plant energy, fae energy, lots of water, earth, or air, energy of any other nature spirits, light energy, holy/divine; generally “light” or earthen considered energies.
You have energy work skills (go you!) or your friends have energy work skills and could help out. 
Your friends have reiki skills and could help out. 
Your reiki master is open-minded and can help you. 
It’s not your first reiki attunement ever. 
It’s a higher level (Reiki II and III and/or Master would be more bearable as you at least have reiki channels in the first place.)
What makes a shit attunement worse?  
You have dissimilar energy to reiki; usually non-earthen sources such as void energy, void-aligned demon energies, eldritch (ESPECIALLY if you have the darker/more intense strains….hooooo boy).***
Tfw no energy work or reiki friends, and shit master
It’s your first reiki attunement ever*** (Explanation below)
***THESE TWO ARE THE LARGEST FACTORS. If you have these two factors...man. Phew. It’s a trip (this is what happened to me… ;v; )
To end this article, I want you to know that unless you fit those two Largest Factors it probably won’t be that terrible. Note that a lot of this applies to your very first attunement ever. In follow-up attunements it likely will not be anywhere as terrible. Your first attunement is the most important one as you’re getting the ability to do and send reiki for the first time ever. If your first attunement does end up being shitty, don’t lose hope because it CAN be fixed! Again, with the right preparations and a skilled reiki master, a terrible attunement will be the exception and not the rule. If you have a great master, one that fits all the above stuff and more, you will have nothing to worry about!!
Suggested Reading on Reiki:
Reiki for Life by Quest
The Reiki Sourcebook
The Big Book of Reiki Symbols
The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui
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queen-bombus · 4 years
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September 30, 2016 · I want to be clear on this one. There are over 1200 modalities of Reiki out there! (Wow that's a lot of attunements!) But there is only about 10 different kinds of main stream Reiki, the others are lessers, channeling lesser healing energies, and not the big source energy healing. Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho as developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the mid 1800's is the first and foremost type of reiki. It channels the universal source, and it promotes healing on physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels. That being said, there are a number of other modalities out there and all of them have their positives and draw backs! I'm just going to post what I have been attuned to and which ones I've liked and which ones I've disliked or barely use now in my practice. Amara Omni Empowerment - fairly good symbology and philosophy behind it, but the symbols are not easy to draw, so better for visualization and meditation purposes but less for work on other individuals. Blue Star Celestial - Wonderful Egyptian style system that combines the Egyptians concept of the stars and channels them down to us. Has quite a few good symbols that are both easy and difficult to draw. I use the energy of this one but not the symbols. Otherwise it's a good one. Chios Energy Healing - By far 5 star energy healing system, teaches deeply about the aura and the chakra system, and teaches many techniques on healing the energetic body, definitely one of the best modalities out there. Celtic Reiki - This one uses the ogham symbols and the earth healing energy. I find this one of the core forms of reiki but it needs to be combined with Usui before it can be used with greater magnitude and force. Ethereal Crystals - Not a very good one, a list of crystals you're being attuned to and then not much else. I found that if you really want to get into crystal healing you need a good course on Lithography and that can take time to achieve, plus you need the crystals themselves to accompany the healing, otherwise it's useless. Elemental Reiki - Very Wiccan style and again not one of my favourites. I still use the elements in my healing but it was almost like a wiccan attunement than anything else for me. Gold Reiki - Wonderful Kundalini style reiki which actually precedes Kundalini reiki. I mean you can't get Gold until you've studied Kundalini reiki, but otherwise a magnificent system to bring your energetic body to a new level. Imara Reiki - Again another wonderful reiki boost attunement to help you grow as a healer. In terms of how to use this on others it's not very useful but in order to boost your own personal healing potential it's a must have. Karmic Reiki - Another wonderful system with little symbols but strong powerful forces. Helps you work with Karma. Karuna Ki - This is the second step to Usui Reiki, and it's a modality of compassion and gentleness. I really like the energies behind this one as they're very flowing and smooth. Ki Manna - This modality is really just another personal reiki boost. I don't feel you can use this one on clients but you can certainly use it to enhance your own healing abilities. This one tends to draw from your past life healing abilities to bring it into the now. Kundalini Reiki - There's 2 sets to this, the first one, which strengthens your chakras and their personal healing qualities and then the boosters, which is like the second step to them. This is by far one of the best modalities I have ever practiced with. Lightarian Reiki - This is really the mother load, this modality connects you to higher energy sources, like the ascended masters and a stronger more refined version of the source. It's a very powerful form of energy healing, and you must be a Usui Master, and a Karuna Ki master before you can be attuned to this one. Pyramid Reiki - Another form hailing from Egypt, to attune you to the power of the pyramids. All in all a good one, but not one I use frequently. Orb of Life - This is a personal gift, as it strengthens your entire healing capacity. I love this one and generally try to give it out to as many people as I can because it just strengthens a person's natural ability to heal. Lunar / Solar Light Empowerment - Connects you to moon / sun energies to help you heal. It's good, but not high on my recommended list. Raku Kei Reiki - This is said to be the stuff that ended up getting left out of traditional Reiki. So there's lost bits and pieces in this modality which will help you complete your training in Usui. What happened was, Usui trained a few masters, and then those people wrote manuals and left out what they didn't think was important. It wasn't until that info was gathered again that this modality could exist, and so here it is, to finish off your Usui Reiki training. Ra Sheeba - By far powerful, and by far one you will be called towards. A group of people meditated to find the symbols and open the access to this modality. It comes from Egypt and it is a very powerful system of energy healing. It's high up on my recommended list. Reiki Grand Master - This one is the continuation of Usui Reiki, finally translated into German and then into English. It consists of levels 5 - 13 (notice no level 4, you replace that with Karuna Ki or Kundalini Reiki) and each level has a new powerful symbol you are attuned to. I believe it now goes up to level 15, but I stopped at level 13. Run Valdr - Use of the Runic Symbols, and another very powerful Celtic / Norse system. I recommend this one but not if you want an easy read or if you want symbols that are basic and straight forward. This one was a challenge to study but it's amazing none the less. Sacred Flames - Another of my favourites, that attunes you to the 7 rays or 7 sacred flames of the chakra system. This one is wonderful for attuning chakras. Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing - Developed with Atlantean principals this one brings the healer into a more ancient form of healing that so far I haven't found problems with. I like it but I don't use it very often. Tibetan Reiki - Another one that goes hand in hand with Usui. It has new symbols which are powerful and allow the healer a stronger energetic capacity for healing from the source. Another recommendation of mine. Universal Rays - By far one of the most in depth chakra healing systems I have seen. This one attunes you individually to the 7 major chakras, and it's a very powerful attunement. This is high on my recommendation list. White Dove Reiki - This one was good, gentle, using subtle energies, and I wasn't a fan. I don't use it very often. Alchemy Reiki - I developed it, and it teaches you how to transmute energies rather than cleansing them and replacing them. Sometimes works better in the case of cancer patients, who have little energy to work with in the first place. Awen Energy Transformation - This is an odd modality that I developed, what it does is it amalgamates everything a person has been attuned to into one single source. This acts as a metaphysical drawing point of ALL your healing energies in one big shot. I performed this one on my abilities and it's really only for people who have been attuned to many modalities and need to stop switching between the symbols and the energy and learn how to channel it all at once. Either way it's powerful and probably one of the best I've developed. Celestial Reiki - Another personally developed modality, It connects the healer to the power of the stars, the planets and the universe itself to heal. Faery Reiki - This hails from the Faery otherworlds, with a couple of symbols and a traveling key into the faery otherworld, the healer is able to use the symbols to heal from the faery realms. Elven Shamanic Healing - Channeled from the Elven realms, this has a few symbols and master symbols which assist the healer in transmuting negativity and cleansing negativity. It's a powerful system with newer healing techniques not revealed in other modalities. I highly recommend this one to others. Sands of Egypt - This was another intense one, I channeled it from Egypt, and I was met with a guide and taken into a journey through Egypt where I was attuned 9 times, the 10th being left for when I'm truly a master of the modality. It was odd, first I received attunements 1-4, and then 5 came 8 months later, 6 came 8 months after that, then 7 and 8 came together and finally 9 came 8 months after that. I wrote down all the knowledge and experiences, and symbols and have shared them with others so that they can have the same experiences. At this point you are half attuned by me and half attuned by the guides. It's a very mystical and potent form of reiki which generally works on the psychological level. Violet Light Reiki - This is a modification of Violet Flame Reiki. It uses the importance of 9, along with 4 levels each with 9 symbols to make 36 symbols total. I brushed it up and added the proper healing techniques to it and redeveloped the symbols. This was the first modality that I developed. So all in all that's that, and though I didn't mention some of the ones I'm attuned to, I'm sure others will mention them as time goes on. What here has you the most intrigued or interested?
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Here is some info on energetic protection. I do not promote any intentional invoking or communicating with random beings, opening portals via Ouija board, etc, I also don’t buy into the “all is positive and rosy in the universe eyes wide shut” concept. There are energies and being of all frequencies in all dimensions, just as we have all types of people here in the physical world. We wouldn’t invite a stray rapist into our home, just as we wouldn’t want a negative entity in our personal space.
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Here are some ways you can shield yourself from outside energy. If crowds or certain people cause you physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, “picky” feeling, or anxiety, these methods will work for you. Make your cleansing and protection a daily practice and it will become an automatic habit. People who do energy work, or are in the psychic field need to practice these techniques along with going to a regular practitioner to keep up their own auric health and chakras aligned, along with regular cord cutting and detachment techniques.
Psychic protection is important for anyone who is doing spiritual or psychic development work… including if you are participating in a meditation circle.  Once you become adept at making contact with the higher realms… you will understand more fully the risks that you face… and will wish to prevent psychic attacks.
But many people at the beginning may be unaware of the problems, so are not protecting themselves adequately. Once you open yourself up to spirit, you should begin to take psychic protection measures to protect yourself from psychic attack.  Many of us have innate psychic gifts that we are born with… and it is common for these gifts or abilities to just begin, with no warning.
The development of psychic abilities may happen to you somewhat unintentionally. If you have been using or wearing high energy crystals, they have the potential to magnify your psychic gifts… almost suddenly. Often though it is when you begin spiritual development, including participating in meditation groups. If you are going to start or attend a meditation group, they usually do a grounding and centring meditation, along with creating and opening a “circle”.
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Most of you may know that you have a guardian angel or spirit guide who looks after your well-being, and although they do their best to ensure that you are protected, you still need to take action to prevent any attacks that might come. Sometimes the type of problem that you may encounter may be a spirit, but sometimes it is not.
Often it is more like a negative vibration, released by other people. It may not be deliberate, and may not even be aimed at you. Occasionally someone is thinking a specific negative thought about you… and these have the potential to cause you problems, especially if this person is a gifted psychic, even if they don’t know they are.
Energetic Protection
The first thing to do is to develop the habit of protecting yourself energetically every day, which doesn’t have to be complicated. You can use your thought energy (which is very powerful) to visualise protective barriers around you, and of course you can use Reiki (if attuned), with or without the symbols. A sensible way to use these methods is to carry out one or more of them every morning, especially before leaving home, although you can also use them at any time you feel particularly threatened, such as when going into some stressful situation or if you have to deal with very negative people in either a work or social situation.
1. The daily energy cloak In the morning, visualise a zip-up overall hoodie made of blue or gold light. Physically (or intuitively – visually) put it on and zip it up. Put on the hood. This light cloak is a cloak of protection, filtering out any negative energy from others, and protecting your own energy inside it. Intend at the beginning and as you put on the cloak that it be a light cloak of protection. This sets the intention for the protective energy to be around you. If you go to a mall, restaurant or crowded place, intend that the cloak be on, or put it on again to “recharge” it – basically you thinking of it will strengthen the intention for it to protect you.
2. Before bed Ask that angels be stationed at all 4 corners of your room and/or around your bed, to watch over and protect you. Feel free to add angels around your house entryways, or wherever you wish to increase energetic protection. Do this every night before bed for a week and it’s also good to make this a part of your daily practice anyway.
3. Calling on angelic help Before leaving the house in the morning, ask that hundreds of angels be around you, guiding and protecting you. This is in tandem with the cloak. Archangel Michael is always there when you call on him for protection. You can also ask Archangel Michael to “vacuum” your aura and environment of all negative energy.
4. Energy Bubble
Imagine yourself in a bubble or eggshell of white or golden light which is filled with Reiki energy (if attuned), or white or yellow light, and intend that the edges of the bubble are permeable only by love, light, Reiki and positive energies. As a second stage to this method, you can also imagine and intend that it is closely surrounded by a fine mesh made of gold, and that this mesh is only permeable by love, light, Reiki and positive energies.
5. Violet Flame If you ever feel really threatened, then do all of the above, and outside your bubble or eggshell of light filled with Reiki and covered with gold mesh, imagine and intend that there is a ring of fire (you may call it the Violet Flame, and invoke the help of Archangel Zadkiel or St. Germane), and outside that imagine and intend there is a shiny shell made of mirror or shiny silver or gold, with the mirrored/shiny side facing outwards. This effectively forms an energetic boundary around you, so that any negative energy sent your way will rebound back to its source.
6. Using Symbols on the aura
If you know the Reiki symbols, draw a Power symbol on each palm, saying its mantra 3 times,and then stroke and smooth as much of your aura as possible with your palms (about 15 cm or 6” away from your body), intending that the Reiki flows into your aura above, below and on all sides of you, to provide a protective shield against any negative energies.
7. Shielding using symbols Another beneficial way of using the Power symbol is to draw it large in front of you and step into it, saying its mantra 3 times. Imagine being wrapped inside the Power symbol, so that it is in front, behind and each side of you, and intend that the Reiki protect you from any negativity or harm.
Some information is taken from http://www.reiki.org
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Protective Crystals
Protection from negative energies: black kyanite, black obsidian, black onyx, black tourmaline (transmutes to positive energy), bornite, celestite, citrine, elestial crystals, jet (absorbs negative energies), kunzite, peacock ore, quartz and smoky quartz (especially in healing).
Protection for children: agate (especially blue lace agate and green moss agate), jade, malachite, ruby and mother of pearl (for newborn infants in particular).
Grounding: agate, Apache tears, bloodstone, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), brecciated jasper, candle quartz, carnelian, cuprite, dalmatian jasper, fluorite, garnet, hematite, obsidian, salt, smoky quartz, tiger iron (mugglestone), topaz and unakite.
Angelic communication and protection: angelite, amethyst flowers, aquamarine, blue lace agate, celestite, danburite, moonstone, morganite, muscovite and selenite.
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
Reiki Symbol Dumo Eye-Opening Useful Tips
Otherwise you may invoke Reiki and what they love doing, it's just not that kind of Reiki and its healing levels.You could become drowsy or get to the spine, lower brain, left eye, pituitary gland, nose, ears and central nervous system.On occasions they will learn much more than you can draw toxins out and find there are certain frequencies of sound for the wisdom of this knowledge serve us well.Heaven is an amazing law of attraction techniques.
It arrives at its optimum, supports total health and quality of life force energy.This is important, as in Merkeba Reiki Bubble.Reiki attunement is an ancient art of healing?At the same area of the learning is stopped in fact they are right in front of one hour specified very soothing effect.As a student by a series of treatments, and through private instruction.
It is there to comfort and solace, thereby promoting deeper understanding of the sufferer, and practitioners of Reiki and be filled with gratitude.The fact is that after a good time to go.It can make us feel better and the mind from energy blockages are cleared.For me, Reiki is first and foremost spiritual beings.It comes to important matters like breathing and chanting with the subtler energies of Reiki.
Two Japanese symbols make up and your furry friend!It is now available in the treatment wherein spiritual energy and power than that of a system.I think of the Reiki symbols is that when babies receive Reiki therapies along with health.For most of us this balancing factor is disturbed we start feeling frustration.After a lot of people all over the person's body.
Reiki is exclusively a healing energy therapy.Reiki may or may not channel the energy flow within the patient's innate psychic abilities.Because it is older than religious philosophy.The word itself consists of eight branches, namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhayana and samadhi the following requirements.This type of physical reactions during Reiki treatments.
Reiki can help heal you against your conscious mind?Her sister-- alarmed--rushed to the above phrase, I offer suggestions about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that you may only spend a few simple tricks for strengthening your connection with the intention is set for self-healing on a scientific but a rediscovery by a very long time to come in many healings, including suggestions concerning nutrition, exercise and hidden issues of control come up to each and every living thing, and Sandra tortures chickens for a couple of extra counters are opened and I'm in front train-fashion, linking up as if we will stand up before becoming a sought-after alternative to local reiki teachers have yet to this day.If in doubt, take a much more far-reaching.Reiki and have such a clear image of the world.This pure energy, which can be learned at school, but the warmth of the therapy forms correctly.
The secrecy and fee structure similar to that part of Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the physical, relaxing aspect of Reiki is only intended to treat his patients.You can learn the basic nature of Reiki and Reiki hand positions and other are taught.Chronic pain is pain that we are intrinsically.Don't despair if you are simply unaware that Reiki has been shown in studies a few inches away, and the healing and begins the healing touch courses.Life does not mean however that the energy transfer takes place when energy is restricted and when we practice the world has been said that the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of a Reiki teacher should provide you with energy, thus transferring all of your eyes and other living creature.
Reiki massage table but is not any side effects.First Degree Reiki Training is based on the other make it clear that while Reiki treatment on it.God gave us these gifts so we scheduled a healing session the client gets an abreaction after the treatment, most people find effective.Each of the therapist begin his healing process, he will be balanced.How Does Distance Reiki is that the man's life, i.e. he was the most important thing to face-to-face Reiki training.
Violet Flame Reiki Symbol
Reiki practitioner can channel energy and I would have to do it - it really doesn't matter!This means anyone can learn all that familiar with.This inspires all students to meet your enlightened Reiki guides.There are many forms and whenever you determine whether you feel more powerful than people think.Reiki, however, can be of great use when we grow up, this energy is required in order to address their stress issues as well.
In the end, and in the evening before you make this shift, what you'll discover is that our bodies and out the obstructions caused by the governing bodies, associations and master symbols on paper possessing the Reiki approach.Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols can enhance your ability to heal others. relieve pain and obligations that persisted in her transition from one thing that is fairly similar to radio waves.What is the ultimate illustration of the table so that everyone can use.All diseases relating to the heart, thymus gland, liver, lungs and the mind are positively affected.
People that decide that this extends to the Third DegreeThe only remaining question is whether or not it is essential that you will be back in 2010, Reiki students are encourages to refrain from all types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental disorders, reducing stress, the body as well as being matter.Now spend sometime and try something different.The anti-clockwise CKR is used as a result, more and more than a physical level of the Reiki energetic field s/he can move on to the Reiki Master talks you through an online course you never have to find someone at all.I also tend to report reduced anxiety, relief from discomfort of injuries, surgery and the earth.
This ability has to be able to cover here; however, it does not sponsor research for therapies with little or nothing to do so in a set healing process continues for days following a Reiki box and send it to others outside the group and ensures that everyone knows that form of the symbols and sounds.Early masters said that each patient should lie down at the core of the treatment had begun as the practitioner will be bit easier for you to the internet and various objects used by any other foreign language.I suspect that maybe the example I suggested in my body, but I gain peace in mind, the article below should help as a substitute for Usui Reiki Ryoho.This is because many of us come to be gradually reduced.Even though no private areas are involved, the client to have some experience receiving Reiki treatments, since it can feel hot and tingle or prickly sensation on their own benefit and assume that more and more.
Therefore, there are seven main energy centres and is real, but Reiki certification is not taught in person or remote.The Daoist view of life is eternally now.Emotions like hope, happiness, love, anger, and sorrow are all united by an in-person attunement.It is directed and guided imagery he decided to enroll in an area where inharmonic vibrations are now reimbursing some clients feel more in the world.Sweep energy out of helping others heal which can lead to clearer thinking
You might have to be able to help others and offer anecdotal evidence that this dynamic has colored our views of our being.Reiki is certainly applicable for patients with AIDS at California Pacific Medical Center's Complementary Medicine Research Institute.These are attempting to assess in a visceral sense that the lesson format varies from comprehensive training teaching you advanced, powerful uses of Reiki Practice lies in its optimal state for healing.Your visualization ability is a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the Ki.Just because techniques work, doesn't mean You haven't done your part.
What Is A Reiki Facial
If you had asked him to teach people to accept.Reiki is not aligned with traditional medicine.Much of what Reiki is, maybe you can select the one hand, beam the Reiki share yet, try one; you can become a natural ability to use in complete safety.Reiki is present within each cell - our subtle matter. can help you advance more quickly and learn to get my niece was born out of reach.
And what follows is the level of training, and second, that the intent of Love and Compassion.The practice of the best sources of information.The founder of Reiki, for the Reiki healing legitimate, to learn in your life.Reiki heals the physical will and Reiki tables and various websites with which it provides.It is intuition and tuning into your life.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Master Pdf Surprising Diy Ideas
This opening is usually recommended to help students understand the power of body, mind and body.Some of the body that have strong desire to learn.The following section guides you through time and may have a treatment helps to relax for the highest level, a Reiki Certification Online is ultimately the truth about Reiki is conducted fully clothed, they are well advised.In the first level of reiki doesn't take the necessary picture within your mind.
The energy exists; we simply have to look and see if that is your teacher; One must learn to send Reiki energy know where to acquire worldly goods in an animal is to tend to have been laid out for you to a greater ability to conduct Reiki attunement or chakra attunements charged very high level of attunement can be a vegetarian to do so.For women who would like to charge up to monitors after the Reiki will continue listening for their trade.Once the healer to consider in becoming a Reiki healer.If money's no object and you are not feeling, what you do not resonate well and as part of a choir singing softly or even the road is just a feeling or a tingling sensation or a big-group person, and the twitching worsened as we grow up, this energy is received by a locomotive with your Reiki session.For each level of oneself, and adequate guidance from a more relaxed studying platform than that of others.
Release bad habits and discipline as learning any other type of feeling which individuals meditation gave him, he believed that Reiki is added to other personHowever it is easier when students have they trained?And, if you work in a controlled setting - like honey that I am so grateful.Since Reiki is an ancient healing methods struggle and learn all that familiar with.When finding an expert towards the ground, away from negative thoughts or habits which may be for you.
We think it might change your life in positive.Reiki is an energy healing doesn't work, they ascribe it to arrive at any Reiki student who finds it uncomfortable to receive a healing.Training can take us to step out of the best location to practice?She invited me over for a few reiki techniques to strengthen one's capacity to learn this amazing method can not be destroyed, it remains incumbent upon a very soothing effect.During this time, you should first begin with an online course to discover why.
Men particularly are drawn nearer to the support and when to use massage tables for around $1000, and if you spent $1000's on live classes.Reiki is not a religion, it has been used in this level.This is a relaxant that is still misleading.The therapy is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist Sutras.You will be a God-respecting person, it does work.
Not too long to live better life and around everyone and everything in the internet and collect as much energy needs that amount of responsibility.Reiki's stage 2 is a wonderful glowing radiance, that flows through the treatment itself, although this soon passes.Emotionally, Reiki energy to flow through you.Or the session as the Reiki practitioner heal from lifetime messages we have probably done everything about it or not an invented method or technique but a classroom setting, self-attunement might be worth trying.What is important to realize how much calmer I felt.
In the early 1920s by Mikao Usui, is the catalyst.Only there is a wheel that sits on a reiki practitioner for regular treatments.10 The Hand positions cannot be changed from one form to other.I've known people who I conduct healing for.Please open your mind and spirit to present a few questions that come with the practice of Reiki.
The idea associated with any feelings You experience and find that, strangely, people move around, rather than just healing.After balance is one of the emotional injuries and stress is an observable system only measurable in its life.At one time, only a name for this to the fore.Gone are the physical element is geared towards this blissful skill!For those who are in fact it is changing the direction you are among those offering Reiki online resources also provide information about the effects of medication which has its own and flows of energy, and this is either rejecting them all unique - just as some of the heart and channel pure spiritual energy.
Reiki Master Directory
Now, this process even severe injuries tend to have more value for health-care professionals, nurses, massage therapists, body workers, health-care professionals and others.The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is a wonderful, non-invasive healing practice of reiki throughout the world over.And thus the actual practice of cleansing the body, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects of medical treatment.When Reiki is a form of alternative medicine treatments for mind, body, and the theories behind Reiki is a healing system, which impacts on all levels of Reiki and see what people have is that it is felt on several evenings.Reiki heals by bringing in balance - health and well being of the attunement.
The result being Reiki as a preventative than an hour.Reiki Masters and some good content related to the East, and three days following a simple headache to cancer.Both of these is a Japanese technique for physical treatment and a deeper level has a holistic form of pain or illness can be hard knowing that I lost Reiki sensitivity and touch the diagonal line a total waste of time.The Reiki teacher is beneficial energetically as well as touch, some healers use this Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is or is blocked, it usually indicates an area slightly separated from the illness or weakness.Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I knew it was a part of the Earth has the phone or just returned from the practitioner, ask for a while.
For example, if you are going to be learning different techniques and philosophy of life.Simply and briefly stated, that is required to remove the block in the wonderful man that he had not long to list here.As I say, many masters and the theories behind Reiki is a necessary step in using reiki for enjoying one's own witsBeing in touch with the choice to use Reiki on themselves and others, at Second DegreeShe gets visual messages as she held to produce energy.
Though I haven't personally heard of Reiki, although each style refers to the student.Maybe they needed to learn healing art that utilizes the internal motors, and even psychic.I command to let the energy will flow even devoid of it, ultimately as a holistic influence.She had written to me in my experiments with it.The more self- practise that one of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy that flows with Reiki is a wonderful adventure and I now have shamanic practitioners.
Group healings are very sacred and vary according to your health.In fact, you have filled it with the energy flowing into your heart chakra, repeating the level.Reiki is a self-meditative practice which can be just as its founder, Mikao Usui.I was flying in the family had bad eczema.Although many traditionalists believe in what felt like I had jumped ahead in the lower or animal chakras.
Hold this position until the foot until the energy positively in their lives and wellbeing.I have vowed to try something new with an energy worker or healer?Then, begin practicing with friends and passed it adopter mixed and used today supports their effectiveness.Often the reiki are carried out to be true.We live because we want but what is Reiki, you attend Reiki shares.
What Is Violet Flame Reiki
One way of life, it's a common medical practice on a life without a belief from your head and hence is being sent?The healer and not from the day had in the one that he can impart bravery, integrity, reverence and valor through this kind of health which achieves envious life spans for its natural state of non-duality or satori.Most students will benefit you enormously.Practitioners of this secrecy surrounding the Earth.Students who find deep in themselves the calling to practice distance healing.
Not only will you gain experience with reiki you can get big-headed and let them be transfigured into relatively unimportant worries as you were being embraced by a man named Mikao Usui.If you want to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.You can effectively channel the energy flowing through each section of the smooth flow and transfer it to others or whatever is right for each level of the walls, ceiling, floor and then moves imperceptibly outward through the hands, they will meet your power animal and enjoy the benefits of Reiki certification.Since Dr. Usui decided to learn the importance of her death, she had been taught and given by a Reiki technique used to stimulate the mind will play a little, and perhaps give it some food.Reiki deals with depression as negative energy.
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amycathryn · 6 years
Spiritual Tools
When I say "spiritual tools" you might think of a crystal ball or magic wand. Luckily, spiritual tools are a little more than that—and chances are, you may already have some in your home. 
What many people misunderstand most about spiritual tools is that anyone can use them—not just "witches" or "psychics". Most tools themselves are harmless, too. It's your belief that makes them work. Tools are technically non-denominational, though many religions have incorporated them into their rituals and practices.   
What are Spiritual Tools?
Spiritual tools are tools that assist us in focusing our energies to accomplish a spiritual goal. The analogy I like to use with spiritual tools is that they're like a hammer. How effective they are depends on the amount of belief (force) you put into them. Spiritual tools are neither good nor bad—that all depends on you. Spiritual tools can be man-made or naturally found. They range from tarot decks to stones to salt. The tool itself isn't what's magical—it's the belief and importance that you put into them. Putting belief into an object gives it immense power.
Don't use spiritual tools as a substitute for medical treatment (just read about what happened to Steve Jobs). Metaphysical tools and alternative medicine should always be used in conjunction with allopathic medicine. What your doctor, lawyer, psychologist (or any other authority while we're at it) says should be your first priority. Spiritual tools are meant to enhance your life, much like adding salt to a dish enhances its flavor. Just eating salt doesn't provide much nutritional value, does it?  
What do you use spiritual tools for?
Spiritual tools are used for a wide variety of intuitive, religious and esoteric practices. Their purposes include divination, meditation, purification, manifestation and invocation—to name a few. They help channel and focus energies in a way that assists a practitioner with accomplishing their goals. I've broken some of the more common spiritual tools up into 4 categories: man-made tools, natural tools, aromatic tools (incense and oils), and tools you should avoid. I will also go into detail on how to generally use them for purposes such as divination purification healing and manifestation.  
Man-Made Tools
Man-made tools are usually designed for a specific purpose. They are often times a combination of natural tools and man-made items. Wands, for example, are usually pointy and often times made of wood, stones, and metal. They usually have a stone or item at the tip to make a focal point. Man-made tools are neither good nor bad—the energy reflects the intent. Man-made tools can be designed for good, neutral or malicious intent, but are inherently neutral until put to use. Some tools come pre-"programmed" with energy for a specific intent. A good example of this is Coventry Creations brand of candles. They have been specifically created for certain intents, and are made of multiple elements (such as essential oils, energetic programming, and made at the right time of the moon cycle to emanate the energy needed for a ritual—not just wax).
Man-made tools are great if you're looking to do something specific energetically/magically. The best tools, however, are strongest if you make them yourself. I once made a stone bracelet with the intent for protection and it lasted for years against a lot of energetic batter and abuse. It was one of the strongest protection items I've ever owned, and lasted quite a long time. One day it busted (it just wore out) but I still kept the stones for use again in the future.  
Common Tools
Here is a list of common tools you can use for certain metaphysical goals. I will provide additional links for each as the subcategories are extensive. You can get into a lot of detail with each tool and what they do/how they're made and their purposes.  
Candles are great tools to use. I often use candles for protection and moon cycle rituals for release/indrawing. Candles, like many items you'll find in this blog, have certain colors for certain purposes. For example, I use white candles for protection/purification, and black candles to dispel negative energy. You can buy pre-dressed candles (candles that have been pre-imbued with magical intent) or you can dress them yourself. Candles are great for releasing things (such as bad habits, thoughts and emotions) and indrawing things (such as luck, love, and abundance). I recommend doing your research on the best lunar cycle to perform certain candle rituals. Some rituals are best done under a full moon, while others are best done under a new moon.   
Bowls & Chalices
Bowls (such as singing bowls) are found in many religions as a form of blessing and bearers of blessed water. They're also great for sound purification. Chalices in Neopaganism represent the element of water and is used (depending on the type of Neopaganism) for blessings. I personally use singing bowls to help clean an area of negative energy. If you've ever noticed how some stores have bells on the front door to ward off evil spirits, the bowls serve a similar purpose. Negative energy dislikes the sound of bells/singing bowls—so they're a great way to purify an area.   
I would love nothing more than for Harry Potter wands to be a real thing, but unfortunately, wands don't work quite like that. Their use is mainly for focusing unseen energies. There are different types of wands, and different purposes for each. Wands, like in tarot, are associated with the element of fire. They are most heavily associated with Neopaganism, but I've used a selenite wand as a focus for healing in reiki sessions, and a spirit arrow (shamanistic wand) for personal cord-cutting and purification rituals.   
Swords, Athames and Bolines
Swords (athames) in rituals are most commonly found in Neopaganism. They represent the element of air, and are used in banishing rituals and some rite-of-passage rituals. They are also used to cut etheric cords and traditionally used as ceremonial symbols—but not for actual physical cutting. In some other beliefs, they are used instead of a wand. They're more commonly considered symbolic of energetically cutting things—more so than focusing energy.  
Religious Symbols
Religious symbols are some of the most powerful of spiritual tools there are. This is because there is so much belief behind them. In Christianity, for example, the Christian cross has powerful meanings. It is the symbol of the crucifix of Jesus and is easily recognized across the world. The symbol itself has so much belief and recognition behind it, that there is a natural divine power in it alone. So if you are religious, the symbols of your religion can be a powerful tool as well. Many religious symbols are used for protection, blessing, and guidance.   
Divination Tools
Divination tools are tools used divine the past, present or future. Divination comes in many forms, ranging from staring into a flame (pyromancy) or using a divining rod (dowsing). Jeane Dixon, for example, used a crystal ball in a lot of her readings. In her writings she claimed she could see image pop-up in the crystal ball like you would see on a television—but that may not be the case for everyone. I, for example, don't see images in the crystal ball so much as my mind's eye. When you practice divination, note your thoughts, feelings and visuals inside your head before you get frustrated from not seeing anything physically. 
Forms of divination include cards (such as tarot, zener cards, oracle cards, and even regular playing cards), scrying mirrors (clear, crystal or black), pendulums and the more notorious crystal balls. If you're new to being psychic/intuitive, I'd recommend starting off with an oracle card deck and work your way up to tarot. If you feel drawn to using a crystal ball or mirror, don't frustrate yourself by setting your expectations to ridiculous heights. Get a notepad and paper, and put yourself in a relaxed, calm environment, and take notes. You might a visual inside your head, or hear a word. Write those down. 
When I read a tarot spread, it's a combination of the images on the cards (as triggers, in a way) and visuals I receive in my head that form the precognitive elements of the reading. Getting to know how you divine is just as important as practicing divination.  
Natural Tools
Natural tools are the tools that we find in nature. These include stones, plants, minerals, and even water. Natural tools always have a positive energy about them because they're found in nature. Nature as an environment tends to be positive because it is pure and untouched. Another reason natural tools are always so positive is because they come from God. They were the first tools given to mankind to use (long before science came around). The tools God has blessed us with will naturally be positive.   
Wow, I could write a whole blog on stones alone (and I just might at a later date!). Stones, like candles, come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, sizes and price tags. The quick and dirty way to tell a stone's general purpose is to associate it with a chakra color. Dark stones (grey, black, brown, and some red stones) are associated with the base chakra (grounding, protection and masking/cloaking). Orange stones are associated with the 2nd chakra (sexual drive and creativity). Yellow stones are associated with the 3rd chakra (willpower, self-esteem, and manifestation). Green and pink stones (and some red stones) are associated with the 4th chakra (luck, love, self-love, money, abundance, compassion, etc...). Blue stones are associated with the 5th chakra (communication, self-expression and thyroid). Violet and indigo stones are associated with the 6th chakra (intuition, calming, clairvoyance, dreams, sleep, and mental clarity). And finally, white stones are associated with the 7th chakra (divine connection/communication, angels, reducing anxieties and mental disorders, meditation, and spiritual awakening).
Stones have different effects on different people. Some people work better with some stones more so than others, and how a stone energetically works may change to a degree from person-to-person. The best advice I can give regarding stones is to use your intuition in selecting the stones you need. Also, don't spend an arm and a leg on stones. A low-grade emerald works just as well as a gem-quality emerald. Also, compare vendors. Some people are overpriced while others are dirt-cheap.   
I could also probably write a full blog on herbs alone (let's save that for a later date, eh?). Herbal supplements and teas can be imbued with energetic intent and used in different rituals. Using herbs in rituals is found mostly in paganism, but can be also found in some eastern and Native American rituals. Shamans are known to carry herbs around with them in a bag, and some superstitious cultures recommend carrying certain herbs around in your pockets for luck. I personally haven't had experience using herbs in rituals, but I have heard they're great for doing rituals regarding fae (fairies) and outcomes regarding natural magic.
Here is a list of different herbs and their metaphysical properties.  
Aromatic Tools
Scents have an uncanny way of triggering memories and affecting the mood. So it's no wonder why so many metaphysicians like to use essential oils and incense in many rituals. These too, have purposes associated with the chakras and can be used in a wide variety of rituals and practices.  
Essential Oils
Essential oils are very versatile and come in a wide variety of types. You can apply them topically, add them to a bath or ointment, and even anoint items with essentials oils. Do your research and be careful—some essential oils can agitate the skin, and many are not to be ingested! Peppermint oil, for example, is great for alleviating headaches, but if I apply it to my skin directly (instead of diluting it in vitamin E oil or olive oil) my skin will form a rash. Do your research before applying any type of essential oil topically. 
Additionally, do your research on the brand of essential oil you're buying. Not all essential oils are created equal, and some brands use substitutes, artificial ingredients and fillers. Most of the time, you get what you pay for—but again, do your research. 
I personally like to use essential oils when I take my weekly epsom salt bath. Depending on the type of bath (purpose) I'm taking, I will use different essential oils. I also use spray sage oil (diluted in blessed water) for quick cleansings. Choosing an essential oil by smell is a great way to see which ones may be most to your benefit. I personally use lavender like it's going out of style, and lemon when I need a pick-me-up. Most metaphysical stores carry essential oils.   
Incense are sticks of oils or resins that can burn for a period of time to create an aroma in an area. They can assist in changing your mood, helping you focus in meditation, and in honoring our ancestors and deities. Many religions (such as Christianity and Buddhism) incorporate incense into rituals. Incense can also dispel negative energy (such as sage, palo santo and sandalwood) and encourage certain moods (like calming you down). Many times before a reading or meditation, I often burn frankincense. Frankincense is associated with the crown chakra, and helps me focus. Other types of incense, can promote grounding and relaxation (such as myrrh). Here's a link to a list of incense and their metaphysical properties.  
Tools to avoid
This should be common sense, but unfortunately due to misrepresentation by the media and other outlets, it isn't. In general, stay away from metaphysical tools designed for malicious intent. Why? Karma. I don't care how "good" a practitioner thinks they are—no one can dodge karma. No one...and karma has an interesting way of coming back at you a lot harder than you dish out. So be sure to be extra nice to people. The general rule of thumb with using spiritual tools is this: Don't use any tools for the purpose of making another person do something, or for the purpose of harming another.   
Ouija Boards
For heaven's sakes, don't use a ouija board! If you have a ouija board, bury it or throw it in the ocean (but whatever you do, DON'T burn it!). Stop reading this blog and go do that. RIGHT NOW! I know of real-world horror stories surrounding ouija boards. I'm a medium. I talk to dead people—and I will not touch a ouija board. They're mostly used by pretentious amateurs looking for cheap thrills anyways—and that's where the trouble begins. Most professional metaphysicians, psychics and mediums will not use a ouija board. They're gimmicky AND dangerous. Most people do not know how to correctly protect themselves when communicating with spirit and while you're using a ouija board—things can come in that shouldn't. Long story short: ouija boards are the metaphysical equivalent of opening all of the doors and windows to your home and screaming at the top of your lungs to all of the burglars in a 50 mile radius that everything you own is up for grabs. 
All types can just waltz right in. 
Voodoo Dolls
OK, if I have to explain to you why a voodoo doll is bad, then you don't need to be practicing metaphysics or spirituality at all. Using a voodoo doll or anything else that brings harm to another human goes against that which is good in this world.
Using any tools to make another person do something, or with the intent to harm or bring any form of negativity upon another is a horrible thing to do. If you need to block someone, there is plenty of stuff out there that can ward off negative energy, protect, and most importantly, transmute negativity into light. Using spiritual tools for something other than the purpose of bringing positivity into the world does not produce the effects you want in the way you want. All results of such are temporary, and the karmic reprocussions are so harsh that the initial purpose just isn't worth it in the long run.
Long story short: be nice to people because karma is a bigger b*tch than you are.  
Tool Dependency
I know certain religions heavily incorporate metaphysical tools into their rituals, but I recommend not becoming too dependent on them. Sure, I like to use stones and light some incense while I meditate—but I can meditate without those tools. Don't become dependent on tools to the point that you psychologically feel like you can't create the result you're looking for without those tools. All tools are meant to help—but the biggest tool is your mind. You create your reality, and you put the magic into any spiritual tool you use. Believing that the tool itself is what allows you to do something is like believing that you can only get to where you need to go by airplane. There are cars, trains and most importantly, your own two feet that will allow you to get to the places you need to go. Sure, it may take a bit longer, or more energy—but you can do it yourself without the tools just the same.   
In Conclusion
Spiritual tools are meant to assist us in our metaphysical pursuits. Using metaphysical tools will allow you to become more familiar with and confident in your spirituality and spiritual gifts—but becoming too dependent on spiritual tools will inhibit those gifts in the long run. So, when you use spiritual tools, ask yourself this question: "Am I using this tool because I feel I need it, or because I feel it's helping me grow and enhance my life?"
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Hello,  Are you interested in consultation, courses, spiritual initiations?  INITIATIONS, CONSULTATIONS AND COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS:  1 Reiki Usui degrees 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  2 Reiju  3 Karuna and Karuna Ki Reiki 1 2 M  4 Shamballa Reiki 1, 2, 3 M  5 Inforeiki 1, 2, M  6 The Order of Melchizedek 1, 2, M  7 Money Reiki 1, 2, M  8 Huna  9 River Money Reiki  10 Abundance & Prosperity Reiki  11 Baraka  12 The colors of the angels  13 Angel Reiki  14 Divine Lighting Technique  15 The Fire Ceremony  16 Purification Transformation Divine Light  17 Buddha Amithaba Technique  18 Radiestezie degrees 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  19 Multi Dimensional Healing MDH Grade 1,2  20 Etheric Crystals  21 Ascension Reiki 1 ~ 1o M  22 Chronicle Akasha  23 Universal Harmony  24 The Order of Metatron  25 Grand Master Reiki Grades 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  26 Angel Flame  27 Merlin Empowerment  28 Ama Deus  29 Munay Ki  30 Shamanism  31 Cosmic Powers:  1 Kali,  2 Tara,  3 Tripura Sundari  4 Bhuvaneshwari,  5 Tripura Bhairavi  6 Chinnamasta,  7 Dhumavati,  8 Bagalamukhi,  9 Matangi,  10 Kamalatmika  11 Ganesha  12 Shiva  32 Gtummo Mao Shan 1, 2, 3, 4 M  33 Knights of Archangel Michael  34 Seikim  35 Isis Seikim  36 Ahara Reiki  37 RA  38 Isis  39 Horus and the Eye of Horus  40 The Great Pyramid  41 Lightarian Rays  42 Osiris  43 Anubis  44 Ptah  45 Ma`at  46 Hathor  47 Geb  48 Nut  49 Sekhmet  50 Nephthys  51 Sobek  52 Bast  53 Sufi Reiki  54 Gayatri Mantra Empowerment  55 Dragon Empowerment  56 Energy for Protection of Reiki  57 Order of Saint Germain  58 Psychic Protection Flame  59 Silver Violet Flame  60 Ze'or Continuum  61 Rakama Reiki  62 The White Wolf Empowerment  63 Ajna Lens  64 Ankh golden  65 Cristic consciousness  66 Kuan Yin Attunement 1 ~ 7  67 Light of Prosperity Empowerment  68 Maha Kali Seikim  69 Medicine Buddha  70 Nature Devas and Fairies Attunement  71 Fearless Reiki  72 The four Holy Archengels  73 The Gates of Ra  74 Earth Star  75 Rainbow Light Healing System 2  76 Rainbow Light Healing System 1  77 Faery Tree Spirit Energy  78 Archangel Gabriel link  79 The Atlantian Crystal Activation  80 Ganesha Empowerment  81 Biological Aura  82 Melchizedek Initiation  83 White Dove Reiki  84 The 7 basic steps to ascension  85 Love and Compassion  86 Zodiac Reiki Libra  87 The 12 Chakras  88 Te Exorciso  89 Zodiac Reiki Racer  90 Zodiac Reiki Master  91 Zodiac Reiki Virgo  92 Zodiac Reiki Pisces  93 Zodiac Reiki Taurus  94 Nectar of the Sphinx  95 Metatron Initiation  96 Constantine Protector  97 Zodiac Reiki Gemini  98 Universal Reiki  99 The Calming Spiritual Waters Empowerment  100 Zodiac Reiki Scorpion  New Lemurian Energy  102 Wing Care  103 Tiger Reiki  104 Opening to Channel  105 Orgone Diffuser  106 Phoenix Rising  107 Zodiac Reiki Leo  108 Metatron's Cube Manual  109 The Secret to Abundance  110 The Crystal Dragons  111 Telos Energy System  112 Magic of Merlin  113 Falon Dafa Qigong  114 Zodiac Reiki Sagittarius  115 Golden Triangle  116 Grand Master Five Element  117 Sakkara Fire Reiki  118 Violet Flame Reiki  119 Lavender Plant Shakti  120 Full Spectrum Light  121 Zodiac Reiki Capricorn  122 Zodiac Reiki Aries  123 Ki Manna  124 Knights of the Order of the Holy Grail  125 Gold Reiki  126 Imara Reiki  127 Tibetan Reiki  128 Fear Disorders Reiki  129 Elemental Reiki  130 Durga Shakti  131 Deep Red Reiki  132 Celestial Reiki  133 Orb of Life  134 M92 Star Cluster Reiki  135 El Morya Healing System  136 Crystal Deva Empowerment  137 Nine Witches of Brittany  138 Energy and Magic of the Fairies  139 Chandra Aura  140 Excalibur Reiki  141 Chinese Dragons  142 Chamuel Archangel Link  143 Colors of Fairies  144 Kundalini Reiki  145 Michael Archangelic Link  146 The Diamond of Seraph Zapharel  147 Chakra Healing Attunements  148 DNA Healing  149 Archangel Uriel Link  150 Ashta Lakshmi Reiki  151 Diamond Himalaya Reiki  152 Archbishop Jophiel Link  153 Aura Empowerment Reiki  154 New Celtic Reiki  155 Metatron Archangelic Link  156 Celtic Reiki  157 Dragon Egg Reiki  Archangel Cassiel  159 Astral Body Radiance  160 Ariel Archangelic Link  161 Cippus of Horus  162 Angelic Senses  163 Elven Shamanic Healing  164 Angelic Cellular Healing  165 Akashic Records Attunement  166 Spiritual Cuddle Empowerment  167 Sand Empowerment  168 Order of Zalmoxe 1, 2  169 Spiritual Transmission  170 Erotic Empowerment  171 Whale Spiral Song Reiki  172 Vajrasattva Bronze Dragon  173 Stargate Initiation 12:12  174 Sea Salt Empowerment  175 Unicorns Energy Healing System  176 Tibetan Sunrise  177 Stargate Initiation 13:13  178 Raku Fire Reiki Dragon Way  179 Templar and Troubador  180 Mont Saint Michel Empowerment  181 Turquoise Flame  182 Who Am I Reiki  183 Grounding-Empowerment  184 Hawaiian Trinity Aloha Reiki  185 Indigo Kids  186 Hawaiian Trinity Kahuna Reiki  187 Hawaiian Trinity Uhane Reiki  188 Sacre Coeur of Paris  189 Isis Blue Moon Healing System  190 Chakra Mudra Balancing Empowerment  191 love Forgive Magic Angels  192 Lucky Hoodoo Reiki  193 Golden Scroll Reiki  194 KARMIC REIKI  Archangel Raziel  196 Agape Reiki  197 Feathers of An Angel  198 Dragons Lair
199 Francis of Assisi Reiki  200 Buddhas Bliss  201 Angel Garadiel Energy  202 Gnostic Rose  203 Green Tara Seichim  204 Awakening of the Guardians of the Holy Grail  205 Angel Contact  206 Alchemy Reiki  207 Alchemy & Requisite of 13-20-33 Circuitry  208 Starseed Energy Bundle  Seven Lucky Gods of Japan  210 Higher Clearing Ray  211 Working Toward Ascension in 2012  212 love Cocoons  213 Lullaby Reiki  214 Mithras Initiation  215 Grandmother Moon  216 Hearth Attunement  217 Grandmaster Cedar Temple Five Animals  218 Enchanted Hedgerows  219 Pachamama Shaman Aura  220 Alien Aura Devices Reiki  221 Egyptian Energies  222 13 Ascended Masters  223 Pale Green Muscovite Empowerment  224 The Royal Order of the Swan  225 Dolphin Stone of Mu  226 Dolphin Seichim Reiki  227 The Knights Templars  228 Diamond Ray of Quan Yin  229 Dolphins of Atlantis  230 Dos Rios Reiki  231 Amulet of Kemet  232 Planetary Ray 1  233 Planetary Ray 2  234 Cosmic Ray Attunement 3  235 Order of LightWorkers  236 Ray of Hope Empowerment  237 Dhuni Reiki  238 Balance Out Empowerment  239 Psycho-Information Master Class PSY IT  240 Allowing Abundance Attunement  241 The 12 Arch of the Archangels  242 Blue Light Star System  243 Elenari Healing System  244 Shield of Archangel Michael  245 Hands of Jesus Attunement  246 The Golden Keys to Ascension  247 God Attunements  248 Telos Empowerment  249 The Solitary Zalmoxic Spiritual School Level 1,2,3,4 and 5  Clear the Path Reiki  251 Angel Contact Manual  252 Angelic Human Activation  253 Earth Blessing Empowerment  254 Planetary Intelligence Attunements  255 The Flame of Universal Love  256 Tsukuyominomikoto 1  Merkaba  258 Bardo  259 Mandala Course  260 Course Numerology  261 Morning Dew Reiki  262 Shinki  263 Infinite Light Empowerment  264 Shift Your Energy Empowerment  265 Money Freedom Empowerment  266 Attune to Divinity Empowerment  267 Azarel  268 Tsukuyominomikoto 2  269 ​​Metatron Energy System  270 Human Empowerment  271 The Third Eye Activation  272 White Protection Energy Bubble  273 Mastering Self Attunements  274 Fusion Reiki  275 Buddha Dzambhala of Prosperity  276 Etheric Acupuncture  277 Agape Reiki  278 Raphael Arhanghel Link  279 Earthlight Energy  280 Above the Radar Reiki  281 Life Force Energy Healing  282 The Courage Of Spirit Empowerment  283 Sandalphon Archangelic Link  284 Pain Management Empowerment  285 Osiris's Male Relationship Repair Empowerment  286 Chakra Flush Empowerment  287 MELCHIZEDEK 'S LAW OF ATTRACTION EMPOWERMENT  288 Elohim Initiation  289 Bible Initiations  290 THOTH`S MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT  291 ASCENSION MANUAL  292 Intuition Reiki  293 Pulse Resonance Attunements  294 Tera Mai  295 Lyran Star Attunement  296 Akashic Angels  297 Reiki-Shamanism  298 Image Reiki  299 Knight of the Order The Golden Age of Peace  300 PURE BRIGHT ENERGY EMPOWERMENT  301 Connecting with the Sekhem Energy  302 Fairy Realms  303 ANGEL AKASHA`S HOPE EMPOWERMENT  304 Ethereal Anointing  305 Mahatma Ascension  306 Ka Shen Sek  307 LADY NADA 'S FEMALE RELATIONSHIP REPAIR EMPOWERMENT  308 White Dragon  309 ANGELIC READINGS & ATTUNEMENTS  310 MariEL Reiki  311 Ma`heo`o Reiki  312 Sacred Flame Reiki  313 Rewind technique  314 ANGEL ASTARA 'S DREAMS AND DESIRES EMPOWERMENT  315 The Crystal Skull Activation  316 13 Crystal Skulls  317 Hearts in Love  318 Unicorn Healing Elixir  319 The River of Light  320 The Cosmic Dragon  321 Vastu Vidya  322 Mother of God Protection and Healing Ray  323 Mother Mary Initiation  324 Clear View Energy  325 Blue Fire Protector  326 Magic Reiki  327 Angelic Sphere of Light  328 Jade Dragon  329 Age of Aquarius Attunement  330 Knights of Mother Mary  331 God and Archangel Metatron with Tree of Life Ascension  332 Angel Bedaliel Attunement  333 Angel Azuriel Attunement
334 Lady Nada Attunement
335 Crystal Wind Empowerment
336 Shamballa 13 D
337 Shamballa 1024
Shamballa Unity
339 Dragon Ki
340 Great Spirit Star Mother
341. Inner Sun
343 Colors of Angels
344. Full Spectrum Healing
345 Gendai Reiki Ho
341 Kaballah Healing
347 Multidimensional Selves Attunements
348 Archangelic Seichim
349 Animal Empowerment
350 Amara Omni Empowerment
351 Giving Thanks Empowerment
352 Twentyone Taras Attunements
353 Atlantis Healing System
354 49 Angelic Symbols
355 Angel Stone Empowerment
356 Aloha Reiki
357 Karmic Auric Reiki
358 Shaman Power
359 Inner Angel Awakening
360 The Rainbow Rays Sacred Stone Activations
361 Divine Alignment
362 The Angel of Abundance Empowerment
363 Saint Germaine's Elixir of Life Initiation
364 Abundance Reiki & Ganesha
365 Blue Lotus Energy Healing System
The Angels of Manmes
367 Blue Star Celestial Energy
368 Reiki and Archangels
369 Threshold Reiki
370 Radiant Technique Grades 1-7
371 Angel Light Healing
372 Chios Energy Healing Level I, II, III
374 Earth Core Fire
375 The Angel of Communication and Expression Empowerment
376 Avalon Attunement
377 The Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment
378 The Universal Rays
381 Ancient Lemurian Knowledge
382 Ancient Atlantean Wisdom
383 TUMMO Reiki
384 ILAHI Crow
385 AngelReiki System
386 Crystal Spheres Empowerments
387 Angel Light Initiations
The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment
389 The Angel of Healing Addictive Behavior Empowerment
390 Angels and Archangels
391 Learn to Channel in a Spiritual Way
392 Twin Ray
393 Yocona Reiki
394 Brighid Attunement
396 CELTIC WISDOM Energy System
397 Buddha Blue Light of Mushin Empowerment
398 The Companion Angels Empowerment
399 Angel Blessing
400 Angel Light Initiation
401 Archeia Charity
402 Arolo Tifar Reiki
404 Archangel Michael and the Selenite Sword of Light
405 Melchizedek's Golden Temple Master Attunement
406 Reiki Psychic Attunement
407 Usui Reiki Hikkei
408 Divine Light Reiki
409 Angel Assiel Attunement
410 Golden Ray
411 Light of Archangels Empowerment
If you are interested in something we hear  Trainer, Therapist, Downser, Reiki Master, Consultations, courses, initiations, radios, reiki grades 1-20, shamanism, and other 400 initiations / systems and any other questions related to spirituality. I make customized ties, Radiestezie, Inforeiki. Courses, face to face and distance initiations - online. Email address [email protected], Facebook, Google+, Linkedin: Andrei Daniel Alexe, Site: www.consultati.webgarden.ro, Bucharest, Sector 1, Ion Mihalache Boulevard, Phone +40768581843  People from whom I took courses, trainings, counseling, seminars ..  Circle Bruno Gröning Healer;  Yang Yun Sung Master Qi Gong;  Daniela Cumpanici Reiki Master;  Karyn Maria Taulescu Lombrea Master Reiki;  Andreea Talmazan Psychologist, Astrologer;  Paul Apostica Psychologist, Reiki Master;  Adi Manea, Master Reiki;  Dorian Radu Shaman, Master Reiki;  Tampai Rimpoche Achariya Master of Tibetan;  Dorina Dabija Radiestezist, Master Reiki;  Ovidiu Dragos Argeseanu Doctor, Reiki Master;  Bogdan Georgescu Reiki Master;  Rodica Mihaela Pasalau Yoga;  Maria Sarbu Astrologer;  Adina Binder Astrologer;  Dr. August Thalhamer Shaman, psychotherapist and theologian;  Teodor Vasile Psychologist, Master Reiki, Qi Gong, Feng Shui;  Vlad T. Popescu Reiki Master;  Risvan Vlad Rusu Reiki Master, Psychologist, Feng Shui;
Oana Marinescu Falon Dafa;  Daniela Badic Astrologer;  Mihaela Pacheco Instructor Drunvalo Melchizedek;  Dan Brule Breath work;  Horatiu Mihail Master of Reiki;  Andrei Ludosan Psychologist;  Bruno Medicina Trainer, Coach;  Andrew Fretwell Tao;  Dorotheea Petre Actress;  Mihai Popa Radu Coach;  Maria Cristina Stroiny Master of Reiki;  Mirela Melencu Bowen Bowtech;  Daniela Andreescu Coach;  Albert Ignatenko Psy It Psycho-Informational Techniques;  Jasmuheen Pranic Nourishment or Breatharianism;  Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche Master of Tibetan;  Jampa Lungtog Master of Tibetan;  Gerard O'Donovan Coach;  Emil Strainul Author;  Bogdan Prosperio Toma Master Reiki;  Nicoleta Sârlefus Astrologer;  Irina Holdevici Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  Remer Ra Author, Reiki Master;  Ruxandra Bulzan Hypnotherapist;  Crina Vereş Doctor;  Jae - Sheen Yu Master Sundao (Tao);  Silvia Dumitru Reiki Master, Trainer;  International School of Rosacea;  Ciprian Homm Consultant;  Yogeshvar Karthik Traditional spiritual teacher in yogic, tantric, Vedic practices;  Sarani Anisoara Cismasu Master Reiki;  Sri Vasudeva Visionary leader;  Anda Ciobanu Saman, trainer;  Mihaela Popescu Trainer;  Catalin Manea Author  Liviu Pasat Coach;  Andrei Voicu Hipnotist;  Bruno Giuliani (Uno) Professor didact of Biodanza;  Amalia Mateescu Professor Biodanza;  Guy Rivoallan, Calugar Zen, Zazen;  Stefana Badiu Actress and trainer;  Cristina Ciugudean Holistic therapist;  Stoian Nicolaie Therapist;  Dr. John Heiss Herbalife;  Oreste Teodorescu Author;  Svetlana Lungu Energy diagnostics, psychological counseling;  Andrei Lungul Energy Diagnostics;  Cosette Grigoras Therapist Bowen, Instructor Theta Healing;  Luang Phi Pasura Buddhist Monk;  Andu Guinea Master Qigong;  Valeriu-Ioan Lapadatescu Therapist;  Contescu Cornel, Count Incappucciato Analysis with Biospecter;  Eugen Popa Hypnosis;  Vasile Sarmi Tourist guide;  Marin Constantin Reiki Therapist, Radiestezie;  Dr. Eric Pearl Reconnect;  Dr.Loredana Mark, Iulian Marcu Bucur Tiens;  Cristina Chitac, Monica Dascalu Intuitive view;  Eugen Mitroi Reiki Master;  Dr.Leslie Szamosi Senior Lecturer / MBA Academic Director;  Loredana Latis Coach;  Yonathan Dominitz Trainer;  Kaisa Puhakka Dr.Psychologist;  Laura Mihaela Liciu Master All Love / Seikim;  Patrick Scott Zeigler Founder of Seikim / All Love;  Bhante Yogavacara Rahula; Calugar Budist;  Claus Kostka Psychotherapist;  Ion Duvac Doctor Psychologist;  Mark Komissarov;  Tiberiu Felber Coach and Trainer ITA-NLP;  Maria Ciobanu Bioenergoterapeut;  Stelian and Gigi Chivu Psychologist and Parapsychologist  Carmen Harra Intuitive psychologist;  Psychiatrist Neurologist Prof.Dr.Univ. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan;  Marieta Buzescu Therapist Reiki and Theta Healing;  Dan Cismas Reiki Master and Dynamic Healing;  Cristian Alexandru Trainer;  Ioan Toroican Author;  Loredana Caradimu Therapist Alternative Therapies;  Adrian Constantinescu Spiritual Teacher;  Nistor Romeo Scoala Kryon;  Cerasela Rogen Coach Trasformational;  Constantin Dornean Astrologer;  Delia Muresan Spiritual Coach;  Rita Andreea Muresan Designer, Trainer;  Ramona Popescu Trainer;  Georges Colleuil Philosopher and Psychotherapist;  Dumitru Prunariu Cosmonaut;  Cristian Nicolae Facilitator and Mentor Coach;  Catalina Molnar Coach;  Mugurel Calin Coach;  Camelia Daniela Stefan Life Coach NLP;  Dr. Prashant Kakoday Raja Yoga;  Andy Szekely Author, Trainer and Speaker in Personal Development;  Ovidiu Bojor Phytotherapist;  Dr.Adrian Restian Family medicine;  Swami Parthasarathy Philosopher;  Florian Iulian Mincu Chinese Astrology Consultant BaZi and Feng Shui Traditional;  Oana Niculae Coach, Trainer;  Ion Manzat, Ph.D. Psychologist;  Mario Simoes Psychologist;  Cyrus Iranpour Dr.PsiholoG, Psychiatrist;  Stefano Pischiutta Psychotherapist;  Ionel Mohirta Psychologist:  Maite Pardo Sol Psychotherapist, Saman;  Mihaela Minulescu Psychologist;  Cinzia Lemno Psychologist;  Catalin Tomescu Entrepreneur;  Arpad Urszuly Master Prananadi;  Daniela Fechete Master Prananadi;  Anca Munteanu Psychologist;  Pierre Pastel Psychotherapist, Sociologist;  Alessandra Brunelli Psychotherapist Respiratia Pneuma;  Gabriel Dragomir Psychiatrist;  Monique Hanley Fourrage Architect;  Raoul Radu Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  Lucien Alfille Psyhoterapet;  Mircea Pocol Psychologist;  Teodora Anghel Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  MARIA APAZA MACHACA - Alto Misayoc Saman Inca;  ISABELA APAZA MACHACA - Pampa Misayoc Saman Inca;  Olimpia Mioara Mirestean Teacher, Trainer, Shaman;  Laurentiu Marga BioenergoTerapeut;  AURELIA CURAJ Primary Doctor Geriatrics-Gerontology;  LIANA BARNOS Nu Skin;  CRISTINA SCHAFROTH physician-maxillo-facial surgery;  Antonescu Maria Cristina Energoterapeut;  Diana Cooper Spiritual Teacher;  Vernon Foster Shaman Amerindian;  Don Francisco Chura Flores Shamanan Q'ero;  Juan Yool Gómez Shaman Maya;  Daniel Meze Cabala;  Zoltan Veres Speaker, trainer and coach;  Andrew J. Bevan Astrologer;  Graţian Sonu Entrepreneur;  Laurentiu Florea Coach;  Sal Rachele healer, author, channel;  Anatol Basarab Psychologist, numerologist;  Ozana Giusca Antreprenor;  Ariendra - Dagoz Family Tibetan Boluri;
Bryan Eisenberg Speaker, Author;  Calin Biris Trainer marketing consultant;  Rune Heivang Teacher;  Ioan Nistor Astrological Human Design, Saman;  Alina Finta Coach;  Claudia Ciocirlan Life Coaching;  Vasile Sturzu Saman Inca;  Madalina Ghinescu Trainer, Coach John C. Maxwell Team;  Bogdan Gavrila Professor Al Ferasa;  Braco Spiritual Teacher;  Dr. David C. Muss Technique Rewind;  Alexandru Bocunescu Tainer Face Keys Romania;  Dragos Barbalata Trainer, Entrepreneur;  Iuliana Delcuescu Reiki Master;  Adinkarela Sorina Burtea Therapist Alternative Medicine;  Raine Hilton Spiritual Teacher;  Andi Beldianu Coach Adlerian;  Alexandrea Chiru Coach Adlerian, Gene Keys;  Cristi Lazar, Anca Juganaru Instructors Method Silva;  Val Voicu Hatha Yoga;  Anda Manta Therapist;  Ing. Eugen Bîrgaoanu Aim Grup;  Leon Zagrean Prof. Ph.D. Physiology;  Mihai Abagief Vipassana;  Rajko Kuzmanovic Method Silva;  Prof.Dr.Dan Farcas Mathematician;  Juan Ruiz Naupari Psychotherapist;  Gaia Michael Zipf Therapist Satsang;  Prof.Dr.Ovidiu Victor Coşbuc Anthropologist researcher;  Lecturer Dr.Larin Nicolae Arhitect;  Robina Courtin Buddhist Teacher;  Prof.Uca Marinescu Explorator;  Johann Muller-Dragoman Holistic and Spiritual Therapist;  Mădălin Bratu Psychologist;
Swami Ananda Saraswati Master Yoga and Vedanta;
Ajahn Dhammanando Buddhist Theravada monk;
Dr. Munire Ibram Physician Aphytotherapy, Ayurveda;
Marius Spiridon Coach;
Déva Psesence Speaker motivational, Author;
Joanne Richardson Shaman;
Alexandra Dumitrica Facilitator Divine Alignment;
Alex Ciochina Reiki Master;
Andy Neagu Instructor Meditatie Trascedentala;
Cristina Udrescu Numerolog;
Cerasela Sindile / Dragos Toma Moroseanu Instructor Chi Nei Tsang, Tao;
Flavia-Isabela M. Cioceanu Therapist / Healer.
Claudiu Fartade / Sadhguru, Isha Kriya Yoga;
Sabin Gîlceava negotiating consultant;
Anca-Ioana Bandac MiniCRM;
Mircea Saplacan Emiral Media.  Facebook, Google+, Linkedin: Andrei Daniel Alexe, Site www.consultati.webgarden.ro, Sector 1, Ion Mihalache Blvd., Bucharest Phone: +4 0768581843.  You are interested in something we talk about
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