malachitelibrary · 7 months
Book Review: Ancestral Medicine by Daniel Foor
General Background Ancestral Medicine by Daniel Foor is a book that gives background information on general ancestor work principles, and on the concept of ancestral healing.  This is a very generalized book: it is not specific to any particular culture, and states that directly, which is appreciated. Though the info is very generalized, it is also broadly accurate: discussing general…
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malachitelibrary · 7 months
Preliminary Vampiric Energy System Notes
“Vampire” is an incredibly broad term that can be used to refer to beings that feed upon the energy and/or blood of others.  This post will summarize observations I have made on the energy systems of human vampires through direct energy reading.  Basic Definitions:  Psychic vampires are a type of energy feeder who need to source their energy from other living beings. More information is in…
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malachitelibrary · 1 year
Why Protective Spirits Still Ask That You Protect Yourself Too
Why Protective Spirits Still Ask That You Protect Yourself Too
One of the main benefits of working with spirits is to receive their protection. They can protect you from both magical harms, such as malevolent spirits and curses, but also mundane harms as well.  However, it is very common for your own protective spirits to ask that you still put effort into cultivating your own protections. They may want you to build your own wards, chant protective prayers,…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Services OPEN
Please see my services page for the latest offerings.
Any questions please email [email protected]. Please do NOT DM me on tumblr, I do not check this regularly.
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Types of Blockages/Anomalies III
Recommended Prior Reading:  Types of Energy Blockages/Anomalies ITypes of Energy Blockages/Anomalies II An energetic blockage or anomaly is something that inhibits the healthy flow of energy throughout your energy system. This post contains some types of blockages/anomalies, and how to deal with them. This is not a comprehensive, end-all-be-all guide; this merely contains suggestions based on…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Mahayana Buddhism: An Open Asian Religion
Mahayana Buddhism: An Open Asian Religion
“Guanyin be like”. Drawn by the author. Recommended Prior Reading: Contrasting Traditional versus Modern (Western) Views of Magic and Spirit WorkHow Asian Spirituality Differs from Western Occultism Introduction For those who want to delve into Asian practices legitimately, it can be very difficult to find genuine information. You have to navigate the heavily appropriated New Age websites,…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
How Asian Spirituality Differs from Western Occultism
How Asian Spirituality Differs from Western Occultism
The way Asia treats spirituality is incredibly different from the Western Occultism sphere: they are nearly polar opposites. Therefore it can be incredibly confusing and misleading to try to  apply the mindset from one practice to the other.  “Asia” refers to mainly South & East Asian practices. I am not sure how much this applies to central Asian practices.  “Western Occultism” is used as a…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
What Card Divination Guided by Spirits/Divinities Feels Like
What Card Divination Guided by Spirits/Divinities Feels Like
Just to preface, this is mainly a personal experience post, rather than something I’ve verified with most other practitioners like my other posts. But I thought it would be helpful anyways because I don’t think this is rare at all.  First of all is their presence. The spirits may actually be present in the room. If not, they may be watching me from a distance; like I’m on TV. For deities, they…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Soul Retrieval & Fragments & Intrusions & Spirit Wounds
After practicing for a while I have decided to share the basics of what I know on the subject of Soul Retrievals, and some alternatives. Probably because I find it ironic that before I worked on myself, I couldn’t find no one person to turn to, and after I started working on others, suddenly I’m surrounded by people who can do soul retrievals. 
disclaimer: I am not here to tell you what to believe, if you don’t believe in souls, past lives, etc, that’s all right. I’m not here to probe anything. And as usual, read what you will with a discening eye, and read several sources to make up your own opinion.
Now, let’s start with the main topic!
What’s a Soul? 
That’s the most difficult question to adress, and the cultures around the world will have different takes on the matter. 
Because you can read on the subject and create your own conclusions, I want to give a brief modern explanation for the sake of staying on topic. 
Imagine your body being your hardware, then your soul would be the OS, and the mind is the user interface. 
The main hardware could execute more than one OS (multisystem, hive, hybrids, fragments), and in some cultures, none at all. The composition of a soul varies a whole lot between each person, and one should be flexible enough to prepare for it. 
When talking about souls, there’s the of you that lives this life - and the ones that came “before” wich are usually accesible on the Akasha. I would compare this to ROM and RAM memory. Your current life being (in this example) RAM, and all “past” lives would be ROM (only to read, not to write). Some may call this the Inmortal and Mortal parts of the Soul. 
Why make the distinction? We need to know if the problem has originate in this time and place, or in the beyond, and to act accordingly. 
Fragments and Wounds of the Soul
Souls are one of the most beautiful sources of energy, and despite they capacity to overcome great damage, they can break. They can be fragmented, they can be stolen, corrupted, and they can be otorged. 
A break can usually ocurr (but not always) after a traumatic event. Supposedly, it’s the copyng method by wich the soul tries to save us from the pain. It just happens that after they don’t want to come back, or simply can’t. They may have gotten lost on their way, or gotten attacked and stolen. 
Getting dumped can be such an event. A parent dying. Getting laught at infront of class. There isn’t a basis for what is “traumatic enough” to warrant a break. It happens, and it happens more often than expected. 
Outside trauma, it can happen when one cede the part, or the part gets stolen from us. And when I say stolen I don’t mean just spirits on the other planes. Real life people, and people who we love and love us, can steal parts of ourselves. A parent or lover who think knows what’s best for us may sometimes take a part of us to “help us”. On the other hand we have the yielding, where we give a part of ourselves to another, because we believe that is what love is about, because we want them with us forever, because we don’t believe they’ll survive without our help.
Wounds are the “feel” left behind on the place of fracture, but they not always anounce a missing part. Sometimes it means we where close to break, and haven’t managed to heal. Sometimes it means that there’s an intrusion, parasite, or something infecting and/or corrupting the zone. Wound may express themselves on a particular way, such a pain in a particular limb. Missing parts are often overlooked because they express themselves in more subtle ways. And as such, the description of the symptoms could actually have another source, and not just a missing fragment. 
Intrusions and parasites come, usually, from an outside source, and make for blockages and issues on our energy. One needs to be quite sensible to energy to know if what is being felt comes from outside or not, because this issues tend to be quite subtle - that insures their survival. I often view them as the spiritual equivalent of viruses - not quite alive but willying to do what it takes to survive. But it usually depends on the source. 
A little disclaimer: the way I infer if someone is missing part of themselves comes from they way they express their pain, and if I get the feeling of it related to a fragment. A lot of the symptoms can be tied to another origin, and as such, if you relate to the list, it doesn’t mean you’re actually missing parts of yourself, but that you may need to take a more deep look into it to be sure of it.
There’re several ways of knowing if someone is fractured, and depends a lot on the culture how to go about sensing this. For example, a great way for it is to look into the person’s eyes (the windows of the soul), but because I have some scary eyes and I avoid eye-contact for the sake of the person I’m talking to, I do not partake in this technique, so I lack the understanding of it to convey it here. 
The way I use is hearing people talk about their painfull issues, and get a feeling of “this could be it”. I also use divination to check.
+The pain is felt like it was today even though the event was a really long while ago. They “can’t” get over it
+The person feels empty, broken, divided 
+They often turn to vices to fill the space left behind
+They use particular phrases to talk about the event that may hint at the fragment, like “broken heart” “a part of me died that day” “i have never been the same afterwards”
+ Can’t remember a period of their lives, or have taken a sudden change in personality 
+ They go around like a ghost, in a state of living death. 
+ Unexplained illness (varies from depression, to coma) 
This is by no chance a complete list of what to expect on someone who may be fractured. And a bunch of them can have a different origin than a fracture. It all depends, so keep that discerning eye awake and aware.
Soul Retrieval
A Soul Retrieval is the act of literally going to find the fractured piece and retrieving it, there are a variety of tools and techniques to help on this task. Again, the act of this varies from culture to culture, and I’m in no way making myself responsible for y’all so if you want to try it, find someone who knows, and make an appointment, or find a teacher. 
I couldn’t find a teacher in my country, because the spirits had another plan for me, because right after I found myself I was surrounded by chamanic teachers, all around the country.
“well, that doesn’t sound bad” you may think. I had chronic back pain for a year, bad enough that I couldn’t get up from bed without crying somedays, because it was the gift of the spirits. 
Beware the way you go around to learn of souls, and what you make of yourself, and others. And remember to take full responsability of your choices. 
Often, the soul is trapped in a memory of someone, something or someplace. They anchor themselves to the person, thing or place. Like a childhood home, a favorite coup, a once friend. 
When the soul is lost, you have to travel to meet them, and deal with whatever caughted them (if it aplies) on the other side, and then convince them to come back. The piece, after dealing with the memories and emotions that may them leave, may decide that they do not want to come back, because of several reason. Sometimes there’re conditions to be met for them to come back. 
There could be more than one missing piece, and this may take more than one session to undercover. 
What happens after?
Depends. The part/s that come back, come back with the memory&emotions they left with, and so, there’s some “rehabilitation” or adjustment period. The person got used to live without the fracture, and in turn, the fracture lived a loop of whatever caused it to break away. The person may remember what caused the break, and relive the pain once more. I tend to make this process as gentle as possible, because I fear the possible rejection of the piece (as of today, I haven’t heard of this outside of myself, I guess, but I haven’t been practicing a lot. And the other retrievers have harsher methods, to my understanding).
I always warn the person that the pieces and the Self do not go back to how it was *before* the split, but that together they become another new Self. Then there is the one before the break, the one that survived the break, the one after the union. There’s no way to go back, only forward. And if the person undertook the process, was because they decide it was necessary to their being. They should be aware that a lot of who they are may shift to accommodate they whole soul.
After (the memory and emotions have been processed), the person may feel fuller, more in center.
For energy practitioners, beware, you may rewrite your whole system, and may take a while to get used to the new way you work with energy. It should be more comfortable and intuitive, but, everybody’s experience is different.
In my case, I managed to overcome my depression, and gained a new life meaning. Not to say I was suddenly all better. It took me a whole year, and then a year of pain. Everyday is work, but for me, it’s so much better than how I used to be. 
Thank you all for reading, may you have a wonderfull day!
- Seff
(If anyone has any questions, or wants to add their take on the subject, I am more than willing to talk)
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Unlike Other Divination, Energy Reading is Very External
Unlike Other Divination, Energy Reading is Very External
The vast majority of divination says, “clear your mind, focus inward…” While contrarily, energy reading is about paying attention to the outside world really, really hard. Become familiar with all physical aspects of something.  Such that you know, intuitively, what a tree root feels like, from a tree’s bark, from the branches.  And you can feel the difference in the way an oak tree feels…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Preliminary Plurality Energy System Notes
Preliminary Plurality Energy System Notes
In short, “plurality” refers to those with multiple individual people inside of a singular body. These individuals have their own personalities and consciousness, and may or may not share memories. Each individual personality is called an “alter.” The combined group of them is called a “system.”  These are some energy observations I have noticed when reading plural people. This is only from a…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Are energy wells limited in number? Also, can new energy wells form or do we just have the ones that exist from the beginning?
Re: Are energy wells [connected to a person] limited in number?
That's a hard question. I want to say theoretically yes, because people do have maximum amounts of energy that their energy body(ies) can hold at a given time. However, I haven't seen anyone come close to that limit, and I've read a lot of people.
It's important to note that energy bodies aren't limited by physical constraints, therefore they can be far "larger" and multi-layered than a physical body could ever be.
Provided with enough energy, the energy system continues to grow and develop to bolster your own magical and spiritual powers. So as someone fleshes out their own practice, they will at the same time require more magical energy to sustain it, and forge more source well connections through the deities, powers, and energy sources they may connect with.
Can new energy wells form or do we just have the ones that exist from the beginning?
Yeah new source wells can form. Source wells "live" and "die" just like regular beings, though their "lifetimes" are usually for very, very, very long periods of time.
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Services PAUSED.
Just closing order acceptance so I can keep up with the ones I have.
Please check back in about two weeks to see if I’ve reopened. Thanks!
Please see my services page for the latest offerings. 
Any questions please email [email protected]. Please do NOT DM me on tumblr, I do not check this regularly.
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Just curious, what happened to chaosjelly ?
Just wanted to change my name to something more formal.
Also never really was a chaos mage, like, at all. So the name was kinda misleading
chaosjelly -> malachitelibrary
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Contrasting Traditional versus Modern Views of Magic and Spirit Work
Contrasting Traditional versus Modern Views of Magic and Spirit Work
Before I begin, let me say that this is not a matter of which is better than the other. Each practitioner’s path is their own, and what path is most fitting is up to them based on their own lifestyle and obligations. Therefore, this post is written specifically for those who feel that their current path does not fit them, who seek to analyze their goals and what is wanted from magic. Please note…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Book Review: The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
Book Review: The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
The Way of the Shaman is the culmination of several years of an anthropologist’s work studying shamans in various cultures.  It gives a basic overview of common aspects of shamanism found worldwide, with a wealth of examples from various cultures. This wealth of examples is extremely helpful in showcasing how much shamanism can differ from culture to culture. For example, one confusion many…
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malachitelibrary · 2 years
Auras: Basics & Categories of Reading
Auras: Basics & Categories of Reading
Aura Basics Auras are the energy we give off that surrounds us. It typically forms an egg, oval, or spherical shape around the person. It can be just as complex as the internal energy system: it can have many layers, components, energetic constructs, and so on.  Auras are so much more than just a representation of someone’s emotions.  All incoming and outgoing environmental energy is filtered…
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