Anyway so I won’t be using this account anymore, if you want to contact me on it just know that you can’t. Bye folks.
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It's not up to you as a cisgender person to decide whether or not you are transphobic. That is up to trans people. If a trans person tells you that something you are saying or doing is transphobic, just fucking listen to them. It's not that hard to be a good human. If you are a TERF, whether you define yourself with the label or not because once again that's not up to you, you are a bad person and a fucking bigot. That's all there is to it, love.
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Every time I open this app I am reminded once again that there are millions of people out there who hate me just for existing. I fucking hate it here.
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There are so many fucking TERFs on this app for no reason. Can you all please shut the fuck up? What is it about trans people that you hate so much? What is it about our existence that scares you? All we're trying to do is exist. Please just stop. You are causing immeasurable pain to a community of individuals who are doing absolutely nothing to hurt you. You actively contribute to our oppression in a world that already hates us and don't even realise it because for some reason you believe we're somehow oppressing YOU. Stop. Please. If you are a TERF, get the hell off my account and do not interact with this post, thanks. I don't need to deal with that today. I'm not a woman. I'm not heterosexual. I'm not misogynistic. I'm not homophobic. To call me these things is rude and ignorant, especially when you base these judgments solely on the fact that I identify in a way that you don't like, despite it being harmless to you. My identity as a gay trans guy is valid, and my experience living as one trumps whatever opinions you have on my existence. TERFs can go to hell.
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Oh, fuck off. TERFs are not welcome on my account. Have fun on my block list.
The day that pointing out issues that are faced pretty much exclusively by gay men isn't viewed as misogyny will be a very happy day.
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Men get raped, too, not just women. If you disagree with this statement in any way, fucking block me.
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Deleted my long rant from earlier today not because I've changed my mind about anything I've said but rather because I'd like to not get harassed about sharing facts atm. You'll still be able to see the reblogs but at this point I don't give a damn, I'm overstimulated and tired of TERFs ruining everything. Have a good day to everyone who is not a TERF.
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To the TERFs (whether you "self-identify" as one or not and believe that calling you so is hate speech, which is ridiculous), it doesn't exclude you to include others. That's it.
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The day that pointing out issues that are faced pretty much exclusively by gay men isn't viewed as misogyny will be a very happy day.
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Inviting the boys over for dinner be like:
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This does not need context but it also does but it also doesn't
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Dear authors,
Just so you guys know, it's entirely possible to make a reader emotional without any major character deaths. Obviously I'm not saying you shouldn't kill off any major characters ever, but I do have some suggestions on how to potentially make your readers feel for the characters that don't involve death.
Have your main character watch someone they care about, like a close friend, family member, or love interest, in pain.
Create a character with a tragic backstory relevant to the plot.
Create diverse, realistic characters that your readers can relate to (and remember not all of their problems need to be resolved in the end!).
Use everyday people and scenarios to make whatever point you're trying to get across.
If a character is misunderstood, hostile, quick to anger, etc., give them a reason as to why.
Allow your kind, gentle, pushover characters to finally snap.
I can't think of any more at the moment, but if you guys have any ideas of your own that I didn't include, feel free to share!
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love that will smith has been a meme for loving and defending his wife at an award show twice now. the ultimate wife guy.
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Pronouns and allyship are not fucking conditional, nor optional. If you think you shouldn't have to use someone's correct pronouns because they don't respect xyz, you're not helping anyone, you're just transphobic. I don't care what a person has done wrong. Using their correct pronouns is not conditional. You do not get to decide what pronouns another person uses, or how people should refer to them. You know that pronouns are a soft spot for trans people which is why you think you should be allowed to disrespect them. When a cis woman does something wrong, you don't refer to her with he/him pronouns. When a cis man does something wrong, you don't refer to him with she/her pronouns. Why do you think it's okay to do this to trans people? Exactly; because you're transphobic.
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clank and bobble are a married couple
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I'm tired of marginalized communities always being told to be the bigger person. Why should we? Why should we be the ones to turn the other cheek when people actively contribute to our pain? Why should we just block and move on when people use slurs against us and dehumanize us? Why should we be quiet when people erase our struggles and even our very existence? This isn't the fourth grade. This isn't just us being picked on and called four-eyes or any other unoriginal nickname. This is human fucking rights. If you are not part of the community being hurt, stop telling said community to be the bigger person. Instead, listen and allow yourself to be educated. That's it.
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