#What triggered maris reaction was knowing it was security puppet who did that- like theres another william out there
umbrarkzoo · 8 months
work was slow so i wrote a short story about my human au with a prompt requested by my friend- she wanted to see puppet and lefty kind of reconciling/getting along
“I’m really mad at you”
“I know.”
“I have frequent thoughts about hurting you.”
“I know.”
“You don't even have to be doing anything, your existence just fills me with rage.”
“I kn-”
“You know. And you do nothing about it. You never do anything.”
“I don't.”
There was a long pause, and upon realizing her cage was not going to retaliate, the woman loudly groaned in annoyance. God he was such a pain in the ass. Never did anything except blink once in a while, or play his stupid songs to “calm her down”. Well she wasnt calm! Who could be calm after being kidnapped? Much less in the company of such a boring person. 
Okay in his defense hes not realy himself is he Mari? She thought to herself
I dont give a fuck whatever he is - his company SUCKS
It sucks so bad im arguing with myself just for some entertainment. God screw this guy. 
Maybe he knew she was in a bad mood and thats why he let her out - “just for a couple minutes” he said…
“You make very strong facial expressions when you’re thinking. I wonder what youre thinking about?” The man said, his yellow eye tearing into the empty black voids she called her eyes.
oh now he wants to talk.
“I was thinking about how much you need to work on your staring problem, you look stupid….and creepy.” She responded- baring her sharp teeth at him.
“It’s a requirement of my job.” He responded, emotionless. 
“To look like a fucking creep?” 
“Well that… I guess… and to look after you. Always” He paused, as though in thought. “Especially after all those stunts you’ve pulled in the past.” He sounded a little annoyed. Interesting…
“Yeah well - sorry but im not about to make your job easier when it comes at the expenses OF MY OWN FUCKING FREE WILL” she yelled into his ear - just to once again get no reaction.
“You’ll get it back.” The man responded as though his ears and head were not ringing currently. 
“The time we spend together is only temporary, maybe one day you'll look back on this experience and find it was somewhat enjoyable? Just relax a bit…. For both of our sake. “
The woman was about to yell at him again for his ridiculous and very delusional suggestion, but decided she should spare her already raspy voice from more abuse. Silent treatment it was if he wanted to be an ass. 
His brow furrowed just slightly at her unusual reaction - or lack of.
“Well if it makes you that uncomfortable, I'll focus my eyes on other things from time to time. No promises if you make another escape attempt though.”
Still silence. 
“I’ll give you more time out of the “cage” too?”
“Okay that was messed up to say-”
“RAAAAAAAGHHHHHH CAN YOU EVER JUST SAY SOMETHING USEFUL” she betrayed her poor vocal chords but jesus this guy can never just-
Okay no, you need to calm down mari. Be calm. He is your captor- he is unpredictable. One minute hes a literal blank piece of paper and the next he starts acting like he has a personality-You know that. Hes never genuine so dont give in. Dont get angry, maybe he wants that. Be calm. Be caaaalm. 
“Ahem…” she paused. “Nevermind. Maybe its better that you stay mute.”
The man blinked.
“Oh so thats why youre mad. Ive been keeping you in the dark haven’t i?” 
“Yeah. literally too.” 
Okay did he smile a little just now or am i going insane-
“Well…” He started. “I suppose I could make your experience less boring by answering some questions. Just as long as you dont tell the Security Puppet or Mr. Emily-”
“Tell me about mr. emily please!” She wasted no time. There was something about that man in particular, something off. She felt so hurt whenever she saw him even though she had no idea who he was. 
“I.. Please tell me. Im not gonna say anything. Hes your boss right?”
The man looked to his side briefly, as though he was pondering something. 
“You could say that.”
“And hes the reason why im here right? Hes the one who asked for me to be here?”
“Well, he didn't really know about this whole… situation… until recently. The Security Puppet. That stripped lady. Shes the one who wanted you from the start. For Henry.”
“Oh….his name is Henry Emily?” She looked to the floor.
“Why does that sound…so familiar?” she whispered
If she had looked up, she would have noticed the very noticeable expression of discomfort that plastered itself on the larger man. He was in a great conflict with himself whether he should tell this woman everything or stick to what he was created to do. 
He ultimately stuck to the latter and remained silent. 
Screw finding answers right now, her heart started hurting. Why did she feel like she wanted to cry? She needed a distraction. If this guy saw her crying - he’d probably use it against her…
“Okay and that bitch who stole my look then. She created you?”
What a comment. He almost wanted to laugh. But he had to stay stoic…
“Yes,” A pause. “She is indeed the bitch who created me.” Well he could break a little bit of character one in a while. He deserved to treat himself at least a little. 
And now he wanted to laugh even harder seeing the surprised face on the small woman. He deserves a raise for how much composure he has really.. That is, if he was even getting paid in the first place. 
“Okay then….” she furrowed her brows at him. “So if I was to extract revenge on everybody whoose ever wronged me.. She would be a perfect target then, right?”
Okay now he was really starting to like this girl. If only he could drop his persona and offer to help her.
“Well she did kill me for the sole purpose of capturing you.” He internally smirked at her gasp of horror, “disemboweled me and did cruel experiments on my body for this mission. Im pretty sure Im going to get incinerated after I’ve completed this job too,” He said nonchalantly to the look of horror and rage that was forming on the womans face. If he couldn't hurt SP himself, he could at least give this captee more encouragement to do it for him, “All of this was her idea anyway, so I suppose that yes, she would be an ideal target. Though you didn't hear that from me.”
Wtf….oh god no wonder this guys so weird- hes just like me!! And that BITCH shes just like william! William….. Oh that name…
Her raged expression calmed itself, to the disappointment of the large man. Maybe it was immature but he was somewhat hoping shed explode right then and there and make him take her to the security puppet where he could witness a good show…. maybe join in if the brainwashing fully went away….
“You poor thing….” now her expression was turning somber. “You poor, poor man…” Tears began to form in her eyes.
Okay he wasnt expecting this….should he have kept his mouth shut?
Her shoulders started to shake and he could hear faint whimpers as she tried to control her emotions. She curled into a ball before him and started shaking back and forth.
….yeah he should have just kept his mouth shut.
“Theyre still doing this to us…” She muffled as her hands covered her face, “it must have hurt you so much… what she did to you…what they did to us,.....”
“Ummm” How was he supposed to approach this….. he didnt know she could cry.
“..how many more deaths will it take for this nightmare to end” She cried out. “DAMN HER!! DAMN THEM ALL!!!” her sobbing became louder
He really did not know what to do right now- wow this took a sudden turn.
“My friends, my family… I lost them all because of monsters like her….”
“Im lost now you know. My brother…Fred…he’s not here to guide me anymore…That green man burnt them all”
“And im just a shell of myself now… I dont think Ill ever be able to leave it…. I lost them.. I think it was ‘99? What year is it anymore…”
“2017.” he blurted out, almost immediately regretting it. 
It was a rhetorical question wasn't it?
The shock she was in distracted her from her pain at least. She just layed there, exhausted from her outburst, staring at the night sky before her. 
She just kept breaking her promises to herself. Now this man knew her vulnerabilities. And honestly, she didnt care anymore.
She didnt want to be paranoid. She didnt want to be angry. Not at him, not at Security Puppet, not at ….henry, not even at william. She was so tired of feeling. Numbness was all she wanted.
The man just sat next to her and looked up with her. It was a beautiful night. They could forget what just transpired for now, for both their sake. She was embarrassed in a way, but he didnt seem to hold anything against her.
I dont think he’s all that capable of judging me anyway.
A long time had passed, the woman's tears subsiding, though her messy makeup marked her pain for all to see. 
They sat in silence for the next couple of hours, until the man spoke up.
She hummed in acknowledgement.
“What do you want me to call you if not Ch- if not that other name.”
“Just call me Puppet for now.”
Another minute of silence.
“And what should I call you?” She asked. 
It was about time they both introduced themselves properly anyway.
“.....Lefty” He responded rather sheepishly. 
“You have a really stupid name.”
Away from her vision, he grinned at the sparkling sky. 
“I know.”
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