#Which is a game I haven't played in a while xD
vincentmatthews · 1 year
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She out here living her best life.
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#galarian slowpoke#picture this. this was the first pokémon revealed from the new DLCs for pokémon sword and shield. the pokémon company#up until this point‚ has never done DLC for a pokémon game before. you‚ having been jaded by shitty DLCs for other games in the past#now have a distaste for the phrase‚ and imagine this can't be good. then‚ in their teaser for the new DLC‚ they add a little event#into the game where they reveal one of the new pokémon that is going to be added in the DLC#and it is a galarian form. that is identical to the original pokémon. but with a yellow head#are you imagining it. now how fucking disappointed are you. how little faith do you have in that DLC that it's going to be as good as it wa#for the most part‚ the pokémon company has demonstrated that they do absolutely excellent DLCs. proper expansions#basically an entire other game on top of the game you already have. and they typically take up the release cycle of a full game#scarlet/violet's especially. WONDERFUL dlc. i never really properly finished the crown tundra just because i was so late to the party#because i avoided buying the dlc for so long because of this experience that i've just described to you#that by the time i bought it and played it‚ it was just because SV had been announced and i wanted more pokémon to tide me over#and i never finished it. one of these days‚ i'd like to go back and finish it‚ but i'm playing through pokémon xd gale of darkness right no#and i prefer to play. one game at a time. and i don't know when i'll ever really get back to it#or if i'll ever get back to it! 'cause without resetting my save file all the way i'll just have to Remember what it is that already happen#which i'm. notoriously bad at when it comes to coming back to games that i haven't played in a while#plus i know sv is like shitty performance or whatever but the movement in that game is so much better#it feels so much more freeing than going back to gen 8 where you can still just. run. and that's it#i know nobody likes scarlet/violet but i still. like it. performance aside. like yes the performance is terrible but i still had a great#time with it. i just praised its DLC for fuck's sake! its DLC was fuckin wonderful! it has kieran in it so it like can't be bad
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quilleth · 5 months
I can never let my husband play bg3 or he's going to absolutely roast me about my tastes again. He'll take one look at the cast and probably zero in on whichever one gives off the sad kicked puppy vibes and it's going to be gale and I'm going to have to sit there stewing that I am so predictable that he can roast me without even really knowing anything about the characters. He'd probably guess astarion too but gale is a sad wet wizard with a cat and my husband has heard me talk about anders enough that he'd just look at me like >:D and go "ah. The kicked puppy" and I'll end up there like >:( because I can't even argue.
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celestial-robots · 10 months
Explaining Eclipse (A Theory/Headcanon)
Spoilers for the Ruin DLC below!
Okay so I've been thinking so much about Eclipse and what they mean. You know, as you do XD. Just a lot of wondering what they mean for the ~lore~ and how they fit in with the rest of the Sun and Moon stuff. And after a lot of thinking, I may have figured stuff out.
I've seen a couple posts wondering if Eclipse is the way the Daycare Attendant is "supposed to be" and if Sun and Moon are the result of the DCA breaking down or something. But personally I just can't see that. Not only do we hear Sun go "thank you" after the Eclipse encounter, implying he's still around and hasn't permanently "fused" into Eclipse, but it also wouldn't make sense with stuff in Security Breach. In-game Fazbear merchandise and advertising have a lot of focus on Sun and Moon as two separate individuals, not the DCA as a single unit. For example, see the giant golden statues outside of Daycare. Two different forms of the Daycare Attendant. Collectibles are also identified as "Sun" and "Moon." It's not like they're labeled "Eclipse Doll (Sun form)" or "Moon Eclipse Doll." No, it's just "Sun Doll" and "Moon Doll."
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So here's how I think it works. Sun and Moon are two separate AIs within the DCA body. They can function on their own, independent of the other, in the way we've been thinking this whole time. BUT they're also designed to join together, like interlocking puzzle blocks. Two separate forms that come together to make a "whole" that's greater than the sum of the parts.
This makes sense from a programming perspective. Sun is designed to play with kids and entertain them, Moon is designed to watch over kids while they sleep. They're both made for specific scenarios, but taking care of kids is a lot more complicated than just "play time" and "nap time." So whenever one of them encounters something they can't deal with by themselves, they call for help from the other, who activates as well, combining their features and protocols. I'm willing to bed this also activates several specific "Eclipse" features that can only be accessed when both AIs are active, which would explain why Eclipse has such a different personality.
But if this is the case, then why haven't we seen Eclipse before? Why did they only come out when Cassie rebooted the DCA?
Well that's where this theory by @dana-chan-the-control-brain and @twinanimatronics comes in. The two of them theorized that the Balloon World arcade cabinet in the DCA's room was some sort of signal broadcaster that kept their AIs divided. I think that Ruin confirms this—or at least provides a lot of solid evidence.
In the main game, Balloon World is in the DCA room, up and active and with a form of Eclipse inside. In Ruin, the Balloon World cabinet is broken. And you can see weird purple glitches coming from it while in AR vision. It's only in Ruin, after the cabinet has been damaged, that we finally meet Eclipse.
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This is venturing a bit into headcanon territory, but let's have some fun with this. I believe that the Balloon World cabinet was put in the DCA's room to infect them with the virus. Probably a long time before the events of the actual game, since the worn-down state of the room shows it's been a while since any human or robot cleaners were in there. This might have been some sort of test run to see if the virus could affect the animatronics.
However, the virus couldn't affect the DCA while Eclipse was there, acting as a sort of stabilizing failsafe for Sun and Moon. So the virus then cut off the "fuse" function from Sun and Moon, locking Eclipse away and preventing them from stepping in when Sun or Moon encounter something strange—strange like a virus. Sun probably couldn't be affected by the virus because the virus attacks nighttime and/or security protocols, and he no longer had access to those once Eclipse was gone. Moon, however, did. And that's why he's hostile.
But then, if the Balloon World cabinet was keeping Eclipse contained, why were Sun and Moon still freaking out in Ruin even after the cabinet was destroyed? Why did they need Cassie to reboot them?
Well, I think that forming Eclipse requires both Sun and Moon to want to fuse together. And Moon clearly doesn't want to do that in Ruin. Why? Probably because he's mad at Sun. You can hear how angry he is in voice lines where he says stuff like "No more Sun!" and "No more light!" (Seriously, props to Kellen Goff, holy shit.) Moon was only able to be "awake" for short periods of time in the main game, partially because Sun was encouraging everyone to "Keep the lights on." Of course Moon would be pissed and want to be in control now that the lights are broken. He wasn't about to risk losing that .
But not having Eclipse around was ultimately damaging Sun and Moon. They were meant to stabilize the system when the two individuals couldn't do that alone. Not to mention their systems were already damaged, judging by Moon's increased light sensitivity in Ruin. They needed Eclipse so they could be stable again.
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Cassie rebooting the DCA's systems was a lot like restarting your computer. Everything shuts down and then all the systems start running again at once—including, in this case, both Sun and Moon's AIs and whatever Eclipse functions were now restored. That's why Eclipse was in control after the reboot. Presumably, the rest of the software damage was also fixed, which probably helped calm Moon down. So, overall, a happy ending.
Relatively, I mean. The DCA is still stuck in an abandoned Pizzaplex, but at least Eclipse is back and Sun and Moon aren't fighting anymore :)
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lutiaslayton · 7 months
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Hey everyone! Just thought I'd make a quick post to let you know that...
The complete, definite, will-not-be-edited-again-in-the-future, FINAL translation of London Holiday, is finally here for your enjoyment!
AND it comes this time with an in-character fan-translation that DOESN'T read like Google Translate!
For those who didn't know, Professor Layton and the London Holiday is an official prologue to Diabolical Box; it's a short slice-of-life story in which Luke and Layton are just having some good time solving puzzles, and at the end, they receive the letter from Schrader which starts the events of DB. This game is not really lost content per se, but it's still part of the more obscure Layton media, since we non-Japanese fans have no legal way of playing it ourselves unless we buy the Japanese version of DB.
This isn't really some breaking news or anything, but I still thought it was worth warning you that this is it -- if you wanted a fancy in-character translation, you finally have it!
I will make a small shoutout to @call-me-rucy who helped every now and then with the more accurate translation when I had doubts on how a few idioms here and there were meant to be interpreted. Thanks again for your help, and sorry for using you like this xD I do wish I could send you DMs for reasons other than just asking for your Japanese knowledge hahaha
When I say that this won't be edited again, I mean that the only way this web page will ever be further edited in the future is if someone else shows up at some point and asks me to change something. Perhaps I took too many liberties in the fancy fan-translation compared to the original text in one or two specific occurrences, or perhaps someone will want to translate this transcript into another language that isn't English, in which case I would absolutely accept to add it! (and you would be credited for that additional translation, obviously)
I heavily suggest you take a look at it if you haven't already, because it provides quite a bit of lore and funny/wholesome moments! We notably get the full story of how Schrader heard about, and then tried to acquire the Elysian box (...story which contradicts the fact that he would already own it in Eternal Diva, by the way), but it's not the only fun lore crumbs this prologue to DB gives us :)
Also, for the fans of the puzzle theory -- I suggest you take a look in particular at what Luke says when he solved puzzle 09. It sure is intriguing that he would mention walking from island to island on foot as if he were... Physically doing it?? Or at least had the impression that he could experience it somehow???
Heh, puzzles and hint coins have mind powers anyway, for all we know perhaps some of them can trap you inside your own mind for a bit while you're solving them. Deliciously horrifying, so much potential for fanfics/comics and lore analysis. So shameful that nobody would have thought of taking advantage of this by throwing puzzles at someone with the specific intent of slowing them down by trapping them in a trance for a bit. smh, Level 5. smh.
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undertalethingems · 10 months
Speaking mostly in terms of the creative process... As a writer, I always sorta theorized that Gaster was a character that filled both Sans' and Papyrus' roles in an earlier concept of Undertale. As the game theme, story, and concepts were further developed/fleshed out, the character that Gaster used to be effectively got split into two different characters. Toby could have left traces of him in the game because why not. Multiple universes can explain it away anyway and hey, he can still make use of the unused character idea in a way. My reasoning behind this line of thought mostly involves how there's so little of Gaster known, how much of what IS known of him is very vague, and how Sans and Papyrus share nearly all the traits (or similar traits) of what can be known or learned of Gaster.
Anyway, I could very easily be wrong. I wouldn't mind much if I am lol. This was just sorta how I've viewed Gaster for a while and I wanted to share. I'm curious what your thoughts are about it.
Ah! There's actually info about this! Though, there might be more in the art book... which, even after all this time, i still haven't gotten, whoops. so there might be more info there.
in any case, back in 2017, Toby posted some of his notes on the development of Undertale, and it seems to show that Papyrus was among the earliest characters to be developed. His character changed quite a bit (for the better), but the way "has a brother named comic sans and a[redacted] named [redacted]" is phrased suggests Papyrus was the more developed character at the time that page was drawn. So, sorry to debunk your idea, but it seems Papyrus gets to be the oldest XD
But, as Gaster exists (insofar as he does), he seems to be a direct nod to the cut content and hidden files of other games. Toby knows people love to comb through game data for secrets, and he deliberately put a few in his own game for people to discover, and possibly hint about his other game...
What I'm curious to see is how this all ties in with Deltarune. Right now, Sans and Papyrus don't seem to be very important to Deltarune's plot, but they're essential characters in Undertale. With the theory that Undertale Sans and Deltarune Sans are the same person at different points in time, this raises questions about how he gets involved in Deltarune's plot; since the (UT) brothers showed up in Snowdin together, if sans is involved that means Papyrus is involved too. But how remains to be seen, and it doesn't answer anything about Gaster either.
So there's plenty to learn about these skeletons yet, and it seems they all have their own parts to play :>
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magicbench · 7 months
~ Fuji:RE update ~
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Hello hello everyone !
Woah it's been a while that I haven't wrote anything there, since I generally use tumblr rather than twitter for longer posts. So, yup…today is one of those days where I need to share a wall of text xD
As some of you surely already know, I attempted to dev Fujiwara:REmake with RPGmaker because of the aspect of walking around and the system of shop/items which was really appealing to me. This was two of the main reasons I switched from Ren'Py to RPGmaker and it was very fun and fullfilling at first as I learned a good amount of new things, but…unfortunately, the more I worked on it, the more I started to struggle and get frustrated with things that my current skills can't cover.
I thought of going on hiatus for the time I'd learn a bunch of advanced features to make the game visually more enjoyable, but I realized it would take an awfully long time to do so until I can present something decent and in sync with what I have in mind. I'm sure most of you don't want to wait who knows more time for this project to be released. So it's a bit reluctantly and disappointed that I decided to go back to Ren'Py, as I'm more familiar with it and that it would also means I'll work faster. I'm really sincerely sorry for all of you who were excited to play a RPGmaker version of Fujiwara (you'll still be able to interact with your surrounding though !), but I really need to go back on a more visual novel type of game for the sake of the project. I hope you'll understand and continue looking forward for Fuji:RE when it's finally completed !
Thank you again all for your support and your patience, you are the bests, always ✦✿
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blackjackkent · 4 months
As with Patch 5, I have compiled my favorite Patch 6 patch notes (the exciting ones and the hilarious ones) so you don't have to.
First of all, the Highlights section has some VERY nice QoL changes:
"You can now dismiss a recruited companion from your party while speaking to the companion you want to replace them with." (Fuck yes, this is such a small annoyance but it really adds up over time.)
"When a dialogue triggers automatically, the game will now try to prioritise your avatar character as the main speaker." (I spent literally like half an hour trying to ensure Hector got the conversational lead when walking into the vault with the Stone Lord for my liveblog post, so this fills my heart with DEEP joy.)
"The Elixir of Hill Giant Strength now applies its effects when thrown." (HUGE deal for Hector's party in my liveblog, as @zenjestrr has pointed out to me - Jaheira can hurl it onto Hector, Karlach, and Minsc together!)
Some general happy-making improvements (some for things in Act 3/epilogue that I haven't gotten to yet but which sound very positive):
"Your partner now has a few different kisses! They're brand new, unique, and randomized."
"If you sit on the stool in Shadowheart's camp corner, she will now react to you with a line based on your relation with her."
"Improved the cinematic scenes in the Elfsong Tavern to feel more intimate when you and your romance partner decide your future together after defeating the Netherbrain."
"Reworked the reflection scenes that take place after wrapping up the defeat of the Netherbrain for characters without romantic partners to better match the scenes for those who do have romantic partners, and to bridge the gap into the epilogue."
"Added a new cinematic scene to support the combat encounter that occurs after you choose whether to side with Nightsong at Sorcerous Sundries or not."
"If you romanced Lae'zel, grab a red dragon and saddle up - you can now join her in the rebellion against Vlaakith, even if you are not gith yourself."
"Increased the number of valid methods of knocking Minthara out to recruit her."
"Tooltips for spells requiring concentration now more prominently display a warning if you are already using concentration to maintain another spell."
And now the bits that just made me laugh. XD
"If you Long Rest with only alcohol as camp supplies, you will now get the new Hungover condition for 10 turns."
"The Long Rest camp supply menu is now better at pulling supplies from inside containers in companion inventories. Stop hoarding the cheese, Wyll."
"The owlbear cub will no longer gobble up Auntie Ethel's Hair before you can take advantage of the bonus it grants." (???)
"Creating harmful surfaces beneath NPCs will now trigger a crime reaction."
"Scratch can no longer equip certain weapons. Like the Everburn Blade."
"Jaheira could be in bad shape by the time she arrived at Moonrise Towers since she already had to fight. Now she's smart enough to heal up before she goes there, which we're hoping lets her last at least an additional second in combat."
"Fixed dice roll sounds playing if you have the 'Hide Failed Perception Rolls' setting enabled while exploring. We asked the narrator to quieten down when rolling the dice for your immersion."
"Fixed a bug causing player characters to get deleted from the game after stealing the Blood of Lathander."
"Enemies are now less likely to summon a Skeletal Involucre in range of a Spirit Guardian that will immediately destroy it."
"Nere's Legendary Action now correctly triggers when he is attacked, rather than when he attacks. Cut him some slack - being a True Soul is a lot of pressure; we'd all get confused in his shoes."
"Told Fezzerk to stop throwing his bombs on himself and his allies."
"The Apostle of Myrkul's Finger of Death spell is now treated as a Level 7 spell instead of a cantrip."
"Fixed Steel Watchers sometimes hurting themselves with their own attacks."
"Invisible characters who have something to say in a dialogue will now remember to actually show themselves."
" Throwing NPCs into a chasm will no longer trigger their crime reaction dialogue while they're mid-flight."
"Jaheira could have access to two types of Wild Shape in certain circumstances. We've toned down her blatant disregard for D&D rules."
"Fixed NPC heads occasionally detaching in Forced Turn-Based Mode."
"You can no longer place a corpse into its own inventory."
"Items can only be sent to specific companions in camp if a party member is in camp at the time. Stop sending every +1 dagger to Gale, he's not that hungry."
"NPCs should be a lot less eager to engulf themselves (or their allies) in flames now."
"Fixed NPCs using an incorrect throw range when they can't move. This sometimes caused them to, say, throw explosives on their own heads."
"Fixed NPCs sometimes successfully landing jumps that shouldn't be possible. Like through ceilings."
"You can no longer trade with sleeping characters."
"Fixed overhead dialogues still playing above the souls of dead characters - represented as blue wisps - in the epilogue camp. Lae'zel will no longer urgently proclaim 'Repositioning!' when you make her little wisp move around."
"Killing Omeluum or Blurg of the Society of Brilliance will now break your paladin oath. Because they're nice and you're not."
"Picking up fish from the beach at the Emerald Grove is no longer a crime. They take their vegetarianism very seriously, those druids."
"You can now no longer spawn infinite fish at the Emerald Grove beach. No wonder that bear smells."
"Told Art Cullagh to please stop singing during the combat when Isobel's being abducted."
"You can no longer trade with Voss when he ambushes you at the base of High Hall."
"If you escape prison and then return to your cell and close the door without being noticed by anyone allied to the arresting guards, you will no longer be considered a fugitive."
"Fixed a bug where a status could carry over from the final battle to the beginning of the epilogue, potentially killing the players."
"You can now clean your body and clothes in a fountain in the House of Hope's boudoir. Sometimes it's nice to freshen up before a big event."
"Fixed Scratch not feeling like playing in camp beyond Act I after partying too hard at the camp celebration."
"Minthara no longer speaks more about Shadowheart than Shadowheart does about herself."
"You'll no longer see text telling you that Gale approves of something if he's not even nearby to see what happened."
"Jaheira's memory in her old age was failing her, and she could tell you about Minsc twice if you left her in camp but advanced her quest multiple steps. Now she's much better at remembering what she told you, and will only prompt it the once."
"Good boys Scratch and the owlbear cub will now play together in any camp, not just the main one in the wilderness from Act I."
"Cerys will now leave your camp after the camp celebration in Act I. We know it's sometimes hard to ask the last person to leave the party, so we've done it for you."
"Fixed Rugan being upset with you for trespassing after saving him from impending doom. You're welcome, Rugan."
"Florrick now looks appropriately grimy and sweaty after escaping Waukeen's Rest."
"Lae'zel will no longer become hostile towards you, thinking you left the inquisitor's office in Crèche Y'llek while waiting to fulfil Vlaakith's orders, when you only jumped on one of the platforms in the corner."
"Fixed Smythin in the Goblin Camp sometimes getting stuck in a cowering animation. He's a little braver now."
"Rugan is no longer 'too busy' to thank you after you free him in the Zhentarim Hideout."
"One of the teenagers in the Crèche Y'llek will now tend to his cleaning tasks. He may or may not have been chastised for shirking his duties."
"Fixed a bug with Bernard in the Arcane Tower not giving you a reward if you previously befriended the squirrel in the Emerald Grove."
"Fixed a couple of goblins in the Goblin Camp not really doing much at all if you free Sazza."
"Rotated Barth and Remira near the Emerald Grove gate so they would shout in the right direction."
"The nurses in the House of Healing have remembered that they are capable of speech and will now react to crimes properly."
"Dame Aylin now permits all players to behold her radiance in the cutscene when ascending from the Shadowfell rather than just the one who freed her."
"Isobel and Marcus will no longer stop their epic confrontation at Last Light just because someone commits a petty crime nearby."
"In rare cases, Jaheira could be Frightened in the combat with Ketheric and end up so scared she doesn't show up to resolve the conflict in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. She now overcomes her terror."
"Bards can no longer say they saved Jaheira's Harper scouts when they did no such thing."
"Fixed some guards by the fountain at Last Light who were trying to speak each other's lines."
"Now you can convince Ch'r'ai Har'rak to go away in different ways."
"Mayrina will no longer still be Bloodless in Act III if Astarion bit her in Act I."
"Wyll no longer leaves the party when you commit a crime in the High Hall. With the city in ruin, the petty crime dramatics seemed a little extreme."
"A few more people around Baldur's Gate will notice if an article has been printed about you in the newspaper."
"Lumbar will no longer react as if you didn't pay for the privilege of hitting him if the single strike had different damage types." (Ah this explains why Hector got that weird reaction. XD)
"Vicar Humbletoes will no longer do a weird shrug before praying."
"Prevented Karlach's death scene from triggering if a solo player chooses to detonate while playing as Avatar Gale."
"Fixed Lae'zel talking inaccurately about Ptaris, for example suggesting he's dead when he's... literally right there."
"Auntie Ethel will no longer send you a letter written by Zevlor in the epilogue."
"If you part ways with Shadowheart and hide in the Underdark as a mind flayer, she won't forget and think you've spent the last sixth months together in the epilogue. Classic Shadowheart, always forgetting things."
"The Emperor will no longer send you a cheerful letter in the epilogue camp if you ate his brains."
"You can no longer invite the owlbear cub to live with you and Halsin in the epilogue if you do not, in fact, live with Halsin."
"Fixed avatar characters incorrectly getting assigned the Dream Guardian's skin colour in Character Creation on controller."
"The fish barrels in the Underdark, that clearly look like they have fish in them, now actually contain fish instead of tarts."
"You can no longer casually go walkies in the middle of a chasm in the Decrepit Village in the Underdark."
"Removed a platform in Grymforge that looked like it was accessible and was tricking a few of you into trying to jump on it to access the Gauntlet of Shar."
"You can no longer disappear into a couple of rocks near the mephits in Grymforge. Sorry."
"Added a new animation for Cranium Rats. They can now stand up on their hind leggies."
"Corpses thrown from your inventory now look dead rather than alive. As is right."
"Fixed missing sounds in Active Search. (We found them hidden under some rocks in Act I.)"
"Fixed a basket of onions claiming to be a fruit basket, and other issues with lying baskets."
"Gave the dogs at the Sword Coast Couriers names. Because they're the best boys."
"Lae'zel no longer slides or teleports away during her Epilogue dialogue."
"Made general improvements to Boo's animations. The hamster is a little less jittery."
"Fixed the goblet flying out of your hand when talking to Jaheira at Last Light. We knew you were suspicious of it, but you don't have to be so dramatic."
This is a tiny fraction of the full set of changes/improvements/fixes listed in the patch notes and once again I am tremendously impressed. As I said last time - this game has a breadth of scope and ambition that repeatedly takes my breath away and I am mindboggled at the amount of work being put into it.
Very excited to finish out Act 3 in the coming weeks!
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goodstuffexe · 1 month
Okay okay I was on vacation, I missed pretty much everything of the charity stream sucks for me and I was just rewatching Scars Stream on day 1 and the Clumsy Cooking was going on and IS THAT GRIAN PLAYING LEAGUE OF LEGENDS IN THE BACKGROUND
Literally while he has nothing better to do and is waiting for the next game (think it is Bingo haven't watched all of it yet)
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I cannot with this man- xD
OMG Scar literally confirmed it after I took a photo lmao idk if this has been said before but omg xD I know now why this man doesn't get the back of his builds done OMG what a savage hahaha
I mean not to be mean (I am literally in the same position lmfao) but League of Legends is a problematic game cause you just get too addicted way too quickly and once you get into it there is NO coming back for weak people like me even if you suck at the game which I do btw :'')
Oh my god he is also playing Lillia I am crying and cringing guys, even the thought of the possibility that we may have met in a game of League and I didn't know who that was is killing me inside xD
Ok ok I think no one is getting my rant lmao I'm gonna stop now xD
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miradelletarot · 6 months
OK BG3 and Forgotten Realms/ D&D people! I need your very high intelligence rolls tossed my way! So! I am trying to establish a semi-accurate and realistic time frame for between Acts 1-3. Possible (though very mild) Act 3 spoilers (not pertaining to anything patch 5 b/c I haven't gotten there yet so PLEASE don't discuss anything of that here...but general stuff may be mentioned so please proceed with caution).
So, in Act 3, if we don't play as Gale, we meet Tara on the roof. Now, She was left back in Waterdeep so assuming there was no Greater Teleportation spell available to her, it would take her about 45 days to get from there to Baldur's Gate. (Source) I can't recall anything being mentioned anywhere that anything like this was available, but if I'm wrong please lmk. Obviously, actual gameplay doesn't take this long, but I want to focus on what could actually be a realistic timeline. Think of any D&D campaign and you are gonna have fighting days, resting days, travel days, even shopping days. This is (sorta) reflected in game, but you can just play and play, and get thru everything in days frankly. I have spoken to a few people and some have said 1-2 months while others have said only like 2-3 weeks have passed. Which brings me to my next point: Weeks are separated into tendays (literally...10 days in a week). A month, is about 3 of those (with a few odd days tossed in through the year) which you can see in the image below. You'll notice that the events in BG3 take place just before Feast of the Moon (not important i guess, but interesting!) **more after the image**
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So, if that's the case, that would put BG3 events taking place within a month's time, but even that seems short. There's so much to explore, so many people to help, etc etc. I had estimated (generously I'm sure) that each act took about 2-3 tendays each which would give us a roughly 2.5 to 3 month timespan. If this only goes for a 2-3 week span, then Gale is certainly rushing into the whole idea of marriage tbh lmao!! Like "babe, i know we have only dated for like a tenday, but marry me?" xD though, to be fair, even if we go for the 3 month (very generous) timespan bbygirl is still rushing into things, but I think we can give him a pass since they all fought for their lives and all lol. I just wanna get everyone's big lore dump info on this matter b/c I honestly wanna know, AND I am gonna use it to help time parts of my next fics. The timing is kinda important to help me plan things and also to make sure I am not doing some weird time dilation head canon shit that could mess everything up in the world LOL
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piracytheorist · 4 months
Who or what is Grim Fandango?
Set in the Land of the Dead...
A tale of corruption and greed...
A soul being deprived of her peaceful afterlife...
And a soul trying to make things right.
It's a video game!
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It was released in 1998 by LucasArts and a remastered version was released in 2015. You play as Manny Calavera, the guy with the white suit in the picture, and it's set in a kind of afterlife inspired by Dia de los Muertos. Manny serves as a Grim Reaper to repay his debts to life, but in an effort to get himself into a better situation, he gets involved in a whole case of corruption and conspiracy, which he has to get himself and another soul whom he accidentally gets involved into this too out of.
It's got a fulfilling story, interesting and layered characters, immersing backgrounds and one of the best game soundtracks I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
(I recommend listening to the full thing. So much great noir jazz stuff. There was even a location I would have Manny walk slowly so that I could enjoy the track that played over it longer :D)
The "Ask me about Grim Fandango" on my blog description is a reference to it made by another game by LucasArts, Monkey Island. In the first game of that series, which barely even has a fourth wall and has the characters go meta quite often, there's a background NPC you can talk to who has a pin that says "Ask me about LOOM", another game by LucasArts that was released a little after the first Monkey Island. If you ask him he'll start excitedly talking to you about LOOM while the screen shows *advertisement* over him.
And then, in the third Monkey Island game, which came a little before Grim Fandango, there's a skeleton who is wearing an "Ask me about Grim Fandango" pin. You can't ask him about it though, cause he's dead
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Basically, they were promoting their upcoming game in that way, back before everyone had constant access to the internet XD
I played Grim Fandango in the very beginnings of 2020 and got absolutely enamoured about it, and even though I haven't replayed it in some time I am still very much enthralled by it in so many ways. And so that sentence has stayed on my blog description for over four years XD
The game may come off as having some puzzles which are hard to solve - it is, after all, an adventure puzzle game, and you're supposed to spend a good amount of time finding clues and hints on how to solve each puzzle - but it's very satisfying, made with a lot of love and care for the characters and the story, so I recommend even just trying it out and using a walkthrough if you get stuck. Manny is an absolute delight and moodTM to play as, which makes the experience even more enjoyable.
So anyway, yeah. Try out Grim Fandango :D
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diana-fortyseven · 5 months
I wrote this instead of sleeping...
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You can find the prompt bingo right here.
It's still a work in progress, and there's so much more I want to add eventually, but everything that's already there is working.
And what's there is a lot. Like, a metric shit ton.
I've added all
Cinematic Titles
Mission Names
Mission Stories
of all Hitman World of Assassination Game Modes.
Some challenge prompts might look like typos to you. While I always appreciate when you point those out to me so I can fix them (seriously, please do let me know if I missed something!), please check first if there isn't an in-game challenge with that exact name, because so many of them look like I forgot how to spell. :D
Fun fact, did you know that there are roughly 1,200 challenges in the game? I wasn't joking about the "instead of sleeping" part of the title.
Additionally, there are long lists with smutty, kinky, romantic, angsty and whumpy prompts.
You can opt-out of NSFW, Shipping and Angst by not opting in (I swear this makes sense in my head right now), but if you select the theme "Romance" from the dropdown menu, you will get shippy prompts even if you don't tick the Shipping checkbox, and if you select Hurt/Comfort from the dropdown menu you will get angsty prompts even if you don't tick the Angst checkbox. I recommend ticking the Shipping or Angst checkbox if you select Romance or Hurt/Comfort for a larger pool of prompts.
You will not get NSFW prompts unless you tick the NSFW checkbox.
However, some mission stories and challenges have names that could be mistaken for NSFW prompts. I haven't put them behind the filter, and I don't know if I will do that in the future.
If you don't like a prompt, you can just re-roll that one specific prompt by clicking/tapping the field it's in.
The Themes
The bingo generator has four themed lists so far: General Prompts, Mission Fic, Romance, and Hurt/Comfort.
I will be adding more at appropriate times, such as a summer list for summer (Northern Hemisphere) or a Halloween list for Halloween. Those will be permanent additions. It's just a lot of work, and I have so many more plot bunnies and code bunnies and art bunnies, so I really have to space these updates out. xD
If you'd like to suggest a theme or donate a list of prompts, please feel free to do so!
How to Play
Create the card you want, do with it whatever you want.
You can take the prompts literally or interpret them any way you like. If it's the name of a mission story or challenge, you can use the mission story or challenge itself as a prompt, or come up with something just based on the name. If it's a pun, you can use the prompt as-is or remove the pun element from it.
Use as many or as few prompts as you want in a fic, or in a drawing, or in a daydream. You make the rules!
If you think a bingo should require a line of prompts used in one single work, cool. If you think four single works should count, that's cool too. And again, if you don't like a prompt, just re-roll it until you get one you like more.
Just have fun with it! :)
Mobile Version
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The mobile version is working, but word breaks for longer words won't be pretty. I still need to add word break opportunities, but that's a lot of work, and I will probably do this in small batches over the next month or so.
If you want a prettier card, you can re-roll prompts with unpretty word breaks by tapping on the prompt you want to change.
Keyboard-Only Users
For accessibility, all prompt fields have added button functionality, which means you can use tab to select them and enter to interact with them. Your browser needs to have JavaScript enabled for that to work, though.
Now go play with it!
Or don't, I'm not your mum, I can't tell you what to do.
Final disclaimer: The platform I'm using to host my generators, Perchance, recently added AI options. My generators were not built using AI, and none of the prompts you'll get are AI generated.
My generators are all 100% handcrafted chaos. :D
If bingos are not to your liking and you'd like more detailed prompts, try my Hitman Prompt Generator!
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sakuraharuno156 · 8 months
Hi! So while normally I don't indulge in anti... I can't help it, it's fun XD People are so sensitive about some things, but anyway... I'm on board with you since I realized later in life that yeah, Sakura is absolutely brilliant and Hinata is... SO not. I can't say I enjoy her character one bit anymore after she's done nothing but disappoint me. BUT! What I wanted to let you know was something else that kinda pisses me off.
Now we know that it's obvious that Studio Bones and the animators have this insane and somewhat misogynistic favoritism towards Hinata (because's quiet, submissive and kind), given how much to flanderize Sakura's temper to make her look like that's all she is.
Well I think even whoever made the video games favor Hinata too. I used to play this old-ass game called Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2. Very old lol but there were some joke/unique versions of characters.
Example: "Sealed Orochimaru" in reference to how he couldn't use any jutsu thanks to 3rd Hokage's Seal. And "Nine Tailed Naruto" with Naruto as the Nine Tailed Fox.
And then there's "Byakugan Hinata" I'm not kidding you, they have this... badass version of Hinata who is a competent fighter, has a strong disposition and seems to actually care about her status as a Hyuga. Even though in canon there hasn't been a single moment where Hinata's shown to be competent in fighting (she hasn't won a single battle in combat), strong (any bold moment was just so she could look cool in front of Naruto) or given a damn about her clan or her status given that she spends every moment on panels or screen gushing and thinking about Naruto.
Now here I am thinking... how pathetic is that?
That the creators of this game made up such a farfetched and dare I say fanfic-ed version of Hinata that you can find in any badly written fiction where Hinata is suddenly a badass when she's shown repeatedly in canon that she is NOT.
Hinata is no badass. She just isn't. I thought she had potential once upon a time, and then the fillers (which aren't canon) go out of their way to make her look badass when in canon, she isn't.
So it's not just the anime, the games were guilty of this too.
Okay I'm so sorry this got long lol, but I just thought it'd be neat to tell you this because it's a game many have forgotten because it IS pretty old lol. But... looking back on it, it disappoints me.
Sakura is the true badass female of Naruto. That's a fact.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with being an anti, as long as you are anti-fictional character and not anti-real preson, then you are good! 💕
So let me welcome you to the datk side, and let's go.
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(BTW we clarified that it was supposed to say "studio pierrot", a mix-up, it happens ❤️)
100% true and the worst part is that they don't see they do her an injustice.
Like studio pierrot made Hinata a healer:
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But when it mattered she couldn't do anything, because she can't heal, so she looks just stupid.
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Neji is dying? Better let him die. People are dying all around during war? Better not heal them because why would she? 🤷‍♀️
They made her meet Naruto when they were children in The Last:
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But then Naruto at 12yo calls her a "weirdo" or in that translation "a freak who won'teven look me in the eye"?
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They make it seem like "she was always there for Naruto", but when Naruto is thinking about his first bonds she's nowhere to be found?
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And I tried to like Hinata too, I even talked about it here, so i understand, but she's such an awfull character to be shown to younger audience that it's painful.
She's selfish and rude, her whole life revolves around a boy, her whole ambition is to be with Naruto and to cook and clean for him.
And now to the games, I had to Google it, because I haven't played it, but:
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This is another injustice towards her, because it hypes her character out to be strong and hype her potential just to leave her weak and without accomplishing a thing.
And don't get me wrong, I know that games are supposed to allow the player to decide who wins and who loses based on players skills, but...
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That game came out in 2004, by then the manga was at the end of OG Naruto, so looking at how the games are trying to portray her, we (as viewers or players) can assume that she will be strong someday, and yet she never was.
We were led to believe that her father will see her as strong and with "great potential", but Hanabi is still the one that will be the head of Hyuga clan, and Neji was the one who is the strongest (and we know it, it was stated).
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"Surpassing the main branch" and "For the brilliant blood of the Hyuga to be flowing within a child who cannot become an heir what natural talent".
And then, Hiashi that had pure hatred (or at least the thought about them as a less than/slaves to main family) towards the branch PREFERRED TO TRAIN NEJI AND HINATA WAS THERE TO BRING THE TEA.
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It's pure embarrassment. 🤷‍♀️
It's an injustice to her character and I'M THE ONE WHO IS SAYING THIS, WHEN I HATE HER GUTS 🤷‍♀️
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saltynsassy31 · 7 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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minecraftbookshelf · 9 months
What’s the situation with hostile mobs in the marriage of the state AU? I assume the answer is different for night mobs and Illagers/witches, based on what you’ve mentioned before?
So, if nighttime mobs do exist, do they come from somewhere? Or do they just form out of death smoke like they do in the game? Slime is an important codland export, so are slimes different?
And Illagers are probably just another race right? Or is it more of a culture thing? Are villagers also a race distinct from humans? How do the codfolk/mythland interact with the swamp witches, who you mentioned before do exist?
Also this isn’t really related to the main question but I don’t want to make a separate ask; are gems antlers from elven or deer-hybrid ancestry? (Are elves just deer-hybrid fae?)
Wow that’s a lot of questions, your Worldbuilding is really good btw. (And your writing too)
It's low-key kind of scary how you you're batting...three for three? i think? on asking exactly the thing I really want to talk about XD
You would be correct, most of the night mobs are basically wildlife, if incredibly hostile wildlife. Creepers and spiders and such. (Though spiders are sometimes less hostile and more just, doin their own thing and mindin their own business.)
Skeletons and zombies are also not sentient (anymore) and are basically considered large, dangerous pests. Like if cockroaches were human sized and out to ruin your day, specifically. (I'm not sure of their exact origins yet, because I haven't quite decided how I'm adapting my base mcyt mythology for this au)
Spiders are just like real world small spiders as far as "where they come from". Creepers and Slimes are actually similar in origin, n that they are sort of a magical manifestation of an environment. They both kind of...grow? Out of the land. Slimes are a bit pickier about where they grow from.
Slimes can also be farmed (As in livestock, not in the minecraft sense) which they are in the Swamp, where they also grow at a higher rate. They can be fed algae to encourage them to grow, and then split to make smaller slimes, which can be grown in turn.
Creepers just...separate themselves from the land and wander around after dark. Unless they encounter something that causes them to explode. They're generally considered to have about equivalent intelligence of dogs, as far as anyone can tell, and don't seem to be sentient.
Illagers/Villagers are just human/human+. Villagers are usually interpreted as citizens of relevant empires (see, smajor's elves and ldshadowlady's...pastel fish people) while Illagers are a specific culture, mostly based out of the mountains. (This is mostly because I just associate them with mountains because that's where I somehow encounter most of the Pillager Towers I find while playing minecraft.) They are primarily nomadic but do have bases (said towers) and most of them consider the Crystal Cliffs to be their homeland, as much as they have one.
Witches are also humans/hybrids and its a set of abilities and skills and not a species. the Swamp Witches are a specific group who live deep in The Swamp and mainly are fairly isolated, through they do provide council and aid to the other Swamp Dwellers, particularly during the Occupied years, which was when they separated from the majority of the population and went into hiding, when they were targeted by the invaders. The other Swamp Dwellers tend to regard them with cautious respect.
There are also wandering witches, who tend to travel around and either help or harm (based off personal inclination) as they go. Pix is on decently good terms with about half of them, with the other half it is on sight. (Mostly on the part of the witches)
Most Witches do not exist on good terms with Mythland, even a few hundred years down the line. Tensions remain.
As for Gem's antlers...
So elves are not deer hybrids (or owl hybrids) despite sharing a few physical traits. (and the fae of the Overgrown are not hybrids either, despite frequent resemblances to butterflies and/or cats)
The primary differences are instincts. Fae and fae adjacent people tend to have some physical traits of different animal species, but they aren't actually from the species if that makes any sense. They don't have the animalistic instincts and tendencies any more than they have the human ones, despite resemblances both ways.
Hybrids are actually human+, as I referred to them earlier in this post. All hybrid species started out as humans. They're ultimately the result of the environmental magic of the world (and sometimes meddling from gods and spirits and such). They will have some combination of physical traits and instincts from their additive animal species, to go along with their human ones. They will also have human lifespans and developmental cycles, with a few minor variations here and there.
(But Rain, you say, you made a whole post about Seafolk and their life cycles and development and how its different from humans? Yes because the Seafolk aren't entirely hybrids either. The Deep Oceans have their own variations of fae folk and there was much more intermarriage and cultural crossover there than on Land. But that's another post altogether.)
As for Gem in specific...All I'll say for now is that
A) There is some extant xenophobia against fae races in a lot of majority human kingdoms and half-elven and elvish-descendant individuals often struggle.
B) Gem insisted stoutly her entire childhood that her antlers are because she's a deer hybrid.
C) Deer hybrids have tails.
D) Gem does not have a tail.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 2 months
Austen Asks But For Gaskell: 6, 8, 24, 28
6. Favorite movie adaptation
There's fewer of these, so it's easier to pick :D definitely Wives and Daughters (1999). Best screenplay Andy wrote (that I have seen), pretty much Davies-ism free? Ending and a couple other bits aside, it's faithful? And I really like the cast, for the most part?. Some of it I'd even call inspired. Justine Wadell gives Molly that balance between her tendency to cry and her father's temperament and wit. One feels like Michael Gambon was born to play Squire Hamley's type. Bill Paterson is not as handsome as the character is supposed to be, but he does nail the rest. I do like Francesca Annis, though ever since I knew the 1983 radio drama had cast Angela Pleasance, she cannot be perfect XD It's a pity that Anthony Howell is so handsome, because he did well as Roger, and while I'm usually not impressed by Keeley Hawes, I think she did Cynthia well too. But I'm obsessed with Tom Hollander as Osborne. He sells it. He plays this extremely dramatic and romantic fated young man so so well. He honestly deserves more praise than he gets.
And there's of course the fabulous hair and lovely costumes too (blu ray release when BBC)
8. Least favorite couple
This is where I'd put a joke one like Lady Glenmire and the butcher from Cranford, but while I haven't finished Mary Barton, I do get the feeling I wouldn't feel deeply about that one in the end (considering Gaskell herself thought John Barton was the main tragic hero of her story, that kind of checks out).
24. Favorite supporting character
I think lord Cumnor from Wives and Daughters is underrated. He's a riot every single time he shows up, 10/10 would love to spend time with that man. There's side characters like Lady Harriet or Nicholas Higgins that have such depth and such flavor that it feels unfair not to pick them first, but... the heart wants what the heart wants I suppose XD
28. Favorite character backstory or secret
Mr Gibson's mysterious past is a sort of small running joke through Wives and Daughters, but "poor Jeanie" is such a master stroke? Mr Gibson is funny, and he loves Molly, and he grows to love Cynthia, which isn't an easy person to love. He's a good doctor too. But all the while there's a certain uncomfortable something running at the back of his personality. His jealousy of Molly is driven by the ghost of "poor Jeanie", who clearly was a victim of his passions to some degree or other (and the fact that it is never made clear what such degree is is a truly fascinating choice), and of whom we get the uncomfortable sensation that full reparations were not made to. His choice of wife in Mrs Kirkpatrick has an undercurrent of the same brand of moral failure, even if, of course, tempered by time, age, and circumstance. It's such a small thing in the scheme of the story, but it creates a distance between the reader and the character that resembles in a way the distance between him and Molly, as much as they love and understand each other.
From this ask game.
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