#Which is very annoying
amethystina · 3 months
Your metas are as fantastic as your fics! I have two questions about the show that I'd love your input on! First what do you think You-Han thought about Ga-On in the bus scene in the first episode beside what you mentioned already? Yeah he doesn’t care for heroics much but he's also so dismissive of humanity and its cowardice and greed, and here's Ga-On risking his life twice for strangers including a criminal, doing the opposite of what people Yo-Han condemned for the fire did. Was any part of him impressed? And second, I'm confused on this, did adult Yo-Han realize that making Sun Ah jump from the window was a shit move or did he think it was ok since she was a thief and tried to set him up and he thought she likes him for his money? And did he ever realize that she had real feelings for him fucked up as they were? He's so dismissive all the time of her it's hard to say, but he also seemed to be offended when Ga-On asked if he was playing with her feelings. Thank you again you're the best.
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun writing those metas and I'm a little sad that I haven't had the time to write more because I have so many scenes and concepts I'd like to explore. But it's difficult to find the time in between everything else.
ANYWAY. Moving on to your questions!
To be honest with you? Aside from what I've mentioned already, I don't think Yo Han felt or thought much about Ga On during that scene except how he might be useful to him. Like, sure, maybe some small part of him was impressed by Ga On's quick response, but even if he'd take note of Ga On acting unlike most people would in that situation (and unlike the people during the fire) he's also jaded enough that he'd probably explain it away as naïvité. That Ga On just doesn't know better. Or maybe even that Ga On does it because he wants to be heroic. Which obviously isn't true — Ga On's actions are genuine and not just for show or to get attention and praise from others — but Yo Han doesn't know that. Because he doesn't know Ga On at this point. So I think he's just... neutral.
Also, I think Yo Han was too busy with other things to really stop and consider his own feelings about Ga On's actions. Like, I think he focused more on "Oh, this young man is very idealistic and reckless — how can I use that?" rather than just admiring Ga On's bravery.
Like, he's already way, way past reacting to the situation and has gone straight to plotting how it can be useful to him. Especially if you consider that this is the day when his revenge plan is finally being set in motion. He's probably razor-focused on that, not Ga On or whatever he's feeling about said young man.
It's just too soon for him to see the goodness in Ga On and actually give a damn about it? (but he certainly will later — and then he'll start yearning) At this point in the story, I think Yo Han would view Ga On as any other piece on the board — and a pretty insignificant one, at that — that he simply needs to figure out and control.
Well, except for the part where he looks like Isaac xD
If Yo Han had any true emotional reaction to what Ga On did that day, it's probably directly related to Isaac, not Ga On as his own person. Because, again, Yo Han doesn't know Ga On yet. Maybe Yo Han even saw some parallels between the two in that moment, considering how heroic Isaac was during the church fire. Like, not only does Ga On have his face, but he'll brave danger to save others, too.
But, all in all, I think Yo Han just... didn't care all that much about Ga On? Or, well, he cares, of course (enough to intervene and stop the bus) but Ga On really isn't all that important to him here. So I don't think his thoughts and feelings about him were all that significant, either, except, again, in what ways Ga On might be useful to him and how he reminded him of Isaac (which Ga On would no doubt hate if he knew xD)
As for Yo Han and his relationship with Sun Ah, that's a bit trickier. Their dynamic is very, very intriguing and I can't quite decide how I want to view it, but I think I've settled on "playmates" xD
Because Sun Ah is the closest Yo Han has come to finding an equal. Someone who can understand his games, can play by his rules — but also invent her own when she feels like it — and keep him on his toes. Someone who can challenge him and push him to stretch his limits.
Which I think Yo Han found to be pretty fun at first, but he eventually realised that maybe having an equal who's exactly like you isn't necessarily a good thing — especially judging by his behaviour towards her. Like, he enjoyed their games, sure, but he didn't like when she started making assumptions, trying to weasel her way into his life, or tell him what to do.
Because that's what Yo Han does and he clearly doesn't like it when the shoe is on the other foot xD
(Like, for real: if you think about it, Sun Ah used very similar methods when she attempted to woo Yo Han as Yo Han used to woo Ga On (including the kidnapping). But those are methods that don't actually work on Yo Han because he's, well, Yo Han. They did work on Ga On, though x'D)
I do think that Yo Han was genuinely attached to Sun Ah to some degree (the moments after she shoots herself in front of him show that), but he's also pretty flippant about her feelings for him, yes. And I think that's because he thought those feelings were based on a foolish childhood obsession she couldn't let go of. Which, considering his unsentimental disposition, probably made him view them as pretty superficial. Kind of like you'd patiently nod along when a child declares that they're going to marry their cool, older cousin when they grow up? The feelings are real, but they're also founded in something that's not, so he doesn't take them all that seriously. If that makes sense?
And yes, I think that adult Yo Han intellectually knows that he shouldn't have made her jump out of that window when they were kids, but he also doesn't regret doing it x'D
Because it's all a part of the game. I mean, no matter what Sun Ah says, I don't think she jumped out of the window because she loves Yo Han — she jumped because she wanted to prove that she could. Basically calling him on what could have been a bluff, but they're both so stubborn that of course it wasn't a bluff. But she couldn't back down at that point, could she? She didn't want to, because that would mean he'd win and could say that she didn't love him as much as she claimed.
It's all just a big mind game, basically, where they're constantly trying to outsmart each other and call each other's bluffs.
Even the part where he's so dismissive of her feelings, I'd argue. Because, clearly, she enjoys chasing him and so the fun would end if he gave her what she wants. He's playing hard to get, basically, just because he can. Just because he wants to see what will happen if he does.
Which I think is why he reacts the way he does when Ga On questions him, because Ga On clearly doesn't understand the rules of the game. If Sun Ah didn't want Yo Han to use her feelings against her, she shouldn't have given him that as a tool for him to use. And she's smart enough that she wouldn't do something like that by mistake so that's basically permission in Yo Han's eyes. Nothing is sacred, and all that.
But, at the core of it, I also think that Yo Han's dismissiveness comes from the fact that he doesn't actually want her the way she wants him. He never did. He finds her entertaining and probably feels a certain kinship to her since she, again, is the closest he's found to an equal — someone just like him — but that's not as important to him. He's more focused on his revenge and taking care of Elijah (and securing himself a doe-eyed sugar baby). So yes, he likes the games and the challenge she presents, but she's not what he's looking for.
And he kind of gives up on that whole thing entirely after she killed K, threatened to kill Ga On, and just threatened Elijah in general. That's when things stopped being fun and there's no coming back from that.
Basically, I think that Yo Han and Sun Ah are very similar in how they think and behave and while that makes them equals in many ways — and means they can play a game that is quite literally on another plane than we mere mortals may understand — that's also their downfall. It would never actually work between the two of them because they're too similar. The push-and-pull would never end and, sooner or later, they'd tear each other apart.
If you compare Sun Ah with Ga On (because of course we have to) he manages the most vital part — which is to challenge Yo Han intellectually — but is also caring and responsible enough to back down when things are about to escalate beyond what's manageable. He'll go soft and warm and basically ask: "Is this really what you want?" And, sometimes, Yo Han actually seems to realise that "Uh, no, it's actually not. Let's try that again."
Which makes a huge difference not only for the longevity of their relationship, but also how much Yo Han ends up wanting it. Because, clearly, despite all the darkness and sharp edges, he does want love and softness. And, deep down, I think some part of him always knew that Sun Ah couldn't give him that — but Ga On can. And so that's who he chooses to woo.
(not me turning almost every ask into an opportunity to gush about Yo Han and Ga On and how they're perfect for each other)
ANYHOW. I hope that answers your question on some level? Tbh Yo Han and Sun Ah's relationship has too many nuances for me to sufficiently summarise it here (much like Yo Han and Ga On's relationship) but my suggestion is to see them as playmates. Like, just assume that almost all of it is a part of them trying to outsmart each other. And there are no rules because they're both certifiably unhinged.
So yeah! Thank you so much for asking! Though I must say: it might just go to my head if people keep asking me for my opinion on stuff like this. Like, does this mean my opinions actually matter? Oh my xD
Take care, darling 💜
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stellacendia · 1 month
I'm definitely only thinking about this cause I'm a custodian but who cleans the Watchtower?? Cause I can't imagine anyone on the Justice League voluntarily cleaning a bathroom except Clark and maybe Diana. In Justice League Unlimited the Watchtower has a support staff of hundreds and presumably there's a team of custodians in that crew somewhere, but what about universes where they don't have support staff?
Do they have a rotating schedule where they divide up duties and take it in turns? How often is this done? How thorough are they? Cause thoroughly cleaning a structure that large would take a lot of time and they're all very busy people living double lives. How is waste collected and removed from the Tower? I'm assuming cleaning supplies and related equipment would be acquired in a similar way to any other equipment they use.
Can you imagine the League having meetings where they're like "okay we have to get better at taking out our trash cause the can in the kitchen is always overflowing" and arguing over whose turn it is to sweep the floors this week? Bruce will ask Alfred for advice on the most efficient way to clean a bathroom and will do it out of necessity but dread when his turn comes up. Clark is the best of all them at completing his duties and he doesn't even cheat using super speed. All of them at some point will put all of the Tower's garbage into one trash bag because they can lift it no matter how heavy it is and then the bag will tear and spill everywhere because the heroes might be very strong but these bags sure aren't. Several of them will forget which cleaner is used for which task and make that task harder for the next person to do it cause the chemical the first person used made the surface much dirtier than it normally would be. Do they assume they have to mop the floors by hand or do they know there are machines that will scrub the floor sooo much faster and also suck up all the water? Do they use a regular broom for sweeping or save themselves a ton of time and use a nice wide dust mop?
I'm going with no carpet cause satellite in space so no vacuuming needed but I do have several Thoughts on how that could go wrong too. The cord not being long enough or getting in the way. Several team members not realizing it's a model that uses bags and that those need to be replaced when they get full. So much hair getting wrapped around the beater bar. Several people not realizing there's a detachable crevice tool to get in smaller spaces. Several people clogging it by sucking up things that are too big. If they have a cordless battery powered model they forget to charge the batteries. All in all it's better to not burden them with a vacuum let's just say all the floors can be swept and mopped.
Now I kinda want a fic where they try doing it all themselves and after a few months they're like "this is not working" and then they decide they need support staff. Online job postings for "Watchtower Custodian Urgently Needed, Some Experience Required." World's weirdest job interview. Having your background check done by fucking Batman
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lured-into-wonderland · 10 months
I am back. I might not be too active today as I only slept like three hours, but most of the things were sorted out so I will have more time (and hopefully energy) to be here.
I don't really expect to be able to write today, but I will def reply do IM and discord messages, perhaps send or reblog some memes. We'll see how it goes.
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kxkarot · 10 months
I am selective of those I will interact with, if I don’t follow you back please do not take it personally, I may follow you down the road or I just am unsure how to interact. I’m used to only interacting with a few select people I trust so I’m working on opening up more. I have a tendency to write a lot, given the fact I let my mind run a bit. However I do check with my partners to make sure that my writing is okay for them and within their comfort, so that’s usually why I throw a message out asking if ‘was it okay’ or such as.
I don’t mind anyone correcting me on lore points that I get wrong and maybe Goku might be shipped, I’m not sure. it’s a possibility but not something I’m leaning into. He will be a slow burn or a plotted ship at best, I don’t feel comfortable immediately throwing him loving someone due to my own personal experiences and just how his character feels. That and also he has Chi-Chi.
I also have a bit of ADHD and can be prone to drop threads suddenly due to lack of interest or being unable to pick up an idea or find something to go off of. I will not tolerate bullying nor do I want to be dragged into any drama that doesn’t concern me, I come here to relax, not to worry myself. That being said I’m still here to talk to if needed. Triggers will be placed in the TW in General tag as things can get pretty dark.
This blog is going to be rated Mature because dark themes, TW or even more could take place. I’m not gonna shy away from blood and neither is Goku, if he has to do so to protect his friends, given that the franchise has it’s tendency to be downright dark to the core. However this is going to be mostly nice things around this place, isnt gonna be all doom and gloom. However please remember that this is an anime about fighting, it will get brutal.
Now let's dive to the Canon divergence.
Goku didn't exactly change until he had Gohan. While he wanted to train him he also understood that Chi-Chi wanted their son to be successful in a world he would never truly understand. He also began trying to understand more of a world that he never truly participated in but also defended fiercely. He wanted to grow in strength for that was his goal, his very blood called for battle and he could never truly abandon it. Gohan was a bridge, Saiyan and Human. Yet his power was tremendous at a young age and he wanted to teach him how to harness it. Namek only made that more, especially when he came back with the heart disease. Cell was an incredibly strong opponent and his son had power that could overshadow it. However, he made a promise and he swore to keep it. He would fight until his last breathe but the sight of his father about to die threw Gohan into the fight, doing his best to fight alongside him. Even still, Goku ended up sacrificing himself. He wanted to go home but thought it better to stay away. If he did maybe nobody would keep trying to attack earth?
Buu changed that outlook. He changed everything and ignited a fury set deep in his bones. Goku was overjoyed to be given life so he could rush down and save his family. It was too late. While Goku himself is prideful, he does bonk heads with Vegetta more or less about that pride. It has many times caused issues and he won't let him live that down. Not that he hasn't acknowledged his own mistakes. Goku tries to be active in his sons lives but does argue with Chi-Chi about how he will do the farm. He just also needs to keep training, he needs to keep getting stronger so he can protect them all.
Super is a mess all around so I will try my best here. Beerus comes and Goku argues big time with Chi-Chi about getting stronger, they all could have died had Beerus really decided to. He's not sure what changed the destroyers mind but now there are gods out there who will hurt his family if he doesn't find a way to climb the ranks. Yes he does take off to train with Whis, apologized to chi-chi later on. He continues rigorous training and starts opening his mind to being less careless. Goku Black introduces more intensity to his way of thinking but a brighter burning drive to protect his loved ones. Frieza nearly killing Gohan? Goku will never forgive Frieza and their fights are always aim to kill at that point. He disgusts him.
He never hires Hit to kill him. He starts the tournament of power hoping it'll save his universe, all that stuff. God's super is just a maze.
GT was awesome with it's ideas and transformation. Too bad that's not Canon. But I do have it where Goku found it and is slowly abandoning the super transformations in favor of SSJ4. It's design is just too cool to pass up along with all the abilities.
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masquenoire · 1 year
💞 one muse approaches the other out of convenience ( Harley seems the type to beg for attention.) 🔪 enemies with sexual tension 🩸 enemies tolerating each other for a common goal
💀 enemies
Send one or more emojis ( + descriptions ) for the kind of ship/dynamic you’d like to write with my muse! ( for multimuses, please specify. )
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Yes to all of this! Honestly, there is so much potential for animosity between these two because hell, there’s already plenty of bad blood between Roman and the Joker and Birds of Prey highlighted a lot of hostile dynamics. I’m not terribly fond of his depiction in BoP but that he only left Harley alone because of the Joker is accurate and without Mistah J around, he really has no reason to play nice with her at all. That being said, I can see attraction or at the very least sexual tension? Harley brings chaos everywhere she goes and while Roman is no fan of chaos, he can manage it and she is a very strong woman. Oh, she pisses him off big time and always seems to know just how to get under his skin but theres no denying she’s interesting and, dare he admit it, intelligent. She’s no dumb blonde bimbo - a clown bimbo maybe, but Harley can get things done and more often than has potential she doesn’t seem to realize, or does even if the Joker tried snuffing that realization out of her thoughts. So yeah, I agree with everything written here, that Harley wants attention and he’s got what she wants. He’ll tolerate her, annoying though he can find her because damn, it’s hard to get competent people on your side and for all her flaws, she isn’t wrapped around the Bat’s finger like Catwoman.
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After managing to avoid that damned virus for almost three years it finally got me smh
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chekovsphaser · 1 year
Since I have finished the last of my christmas sweets I am now going sugar-free for real. Since I'm officially pre-diabetic, and every person in my family over the age of 50 is diabetic so it's going to happen sooner or later but I'm really hoping for later so time to change some habits.
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tumblr has been freezing my phone lately
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stardustmorozov · 2 years
that's enough organising for today........... I'll continue to fix things tomorrow but now it is late and I want to relax
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datadegroove · 3 months
also there's no way quina was the one who was kidnapped by the dragon cause i barely dealt with her so i must have done something wrong
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saladbarselectionmenu · 3 months
SO im not very active
but i plan to change that! and it wont be for gw2! so if you dont want your blog inundated from me with what will probably be batman and dp x dc content over the next while consider this your official unfollow warning
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mkaleidescopel · 6 months
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caruliaa · 1 year
staff still hasn't given me polls, what should i do?
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their moms 69%
🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪 their dads 31%
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grace image os i get to look at her
#edit: edited the og post to what i want but to set the record straight i edited to the post to be mathematically correct right after the#first person pointed it out which was like ten mins after i posted the og post. now fuck offf !!!!! the rest of the tags r from the og post#for some reason i feel very immature making your mom jokes about tumblr staff. which i shldnt !!#bc they suck nd they still havent given me polls. but i ig i feel imature bc it a your mom joke 😭 but still i tihnk its kinda funny#EDIT: edited the post to what i want bc yall were getting annoying . but to set the record straight i edited to post to be mathematically#also its *mum* not mom okay i am NOT !! an american . but if i say mum everyone will j be like 'omg british' like i dont know i am#anyway. i want polls please. give me the rigght to force my mutuals chose between the most inane things#also i tihnk it wld b cool for the cs weekly blog. like w each episode#i cld do a poll of like. out of five stars what do u think of this ep#and it wld b a cool thing of which eps r ppls faves#also i cld have like. whose ur fave in team red whos ur fave in acme etc#id prob just have to go with vile faculty bc theres more than 10 ppl in vile. and ppl wld kill me if i didnt include nel the ell or whoever#it wld b fun !!!#oh btw csweekly thats i thing i want to start. prob on uhhh the 11th of feb ill post abt it more but its basically#a tag/blog for watching cs one ep a time watching one ep every saturday#ya !! :3#flappy rambles#inaccessible#ask to tag#(<- idk. just in case)
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gilfrespecter · 1 year
If I get a bunch of laundry and some vacuuming done tonight I can go to the marsh tomorrow even tho it's going to be under 50 bc last time I went out too early and it was barely 45 by the time I decided to call it quits for today so it's definitely comfortable. I also want to practice getting out of the kayak bc while I can get in and out on dry land just fine and can get in the water ok ish last time I beefed it so bad getting out. So bad you would not believe
Also going while it's cold is nice bc no bugs. Also it's supposed to be sunny on tomorrow but I need to check the wind and also see if my shoulder is still pissy
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shesnake · 10 months
24 hour time loops: not long enough to create or undo anything permanent, crazy-making but often still funny
365 day time loops: the most fucked up shit you could possibly imagine
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spielzeugkaiser · 10 months
How it started-
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How it's going!! They are a family and I am!!! also draw the hug you want to see in the show but they are forgiven because them meeting in brokilon was still soooo tender my HEART-
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