#You can be pissed at an individual for a heinous crime but my god will the government that let it happen and subsequently tries to cover it
polyamoryprincess · 2 months
things I don’t give a shit about: a bunch of chucklefucks at the top who want money and power who think they’re the representative of an entire country
things I give a shit about: as many people as possible being able to live as safely, comfortably, and happily as is possible.
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A Dumb Rant About A Webtoon
Okay so I’m actually super into reading webcomics (I read them on both Webtoon and Tapas), and although this has nothing to do with my blog (I AM considering making a side blog for webcomic content/reviews tho) I sort of feel like ranting about one that I saw. I’m sorry, but if you like Athena Complex this is probably going to piss you off. Admittedly, I couldn’t get far into the comic without being upset about this so I stopped reading a few chapters in, so that may affect my opinion here. This is mainly my opinion though, and if you disagree with me it’s fine.
So I did mention in my Fire Emblem kelpie beast unit post my opinion on mythological adaptation. Essentially, I believe that when you adapt any sort of mythological being into your story you need to keep these two things in mind:
The recognizable features/symbols/abilities: by this I mean what physical features is this being known to have, what are their physical/magical abilities, what objects are they most associated with, etc. You don’t need to have every single thing that is mentioned in the source material, just a decent combination of them that can allow the reader to easily connect the adaptation to the source material.
This factor mainly applies to individual characters as opposed to a full species or classification of creatures (I have read a decent number of mythological adaptations and have seen a mythical species depicted as evil in one adaptation and benevolent or neutral in another and enjoyed both, it all depends on if it makes sense in the context). What are the character’s main personal views, goals, and motivations? By this I mean how do they think and what are their views on the world around them, and what is the context surrounding that? Essentially, what can their main personalities and motivations be boiled down to and why?
After those two factors, I think that you can then go buck wild with any other characterization as long as it isn’t contradictory and makes sense in your story.
Now that I have set that down here’s my deal with Athena Complex. Athena Complex is a Webtoon based on Greek mythology that follows Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and strategy. She falls in love with Poseidon, the god of the sea, and is rejected by him. Fueled by vengeance and a desire to win his heart she takes the form of a high school boy in order to take revenge on his reincarnation. Basically, this entire Webtoon is practically a public execution of a large part of what makes Athena, well, Athena.
First off, I will give credit to Athena Complex for at least getting the symbolism correct, Athena is a goddess of wisdom and war and when in the form of a goddess her design reflects that with her armor, among other things such as her association with owls, so the first aspect that I mentioned is fine.
Additionally there is the fact that they also did heavily tap into the prideful aspect of Athena’s nature. Essentially in the source material Athena is a VERY prideful goddess and will take any opportunity to prove her worth if someone attempt to upstage her, and gets very angry when she fails or is insulted in the process (ie the story of Arachne, the story behind the double flute). This aspect could also be seen slightly in Athena Complex’s Athena’s behavior, which I can also give them credit for.
But that’s where a lot of the similarities end. Tbh a large majority of these issues surround the second aspect, the basics of the figure’s personality and motivations.
First, Athena’s stance on romance. Original Athena...literally wanted nothing to do with any sort of romantic relationship. Seriously it’s one of her main things one of her epithets is literally “Parenthos”, which means virgin. No lovers, no sex, no marriage, no intentionally created children (I say intentionally bc she and Hepheastus accidentally created a child when his snot got onto a torn piece of her cloak, but that’s a different weird story), nothing. She solely focused on the expansion of knowledge and learning. She had no time for any sort of relationship. Making Athena in Athena Complex heavily motivated by an unrequited romantic attraction literally rips one of her main core values to shreds.
And this in my opinion one of the worst offenses, MAKING THE SUBJECT OF THAT ROMANTIC ATTRACTION POSEIDON. Literally one MAJOR thing for the original Athena and Poseidon is that they HATE each other. (Also Athena is literally Poseidon’s niece, but tbh that’s a less heinous crime bc Greek mythology was weird about that shit, multiple gods married their siblings/cousins/uncles/aunts/nieces/nephews/etc., it’s weird. Also in Athena Complex Poseidon acted the main person raising Athena, which is ALSO really fucking weird and concerning, anyway back to why they hate each other).
The Contest for Athens: Basically before the Greek city of Athens was called Athens the people were looking for a patron deity, and both Athena and Poseidon tried to lay their claim. In order to determine who the city would go to, they decided to have a contest of who could give the city the best gift. Poseidon gave the city some horses (for transportation and farmwork) and a small spring in the middle of the city (note: the water in the spring was salt water and therefore undrinkable). Athena gave them olive trees (for food, making oil, wood, etc.). The peoplr decided that Athena’s gift was better and thus named the city “Athens” after her, leaving Poseidon incredibly salty.
The Medusa Incident (TW: possible rape/non-con): So Poseidon was having a nice little affair with a mortal woman named Medusa (you notice how this name is familiar, right? that’s important). It’s a little iffy on whether or not this affair was fully consensual on Medusa’s end due to the sort of victim blame-y aspects to this story, hence the trigger warning. So Poseidon his having his fun and decides to find a nice little place they can go to do the nasty. Where does he think would be a great idea? One of Athena’s temples of course! You know, a literal place of worship dedicated to his rival who is known to dislike involvement in romantic/sexual relationships? Nothing could go wrong at all! They of course get caught, and Athena, being pissed, decides to curse Medusa with snakes for hair and the ability to turn people into stone just by looking at them (see why the name was familiar?) For good measure she also curses Medusa’s two sisters with the snake hair. The sisters are then dubbed the Gorgons and then go live in isolation on a island until they are killed by Perseus (a hero that Athena was helping).
So this Webtoon completely ignores the context behind this hatred and decides to make it into an enemies to lovers story based on unrequited feelings (the feelings of a person for their childhood caretaker too...still weird). I guess they wanted to do enemies to lovers and such based on a rivalry dynamic, but in doing so they erased most of the actual substance behind that rivalry by making it romantic and destroying the characterization of one of the main characters.
I can understand taking creative liberties, but before you do so you NEED to have a full understanding of the characters that you are adapting. If a mythological character is known for a certain practice (refraining from romance) or for having an extreme distaste for another figure (Athena hating Poseidon), INCLUDE IT. You NEED to have all of the bare bones basics before you start taking liberties.
For example, the original Athena:
Goddess of wisdom and strategy
Association with owls, olives, carries a shield known as Aegis
Highly values learning and knowledge
Prideful to a fault
Virgin goddess with no interest in romantic or sexual relationships
Extreme hatred for Poseidon as a result of repeated negative encounters
Those are the bare bones basics, after that you can do what you want.
Honestly I don’t think that this Webtoon is necessarily BAD, but it is VERY annoying when you have the context behind these characters (hence my frustration and inability to make it past 10 chapters). In my opinion, if the author wanted to write this storyline, they should have made their own OCs as opposed to butchering a pre-existing figure’s characterization.
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daydream-in-a-dream · 5 years
Down (NCT Doyoung)
Genre: Action, angst
Word count: approx. 4.7k
Warning(s): Swearing
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"Get down!"
The sound of bullets ricocheting off the torn walls soon followed as the team was hot on their heels to chase after the fugitive. The lone man was smirking as he briefly turned back to see the growing distance between him and the authorities. He then made a sharp turn at the corner, surprising the group as they sprinted with a newfound determination to never let him away this time. Once they changed direction, however, they were greeted with numerous pathways with dilapidated buildings separating the lanes, decreasing the probability of the wanted man being caught. The dark which loomed over the area didn't help even in a single bit in the situation.
"Fucking hell," you cursed under your breath. "Jeno, you take the left while Jisung, you take the right. I'll take the middle."
"Be careful guys." With a hum in agreement, they took off. However, your feet remained firm on the gravel. Spotting the stacks of boxes at the far corner, you approached it with confidence before you pushed them aside, revealing the very man who your team had been running after.
"No wonder you're the team leader with that smart brain of yours," Doyoung remarked before he stood up from his hiding spot, dusting his clothes along the way.
"Why do you even pull out your gun? You almost shot me, for fuck's sake!" Punching him on the chest, you were beyond pissed at him. However, it wasn’t painful for him as he chuckled at your light jab.
"Just wanna scare your little kids, you know. They don't know who they're dealing with." Your crossed arms remained taut as ever. "Alright, I'm sorry. You guys catch up with me so fast. I thought you're supposed to help me."
"Well, I'm giving a good distraction for you right now as we speak. Why are you so reckless in the first place? It wasn't unlike you." A sigh escaped from his lips.
"I miss you," he brushed your stray hair away from your face, "so much."
This time, it was you who let out a heavy sigh. It was already risky for him to hack from high-profile individuals notorious for their heinous crimes. Ever since Jaehyun was murdered, Doyoung vowed to never let those criminals live their lavish lives if he couldn't get them to serve their sentences. Obtaining their wealth was one of the methods, while death was never part of the equation because it would be too easy on them. Of course, those same people bribed the officials to catch Doyoung. You, on the hand, had been working hard to track down pieces of evidence to put those atrocious beings behind bars ㅡ even if you had to challenge the corrupted government. You believed there were still a few good people in the department, but Doyoung had never agreed to you being part of the lawless system.
"We could've done this together if you work with me in the police."
"Don't. We've talked about this before, and it ended ugly." Doyoung was quick to stop you from having this conversation by placing a finger before your pursed lips to hush you. "Okay, let me finish my job first while you finish yours. Then we can have a vacation for ourselves."
"Promise?" A chuckle left from his lips before he reassured you with a nod. Closing the gap between the two of you by pulling you on the waist, Doyoung placed a chaste kiss on your lips. It wasn't enough for you when he pulled away a few seconds later, so you tugged him by the collar before deepening the kiss. Despite your assertion, he didn't struggle much when he too was lost in the heated exchange as he held your nape on one hand while the other caressed the back of your head. It had been too long since the two of you had touched like this, and Doyoung was very tempted to bring you with him and leave this mess behind right there and then, but his vengeance for his dear friend's death prevented him from doing so. And the thought alone also caused him to pull away from your lips.
It took all of his willpower not to meet those luscious lips again as you pouted at the loss of contact. He smiled softly; his hand never leave your head as he continued to stroke with affection. It would be a while before both of you could meet again in the future, so he used this opportunity to memorise every piece of you as he outlined each feature with his thumb. He started with your eyebrow, followed by your cheek before finally resting his finger on your lips. Gazing at it longingly, Doyoung pecked your lips for one last time before he clasped both of your hands and gave it a firm squeeze.
"See you." Slowly retracting your hand to the very end of your fingertips, Doyoung walked backwards to take a good look at you for the last time before he bolted to the middle lane, disappearing into nothingness as the shadows hid him from the illuminating moonlight. It wasn't long before Jeno and Jisung came back; your frustrated stance was enough for them to conclude that you couldn't find Doyoung as well.
One thing for sure, you didn't get him to stay.
"I didn't promote you to do such a sloppy job!" You flinched from your seat when the superintendent slammed the manila folder on the low glass table. God forbid you from getting up and knee-kicking the immoral official on his dick just so he could start thinking using his head. You knew it would cost you your job, but at least you let the thought entertain you. Taking a deep breath, you cleared your throat.
"Sir, I'm not trying to be rude here...," you paused for a moment to gauge his reaction and you only continued once he prompted you to carry on, "but shouldn't he be less of a concern? We have more important cases to deal with and honestly speaking, he should be last in our priority."
"Don't you get it?" Your senior immediately grabbed your shoulders. "Powerful people want him jailed. He had been causing a nuisance to them. I thought you should know how things run in the system by now."
You scoffed, not minding about your subordinate position for once. Of course you knew how the police worked, but it was pathetic that your senior made that clear to you. You slapped his uncomfortable grip using the back of your hands before you headed to the door. You were about to turn the doorknob when he spoke again.
"I know you want to fight for justice, but you should know we're just mere pawns in their games." You didn't listen any further before you exited with a slam.
That was the first thing that came to your mind. You could use some screaming right now to relieve your vexation, but you were aware that it would be frowned upon by the higher-ups who occupied this floor. You could only afford to ruffle your hair violently as you grumbled, in which the action didn't go unnoticed as you heard a snicker from the side.
"Don't be so harsh on your hair. You look like you need some de-stressing." Taeyong extended his hand to offer you a coffee, in which you politely accepted it before he sipped on his own. Both of you were on your way to the elevator and by the time the doors were shut, you vented your frustrations.
"I swear, those cowards are good-for-nothing! Why don't they just quit if they're not going to serve justice? Gosh, can we have someone capable to run as the superintendent for once?" Your arm was flailing as you spoke.
"Gee, that was something. You should be glad that the cameras in these lifts don't record audio," Taeyong remarked. "But if you need some form of assurance, I'll be taking over his position next month most probably."
"Really?" Both of your eyebrows were raised before you exclaimed. "Finally!"
"Don't get your hopes too high though. It's still possible that Deokhwa might be the superintendent instead, although I highly doubt it."
A ding was heard before the doors were opened, revealing the said man who was waiting for the elevator. You exchanged greetings with him with a smile, and when Deokhwa had entered the lift, you rolled your eyes.
"Useless prick. Can't even handle his cases properly and still had the audacity to gain credit for the ones that he never did."
"You know," Taeyong expressed before he let you curse more people, "I'll definitely be taking you under my wing, together with your juniors. Jeno and Jisung, right?"
You nodded. You were more than happy to work with him, and you knew those passionate youngsters would become policemen who the society needed under Taeyong's guidance as well. Taeyong had been helpful during your quest for justice. His relatively high position in the system allowed you to conduct investigations on those people Doyoung were after with ease, and you had always been indebted to his aid.
"Thanks, Taeyong. I definitely owe you."
"It's nothing." He nonchalantly shrugged. "It's our duty to protect the citizens after all."
He left you alone after you arrived at your workroom. Your juniors were nowhere in sight, still out to do patrolling. Placing the coffee at the side of the table, you skimmed for important e-mails on your desktop. Most of them were from your superintendent, while a few were from Jeno who sent you weekly reports of the city's state. One particular e-mail caught your attention since it was sent by Doyoung. Its contents were encrypted, and if it wasn't for your self-taught skill to decode the file, you would have sent this to the IT department to check. Fearing that your superintendent might catch your unusual activity, you used your tablet instead to decrypt the message.
"Oh my god." Doyoung rarely sent you lead-ins but when he did, it had proven to be useful in your investigations. However, the evidence which you were presented was far more detailed ㅡ drug dealings, profiles of buyers and even points of exchange. Needless to say, it was more than enough to apprehend the mastermind. And it wasn't surprising when the mastermind was who Doyoung had been after for years.
Also known by the alias King, he was the one behind the murder of Jaehyun. It all happened too fast ㅡ Jaehyun was just messing around and looking over contents in the dark web when he spotted an odd activity. Of course, curiosity got him at risk when he didn't hesitate to download the files and sent them to you when you were an intern in the investigative department back then. Driven by your passion to bring justice, naive you handed the lead-in to your supervisor, only failing to realise how corrupted the organisation was. Jaehyun was killed in his apartment the next day, the police regarded the case simply as suicide while you and Doyoung couldn't mourn properly over his death. The evidence which you passed to your superior? Its location remained unknown and was never brought up again in the department.
Upon noticing the next drug exchange in the document, you didn't hesitate to exit the room hurriedly, surprising both Jeno and Jisung who had come back from their work. You paid no heed to their bewilderment as you briskly walked, fishing out your phone as well.
"Taeyong, we need to talk."
After Taeyong had successfully obtained a warrant of arrest from the higher-ups, you instantly dialled your workroom to request the attendance of Jeno and Jisung up in the conference room. Taeyong was quick to elaborate on the plan once the youngsters had settled down. The next dealing would occur in three days' time and Taeyong was doing all the best that he can to convey the modus operandi clearly so that there would be no room for error during the execution. It would also be the first major mission for the youths so they too wished they could do well on this one.
"If anything goes wrong, there'll be a backup team on standby outside the port and they'll be coming in after an hour of receiving no news from us. Any questions?"
"No, sir." The three of you unanimously answered.
"Good. I hope you'll be prepared for it." Taeyong concluded before you were dismissed. Jeno and Jisung were out of the room so fast whereas you were still in the midst of packing your paperwork when Taeyong approached you.
"Don't you think it's weird that Doyoung had access to all of these?" He questioned. Taeyong had already known your relationship with Doyoung and he knew it was wrong of him to not report you for helping a fugitive, but you convinced Taeyong somehow that you would deal with it on your own. Taeyong was also aware of Doyoung’s hacking skills, but Taeyong didn't expect him to do so well.
"I trust his skills." Despite saying it confidently, Taeyong wasn't convinced when he knew how meticulous King always covered his tracks and he was still perplexed that Doyoung could obtain all the crucial information. Nonetheless, Taeyong didn't question any further as he let you exit.
Taeyong couldn't deny that his premonition didn't fade as he stared at the evidence again. He heard about King, but King's notoriety was never mentioned in meetings. Taeyong knew that some men here were under King's influence and with years working under the division, Taeyong knew who to trust and who to avoid. That was why he needed to get the arrest warrant from the right people in fear of exposing the plan before he could even carry out.
King had been in the dark for quite a while. It was time for him to come to light.
The lighthouse was the only light source in the harbour underneath the starless sky. There should be police boats patrolling in the sea, but they remained stationary. You knew King was going to leave the country after the drug dealing so it wasn't so astounding when you realised that the people on those patrol boats were his men after all.
Hidden in plain sight, Taeyong's onyx black Volvo provided enough camouflage as the team observed the exchange taking place from afar. Upon the leader's instruction, the whole team left the vehicle as each of you moved stealthily towards the scene. Leaning on the containers, you ensured that the lighthouse didn't emit its rays in such a way where your shadow could be noticed. You slowly made your way closer to the site to get an accurate shot on King to stun him. The guys, on the other hand, were swiftly manoeuvring in between containers to find a perfect spot to ambush King's men once King was down. However, the four of you failed to realise that this was a trap ㅡ a carefully set trap by King as his men pushed your team out from your hiding spots with a gun placed at the back of your heads. Your arms were reluctantly raised as you watched King's lips morphed into a devilish smirk.
"Well, well, well..." King teased. "If it isn't for the good cops."
"Hands behind your back!" The men dressed in black forced your team to kneel down by kicking at the back of your knees and they tied your hands together before doing likewise to your members. You glared at King vehemently, in which the man chuckled at your bravado before he lowered himself to grab your chin harshly.
"If it wasn't for you and your little mission to correct the wrong, my customers wouldn't be annoyed so much with your games." His tone dropped down an octave.
"Let. Me. Go." Articulating every word clearly, it only seemed to fuel King's desire to play you like a ragdoll as he unceremoniously held your chin as he pleased.
"Hmm... feisty. I might consider having you as my mistress if you're being a good girl to me." A spit landed on his craggy face before he backed away to wipe the liquid off his face. A loud smack resonated around the empty port, leaving your cheek stinging as your body was propelled to the ground.
"You wouldn't dare to that if you know who I have with me. Kang Ho, bring him out!" Resting both of his hands on his crotch, the bulky thug who was standing on the deck of the yacht nodded his head before dragging a bruised hostage out. The tingling sensation on your cheek made it difficult for you to open your eyes but when you willed yourself to do so, you recognised his silhouette immediately. Your previously crimson face turned pale at the sight of battered Doyoung with his limbs being confined by jute ropes.
"Doyoung!" You got up in a haste, only to have your body being brought down by the ruffian behind you as he used his brute force on your shoulder and grasped both of your hands with an iron grip. He remained unfazed by your constant cries for your beloved's name as you witnessed Doyoung being thrown down to land, right next to King. Jeno and Jisung who was at the sidelines were astonished by your association with the fugitive. Taeyong, on the other hand, could only close his eyes shut as he dwelled on his regret for failing to consider such a circumstance.
A feeble call for your name was all Doyoung could muster before King aggressively pulled his hair, resulting Doyoung to sit up. It was hard to watch Doyoung with blotches of black and blue decorating on his face. He only smiled upon exchanging eye contact with you, as if trying to reassure you that he was fine. However, it only intensified your cries as you struggled to break free from the grip. You earned another slap on your face when you didn't keep quiet. Doyoung's eyes narrowed at the sight, encouraging him to move towards you but King ensured that he remained still by wrenching his hair again.
"Ah, ah... you're still under me if you want her alive," Doyoung grunted. He couldn't believe he got fooled by King's deal. When King's men trespassed his home earlier, King had threatened to kill you if Doyoung didn't follow his orders. Losing you was Doyoung's worst nightmare, so he begrudgingly accepted the offer before he was escorted to King's SUV. Once they arrived at King's yacht, King's men had secured Doyoung on a wooden chair before King probed for the young man's e-mail. Doyoung was resolute to not give his details easily, but his silence had provoked King. With one look, King's men sprang into action as they pummeled Doyoung on his abdomen. When Doyoung still kept his mouth shut, one of the men kicked Doyoung on the face, resulting the poor chair to disintegrate into pieces. Doyoung had his nose bleeding at the impact, but he was still adamant to not give up the information. King's men continued to thrash him, and it was only when King threatened to kill you right then did Doyoung finally relented.
King's men continued to torture the team of four at this late hour. There was no one to attend to the four of you as howls of anguish left echoing in the port. King relished at the view as he had made himself clear to his men not to spare any mercy on the police. It was his intention to ensure that these 'pests' would never come for him and his customers ever again, especially when your team was debilitated. It was Doyoung's turn to cry for you despite his strained voice. Blood was oozing profusely from your head when you were sent to the ground with a severe blow on your skull. Hot tears were streaming down Doyoung's face as King compelled the young man to watch you suffer by resting the muzzle of his pistol on Doyoung's temple.
Just then, a shot was fired before King descended to the ground, pressing on his calf where the pain originated. The special force team had intervened, with Mark leading the squad as King and his men were surrounded. Some of King's men took cover from the crates available before the two parties engaged in a firearms battle. With the help of Mark's comrades, they pulled Taeyong, Jeno and Jisung to safety. Mark could only cut the binds on your hands when a bullet narrowly missed his head. Unfortunately for you, Mark had to abandon his mission to get you safely to the car while he continued to take down the enemies.
At the instant when King's grip on Doyoung loosened, Doyoung reached out for your body as you laid helplessly. Gunshots continue to fill the atmosphere, yet he couldn't be bothered by the state of disorder as he was only concerned for your well-being. It was a gruelling task for him to crawl towards you as his body screamed in pain, and it was especially excruciating for him when his swelling bruises were rubbed against the concrete. Nevertheless, all of that seemed to be worthwhile when he was finally able to clutch your hand despite his hands still being tied together. With every ounce of energy you had left, you tightened the hold as soon as you felt his hand on you.
"Stay with me. Please." He croaked. You wanted to assure him that you were okay, but your mouth struggled to move and your eyesight soon became blurry as you were overwhelmed by fatigue. The shouts eventually faded as your view turned black.
The sound of the machine beeping was what greeted you once you gained consciousness. Opening your eyes was torture, considering how bright the lights were and the white walls around you seemed to reflect the light on you as well. You were still in the midst of recalling the past incidents which made you end up in this ward when you heard the door clicked.
"Hey, you're finally awake." Taeyong blurted.
"Hi." Getting yourself seated, you groaned when you felt an acute pain on your head. Taeyong was quick to get to your side as he helped you lean on the headboard.
"How long have I been out?" You wondered.
"Long enough for me to serve my sentence." Another voice entered before the man revealed himself as he stood beside Taeyong. "It's been close to a year."
"Doyoung?" Your voice was laced with surprise. "But how? I thought you're going to serve longer."
"The court decided to lighten his sentence when his hacking had proven to be a great help to stop possibly the largest drug syndicate in the country. King's people who were working under the government had also been taken into custody if you're wondering." Taeyong explained. "I've got some bad news for you though."
You quirked your eyebrows before you coaxed him to continue. Eyes musing on Taeyong, Doyoung was also curious as his right hand started tapping on his thigh nervously.
"Although Doyoung is free now, you've helped him when he was still a fugitive. Therefore, the board had decided that you'll be suspended from work for three weeks."
You didn't know how to react to the news. While Taeyong had regarded it as bad news, you didn't really see it that way. Rather, you felt that it was a reward for you after executing those taxing tasks. You were about to ask the red-haired man about King when his phone vibrated in his pocket.
Upon seeing the caller ID, Taeyong stated, "I'll be answering this call outside. You two can catch up with each other while I'm away."
Leaving the room with a thud, there was a moment of silence before Doyoung dragged a chair closer to your bed. Grabbing your hand delicately, he caressed it like fine china as his eyes were fixated on it.
"I thought I've lost you," he sniffled. "If it wasn't for my pursuit for retribution, you wouldn't end up like this."
"Doyoung..." At a loss of words, you placed your hand on top of his.
"You know," Doyoung continued, "Jaehyun appeared in my dreams when I was still in prison."
Your ears perked up at the revelation.
"It's probably just another dream, but it felt so real back then. It seems like hours as we talked, but he did advise me one thing before I woke up."
"What is it?" You couldn't help the question to slip out of your mouth.
"He urged me not to fight for him anymore and just continue my life with you," he softly said. He was deep in thought afterwards, and you couldn't resist asking him whether he was okay. He reassured you with a small shake of his head before he held your hands firmly and faced you after all this time.
"Remember the promise that I've made to you months back?" You nodded.
"Let's get you out of here," he voiced out, leaving you baffled at his sudden suggestion.
"I'm not officially discharged yet. How can I possibly leave? We can always have our vacation once I'm considered well enough to leave. Plus Taeyong is still outside." Expressing your worries, Doyoung immediately checked outside, only to spot Taeyong standing near the receptionist as the detective had his back facing your ward.
"Three weeks are barely enough for a holiday," he argued once he came back inside. "And Taeyong won't be able to see us. Quick, before he comes back!" He urged you as you quickly remove the wires attached to your body. Doyoung then ushered you to the wheelchair which he located near the window. This way, the nurses wouldn't be questioning his movements when he planned to get you to the carpark. It was nerve-wracking ㅡ you couldn't deny it ㅡ but you were also anticipating what Doyoung had in store for you.
Once the lift had opened its doors in the basement level, you quickly abandoned the wheelchair before Doyoung guided you to his car. You were about to take the passenger seat when he stopped you.
"Take the back seat." You were about to disagree when he pushed you to where he wanted you to sit, your disapproval being disregarded totally before he went to the boot to retrieve something.
"Change into these. We don't want the security guard to know that I'm kidnapping a patient."
"In the car?!"
"Come on, we don't have much time. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." Even though it was true, you still blushed at his words. Thankfully, Doyoung was in a hurry to realise your scarlet cheeks as he jogged to the driver's seat, starting the engine before you closed the door to get changed. You were grateful that he didn't attempt to look at your vulnerable self from the rear-view mirror despite being your boyfriend. Once you had told him that you were done, his lips curved upwards as he looked at you through the mirror before he stepped on the accelerator to get the both of you out from the hospital.
Doyoung's phone had been buzzing on the passenger seat for quite a while, and he showed no signs of planning to answer the call even when the red light prevented the car from moving. You took the initiative to answer the call in his stead when you saw Taeyong's name appearing on the screen, but Doyoung was quick to slap your hand away, leaving you pouting as you rubbed the sore muscle.
"Just answer the damn call! He's probably worried about me." Doyoung shook his finger before he reached out for his phone to type something before he switched it off completely.
"Relax. I've just texted him that you're with me and that he shouldn't be contacting me for the next three weeks. Not that I'll pick it up in the first place anyway." Giving him a deadpan look, you knew you couldn't change his stubborn mind.
Nonetheless, you were down for the vacation he had planned spontaneously. As long as Doyoung stayed with you, it was all that you could ask for.
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