volatile-shorty · 2 years
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space tree
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
A treasure was found,by accident.
TEHRAN –Two climbers have found a rock-carved bas-relief on their way near the UNESCO-registered Pasargadae, southern Iran.
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“Two climbers came across this inscription while climbing on their way near Tangeh Bolaghi in the Pasargadae region,” a local official in charge of the protection of cultural heritage said on Wednesday.
They immediately informed officials of the Pasargadae, the World Heritage site, Mehr reported.
“These two mountaineers, who asked not to be named, considered the historical relics to be a part of the past of this region, which belongs to all Iranians, and efforts should be made to preserve and protect them.
Experts say the inscription, which dates from the Sassanid era, is actually a dedicatory letter that informs about the construction of a bridge, dam, and road, and a blessing has been prayed for its builders.
Inscribed on a rack piece measuring 90 by 40 cm, the relief bears three separate texts with the same themes, all in the Pahlavi script.
Tangeh Bolaghi is an archaeologically significant valley, consisting of 130 ancient settlements, dating back to the period between 5,000 BC and the Sassanian dynastic era (224-651 CE). It is situated in the southern province of Fars, some seven kilometers from Pasargadae.
Archaeological research since 2005 has discovered a section of a former royal road connecting Pasargadae to Persepolis, Susa and other regions of the Persian Empire up to Sardis. Excavations have provided archaeologists with a unique insight into the lives of the people living in the Achaemenid dynastic era.
Pasargadae, which began under Cyrus the Great in about 546 BC, maybe more expanded than what is perceived from its ruins. “Archaeological evidence suggests that Pasargadae is beyond what we see. It was a summer residence, a recreational area with many gardens and buildings…,” according to Iranian archaeologist Ali Mousavi.
Situated about 50 km north of Persepolis, Pasargadae was the first dynastic capital of the Achaemenid Empire in the 6th century BC. Its palaces, gardens, and the mausoleum of Cyrus are outstanding examples of the first phase of royal Achaemenid art and architecture and exceptional testimonies of Persian civilization.
Pasargadae developed into a city of some significance until it was superseded by Darius I’s magnificent palace in Persepolis. The key sights on this isolated plain are the Tomb of Cyrus, Darius' Garden, and Cyrus' private palace. Around 500m north of Cyrus’ private palace is the remains of the Prison of Solomon (Zendan-e Soleiman), variously thought to be a fire temple, tomb, sundial, or store. On the hill beyond is the Tall-e Takht–a monumental 6000-sq-meter citadel used from Cyrus’ time until the late Sassanian period. Local historians believe the references to Solomon date from the Arab conquest when the inhabitants of Pasargadae renamed the sites with Islamic names to prevent their destruction.
The 160-ha archaeological site stands as an exceptional witness to the Achaemenid civilization. The vast Achaemenid Empire, which extended from the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt to the Indus River in India, is considered the first empire to be characterized by respect for the cultural diversity of its people. Experts believe that Pasargadae represents the first phase of this development, specifically Persian architecture, which later found its full expression in the city of Persepolis.
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koburakai · 2 years
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s5 trailer inspired sketches,,,
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pow00000 · 2 years
2022.02.27(sun) RESPECT FOR GEEKS by R4G 全力で踊らなきゃダメじゃん出張公演@渋谷WOMB
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POW's DJ setlist (40min)
01.涙の表面張力 / AKB48 [6th album "僕たちは、あの日の夜明けを知っている"]
02.制服のマネキン / 乃木坂46 [4th single "制服のマネキン"]
03.会いたくて嫌になる / HKT48 (やっぱりみたらし団子) [HKT48 11th single "早送りカレンダー" c/w]
04.好きと言わせたい / IZ*ONE [1st single(JP) "好きと言わせたい"]
05.幻想即興曲 / 森保まどか [1st album "私の中の私"]
06.雨のピアニスト / SKE48 Team S [2nd stage "手をつなぎながら"]
07.黒い天使 / AKB48 Team A [5th stage "恋愛禁止条例"]
08.天使のしっぽ / AKB48 Team B [3rd stage "パジャマドライブ"]
09.法定速度と優越感 / AKB48 (U-17選抜) [AKB48 50th single "11月のアンクレット" c/w]
10.えっちなこと / 木下百花 [digital single "えっちなこと"]
11.I see... / 乃木坂46 [25th single "しあわせの保護色" c/w]
12.突然 Do love me! / HKT48 [2nd album "アウトスタンディング"]
13.ドレミソラシド / 日向坂46 [2nd single "ドレミソラシド"]
14.君はメロディー / AKB48 [43rd single "君はメロディー"]
15.MajiでKoiする5秒前 / 指原莉乃 [指原莉乃 with アンリレ single "意気地なしマスカレード" c/w]
16.涙のシーソーゲーム / AKB48 (アンダーガールズ) [AKB48 17th single "ヘビーローテーション" c/w]
17.青春の出口 / HKT48 [13th single "3-2" c/w]
18.スコールの間に / AKB48 Team A [5th stage "恋愛禁止条例"]
19.君とどこかへ行きたい / HKT48 (つばめ選抜) [14th single "君とどこかへ行きたい"]
20.天文部の事情 / HKT48 [2nd single "メロンジュース" c/w]
21.抱きしめちゃいけない / AKB48 (アンダーガールズ) [AKB48 22nd single "フライングゲット" c/w]
22.ただいま 恋愛中 / AKB48 Team A [4th stage "ただいま 恋愛中"]
23.カモミール / HKT48 (10%) [HKT48 12th single "意志" c/w]
24.Only today / AKB48 Team A [4th stage "ただいま 恋愛中"]
25.Airplane / IZ*ONE [2nd mini album "HEART*IZ"]
26.初恋バタフライ / HKT48 [AKB48 29th single "永遠プレッシャー" c/w]
あの渋谷WOMBで開催!しかも著名アクトが多数出演!その中で1フロアを丸ごとジャック!というイレギュラーなシチュエーションながらも、イベント開催自体、年号がまだ平成だった2019年4月以来ということで、そのブランクも加味すると全踊史上かなりスペシャルな回だったと思います。それゆえ物凄く久しぶりにお会いする方がいたり、個人的にここ2〜3年の間で知り合った方が初めて遊びに来てくれたりで、懐かしさと新しさが交錯しまくりのとっても楽しい時間でした。選曲についてはOGも含めた近年の作品群と往年のアンセムの折衷をテーマに、HKT48 2期原理主義の立場から卒業メンバーへのdedicated to...な要素(M20、M26)も盛り込みました。あらためてご来場いただいたみなさま、ありがとうございました!次回開催は今のところ未定ですが、またお会いできますように!
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folditdouble · 5 years
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Women in Film Challenge 2019: [39/52] Zendan-e zanan, dir. Manijeh Hekmat (Iran, 2002)
I’m in charge here. I use any means I want.
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trashvideofinland · 5 years
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Zendan vanki / Prisoner of Zenda, The (1979) Esselte Video / CIC Video https://www.videospace.fi/release/zendan_vanki_vhs_esselte_video_cic_video_finland
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ukgk · 3 years
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆. 【Zendan, 2001】
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celestialholz · 4 years
You know how Q mentioned Picarad to Janeway and Sisko. I headcanon he also does this to various others he meets from time to time. There are entire civilzations that have figured out that they can get their God of Chaos to stop tormenting them by indulging and ecouraging his rants about Picard until he forgets why is there in the first place.
*laughs for five straight minutes* Brilliant. Take this mad thing with my pleasure! ^_^
The myths of Zenda VII have long since spoken of the ultimate threat; the malevolent deity, murmured in the dead of night’s campfire tales, the unwilling witnesses of stars and firelight alone only emphasising the terror scattered through generations of their people.
“They’ll come in broad daylight,” the grandmother whispers to her rapt charges around the flaming pit, tone solemn, eyes as round and wide as the third moon. “Chaos incarnate, wiles absolute, the Ultimate One; elaborately clothed, no need for the cover of midnight; torment shall reign for cycles on end, and when they eventually recede… all of our souls will have been reaped, harvested to appease the whims of the grand sky gods. We shall be shells alone.”
It’s a tale as old as time, always recited with identical reverence, a fear befitting of the inevitable but nevertheless terrifying, children left to scatter, bawling, back to their huts, the grimace of the elders and the chief all the remains beside the fire to see them all off into uneasy dreams.
There have been counterarguments occasionally, heated mutterings among the people at village meetings; “They’ll have mercy, surely? We’re just farmers, living off the land - peaceful, loving!”
The only response is a grim silence, and it settles deep in the heart of their every chief through the centuries, the thought that perhaps, one day, they’ll have to be the one to bear the brunt of such horror.
… It’s curious then, the day they do show up; it’s exactly as the legend states, after all, exuberant robes and all, appearance immediately threatening by the diamond of pure brilliance that accompanies it. They’re in the village square, glancing round, humanoid features creased with bemusement at the screaming, fleeing community around them.
“Oh gods, Shazem, it’s them!” Comes the petrified hiss of the chief’s life-mate, an unassuming and terrified female.
“I… yes,” the chief replies, and though terror fills every inch of her soul, she stares unblinkingly outwards from her grand hut’s window, natural flippancy rising from the ashes. “I was expecting them to be a little more… you know.”
“What on Zenda are you saying?! They will raze our people to the ground! Did you not just see their appearance?!”
“Bit difficult to miss,” the chief answers thinly. “I… I’ve just been under the distinct impression that they’d be a bit more… intimidating, but legends do not lie, my darling. Stay here, won’t you?”
“It will make no difference, Shaz -”
“It may, for a while at least.” She kisses her soundly, swallows, and leaves, shadowed briefly by the walk past several neighbouring huts.
“Seriously, have I missed the memo?” The being calls dryly at the sprinting natives, the cries of horror that ring across the village, the doors being carelessly slammed as they dive for shelter. “Why are you all running? Admittedly can’t imagine you’ve all seen much in the way of teleportation, I could have been a touch more subtle, but -”
“You are the Ultimate One.” Her voice remains admirably level as it rings across the square, tremble barely visible in her legs. “My people fear you as the one that will destroy us all.”
The being spins, eyes alight with bewilderment.
“… Do they?” They ask in intrigue, before they sigh theatrically, turning a glare skywards. “And which of you thought this was a hilarious idea? Do speak up!”
Something distinctly uneasy shifts through her for a long moment as the being curls lips, seemingly having received their answer from a higher plane.
“… Lovely,” they snap. “I’ll deal with you later, kid.”
A cool look is directed suddenly at her, lips pursed. “So, what am I supposed to be doing exactly?”
The chief swallows subtly, wondering if she can lie to a being of ‘absolute wiles’.
“You are, uhm… you’re supposed to -”
“Oh for the love of -” Their tongue clicks in exasperation. “Telepathic, dear, do try not to lie won’t you?”
Her features fall just slightly, though a brow raises. “Why… why would you need to ask, then?”
“Is it too much to expect a little honesty?” They ask dryly, eyes rolling. “I’m going to be perfectly candid with you at least, sweet mortal - your legends are, to a degree at least, accurate. I am absolutely capable of tearing your precious little village to shreds, half the galactic locality with it in fact, and once upon a time I may very well have done, but -”
Two opulent love-seats appear beside the fireside in a diamond of light, duet of colourful cocktails placed beside a glass mug of something steaming, though the true curiosity is the being that’s also been summoned; clad in deep maroon and utterly bemused, he stares between entity and chief, decidedly irritated by the situation.
“ - I married this guy a few weeks ago, and he’s frustratingly ethical.” They say it with great affection despite the man’s clear annoyance. “Do take a seat, darling. I made tea!”
“Q,” begins the strange visitor furiously, “what in fresh hell -”
“Not in front of the Zendans, Jean-Luc.” They give a conspiratorial wink before glancing at Shazem expectantly. “Are you just going to stand there, my dear? I think you’ll find my campfire tales rather more charming.”
Shazem blinks stupidly as an irate voice washes through her peripheral awareness, muttering angrily foreign terms such as “Prime Directive” and “on the damn bridge!” and “supposed to be chairing a conference between the Talosians and Andorians!” as the other soothingly proclaims that they’ll fix time accordingly, and despite herself, she bursts out laughing, mad, breathless giggles erupting from her.
“They’re fine,” she announces loudly to her village, fear receding in her spirit. “Absolutely fine, my friends! Weird, very weird, but fine!”
“Less of that, thank you!” The being, apparently ‘Q’, responds coolly as the residents slowly peek from their huts, uncertain but trusting; some murmur brief laughs at the bickering couple, others merely stare. “You’re the weird ones, with your linear time and your limited lifespans! And you’ve never so much as heard of a starship -”
“Prime. Damn. Directive!” The one known as Jean-Luc hisses, outraged. “Please accept my apologies for my husband, good stars - apparently a two-month honeymoon wasn’t sufficient -”
“‘Pleasure and action make the hours seem short,’ my darling,” Q points out in fond exasperation, casting a glance at the villagers with a grin. “Anyone for a real legend? Wait until you hear how we met…”
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AU where instead of ending up on earth, Warlock ends up running into my goofy robotsona Zendan, and they end up going on epic space opera adventures and becoming super close qpps
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‏‎ڔامین حوسێن پەناهی و محەممەد نەزەری و زەینەب جەلالیان لە بیر نەکەین ... جان زندانیان سیاسی در خطر است #kurdistan#iran#zendan#edam#raminhosseinpanahi#mohammadnazari#zeynabjalalian ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/BnV0sn7Fht2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=valp440c3kc0
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volatile-shorty · 2 years
4A + 2E for shark and zendan pls im begging dying and crying on my fucking knees for more content of them
kay :D
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t3rra-bull · 7 years
Mohsen Chavoshi - Zendan (محسن چاوشی - زندان)
“موزیک ویدئو زندان از محسن چاوشی با تهیه کنندگی رامبد جوان. اگر از این ویدئو لذت بردین هم اکنون با دیگران به اشتراک بگذارین و به پلی لیست محبوبتون اضافه کنین.”
“Music Video of Prison from Mohsen Chavoshi by Producer of Young Ramaddas. If you enjoyed the video, share it now with others and add your favorite song list.”
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koburakai · 2 years
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pow00000 · 6 years
2018.02.12(mon/hol) 全力で踊らなきゃダメじゃんZ22nd~バレンタイン直前公演~@秋葉原MOGRA
POW's DJ setlist (45min) 01.思い出せてよかった / STU48 [AKB48 50th single "11月のアンクレット" c/w] 02.混ざり合うもの / 乃木坂AKB [AKB48 43rd single "君はメロディー" c/w] 03.太陽が坂道を昇る頃 / NMB48(研究生) [NMB48 16th single "僕以外の誰か" c/w] 04.出逢いの続き / 渡辺麻友 [5th single "出逢いの続き"] 05.キスキャンペーン / 入山杏奈、加藤玲奈、宮脇咲良 [AKB48 9th album "僕たちは、あの日の夜明けを知っている"] 06.マドンナの選択 / AKB48(れなっち総選挙選抜) [AKB48 42nd single "唇にBe My Baby" c/w] 07.好き 好き 好き / AKB48 Team B [5th stage "シアターの女神"] 08.Seventeen / AKB48 [album "SET LIST ~グレイテストソングス~完全盤"] 09.憧れのポップスター / AKB48 Team A [6th stage "目撃者"] 10.制服の芽 / SKE48 Team S [3rd stage "制服の芽"] 11.恋するRibbon! / HKT48(村重選抜) [10th single "キスは待つしかないのでしょうか? c/w"] 12.涙の表面張力 / 岡田奈々、小嶋真子、高橋朱里、向井地美音 [AKB48 9th album "僕たちは、あの日の夜明けを知っている"] 13.Escape / SKE48 [AKB48 34th single "鈴懸の木の道で「君の微笑みを夢に見る」と言ってしまったら僕たちの関係はどう変わってしまうのか、僕なりに何日か考えた上でのやや気恥ずかしい結論のようなもの" c/w] 14.天使はどこにいる? / fairy w!nk [1st single "天使はどこにいる?"] 15.東京タワーはどこから見える? / 欅坂46 [1st album "真っ白なものは汚したくなる"] 16.Choose me! / チームYJ [AKB48 15th single "桜の栞" c/w] 17.記憶のどこかで / =LOVE [=LOVE 1st single "=LOVE" c/w] 18.雨のピアニスト / HKT48 Team H [1st stage "手をつなぎながら"] 19.夢へのルート / AKB48 Team 8 [AKB48 44th single "翼はいらない" c/w] 20.大人列車 / HKT48 [AKB48 39th single "Green Flash" c/w] 21.青空が違う / 欅坂46(青空とMARRY) [2nd single "世界には愛しかない" c/w] 22.ハッピーエンド / AKB48(レナッチーズ) [AKB48 46th single "ハイテンション" c/w] 23.空耳ロック / HKT48 Team TⅡ [HKT48 8th single "最高かよ" c/w] 昨年の7周年公演からの長い沈黙を破り実に約10か月ぶりの開催となった全踊ですが、おかげさまで今回も楽しくやらせていただきました。出番がラストから2番目ということで一応それまでの流れを踏まえつつ…のつもりだったのですが、終わってみると特にそんなこともなくいつも通り新し目の楽曲を中心にところどころクラシックスを入れ込むいつもの感じに落ち着きました(外山大輔先生と杉山勝彦先生に敬礼!)。あと「バレンタイン直前公演」感ゼロだったのはご容赦ください…!MOGRAにご来場いただいた皆さま、Ustreamでご覧いただいた皆さま、それぞれありがとうございました。次回は4月の8周年記念公演ということで、そちらもぜひぜひよろしくお願いします! http://club-mogra.jp/2018/02/12/3416/
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persiantracks · 7 years
Mohsen Chavoshi - Zendan
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mahdiee · 3 years
قسمت 28 افرا... تولد مسعود در زندان...😍🥺 #سریال_افرا #افرا #سریال #مینا_وحید #زندان #تهران #مهدی_سلطانی #روزبه_حصاری #پژمان_بازغی #محمد_صادقی #بهرنگ_توفیقی #ملاقاتی #نسرین_بابایی #afra #serial #afra_serial #minavahid #mehdisoltani #roozbehhesari #pejmanbazeghi #mohamadsadeghi #nasrinbabaii #behrangtofighi #molaghati #tehran #zendan https://www.instagram.com/p/CUW-k0GAaYU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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