#Zaeed Everstone - The One And Only
notyourastarion · 6 months
[ TIEFLING PARTY. ] A starter where our muses approach one another at the tiefling party, to gossip, chat, dance, or hit on each other. // to zaeed from nox? (:
Zaeed floats around the party with ease, from person to person, making easy conversation and sharing laughs. Dressed to impress, a black shirt and trousers, his waistcoat bearing blue accents that match his eyes and horn tips, striking against his red skin.
As he wanders the room, mingling and greeting friends and acquaintances alike, he notices a pretty new face amongst the familiar. "Well hello there, I don't think we've met, have we?" He began as he made his way over with his smart heels clicking on the floor beneath him, he extended a hand to offer a handshake. "My name's Zaeed, what brings you to this little get-together of ours?"
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notyourastarion · 6 months
Stares at the man for a few minutes. Each word he said, it didn't matter. That hair, it was so suave, that arrogant fucking air about him. She squints and waits until he is close enough to just, whap him. So she did. She punched him as best as she could if she could make decent contact, wherever the punch landed if it did at all. "Gods that felt good." ( to Zaeed )
"Couldn't help but notice you're staring a little, do you like what you see? Ow! What the-"
Zaeed took the hit, stumbing back a little and holding his jaw. The blow was more of a surprise than painful, but that didn't mean it wasn't painful at all.
"I'll bet it did." He shook his head and smiled genuinely, his palms up to show he had no plans on retaliating. "That was a pretty decent hit, actually. Oh, hey, we should spar sometime! I'm sure we could teach eachother a thing or two." The Tiefling mimed punching Elwood's arm a couple of times, and, if you look closely, you might see he was bouncing very slightly with excitement.
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notyourastarion · 4 months
"Hey soldier! Tough fight today, huh..." She certainly showed it, unusually slumped as she sat nearby the campfire. "So, uh...how's the songs coming along? I wouldn't mind a listen if you wanted to bounce some ideas off of someone." She could do with the distraction from the heavy topics on her mind, and the ache in her muscles. - for Zaeed!
"What's shaking, mama K!" Zaeed greeted her brightly and sat himself down beside her, reaching his hands out towards the fire's warmth. "Yeah, today was tough, but we're tougher, right?" He smiled, miming giving Karlach a gentle punch on the arm, his fist stopping just short of touching .
"I've got a little something, it's early days yet though. Just a beat - here." He dragged his drum over and dusted it off, giving a few quick taps before playing out what, in his humble opinion, is a real toe-tapper.
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