#Zoro got played
zosanbrainrot · 3 months
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part 2 of Zoro in WCI
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I tried to write something to sum up my thoughts on this, but then it got longer and longer and tbh I'm itching to write a fic set in this AU djjdkf I think I could develop on their inner feelings more than in the comic form
Before posting the first part I didn't realize people had such strong opinions on how this would play out lmaooo
imo, of course Zoro wants to fight Sanji, not with actual intent to harm (they threaten each other on the daily, come on), but because that's how they are together, how they communicate. He respects Luffy's decisions and their goal here, which is to learn what's really going on with Sanji, but he's gonna be pissy about it all he wants. They both have so many intense and conflicted feelings about this and neither has any idea how to resolve them. So they fight.
ofc yall are free to headcanon this interaction any other way you want <333
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biscuitboba · 16 days
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Idk but i love how everyone seems to be looking straight ahead, but zoro? he is looking at his captain like, alright-
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stardustintheabyss · 9 months
Kid me: clowns are creepy & scary
Adult me: ...I have something to tell you & you're not gonna like it. But on the bright side we're no longer scared of clowns.
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shima-draws · 30 days
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crackbabycore · 5 months
gay gay homosexual gay
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hylianane · 11 months
My favorite bit of costume design from the live action promo has GOT to be Usopp with the sick coat and the more standard pirate Captain’s hat. And maybe I’m just reading too much into it, but not only does Jacob look damn good in that outfit, it also feels so incredibly fitting to Usopp’s character. Specially this very early days Usopp, who is still only ‘playing pirate’. The Usopp who’s still idealizing the journey ahead, just a little bit, and still kind of wants to be the Captain or Co-Captain, just a little bit. An Usopp with the potential to live up to those big dreams of adventures, but still needs time to ground himself and mature and grow into his own identity. Who, for now, is only dressing and acting the way pirates are expected to dress and act. I am charmed and heart-eyed and I cant wait to see this Usopp in action.
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crocodilenjoyer · 2 months
playing lethal company and constantly getting turned around no matter the map to the point that i spend half the day just getting lost…dare i say zorocore
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bas-writes · 10 months
I see more and more positive reviews of OP live action, and I think to myself, okay, the trailers killed my interest but maybe they were just not showing what would interest me, maybe I will take a look at first episode.
but then I see the live action Luffy and I take everything back because no, this is not Luffy 😭😭😭 I can't watch a show about Luffy that has Luffy that's not Luffy at all 😭😭😭
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killabratzzcherri · 2 years
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warning: gore and violence
I’ve just been obsessed with the whole strong evil man with an equally, maybe more, evil woman by his side.
Just think about it. Them sitting on a throne and you’re sitting at his feet with your head in his lap, and he’s running his hands through your hair as he kills off the useless or traitorous people to give you a show.
I would be on an absolute power trip in this position. My favorite pastime? Planning world domination with my man. My hobbies? Bathing in the blood of my enemies. What’s my ideal date? Going on a shopping-turned-murder spree and then fucking while covered in blood.
Some may not be ok with participating in the killings and all that and that’s ok. But imagine the pure sexiness your man emits when he kills someone. He’s covered in blood but goddamn. Just being turned on by him being covered in his victims blood and just smirking so evilly as if he’s getting off on it too.
Maybe it’s after a major fight and your both high off of adrenaline. You saw your lover cut down people with little effort and you can’t help but shiver at the thought of him bringing his brutality into the bedroom. Him manhandled you like a ragdoll and treating you like a common whore. It sends tingles to your core and make your enemies afraid at why you seem more energetic and bloodthirsty than before.
Then when you get home, you both can’t keep your hands to yourself. Wanting desperately to take each other’s clothes off and fuck until your both stupid and drooling. You don’t even care about the blood staining your designer clothes or your silk bedsheets. You wanted the blood on you as well, you wanted to taste it as your passionately kissed him, to feel it on your skin as he thrusted his cock into you. As he bit you in different places, drawing your own blood while you clawed at his skin in pleasure, both clouded with overwhelming lust for each other.
Aside from the sex, he would treat you like the queen you are. If they insult you, they’re insulting him. Of course, he wouldn’t need to put the person back in their place as you were capable of doing so yourself. He would only need to stand on the sidelines and smile proudly while their screams of mercy echo out. He would be so in love with you and shower you with gifts 24/7, ranging from new clothes and jewelry to expensive things.
I rave about you fighting alongside him and all that but in hindsight, he wouldn’t let you lift a finger. Having you by his side was already a grueling task so he didn’t want to run you off by having exert yourself. Your room would be filled with the softest and lavish bed and while gone, he would allow you to sit on his throne. You’re not always by his feet, sometimes when you find the position to be demeaning you sit on his lap or arm-piece instead. After all, you wanted to get a good view of the impending blood bath or look just as menacing as your lover.
Sometimes, you don’t want to be the bimbo or the nice and main girl y/n. Sometimes you want to be evil and cruel and bloodthirsty. You want to ditch your morals and watch the world burn, and you want to do it with your lover by your side.
Or maybe that’s just me.
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hellolulu · 8 months
Finally found time to finish one piece live action,,,, why did they change Nami's backstory like that?? Bruhh
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mel-ixa · 8 months
Stuck between wanting to watch the OP anime in its entirety including fillers to get the full experience but knowing that I’ll spiral into binging and it’ll ruin my life because I have no control, or if I should just watch via onepace so I’m still caught up with the important parts while spending less time.
In the midst of my indecision, I’ve opted to watching random clips of OP on YT instead but I’m just wasting more time because I should just start watching it properly.
If anyone has the same issue as me and has advice, pls share
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shiigures-a · 9 months
I know that people wants Smoker and Tashigi to quit the marines but with them gone, it would be awful to the citizens that look towards Tashigi's protection. She's the one they seek out because they know of her kindness, fairness, and protectiveness. How she stands up, rescues, and help children. For those who are experimented on. Those suffering from the injustices from both the pirates and the marines. Hell, she even fights Kizaru in the World Seeker DLC and my own headcanon of her wailing the hell out of Shuu, who destroyed a precious sword even though it was own by Zoro.
I rather them change the whole WG from the inside and yes it's going to take long hard work. It's not the easy way out but like with Luffy says, if you are on the easy path, it's not worth it. I'm saying that everyone is lucky to have such a true justice woman in their ranks who stands up to bullshit. I'm not sure if she ever met a celestial since she's just a captain but I am sure that she doesn't want that system and wants it to change for the better.
Chaos and Anarchy are just as bad as Law and Order. Period.
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shima-draws · 7 months
Wait people don't like Foxy? I think he's a fun villain
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diabelskoga · 2 months
I'm here-- I had an odd dream ( then again I always have odd dreams ) but this one was Zoro trying to fucking flaunt because he had a fucking laptop or something at Sanji. And I, who happened to be Sanji, just looked at him while he was playing D&D ON HIS FUCKING COMPUTER.
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sevs-corner · 2 years
One Piece's WWHI Series (Isekai Ver.)
2.) What would happen if the others heard you speak your native language? (PART 1)
"Hm, I think they've caught me a couple of times slipping into it accidentally," she mumbled to herself in deep thought, reminiscing back to the moments wherein she would curse at herself for being a bumbling idiot around the ship. Honestly, it causes quite a stir sometimes.
"Yes, we have heard you speak in different languages a couple of times." A voice comments in a gentle tone that made the girl turn around with a knowing look.
"Yeah, I'd guess that you'd be the first to pick up on it Robin."
The woman merely chuckled as Brook- who was sipping tea besides her this whole time- commented as well.
"It a cute quirk of yours!"
The girl blushed. "What- no! Cute?!" She denied quite quickly which made the two raise their brows in sneaky suspicion.
'She's embarrassed by it.'
"Tell us more about your language," Robin patted the seat besides her, and the girl nodded yet hesitantly approached the chair.
Not only was she embarrassed by slipping into her mother tongue, she was also afraid that there would be someone who would poke fun of her accent. She knows in her heart that the Straw Hats would never ever do that- but many a times had she already experienced that same isolation and humiliation that it practically influenced her to be. 
"Well.." she started with her eyes casted downwards and focused on the fingers that were fidgeting. "It's called 'Tagalog' from the country called the Philippines- its… where I came from."
It was a small smile but they could see her softly reminisce back to her homeland.
"It's near the Pacific Ocean- and we have four other kinds of them!" She added, now slowly feeling more comfortable by the soft sea breeze and casual sip of hot ginger tea.
"I'd go more in depth of that but I'll share some more next time," the girl offered a grin to the archaeologist who simply shook her head, indicating that she didn’t mind at all.
"One of the well-known phrases we have is 'Mabuhay!' or welcome. Although it has a deeper meaning to it- the phrase can also mean 'live or prosper.'"
"Overall," she waved her hands about, trying to dismiss her previous statement, "it’s a very complicated language because even adding or changing things to the root word- let's say mabuhay, and the root word of it is buhay- it could express various things."
Both nod along, getting the gist of how the basics of her language works.
"Could you give an example?" Brook asks.
"Of course!" She clears her throat, "Taking from the example earlier, buhay, it basically means life. And then we add these things called 'panlapi' that adds more meaning to the word."
"Oh! Like the ma in mabuhay?" The skeleton adds excitedly and the girl nods with a clap and a smile.
"Yes! Which now means 'to live' or 'go live'. Although, it can change on the context," she mutters at the end, remembering all those meme-y moments she would hear in her classroom halls as a kid.
"If its alright, can you translate this then? 'I..want to live.'" Robin asks, placing a hand on the girl's which made her eyes soften.
She knew how much those words meant to her, and how it affected her raven haired friend today. It was, after all, how she truly felt connected with the crew.
"Yeah," the girl pats her friend's hand with her other, "'gusto kong mabuhay.'" She said it slowly, as if she was teaching her how to mean it as well.
Robin sighs with a thankful smile, "you have such a beautiful language, dear."
The girl immediately lights up in red which caused both the singer and archaeologist to endearingly coo at her. Saying all these compliments that she wasn't used to, hence, her now fleeing beet red form from the table of two.
"'Gusto kong mabuhay…'" Robin mumbles to herself as she gazed out to the sea, feeling the warmth of her friend's words. How all these emotions affected in such a comforting way. The salty smell of the waters enhanced her nostalgia, making her think back on how she had repressed her past in the recesses of her mind, yet now… she embraced those for what it is worth instead of pushing it away.
Brook simply hums, sharing the same sentiment as the crewmate in front of him.  Although they had different experiences, they had similar thoughts during certain low points in their lives. Yet hearing such simple words lifted those heavy feelings from their chest, as if it were but a fleeting moment of reprise.
Brook then laughs which startled even the both of them from their momentary silence.
"Who knew hearing such phrases could get even my heart beating? Yohohoho~!"
With a clink of their tea cups, they drink for them and to you.
Stumbling to the lower deck, the girl spots a certain group of odd balls playing cards against each other.
By the looks of Usopp's mock macarena dance, she assumed that he was winning the round of Uno.
"Hey guys," she greeted, plopping herself next to Chopper who quickly wrapped himself around her waist.
"Finally you're here!" He whines as he rubs his nose on your shirt, "Usopp's cheating!" He accuses, pointing his hooves in the direction of the man charged as guilty.
Of course, Usopp audibly- offendedly- gasps.
"Chopper! I thought we were friends!"
Zoro tsk'ed at his naivete, "there is no friends in Uno. Only war."
"BRUH- he got you there," you patted both the moping deer and long nose in sympathy.
"I taught you well," the girl winks in the swordsman's direction who simply shrugged with a smirk.
"ARGH! I almost won.." Luffy slammed his cards on the deck, now pouting as well and their friend could do was sigh. A troublesome bunch really.
"Why don't we play another kind of game then?"
At the girl's suggestion, both three rascals light up like a Christmas tree with stars shining in their eyes.
" Oh tell us please!"
"New game, new strategies to think of, hehe."
The girl cheered alongside them, "Alright! You wanna join in Zoro?"
"Why not?" he agreed, standing up from his previously hunched position to stretch out his back.
"Cool! Why don't we ask the others too? Think of it as a crew-bonding thing we could do," she grinned while elbowing Luffy who literally screamed at her for her ingenious idea.
Before she could recoil away, the captain squeezed her tight before running off in excitement with Usopp and Chopper.
"Grabe naman sila," the girl mumbled to herself in amusement, huffing out an exasperated laugh as she thought how she cannot ever compete with their high energy levels. 
"What did you say?"
Blinking in suprise, she forgot that Zoro was still besides her.
"Oh, um.."
"Don't even try to make an excuse. I heard you, Brook, and Robin talking earlier about your homeland's language. Tay-log? Is that it?" He looks at the girl seriously but from the way she was trying to hold her laugh in, he assumed that he guessed wrong.
"Its 'Tagalog,'" she coughs out, trying to get her breathing back in order, "and fine- I'll tell you a little a bit about it too."
Zoro smiles in appreciation- despite the slight tint to his cheeks- and ruffles the girl's hair at her behest. "Tay-log, Tah-gah-log--whatever. Just tell me what you just said."
She huffs. "It's an expression, it just means that they're too hyperactive for me."
Zoro hums in agreement, there was no way he could compete with them as well- especially their trouble-attracting captain.
"Teach me some words I can use on the ero-cook."
The girl laughs with a nod, already thinking of the perfect phrases he could use on their blonde crewmate.
"Here- here's one," she pulls the mosshead in to whisper in his ear, "'gwapo ka, mahal!"
He nods, a glint shining in his eyes, "what does it mean?"
"'you're a perv, bro!'"
They now both share a snicker, which caused the rest of the crew- who was closing in their little circle of mischief- to raise their brows in suspicion. Their friend and the green haired crewmate co-conspiring with each other? Never a good sign.
"Oi, oi, oi- are you strategizing already? Afraid to lose marimo?" Sanji stalked up to a smirking swordsman who simply slung an arm over the shoulder of the girl who equally shares the same expression, albeit her lips was twitching from time to time.
"Never in a million years curly brow, I never lose."
Zoro and Sanji butted heads with each other, both growling at the growing tension.
"Unlike me, gwapo ka, mahal!"
Bursting out in laughter, the girl fell to the ground- repeatedly smacking it with barely any air coming out of her mouth.
"Oh God, Oh Jesus, Oh Lordy, Oh susmaryosep-" she wheezed out, making the crew looking at her oddly as she continued guffawing to herself with tears at the brink of her eyes.
"The hell did you do Marimo?" Sanji turned towards the swordsman who shook his head.
"I didn't do shit!"
"The fuck did you say then?!"
"That you're a perv!"
"Says you ya' lost bumbling idiot-!"
"I think I know what she did," Robin quickly interjected, pushing away the two who were right about bracing themselves for a brawl.
"Ohoho~ She probably told you another meaning to those words, Mr. Swordsman." Brook explained, twirling the cane in his hand as the man gaped in disbelief.
He growled at the girl and himself, feeling gullible at falling for an old cheap trick.
Zoro then picks up the girl's body and shakes them aggressively, "oi! The hell does 'gwapo ka, mahal' actually mean?!"
"It-it means," she placed a hand on his bicep to stop from shaking her more and to catch her breath, "it means that, 'you're handsome, love!'"
Feeling his face pale, he dropped the girl and gripped his face embarrassment, immediately turning away from his crew that was laughing alongside the betrayer.
"Fuck you!" He grumbled, trying to push away the girl that was apologetically trying to pry his hands away from his red tinted face.
"Same here!" Sanji protested, surprisingly red- equally so- at the face, "there ain't no way I'm accepting a compliment from someone who looks like the bottom of an old barrel!"
"You wanna go ero-cook?!"
"You can't even match me marimo!"
Before the crew could actually play the game their friend proposed, they arrived at an island to restock on food and to probably get more medical supplies for the two who received the brutality of Nami.
"Hey Straw Hats! What are you all doing here?"
Everyone cheered at the sight of their captain's brother, even Ace was laughing jovially as his brother launch to wrap his arms tightly around him.
"Ace!" Luffy giggles, "why are you here?"
"Pops needed to meet someone around here," he then turn towards the others who offered him friendly grins, "how have you all been? Hope my brother's been keeping out of trouble."
"No, not at all." They blankly admitted in unison which made him sweat drop.
"Ah," he grabbed Luffy his head and forced him to bow besides him, "I'm sorry for him."
"Don't worry Ace-san," he looks up at the unfamiliar voice in confusion, "we're used to him already!" She offers a grin, thumb pointed at her puffed out chest which made the others chuckle at.
"Sorry but… who are you?"
The girl instantly deflates at his accusatory tone and Zoro pats her head in consolation- or whatever he had left of it for her.
"She's my new friend!" Luffy introduces, stealing the girl to rope his arms around her body which elicited a laughter out of her, affected by her captain's energy.
"I'm surprised you're already used to my brother here," Ace comments with a shake of his head while the girl merely chuckles awkwardly.
"Hard not to when he whirlwinds his way around the ship 24/7 y'know?"
"She has weird way of speaking, ignore her Ace-san," Zoro explains, whistling and ignoring the girl;s fuming form still trapped in Luffy grasps.
"Right," he grins, "well, why don't you all hang with my crew at the pub?" The group smiles gratefully and takes up on his offer.
"Your treat?" The girl's eyes shine which made the older brother cackle.
"It's on Pop's tab but I'm sure he won't mind."
"Yeah, but you gotta ask him first-yoi."
Stilled at the imposing voice in front him, he awkwardly waves at his crew's first mate. "Marco! My man, what's up?"
Raising a brow, he crosses his arms while leaning on one leg, "you took awhile to grab Thatch's bottle."
As if a lightbulb popped in his head, Ace immediately dipped with a goodbye, saying something along the lines of- "I am NOT gonna be paying the drunkards tab!"
Marco chuckles then faces the Straw Hat crew, "hey Ace's brothers crew, I'm Marco- first mate and resident doctor of Whitebeards crew."
Everyone either waved, nods, or bows in greeting.
"Feel free to hang with us, there's lots of booze on this island!"
Zoro and Luffy immediately sprints, even cheering on the way as they navigate through the town which Sanji and Nami groaned at.
"Franky could you go and get them before they get lost?" Nami asked, somewhat dreading already. Robin took pity and patted her shoulder, now dragging her towards the actual destination to let her let loose for once.
"Sure thing! Be back in a SUPER~ jiffy!" "And poof! He left quick," the girl watched with a sweat drop as she sees smokes trail behind the cyborg.
After gathering the lost sheeps, the crew got to drinking with Whitebeard and Red-haired pirates. Apparently, the yonkos met on this island and decided to catch up with each other.
Which leads the lass to this particular…predicament.
"Are you sure you want to join a kid's game?" the girls asks, quite concerned by the way how the two yonkos are acting.
"It's been quite some time since we had a friendly game, right red hair?!" The two laughed with arms strewn across each other shoulders.
"Yeah! Start explainin' kiddo!"
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hauntingblue · 3 months
Hiyori is the most effective person to complete their kill so far
#kid is having flashbacks over struggled breathing and silence its so over.... omg that was so good.....#nvm kid has TWO women on his crew... he is on par with luffy now... law... 👁👁#omg her arm is broken..... THE BONES???? jesus#good technique but what is law cutting..... now thats something else big mom..... damn... cant law shambles kid out of there.... poor man#oh that was a good one law.... but kid is OUT also WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SWORD GOING????? he is getting haki punched all over the body...#and what does that do law.... what the hell.... oh i was thinking that..... goodbye big mom.... funny how all of the big guns have been yee#ed of the island.... also wdym to be continued.... goddamn. well next episode then#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1066#i have been saying kid should have repelled her out of the island 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ can't help it if my brain is so big..... well nvm...#big mom saying they like her.... jusg like kaido said to luffy akdhsk#oh jeez soul pocus.... oh nvm CORA INSPIRED ATTACK????#yamato be careful omg.... fuck it kanjuros fire thing is dying hell yes.... BIG MOM OUT!!! HELL YES!!!!! 67 children orphaned just like tha#also who was the brave soul that asked roger about hia treasure..... absolute legend.....#wdym you can find the one piece in wano... what the hell is big mom spewing....ohhh i get it i get it.. she found it...#it really is the friends she made along the way.... but she can't see it..... too focused on the lava pit she is falling into...#omg and no one notices because of the silento..... that was such a slay.....#PAUSE. zunisha was a joyboy friend who commited a crime??? how does momo know about joyboy.... the diary?? oden knew??? i forgor#episode 1067#franky got zoro.... no izo noooo....... why..... PRIORITIES!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO WHYYYYYYY!!!!!! IZO WHYYYYYYYY!!!#marco saying he is tried of helping people and will just chill there.... IZO IS DEAD!!!! MARCO????!!!!! if big mom is dead how is zeus stil#drake you better kill that man take izo and run.... why are you playing in a moment like this akdhaksj... girl she is going to kill you#YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SHE GOT HIM!!!!! SHE GOT HIM!!!! FUCK YES!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! FUCK THAT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!#FUCK YEAHHH HIYORI!!!!!! THE SONG!!!!!#episode 1068#YEAAAH DRAKE GET HIM!!!!! oh shit in the neck....#luffy got eaten again..... oh jesus....#NOT EVEN KAIDO LIKES THE CP0 BUT HE GOT LUFFY!!!! KAIDI REGRETS IT EVEN!!!! EXACTLY!!! izo died trying to get them to stop#episode 1069
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