#a fun detail of this story is that eros and pip stole that backpack
cantsayidont · 6 months
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December 2019. Jim Starlin's final Warlock/Thanos story, THANOS: THE INFINITY ENDING, gives a glimpse of Thanos as a teenager.
What's happening here is that Thanos' brother Eros (Starfox) has had the brainstorm that Thanos might be less nihilistic if he'd had a stronger sense of human connection growing up, so Eros and Pip the Troll, using a time travel device stolen from Kang the Conqueror, start appearing at earlier points in Thanos' life to deliver messages of love and compassion. Pip is skeptical ("You're going to rile your brother back into relative sanity? Good luck with that!"), and for good reason — Eros may commit fewer cosmic genocides than Thanos does, but empathy and compassion are not his strong suits either. (In outlining his plan, Eros remarks, "Even I have a couple of people I care for, sort of.") So, this goes precisely as well as you'd expect:
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These final Thanos graphic novels by Starlin, published between 2014 and 2019, are a good time IF you can deduce their correct order. (They comprise two trilogies, all with very similar titles and similar covers, and the way the individual volumes are packaged doesn't do a great job of telling you how each relates to the others.)
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